HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-07-05; City Council; 5128; San Diego Region Water Reclamation Agencyf 0 > C,ITY OF CARLSBAD I) ,-a e AGENDA BILL NO. x/gp ' Initial: Dept . Hd . DATE : July 5, 1977 C. Atty.L ', - I , DEPARTMENT: Pub1 ic Works Department C. Mgr. - Sub j ect : SAN DIEGO REGION WATER RECLAMATION AGENCY Staternat of the Matter The County of San Diego, in cooperation with a number of agencies includin! the City of Carlsbad, has outlined a program to establish a Regional Mater Reclamation Agency, the purpose of which is to develop cost-effective tech- niques of reclaiming wastewater with particular emphasis on low energy pro- cesses. The attached Joint Powers Agreement would provide for our initial membership in this agency. Primary sources of financing for the study pro- jects will be State and Federal grants.' It will be necessary for Council to approve the Joint Powers Agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City and to appropriate $3,500 for the initial year's member. ship in this organization. Exhibits 1. Staff report 2. County letter dated April 6, 1977 3. 4. Recommendati on 1. Proposed Joint Powers Agreement Creating San Diego Region Water Reclamation Agency Resolution No. 5/37 approving agr-eement That City Council approve Resolution No. 6/39 approving Joint Powers Agreement Creating San Diego Region Water Reclamatisn Agency and autho izing Mayor to sign same. That City Council authorize $3,500 to be transferred from reserves to Pub1 ic Works Professional Services Account. That City Council appoint one of its members to the Board of Directors of the San Diego Region Water Reclamation Agency and that the Public Works Administrator, or his designated representative, represent Carls on the Management Committee of the San Diego Region Water Reclamation Agency. Counci"1 action 7-6-77 Resolution #5139 was adopted, approving Joint Powers Agree 2. 3. creating San Diego Region Water Reclamation Agency. Authorization was given for $3,500 to be transferred from to Public Works Professional Services Account. Councilman Skotnicki was appointed as the Council member t Board of Directors , Councilman Packard as a1 ternate mem and the Public Works Administrator or designated repres was appointed to the Management Committee. \ CI - L e 0 * IS MEMORANDUM TO: City Manager FROM: Pub1 ic Works Administrator DATE: May 27, 1977 SUBJECT: County Board of Supervisors has authorized staff from the Department of Sanitation and Flood Control to coordinate with other agencies in the County and to staff, as necessary, the preliminary efforts to establish a water reclamation agency. The purpose of the agency is to study meth- ods and technology of water reclamation, water management and reuse; to establish one or more centers to conduct studies; to experiment, test and apply, in an operational setting, advanced techniques for reclamation and reuse of water with particular emphasis on low energy technology; and to develop water reclamation plans and programs which may be adopted by the parties for use and application in their respective agencies. County staff has provided, coordinated and held several meetings with staffs, primarily from sewage agencies, in the County to work out terms and agreements for the formation of a joint powers authority to conduct the business of the proposed reclamation agency. Local staff efforts have gone into the project to date, particularly those of the Encina General Manager. The resultant proposed Joint Powers Agreement is in- cluded in the package of information being transmitted for Council re- view. With the nearly unanimous support of all involved agencies' staffs, this program is being presented for adoption by respective parties. To date it has been adopted by several agencies including the City and County of San Diego and, therefore, the program will be implemented. This is the kind of project that the Encina joint agencies and the City of Carlsbad stand to gain great benefit from, particularly in the reclamation of wastewaters which can be used as a supplemental source to our present dwindling supply of potable water. Staff highly recommends that City Council approve the Joint Powers Agreement and allocate $3,500 from re- serves to finance our initial membership in the agenc,y. San Diego Region Water Reclamation Agency ELL Ronald A. Beckman, AiL P.E. Public Works Administrator RAB: veb Attachments CB!d;%MUN6TY SERVICES AG tt5btltTOL (0380) C. J. HOUSOW 0 ir ect or c~x QF ~~~~~~~~~ County Operations Center, 5555 ‘!a d yenu ie o Cali ornia 92123 . . . . . Telephone. 565-5 Engi nz?rrng * 8ipagtmnt April 6, 1977 REF: 2051 17,’,, ~ /\ E* TO : Managers, All Cities si Sewering Agencies FROM : Director of Sanitation and Flood Control (0380) SUBJECT: San Diego Region Water Reclamation Agency -... On 9 November 1976 the Board of Supervisors directed the Department of Sanitation and Flood Control, in cooperation with other governmental agencies, to attempt to establish a Wastewater Reclamation Study Center at the Santee water reclamation facilities. All of the cities and Special Districts that,are responsible €or the transportation, and/or treatment, disposal, and reclamation of wastewster were contacted to determine if they were interested in joint participation in a water reclamation study center. thusiasum by most of the agencies. On 27 January 1977 representatives from 22 agencies met to discuss the concept and the best vehicle to imple- ment it. It was the consensus of the representatives at the meeting that a joint powers agency provided the best vehicle to implement joint participation in the study center. develop a joint powers agreement for the establishment of a “San Diego Region Water Reclamation Agency. ” The object of the agreement is to exercise the powers in coImon for the following purposes: (1) to jolntly study the methods and technology of water reclamation, water management and the reuse of waste water; establish one or more centers for the conduct of such studies; periment, test and apply in ail operational setting advanced techniques €or the reclamation and reuse of waters; and (4) to develop water recla- mation plans and prograrns thar may be adopted by the parties for use and application within their respective jurisdictions. The joint powers agreement deveioped by the ad-hoc committee was submitte to the interested agencies and another meeting was held on 16 March 1977. The attached joint powers agreenent reflects the comments received at the meeting and other comments received in writing and by phone. The concept was received with en- Accordingly, an ad-hoc committee was formed to (2) to (3) to ex- t .3) 0 Managers Page 2 April 6, 1977 - UC 'All Cities 6 Se ng Agencies .> The agreement provides for an annual recommitment or refusal by each party and a relatively small assessment against each party for the administration 05 the agency. It is the intent that the major financing of projects and studies will be funded from grants or contributions. It is requested that the attached joint powers agreement be submitted to your governing board for action. If your governing board is in favor of participating, it is requested that a resolution be adopted authorizing the appropriate person to execute the agreement on the Board's behalf. If your governing board does not favor participating, please notify Bert Elkins at 565-5338. Bert Elkins of this office and Ed Houser, Manager of the Padre Dam Muni- cipal Water District will be happy to discuss this proposal with you and b< present at your governing board's meeting if you request. Attachment * 1'- 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 a 2 8 13 .. s $5 a e' e -, - RESOLUTION NO. 5139 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT TO ESTABLISH THE SAN DIEGO REGION WATER EECLAMATION AGENCY AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEPENT. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, doc hereby resolve as follows: 1. That that certain joint powers agreement to establisl the San Diego Region Water Reclamation Agency, a copy of whil attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof, i hereby approved. 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby aut and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of / du. ua 14 OZ<k m3 J 151 ri, ?a go:; 1 City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the wo $& 86 16 17 WZNQ: v a- m >I- a ze fl > a5 k City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on th 5th day of July , 1977 by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Counci'lmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard, Skotnickj a 19 =8 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 Councilwoman Casler I NOES : None 1 ABSENT: None I ATTEST : (SEAL) EXHIBIT A to .. e 0 Resolution No. - 2 3/30/ 7 7 . JOINT POWERS AGREELPNT CREATING SAN DIEGO REGIOX WATER RECTAMATION AGENCY - * 0 TABEI: OF COi:'J'E.:N'I'S .1 Page 1 2 2 2 -- RECITALS AG REE !*G NT ARTICLE I : CREATION, Pmxris N4D PURPOSES Section 1. Agency Crcntcd Section 2. Comiion Powers And Purposes of 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 E z Agr cere n t 2.1 Common Powers 2.2 Purposes of Aqreement 2.3 General Poxers ARTICLE 11: HEMBERSIITP IN AGENCY Section 3. Members?lip Section 4. Withdrawal Of Plcmbership Section 5. Non-I4a-,1'L>er Participants ARTICLE In: BOARD OF DIRECTOI~S AND OFFICERS Section 6. Board of Directors Section 7. Designation Of Directors Section 8. Principal Office Section 9. Meetings Of Board Section 10. Quorum Of Board Section 11. Voting Of Board Section 12, Officers 12.1 Chairperson 12.2 Vice Chairperson 12.3 Sccrctzry 12.4 Treasurer 12 * 5 Auditor -i- -2 e 0 . TABLE OF CONTK.I'I'S (continued) Pa5 >I I_ Section 13. Official. Bonds 10 ARTICLE IV : MANAGi=?.IEi4'j' C(;:.~I.iITTRI;: 10 Sactior: 15. Fianagc:nc.r;t Conni-ttec 10 Section 16. Purpose Of Managcxe~t Cormittee 10 Section 17. Meetings Of Conmi'itee 11 Section 18. Quorum Of Committee 11 Section 19. Voting OC Conmittce 11 Section 20. Officers Of Committee 11 ARTICLE V: BUDGETS AYD ASSZSSMENTS 12 Section 21. General Budget 12 Section 22. Project Budgets 12 Section 23, Failure Of Approval Of Budget 13 (a) General Budget 13 (b) Project Budget 13 Section 24. Expenditures For Approve6 Budget 14 Section 25. Payment Of &-mounts Due 14 Section 26. Reimbursement Of Fu~ds 14 Secticn 27. Assessinent Procedure 15 Section 28. First Assessment l! Section 29 .) Accounting Procedures I( Section 30- Fiscal Year 1' ARTICLE VI : PROPERTY RIGII'I.'S 1' Section 31. Allocation On Books 1 Of Agency 1 Section 32. Distribution On Terxination -ii- .. e 1) TABLE OF C0:u’”i‘T::;‘i S (cant i ~-~LIF:L -1 Pa< Section 3. Liabiliti (3s 1‘ ARTICLE VII: TCRX, AMCLdDs;L.:I:T AND RESCISSION 11 Section 34. Term 1: Section 35- Amendment 11 Section 36. Rescissi.011 Or Termination 1 - -iii- ~ -. . -- I -- .. e 0 >\ JOIi'2T Po:ICi'<s ~~~~<~;i<~-~j$~<~~ CI?.Ejl'rII..IG SAX D1ZZ.O I?J:GTO:: WA1'CR PSC L72 YI.? I a:\: AG r: N CY ' This agreemcnt is madc and entered into by and between the parties signatory hereto, and is effective July 1, 1977. RECITALS : A. The parties to this agreement are public agencies authorized and cinpowered to contract for the joint exercise of powers under Article 1, Chapter 5, Division 7,-li'itle 1 (commencing with Section 6500) of the Government Code of the State of California (hereinafter referred to in this agreemeill as "the Act"). B. There is a need to conduct studies of means of water reclaiiation and to establish a coordinated water reclamation study center to zdvance the technology of water reclamation, water management and the reuse of waste water for the benefit of each of the parties hereto. The parties can Sest accomplish that purpose in the manner set forth in this agreement. __ " * 0 ~~G?l;E~i!3'L' : >x _--_c_ EOPI, 'l'IiE2EFOZEI for ciri.3 in cons idelrjtiorl of tile mutual ";e partics hereby promises snc?. covcnd.nts herein cc;I~taj.nc:d, agxee as follo~s: ARTICLE I : CRG.i.TIC?S, PO?XR,q -- .?X3 PURPOSES - Section 1. Agency Crezt-cd. --- There is hereby created a public entity to be known as thc "SAN DlEGO KEGION WATER RECLAMATION AGENCY" (hereinaf Lcr referred to in this agreernenl as the "Agency"). The Agency is formect by this agreement pursuant to the provisions of the Est, and it shall be a public entity separatn, ar?d apart from thc parties hereto. Section 2. CoAmn?o~l PoTrers And Purposes Of Agl-ecment 2.1. Co;nmon Powers. Each party hereto has in common the power to acquire, construct and operate facilities for the collection, treatment and disposal of sewage and other waste products including the rcclaxation of waste water, have the power and authorization to make necessary and incidental. studies and investigations, to contract for and to own, lease, construct and operate works and facilities in connection therewith- and 2.2. Purposes -- Of Agreement. -- The object of this agreeme is to exercise said po.iicrs for the following purposes: to jointly study the rnethods and technology of water reclaina-t water xznagcment and the reusc 02 waste water; (2) to establi one or more centers for the conduct, of such studi.cs; (3) experixwnt I test and apply in an operational setting (I) to . -2- e 0 ac’,vanced tc:clin-iqucs for thc rc>c1nnctti on and reuse of water; and (4) to develop water rc:cl<:I:?atj on p’i.c?ns and programs that may be adoptcct by the parties lic:iretr:, €or USC and appli- cation within their respective jurisclic tions . 2.3 I General Powers. The Agency shall have the powcrs corrmon to the parkies set forth in Sccti.cn 2.1 hereof as limited by this agrcement. in its own name to do all acts necessary, appropriate for the exercise o€ said co~mori power including any or all of the following: The Agency is hereby authorized convenient OK (a) members set forth above; (b) to make and enter into contracts, j-ncluding agreements with one or more of the parties hereto and with other public agencies; (c) (d) to contract for the services of engimers, attorn€ financial consultznts and such sther persorrs as it deems necessary; (e) to acquire, constructr manage, maintain and opera- any buildings, works or improvements : (f) to acquire, hold and dispose of property; (9) (h) (i) federal, statc or local program far zssistance ir? carrying out the purposcs of this agrecmcnt ; to exercise jointly the conmon powers of its to employ aqents and employees; to incur debts, liabilities or oblicjati oils; to sue and be sued j.n its own name; to apply ~OK appropriate grant or grznts under an -3- - e 0 (j) to receive gifts, contributions an6 donations 02 property, funds, services and other forms of assistance from any person, firm, corporation or governmental entity p provided that any such gifts, contributions or donations are consented to by the Agency. (k) to invest money of the Agency in investments pcr- mitted by law, Such powers shall be exercised in the manner provided in the Act, and, except as expressly set forth herein, shall be subject to the restrictions on the manner of exercise such powers as are imposed upon a municipal water district in the exercise of similar powers. ARTICLE 11: ME2IBERSHIP IM AGENCY Section 3, Membership. The members of the Agency shall be each pubLic agency which has executed or hereafter shall execute this agreement, and any addenda, amendment or supplement thereto, and which has not, pursuant to the provisions hereof, withdrab- therefrom in the manner provibec in this agreement. A public agency that has as its governin5 body the Board of Suprvisors of the County of San Diego shall not be eligible'to become a separate member of the Agency; however, the County of San Diego, acting on behalf of itself and of said public agencies, may become a single member of the Agency, in the manner provided in this section c- Section 4. Withdrawal Of Membership, Any member of the Agency shall have the right to withdraw its membership -4- e 0 I( unon serving written notice of intcrttio2 thereof on all other rr,c~?~nhcrs on or bcforc 1Via17 1 of any year,, erfcctive 01-1 July I following I provided r 1iuv:cver r that no withdrawal shall relieve the withdrawing public agency from financial obligations theretofore incurred by it hereunder, nor shall withdrawal deprive such former member of any right to continue participation, to the extent feasible, as to any project for which it is financially obligated. Section 5. Non-Flcmber Participants. - The Board o€ Directors may provide for the parttcipation of other affected agencies as nou-voting participants on such terms and conc-litions as it may establish. ARTICLE 111: BOARD OF DIRZCTOIIS AND - OFFICERS Section 6. Board Of Directors. The governing body of the Agency shall be known as the ''Bc?r:'i of Direz5ors c;E the San Diego Region Water Reclamation Agency, " referred to in t;3Ls zgreernent as "the board"). The powers and functions of the Agency shall be orcrcised Sy and throug? the board, and all voting powers shall reside in the board. (hereinafter Section 7. Designation Of Directors. Each member of the Agency shall designate and appoint, by resolution of its governing body, one person to serve on the board, and said person shall be an elected official of the member of the Agency. Each inember of the Agency shall also dcsignate and appoint, by resolution of its governing body, one alternate -5- ^- .. 0 0 iI i rcictor .i;.Iic? shall- bc an elect^^^ offic i a1 of thc nrernber of the Agcr,cy and who nay assuiw 211 rj-cJii';s and duties of the director appoir.trd by the ncnb~r of the Acjcncy when said director is absent, Each director and alternate shall hold office at the pleasure of the governicy body of the appointin? member, and may be removed at any tine, with or withoat cause, in the sole discretion of said member's governing body. Section 8. Principzl Office. The principal office 05 the Agency shall be established by resolution of the board in the County of San Diego, The board may change by resolutic said princi-pal office fron one location to another in the County of San Dieyo. Section 9. Xeetings Of Board. The board shall meet at least semi-annually at silch times 2s it ma:,7 C.etE:=r=ine. TIE date, hour and place of holding of regular meetings shall bc fixed by resolutlo;> OF the hoard. board, including regulzr, ac?joi?r_?eci zecplzx zi6 s2ecial meetings, shall be called, noticed, held and conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Ralph IC. Brown Act (cortxixencing with Section 54350 of the Government Code). All meetings of the Section 10. Quorum 05 Eonrd. A majority of the directc shall constitute a cporum €or the transaction of business. Section 11. Voting Of Board. Each director shall have one vote, and the vote of a majority of the directors prcscnt -6- -- 0 0 + at any meeting attended by a quorum shall be necessary to determine any notion, proposition or resolution presented. A director shall not be disqualified from participating in a decision or voting upon a contract, lease or other transactic with the member af the Agency which appointed him to the boai Section 12, Officers. 12.1. Chairperson. The 'board shall elect one of its members as Chairperson, The Chairperson's term of office shall be one year or until a successor qualifies and takes office, The Chairperson of the board shall preside at its meetings and shall perform such other duties as are specifie by the board, The Chairperson may be removed at any time an without cause by a majority of the total membership of the k 12.2, Vice Chairperson. The board shall elect one of its mernbers as Vice Chairperson. The Vice Chairperson's ter of office shall be one year cr until a sl?r,cess~~ qualifies and takes office,. The Vice Chairperson shall perfom all the duties GI the Ch3lrperson in the absence of the Chairp5 or in the'event (335 the Chairperson's inability to perform st duties. The Vice Chairperson may be removed at any time anc without cause by a majority of the total membership of the 1 12.3, Secretary. The Secretary of the Agency shall hi I appointed by the board and shall serve at the pleasure of the board. The Secretary shall not be a manber of the board. The secretary shall be responsible for the minutes and other records of the proceedings of the board and shall -7- - _- 0 0 pcrform such other duties RS arc: spceificd by the board. 12.4. Treasurer. - .--.__ __ The ?\TCC~.SUTCL^ of tf;c Agency shall be the ‘i’rcasurer of PaGre Dzm Mun’cFpal F.!;ltcr District serving cx officio as Treasurer of the 7,qzficy. ‘.PIC Treasurer shall have custody of all oE the money and furids of the Agency, from whatever SOUJ~C~ , and shall: I (a) receive and receipt for all money of the Agency and place it in the Padre Dam Municipal Water District treasury to the credit of the Agency; (b) be responsible upon his or her official bond for the safekeeping and disbursement of all. Agency moneys so held; (c) pay any sums due fron the Agency from Agency money, or any portion thereof, upon warrants of the Auditor of the Agency; (d) verify and report in writing on the first day of July, October, Jazuary and April of each year to the Agency and to each member of the Agency the amount of money he or sh.2 holds fer the ks;ency, ehe amount of receipts since his or her last report, and the amount paid out since his or her last report; and (e) board or as may be required by law. 12.5. Auditor/Controllcr. -- The Auditor/Controller of tl -- perform such other duties as are specified by the Agency shaJ.1 be the Auditor of Pcidre Dam Municipal Water District serving ex officio as Auditor/Conkroller of the -8- -- ~- - 8 c Agcnuy - Thc Audi t:or/Controllcr shall establish arid maintain such accouni:~, books and records as may be required by good account-iny practice and he or she ~1~11 perform such other duties as arc? specified by thc board. There shall be strict accountability of all funds and reports of all receipts disbursed. The accounts, books and records of the Agency shall be opened to inspectior, at all reasonable tines by .representatives of any rnember of the Agency and by members of the public e The Auditor/Controller shall draw warrants to pay demands against the Agency in accordance with pro- cedures approved by the board. Said warrants shall be signed by such officers or members of the board as the board may designate. The Auditor/Controller, with thc approval of the board, shall cantract with a certified pub.2.i~ accountant or a public accountant to make an annual audit of the account and records of the Agency. The raininturn requirements of the audit shall be those Zrescribed by the State Controller for special district:; under Sect'on 26303 of the Government Code and shall conforrr, ~CI generally accepted accounting standards. A report thereof shall be filed as public records with each of the members of the Agency, with the County Auditor o€ the County of San Diego and with any other county auditor of any county in which any member of the Agency is located. Such reports shall be filed within 12 months of the end of the fiscal year under examination. -9- I I.. -- I--- . - __ _.- -% * * Scctj on 13. Official 130ncis. ?'he public of'f-icprs herein dcsj g~iat-cd as the persons responsj LJ e for any moneys of the Agc~cy I to wit I the nuditor/CoriS~c.~.lcr and 'I'rC:tsurer, are hereby also designated ab the persons responsible for all other property of the Agency. The Auditor/Controller shall file ar, official bond in the amount of $10,000, and the Treasurer shall file an official bond in the amount of: $10,080. Any officer designa'ied by the board to sign warrant.: of the Agency shall file an official bond in the clncunt of $10,000. All bond prerriiLrs shall be paid by the Agency. ---_-I____ ARTICLE IV : MANAGEMENT COTT4ITTEE Section 15. Management Cornmtttee. The Agency shall have a Management Committee. Each member of the Agency shall be entitled. to one representative on the committee. Each member of the Agency shall be entitled to designate an6 appoint an alternate representative on the cornittee who may assuns ail righks and duties of the representative appointed by the rr'ernher of the Agency whey\ said re>rcs?ntative is absent. Section 16. Purpose Of Managcment Committee. The purposz of the Management Comiittee shall bc to review proposals, to advise and make recommendations to the board and to perform such other functions as ~ay be determined by the bczrd. -10- * e Scct-ion 17 - Mcetinqs - Of Ccmni ___-I ttec. The Manageri:cnt Co:ri:C;tLCC slt(l:Ll rnect at ].cast quarterly at such times as it may dfterminc. The date, hour and place cf holdj.ng of regulx rtee-tinys shall be fixed by resolution of the committee All meetings of the coinnittee, including regular, adjourned regular and special meetings, shall be called, noticed, held and conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Ralph 14. Brown Act (commencing with Section 54950 of the Government Code). Section 18. Quorum Of CoIaiiittee. A majority of the rrtembers of the 1.lanagcment Committee shall constitute a quorur-1 for the transaction of business. Section 19. Votincj Of Coxmittee. Each member of the Management Cornmi-ttee shall have one vote, and the vote of a majority of the members of the committee present at any meeting attended by a _quorum shall be necessary to determine a notion, proposition or resolution presented. -- Sect;.on 2c7. Off Fz~rs C:f Committee - The Management. Committee shall elect one of j.ts members as Chairperson, and may elect one of its persons as Vice Chairperson. The Secretmy or' the Agency shall be the Secretary of the Manageni Committee, and shall be responsible for the minutes and other records of the proceedings of the conlmittee. -11- "d 0 0 ARY'ICLC V : EUDrfKTS AXD TiSSESS!vIE?G'I'S - -_ __--- Section 21. General 33i;~lyet. __ ___ Annually, and no later i3an February 1 of each year, the board shall adcpt a F;er;eral budget for the ensuing fiscal year. The budget shall be prepared in stlfficient detail to constitute an operating outline of the funds needed and the expenditures to be made during the ensuing year for those administrative, study and work projects of general benefit to all members of the Agency; however, the board may, in its discretion, transfer funds and adjust expenditures during the year so long as the total sum authorized to be expended is not exceezed, The budget shall also set forth the contributions to be made by each member of the Agency. The budget shall be adopted and allocated for assessment by a majority of the voting por.rer of the board in attendance, but shall be subject to the approval of the members of the Agency as hereinafter provided Section 22. Project Budgets. In addition to the -. general budget, the hard me>- srepare one or =ore project budgets at any time for the study, implementation or con- struction of any specific project benefiting less than all of the members of thc Agency. Upon approval by the bozrd of a'project budget, including the contributions to be made by each agency benefitted, it shall be submitted to each benefit member that is to be obligated for the payment of any mount -12- 6- 0 0 chc:rc~::idcr. ‘i’iic i’.ycncy shall not; incur any cxpcnsc. for thc project ur.til thc project buiigct has been approved by each of thc proposcd p2rticip2ting mcvbers. 7n the evcnt a projcct is not approved, the cost of preparing the budget shzll be divided among the proposed participating men?bers in accordance with the proposed allocation of the total project ccst . Section 23. Failure Of Approval Of Budyet. (a) General Budget. If, after 120 days from the first submission of a general budget, it is Rot a-pproved by all men\.bers of the Agency, the consenting members nay treat the refusal of a member as a request for withdrawal from the Agency- The consenting members may thereafter, upon giving the nonconsenting membef 30 days prior written notice, proceed with the adoption of a revised budget, and the nonconsenting member shall not be obligated for future debts of the Agency nor shall it receive any future benefits therefrom. -- - __ (b) -I_ Project Budgct. If, after 120 days from the first submission of a project badget, it is not approved by all of the proposed participating members, the consenting members may treat the refusal of a member as a request for withdracisl froin or nonparticipation in the project. The consenting mcrnbers may thereafter, upon giving the nonconscnting -1.3- , ". . 0 0 inc:inLcr prior wr.i L~CH notice, procccd witlt the adoption of a rc:~srisc::i I~udc;c:t fox: the project, and the nonconscnLing mem?icz shall not be obliyated for any future dC3b.t-s of the project, nor shall it receive any future benefits therefrom. Section 24. Expenditures For Approved Budget. All expenditures within the designations and limitations of an approved general QY project budget shall be made in the manner authorized by the board for a general budget expenditur or by a majority of the directors of the participating members for a project budget expenditure. The total sum authc zed to be expended by the budget shall not be exceeded witholit the unanimous consent and approval of all of the directors representing the members affected by the budget under consideration. Such consent and approval may be yiven in writing by any director that may be absent from a meeting called for the purpose of considering such excess expenditure -- Section 25. Payment Of Amounts Due. Amounts required to be paid by any nenber shclll 3e due and-payable 45 days after receipt of a billing from the A$ency. Section 26. Reimbursement Of Funcls. - Grant funds received by the Agency from any federal, state or local agency to pay for budgeted expenditures for which the Agency has received all or any portion of said funds from its -14- *A 0 0 ~~~~~>~~~ s!mlI 1.w paid to said mc;nbcrs to reimburse the IYCT!:?JL:~S for- t.Iic. fuiids co2tributcd to the Agency for the purpo:;c* for wliic-1- grant rnoricy had bcen received - Sect: on 27 - Assessment Procedure. --- General budgets shall be all-ocated and assessed as therein set forth. Each project budqet shall contain a schedule of assessnents to individual participating members of the Agency, and said assessrncnts in an aggregate shall be in an amount sufficient to provide for all expenditures budgeted, The budget nay provide for the contribution of personnel, equipment or property by certain members in lieu of monetary assessnents. Approval of any general bcdget or project budget by a member shall constitute agreement by such member to pay said asse- amc or contribute said personnel, equipment or property, conditio1 only on-the approval thereof by all other members to whom assessments or contributions were allocated. - Section 28. First Assessment. Within 45 days after -. . the effective date of this zgrecxxczt, ezch pzrticipating member shall pay to the Agency the sun1 of $1,000 plus an amount ecpal to $100 for each 100,000 gallons, or increiwnt thereof, average daily sewage flow of the participating meinber during the month immediately prior to the execution of this agreement. (For example, if a member's average -15- . II .. 0 e 6;Ziiy scli;.,c;ct flo7/J is 1.7 in.cj.d., it ~ould i)ilY $1 ,090 plus $1,700 for a total cf $2,700; if the flo:: is -6 m.g.d., tol:al payncnt would be $1, GOO. ) Notwithstanding the forccjoing a pax:ticipating rticxber that has an average daily sewage flov of in excess of 10 million gallons per day shall F,I:lc?'iCh the total contributions of all other rneinbers; if more than one participating member has an average daily sewage flow in excess of 10 million gallons per d3y, such members shall jointly match the total contributions of a11 other members by paying an eqilal portion of said total, (For exanple, if the total payinents of members with averagcl daily flows of less than 10 m.9.d. is $40,000, the paylnent of a menber with a flow more than LO m.g.d. would be $40,000; if there are two such members, each would pay $20,000.) For the purposes of this section, if the County of Sax Diego is a participatinc member, its average daily sewage flow shall be the total of the average daily sebage flow of all agencies for which the San Diego County Board of Supervisors acts as the governing board. Section 29. Accounting Procedures. Full books and accounts shall be maintained for the Agency in accordance with practices established by or consistent with those utilized by the Controller of the State of California for -1G- c I .b * 0 like public entities, In particular, the Auditor and Treasurer shall cornply strictly with the requirements of the statute governing joint powers agencies. Section 30. Fiscal Year. - The fiscal year of the Agency shall commence on July 1 and end on June 30 of the following year unless changed by the board, ARTICLE VI: PROPERTY RIGHTS Section 31. Allocation On Books. To the extent that any funds received from any member of the Agency are used for the acquisition or construction of assets, the same shall be allocated annually on the books of the Agency to the credit of said contributing member. Section 32, Distribution On Termination Of Agency, Upon termination or dissolution of the Agency herein created the assets in possession of the Agency at such tixte shall be distributed in kind or sold and the proceeds thereof distrib along with other surplus moneys, to the members of the Agenc at the the of the termination as their interests appear on, the books of the Agency- Section 33, Liabilities. Any liability incurred by the Agency during the course of its existence shall be discharged by each of the parties hereto in proportion to their contribution or approved participation in the contract undertaking or facilities of the Agency for which the liability is attributable, If there are any other liabilitj -17- L ''B " al 0 which cannot he so allocated, they shall be discharged at the end of thc term hereof by equal. contribution made by each of the parties hereto. In accordance with Section 6508.1 of the Government Code, except as otherwise provided in this agreenent, the debts, liabilities and obligations of the Agency shall be the debts, liabilities or obligations of the Agency alone and not of the parties to this agreement. ARTICLE VII: TERV, AMXND-WNT AND ?ZSCISSION Section 34, Term, The Agency shall continue until this agreement is rescinded or terminated as herein provided Section 35. Amendment. This agreeraent may be amended by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of the Agency, provided that any aiiendment adopted by less than unanhous consent of the parties hereto shall not be effecti until any member dissatisfied therewith has had reasonable opportunity to withdraw fro% the Agency in accordance with Section 4 hereof, / Section 36, Rescission Or Termination. This agreertent may be rescinded and Che Agency terminated by written consent of all members, provided that adequate provision has been mszde to discharge the liabilities of the Agency. -18- L d Q e IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Carlsbad has executed thi: agreement creating the San Diego Region Water Reclamation Agenc this 5th day of JlkIJf , 1977. CITY OF CARLSBAD 3Y ATTEST : APPROVED AS TO FORM: b’ *