HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-07-05; City Council; 3481-7; Fifth Store Addition to Plaza Camino Real-. " A CITY OF CARLSBAD \. ... Initial: Dept . Hd. C. Atty.\/m AGENDA BILL NO. e7 July 5, 1977 DATE : DEPARTMENT: City Manager C. Mgr . J Subject: Fifth Store Addition to Plaza Camino Real Shopping Center Statement of the Matter By letter dated June 10, 1977, Robert E. Getz, President of May Stores Shopping-Centers, Inc., has indicated that there . is the possibility that a third store may be added to the proposed two store Plaza shopping center expansion. This would require the relocation of a portion of the Buena Vista Creek and the construction of a concrete box in a portion of the channel. This change is contingent on the financial feasibility of the plan which is still under' evaluation. Exhibit Letter from Robert E. Getz dated June 10, 1977 Recommendation This item is primarily informational and no action is required at this .time. . Council action . 7-*6-77 as this item was placed on the agenda for informational purposes only, no action was taken by the City Council. . .. The May Stores Shopping Centers, Inc. A Subsidiary of The May Department Stores Company June 10, 1977 Honorable Mayor and Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbaa, California of the City Council Dear Mayor and Members of the City Council: There will shortly be coming before you for review and approval the Precise Plan of Development for the expansion of the Plaza Camino Real Shopping Center, submitted pursuant to our Agreement with the City dated November 5, 1975 and the tentative Tract Map for the expanded center. You will also be receiving for review and aaoption an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) entitled "Plaza Camino Real Expansion to Five-Store Configuration and Realignment of Buena Vista Creek", prepared by the City's Planning Department. The Precise Plan shows the expansion of the shopping center in a four-department store configuration and includes the realignment of the channel of Buena Vista Creek northerly of its present location. The Plan allows for the possibility of the addition of a fifth department store, The Broadway. We have included additional drawings to demonstrate how the site will look if this further expansion takes place. In order to provide the additional parking required for the fifth department store, it will be necessary to construct a concrete box culvert in a portion of the realigned channel of Buena Vista Creek. Because of the cost involved in constructing a concrete box, financial arrangements for the fifth department store have not yet been satisfactorily concluded. If such arrangements are resolved, we will submit for council approval an amendment to the Precise Plan providing the same information with respect to the fifth department store as has been provided in the Precise Plan for the four-department store expansion. Executive Offices, 10738 West Pic0 Blvd., Suite 1, Los Angeles, California 90064 Tel. (213) 879-1850 475-3501 Honorable Mayor and Members June 10, 1977 Page Two of the City Council At the present time, we are only asking for approval of the four-department store Precise Plan and the realigned open channel for Buena Vista Creek. The EIR, however, deals with the realignment of Buena Vista Creek both as an open channel and as partially enclosed by the box culvert in connection with the addition of the fifth department store, so that it covers both eventualities. Sincerely, PLAZA CAMINO REAL, a limited partnership By: The May Shores Shopping Centers, Inc. I REG: lj b B