HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-08-04; City Council; 5158; First Phase of Sewer Allocation System•,/;, CITY OF ""RLSBAD ' j~->*+9 'AGENDA BILL NO. pV-Sy _ Dept. Hd. . "7" DATE: _ August 4, 1977 _ City Atty ' Initial; DEPARTMENT: Planning Department City Mgr. SUBJECT:First Phase of Sewer Allocation System STATEMENT OF THE MATTER The City Council Sewer Allocation Committee has drafted the first phase of the sewer allocation system for City Council approval. EXHIBITS Memorandum and Report dated July 29, 1977 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended if the first phase sewer allocation system as contained in the attached Council Committee report is acceptable, that the City Council set this matter to public hearing. Council action 8-4-77 Council accepted the first phase sewer alloca-tion system dated July 29, 1977, with the changes as discussed and instructed staff to set it to public hearing at the earliest possible date. FORM PLANNING 73 MEMORANDUM DATE: JULY 29, 1977 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY COUNCIL SEWER ALLOCATION COMMITTEE RE: FIRST PHASE OF SEWER ALLOCATION SYSTEM Your committee has redrafted the sewer allocation report for the first phase allocation as directed again. It is submitted for City Council review and approval. Hopefully the report meets your intentions and isnowreadyforadoption. Table of Contents • Pag< Considerations 1 Objectives ' • 2 Phasing .,, 2 Land Use Distribution • 3 Procedure -' 4 Proposed Immediate Allocation System 6 Quality 6 Residential Rating 8 Commercial Rating ^ Industrial Rating 13 Tie Breaking Ratings 16 Performance ^ Second Phase Allocation System ^8 Implementing Guidelines • 19 Recommendati on It is recommended that the first phase sewer allocation system be adopted as contained in this report and that the committee be directed to develop implementing guidelines of this system for your approval. 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Cttp of TELEPHONE: (714)729-1)81 July 29, 1977 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: ' ' Sewer Allocation Council Committee - Dr. Ronald C. Packard Ma ry H . Ca s 1 e r SUBJECT: Sewer Allocation System Considerations: Your Council Committee to study a sewer allocation system has been meeting with selected staff members in order to develop an acceptable sewer allocation system for adoption by the entire City Council. In developing a system the Committee considered the concerns of the Council, staff and concerned citizens. These concerns are as follows: 1. Consider assigning a percentage of available sewer capability to specific land uses, i.e.', commercial, industrial, residential. .2. That each of these identified land uses would have a spread rating unique to it. ,- 3. That the guiding criteria for an allocation system shall be for the "community benefits for Carlsbad." 4. That it would be useful to develop a City map showing the current developed areas to aid in designing the term "infill" so that it is more definitive. 5. Industrial and commercial uses should not .be required to be in the "infill" areas but rather should be dealt with on a community basi s. 6. Criteria should also incorporate within its allocations the employment and economic phases of the community that is significant in the sense that there will always be a demand for residential development but once opportunities to build industrially or commercially are missed, there probably will be a significant time span to the next opportunity. 7. It was felt that whatever sewer capacity that would become avail- able should be spread over a five year period in order to maintain a consistent growth rate. It was felt that the spread should be weighted heavier in the first years than the last years to provide for possible additional capacity that may become available in the latter portion of the time span. 8. It was desired for the immedia'te future that a process allowing projects currently through their approvals be developed. This would allow a cut off period to apply for building permits and then subject them to a'rating system. 9. It has been suggested that a more accurate flow rate system for particular land uses be developed rather than the existing equivalent dwelling unit system, i.e., E.D.U. 10. Some priority should be given to those developments with existing sewer hook-ups who wish to improve or expand. Objectives: Your Committee in their efforts took into consideration all of the above listed criteria of concerns and proceeded to develop sewer allo- ' cation systems on that basis. The first step in the development of the system was to establish certain objectives as follows: 1. To coordinate growth with needed public improvements. .2. Maintain and enhance levels' of City administered services (infilling). 3. Preserve and enhance efficiency of managed service delivery systems to allow time to provide public facilities adequate to meet expanded service needs. 4. To renew and maintain existing urban areas. - 5. To develop vacant land that is within existing urban uses and is served by streets, water, sewer and the public services. Phasing: Your committee then concerned itself with responding to the immediate needs of the Council. Therefore, dual allocation systems with certain specific and unique differences were developed. First, we developed an immediate or first phase, sewer allocating system to respond to the immediate needs of those projects stopped by the moratorium. -2- This system has only a few equivalent dwelling units available as of this date. After the allocation of these currently available E-D.U.'s a second sewer allocation system of a more permanent nature is proposed. This second phase allocation system is designed for the period prior to our sewer plant expansion or the development of a full growth management system, whichever comes first. Both systems are similar in their structure; the difference is in timing and application. Land Use Distribution: In analyzing objectives of City Council in terms of community benefits of any allocation system, we are suggesting that the following percentage breakdown of land uses be adopted by the City Council: Industrial Land Use 30% Commercial Land Use 20% Single Family Residential Land Use* 20% Multiple Family Residential Land Use** 10% Community Facilities (Parks, Schools, Other 5% Governmental Buildings, Churches, Hospitals, Airports) Contingency (Failing Septics, H.C.D. 15% Rehabilitation, Redevelopment, Capital Improvement Program and Reserve) *Single Family Residential shall be dwelling units in the R-l or more restrictive zone, or dwelling units in other residential zones where the density is 7500. sq. ft. of area per unit or less. ,**Multiple family shall be yall residential development in the R-2 or less restrictive zones' and. the density is greater than one du per 7500 sq. ft. . . The Committee feels that industrial and commercial developments tend to be cyclic in their desires to develop in particular areas. Since we have specific needs as a community in both of these land use categories, it was felt we should have a fairly substantial percentage of the allocation oriented to these particular land uses. We feel this will provide the City with some economical opportunities to enhance community facilities and levels of service desired by our citizens. It was also felt that we could never satisfy the demand for residential structures within a community which will undoubtedly remain high and therefore we should look to our allocation as a means of upgrading our established community in terms of infilling or revitalizing. The contingency percentage was looked upon as a potential councilmatic tool to achieve specific goals until the availability of new sewer capacity such as the redevelopment program could be enhanced and accelerated by. having sewer capacity available at the proper times. It also may be an advantage of the City to stimulate particular growth in order to achieve a capital improvement program goal. -3- There is a question on what the proper distribution should be to meet these goals. The figures proposed are based on we believe will pro- mote industrial and commercial development. To arrive at figures that would achieve this end the potential demands of sewer (EDU) for various land use categories was determined. They are: Industrial Commercial SFR MFR Community Facility 22% 6% 14% 50% 8% The figure we arrived at will promote the goals as stated since higher allocations are given to industrial and commercial than could be expected under normal development. The commercial is significantly higher, but it is anticipated that some major commercial will be pro- posed for Carlsbad in the next few years. The percentage to MFR is significantly lower than future demand, but it was felt that the majority of MFR development is still many years off and hopefully can be accommodated with sewer facility expansion. As we move into the second phase allocation system the Council should review the land use percentage distribution prior to each time there is available sewer capacity. As priorities or demands change it is anticipated the percentage will need to be revised. Procedure;. It is assumed that there will be many more applications for sewer permits than available. There will be many unsuccessful applicants who will get no return on their" processing and costs. To reduce these costs a two tier processing system is proposed that will separate those applicants that have little chance for success before a large cost can occur. The first four qualifications of tier 1 must be met before applicant can advance to the second tier of questions. The cost and time answering these first four qualifications is minimal. Therefore an applicant will save engineering and design costs if there is no chance of qualifying. The fifth qualification is not as easy since the only way minimum points can be ascertained is by doing tier 2. However an applicant should be able to determine relatively soon and easily how the project will relate. The second full plans with many details worked out. tier questions will require The cost will be high, but that's the only method to adequately review projects and ensure that they are ready for submittal for building permits and construction. To ensure that the sewer permits allocated are used, performance criteria is also suggested. The following is the proposed method to implement this allocation system. -4- T) Notice: The City shall cause to be noticed in a newspaper with local distribution the City's intention to accept application for pre-building permits application. The notice shall indicate: a) Applications can be obtained at the Planning Department. b) Date and time,completed application must be received and accepted. 2) Application: Forms for application shall be prescribed by the Planning Director .(see attached for draft). The application shall include: a) Pertinent data as to name and address of applicant, location of • project, and description of project. b) Questionnaire on how application qualifies for pre-building permit application based on criteria as studied in this report. c) Questionnaire on rating system based on criteria as stated in this report. d) Procedures with a list of required plans which will include site plan, floor- plan, la-ndscape and irrigation plan, building plan showing utility system and water and energy conserving devic.es. 3) Fee: The submittal of a processing fee in the amount of: $25 for community facility $25 for a single family residence $50 for a multiple family residence $100 for commercial or industrial use 4) Evaluation: The evaluation of the qualification and rating system shall be done by a committee consisting of the Public Works Admin- istration, Director of Planning, City Engineer and Building Official. Their results will be forwarded to City Manager, who will notify applicants of the decision and process. The Committee shall have 30 days from application submittal date to forward results. 5) Tie Breaking: In the case of ties where the winners would take more sewer allocations than available an additional questionnaire shall be completed by those applicants that are tied. This rating questionnaire shall be based on criteria as stated in this report. 6) Process: The the process. successful applicant shall be given a statement of This process shall contain: a) Date when application for building permits are to be submitted. This date shall be 30 days from such notification. b) Date building permits must be issued. This date shall be 60 days unless time delays are due to City action. c) Construction of project to commence within 30 days after building permit is issued and call for inspection on each phase of devel- opment'must be made as required by the Building Codes. d) Notice that if building permit is voided no new permit will be issued without reapplication. -5- 7} Appeal: The applicant may appeal to the City Council any of the above actions taken by the staff. To appeal , the applicant shall submit a letter to the City Council through the office of the City Clerk. The letter shall explain the nature of appeal and why applicant disagrees with Staff action. A $50 fee shall be required for appeals. Notwithstanding the above, no appeals will be accepted or new applications submitted during the Review Committee review peri od. 4 Proposed Immediate Allocation System to Qua!ify for pre-buildinq appl ication: For a project to qualify for consideration in this immediate allocation system, the following must be met: 1. No project will be eligible for consideration outside the infill area on the map approved by City Council except for commercial . and industrial land use. 2. All discretionary actions including all City action and other agencies such as Coast Commission and Sanitation and Water District must be completed and proof submitted with the application. 'The applicant must be ready to commence construction immediately upon receipt of building permit. 3. No public costs for City facilities to service the site such as streets, sewers, etc. shall.,be required. 4. The City Council must find that any one of the following criteria exists: a) An application of some form for development was applied for prior to the April 19, but it can be found that delays in process were the direct result of City action. b) The project proponents have made special money contributions to public agencies in order to develop which cannot now be refunded. . • c) The site already has a sewer hook-up but needs additional hook- ups to fully complete the project. * d) The application is for one single family home, on property owned by the applicant, as of April 19, 1977, and this is tne only application submitted by the applicant. e) Any other criteria as determined by the City Council. -6- 5. If the above qualifications are met the applicant shall complete a pre-buiVding application and all questions in rating system accurately answered and attain the following minimum points: Residential - (Single & Multiple Family) 25 Commercial' 35 Industrial • 30 4 4 .7- RESIDENTIAL RATING POINT SYSTEM 1. Does the proposed project participate in the capital project listed on the City Council's approved Capital Improvement Program? 3. Po i nts 0 - No 10 - Partially 20 - Completes completes a capital a capital project' project 2. -Points will be given based on the following methods to conserve water Faucets .Kitchen Sink 1% Lavatory 1% . ' Aerators 8% Spring loaded faucets 8% (auto turn off) Showers Thermostatic mixing valve 3% Flow control head or in-line restrictor 12% Hot Water Pipes Insulation • 3% Recirculating 5% (connection or forced) Toilets Flush valve (1" line) • 12% Appliances (built-in) Cycle adjust dishwasher "" 1% Washer with water level adjust 2%, POINTS 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 % WATER REDUCTION 0 - 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - 50%+ 4% 9% 14% 19% 24% 29% 34% 39% 44% 49% Points will be given based on the following methods to conserve energy. 5% PILOT LIGHTS. Electro-spark WINDOWS Thermo pane Tinted or solar screen glass SOLAR HEATING Domestic Hot Water Augment Household Heating 10% 5% 5% to be determined as % of energy saved Q for structures vs. normal heating"°~ methods. Innovative design/location of water heaters or furnaces to minimize pipe runs to be used in determining tie-breakers. y POINTS % Energy Conservation 0 No energy conservation considerations 2 1-3% 4 4-6% 6 7-9% 8 10-1?% 10 13-15% 12 16-18% 14 18%+ 4. Does the project remove or rehabilitate older dilapidated structures within the community of a non-historic nature?* 0 - Land Vacant 10 - Rehabilitation 14 - Removal of non-historic dilapidated structure *Structures are defined as any main building on a lot. 5. Will the project require less than 50% of the sewer capacity that is available in its land use type? 0 - 50% or over 6 - 25% - 50% 10 - 0 - 25% 6. No public expenditures would be necessary to provide service to the proposed site such as new water lines, street additions, sewer, etc.? 0 - Substantial public expenditures 6 - Minimal public expenditures 10 - NO public expenditures required « -9- COMMERCIAL RATING SYSTEM Does the proposed project participate in a capital project listed on the City Council's approved Capital Improvement Program? Points 0 - No 10 - Partially completes a capital project 20- Completes a capital project. Points will be given based on the following methods to conserve water. Faucets Kitchen Sink 135 Lavatory 1% Aerators 8% Spring loaded faucets 8% (auto turn off) Showers Thermostatic mixing- valve 3% Flow control head or in-linerestrictor 12% Hot Water Pipes Insulation 3 % Recirculating •• .. 5% (connection or forced) Toilets Flush valve (1" line) 12% Appliances Cycle adjust dishwasher , 1% Washer with water level adjustment 2% POINTS % WATER REDUCTION 0 . 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Points will be given based on the following methods to conserve energy. PILOT LIGHTS Electro-spark 5% WINDOWS Thermo pane 10% Tinted or solar screen glass 5% SOLAR HEATING Domestic Hot Water Augment . §# Household Heating . • % by engineering design Innovative design/location of water heaters or furnaces to minimize pipe runs to be used in determining tie-breakers. 0 - 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - 50%+ 4% 9% 14% 19% 24% 29% 34% 39% 44% 49% POINTS % ENERGY CONSERVATION 0 No e-nergy conservation considerations 2 1 - 3% 4 4-6% 6 7-9% 8 10-12% 10 13-15% 12 16-18% 14 18%+ 4. Does the project incorporate facilities to reduce sewer effluent by significant amounts? 0 - No reducti on 2 - Up to 2% 4-4% ' 6-6% 8-8% 10-10% 12 - 12% <' . 14 - 14% 16 - 16% 18-18% 20 - Over 18% (Note the criteria for the reduction is being prepared by City Engineer. It will be included in final questionnaire.) 5.. Does the project remove or rehabilitate older dilapidated structures ' within the community of a non-historic nature?* 0 - Land Vacant 6 - Rehabilitation 10 - Removal of non-historic dilapidated structure *Structure is defined as any main building on a lot. 6. Will the project require less than 50% of the sewer capability that is available in its land use type? Oi. - 50% and over 2 . 40 - 49% 4 - 30 -. 39% 6 - 20 - 29% 8 - 10 - 19% 10 - 0-9% 7. Will the project provide substantial taxable sales to the City?* POINTS RECEIVED QUARTILE 0 Bottom 25% of Projects Third 25% of Projects 12 Second 25%. of Projects T8 TopT5% of Projects <t -11- METHOD: Projects shall be arrayed from highest to lowest potential taxable sales.' Potential taxable sales for each project shall be computed by multiplying the square footage of gross leasible building area in each project by the following factors USE TAXABLE SALES PER SQUARE FOOT OF BUILDING ($'s) Regional Shopping Center Community & Neighborhood Commercial Center Specialty Store Discount Store Furniture and Appliances Furni shines T.V., Stereo, Records Building Supplies Paint and Wallpaper Auto Service and Supplies Dinner Restaurant Coffee Shop Fast Food Mini-Supermarket Car Dealership - set amount of ' 90 60 100 80 60 60 120 90 120 80 140 120 250 40 $1.8 Million *0ffice uses not generating sales tax will be rated against retailer uses on all questions excluding taxable sales. 8. Will the Project provide substantial assessed value to the City? .* i POINTS RECEIVED ' QUARTILE 0 6 12 18 Bottom 25% of Projects Third 25% .of Projects Second 25% of Projects Top 25% of Projects • METHOD: Projects shall be arrayed from highest to lowest building valuations. Building valuation for each Project shall be computed multiplying the square footage of building area in each Project by the appropriate construction cost factors set forth in the Building Department Valuation Tables attached to questionnaire. 9. No public expenditures would be necessary to provide service to the proposed site such as new water lines, street additions, sewer, etc.? 0 - Substantial public expenditures 6 - Minimal public expenditures 10 - No public expenditures required -12-. INDUSTRIAL RATING SYSTEM 1. Does the proposed project participate in a capital project listed ' on the City Council's approved Capital Improvement Program? Points - No0 20 - Completes a capital project - n u • - Partially completes a capital project 2. Points will be given based on the following methods to conserve water. Faucets Kitchen Sink Lavatory Aerators Spring loaded faucets (auto turn off) Showers Thermostatic mixing valve Flow control head or in-line restrictor Hot Water Pipes Insulati on Recirculating (connection or forced) Toilets Flush valve (1" line) Appliances Cycle adjust dishwasher- Washer with water level adjustment 1% 1% 8% 8% 3% 12% 3% 5% 12% 1% 2% POINTS 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 % WATER REDUCTION 0..- 4% 5 - 9% 10 - 14% 15 - 19% 20 - 24% 25 - 29% 30 - 34% 35 - 39% 40 - 44% 45 - 49% 50%+ 3. Points will be given based on the following methods to conserve energy, PILOT LIGHTS Electro-spark WINDOWS Thermo pane Tinted or solar screen glass SOLAR HEATING Domestic Hot Water Augment Household Heating 5% 10% 5* % by engineering design -13- Innovative design/location of water heaters or-furnaces to minimize pipe runs to be ust in determining tie-break, s. POINTS % ENERGY CONSERVATION 0 'No energy conservation considerations 2 1-3% 4 . 4-6% 6 7 - 9% - 8 10 - 12% 10 13-15% 12 . 16-18% 14 18%+- 4. Does the project incorporate facilities to reduce sewer effluent by'significant amounts? 0 -'No reduction 2 - Up to 2% 4 - 4% 6-6% 8-8% 10 - 10% 12 - 12% 14 - 14% 16 - 16% 18 - 18% 20 - Over 18% (Note the criteria for the reduction is being prepared by City Engineer. It will be included in final questionnaire.) 5. Does the project remove or rehabilitate older dilapidated structures within the community of a non-historic nature?* 0 - Land Vacant 6 - Rehabilitati on 10 - Removal of a non-historic dilapidated structure * Structures are defined as any main building on a lot. 6. Will the project require less than 50% of the sewer capability that is available in its land use type? 0 - 50% and over 2-40-49% 4 - 30 - 39% 6-20-29% 8-10-19% 10 - o - 9% 7. Will the project provide substantial assessed value to the City? POINTS RECEIVED QUARTILE 0 Bottom 25% of Projects o Third 25% of Projects 12 Second 25% of Projects 18 Top 25% of Projects -14- METHOD: Projects shall be arrayed from highest to lowest building valuations. Building evaluation for each project shall be computed multiplying the square footage of building area in each project by the appropriate construction cost factors set forth in the Building Department Valuation Tables then in effect. 8. No public expenditures would be necessary to provide service to the proposed site such as new water lines, street additions, sewer, etc. 0 - Substantial public expenditures 6 - Minimal public expenditures 10 - No public expenditures required -15- TIE BREAKING RATING POINT SYSTEM In case of a tie that would give more sewer allocation than able, the following additional questions must be completed. 1. Distance to Parks and Recreation (For Residential Only) Points is avail- 0 1 2 3 4 % mile + 3/8 to 1/2 mile 1/4 to 3/8 mile 1/8 to 1/4 mile 0 to 1/8 mile Distance to public transportation system Points 0 1 2 3 4 Fire Response Time Points 0 1 2 3 4. 5 6 7 h mile + 3/8 to 1/2 mile 1/4 to 3/8 mile 1/8 to 1/4 mile 0 to 1/8 mile N,o access Over 6 minutes 5 to 6 minutes 4 to 5 minutes 3 to 4 minutes 2 to 3 minutes 1 to 2 minutes 0 to 1 minutes -16- Performance: For a project to retain its allocation permit shall: 1. Building permit application for the proposed project shall be applied for by a specific date. 2. Building permits to be picked up and taken out within 20 days after written notice by the City that plan check is complete. The construction of the project shall commence within 30 days after a building permit is issued and significant progress must be made every 30 days or the building permit will be void. Exception may be granted if delay is based on factor beyond the developer's control. 3. If the building permit is voided no new building permit will be issued but the applicant is still eligible to reapply for con- sideration in the allocation system at any future call for applicati ons. -17- Second Phase Sewer Allocation System Prior to Development of A Growth Management System Qual ifying : 1. A complete pre-building application and all questions in rating system accurately answered with the minimum point attained. The minimum points are as follow: Residential - (Single and Multiple Family) 25 Commercial • 35 Industrial 30 2. No project will be available for consideration outside an infill - . area as per map adopted by City Council with exce.ption of commercial and industrial land use. Performance: For a project to retain its permit: 1. Building permit applications for the proposed project shall be applied for by a spe.cific date. 2. Building permits must be issued within _ days of application, unless these are time delays due to City review. If these are City initiated delays the extension in time over _ days shall equal the delay caused by City staff. The construction of the project shall commence within _ days after a building permit is issued and significant progress must be made every 30 days or the building permit will be void. 3. If the building permit is voided no new building permit will be issued but the applicant is still eligible to reapply for con- sideration in the allocation system at any future call for appl i cations. Distribution in time: Your Council Committee also is suggesting that if additional capacity does become available that it be spread over a five year period with the following weight to the five years: First Year 30% Second Year 25% Third Year 20% Fourth Year 15% Fifth Year 10% It is anticipated that in time more capacity will be achieved through various methods such as rerating, chemical additions, private systems, etc. Since there is no way of knowing when this additional capacity will be available the Committee has weighted the first years heavier than the latter ones. Each year this weighting will have to be re-evaluated based on years remaining prior to plant expansion and anticipated capacity, Rating System NOTE: Rating System will be the questions as noted. same as first phase with the additional Implementing Guidelines: Upon adoption of either of these phases of the allocation system, the Committee will develop an implementing guideline that will establish the application, dates to apply, time for review of applications, methods to evaluate applications, appeal process, monitoring process and definitions of terms. Respectfully submitted, Dr. Ronald C. Packard Attachment: Application Mary H. Casler -19- APPLICATION FOR SEWER ALLOCATION # (Please Print or Type) Date 1. Description of Project (Residential, Commercial, Industrial no. of units, etc.): 2. Location of Project: The subject property is generally located on the side of betv/een and 3. Assessor's Number: Book Page Parcels Book Page Parcels (Please list others at bottom of page). 4. Owner(s): Name Addr&ss City State Zip Phone 5. Person(s) responsible for preparation of plans or design: Name Address City State Zip Phone Registration of License No. 6. Applicant: Name ; Address City State Zip Phone Representing (Company or Corp.): I hereby declare that all information contained within this application and the accompanying attachments have been READ, UNDERSTOOD, AND HAVE BEEN ANSWERED CORRECTLY TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY. Applicant's Signature X ATTACHMENTS: Qualification Questionnaire Rating System Questionnaire Submittal Information Sheet 4I Questionnaire for Application Qualification r Please answer the following questions concerning your project: (1) Is the location of your project inside the infill boundaries as approved by Council, excluding Commercial and Industrial Land Use (the official map is located at the Planning Department)? (2) Have all discretionary actions,' including all City actions, Coastal Commission, Sanitation and Water District action been completed (proof will be required with submittal of application)? (3) Will "the project create any public costs for City facilities such as streets, sewers, etc.? (4) Please indicate if any of the following conditions exist: a) An application for development was applied for prior to April 19, 1977, and the project was delayed as a direct result of action by the City: yes no i b) You or agents of your project have made special money contribu- tions to public agencies in order to develop, which cannot now be refunded: yes ; { po \ . c) The site already has a sewer hookup but needs additional hookups to complete the project: yes ( j no , ; d) You submitted an application for a single family home as of April 19, 1977, provided you were the property owner, and 'this was the only application which you submitted: yes } j no j j I have read and understood the above questions and have answered them correctly to the best of my ability. Date Signature X Please answer the follow' •>, questions 1. Points will be,given for certain water saving devices listed below. the devices if any, which will be incorporated into the project. Faucets Kitchen Sink Lavatory Aerators Spring loaded faucets (auto turn off) Showers Thermostatic mixing valve Flow control head or in-line restrictor Hot Water Pipes Insulation Recirculating (connection or forced) Toilets Flush valve (I1 line) Appliances Cycle adjust dishwasher Washer with water level adjustment 1% 1% 8% 3 3 Please check City Points Only 8%Q 3%D 12% Q 3%D 12% 1% 2% D Q POINTS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 % WATER REDUCTION 0 - 4% 5 - 9% 10 - 14% 15 - 19% 20 - 24% 25 - 29% 30 - 34% 35 - 39% 40 - 44% 45 -'49% 50%+ Cccments or Explanation 2. Points will be given based on the following methods to conserve energy. PILOT LIGHTS Electro-spark WINDOWS Thermo pane Tinted or solar screen glass SOLAR HEATING Domestic Hot Water Augment Household Heating 5% D 10% n 5% D 5% n % by engineering design Innovative design/location of water heaters or furnaces to minimize pipe runs to be used in determining tie-breakers.. POINTS 0 1 2 34 5 6 7 % ENERGY CONSERVATION No energy conservation considerations 1 - 3% 4 - 6% 7-9% « 10 - 12% 13 - 15% 16 - 18% 18%+ 3.Does the j. ject incorporate facilities to reduc by significant amounts? -ewer effluent City Points Only 01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >lar - No reduction - Up to 2% 47. 6% 87. 107. 127. ' ' 147. 167. 187. -Over 187. lation 4. Does the project remove or rehabilitate older dilapidated structures within the community of a non-historic nature?"' 0 - Land Vacant 3 - Rehabilitation 5 - Removal of non-historic dilapidated structure ^Structure is defined as any main building on a lot. Explanation SECTION II: These questions will be answered by City Staff Only: 1. Does the proposed project participate in a capital project listed on the City Council's approved Capital Improvement Program? Si Points 0 - No 5 - Partially completes a capital project 10 - Completes a capital project Comments 2. Will the project require less than 507. of the sewer capability that is available in its land use type? 0 - 507. and over 1 - 40 - 497. 2 - 30 - 397. 3 - 20 - 297. 4 - 10 - 197. 5-0-97. Garments . 3. No public expenditures would be necessary to provide service to the proposed site such as new water lines, street additions, sewer, etc.? 0 - Substantial public expenditures 3 - Minimal public expenditures * 5 - No public expenditures required Cooraents City Use Only Points Given ~ Commercial and Industria'1"' 4. Will the Project provide substantial assessed value to the City? POINTS RECEIVED QUARTILE 0 Bottom 25% of Projects ~__ 3 Third 257, of Projects City Use Only Points Given Second 257. of Projects Top 257. of Projects METHOD:Projects shall be arrayed from highest to lowest building valuations. Building evaluation for each Project shall be computed multiplying the square footage of building area in each Project by the appropriate construction cost factors set forth in the Building Department Valuation Tables . Comments Cormiercial Only 5. Will the project provide substantial'taxable sales to the City? POINTS RECEIVED QUARTILE Bottom 25% of Projects Third 25% of ProjectT Second 25/4 of Projects Top 25% of Projects METHOD: Projects shall be arrayed from highest to lowest potential taxable sales. Potential taxable sales for each project shall be computed by multiplying the square footage of gross leasible building area in each project by the following gactors: USE Regional Shopping Center TAXABLE SALES PER SQUARE FOOT OF BUILDING ($ 's 90 Community & Neighborhood Coninercial Center Specialty Store TOT discount Store 80 Furniture and Appliances Furnishings 60 T.V., Stereo, Records 120 Building Supplies 90 Paint and Wallpaper 120 Auto Service and Supplies Dinner Restaurant 140 Coffee Shop • Fast Food 250 Mini-Supermarket Car Dealership - set amount of"S1.8 Million" Comments Submittal Information ,ieet A. Documents Required for Submittal: 1) Application 2) Questionnaires for Qualification and for Rating (application attach- ments) 3) Photostatic copy of deed with complete legal description of subject property or other form of description acceptable to the Planning Director 4) Fifteen ozalid prin'ts of the plans 5) Proof in writing that all discretionary actions involving the various public agencies have been completed. 6) The submittal of plans shall include a site plan, floor plan, landscape and irrigation plan, and building plans which also show the utility system and water and energy saving devices. 7) Fees: The submittal of a processing fee in the amount of: $25 for community facility $25 for, a single family residence $50 for a multiple family residence $100 for a commercial or industrial use B. Drafting of Plan: 1) Sheets to be 24" x 36" with 1" border (Standard "D" size). 2) Scale to indicated: 1" = 10' is generally sufficient, however, the scale is to be appropriate for sheet size. 3) North arrow oriented to top or left side of sheet. 4) Lettering must be legible. It is preferred that it be drawn by mechanical means,'in ink, and heavy upper case. 5) Location map showing the distance to the center line of the nearest intersection. 6) Title block with name and address of applicant and drafter, and pertinent information such as uses, total acreage and date prepared. C. Information on PI an . . 1) Proposed and existing structures: a) Proposed use of all structures (in general land use terms). b) Building dimensions, setbacks and distances between buildings. c) Type of construction proposed. d) Identification of fire rated walls and fire sprinkler systems. e Height and number of stories. f Gros.s floor area per structure. g Proposed changes and additions to existing buildings. 2) Existing and proposed rights-of-way, public and/or private: a) Distance from property line to center line of rights-of-way. b) Widths of right-of-way. c) Location of existing and proposed sidewalks and curbcuts. d) Easements - type and location. 3) Parking: « Location, s'ize and numbered consecutively. Identification of loading zones. Dimensions of driveways. Submittal Information Sheet Page Two 4) Landscaping: a) Existing and proposed trees in the public right-of-way. b) A schedule showing types, size and location of all plant materials proposed on site. c) Indicate a permanent watering system for all landscaping areas by showing the location of water lines. 5) Refuse pickup areas (not required for detached housing projects) 6) Signs: Size, location and height of existing and proposed signs. 7) Lot lines and dimensions. 8) Location of watercourse or areas subject to flood. 9) Location of proposed storm drains or other means of drainage (grade and size). 10) Topographic contours at two-feet intervals, with indication of manufactured slope. 11) Cross section of proposed grading. Existing contours and pro- posed graded contours for all grades of 4:1 or greater shall be shown. 12) Delineation of development phasing.