HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-07-05; City Council; 5120; SALE OF POLICE PISTOL RANGE PROPERTY (OLD CARLSBAD DUMP SITE)t- a - CITY OF CARLSBAD a Initial: Dept. Hd. wd 77 C. Atty.vj?t AGENDA BILL NO. *-TI?@ -- DATE : DEPARTMENT : City Manaser Subject : Julv 5, 19 c* Mgr* -4 SALE OF POLICE PISTOL RANGE PROPERTY (Old Carlsbad Dump Site) Statement of the Matter In the fall of 1974, the City entered into an agreement with Leadership Homes to purchase the Police pistol range property (approximately 2 3/4 acres). This property was appraised at $15,000.00 and the Council instructed staff to negotiate the sale. The agreed upon price reached between staff and Leaderqhip Homes was $24,000.00. Leadership Homes did not complete the transaction. The City has received a request from Standard Pacific of San Diego to purchase this property and they have offered $25,000 cash. The property has been reappraised and there is no substantial change due ts the nature of the property, i.e. topography, filled but not compacted, location. Care would be taken that the property would not be sold if Standard Pacific were unable to complete t.he transaction. An additional location has been found for use as a pistol range within the City of Carlsbad. Exhibit Letter from Standard Pacific of San Diego Memo to City Manager from Assistant City Manager Recommendation If Council looks with favor on the sale of the property to Standard Pacific of San Diego, approve the sale by negotiation and authorize staff to complete the details of the sale for a price of $25,000. 7-5-77 The Council approved the sale of the property and authorized the staff to complete the details of the sale for a price of $25,000. - * 0 TO : CITY MANAGER FROM: ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 24, 1977 RE : POLICE PISTOL RPLNGE The City of Carlsbad owns approximately 2-3/4 acres present- ly used as a Police pistol range and storage for the Public Work Department. This property was acquired from the Carlsbad Sanitation Dis- trict on February 13, 1962. The deed on that acquisition says that it contains 2.93 acres +. The Carlsbad Sanitation District acquired this from Mrs. Bordgn in March, 1945. The map shows there to be 2.158 acres of land. In each case there is an ease- ment from El Camino Real. to the site, for road purposes only, 40 feet wide. There is also an agreement with the California Highway Patro permitting their use of the Carlsbad Police pistol range by a resolution dated July l,, 1972, which is subject to cancellation upon 30 days' notice by either party. I do not believe that it: was ever properly compacted and would not be suitable for building without proper compacting. This property was a canyon that has subsequently been filled At the present time the City is being asked by Standard Paci of San Diego, who are developers, to purchase this site from the City. The City has no obligation to sell to this developer or any other party. However, as this land develops, either with Standard Pacific of San Diego or a series of smaller development there are bound to be a great number of complaints arising from firing on this range as well as the nature of the material store on the property. The number of children in this area would cer- tainly be a factor to be considered. marketed. One of these would be by the usual bid procedure, i.e advertising and calling for open market bid with a minimum price The other method would be to negotiate the sale with Standard Pacific of San Diego using a minimum price by appraisal and givi them an option to purchase so that title would not pass until th have satisfied the City that this area would be developed into building sites. This method has advantages both to the develope There are two options open to the City if the land is to be e e Memorandum to City Manager June 24, 1977 Page Two and to the City in that control could be maintained over a prospective purchaser. Further, it would allow the City to continue the use of the range until such time as Standard Pacific of San Diego was actually going to make use of the property . A pistol range can be developed satisfactorily on property at the Carlsbad Raceway. This could be accomplished for approx- imately $1000.00 in building costs using City forces. *B!;/; 45 d -J WILLIAM C. BALDWIN Assistant City Manager WCB/gbg 0 e r-- 1- STANDARD PACIFIC' I --I 1 OF SAN DIEGO -, L_ L.-_J June 21, 1977 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. William Baldwin Gentlemen: Standard Pacific is the developer of the Quail Ridge project CT 74-4 in Carlsbad. tentative map is the 2.92 acre City owned old County dump site. We hereby offer to purchase the property for $25,000.00 cash, subject to terms and conditions to be worked out among ourselves. bond for the improvement of Elm Avenue concurrently with the close of escrow. Very truly yours, Within the boundaries of the approved As a condition of the sale, we agree to IFIC OF SAN DIEGO President W: pr 7X6 convoy court f san diego, California 92111 / I77 + * c TELEPHOE (714) 729-1 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City Manager Citp of QLarI$ba’b November 17, 1976 Mr. Robert M. Allan President Standard Pacific of San Diego 7670 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. San Diego, California 92111 Dear Mr. Allan: Your letter of November 11, 1976 requesting an opportunity to purchase the City pistol range and dump site has been received. At the present time, the City is closing its escrow with Leadership Homes, thereby obtaining ownership of this site by the City. again. The appraisal we obtained on this site was made in August, 19 It is my belief that the property has increased in value sinc that date. If the City sells this site, we will have to loca and purchase another site for a pistol range at higher prices I do agree that this site presents a problem to potential builders and that Elm Avenue extension will serve property tc the east but this is true of many street extensions. If you will send me your proposal for purchase of this site, including price, I will submit this to the City Council for t consideration. Sincerely, Negotiations with your company will have to begin ldF L4 yf/&&& v WILLIAM C. BALDWIN Ass is tant City Manager WCB : vm - e e STANDARD PACIFIC OF SAN DIEGO November 11, 1976 Mr. William Baldwin City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Baldwin: Standard Pacific of San Diego is in escrow with Dr. and Mrs. Grant Beckstrand to purchase the Quail Ridge subdivision property fYom them. One of the conditions of escrow is that we are able to satisfactorily negotiate a purchase agreement with the City on the old dump site shown on the tentative map. The purpose of this letter is to request that the City determine under what terms and conditions the City will sell us the property and to authorize the sale. Possibly it would be easier if we were substituted under the existing escrow. In any event, escrow should close concurrently with the recordation of the record map. I would think the legal description should cover the 2.9 acre dump and pistol range less Elm Avenue. based on the appraised value probably should be adjusted accordingly. This is because there are no abutters rights on Elm Avenue and much of Elm is being constructed to serve future development to the east. In addition, the cost of constructing an 84 foot right of way to City standards over a dump site will be an unusually high burden on the property. Dr, Beckstrand write you to indicate the previous buyers no longer have an interest and that we are in escrow on the property. Incidentally, I delayed writing you this letter since our original conversat,ion because the title report did not reflect the City ownership. Their error has been researched and now corrected . The purchase price I have requested Very truly yours, Robert 13. Allan President tb cc: Jerry Elder 7670 clairemont mesa blvd. / san diego, California 92171 / (71 DATE ////s 1976 P.M. --. ---_ _? - DATE ////s 1976 P.M. --. ---_ _? - Ppl e 1400 Monter Palace Verdes Estates, Ca. 90 Piovembe-r 11, 1975 I Mr. Wllliari Baldwin City lfanager City of Carlsbac' '7 - 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Xr. Baldiiin: Standard Pacific of San Diego is in escroT,i wit3 XTS. Beckstrand and myself to purchase OUT property know as Quail Ridge C.T.N. 74 As you know, the City o$ms a 2.92 acre old dm9 and piszol range surromde3 by our property. previous buyers of' ox- proTerty no longer have any interest in the property. negotiations to sell the property to StandLrd Pacific of San Diego If you have any qLLescions, please do not heslz3;te to contact me. r I -1 0- 4 "70 # 4 iYf& This letter is to certify that the We respectfully request th2.t zYie City enzer into Very truly you~s, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grant Becks t raxd e e 1400 Monter Palace Verdes Estates, Ca. 90274 November 11, 1976 Mr. William Baldwin City Manager City of Carlsba6 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Baldwin: Standard Pacific of San Diego is in escrow with Yzs. Beckstrand and myself to purchase our property known as Quail Ridge C.T.M. 74- As you know, the City owns a 2.9i acre old dump and pistol range surrounded by our property. previous buyers of' our property no longer have any interest in the property. negotiations to sell the property to Standard Pacific of San Diego, If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. This letter is to certify that the We respectfully request that the City enter into Very truly yours, = ; t. ibb Grant Beck c 0 0 FIRST CALIFORNIA TITLE COMPANY 641 C STREET, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 / (714) 239-6041 November 2, 1976 Mr. Frank Asaro Attorney At Law 304 Calmia San Diego, CA 92101 Dear Mr. Asaro, Today I received the cancellation of $'5,000 going back to Leadership Homes. In the meantime, Mr. Bill Baldwin, Assistant City Manager from Carlsbad, wrote me a letter requesting the entire $5,000 go to them. A few days later he called and said that the cities actual expense out of pocket came to $1,000 and that they would be willing to settle for that amount and have the balance of $4,000 returned to Leadership Homes. Mr. Baldwin had been in contact with a Mr. Bart Ilitts. I am enclosing a copy of our letter to Mr. Pitts of October 26, 1976 of which a copy went to Mr. Baldwin in the City of Carlsbad. If it is still the mutual agreement by the Leadership Homes and Mr. Baldwin, City of Carlsbad that the $1,000 be sent to the C'ty of Carlsbad and $4,000 returned to leadership Homes, less cancellation costs, please have your client sign and return a copy of this letter. A Xerox copy is going to Mr. Baldwin as we would like to get this matter consummated. Thank you for your splendid cooperation. Cordially yours, Yvonne Murphy sdh enc. MEMBER CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE ANU AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATIONS e 0 FIRST CALIFORNIA TITLE COMPANY 641 C STREET, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 / (114) 239-6041 November 2, 1976 Mr. Frank Asaro Attorney At Law 304 Calmia San Diego, CA 92101 Dear Mr. Asaro, Today I received the cancellation of $5,000 going back to Leadership Homes. In the meantime, Mr. Bill Baldwin, Assistant City Manager from Carlsbad, wrote me a letter requesting the entire $5,000 go to them. A few days later he called and said that the cities actual expense out of pocket came to $1,000 and that they would be willing to settle for that amount and have the balance of $4,000 returned to Leadership Homes., Mr. Baldwin had been in contact with a Mr. Bart I?itts. I am enclosing a copy of our letter to Mr. Pitts of October 26, 1976 of which a copy went to Mr. Baldwin in the City of Carlsbad. If it is still the mutual agreement by the Leadership Homes and Mr. Baldwin, City of Carlsbad that the $1,000 be sent to the C'ty of Carlsbad and :$4,000 returned to leadership Homes, less cancellation costs, please have your client sign and return a c0p.y of this letter. A Xerox copy is going to Mr. Baldwin as we would like to get this matter consummated. Thank you for your splendid cooperation. Cordially yours, Yvonne Murphy sdh enc. MEMBER CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE AND AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATIONS e e FIRST CALIFORNIA TITLE COMPANY 641 C STREET, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 / (114) 239-6041 November 2, 1976 Mr. Frank Asaro Attorney At Law 304 Calmia San Diego, CA 512101 Dear Mr. Asaro, Today I received the cancellation of $5,000 going back to Leadership Homes. In the meantime, Mr. Bill Baldwin, Assistant City Manager from Carlsbad, wrote me a letter requesting the entire $5,000 go to them. A few days later he called and said that the cities actual expense out of pocket came to $1,000 and that they would be willing to settle for that amount and have the balance of $4,000 returned to Leadership Homes. Mr. Baldwin had been in contact with a Mr. Bart Pitts. I am enclosing a copy of our letter to Mr. Pitts of October 26, 1976 of which a copy went to Mr. Baldwin in the City of Carlsbad. If it is still the mutual agreement by the Leadership Homes and Mr. Baldwin, City of Carlsbad that the $1,000 be sent to the C- ty of Carlsbad and $4,000 returned to leadership Homes, less cancellation costs, please have your client sign and return a copy of this letter. A Xerox copy is going to Mr. Baldwin as we would like to get this matter consummated. Thank you for your splendid cooperation. Cordially yours, Yvonne Murphy sdh enc - MEMBER CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE AND AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATIONS e e FIRST CALIFORNIA TITLE COMPANY 641 C STREET, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 / (114) 239-6041 November 2, 1976 Mr. Frank Asaro Attorney At Law 304 Calmia San Diego, CA 92101 Dear Mr. Asaro, Today I received the cancellation of $5,000 going back to Leadership Homes. In the meantime, Mr. Bill Baldwin, Assistant City Manager from Carlsbad, wrote me a letter requesting the entire $5,000 go to them. A few days later he called and said that the cities actual expense out of pocket came to $1,000 and that they would be willing to settle for that amount and have the balance of $4,000 returned to Leadership Homes. Mr. Baldwin had been in contact with a Mr. Bart Pitts. I am enclosing a copy of our letter to Mr. Pitts of October 26, 1976 of which a copy went to Mr. Baldwin in the City of Cairlsbad. If it is still the mutual agreement by the Leadership Homes and Mr. Baldwin, City of Carlsbad that the $1,000 be sent to the C’ty of Carlsbad and $4,000 returned to leadership Homes, less cancellation costs, please have your client sign and return a copy of this letter. A Xerox copy is going to Mr. Baldwin as we would like to get this matter consummated. Thank you for your splendid cooperation. Cordially yours, Yvonne Murphy sdh enc. MEMBER CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE AND AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATIONS e e FIRST CALIFORNIA TITLE COMPANY 641 C STREET, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 / (114) 239-6041 October 26, 1976 Mr. Bart Pitts Leadership Homes P, 0. Box 5070 Santa Ana, CA Dear Mr. Pitts, We have received communication from Mr. Baldwin, Assistant City Manager, stating that he feels the City has incurred $1,000 of costs on your initial purchase from the City of Carlsbad. If you are agreeable to release $1,000 to the city of Carlsbad for their costs and having the balance of $4,000 returned to you less cancellation costs, please sign and return a copy of this letter immed- iately.+kA copy is also going to Mr. Baldwin which he should sign and return to us also. Thank you for your prompt reply. envelope is enclosed for your convenience. Cordially yours, A self-addressed Yvonne Murphy, Escrow Manager sdh MEMBER CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE AND AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATIONS