w P a
AGEJSDA BILL NO. x/ .z' f Initial:
DATE: August 2, 1977
Dept. Hd. -
C. Atty .&
C. Mgr. - -st
,- Y
Pi t17 AffnrnPv
Statement of the Matter
The City Council at your meeting of July 5, 1977, in conjunct
with your consideration of a pawn shop application,directed your attorney to prepare an interim ordinance which would prohibit certain uses in the downtown redevelopment study are pending completion of certain planning studies. The ordinanc
. which incorporates the substance of the Planning Director's memorandum to you on this subject of June 29, 1977 is attache
The ordinance may be adopted after conclusion of the public hearing. A four-fifths vote is required. It will be effecti
for a period of an additional year. for one year and after further public hearing may be extendee
a Exhibit
Ordinance NO. q~fb .
Memorandum dated June 29, 1977 from Planning Director to the Mayor and City Council. I
If the City Council wishes to prohibit certain uses as listec
stcdy area, until certain planning studies are complete, you: action is to adopt Ordinance No.
in the Ordinance from locating within the downtown redevelop1 m-
Council action
8-2-77 Interim Ordinance #9486 was adopted as an urgency measure I certain commercial developments in the Downtown Redevelopmi Study Area.
- .* #, * 0
DATE : June 29, 1977
FkOM: Planning Director
blayor / City Council t in
Planning Director's Report to City Council on Various Uses in Downtown Redevelopment Area
During the City Council's consideration of a request to
operate a pawn shop in downtown village area of the City of Carlsbad at their June 21, 1977 meeting, an oral report from the Planning Director was made.
The Planning Director indicated that although a single pawn
shop would not in his opinion have a detrimental effect on
the village area of the City, that there are various types of uses which if allowed to group or become numerous would
be detrimental or cause a blight effect in the village area Some such uses are:
- Thrift shops - Bars as separate uses - Adult entertainment establishments (including
- Massage parlors - Card rooms
movie houses, books stores, etc.)
In some cities alcoholic beverage licenses are only allowed
downtown after the city had approved a conditional use perm
the city only approved those conditional use permits for
bonafide eating establishments with full kitchens and menus
It is my concern that if during the period of studying the-
downtown area for redevelopment a number of these uses were
established, they could be counter-productive in trying to have a downtown revitalization program:
agrees that there is a possiSle problem with these and othe similar considerations of uses, there are various means in
which they can address the particular issue.
wish to consider limiting the number of these uses in locat which have a close proximity to each other or to the absolu
numbers, or Council may require a conditional use permit
requiring public hearings and review before any such new us can be established in the City of Carlsbad.
could establish a one year moratorium on those types of USE in order for complete analysis'and study of the downtown ar to be presented to the City without the prior establishment of these uses.
If the Council
Council may
Because there a proposed redevelopment program in the downtown areaf they
4-1. 5
0 Q m v,m .d : %3 a
ORDINANCE P70. 9 4 86 --c_
WHEREAS, the City Council: has determined j-t to be .in tk
interest, to consider various ways of revitalizing that porti
of the City of Carlsbad known as"'downtown''; afid
WHEREAS, the City Council has designated portions of tk
City, including downtown, as a "Redevelopment Study Area", I
to the Cal.ifornia Redevelopment ~aw; and
WHEREAS, the City COui2Ci.l has adopted a work prqrarn pi
for certain planning studies vrithin the study area. to considc
among other things, changes in the existing zoning ordinanc
WHEREAS, upon .recornendation of the Planning Director a":$
u: IS<
b> wc,
m 5 d E 15
$2 $2 16 OK, m 50 ul - >F -$ 17
>u t IS
1 City Council has determined that the public interest recpir I the temporary prohibition of certain commercial uses wl.thin
study area until the planning stu.dies can be complctz; and ' ! WHEREAS, the City Cocncil. has determined that it is nc
1 to protect the public health, safety and. welfare, to adopt l
interim ordinance as an urgency measure to prohibit certair
which may detract from the City's efforts t6 revitalize dm
pending the completion of the planning stuaies.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIRED by. the City Council- of
City of Carlsbad, California, as follows:
j SECTION 1: That the commercial developments li.st.cd i.
secti.cn are prohibited in that portion of the City known a
"Redevelopment Study Area", as hereinafter defined. The F
uses are as follows: Thrift shops? bars as separate uses n
I -.- L *' 0 0.
movies) ; massage parlors; card rooms, and other similar uses
The Redeveloprent Study Area. is defined as including all prc
lwithin. the corpora-te limits of the City of Carlsbad located
' area boumded on -the north by the northerly city limj.ts, 011 .1
west by the mean high tide line of the Pacific Ocezn, on tht
by the southerly edge of the right-of-way line of Cannon. Ro;
on the east by the westerly edge of the right-of-way for In.
LI 1 1 12 n measure pursuarl-t to CaIj.forn5.a Government Code Section (3585
oo3z 2,55
Li * do !2 L s 6 15 yj g.2 2
>: 2 17 -fo
"CEk q SECTION 3: The*Cit.y Clerk shall cerkify to the adopti
{ this ordtkance and cause it to be published a.t least once i
Carlsbad. Journal within fifteeil days after it is adopted.
2 2.
AYES : Councilnen Lewis, Packard, Skotnicki and
NOES: None Councilwoman Casler
! 1 ABSENT: Councilman Frazee ,I i
28, blAR(jPJJZT E. ADPAS, City Clerk
(SEAL ,"
A * 0 0
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the
City of Carlsbad will hold a Public Hearing in the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 7:OO P.M. on Tuesday, August ?, 1977, to consider an interim ordinance prohibiting certain uses in the downtown redevelopment study area pending completion of planning studies.
s 0 0 .7
DATE : July 7, 1977
TO : City Manager
FROM: City Attorney
The Council at their July 5, 1977 meeting directed their
tan;h;Fdi;a;ce ra ’
* studie
cer in
endi i Planning Director * s memorandum to the Council of June 29, 1977 is attached. Also attached is an agenda bill which could be used to submit the matter to the City Council.
Would you please take the steps necessary with the Planning
Director or Clerk as you consider appropriate to have this
matter noticed for a public hearing before the City Council.
Please let me know if you need anything further from my
... attorney -& I4 w an interim ordinance --*lna a
i off ice. t
if ;.
f i VINCENT F . BIONDO , JR t City Attorney I,
? e m
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a Public Hearing in the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 7:OO P.M. on Tuesday, August 2, 1977, to consider an interim ordinance prohibiting certain uses in the downtorc redevelopment study area pending completion of planning studies.
. * 0 m J.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a Public Hearing in the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenuit, Carlsbad, California, at 7:OO P.M. on Tuesday, August 2, 1977, to consider an
interim ordinance prohibiting certain uses in the downtow redevelopment study area pending completion of planning
studies -
r T
fC / -0 0
DATE: July 25, 1977
TO: Paul Bussey, City Manager
FROM: Jack Henthorn, Redevelopment Coordinato
SUBJECT: Property Owner/Tenant Meeting
A meeting was held on July 21, at 7:OO in the Magnolia Elementary School during which the Director of Planning, the Director of Pub' Works and the Redevelopment Coordinator discussed revitalization ( the CBD with property owners and tenants. The meeting was hosted the Chamber of Commerce with Don Brown chairing the meeting.
A brief presentation was made by staff emphasizing the need for p sector involvement and investment in the Village area revitalizat effort. Following the formal presentation the staff entertained and comments from those in attendance. A synopsis of the more sa
In an effort to fill some of the gaps in the Chamber prepared syn the following general observations are made:
1. The owners/tenants feel that they have been "strung along" du lack of significant physical progress. This feeling brings a sense of urgency on their part.
chants. Convenient parking and easy access are key issues in minds of the community.
individuals making up the business community. Very little is done in promotional or marketing efforts which could strength commercial posture of the area.
4. Old issues tend to be rehashed again and again by those who t' been involved in Village affairs in the past. Whether these valid issues or simply serve as vehicles for expression of fr ration is unclear.
5. Several property owners are either in the process of improvir planning to improve, their property. Most of these efforts 2 either cosmetic or simple floor area additions.
points made during the meeting is attached.
2. Parking appears to be an issue common to most of the Village
3. There appears to be little organization and leadership among
I e 0
Memorandum July 25, 1977 Page 2
The meeting, as a first effort to obtain community input, was rela good. However, future meetings will be organized in a smaller gro basis to facilitate more detailed discussion.
Jim and I anticipate scheduling meetings with individual Council F within the next week so that we will be able to identify their con cerns and aspirations relative to the Village area.
cc: James C. Hagaman, Planning Director Ron Beckman, Director of Public Works
0 e lY
July 21, 1977
Magnolia School
Meeting called to order at 7:lO p.m. by Don Brown of the Chamber
Brown introduced Ron Beckmnn, JDYnes ISagsman and Jack Henthorn oE the City of Carlsbad. I3rown outlined the purpose of the meetine
as 1) to outline the Redevelopment Study Area, 2) to introduce t attendees Jack IIenthorn, the Redevelopment Coordinator and 3) tc secure input from attendees on their questions and suggestions c what redevelopment can and will do in the lTdowntownll area.
Brown indicated that many times groups had met informally to di: the redevelopment idea, some actions had been started but not fi and it is now the intent of the Chamber and the City of Carlsbac whatever is necessary and within the limits OP the agency to do redevelopment project in Cnrlsbnd...however it will take total c eration with the property owners, lease holders, renters, the ci the Chamber to assist where possible. The Chamber had funded a study which outline the potentials €or the area1II1Fr' cooperation generated.
JnmcsIIagaman indicated that the Planninl; Department would bc WOI with the Redevelopment Agcncy and operated through the Planning Department for organizational accountability to thecity Manager to the Council.
Jack IIenthorn related his background and what he visualizes for project. Ilc explained thc llcdcvclopment Agency, the California undcr which the Redevelopment propam would opcrntc. He rel-atcc of his experiehces inothcr communi- tien with the rcdcvelopment 1):
Jack opened the discussion with request for questions.
Uhy not include the industrial. parks and the proposed Japatol properties in the study area? Jack explained the reasoning beh theproposed study area and related that some problems are gener when too large an area is included.
How can Redevelopment be financed? Jack explained the several 1 projects can be financed...bonds, tax anticipation notes, tax il ment financing, block grants, revenue sharing, and others.
What is the purpose of %he project? To generate taxes to pay 1 needed services, stimulate sales and revenues, spur private dev and investment, regain economic status to ~fdowntown~~.
Uho will "get rich" off this pro,ject.. . the developers that come Jack explained the purpose of local business generation. Bette keep local business and assist them in development and expansio to pay for inventory, relocation costs, etc.
What is the orranizational structure for the project? Jack age pointed the City Council is the Agency, the S'taff will work thr
* l'cige 2 0 0
the planking Department but have the reSOUrCeS Of ,.X11 the City f)
ments to gather data, coordinate program objectives QS establish
explained that as soon as a project area is defined the Agency vi appoint a project area committee, made up of people living in or business interests in the project area. The committee would mak mendations, help set priorities, review actions taken.
fIow long before the Committee will be formed? Jack indicated th and area should be ready in approximate 3 or 4 weeks from now.
ITow lonR before priorities can be set? Jack indicated it would one year from now but could be sooner depending upon how much hc directed to the project and how much community help v~as given. minimum it would be 8 months, law requires 6 months €or plan det
Vhy not submit the proposition of lbdevelopment to the people? City Council, after discussions established the Redevelopment A6
What is owner participation? The Redevelopment and owners agree each will do certain things to make the progress of the project
Can "tar, increment fundsll be uscd to devcl.op private development Tax increment funds can NO'I be uscd for private property devel5 Tax increment funds are used to improve thc public segments of 1 project area mch as street:.;, sidewalks, flowerbuxes, visual imy
iternGI replacement of existing paid for facilities, parking, etc
1Vhcrc is lldovmtown? Scveral cpe:+korc; were concerned that the "dc is now considcred by many as the Pl;,tzc? Cninino Real and thc Carl: l'lnza and nothing really defines whcro lldoivn townt1 really ir; or k get tlicre.
Can' t the 1911 Act bcuccd Tor sidcnal.ks in tlowmt-ov~n? Tion Ueclrmt explained that several sourccs were being uscd to in-Till sidewi that didn't hnvct them and would not ncccsa:nily benefit the onnc
Assesment districts still can be used in soine cases. City Counc allocated somefunds €or sidewalks to provide connecting links fl the beach area to down.f;;oivn.
Can Redevelopment Funds be used on things outside the project 21 1:Unds can be uscd for improvements which vrill enliance the projec DiGcuosion continued with rcfcrcncc to a cornmitinent the City Cot had given at the time of tho 1)laza 5?1 Cmino Real development tl:
Elm Avenue would be extended from Valley to 1C1 Camino Real. Bcc explained that {$500,000 is currently being spent fqr the Valley Donna segment of the project and that Donna to Il2 Lamino Heal wc
be done through development projects. For the city to do so it probably be an added $1 million for construction plus the cost c acquisition being much more.
Vlhat year can vre expect JUm Avenue to be open? Beckman guessed
rnb e the -3rd or 4th year of the program. Discussion develor the suggestions of dircctional signs on Marron Road and Jeffersc direct traffic ItTo Downtown11 and along the Chestnut route to dov It was suggested that "directional signsI1 be developed and placc City during the interim period
0 0 Page 3
l;$lhat about absentee ownership p,arti.cipatj.on? Jack indicated tha
his initial review it secrne.ti that most of the property downtown held by local property owners (Carlsbad, Oceanside, Vista, north county people). fie expressed hope that absentee owners could be encouraged to participate when they see where land values would to their best interest to do SO.
iFlhat revievrs must the development go through with the Coastal Co Henthorn explained the ciirrcnt actions of l;he Coastal Commission City working on specific p1.a.n~ to all-ow for local agency action the city can seek exemptions and certification for projects. In Vista the Agency assisted in dcvelopments/~pplications helped to time line from start to finish. The Agency can do some of these which the City Government can not do.
IIov can lldorvntovmtl benefit from Hcdevcloprnent'? Development of bu housing, good marketing, good service to public, finding and lil gaps in the market which 3.r~ non-competitive to shoppine; centerE
the shopping 1Ileakage1~ is occurinGp. Circulation of traffic, acc the downtwon area, intersections improved , directional signing, all. have an impact and benefit the area.
- Can1 t these thincs be done without an -!Gency? Yes they cmn, how the Agency can do many Things th2.t can lfbriizg order out of chao:
Ylhai; vii1-1- Agency prior$tioc b-c? 'T'hcsc ail1 bc detcrmined by the froin public meetings such ;I=; these, suggestions by the I'roject I Committcc when so constituted. 5'1hat should be done first.. .pnrl; EtreetG, increase residentic11 demi by? Henthorn indicated a SUI or how many lllcgn.l_fl parking pl-aces therc ;.>re in the dovrntovin i7rc
- 110~ can thc ~~co~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~@~~,~~~~~~~ 1Toii Lhorn sugger: t;cd .t;l
L;O ti L; rnoc'cingr;, by 1.ctl;cr Lo Lhc A(;c\ncy, by Lc.Lopl1one C:~~-I,T lo 1
City Ua.11. Lt was suggezted a lfm(;p:sLj-on bo>p be convenient tc and the Ch,uber olfice vJil.1 have il bo:: lor rcceipt of Lsllch su~gc
!I writton survey of people vrnntr: coul-d be made where pcoplc coul and allovr for their imput and priorities.
- Who selects the Project Area Coinmi-ttcc? The Ciky Council sets 3~ Redevelopment Agency and wi1.1 appoint, according to the Cali-Iorr
the people to represent the projccl; area. Committee sets to git and assist with priorities and p1-anni.n~;.
Jf son~cc~ne wants to :;tart imnrove~~~cnts noa, vhnt steps can be tc The City is under n sciver moritorium at the present time, but tk. posed seaa~eal-location system v~ould provide up to ,209; for redevc or contingency developments in addition to tlia t portion alloca tc the Coinmercial development under the system. Reckman gave an upd the Encina sevJage plant, sl;cps being taken to secure additional and assignment of what is developed.
Are there any printed Federal- Cuideli-ncs for dcvel-opment_ssuch :- Iicntliorn explained thcro arc printcd ll'edernl Guideline:; but thir
part of the HFdevelopment Projcct to tell llIIov~ to do itT1 so peor VfOn'k Wa$x tm money and eff rt and provide guidance for minj fron en exPengb in money and &me
from crcation of llspecialityll markets. Analysis may show where
under ijtate of California lm and L11g.t a guiclcl.lse manual will 5
I a Page 4
'Yhe Hedovelopmcnt Guideline manual should be ready in about months from now, maybe Goonor, tlcpcnding upon ctnff time req
\/hat powers does the Ap-ency linvc to acquire property? The ai
the City does have the power to acquire property €or health, on basis that property owner wont t improve property to stand: the Agency can act. It isn't the purpose of the Agency to gc bud-ness, buy its. inventory, pay for moving costs and other r expenses. Can help propertyowncr/Lenseholder through low COE in some cases no-cost loans through XIlA or lending agencies, vJjLL have firot chance to comply cmcl ctaff would work with ow
gtrxy in downtown areaa
7- v'bat about- Henthorn explained no-Mall has been pri uCVeYa1 areas within the downtown could be tied together by a of greenbelt walk ways and this could be one stimulant to bus: Iliscussion Pollowed on the possible development of parking wit block bounded by !iI.m, Grand, State to Eoosevelt with access tc of these streets from parking within the backs of the building that rear Gtructure clean-up, f3x-u-p could tnlrc place by ugrce
uitli the property owners or Lhrough a master lease for such re1
I~CS the Council. a:; thc Iirxlevvel.o&ncnt; !lp?ncy. 2imvo a set timeta. IIcnLhorn 1iT~;~c;i Lod thy1 i; 110 cztc t ti.iric tclb'1.o cou'1.d bc cut;tbl.i:;h( thc: pro jcct arc;\ ii; tlc i'.incci, tlim comittccs ontnblishcd and ti Ik~dcvcl-oprncnt law requires act ion to meet certain time cchedulc
'Ji3.1 downtown become a virlbl2 shoppj-nr; area? This question can bo :answered by the total coopcrntive action of the property own
%eascholders in cccliing solutions to developing and presenting tho public an rippealin@ ntmo:;phcrc where they c;m find the pod;
md cervicco they desire. Kodcvelopin(>]1t cay1 help but it; will dt
upon the XtiOX1S 01 tho pooopl-~. in bhc project area to make it wc
IIb retain thc iiVi_l.l-agc Charm'! each business should review what 1 (Are doing to fill the "market".
Sdhen will all this be done? lIenthorn indicated it would take ac
by the private sector to invest in the area, Sure how much money the Agency would have to get the project undt Comments from the attendees indicated that the City Council had r the village rrzerchclnts a promise that when they allocated money tc Plaza Cmino Real project thclt dollars would also be given to thi
town area to redevelop and to cut 1CLm Avenue throue;h to 1i1 Cminc
l'ihnt does the City plan to do with all the cash reserves that cou :,pent on the promises? Jack indicated that capital improvement p and City operations are a part of thc budget process and that sorn
jects have had f'unds earmarked from reserves and othes funding so.
!kc we going to scrap all the plans/programs developed Over the 7-
the printed literature in the €iles on the proposals and found fcv developed plans or progrm;. There were lots of discussion but fe solid plans and thcsc vvrcre dropped for a variety o€ reasons, He su thnt people send in or call him about their priorities and he seek Lnput.
Jack indicated he
Tear Perl- m.r, a-11 WJCr a&d?i Jack indicated he had read
. e e
Page 5
The meeting was conducted to give people an opportunity to revi what is happening, ask questions of the staff and this was a st Future meetings will have to be held and your interest is wante and as the project progresses,
Brown closed with a wrap-up of the meeting. The Chamber Board Oirectors had set as a high priority to work with the businesse to get the redevelopment project going so people could realize some of the potential that is in the "Village area". The Chamb ail1 maintain a drop box €or those wishing to leave suggestions
Idleeting adjourned at 9:OO p.m.
Don J. Brownb Note taker
ideas or propods.
\ -) 1 llc i -t-k cj I-+ t? c ( ou yb L L\G()rb [
a 'C ,* ** .
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#d /b+&u#L M 5P %
PIId n , carll5b
" IC c a Ill1 IT La
i I
.. ONLY -
qanuary, 1979
.. .
.. ..
A. PREFACE ....................... 1
B. INTRODUCTION ..................... 3
D. USES & CONTROLS .................... 8
-. F. FINANCING ................... i .. 21
G. . PROPOSED CITY ACTIONS .............. 25
.. H. PLAN ADMINISTRATION ............... 25
.. I . APPENDICES .. ..
1. .BOUNDARY MA??. '
.. ..
.. .. ..
,. -
._ a.
wIncentive to business development is lacking but even if it
existed the physical capacity to accommodate business is lacking,
This same lack of incentive decreases the inclination of the
individual property owners or enterprises to modernize. As a conse-
quence the process of deterioration sets in until community finds
a commercial slum developing in its very midst."
P. 25 Community Development Plan -
* A Report on the Elements of
A Master Plan - Carlsbad, California,
by Gordon h55itnall and Associates, 1957,
The above quotation is a concise depiction
of the situation found in much of the existing commercial devel
ment within the Carlsbad village area. Without concerted activ
the City - and the business community, outdated sites, incapable
convenient and efficient service will continue to foster the
process, commonly called blight,
.. Carlsbad is not the only city in the county faced with a
declining commerical core. The inevitable deterioration of est
lished commercial areas is well documented in cities throughout
county, state and nation.
this deterioration cannot be overcome without joint public-priT
.commitment. Private investments in store fzonts and dollar daj
sales gimmicks have met with as little success as public parkir
and public mall construction. Examples of the failure of thesf
types of approaches abound.
Equally well documented is the fact
Strengthening of the residential fabric of the inner city
should accompany the revitalization of the commercial core. H.
levels of incentive can be created for commercial redevelopmen
as a result of the availability of close in concentration of p
chasing powers, This commercial residential interplay is esse
to ensure healthy, dynamic inter-city area. '
Redevelopment plans historically have taught us that government
.cannot solve the problems of declining inner-city areas.
key to success is a "partnership'.' concept wherein. private reinvi
IMlt Can be meshed with public expenditure, in short the public
and private sectors must cooperate for the purpose of leveragin
their individual efforts.
This plan is an effort to begin a true partnership concept, bri
the public and private sectors together so that.the goal of
creating a liveable urban environment can become a reality.
.. .
e ..
.. ,
Format and Prepakation
The redevelopment plan for the ViJlage Area of the City
of Carlsbad consists of Bart 1: Plan text and Part 2:
appendices. The redevelopment plan has been prepared
by the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency, pursuant to the
Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California,
the Bylaws of the Redevelopment Agency and all applicable
local ordinances and State statutes,
Project Goal
The overall goal of the-Village Area Redevelopment
Project is to create a pleasant, attractive, accessable
. environment for living, shopping, recreation, civic,
. cultural and service functions through restoration and
new, privat.e/public development forms which preserve
and enhance the existing character of the Village Area
and surrounding community, .
The Objectives of the Plan
A. Encourage of a variety of residential accomodation and
amenity in the Village Area so as to increase the
advantage of'close-in living and convenient core shopping,
toward.the end of encouraging a diversity of age,
income and ethnic characteristics.
B. Restrict the highest residential density to areas in or
near the Village Center.
Introduce programs to revitalize all areas which are
deteriorating or have high potential to become deterioratf
.. b
3. ..
Provide an organized system of commercial land uses to
be grouped in a village setting, rather than a strip or
Sprawled commercial manner.
administrative and professional offices, 'retail outlets,
and public offices.
Provide, within the village core area, a variety of
spaces and locations for specialty, unique, and attractive
shops with strong pedestrian orientation.
and spaces should be interconnected with attractive
pedestrian belts incorporating landscaping and/or
unique texture.
Provide a variety of commercial, tourism, and recreatbna'
Such uses should include
activity, especially close to the beach, in conjunction
with special entertainment facilities, restaurants and
other uses which will foster a village concept and not
detrimentally impact residential usage,
Provide for pedestrian and bicycle access to the developm
clusters and open areas.
Provide for visual amenity through such .r means as landscap
court yards, attractive and harmonious architectural
forms and vest pocket parks.
Arrest.decay and decline throughout the project area
through restoration and rehabilitation of structures.
Guide development to preserve asthetic and cultural
Stimulate and attract private investment.
Provide a convenient circulation system with an emphasis
upon ease of access and convenient, saf,e and attractive
off-street parking areas.
M. Accommodate existing and future local and regional ,.-I:
public transit facilities.
N. Establish the Village center area as the North county's
focus for specialty goods aria services.
Establish design control in keeping with the desired
village atmosphere.
0. ...
As used in this plan the following words shall mean:
"Agency" - the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency, duly constituted
by action of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad
under the provisions of Health and Safety Code of the
State of California. .*
_. "City" The city of Carlsbad, California.
"City Council"
City council of the City of Carlsbad, Californ
Carlsbad Village Project- Area Committee as
mandated by the Redevelopment Law to advise the Agency
prior to plan adoption and during the implementation
stages of the project.
, .
"Planning Commission"
w Commission.
The city of Carlsbad' s Planning
"Project Area"
The Village Area Redevelopment Project Plan Number 1.
The Redevelopment Project known as the
Village Area Redevelopment Project Aron Numbor 0x10, .. .. the boundaries of which are shown on Exhibit A.
and wherever this name appears, it shall mean the Same
8 as the Village Area Redevelopment Project, The legal
description of this area is contained in the preceding
section .
"Redevelopment Law" The Community Redevelopment Law of the
State of California (California State Health and Safety
Code, Sections 33000 et. seq.) .
A precise plan primarily designated to "Specific Plan"
implement the redevelopment plan for the village area
sf the City of Carlsbad.
"State" The State of California.
"Inner-City" - The historic _Carlsbad town site. The inner-
city includes the central business district and the
lands immediately peripheral thereto. The Village Area
Redevelopment Project area is a part of this inner city
area .
"Zoning Ordinance" A specific plan under which building
-. heights, building bulk and land use are regulated and
under which territory is divided into land use districts
or zones.
shall mean the zoning maps and regulations of the City
of Carlsbad.
"Profiect Review Board" - A review board col-baisting of
Unless otherwise stated the Zoning Ordinance
highly qualified persons with an interest in the fields
of urban design and representatives from the city staff
as pro'posed to be created to advise associated committec
and the Agency. The board will evaluate development
proposals as they relate to the Village Improvement Man
and intent of this plan.
"Village Improvement Manual" The agency's official statemen
It of design and land use policy for.the project area.
embodies developmental criteria and guidelines which ..
will be used to attain the goal-s and objectives noted
relationships, amenity, asthetic 'quality landscaping,
courtyards, plazas, parking designs, etc.
It addresses such matters as texture, spatial
"Procedure Manual" A procedures manu'al is established for
the purpose of providing a clear understanding to all
parties involved, of the process under which development
projects and proposals will be reviewed.
# ..
9 ..
i -LY. 1.W :o~p.yT LEGAL DESCRIPTION 2- **
All those portions qf the City of Carlsbnd, County of San Diego, State of
California described as follows:
BEGINNING at the most Westerly corner of Lot 58 of Granville Park No. 2,
according to Pip thereof No. 2037 filed in the office of the County kcorder
Of San Diego County, June 18, 1927; thence along the Korth\gesterly, Northcrl)
and Northeasterly line of said Nap 2037 to the most Easterly corner of Lot 1:
of said Yap 2037; thence leaving the boundary of said Lot 133, Easterlyato ti
most Westerly corner of Lot 174 of said Map 2037; thence continuing Easterly
along the Southerly line of said Lot 174, 20.00 feet more or less, to the
Easterly line of the State Highway (brlsbod Boulevard) as granted to the St
of California in Book 266, page 240 of Official Records; thence Northeaster1
along the bsterly line of said State Highway and along the Easterly line of the State Highway (Carlsbad Boulevard) as granted to the State of California
in deed recorded in bok 316, page-309, of Official Pecords to the most Nort
westerly corner of land described in deed to McEhhan Furniture Co., a Cali-
fornia corporation, recorded January 3, 1975 as File No. 75-001664, being a1
a point of intersection between the Easterly line of said State Highway and
the Southwesterly line of State Street, 60.00 feet wide, as shown on the rec
of the County Assessor of said Snn Diego County; thence Northeasterly, radia
from said Southwesterly line of State Street to a point on the Hortheasterlq
line of said State Street, being also a point in the boundary of land descri
in Parcel 7 in deed to the State of.California recorded August 19, 1974 es E &. 74-223647; thence Southeasterly along the Northeasterly linc of said St;
Street to a point in the Northerly line of Lot 19 of Seaside knds, accordii
Diego County, July 28, 1921, thence Easterly along said Northerly line to tl .. Northeast corrrer of said Lot 19, being also a point in the Easterly line of
land described in deed to R. R. Robinson, et ux, recorded July 6, 1972 as F
NO. 174347; thence along the tkesterly boundary of said bbinson!~ land Kortl
0'03' East to the Northwest corner thereof; thence South 89"50' East along
the Northerly line of said Robinson's land and its Easterly prolongation to
the most Westerly corner of Lot 1 of Buena Vista Gardens, according to Map
thereof Mo. 2492, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San'Diego
County, August 4, 1948, thence along the boundary of said Lot 1, South 56"5
East, 89.97 feet and South 77"39' East to a line drawn perallel with and 9C
feet Westerly of the West line of a 40.00 foot easeimnt for private road as
shown on said map 2492; thence Southerly along said parallel line and its
Southerly prolongation to a point on the Southerly line of Laguna Drive as
shown on Nap of Seaside Lands Eo. 1722, being also a point in the Norther13
-Y line of Lot 20 of said Seaside Lands; thence South 89"50' East along the%\
erly line of said Laguna Drive to the most Bsterly corner of Lot 46 of sa:
Seaside Lands; thence continuing South 89"50' East along the Sutherly linc
of said Laguna Drive to a point on the Northeasterly line of Fourth Street
(Jefferson Street) as shown on lap of Carlsbad Lands, Map 1661; filed in tl
office of the County Recorder of San Diego County March 1, 1915; thence So1
6 SlJutheasterly along said Northeasterly line to the most Westerly corner o
Schelland Sites Addition to Carlsbad, according to Flap thereof No. 2145, f
in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, February 20, 3.92
thence continuing Southeasterly along said Easterly line of Fourth Street
the most Westerly corner of bt 14 of said Nap 2145; thence Northeasterly
the most Ibrtherly corner of said Lot 14; thence Southeasterly to the most
Westerly corner of Lot 20 of said Hap 2145; thence Hortheasterly to the ma
- -to Map thereof No. 1722, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of Sc?n
a Page 1 of 4
Northcrly corner of 'Lot 26 of said Hap 2145; thence Southeasterly to the
most Easterly corner of said Lot 26; thence Northeasterly to the most
Southerly Eorner of bt 27 of said &p 2145; thence Northeasterly to the
most Eastcrly corner of Lot 31 of.said Map 2145, thence Northwesterly to
the Xortheast
Westerly boundary of land described in deed to W. Joseph Parisi, et ux,
corner of said Lot 3l,.bein'g also an angle point in the
. recorded November 10, 1969 as File No. 205432; thence Kortherly along said
. Westerly boundary and its Northerly prolongation, 330 feet to the Norfherly
line of Tract 11-7 of said Carlsbad Lands, according to Map thereof No. 1661
thence Easterly along said n'orthcrly line to an intersection with the South
. westerly line of California State Highway XI - SD - 2B; thence Southeaster1
along said Southwesterly line of the State Highway to the most Easterly cor
of Parcel '1 of Parcel Map 1311 filed in the office of the County Recorder o
San Diego County, February 16, 1973, being a, portion of said Tract 117;
thence along the Southeasterly boundary of said Parcel 1 South 48*22'27" Ea
26.59 feet to an angle point in said Southeasterly boundary of said Parcel
thence continuicg Southeasterly along said Southt7esterly line of the State
Highway to the Northeast corner of land described in deed to the State of
California recorded February 16, 1968, as File No. 27350; thence along the
intersection with the East line of land described in deed to Vera Aguilar
Soto, an umrried wman, recorded June 3, 1968 as File N3. 92031; thence
Horthwesterly along said East line 10.00 feet to a point in the Northerly
.line of ihat portion of Oak Avenue as vacated and closed to public use;
thefice Southwesterly along said KDrtherly line to a point in the Kesterly
line of land described in Parcel 11 of Judgement bf Final Distribution on
Waiver of Accounting in the Estate of Dsrrell Alexander Welch, also known
as Darrell A. Welch, deceased, Superior Court Gse No. PN 1232, a copy of
which was recorded Eky 5, 1975 as File No. 75-106699; thence Southwesterly
a straight line to the most Northerly corner of Lot 17 in Block.58 of Town
of Carlsbad, according to Yap thereof No. 775, filed in the Office of the
the Eorthwesterly line of said Lot 17 and its Southwesterly prdlongation,
to the most Westerly corner of Lot 17 in Block 40 of said Map 775; thence
Southeasterly along the Soutiwesterly line of said Lot 17 Block 40, ar.d its
.Southeasterly prolongation to the most Westerly corner of Lot 17 in Block
42 of' said Plap 775; thence Southwesterly along the Southwesterly prolongati
of the Northwesterly line of said Lot 17, Block 42 to a point of intersecti
with the Northeasterly line of Lot 8 of Industrial Tract, according to Nap
thereof No. 1743, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego
County, January 3; 1923, thence along said Northeasterly line, Southeaster:
to the most Easterly comer of said Lot 8; thence Southwesterly along the
Southeasterly line of said Lot 8 and its Southwesterly prolongation to its - - , . intersection with the Southwesterly line of the Atcheson, .Topeka and Sant:
Fe Railway Right of Kay, thence Northwesterly along said Southwesterly lint
to an intersection with the Kortheasterly prolongation of the hutheast lir
of Block 16 of Town of Carlsbnd, according to Nap thereof No. 535, filed ir
the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, May 2, 1880, thence
.Southwesterly along said Smtheast line and its Northeasterly prolongation
the most Southerly corner of the Northeast half of the Southeast half of Si
Block 16; thence Northwesterly along the Southwesterly line of said Korthci
half of the Southeast half to the most Westerly corner of said &orthenst
half of the Southeast half of said Block 16; thence Southwesterly along thc
Northwesterly line of the Southeast half of said Block 16 to the Northwest
'corner of the Southeast half of said Block 16; thence Southcasterly along
- Northwesterly line of said Stste of California Land, Southwesterly to an
.- -.
.. County Recorder of San Diego County, February 15, 1895; thence along
Page 2 sf b
''' 'F
the Southwest line pf said Southeast hhlf of Block 16 to the most Southerly
'corner of said Southeast half; thence Northeasterly along the Southeast line of said Southeast half of Block 16 for an intersection with the Piorthwesterl:
prolongation of the Northeasterly line of the Westerly 1.50.00 feel: of Block
17 of said Map 535; thence Southeasterly along said Northwestcrly prolongatic
and said Northeasterly line to the most Easterly corner of the Northwesterly
100.00 feet of said Westerly 150.00 feet sf Block 17; thence Southwesterly
along the Southeasterly line of said Eorthwcsterly 100.00 feet and its South
westerly prolongation to a point in the Southwesterly line of the Northeast
150.00 feet of Slock 18 said point being the most Southerly corner of land
described in dced to John W. Kodgers, et al, recorded July 24, 1975 as File
No. 75-193415; thence Southeasterly along the Southeasterly prolongation of
the Southwesterly line of Rodgcrs' land to an angle point in the Northerly
Boundary of Tract 1CO of Grlsbad Lands, Nap 1661, being also a point on the
Northwesterly boundary of land described in Parcel 1 in deed to Thelma E.
Williams, et al, recorded Plarch 9, 1964 as File No. 43582; thence along the boundary of said Parcel 1 of said Williams deed, Southwesterly 31.50 feet to
the most Westerly corner thereof and Southeasterly 64.00 feet to the xrost
Easterly corner of Parcel 2 of said Williams dced; thence leaving the bounds
of said Parcel 1 and along the boundary of said Parcel 2, Southwesterly 148,
feet to an angle point in the Southerly boundary of Tract 100 of said Nap 1f
thence Southeasterly along said %t?therly boundary of said Tract 100 to its
most Southerly corner, thexce Southeasterly in a straight line to the most
Northerly corner of Block 20 in szid Hap 535; thence South 34"33' East alon:
the Northeasterly line and the Soucheasterly prolongation of the Northeastei
.line of said Block 20, 140.00 feet to the most Kortheasterly corner of lond
described in deec! to Ciebis Properties, a partnership, recorded September 1: 1977 as File No. 77-371495; thence alone, the boundary of said Ciebis' land i
follows: Southezsterly 53.00 feet, more or less, to the most Easterly corm
thereof; thence South 55O27' Kest, 60.00 feet; thence South 34O33' East, 7.1
feet; thence %uth 55O27' West 60.00 to the most Northerly corner of land
described in deed to Ceibis Properties, a partnership, recorded September 1:
1977 as File Hoe 77-371497; thence lecving the Ceibis land first above desc.
and along the boundary of the Ceibii land last described above, as follows:
Southeasterly along the Kortheasterly line thereof, 210.00 feet to the most
Easterly corner thereof; thence South 55'27' West, 128.59 feet to the begin]
of a tangent 10.00 foot radius curve, concave NortMrly, thence Southwester
Westerly and Northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 90" 8
arc distance of 15.71 feet; thence leaving the boundary of said Ceibis' lanl
Northwesterly in a straight line to the most Southerly corner of land descr
in deed to the State of California recorded August 25, 1967 as File Eo. 128
thence along the Westerly boundary of said State of California land North
30"39'55" West, 301.73 feet to the Northwesterly corner thereof; thence lea
the boundary of said State of California land h'ortherly in n straight line
the most Southerly corner of Tract 94 of Carlsbad Lands, Map 1661; thence
Northwesterly along the Southwesterly line of said Tract 94 to the most Kes
corner of said Tract 94, being also a point in the Southwesterly line of B1
13 of Town of Carlsbad, Map 535; thence continuing Northwesterly along said
Southwsttrly line of Elock 13 to the most Westerly corner of said Block 12
thence Northwestcrly in a straight line to thc most Southerly corner of Blc
8 of Town of Carlsbnd, according to Flap thereof No. 365, filed in the offic of the County Recorder of San Diego County,, February 2, 1887; thence Xorth-
westerly nlons the Southwesterly line of said Block 8 to the most Westerly
Page 3 sf 4
0MP:.1 1 0.
corner thereof; thence continuing Northwest in a straight line to the most
west line of Block 7 to the most Westerly corner thereof; thence continuing
Korthwester1y.i.n a straight line to the most SQuthcrly carrier of Lot 85 of
Granville Park No. 2, according to Yip thereof Ho. 2037 filed in the office
of the County Recorder of San Diego County, June 18, 1927; thence continuing
Northwesterly along the Southwesterly lines of Lots 84, 83, 82, 81, 80, 79,
78, 77, 76, 75 and 74 to a point in the Southwesterly line of said bt 74
being the Southwesterly terminus of 8 line in the Northwesterly boundary of
said Lot 74 with a distance of 70.21 feet; thence leaving the boundary of
said Lot 74, continuing Northwesterly in a straight line to the most Souther
corner of Lot 69 of said bp 2037; thence continuing Northwesterly doc3 the
Southwesterly lines of Lots 69, 68, 67, 46, that portion of La Cresta livenue
adjoining bts 66 and 61, Lot 61, 60, 59 and 58 to the Point of Beginning.
*Southerly corner of &lock 7, Nap 535; thence Northwcsterly along the South-
NOTE: ?%is legal descrip.tion is for the purpose of identifying
the boundaries of the Redevelopment Project Area of the City of
other purposes without benefit of a complete title search.
This description should nor be relied upon for any
.. ..
.. .'
Page 4 of 4 #
,Planning & Land Use Considerations
A, The projected patterns of land use and circulation within
the project area are shown graphically on Exhibit B,
the Village Area land use diagram.
B. The Agency, upon special request, may allow residential
COrnTRCYC\ a\ development in subareas
provided that the proposed residential development is
compatible with the s6rrounding area and manifests
adequate internal residential order and amenity. In
addition, no residential usage shall be permitted on
the ground floor of any development in an area designated
for commercial usage.
All of those areas designated as generally residential
on Exhibit B may not include any uses other than resident
unleqs specifically stated within the subarea within
which said designation is located or unless special
permission has been obtained from the Redevelopment
a wide range of housing types in resi2ential areas of
the proj’ect and shall endeavor to achieve a mixture of
housing for all economic segments of the city of Carlsbad
therein, -.
The Redevelopment Plan shall be regarded as the principle
specific plan for the project area and it shall take
precidence where it is in conflict with other specific
plans, regulations and standards.
The Agency shall encourage the development of
E. Streets, alleys and other public rights-of-way may be
altered, vacated,' narrowed, deckedover, extended or
closed where such action is essential to the orderly
implementation and execution of the plan. If the
implementation of the plan requires additional streets,
easements or other rights-of-ways they may be acquired
by the Agency or the City.
The Agency may authorize the private use of air rights
over public rights-of-way.
of buildings, platforms, decks or other structures.
Such air rights may also be used for vehicular and/or
pedestrian incirculation, transit public and private
utilities or other public improvements.
The.Agency is authorized to permit the establishment
and expansion of public or quasi-public uses and faciliti
such as, but not limited to, parks, recreational faciliti
libraries, schools, and charitable institutions, within
This may take the form
G, .
the project area.
General Controls and Limitations
A. All real property within the project area is subject to
the provisions, controls and requirements of the plan.
No real property shall be developed, redeveloped,
rehabilitated, or otherwise changed after the date of
adoption of the plan, except where such development,
redevelopment, rehabilitation or other substantial
change conforms with the provisions of the plan and the
guidelines embodied in the Village Improvement Manual as
applied by the project review board and, ultimately, the
Redevelopment Agency. ,
.9 ~
B. All new construction shall comply with all applicable
standards, statutes and locally adopted building,
electrical, heating, ventilation, housing and public
C. The Agency shall endeavor to substantially increase the
area of public and private open space within the project
area. Open space may take the form of parks, vest
pocket parks, play areas, plazas, fountains, enclosures,
patios, and similar landscaped features.
9). In areas where appropriate, sufficient open space
between buildings and clusters of buildings shall be
maintained or created to provide adeqvate sunlight,
ventilation, privacy, fire safety and general livability.
All signs shall conform to the standards set forth in
the guidelines of the Village Improvement Manual.
The Agency shall assure adequate off-steet parking.
The Agency shall require all utility lines and structures
to be placed underground, unless it determines that
undergrounding with respect to certain I lines would be
economically or physically inappropriate.
NO land use-or structure, which by reason of appearancel
* traffic, smoke, glare, noise, odor or other factors
would be incompatible with the surrounding areas shall
be permitted within the project area.
I. Subsequent to redevelopment, rehabilitation, or developm,
pursuant to the plan, no parcel in the project area,
including any parcel retained by a conforming owner/part
shall be resubdivided without the prior approval of the ..
. /A
J. The Agency is authorized to grant exemptions from the
limits, restrictions and controls established by the
plan. The Agency must make the following findings for
each and every case approved as a condition to its
granting of a request for an exemption.
plan would result in practical difficulties or
unnecessary hardships which would make development
inconsistent with the general purpose and intent
of the plan, or:
2. There are exceptional circumstances or conditio1
unique to the property or the proposed development
The application of certain provisions of the
which do not generally apply to other properties
or developments which have .the same standards,
restrictions and controls, and:
3. The granting of an exemption will not be
injurious or materially detrimental to the public
welfare, other properties or improvements in the
project area, and;
4. The granting of an exemption will not contradict
the standards established in the Village Improvement
. Manual-. In granting of exemptions the Agency
._ shall impose such conditions as are necessary.
.. K. Prior to the Agency's official consideration of a
development proposal, the application and all accompanyin<
documents shall be submitted for review in accordance
with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970,
as amended and such other statutes.as may be applicable.
Village Improvement Manual
A. The. Agency, in cooperation with the Planning Commission,
shall formulate, adopt, and make generally available, an
improvement manual for the Village Area Redevelopment
Project. The manual shall be the Agency's official
statement of its design guidelines and land use criteria
.. for the redevelopment, rehabilitation, conservation and
general development of the project area.
B. The manual shall include the developmental objectives
and land use and design criteria and shall address the
1. The arrangement of space and land use in the project
area. ..
2. Building coverages; building setbacks, building
bulk and height; building intensity; the siting of
structures and open space requirements,
3. Preservation and promotion of the environmental
quality of the project and the village area in general.
-. -
. - 4. The development of a circulation system which
promotes effective transportation throughout the project
area and which establishes and maintains effective
linkages between the project area and the other parts
of the planning area as well as other urban centers
located in the North County region.
5. Civic and environmental design requrements and
features which establish the character of the project ar
6. Landscape criteria; street plaza enclosure and mall
furniture criteria. ,
C. The Improvement Manual may be amended by the Agency in
order to refine, update or improve the manual's guidelineE
Proposed amendments to the design manual shall be
referred to the Planning Commission for its review,
report and recommendation.
Historical Preservation
Sites of a significant historical nature should be
preserved and enhanced by surrounding development where
Procedures Manual .. ..
The Agency, in cooperation with the City, shall formulate
adopt, and make available a procedures manual for the
.,. Village Area Redevelopment Project. The manual shall
set forth the procedures necessary for processing of
development proposals and shall provide for expedient
review periods for project development proposals and
major rehabilitation projects.
Conformity with the General Plan/Preliminary Plan
A. Statement of General Plan Conformity: This plan conforms
to, and is a more detailed refinement of that portion
of the General Plan of Carlsbad, adopted by the City
Council on and amendments thereto. :.
Statement of Conformity with Preliminary Plan. This
plan is based upon, and carries out the preliminary
plan, heretofore adopted by the Planning Commission and
presented to the City Council and Redevelopment Agency.
, ,
General Actions
A. In order to achieve the objectives of the Redevelopment
Plan, the Agency proposes to.underake and implement the
following actions:
1. Participation by owners and tenants.
3. Cooperation with other public entities.
4. Property management.
5. Property acquisition.
6. Property disposition.
7. Demolition clearance, public improvements and site
Relocation of residents and businesses where necessary
Preparation by Tenants and Owners
Wherever possible persons who are owners of real property
in the project area shall be given the opportunity,
pursuant to such rules as adopted by the Agency to
, participate in redevelopment by:
1. Retaining all or a portion of their property, or
2. Aquiring adjacent or other proper-ty from the Agency
by purchase or exchange. Such participation shall be
determined on a case by case basis and is contingent
upon the existance of a binding agreement through which
the property retained or acquired will be ultimately
developed in conformity with the plan and subject to
all provisions contained therein.
The condition of improvements, the reduction of the
total number of parking spaces within the project area,
the elimination of certain land uses, the.vacation of
. streets, the construction of new public improvement and
the ability of owners to finance acquisition and developme
in accordance with the plan are some, but not all
factors which will be taken into account in finalizing
any owner participation agreement. 3.
3. Persons who are engaged in business in the project
area will be extended reasonable preference to re-enter
into business within the project area if they otherwise
meet the requirements prescribed by the plan.
Cooperation with Public Entities
A. The Agency shall seek the aid and cooperation of other
public entities, including committees and commissions
and shall attempt to coordinate this plan with the
activities of such bodies in order to accomplish the
purpose of redevelopment. It is recognized that certain
public entities are authorized by State law to cooperate
with or without consideration in the planning, implementat
or operation of this project.
.B. The Agency is authorized, but not required, to make
payments, in lieu of property taxes to one or more
taxing agencies. The Agency recognizes that the powers
contained in Section 33670 of the Redevelopment Law
can affect the capacity of taxing agencies to provide
public services. Accordingly the agency will cooperate
in every way possible to insure that the report of the
fiscal review committee, when and if called upon to be
formed by the County, will depict accurately the fiscal
impacts of the proposed project.
Property bIanagement
' During such time as property in the project area, zoned
by the Agency, said property shall be under the manageme
and control of the Agency.
rented to leased by the Agency pending disposition for
Subject property may be
Relocation of Residents and Businesses
The Agency, or its designated agent shall assist all
who may be displaced by project activity in finding
other suitable dwellings or busness locations.
and families shall be assisted in finding housing that
is decent, safe, and sanitary, within their financial
means, reasonably convenient location and otherwise
suitable to their needs.
in order to carry out the project with the minimum
amount of hardship to persons who may be displaced from
their homes by the redevelopment activity. Payments to
displaced persons, including families, business concerns
and others for moving expenses and other direct losses
of personal property or any other benefits will be made
in conformance with the California Uniform Relocation
These efforts shall be underta
In the event that federal funding is utilized all
I I respective statutes and regulations will be followed in
I assisting those relocated as a result of utilization of
those funding sources.
pernolition, Clearance, Public Improvements, Site Preparation
A. The Agency is authorized to clear buildings, structures,
and other improvements from any real property in the
project area as required to carry out the pu'rpose and
'intent of the Village Area Redevelopment Plan,
The Agency is authorized to cause, provide, undertake Ba
or to make provisions with any person or- public entity
for the installation or construction of such public
improvements or public utilities.
be located within or outside of the project area as
necessary to carry out the plan. Streets, curbs,
gutters, sidewalks, sewers, storm drains, traffic
signals, street trees, electrical distribution systems,
natural gas distribution systems, water distribution
systems, fire hydrants, parks, plazas, motor vehicle
Such improvements mal
I parking facilities, landscaping and pedestrian malls,
public signing, graphics and street furniture are all. ..
I included within the definition of public improvement,
but such improvements are not necessarily limited -- ..
I I thereto.
C. Any real property owned by the Agency may be prepared .-
or caused to be prepared as a building site by the
Agency. All such actions will be carried out within
the limits of applicable law.
I D. Any building or structure owned by the Agency may be
rehabilitated by the Agency within the limits of applici
E. The Agency is authorized to move or caused to be moved
any structure or building to a location within or
outside of the project area so long as such actions are I
~ undertaken in carrying out the redevelopment plan and
I are in accordance with all applicable kegulations.
> F,
In ordel: to encourage conservation and rehabilitation
03 premises located within the project area the Agency
is authorized to assist said owners through the provision
of advice, encouragement and further assistance as may
become available.
Acquisition of Property
The Agency may acquire all real. property located within
the project area. The Agency, however, is not compelled
to acquire all property located therein. The Agency may
B. The Agency shall not acquire interest in oil, gas or
:?roperty Disposition
no discrimination against, or segregation of, ?ny
person or group of persons on account of race, creed,
color, national origin or ancestry in the sale, lease,
sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, or enjoyment of
the premises therein described, nor shall the contracting
parti,es or any persons claiming under or through them,
additional assistance through loans and grants €or
various public facilities.
The Agency is authorized to issue bonds in amounts
sufficient to finance all or a portion of a project.
.. A. Limitation on the.number of dollars of taxes which may
be divided and allocated to the Agency pursuant to '.
Section 33670.
Establishment of a time limit on the establishing of
loans, advances and indebtedness to finance in whole or
in part the redevelopment project.
C. Limitation not exceeding 12 years for the commencement
of eminent domain proceedings to acquire property
within the project area..
In addition, the following items will be addressed in
,the final plan:
funds and indebtedness which can-be outstanding at one
time without an amendment of the redevelopment plan.
allocated to the Agency would be pledged to increasing
and improving the community supply of housing for
persons with low and moderate income. (Section 33334.2)
The establishment of a limit on the amount of
Program wherein not less than 20% of all taxes
.. 3. A provision that whenever dwelling units housing
persons of low and moderate income are destroyed or
removed, as a part of the implementation of the redevelo
project, the Agency, within four years of such removal
will replace said units in kind.
Tax Increment Financing
All taxes levied upon taxible property within the
Village Area Redevelopment Project. Area each by and for
the benefit of the State of California, County of San
Diego, the City of Carlsbad or any diqtrict or other
'. 37 -
public corporation hereinafter sometimes referred to as
taxing agc'ncies, after the effective date of the ardinan
approving the redevelopment plan shall be divided
as follows:
That portion of the taxes which would be produced by
the rate upon which the tax is levied each year by or
-. for each of the taxing agencies, upon the total sum of
the assessed value of the taxable property in the
redevelopment project, as shown upon the assessment
role used in connection with the taxation os such
property by such taxing agency, last equalized prior to
the effective date of such ordinance, shall be allocated
to and when collected shall be Eaid into the funds of
the respective taxing agencies as taxes by or for said
taxing agencies on all other property are paid (for the
purpose of allocating taxes levied by or for any taxing
agency or agencies which did not include the territory
in a redevelopment project on the effective date of'
such ordinance, but to which such territory has been
annexed or otherwise included after such effective
I date, the assessment role of the County last equalized
- on the effective date of the ordinance shall be used in
determining the assessed valuation of the taxable
property in the project on the effective date); and
That portion of the levied taxes
of such amount shall be allocated to, and when collected
shall be paid into a special fund of the redevelopment
agency to pay the principle of, and interest on loans,
B. each year in excess
monies, advanced. to or indebtedness (whether funded,
r-efunded, assumed, or otherwise) incurred by such
redevelopment agency to finance or refinance, in whole
or in part, such redevelopment project. Unless and
until the total assessed valuation of the taxable
property in a redevelopment project exceeds the total
.. assessed value of the taxible property in such project
as shown by the last equalized assessment role referred
to in subdivision (A), all of the taxes levied and
collected upon the taxable property in such redevelopmen
project shall be paid into the funds of the respective
taxing agencies. When such loans, advances, and indebte
if any, and interest thereon, have been paid, all of
the monies thereafter received from taxes upon the
taxable property in such redevelopment project shall be
paid into the funds of the respective taxing agencies
as taxes on all other property are paid. The portion of
taxes mentioned in paragraph (B) above are herein
irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principle
and interest on the advance of monies or making of
Y loans or the incurring of any indebtedness (whether
funded, refunded, assumed or otherwise) by the Agency
to finance or refinance the project in whole or in
part. The Agency is authorized to make such pledges as
to specific advances loans, and indebtedness as appropri
carrying out the project.
Cooperative Undertakings
The Cfty shall aid and cooperate with the Agency in carrying
out this plan and shall take any further action necessary to
insure continued attainment of the purposes of this plan and
e. to prevent the continuation or spread in the area of the
conditions which create blighting influences. Actions
proposed to be taken by the City may include, but not be
limited to the following:
A. Requirements that public utility companies abandon
and/or relocate kheir operation and public rights-of-way
as appropriate to carry out this plan.
B. Opening, closing, vacating, widening, or changing-the
' grades of streets, alleys and other public rightsofway
and other necessary modifications to streets, the
street lay out and other public rights-of-way.
C, Institution and completion of proceedings necessary to
effectuate changes and improvements in publically owned
utilities within or affecting the project area.
The effectuation of any other proceedings necessary to
carry out the project in accordance with the Village
Area Redevelopment Project Plan Number One.
The administrative enforcement of this plan or other document
formulated pursuant to this plan. shall be performed by the
City and the Agency.
The provisions of this plan or other documents formulated
pursuant to this plan may also be enforced by court litigatic
instituted by either the Agency-or the City.
documents recorded expressly for the benefit of owners of
property within the project area may be enforced by such
property owners in addition to the City or the Agency.
Except for the non-discriminatory and non-segregation provis:
which shall run in perpetuity, provisions of this plan shall
be effective and the provisions of other documents formulatec
pursuant to this plan may be made effective for 25 years
from the date of adoption of this plan by the City Council
and Redevelopment Agency.
Further, any
This plan may be amended by the procedures established by
the California Community Redevelopment Law or any other
. procedure hereinafter established by law.
UJiiIIIIagg REZI R I2 til E k!J E2 It Dl p inrt) E n;;.
PJ a ii=TI
0 carll5k3
Q 8 II 11 lr Di " fc 7
.. ONLY -
January, 1979 .
.. .. --
.. -- .
# .. -
A. PREFACE . . . . .. . . . . . e e o . . - .-o . . 1
Bo INTRODUCTION 0. e 0 o o e rn 3 -
D. USES & CONTROLS . . e . . . o . . . . o . . . a . 8
-_ F. FINANCING ...rn..ooeoooeern.... 21
Go PROPOSED CITY ACTIONS e e e e o e e 25
.. H. PLAN ADMINISTRATION o e e e o m e o e e 25
.. -4
"Incentive to business' development is lacking but even if it
existed $he physical capacity to accommodate business is lacking.
This same lack of incentive decreases the inclination of the
quence the process of deterioration sets in until community finds
a commercial slum developing in its very midst."
individual property owners or enterprises to modernize. As a conse-
P. 25 Community Development Plan -
A Master Plan - Carlsbad, California,
by Gordon Whitnall and Associates, 1957.
# 1 A Report on the Elements of
The above quotation is a concise depiction
of the situation found in much of the existing commercial devel
ment within the Carlsbad village area. Without concerted activ
the City - and the business co&nunity, outdated sites, incapable
convenient and efficient service will continue to foster the
.process, commonly called blight.
2 *_ Carlsbad is not the only city in the cortnty faced with a
declining commer-ical core. The inevitable deterioration of est
lished commercial areas is well documented in cities throughout
county, state and nation. Equally well documented is the fact
this deterioration cannot be overcome without joint public-priv
Private investments in store fmnts and dollar day
sales gimmicks have met with as little success as public parkin
and public mall construction. Examples of the failure of these
types of approaches abound.
Strengthening of the residential fabric of the inner city
should accompany the revitalization of the commercial core. Hi
levels of incentive can be created for commercial redevelopment
as a result of the availability of close in concentration of pu
chasing powers, This commercial residential interplay is essen
to ensure healthy, dynamic inter-city area. '
Redevelopment plans historically have taught us that government
cannot solve the problems of declining inner-city areas. The
key to success is a "partnership'.' concept wherein. private reinvl
rnent can be meshed with public expenditure, in short the public
and private sectors must cooperate for the purpose of leveragin
their individual efforts. ..
This plan is an effort to begin a true partnership concept, bri
the public and private sectors together so that.the goal of
creating a liveable urban environment can become a reality.
.. ..
. ..
Format and PrepaGation
The redevelopment plan for the ViLlage Area of the City
of Carlsbad consists of Part 1:
appendices. The redevelopment plan has been prepared
by the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency, pursuant to the
Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California,
the Bylaws of the Redevelopment Agency and all applicable
local ordinances and State statutes.
Plan text and Part 2:
Project Goal
The overall goal.of the-Village Area Redevelopment
Project is to create a pleasant, attractive, accessable
8 environment for living, shopping, recreation, civic,
cultural and service functions through restoration and
new, privat.e/public development forms which preserve
and enhance the existing character of the Village Area
and surrounding community. 0
The Objectives of the Plan
A. Encourage of a variety of residential accomodation - and
amenity in the Village Area so as to increase the
advantage of- close-in living and convenient core shopping,
toward.the end of encouraging a diversity of age,
income and ethnic characteristics.
B. Restrict the highest residential density to areas in or
* near the Villave Center.
Ce Introduce programs to revitalize all areas which are
deteriorating Or have high potential to become deteriorate
.. ,
D. Provide an organized system of commercial land uses to
be grouped In a village setting, rather than a strip or
sprawled commercial manner. Such uses should include
administrative and professional offices, 'retail outlets,
and public offices.
E. Provide, within the village core area, a variety of
spaces and locations for specialty, unique, and attractive
shops with strong pedestrian orientation.
and spaces should be interconnected with attractive
pedestrian belts incorporating landscaping and/or
unique texture.
-. F, Provide a variety of commercial, tourism, and recreational
activity, especially close to the beach, in conjunction
with special entertainment facilities I restaurants and *
other uses which will foster a village concept and not
detrimentally impact residential usage.
G. Provide for pedestrian and bicycle access to the developme
clusters and open areas.
H. Provide for visual amenity through such means as landscape
court yards, attractive and harmonious architectural
forms and vest pocket parks.
I. Arrest.decay and decline throughout the project area
through restoration and rehabilitation of structures.
J, Guide development to preserve asthetic and cultural
quality ,
K, Stimulate and attract private investment.
L. Provide a convenient circulation.system with an emphasis
upon ease of access and convenient; saf,e and attractive
off-street parking areas.
.. M. Accommodate existing and future local and regional l,::z
public transit facilities. --
N. Establish the Village center area as the North county's
focus for specialty goods aria services.
Establish design control in keeping with the desired
village atmosphere.
As used in this plan the following words shall mean:
"Agency" - the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency, duly constituted
by action of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad
under the provisions of Health and Safety Code of the
State of California, .-
"City Council"
The city of Carlsbad, California.
City council of the City of Carlsbad, Californ.
Carlsbad Village Project- Area Committee as
mandated by the Redevelopment Law to advise the Agency
prior to plan adoption and during the implementation
stages of the project.
"Planning Commission" The city of Carlsbad's Planning
a Commission,
"Project Area"
The Village Area Redevelopment Project Plan Nunber 1.
The Redevelopment Project known as the
Village Area Redevelopment Project Area Numbor One,
.* the boundaries of which are shown on Exhibit A. Whenever
and wherever this name appears, it shall mean the same
as the Village Area Redevelopment Project,
description of this area is contained in , the preceding
The legal
"Redevelopment Law" The Community Redevelopment Law of the
State of California (California State Health and Safety
Code, Sections 33000 et. seq.) .
"Specific Plan" A precise plan primarily designated to
implement the redevelopment plan for the village area
of the City of Carlsbad.
"State" The State of California.
"Inner-City" - The historic -Carlsbad town site. The inner-
city includes the central business district and the
lands immediately peripheral thereto. The Village Area
Redevelopment Project area is a part of this inner city
area .
"Zoning Ordinance" A specific plan under which building
-. heights, building bulk and land use are regulated and
under which territory is divided into land use districts
or zones.
shall mean the zoning maps and regulations of the City
of Carlsbad.
"Project Review Board" - A review board consisting of
Unless otherwise stated the Zoning Ordinance
highly qualified.persons with an interest in the fields
of urban design and representatives from the city staff
as prdposed to be created to advise associated committees
and the Agency. The board will evaluate development
proposals as they relate to the Village Improvement Manua
and intent of this plan. \
"Village Improvement Manual" The agency's official statement
of design and land use policy for .the project area. It
embodies developmental criteria and guidelines which ..
will be used to attain the goals and objectives noted
herein. It addresses such matters as texture, spatial
relationships, amenity, asthetic quality landscaping,
courtyards, plazas, parking designs, etc.
"Procedure Planual" A procedures manual is established for
the purpose of providing a clear understanding to all
parties involved, of the process under which development
projects and proposals will be reviewed.
0 .
*I I
39 : 1.w :o~p.:';T LEGAL DESCRIPTION 8=- *. All those portions qf the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of
California described as follows:
BEGIhYING at t'he most Westerly corner of Lot 58 of Granville Park No. 2,
according to Yap thereof Eo. 2037 filed in the office of the County Recorder
of San Diego County, June 18, 1927; thence along the Northwesterly, Northerlj
and Eortheasterfy line of said Map 2037 to the most Easterly corner of Lot 1: of said Pap 2037; thence leaving the boundary of said Lot 133, Easterly to tl
most Westerly corner of Lot 174 of said Map 2037; thence continuing Easterly
along the Southerly line of said Lot 174, 20.00 feet more or less, to the
Easterly line of the State Highway (&rlsbad Boulevard) as granted to the St;
of California in hok 266, page 240 of Official Records; thence Northeasterl:
along the Ezsterly line of said State Highway and along the Ehsterly line of
the State Highway (Carlsbad Boulevard) as granted to the State of California
in deed recorded in Book 316, page-309, of Official Pecords to the most Nortl
westerly corner of land described in deed to NcYahan Furniture Go., a Cali-
a point of intersection between the Easterly line of said State Highway and
the Southwesterly line of State Street, 60.00 feet wide, as shown on the rec
of the County Assessor of said &ii- Diego County; thence Northeasterly, radia
from said Southwesterly line of State Street to a point on the Xortheasterly
line of said State Street, being also a point in the boundary of land descri
in Parcel 7 in deed to the State of- California recorded August 19, 1974 as E
No. 74-223647; thence Southeasterly along the Northeasterly line of said Sta
Street to a point in the Northerly line of Lot 19 of Seaside Lands, accordln
Diego County, July 28, 1921, thence Easterly along ssid Northerly line to tk
land described in deed to R. R. Robinson, et ux, recorded July 5, 1972 as Fi No. 174347; thence along the IJesterly boundary of said bbinson!s land NortS
.0°03' East to the Northwest corner thereof; thence South 89O50' East along
the Northerly line of said Robinson's land and its Easterly prolongation to
the most Westerly corner of Lot 1 of Buena Vista Gardens, according to Yzp
thereof KO. 2492, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San'Diego
East, 89.97 feet and Soutn 77"39' East to a line drawn perallel with and 90,
feet Westerly of the West line of a 40.00 foot easgm2nt for private road as
shown on said map 2492; thence Southerly along said parallel line and its
Southerly prolongation to a point on the Southerly line of Laguna Drive as
shotm on Map of Seaside Lands Eo. 1722, being also a point in the Northerly
erly line of said Laguna Drive to the most Ezsterly corner of Lot 46 of sail
Seaside Lands; thence continuing South 89O50' East along the Southerly line
of said Laguna Drive to a point on the Northeasterly line of Fsurth Street
(Jefferson Street) as shown on Pap of Carlsbad Lands, Map 1661; filed in th
office of the County Recorder of San Diego County March 1, 1915; thence Sou
& Smtheasterly alongsaidNortheasterly line to the most Westerly corner of
Schelland Sites Addition to Carlsbad, according to Map thereof fio. 2145, fi
in the office of the County recorder of San Diego County, February 20, 1929
thence continuing Smtheasterly along said Easterly line of Fourth Street t
the most Westerly corner of Lot 14 of said Nap 2145; thence Northeasterly t the most Northerly corner of said Lot 14; thence Southeasterly to the most
fornia corporation, recorded January 3, 1975 as File No. 75-001664, being all
-to Map thereof No. 1722, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of S2.n
.. Northeast corcer of said Lot 19, being also a point in the Easterly line of
County, August 4, 1948, thence along the boundary of said bt 1, South 56"X
% line of Lot 20 of said Seaside Lands; thence South 89"50' East along thcSm
Nesterly corner of Lot 20 of said Nap 2145; thence Northeasterly to the mos
% Page 1 of 4
WlZ 2f+-
Northerly corner of Iot 26 of said PIap 2145; thence Southeasterly to the
most Easterly corner of said lot 26; thence Eortheasterly to the most
Southerly Eorner of Lot 27 of said MEip 2145; thence Northeasterly to the
most Easterly corner of Lot 31 of said Map 2145, thence Northwesterly to
the Northeast
Westerly boundary of land described in deed to W. Joseph Parisi, et ux,
, recorded November 10, 1969 as File No, 205432; thence Northerly along said
Westerly boundary and its Northerly prolongation, 330 feet to the Northerly
line of Tract 11:7 of said Carlsbad Lands, according to Map thereof No. 1661
thence Easterly along said Kortherly line to an intersection with the Soutl-
westerly Line of California State Highway XI - SD - 2B; thence Southeaster1
along said Southwesterly line of the State Highway to the most Easterly cox
of Parcel1 of Parcel Map 1311 filed in the office of the County Recorder c
San Diego County, Fzbruary 16, 1373, being a portion of said Tract 117;
26.59 feet to an angle point in said Southeasterly boundary of said Parcel
thence continuing Southeasterly along said Southwesterly line of the State
Highway to the Northeast corner of land described in deed to the State of
California recorded Februixy 16, 1968, as Pile No. 27350; thence along the
intersection with the East line of land described in deed to Vera Aguilar
Soto, an unmarried wornail, recorded June 3, 1968 as File N3. 92031; thence
Northwesterly along said East line 10.00 feet to a point in the Northerly
line of that portion of Ozk Avenue as vacated and closed to public use;
theiice Southwesterly along said Kortherly link to a point in the Kesterly
line of land described in Parcel 11 of Judgement of Final Distribution on
Waiver of Accounting in the Estate of Darrell Alexander K'elch, also known
as Darrell A. Welch, deceased, Superior Court Case Na. PN 1232, a copy of
which was recorded May 5, 1975 as File No. 75-106699; thence Southwesterly - ' a straight line to the most Northerly corner of Lot IT in Block 58 of Town
of Carlsbad, according to Y'p thereof No. 775, filed in the Office of the
County Recorder of San Diego County, February 15, 1895; thence along
the hrthctesterly line of szid Lot 17 and its Southwesterly prilongation, to the most Westerly c3rner of Lot 17 in Block 40 of said Nap 775; thence
Ssutheasterly along the Soutbesterly line of said Lot 17 Block 40, ecd it:
autheasterly prolongation to the most Westerly corner of Lot 17 in Block
42 of said lkp 775; thence Southwesterly along the Southwesterly prolongati
of the Northwesterly line of said bt 17, Block 42 to a point of intersect]
with the Northeasterly line of Lot 8 of Industrial Tract, according to Xap
thereof No. 1743, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego
County, Jamary 3,- 1923, thence along said Northeasterly line, Southeaster to the most Easterly corner of said Lot 8; thence Southwesterly along the
Southeasterly line of said Lot 8 and its Southwesterly prolongation to its - . . intersection with the Southwesterly line of the Atcheson, Topeka and Sant:
Fe Railway Right of Way, thence Korthwesterly along said Southwesterly lint
to an intersection with the Northeasterly prolongation of the Southeast lii
of Block 16 of T~wn of Carfsbad, according to Nap thereof No, 535, filed ii
the Office of the County Recorder of Snn Diego County, May 2, 1880, thence
.Southwesterly along said Smtheast line and its Northeasterly prolonsation
Block 16; thence Korthwesterly along the Southwesterly line of said S'orthea
half of the Southeast half to ehe most Westerly corner of said Kortheost
half of the Southeast half of said Block 16; thcncc Southwesterly along thc
Northwestcrly line of the Southeast half of said Block 16 to the Eorthwest
'*corner of the Southeast half of said Block 16; then& Southeasterly along
Page 2 of 4
corner of said Lot 31,. beink also an angle point in the
thence along the Sautheasterly boundary of said Parcel 1 South 48'22'27" E:
- Northwesterly line of said Stste of California Land, Southwesterly to an
the most Southerly corner of the Northeast half of the Southeast half of Si
LA# - Arb7
the Southwest line gf said Southeast hA1f of Block 16 to the most Southerly
'corner of said Southeast half; thence Northeasterly along the Southeast linc
of said Southeast half of Block 16 for an intersection with the Sorthwesterl
prolongation of the Northeasterly line of the Westerly 150.00 feet: of Block
17 of said Map 535; thence Sxtheasterly along said Northwestcrly prolongat:
and said Northeasterly linc to the most Easterly corner of the Rorthwesterl:
100.00 feet of said Westerlay 150.00 feet of Block 17; thence Southwesterly
along the Southeasterly line of said Northwesterly 100.00 Feet and its Soutl
westerly prolongation to a point in the Southwesterly line of the Northeast
150.00 feet of Slock 18 said point being the most Southerly corner of land
described in deed to John W. Kodgers, et al, recorded July 24, 1975 as File No. 75-19341s; thence Southeasterly along the Southeasterly prolongation o
the Southwesterly line of Rodgers' land to an angle point in the Northerly
Boundary of Tract 100 of Crlsbad Lands, Map 1661, being 2lso a point on th
Northwesterly boundary of land described in Parcel 1 in deed to Thelma E.
Williams, et al, recorded $larch 9, 1964 as File No. 43082; thence along the
boundary of said Parcel 1 of said Williams deed, Southwesterly 31.50 feet t
the most Westerly corner thereof and Southeasterly 64.00 feet to the most
Easterly corner of Parcel 2 of said Williams deed; thence leaving the bound
of said Parcel 1 2nd along the bonndary of said Parcel 2, Southviesterly 148
feet to an angle point in the Southerly boundary of Tract 100 of said Map 1
thence Southeasterly along szid Southerly boundary of said Tract 100 to its
most Southerly corner, thsnce Southeasterly in a straight line to the most
h'ortherly corner of Block 20 in said Pap 535; thence South 34'33' East alon
the Hortheasterly line and the Sourhe2sterly prolongation of the Northeaste . line of said Block 20, 140.00 feet to the most Kortheasterly corner of lrnd
described in deed to Ciebis Properties, a partnership, recorded September 1
follows: Southeasterly 53.00 fees, more or less, to the most Easterly corr
thereof; thence South 55O27' West, 60.00 feet; thence South 34"33' East, 7.
described in deed to Ceibcs Properties, a partnership, recorded September 1
1977 as File Eo. 77-371497; thence leoving the Ceibis land first above desc
and along the boundary of the Ceibis' land last described above, as 'fiollows:
Southeasterly along the Northeasterly line thereof, 210.00 feet to the most
Easterly corner thereof; thence South 55"27' West, 128.59 feet to the begir
of a tangent 10.00 foot radius curve, concave NortWrly, thence Southwester
Westerly and Northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 90"
arc distance of 15.71 feet; theme leaving the boundary of said Ceibis' lar
Northwesterly in a straight line to the most Southerly corner of land descr
in deed to the State of California recorded August 25, 1967 as File No. 12E
thence along the Westerfy boundary of said State of California land North
30"39'55" West, 301.73 feet to the Northwesterly corner thereof; thence le:
the boundary of said State of California 1and'Northerly in a straight line the most Southerly corner of Tract 94 of Carlsbad Lands, Map 3.661; thence
Northwesterly along the Southwesterly line of said Tract 94 to the most V2: corner of said Tract 94, being also a point in the Southwesterly line of B:
13 of Town of Crtrlsbad, Map 535; thence continuing Northwesterly along saic
Southwesterly line of Block 13 to the most Westerly corner of said Block 1:
thence Northwesterly in a straight line to the most Southerly corner of Blc
8 of Town of Carlsbnd, according to Yip thereof No. 365, filed in the offic
of the County Recorder of San Diego COunty,.February 2, 1887; thence North-
westerly along the Southwesterly line of said Block 8 to the most Westerly
. 1977 as File NCL 770371495: thence dong the boundary of said Ciebis' land
. feet; thence kuth 55O27' West 60.00 to the mst Wortherly corner of land
Page 3 of 4
9MP y2-3
corner thereof; thence continuing Northwest in a straight line to the most
' Southerly corner of Elock 7, Flap 535; thence Northwesterly along the South-
, west line of Block 7 to the most Westerly corner thereof; thence continuing
Korthwesterly in a straizht line to the niost .Sputherly carner of Lot 85 of
Granville Park Xo. 2, according to bhp thereof %. 2037 filed in the office
of the County Recorder of San Diego County, June 18, 1927; thence continuing
78, 77, 76, 75 and 74 to a point in the Southwesterly line of said Lat 74
being the Southwesterly terminus of 2 line in the Northwesterly boundary of
said Lot 74 with a distance of 70.21 feet; thence leaving the boundary of
said Lot 74, continuing Horthwesterly in a straight line to the most Souther
corner of Lot 69 of said Pkp 2037; thence continuing Korthwesterly alocg the
Southwesterly lines of Lots 69, 68, 67, 66, that portion 02 La Cresta Avenue
adjoining Lots 66 and 61, Lot 61, 60, 59 and 58 to the Point of &ginning.
2 1 2 8 / 7 8
1 Northwesterly along the Swthwestcrly lines of Lots 84, 83, 82, 81, 80, 79,
NOTE: This legal description is for the purpose of identifying
the boundaries of the &development Project Area of the City of
other purposes without benefit of a complete title search.
This description should not be relied upon for any
Page 4 of 4 #
.Planning & Land Use Considerations
A. The projected patterns of land use and circulation within
the project area are shown graphically on Exhibit B,
the Village Area land use diagram.
B. The Agency, upon special request, may allow residential
comm.erc\ci\ development in subareas
provided that the proposed residential development is
compatible with the s6rrounding area and manifests
adequate internal residential order and amenity. In
addition, no residential usage shall be permitted on
the ground floor of any development in an area designated
for commercial usage.
All of those areas designated as generally residential
on Exhibit B may not include any uses other than residenti
unless specifically stated within the subarea within
which said designation is located or unless special
permission has been obtained from the Redevelopment
The Agency shall encourage the development of
a wide range of housing types in rescdential areas of
the project and shall endeavor to achieve a mixture of
housing for all economic segments of the city of Carlsbad
therein . -.
The Redevelopment Plan shall be regarded as the principle
specific plan for the project area and it shall take
precidence where it is in conflict with other specific
planso regulations and standards.
E. Sireets, alleys and other public rights-of-way may be
dltered, vacated,' narrowed, deckedover, extended or
clbsed where such action is essential to the orderly
implementation and execution of the plan. If the
implementation of the plan requires additional streets,
easements or other rights-of-ways they may be acquired
by the Agency or the City.
The Agency may authorize the private use of air rights
over public rights-of-way.
of buildings, platforms, decks or other structures.
Such air rights may also be used for vehicular and/or
pedestrian incirculation, transit public and private
utilities or other public improvements.
The-Agency is authorized to permit the establishment
and expansion of public or quasi-public uses and faciliti
such as, but not limited to, parks, recreational faciliti
libraries, schools, and charitable institutions, within
This may take the form
& the project area.
General Controls and Limitations
A. All real property within the project zrea is subject to
the provisions, controls and requirements of the plan.
No real property shall be developed, redeveloped,
rehabilitated, or otherwise changed after the date of
adoption of the plan, except where such development,
redevelopment, rehabilitation or other substantial
change conforms with the provisions of the plan and the
guidelines embodied in the Village' Improvement Manual as
applied by the project review board and, ultimately, the
Redevelopment Agency. ,
B. All new construction shall comply with all applicable
standards, statutes and locally adopted building,
electrical, heating, ventilation, housing and public
The Agency shall endeavor to substantially increase the
area of public and private open space within the project
area. Open space may take the form of parks, vest
pocket parks, play areas, plazas, fountains, enclosures,
patios, and similar landscaped features.
D. In areas where appropriate, sufficient open space
between buildings and clusters of buildings shall be
maintained or created to provide adequate sunlight, ..
, ventilation, privacy, fire safety and general livability. %. All signs shall conform to the standards set forth in
the guidelines of the Village Improvement Manual.
The Agency shall assure adequate off-steet parking.
The Agency shall require all utility lines and structures
to be placed underground, unless it determines that
undergrounding with respect to certain lines would be
economically or physically inappropriate.
No land use'or structure, which by reason of appearance,
traffic, smoke, glare, noise, odor or other factors
would be incompatible with the surrounding areas shall
be permitted within the project area.
Subsequent to redevelopment, rehabilitation, or developme
pursuant to the plan, no parcel in the project area,
including any parcel retained by a conforming owner/parti
shall be resubdivided without the prior approval of the
J. The Agency is authorized to grant exemptions from the
limits, restrictions and controls established by the
each and every case approved as a condition to its
granting of a request for an exemption.
The Agency must make the followinq' findings for
1. The application of certain provisions of the
plan would result in practical difficulties or
unnecessary hardships which would make development
inconsistent with the general purpose and intent
of the plan, or;
2. There are .exceptional circumstances or conditio
unique to the property or the proposed development
which do not generally apply to other properties
or developments which have .the same standards,
restrictions and controls I and;
3. The granting of an exemption will not be
injurious or materially detrimental to the public
welfare, other properties or improvements in the
project area, and;
4. The granting of an exemption will not contradic
the standards established in the Village Improvement
.. Manual-.. In granting of exemptions the Agency
shall impose such conditions as are necessary.
K. Prior to the Agency's official consideration of a
development proposal, the application and all accompanyin
documents shall be submitted for review in accordance '
* with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970,
as amended and such other statutes.as may be applicable.
Village Improvement Manual *.
A. The. Agency, in cooperation with the Planning Commission,
shall formulate, adopt, and make generally available, an
improvement manual for the Village Area Redevelopment
Project. The manual shall be the Agency's official
statement of its design guidelines and land use criteria
.. for the redevelopment, rehabilitation, conservation and
general development of the project area.
B. The manual shall include the developmental objectives
and land use and design criteria and shall address the
area. ..
2. Building coverages: building setbacks, building
bulk and height; building intensity; the siting of
structures and open space requirements.
3. Preservation and promotion of the environmental
quality of the project and the village area in general.
The arrangement of space and land use in the project
- 4. The development of a circulation system which
promotes effective transportation throughout the project
area and which establishes and maintains effective w
linkages between the project area and the other parts
of the planning area as well as other urban centers
located in the North County region.
5. Civic and environmental design requrements and
features which establish the character of the project ar
6. Landscape criteria; street plaza enclosure and mall
furniture criteria.
C. The Improvement Manual may be amended by the Agency in
order to refine, update or improve the manual's guideline
Proposed amendments to the design manual shall be
referred to the Planning Commission for its review,
report and recommendation.
Historical Preservation
Sites of a significant historical nature should be
preserved and enhanced by surrounding development where
Procedures Manual .* .*
The Agency, in cooperation with the City, shall formulate
adopt, and make available a procedures.manua1 for the
*,. Village Area Redevelopment Project. The manual shall
set forth the procedures necessary for processing of
development proposals and shall provide for expedient
review periods for project development proposais and
major rehabilitation projects.
Conformity with the General Plan/Preliminary Plan
A. Statement of General Plan Coaformity: This plan conforms
to, and is a more detailed refinement of that portion
of the General Plan of Carlsbad, adopted by the City
Council on and amendments thereto, .:.
' B. Statement of Conformity with Preliminary Pla;. This
plan is based upon, and carries out the preliminary
plan, heretofore adopted by the Planning Commission and .*
presented to the City Council and Redevelopment Agency.
*. ..
-0 ..
General Actions
In order to achieve the objectives of the Redevelopment
Plan, the Agency proposes to.underake and implement the
following actions:
1. Participation by owners and tenants.
2. Relocation of residents and businesses where necessary
3. Cooperation with other public entities.
4. Property management.
5. Property acquisition.
6. Property disposition.
7. Demolition clearance, public improvements and site
Preparation by Tenants and Owners
Wherever possible persons whc are owners of real property
in the project area shall be given the opportunity,
pursuant to such rules as adopted by the Agency to . participate in redevelopment by:
1. Retaining all or a portion of their property, or
by purchase or exchange. Such participation shall be
determined on a case by case basis and is contingent
upon the existance of a binding agreement through which
the property retained or acquired will be ultimately
developed in conformity with the plan and subject to
Aquiring adjacent or other proper-ty from the Agency
all provisions contained therein.
The condition of improvements, the reduction of the
total number of parking spaces within the project zrea,
the elimination of certain land uses, the.vacation of .-
. streets, the construction of new public improvement and
the ability of owners to finance acquisition and developme
in accokdance with the plan are some, but not all
factors which will be taken into account in finalizing
any owner participation agreement. 3.
3. Persons who are engaged in business in the project
area will be extended reasonable preference to re-enter
into business within the project area if they otherwise
meet the requirements prescribed by the plan.
Cooperation with Public Entities
A. The Agency shall seek the aid and cooperation of other
public entities, including committees and commissions
and shall attempt to coordinate this plan with the . activities of such bodies in ordex to eccomplish the
purpose of redevelopment. It is recognized that certain
public entities are'authorized by State law to cooperate
with or without consideration in the planning,
or operation of this project.
The Agency is authorized, but not required, 4
payments, in lieu of property taxes to one or more
taxing agencies.
contained in Section 33670 of the Redevelopment Law
can affect the capacity of taxifig agencies to provide
public services.
in every way possible to insure that the report of the
fiscal review committee, when and if called upon to be
formed by the County, will depict accurately the fiscal
impacts of the proposed project.
.B. to make
The Agency recognizes that the powers
Accordingly the agency will cooperate
. ,
Property Management
During such time as property in the project area, zoned
by the Agency, said property shall be under the managemen.
and control of the Agency.
rented to leased by the Agency pending disposition for
Subject property may be
. Relocation of Residents and Businesses
The Agency, or its designated agent shall assist all
who may be displaced by project activity in finding
other suitable dwellings or busness locations. Individua
and families shall be assisted in finding housing that
is decent, safe,'and sanitary, within their financial
means, reasonably convenient location and otherwise
suitable to their needs. These efforts shall be undertakc
in order to carry out the project with the minimum
amount of hardship to persons who may be displaced from
their homes by the redevelopment activity. Payments to
displaced persons, including families, business concerns
and others for moving expenses and other direct losses
of personal property or any other benefits will be made
in conformance with the California Uniform Relocation
Law. In the event that federal funding is utilized all
respective statutes and regulations will be followed in
assisting those relocated as a result of utilization of
those funding sources.
Demolition, Clearance, Public Improvements, Site Preparation
A. The Agency is authorized to clear buildings, structures,
and other improvements from any real property in the
project area as required to carry out the purpose and ,
1 I-
Xntent of the Village Area Redevelopment Plan. D
B. The Agency is authorized to cause, provide, undertake
or to make provisions with any person cr public entity
for the installation or construction of such public
improvements or public utilities. Such improvements may
be located within or outside of the project area as
necessary to carry out the plan. Streets, curbs,
gutters, sidewalks, sewers, storm drains, traffic
signals, street trees, electrical distribution systems,
natural gas distribution systems, water distribution
systems, fire hydrants, parks, plazas, motor vehicle
parking facilities, landscaping and pedestrian malls,
public signing, graphics and street furniture are all
included within the definition of public improvement,
but such improvements are not necessarily limited
-. ..
C. Any real property owned by the Agency may be prepared .-
or caused to be prepared as a building site by the
Agency, All such act;-ons will be camried out within
the limits of applicable law.
D. Any building or structure owned by the Agency may be
rehabilitated by the Agency within the limits of applicab
E. The Agency is authorized to move'or caused to be moved
any structure or building to a location within or
outside of the project area so long as such actions are
undertaken in carrying out the redevelopment plan and
are in accordance with all applicable iegulations.
F. In order to encourage conservation and rehabilitation
of premises located within the project area the Agency
is authorized to assist said owners through the provisioi
of advice, encouragement and further assistance as may
become available.
Acquisition of Property
A. The Agency may acquire all real property located within
the project area. The Agency, however, is not compelled
to acquire all property located therein. The Agency may
acquire real property by gift, device, exchange, purchasc
eminent domain, or any other lawful means,
The Agency shall not acquire interest in oil, gas or
other mineral substances within-the project area except
where necessary to preclude drilling or excavation
within the project area.
In order to implement the redevelopment plan and elimina-
. the conditions within the project area, which make
redevelopment necessary, it is in the public interest
that the Agency use its power of eminent domain to
acquire real property within the project area,
The Agency is not authorized to acquire publically
owned land in the project area in the absence of the
involved public agency's consent. If such property
becomes private property by deed, lease or otherwise
before the Agency completes land acquisition within the
c D.
entire project area, the Agency is hereby authorized
to acquire such property.
E. The Agency is authorized to acquire any or all interest
in real property' or structures , including., but not
limited to fee title, deeds and easements.
The Agency may only acquira'real property upon which an
existing building is located when the Agency prcposes
to redevelop, rehabilitate or consolidate the real
property in question and the owner has not agreed to
the execution of an official owner participation
b *.
G. The Agency shall generally not acquire personal property.
However, where necessary in the implementation of the
plan, the Agency is authorized to acquire personal
property in the project area by any lawful means except
eminent domain.
Property Disposition
A. All agreements for the disposit;on of land by the
Agency, including owner participation agreements, shall
6 include provisions recognizing and requiring that in
order to provide adequate safeguards to ensure that
the process of redevelopment will be carried out
pursuant to the plan, the following conditions are
1. The purchase or leasing of land is for redevelopment
and not for speculation.
such powers and controls as may be necessary to prevent
transfer or use of the property for speculation purposes.
2. The subject land shall be built upon and/or improved
in conformity with applicable development standards and a
declaration of restriction attached hereto.
The Agency shall be reserved
3. In order to assure that development and constructior
will be carried out in a manner which will. effectuate
the purposes of the plan, all developers and other
participants shall submit preliminary architectural
plans, site and landscape plans, final plans, including
landscaping and design plans and specifications of the
improvements proposed to be constructed on the land for
approval by the Agency. As a part of such plans and
specifications, developers and, if required by the
Agency, owner participants, shall submit time schedules
for the commencement and completion of such improvements
Also, such plans and schedules shall be submitted
within the time specified in the-respective agreement
with such developers and owner participants.
' : 4. By and for the contracting parties, their heirs,
executors, administrators and assigns, there shall be
no discrimination against, or segregation of, ?ny
person or group of persons on account of race, creed,
color, national origin or ancestry in the sale, lease,
sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, or enjoyment of
the premises therein described, nor shall the contractin1
parties or any persons claiming under or through them,
establish or permit any such practice or practices of
discrimination or segregation with reference to the
selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants
lessees, sublessees, or vendees on the premises describe
# ..
Proposed Financing Methods - General
'A. The Agency is authorized to finance this project with
financ'ial assistance from the City of Carlsbad, the
State of California, Federal government r property tax
increments, interest income, Agency funds, or any other
available source.
until adequate tax increments or other funds are availabl
or sufficiently assured, to repay loans and permit
borrowing of adequate working capital from sources
other than the City, the City will make available funds
in the form of loans for survey planning and for the
operating capital and nominal administration of this
project. The City, as it is capable, may Provide
various public facilities.
The Agency is authorized to issue bonds in amounts
sufficient to finance all or a portion of a project,
The Agency is authorized to obtain advances, borrow
. additional assistance through loans and grants for
. funds, and create indebtedness in carrfing out the
plan. Payment of principle and interest on such advances,
or such other funds as may become available through the
redevelopment agency.
funds and indebtedness may be made wtihitax increments
Prior to the finalization of the draft redevelopment
plan the following items will be addressed in accordance
with section 33333.2 of the Health and Safety Code: ,
A. Limitation on the number of dollars of taxes which may
be divided and allocated to the Agency pursuant to
Section 33670.
Establishment of a time limit on the establishing of
loans, advances and indebtedness to finance in whole or
in part the redevelopment project.
Limitation not exceeding 12 years for the commencement
of eminent domain proceedings to acquire property
within the project area.
In addition, the following items will be addressed in
the final plan:
1, The establishment of a limit on the amount of
funds and indebtedness which can.be outstanding at one
the without an amendment of the redevelopment plan,
allocated to the Agency would be pledged to increasing
and improving the community supply of housing for
persons with low and moderate income. (Section 33334.2)
persons of low and moderate income are destroyed or
project, the Agency, within four years of such removal
will replace said units in kind.
Program wherein not less than 20% of all taxes
A provision that whenever dwelling units housing
Y as a part of the implementation of the redevelop
Tax Increment Financing
All taxes levied upon taxible property within the
Village Area Redevelopment Project Area each by and for
the benefit of the State of California, County of San
Diego, the City of Carlsbad or any diStrict or other
public corporation hereinafter sometimes referred to as
taxing agehcies, after the effective date of the ordinance
approving the redevelopment plan shall be divided
as follows:
That portion of the taxes which would be produced by
the rate upon which the tax is levied each year by or
for each of the taxing agencies, upon the total sum of
the assessed value of the taxable property in the
redevelopment project, as shown upon the assessment
yole used in connection with the taxation of such
property by such taxing agency, last equalized prior to
the effective date of such ordinance, shall be allocated
to and when collected shall be paid into the funds of
the respective taxing agencies as taxes by or for said
taxing agencies on all other property are paid (for the
purpose of allocating taxes levied by or for any taxing
agency or agencies which did not include the territory
in a redevelopment project on the effective date of'
such ordinance, but to which such territory has been
annexed or otherwise included after such effective
* date, the assessment role of the County last equalized
on the effective date of the ordinance shall be used in
determining the assessed valuation of the taxable
property in the project on the effective date); and
B. That portion of the levied taxes each year in excess
of such amount shall be allocated to, and when collected,
shall be paid into a special fund of the redevelopment
agency to pay the principle of, and interest on loans,
monies, advanced. to or indebtedness (whether funded,
r-efunded, assumed, or otherwise) incurred by such
redevelopment agency to finance or refinance, in whole
or in part, such redevelopment project.
Until the total assessed valuation of the taxable
property in a redevelopment project exceeds the total
assessed value of the taxible property in such project
as shown by the last equalized assessment role referred
to in subdivision (A), all of the taxes levied and
collected upon the taxable property in such redevelopment
project shall be paid into the funds of the respective
taxing agencies.
if anyI and interest thereon, have been paid, all of
the monies thereafter received from taxes upon the
taxable property in such redevelopment project shall be
paid into the funds of the respective taxing agencies
as taxes on all other property are paid. The portion of
taxes mentioned in paragraph (B) above are herein
irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principle
and interest on the advance of monies or making of
Unless and
When such loans, advances, and indebted1
P loans or the incurring of any indebtedness (whether
funded, refunded, assumed or otherwise) by the Agency
to finance or refinance the project in whole or in
part. The Agency is authorized to make such pledges as
to specific advances loans I and indebtedness as appropriat
carrying out the project.
Cooperative Undertakings
The Ci'ty shall aid and cooperate with the Agency in carrying
out this plan and shall take any further action necessary to
insure continued attainment of the purposes of this plan and
to prevent the continuation or spread in the area of the
conditions which create blighting influences. Actions
proposed to be taken by the City may include, but not be
limited to the following:
Requirements that public utility companies abandon
and/or relocate their operation and public rights-of-way
as appropriate to carry out this plan.
Opening, closing, vacating, widening, 'or changing -the
grades of streets, alleys and other public rightsofway
and other necessary modifications to streets, the
street lay out and other public rights-of-way.
Institution and completion of proceedings necessary to
effectuate changes and improvements in publically owned
utilities within or affecting the project area.
The effectuation of any other proceedings necessary to
carry out the project in accordance with the Village
Area Redevelopment Project Plan Number One.
The administrative enforcement of this plan or other documents
formulated pursuant to this plan shall be performed by the
City and the Agency.
L ,.
0 The provisions of this plan or other documents formulated
pursuant to this plan may also be enforced by court litigation
instituted by either the Agency.or the City, Further, any
documents recorded expressly for the benefit of owner$ af,
property within the project area may be enforced by such
property owners in addition to the City or the Agency,
Duration '
Except for the non-discriminatory and non-segregation provisio;
. which shall run in perpetuity, provisions of this plan shall
be effective and the provisions of other documents formulated
pursuant to this plan may be made effective for 25 years
from t.he date of adoption of this plan by the City Council
.. ..
I and Redevelopment Agency, s'
This plan may be amended by the procedures established by
the California Community Redevelopment Law or any other
.. . procedure hereinafter established by l.aw.
* ..
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I. Introduction I
The Improvement Manual is a supportive plan and embodies the ', !>,, ,,A ;,
guidelines and regulations for the implementation of the City of
Carlsbad's recently adopted Village Area Redevelopment Plan. The
and land use plan that addresses the physical structure, activity framework, and special relationships of the project area. Its specific
intensity of buildings; landscaping: street furniture; open space; the
siting of structures; 'transportation
and circulations; and matters .which affect the overall appearance of the urban core. 4
'manual is actually an urban design
.provisions cover the height and
Since the *::,,p,~i;G? manual reintroduces
' the concept of 'urt7an design into
c the project area, its text must
:introduce an urban design vocabulary=. Therefore a supplemental glossary
. explaining many of the concepts herein is attached to help clarify
their meaning.
11. Objectives of the Design Manual e
The implementation of the
Village Redevelopment Plan and the
comprehensive improvement of the urban COR of the Carlsbad planning
area are the primary objectives of
t the design manual.
GOAL: The intent of the . *, .ph*=@ village. manual is to provide
general design guidelines and
regulations to permit potential . deve,lopers, investors, and the
general public. The document
should provide an understanding, of the type and quality of development.
being sought by the Redevelopment
w Agency. .-
The 'primary responsibility for - applying and interpreting the
guidelines contained herein rests
with the project review board, with
the Agency retaining ultimate
111. Existinq Conditions of the Village
. authority and responsib,ility for
Project kea
The village project area is divided into eight subareas. The area occupies a portion in the central
Carlsbad community, and it contains approximately 230 acres. The village project area is the heart of Carlsbad
and was one of the first sections of the city to be settled.
IV. Proposed Development of the
Project Area
The redevelopment plan for the
. CARLSBAD VILLAC village project area calls for the expansion of mercantile activity;
and increased emphasis on public transportation; expanded and improved parking facilities; urban beautification; a significant e
increase in public and private
landscaped open space.
V,- The General Design Guidelines
' for the Project Area
The village project area should reflect land use diversity, variety, and urbanity. The develop- ment of commercial - residential
blocks, consisting of groundfloor
apartments and studios, increase
stimulate its trade.
"Villages" (self-contained residential- recreational commercial complexes)
for the project area and urban core
shops, upper-floor residential .I
the project area's viability and
: ~ High Intensity Residential
~ appear to be suitable land uses
'and should be encouraged.
should be redeveloped as an area whicb is particularly scaled to the pedestrian. It should be redeveloped
-'. The village project area
with, but not restricted to, parks,
squares. State Street could be developed with interesting shops, boutiques, restaurants, and services ,x uses. The employment of enclosures, arcades, gallaries, and shopping
plazas on State Street should be encoura yed .
services, and restaurants for the project area should be augmented by a setting which manifests urbanity.
Enlightened sign control and the artistic selection of external
graphics and street furniture are pre-
requisites for the establishment of this setting. Comprehensive land
use and transportation planning are others.
project area should be formal,
irrigation systems. In these areas enclosures, parks, and squares with
cobblestone, tile, or brick flooring; ornamental park furniture and
lighting; fountains, sculpture, and kiosks; and sedentary, recreational
facilities are appropriate.
VI. Environmental Design
The specialty shops,
The landscaping of the
manicured, and maintained by permanent
- ..
Introduction: Neither the redevelopment plan nor the Improvement
Manual suggests the establishment of an architectural theme for the village
redevelopment project area.
theme, the redevelopment agency and the project review board should require architectural coordination.
This coordination will require architects and landscape architects with project area clients to jointly resolve design problems and conflicts. The project review board is charged with the duty of requiring architectural coordination and cooperation in the
project area.
.sub-areas. The urban core of the
City of Carlsbad consists of eight subareas. These areas are characterized by different land use patterns, yet
they have a strong beneficial
In lieu of an architectural
Interdependancy of the project's
interdependence. This interdependence
of these land uses should be fostered
and encouraged by the project plans of redevelopment of the village
also promote the effective inter-
dependence for the urban core's several areas by advocating the
establishment of pedestrian linkages
. between the eight subareas. These
linkages, where feasible, should take the form of landscaped paths or arcades.
VII. Improvement Standards for the
The project review board shall - .
Village Project Area I I
- . Building coverage.
No building proposed' for location within any of the subareas of the project area should occupy
.more than 85 percent of its net building site.
. . each building.site should be devoted to landscaping and may take the form of promonades, patios, outdoor
ca€es, yards or setbacks. The building coverage standard of the
ihi--cTj. Manual shall not be applied
:'. Building setbacks. When new buildings are proposed
The open area of
' to existing buildings. . .J
the redevelopment agency may require . *
backs along or facing plazas, squares or enclosures should not be less than 15' in depth as a general
rule. In exchange for exceptionally good landscaping, depth of the .
. required setbacks may be reduced . by the redevelopment agency. The building setback requirements of the ',b,pgay.l.;fAManual' should not be
minimum yard setbacks. Building set-
.'applied to existing buildings.
-. Building and structural
height limitations.
As a general-rule, lowrise buildings are perferrable. The scale of the central village community
calls for the maintenance of the
order also calls for the clustering project areas lowpro-f ile. This
.. #
of buildings of similar height.
Notwithstanding this, towers which occcasionally punctuate the horizontal sweep of the urBan core might , ".-E . - .
improve the overall urban design of the village project area and add
interest and variety thereto. The maximum height for new buildings within the project area shall not
exceed 35', unless a "Quid pro QUO" variance is approved by the Redevelop-
story buildings or towers are pxoposed for the development, additional open space landscaping
and amenities should be required to ,..
reduce their increased impact. )
! >
,. ment Agency. (i.e. Where multi :\\ . ,
-. \\ ..... ___ 1 . .
.. Building intensity.
Long banks of cortunercial buildings buildings and long terraces. of connected residential units
rows of shops, offices, and dwelling
units should be interrupted by landscaped paths, promnades, .or
arcades. These breaks should augment the public convenience and
.amenity to the project area, and promote several visions therein.
'. Structures, and Open Space.
, should be avoided. Where feasible,
5 ' The Siting of Buildings,
The redeve1.oprnent plan is based ,upon the acceptance. of the permanency
of much of the physical. structure of the building project area. 'Land - uses such as theaters, gallerys,
studios, and restaurants should be clustered around parks and plazas,
. which augments the adjacent common
They should be set in a manner 4
open space and facilitates public access from nearby streets, parking,
transit facilities and residential shopping concentrations,
manner which compliments the adjacent'
building and their landscaping. '
a village townscape which has both order and diversity. The orderly
arrangement of open space is a prerequisite to the development of good urban design,
and provides a contrast which is essential to the softening of the
Each building should be sited in a
This coordination should produce
Open space compliments buildings
urban, scene. It provides livibility,
beauty, recreation and relief from
Urban pressure.
siting of open space should be employed by the project review
board during the course of its consideration of plans for the
construction, remodeling, or enlargement of buildings in the
village project area.
of the redevelopment'plan the
.interconnected by a symetrical
pattern of private and public open spaces, such as parks, promonades, .plazas and enclosures.
Common or joint open spaces, which serve several uses or
buildings, are preferred to-those which serve a single land use.
accessable to external pedestrian traffic ,
'sited in a manner which provides
interesting views to the pedestrian.
sited in a-manner which encourages effective landscaping alid horticulture.
point, open space should be located, .arranged, and developed in such a - manner that it constitutes an .
.'orderly extension of the building with which it is related, and vice
space is not plentiful, the use of "roof gardens" should be encouraged.
The following criteria for
Upon the completion
central business district should be
- <
.- ' Open space should be
Open space should be
.- I Open space should be e
* From a design stand-
Where surface open . .x.
i -- Landscaping. 1 ,_ .. 'The following landscape guide . . is a design to promote the viability
of the village project area, and to improve the overall quality of the
downtown area. These guidelines are to be used in conjunction with the I
open space, building coverage criteria, standards, and guidelines
of the village Improvement Manual.
The following landscaping criteria
should be employed by the project
review board during the. course of
its consideration of plans for con- structioin, remolding, or inten- sification of uses within the
village area:
,. &I optimum of fifteen percent of the building site of .. each new project within the project
area shall be landscaped. This
requirement may be met by the
installation of.onsite landscaping, or, with the approval of the project ' .
.. review board, by participation in a
cooperative project area landscape
project. The mard may approve participation in a cooperative
finds that such participation-would
project or increase its design
0 The landscape of the .project area should not .be confined to plant material. Dirt flooring,
mzsonry, graphics, and exterior
furniture may be used to improve the convenience and amenity of the subject area. All -landscaping
shall be maintained with a permanent irrigation systex. Deciduous trees
may be used to soften the impact of hard surfaces.
. tains, water sculptures, and other
.. .recycling water features provide a , '
pulling effect with respect to the open environmenk, and visual relief from the impact of flat surfaces.
The use of these features should be
board .
'_4 bLhZt
w . Cc.-- ,. ?I? i:
.. - e*, --- -- .-
landscape project where it
~*T\c~L -fPBZZ5.YJ?3~ [N $ p+lfj'-. f3'$1Z&J substantially improve the involved
... L .- __._. 1.
*, . The use of foun-
.' encouraged by the project review
All plant materials shall be
. selected, arranged, and installed in accordance with sound landscape
architectural practices, No landscaping shall be installed within a project
area without prior approval of the
.project review board.
Fire Safety.
All proposales for the develop- ment or use of land within the
village project area shall be consistent with the City of Carlsbad standards of fire safety. The fire
department shall prescribe the water pressure; size and location
of the water lines; type and
location of fire hydrants; width
and location of fire lanes, drives,
passage ways, courtyards, and plazas;
onsite fire protection facilities;
and use of fire retardant materials:
The project review board shall not approve any development or land
use plan for the project'area prior to its receipt of the fire depart-
ment's report thereon.
VIII. The Circulation System
' The following guidelines are
designed to improve circulation within the project area and the
urban core in between the project area and the several communities
'for the City of Carlsbad.
central Carlsbad community is, and * will remain, the most important element of the village project area's extended pattern of circula-
tion. This system will continue to
traffic, as well as most of the pedestrian and bicycle traffic into
the village area and to conduct it
out therefrom. -
The arterial and freeway
systems for the City of Carlsbad
provide an adequate linkage between the project area and its hinter-
land. When streets and freeways within this system require ex-
tension, widening, or completion in order to improve the said linkages,
the redevelopment aqency, where
feasible under the circumstances, should recommend such.
I __ __ ,- -___- -_- -
the type and location of
The local street system of the
. bring automobile, truck, and bus
Transit .
The landscaped promonades, .plazas, arcades-and enclosures as well as the principal cultural, social, recreation and mercantile
centers of the project area should
be directly served by public tran- sit which will be located within
easy access of stations and facilities
thereof. The project area should be accessible by bus service from all portions of the village area.
Direct bus routes should transverse
the urban core; and feeder routes, for the employment of the convenient
transfer system, should extend the benefits of primary route service
to the residents of outlying areas. The subareas of the project area should be linked by shutter-
buses or shuttle-trams system. A
shuttle-system might enable off- street parking of the project.area
to be more evenly distributed to provide its subareas. The re-
development agency and the project review board should encourage all
location within the project area to
and criteria of the Improvement Manual.
transit facilities proposed for @; ~
comply with the urban design standards @>
1 +
l"* Bicycle project parking area's several facilities subareas. should ' :8 y2$y$qJ -& 4
~.~~~ i
:- Bicycle linkages *
The redevelopment agency should encourage the development
and maintenance of bicycle linkages between the project area and surroui-d- ing territories, in between the 4
be area, throughout located at the convenient village project points
Pedestrian Movement. I The redevelopment project area
orientation. should manifest The a strong said area, pedestrian in
I. ~~
: ib a general, of the village project
area and particular should be i interlaced with the safe, convenient '\ and aesthetically pleasing pedestrian ways a
Pedestrian ways and linkages
e should not be limited to street
sidewalks and crosswalks, but
should follow paths which trans-
verse promonades and plazas, parks, arcades, and enclosures. The establishment of direct landscaped pedestrian ways between the project area and its residential surroundings
shall be especially encouraged. The
redevelopment agency should endeavor
to minimize the conflict between pedestrian and vehicular movements.
E- Parking
At the time of the erection of any building and/or structure or at the time any such building or
in capacity by adding dwelling
at such time a higher usage is
applied €or there shall be provided for such new construction or intensified
use enlargement or increased capacity. in use of land off-street parking
spaces shall be provided with adequate provisions for safe ingress and egress.
off-street parking spaces shall be ' determined under the parking provisions
of the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance.
.' Off-street parking
be effectively screened on each
side which joins or faces premises situated in any "R" zone or institutional premises by a masonry wall or solid fence of acceptable design. Such _-
wall or fence shall be not less than four feet or more than six
feet in height and shall be maintained in good condition without 'any advertising thereon. Said walls 1 will observe all setbacks which are
prescribed for that zone- ! I
For any parking area, driveway or loading area that is visible from a public street, a solid decorative masonry wall or earthen
berm fully landscaped or a combination Of Wall and landscaped berm which
is approved by the project r'eview
board shall be erected,
structure is enlarged or increased
units, guest rooms, floor area, or
,,fff' *#- .-
The number and size of
c -. Screening -
, areas for more than five Vehicles shall
* cp Y
This screening wall shall not
exceed 36" in height,
This screening wall shall be
held back five feet.+(L- -- >.
'y - # - _-
area Detween the property line and
the screening wall shall be land-
scaped and maintained in accordance
with the landscaping policies of
the Improvement Manual. This
landscaping shall be in addition to
the minimum landscaping for parking
This five foot - . .- ,--
I \et ,.
*. SC R GEN t k4C3
*I '
Landscaping I
Each parking lot containing five or more spaces shall be
landscaped in accordance with
the following standards:
A permanent underground sprinkler
system shall be installed to (5 p&/ Fm z*uw provide adequate water supply WIlP4+!P&D kr, %tf mo to all landscaping. Subject pot w pliawv yo r"n3q
sprinkler system shall be al4m CR fzz-zbl *p
installed to as direct spray
away from sidewalks. Drainage
from landscaping irrigation shall be directed across- any
adjacent- pkivate-,property.
All areas established for
landscaping shall be protected
ehicular parking with a solid n both sides adjacent to -$&€e .t=F
minimum curb, 6" of in 4" height in depth and a or ' --y yq; 9 'other suitable protection as - _.i.- -2
approved by the Redevelopment ww -pEe+ fyzz uq Agency for the length of the 4- p,mw 4- %xu €23 M++f& -w eP$ls% +e& &\E the subject -property. In- eFEkA0) q;3&k-a 5 4++T *
landscaped area adjacent to
dividual wheel stops shall not
be used as substitute for
'sub j ect curbs .
The amount. of landscaping provided shall be equal to
10% of the area of the parking
lot. No landscaping area I) all be less than 30" in
dth, exclusive of protective I
\ I Landscaping shall be
provided within front setback or required side or rear on the street side of a lot.
No landscaping located within
the required front yard or
. required side yard or rear
yard setback on the street
side of a lot shall exceed 3'
- -04- m
C&&iy <*$E j*<$ ' " - WI:E[y- 1 m.3 ccr'a q);rm
*E Pmlr7 &- $%.- I *+r k3 Jm.1 f+%rr./i m/< e= ~E. !md\ ro -ID 9
' ?fiJM IN fill l/J/-#.j
@fiF- J GN ~.t!jz '-SI
1 in height . I hly14(mr<
Landscaping materials shall not consist of any plant which
points or thorns
Any lighting as to illuminate any off-street parking area *
reflect away from any ad-
joining residential zone or
adjacent street -
All parking spaces shall be striped in accordance with the
City of Carlsbad's standards, Such striping shall be kept visible for proper parking
Signing within the parking
lots shall be so placed as to not interfere with proper
visibility for traffic and
pedestrian safety.
is poisoniaus or has dangerous b
shall be so arranged as to
Parking lots shall be graded so as to drain surface water runoff to a public
right-of -way as approved by the City Engineer, a-nd=Redeve-lopmerrt P
agemy- @
. A Portland Cement concrete wheel stop shall be installed on each parking stall which is
adjacent t~ an exterior lot
line as to protect the adjacent
h property- A Portland Cement
concrete wheel stop shall be
placed at the head of any
parking space which is ad-
jacent to the sidewalk of an
overhang of any part of the
vehicle onko the sidewalk,
There shall be provided parking spaces, access
ramps, parking lots in accordance
with the most current State ~ law, &3 A ,4PG+= qxclrJG-1
Vdfl- rC-tl4K- -k*?> e2
IN 4- tAh;W +/jIPjm I :-;
FZc ?!&$t;r, re -fn Ct.1 Common facilities may be . provided in lieu of individual GIrJ3 CY -jjr< -/~~O,~ -1j~: bU7U.> requirements for each of two
", or more participating buildings
Redevelopment Agency as to size, shape and relation to
business sites to be served,
off-street parking spaces when
used together, shall not be
various uses considered separately.
Total parking spaces required
may be reduced below that otherwise required -
be demonstrated that such
reduction in parking requirement is warranted by the.particular
I the approval of use permits by
(755 ~ (0 or shall uses be but approved such facilities by the
- y+ * f&.g-%.. %
m,p,j- -tmZ P,awA3?i
Ib M "$$y#\&xjKN-' 2 I yf*w>\te 9lhP
ct' *-- ~,yJ-$l ALkA T- 'EQ m fl,+@JpX
provided that the total of
less than the sum of the
gg&$3 pf44-iP73 CN -
when it can
grouping of uses subject to GG-e.r'"4rnEf
dd-!-j --- ----_
the Redevelopment Agency. &?*&qg
The Redevelopment Agency kay grant a variancecin the parking requirement whenever
distance as provided by the f;y?cq--
lzF4&L- %?-E r&Q
w, yq- C-C ;3'fiwA, *p//L;3 f?Z f73;bJFi7 mrB,?yG;z t&c/*>,+? it finds there.is sufficient ,public parking within a reasonable '4VIJIf B? & [fifizy
.- City or other governmental
agency or when the subject property is within a parking
district and the commission believes that sufficient -parking will be provided within a reasonable time by
the City or other public
Signs should be designed as supportative elements to the .
land. They should be used primarily ts identify businsses,
professional offices, public
arid quasi-public facilities,
streets, enclosures, etc.
Signs should be compatible with the nature,.character and design and local and land uses
In selection of signs property
owners and tenants should place considerable emphasis
upon color, harmony,size, shape, texture, materials and
Signs within the project,
enclosure, plazas, and parks should be coordinated and
characterized by restraint, Where practical, artistic
graphics and fine art displays should be used in lieu bf commercial signs,
Signs throughout the sub areas of the project area should, be consistent with each other. Towards this end, the sign
criteria is as follows:
The following signs are prohibited in the redevelopment area: qs2 Ed+&
signs, balloons, flags, banners,
bunting, streamers, pennants, flashing signs, neon signs,
back lit signs, searchlights,
and similar; devices.
The following signs are permitted in the redevelopment area: A building face sign,
sign for a site, Identification
plaque,, used €or logos (no copy is permitted on the I,D, plat), address signs, monument
signs,and public signs,
especially those with flanking
I 7
a Off-site signs, animated
used as the major identification . &
Monument signs are permitted _. only for commercial develop- ment having an excess of
22,500 sq, feet. Signs shall
be sufficiently set back from the public right-of-way to
provide for safe and adequate visibility. In no case shall a
monument sign exceed 48 square feet and shall be limited to a height not to exceed 2'.
c 1
- _- 1.
- ___--_ W-IL A sign area is the total
square footage used for
area includes signs, signs in' windows, signs on the side, !
etc a
in the following manner for all signs located within the
project area :
(5% of the total square
foot frontage, up to a vertical maximum of 12') Linear feet times linear height, a maximum of 12', times 5% equals the maximun permitted sign area.
All private signs located in .the projecb area shall clear
the sidewalk by 8: and not
eucPc?d a heiqht of 12'-
identifiying located on-site- use of This the sign activity ,- lcmJ\;;m TaTAL *Jjmm€iB
:.( . ->
31 j3zuI3-E 0 6- ,$&Ai. 1 p+.-a.-? Lrrr--r-r--..---- me E!
HE4 "p?? <--
&%/ s-, SI
4d f
Sign area shall be calculated unx,, 1 -- lLd- Iig? ID
f&G i ~,.&i *CS?
MR. @y
wd $23' &&A<
I 2% -=T .. . _-
12 v: 2s'- FJ$p
pE!+$323 a 1
#* --4 /-is= g$j@R)5ye
The address sign shall clear the sidewalk by 7' and the sign area shall not exceed one
square foot, The area below
8' is reserved for public information signs. No private ;%-IO
shall encroach into the public right-of-way unless otherwise
provided for herein,
There is no simple standard
e that defines the right use of
most subjective, personal
matter which often defies the
senses on t.he part of the
owner, user and reviewer. Copy associated with current
viewed with great caution.
However, copy that was used at the time of the particular
building construction, should be considered. Copy is a significant part of the total
copy for af3L signs. It is a -e--===
fads and fashions ought to be -q
>-<\ > e&- signing effort and must be -=Ss-.---
considered with discretion.
Only the identification plaque is restricted to the individual logo for the specific activity and shall not be accompanied
by any copy. No sigr, shall be located within the redevelopment
area without prior authorization of the Project Review Board,
upon appeal, the Redevelopment Agency.
XI. City Furniture Criteria
The planning of the City furniture is an important
phase of the urban design
process. The artistic use of external Eurniture, effective interior design decoration, can do much to minimize structural flaws and inadequacies. The design of city furniture must not be regarded as a post
planning activity'similar to the application of cosmetics.
The planning of city furniture and furnishings should be
undertaken at the inception of the planning or the redevelopment. of the project area, and should be regarded as a continuing
of the redevelopment program.
' The following text a=-
embodies basic criteria and suggestions for the furnishing of the streets, enclosures,
plazas, parks, arcades, pas- sageways and alleys of the
project area. For the purposes of the manual, city furniture
is defined as exterior furniture, and includes benches, kiosks,
. light standards, trash receptacles,
cigarette urns, planters,
hydrants, railing, flooring, signs and traffic control
devices e
* effort which spans the length
Street furniture criteria:
Street furniture throughout
the village project area
should, be uniform. This uniformity will help to tie the
somewhat unrelated components of the project area together. The street furniture selected for use in the project area
should be adaptable to pluralistic architectural design of
building within the village
project area.
Upon the redevelopment of the -.
project area, the village core should once again become the
center of intent social and
urban posture should be com-
plimented by formal, sophisticated street furniture. This furniture
would tend to manifest the historical future'importance of the urban core of Carlsbad.
The redevelopment plan calls
for an increase in the importance of alleys within the project I area, as well as secondary
means of access, alleys should become pedestrian passageways, and an integral
part of the open space en-
closure system of the core.
widened into mews or courtyards.
The new role for alleys , should require that they,
where feasible, be furnished as streets, malls or a combination thereof.
No street furniture should be . .located in the project area
without prior approval of the project review board or upon appeal of the redevelopment
commercial activityy, This I.
'1x1 places, the alleys may be
J 4-.
. ,.
XII. Performance Standards for the Sub-Areas
The planning concept behind the implementation.of the
redevelopment plan is to guide
the growth and development of the village area in a way that the component sub areas are
complimentary to one another, Due to the size of the project
area, the plan has.been divided into eight sub areas.
areas has been restricted, and ,
additional urban design, criteria have been established. to permit development throughout the project area to occur in a
.. The land use within the sub
coordinated manner. ..
he village core of the project
rea has traditionally functi
.: as the central business district of Carlsbad. Its one and two
'story shops'and offices along State Street met the mercantile
' :and service- needs of Carlsbad
..- for several decades. Several
' external factors, specifically
the Camino Real shopping
' . center and the re-orientation
,. of the major nortli/south thoroughfare from old Highway
. " ' '101 (Carlsbad Boulevard) to
:;:.. Interstate 5, have affected he economic viability of the
; downtown area and have resul
." in the need for the Village Redevelopment Plan.
. , Goal:
The goal for the village cote . area is to once again function
, as the major financial, commercial center for the downtown area. There will be two major "special
treatment areas" that will lie within the village core. The
first is the village center,
.. b
., ., lo
which will act as the focal point for the village core and become the major attraction
for *the village project area.
Next is the Elm Street corridor that is intended to serve as a major thoroughfare linking
Interstate 5 with Carlsbad
Land Use:
The following uses are permitted within the village core sub-
Commercial- Bonafide res- taurants, boutiques, enter-
tainment areas, recreational
and hobby shops, camerashops and studios, banks, cocktail
lounges, delis, florists and plant shops, specialty shops,
antique shops, music shops.
.theatres, retail shops, crafts ._.
Of fice/ProfessionaI. Uses -
Professional complexes, medical
law firms, architectural and
engineering firms, accounting firms, utility company offices
and company headquarter offices.
Residential. Residential uses are permitted where compatible
with the existing land uses.
Incidental and compatible uses may be permitted when found by
to be incompatible with the above mentioned uses.
Within this sub-area,the project review board will be
looking for development which is oriented to pedestrian
traffic and is high in open
- complexes with labs and pharmacies, -
= t the Redevelopment Agency not
. ---. ... ..',..
space amenit'ies. Additional design standards are contained
herein for special treatment areas within the village core.
Special Treatment Areas:
The Village Center.
Goal: It is. intended that the
village center serve as the
core area and become the major attracting force for the
redevelopment project. To accomplish this goal the
project review board will pay special attention to develop-
area. The land use and urban
' 'focal point for the village ,.
. .: '.. . ment -in this special treatment
. design permitted' within this
,.>.'. total sub-area is not a given. Final approval of development in the special. treatment area
rests with the Redevelopment Agency .
Land Use: Land.Uses within
same.for.the village core with final approval .resting with .
the'Redevelopment Agency.
Design: The urban design in
. ' the village center will concen-
: trate more on pedestrian I
.. space amenities in the way of landscaping, arcades, etc:
The Elm Street Corridor.
Goal: The Elm Street Corridor. will serve the major thorougli- fare linking Interstate 5
with Carlsbad Boulevard. It is envisioned that along this thoroughfare a strong financial and commercial center will
develop .
,. ., ..
.. . .... .
.. the village center are the
. .. . 1 . ..
traffic along with high open ..
,. ! .. ,
_. .. L: .. .
-# ..
within the project area,
neighborhood commercial centers,
beauty shops, beauty salons, .
barber shops, restaurants, gas stations, coffee shops, motels,
specialty retail, entertainment * and fast foods when not incom- patible with the surrounding
land use, bar shops, clothier cleaners or cleaners, delis.
m-Fe f-l&k&rn I *mLy p: -Gj=iy.pi3 1 by IV+#qWR* Incidental and compatible uses
may be permitted when found by 7 5PfP X km-!a- the Redevelopment Agency not to be incompatible with the above D
Future development in .the Poinsettia subarea should be
desi3ned in such a manner that
adequate ingress and egress of tourist freeway traffic is manageable and does not detract
Street corridor. The project - Review Board will be concerned with curb cuts and adequate
screening of parking areas along with sufficient land-
scaping located within parking areas to help break up the
hard look.
-% 3 fj)? / 1: ,ZTZ
.. p, @-2.$p& ,d,.*<-p&Q
the from gateway the overall effect pattern and the of Elm ..
Traditionally the North State "
I subarea has served as the high
intensity coirunercial center of
the downtown area providing foot services as motorcycle
sales, auto part sales, etc.
Goal -
The goal of the North State
subarea is to maximize the established pattern of develop-
ment north of Grand and create a strong linkage with the village core. The east side
of State Street, .north of
, .. .<
Grand, is envisioned as a low-
intensity commercial area that
the'residentially zoned area
will provide a buffer between
' Do@fjb~~o-i QQ""oc 0
Land Use. ~9k*qj(3q oovfio (y)L'
ci, V)-$U9t?$(\:: OOc?,Q~>$$
nDDi r- ,QyD DQDD,, 6]"\&
to the east, In D,oDEDt
permitted within this subarea: QOU+jUo; QwlcIQo QQ Regional headquarters, contractor's Dq-J~U@w offices only, professional no (-Joe> complexes, motorcycle sales, Qvq$?Qo@Qy r0-s
Km QQ -Gs& 00.3 c)l!ylP\ wholesale and retail sales, O~%@@m/$+$
car washes, laundermats, small @el D cc
PdQJ @EflQb \I$&jjg$$j&
The following land uses are
wholesale sales, furniture sales, hardware and lumber
engine repairs (lawn mowers
etc.) appliance sales, tire sales, coffee shops, delis,
auto parts sales, artisan shopsP plant nurseries.
Incidental and compatible uses may be permitted when found by
the Redevelopment Agency not
The major design and the urban
subarea will be provisions for offstreet parking for the
higher intensity commercial
uses. Designs which incorporate off street parking with open
space amenities is strongly
encouraged in this subarea. .
Special Treatment Area
Only uses deemed by the Redevelopment
Agency to be of lesser intensity
than the existing uses shall be permitted along the east
side of State Street between Grand Avenue and the lagoon, "&-*"-w"..
9 - to be incompatible with the -.
, design of the North State
-.. /-<
24- *
Additional landscaping may be
required to provide an adequate buffer between the adjacent .
residentially zoned property 1 to.the east of State Street, b
The Tyler subarea has traditionally functioned as a heavy commercial
light manufacturing type area.
The goal of. the Tyler subarea . is to expand the existing land
use character of lightmanufactur-
ing and heavycommercial type operations, This sxbarea is Siewed as being. a-major repair
and service, distribution, and , 'vocational educational center
area. East side of Tyler which fronts on the west side
treatment area to provide a
zoned area along the west side
of Roosevelt,
Land . Use.
The following uses are permitted within the subarea: Vocational-' ' ,,i-: I.,--. . ..- . Educational centers,.Auto ..
repair, contractor's yards,.
. . laundry and dry ..cleaning : plants, storage areas, cabin.& and furniture manufacturing, glass studios and electronic
assembly, bakeries, rock shop manufacturing, wholesale
sales, 'distributors, moving
.. van, companies, coffee shops,
and delies.
Incidential and compatible uses may be.permitted when found by the Redevelopment Agency not to be incompatible with the
above- .
.- ~ - ~ ... . ..
.. .,,: , of Roosevelt will be a special y=- -.___ ___-- ---.v--.-.=?-. _--.---... -7
._* . -.. .. buffer to the residentially .. --
.- - _-.-.
.. ,
The Project Review Board wil2
be concerned with traffic circulation that will ac-
commodate large vehicles i.e, tractor-trailers, moving vans
etc. All outside storage areas will be effectively screened
from the public view by a six foot high view obscuring fence. A masonry trash enclosure will be provided for
each trash dumpster located on
site- The trash enclosure will be constructed of masonry
block inside dimensions of which will be 5 feet, eight by \ eight wide, with view obscuring
ketal or metal frame gates attached on the eight foot
- Special Treatment Area
- Section of the Tyler subarea u
located to the east of Tyler
Street will accon-modate only those uses deemed by the
Redevelopment Agency to be-of . a less intensive use than those . which are permitted in the
overall subarea,
Traditionally this subarea functioned as the major north/sauth
thoroughfare ~ for the downtown area and is generally known
as old Highway 101. The existing character of the Boulevard
to tourist and highway commercial activities.
This subarea is envisioned as
serving as the ‘major tourist/ tourist commercial related center . for the redevelopment project area.,
I subarea is one which is related
,, ,,- Ir -> , I c--- L- ,
a5 8
Land Uses.
The following land uses are
1 permitted within the Boulevard
d ' Residential. (20-30 units per acre)
Commercial. Hotels, motels, bonafide restaurants, convention
, clubs, museums, art galleries, -centers, theatres, country
. ' novelty shops, souvenier and gift shops, florists, parking lots.
Incidential and compatible uses
.. .may be permitted when found, by .* the Redevelopment Agency, not
to be incompatible with the above.
Design. '
The design concept in this
subarea is to coordinate tourist, recreational and L
commercial activities of --
the beach'area with the village
center. Special attention in ' this area should be given to
' streetscaping along Carlsbad Boulevard; specifically, at the intersections of Carlsbad
Boulevard at Grand Avenue and
Elm Avenue. The project ,review board will be concerned with amenities such as viewpoints,
gateways, and landmarks that .are or will be established with any development.
The Carlsbad' Boulevard is . considered as a special
treatment area in that the Redevelopment Agency is looking for heavy streetscaping
and open space amenities along
Carlsbad Boulevard. New subspecial treatment areas
along Carlsbad Boulevard will ,- I be the interchanges at Carlsbad '. ~ _-..
27 P
- ..l. ,. -... ~",. . ..,. , . s. : '. :
and Grand, Carlsbad and Elm. \
Construction of a-public and private partnership
the two aforementioned inter-
sections is a possible alter- native to providing additional
streetscaping amenities,
, in-the development of
'The Coast subarea has functioned primarily as a residential
community e ..
. . . ,' . . . .. -. -._ . 'Goal.
It is expected that this subarea
residential charact-er 'and better '.
coordinate itself with the entire village project area.
'. .. will retain its existing . . . .., ' ..
. .. . -.. . .. 1. .
.. .. ; Land Use.
The following land uses are
permitted within this subarea .
Residential., High density residential units are
' permitted at 20-30 dwelling units per acre,
.-. ' ....
... .
, Incidential and compatible .use may be permitted when
Agency, not to be incompatible .. found, by the Redevelopment
'.'with the above uses.
.. 'Design.
The design of the subarea
existing zoning regulations as
they pertain to residential
wik1 be governed by
Traditionally, this subarea has accommodated residential
and commercial development to
occur simultaneously. //j,((// .?'I I L---.-- L+.-: L A..,.,
2 1 r.n r
, . '.
w , ,
Goal ,
This subarea is intended to -
a permit and encourage mixed uses among residential and service comercial/office uses. This area is envisioned -. -
as a prime location for senior citizen's housing. f
Land Use.
The following land uses are
permitted in this subarea:
Residential. Medium-density,
. 10-20 dwelling units per acre.
CommercialJOffice, Profes-
sional offices, law, architec- tural and engineering, accountants, medical offices without labs,
artisan shops and other shops that offer specialty items,
agencies, and other incidential . and'compatible uses may be
permitted when found, by the
be incompatible with the
The Project Review Board will
integration of residential
with commercial development. It is forseen that second story residential Over com-
this subarea will be advantageous
to the entire development. Further consideration will be
given to the developer providing
additional open space amenities
such as landscaping, promonades, arcades, and the like, along with integrating off-street
parking into its development
in such a manner that it does not detract from the overall concept of the village re-
development area,
' -. bonafide restaurants, travel
.. Redevelopment Agency, not to .^
.- - above,
. be concerned with the design
* mercial specialty shops within
%9 I
'The existing eharact@r of the
Madison EX& area is residentia~l surrounded by's buffer of
office! professional uses,
ma1 0
The area is envisioned as maintaining its existing
office and pxofessionab bugfer -
zone algausad the Madison, sub
area o
Land use,
The fcd20wing Pan6 uses arc permitted. within the sub area:
Xesidential, Medim densityd,
.P0-20 dwelling units per acre,
.residential care fac$litigs,
senior citizen Eousing.
Office/Prsfessional, Tu include, but not limited tc, law office, archikectural offices, medical office with-
out labs, contractors of€ices (%a sLsrage) 0
~nci~~eart~s~ ana c~~i-tpatibie uses may be: permitted when -found, by the Redevelopment
with the above, $
character of maximizing the
-\ ~.
, Agencyp not to be incompatible
The residentially developed
projects will be designed in
accorqance with existing .<
zoning ordinance along with .
additional requirements under
the general village improvement
manual. The off ice/ professional
buffer zone to be located
along Roosevelt and north of
Grand shall be developed in such a way as to provide additional landscaping if
other means necessary to
screen the residentially zoned uses from the office/professional
use. - d 1
The Village Improvement Manual
is a plan for comprehensive improvement of the physical
environment of spacial relationships of Carlsbad village project
the purpose of imple'imenting a
redevelopment plans for the subject area, Since the goals and objectives of the redevelopment
plan will not be reached and achieved for several years, the manual as well as the
plan, must be kept current and responsive to changes and
conditions, The redevelopment
plan, which incorporates the village improvement manual by
reference, provides for the latters orderly administration
and amendment by. the Redevelopment
Agency, and its professional effectuation by *the project
review board,
area, It was formulated for
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