HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-08-16; City Council; 5167; Council review of federal revenue budgetCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. ^ /£>/ Initial: DATE: AUGU'ST 16, -1977_ . . DePt:.. c^ Atty^ DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER • . _; C. Mgr. J_CIX • ___—^—*•** .Hd. ^ Subject: COUNCIL REVIEW OF THE PROPOSED FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING BUDGET AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FINAL OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1977-78. / ' ; Statement of the Matter THE FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING PUBLIC•HEARING IS A REQUIREMENT OF THE STATEMENT OF ASSURANCES ISSUED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY, SECTION 121 (B) (2) OF THE STATE AND LOCAL FISCAL ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1.972, AS AMENDED, REQUIRES EACH RECIPIENT GOVERNMENT TO HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED USES OF ENTITLEMENT FUNDS AND THE RELATIONSHIP OF SUCH FUNDS TO ITS ENTIRE BUDGET PRIOR TO ENACTMENT OF THE BUDGET, THE CITY COUNCIL HAS REQUESTED THAT THE"PROPOSED CITY BUDGET FOR FISCAL 1977-78 BE PRESENTED AT THIS TIME FOR HEARING, EXHIBITS . PROPOSED USES' OF FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS. RESOLUTION NO. 3~/fffi . RECOMMENDATION . • . i) '"AFTER THE HEARING ANP REVIEW OF PROPOSED FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING USES, IF COUNCIL CONCURS, APPROVE REVENUE SHARING EXPENDITURE BY MINUTE MOTION. 2) IF THE CITY COUNCIL DESIRES TO APPROVE THE BUDGET AS SUBMITTED WITH THOSE CHANGES PREVIOUSLY RECOMMENCED BY THE COUNCIL, THEY. SHOULD ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. Council action • • ' 8-16-77 The Council- by. Minute Motion approved the Revenue Sharing 'expenditure following the Public Hearing. Resolution #5180 was adopted, adoptinq a.Final Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 1977-7R. ATTACHEMENT 1 Q UJ h- C/1 Z O =3 0. O O 21QL < O O 0 LA U3 O O O 0 J- o O O O LA CN O O 0 Ooo 0 O O J- hA O O O 1— 1 K\ O O 0 rA i-H O O 0 ooj- oo 0 ooto ooo o hA O 0 0 cn LA to-in- QL < h- Z Z i-i =3 2 O I-H 51 -I <LU O O O O O O O O O O O O •> V V «k O LTl O O IA LD J- LTi CM I I I I I I O O O LTV OJ- CO Q I << I- r- I CQ LU r-- tO O Oi -J Q .-1 LUQL r> r> < QQ Ot. Z< LU LU > >- LU QL O >- O H-1 Z < -J< u <a:LUu_ QLU to CM =»= Z 01 — 11-<1-to LU _1 Oo Q. CtL O LU Z >- QL < QL LU Hr> zot — ii-<i-to h- QL OLL. h— 1 1- I O l-H _I ^a:< CL Oz t— ( QL < O Z LU SILU > O QLa. 51 1- LU CQ < 1- Z _I tO < I-oI- o LU O Q. H-f-l-i-i<<>-LUQ.CL.Q tO<<ZLUCO<_l LU O ^) tO Q LU LU S i-LU<O<<OO<<< ATTACHMENT 2 CO co " CO LUO cnQ CQ U I LU U OCO u_o LU CO LU i—i I- . LX o QzIDLU LU f^ « LU h-CO ZLU O &. O h-O LUQ aQ< .-u:D Qs 00 1^- CDfA•^,, CO .o DiD Q. "* I < h— <a. 5 HO IDQLU Q • ; << h- ,- LU1- <; i — i ^—CO LU * If) "Z, ^f \- LUO ^_J<T CO LUO "2L ^<c CQ LU>0 CL. ^ O c*& 5: LU CQ 1— < < <: CO LU 2 LU ^>LUr/ LUCSQIDCQ f? Cncn OOi— i CN •vt— 1 CD O OO N I — 1.1 — 1 cn CD CNt— 1 -VJ- fA OO t-H J- 0•^ LA |sf^ t-H ^r^ Q; CDLA P^CO ^.CH CD CM LA COr-H ^ t— 1 CD CD •V fA OO r-H CO J- CMfAi — ( 0 0LA •V OO t-H CDCD CD ^cn CM CD 0 CD ^LA t-H t-H COr^ -^ CD CN t— 1 00 CO cncni— i LA O CO-3~ r~-~ -d~ t-H LA CO CO LA CO W OOt-H CD CD CD •v 1 — 1 LAt-H O0r^•^J- LAI— 1 cn oJ- oCN OO•t «^ tA OO .-H J- J- t-H J- o ooCD r^. j" i — 1 fA tA LA J- fA0 LA J- J~ t — 1 tA CD O CD CD CD CDCD CD CD hA CD CD t-H LA CD I-A i-H t-H CO CO cn CD CDo CD •VOLA CD CD O•^ cn LACO COf^ CO oo CNI\ CDO f^~ J- i-H J" O LA 0 0 CN CO cn CN LA LA t-H CD O O *.o CDt-H 0 0CDNCN r-H 0 Ocn«tcni — i CD LA CD CD CM IA t-H CM r-t CD LA O LA CD fA 0 0P-^ CN fv. r-H •^ r^_ CM O~> t-H J- « CA CN t— 1 c£D'fA CO CM,IA 1-7!, CD tA CM I-A LA r-t CO J" CD CD J- OO •^i — 1 Oo fA ^ t-H LAI-A t— 1 O CM CO CO00 ^. t — l cn CD •vp^ LAcn •s " r-- .r^-^ CM CN ! cnj- •v t-H CM J- CN CD CD CD ^CO I— 1 CO CD •\ OOI— 1 CN O •^ i — 1 J- |ST\ CD O Jvf^•> CM ^•s. fA tA t-H CN», 0 CNJ- ^ i-H LA t— 1 CN J- t-H *v CM CD CD0 OofA i— 1 0LA r~~- (•^ CO i-H K CN 0 CDfA*. t-H LA fA *,I— 1 CD CNi — 1. t-H CD CD CN1 CM CNCD r-- fA cn| CNcn •^CO, CN CD I;1 •> r-H CNJ" CM CD CDcn *cn r-H cD<JD tAOOi— 1 LU O Q => CQ OO cn >~ QL < LUa: Q- LU X I- f-CO 1- LU LU Q QQ 3 < CQ LU f- LU jr Z i — i ^ h- -J CO < LU CQ •• Or~ tV ~2L Q- O Q-o <r CO ~7 i — i > t/) f^. f^V *^0 «^D p^LA CD •s LA CO J- f-^. ai cnoo r^-»^ ^ O cD CD f^ CO •^. i-H UJu <p—3g 0 0 CD O CO LA v »» r-> CO r-H tA O~l t-H Q "Z.:Du_ I sx S \—Q rs LL_ LU 2 CO c5 l3 CDoC3 VCD CM J" CD i-H ^CN •""• Zo1 — 1h- t~ r— -t iIA O f1-^ fA •^J- (p ^t~4 1— h-H _J cn COj- •s. CM 0 CDCD N r-H LA i — 1 f— COZOO a:LU LU CO CD O 0 CD 00i — 1 CDf-^ t-H •^ J- r-H O O 0 •^o IA i — i <<;r*co LU ZLU UJoi. o o 0 LA CM t-H ^ ^i-l CM O LA i-H CD O CD •\ O O1— 1 13 QLU Z— O_> CQ! Z >- 1 ' *^C 1 % CL _J r^ LA o LA COtA r^ LAo LA00LA J*cnm\^/ cn LA fA rH CD CN•t M J" J-00 fAJ- oo •i. CN CD -CDfA•\i — 1 LA •N i-H J- LA 00•^ OO fA fc. fA CD 0 •s i-H LA tA •v 1 — 1 _i^f Q h-Z OO h-ca ty. <t &. zLU (— LU < 3: O h- SLU 1— < Oco 3; LU CO LU O D. LU LU _J CQ CO I- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 5180 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A FINAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1977-78 FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHARGES IN APPRO- PRIATIONS FOR THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS AND FUNDS . BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: SECTION 1. That certain document now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad entitled, "City of Carlsbad Preliminary Budget Fiscal Year 1977-78," as amended in accord with Exhibits A,B,C,D and E ,a t tached hereto" and incor- porated by reference herein shall be and the same is hereby adopted as the final operating budget for the City of Carlsbad for the fiscal year 1977-78. Said document is hereby referred to and by this reference made a part hereof. SECTION 2. That the amount designated as Department Total for each department and each fund in said document is hereby appropriated to the department or fund for which it is designated, and such appropriation shall be neither increased nor decreased except as provided herein without approval of the City Council. All amounts designated as Personnel Services, Material, Supply, Services, and Capital Outlay in said document are hereby appro- priated for such uses to the department or fund under which they are listed subject to the controls he':=>•.• SECTION 3- That the City Manager may approve the transfer of amounts designated as Personnel Services, Material, Supply, and Services fromaccount to account within any particular fund or Department total. The City Manager may approve the transfer of 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 funds from amounts designated as Personnel Services, Material, Supply, and Services to a capital account within any particular fund or department total in an amount up to $500,00, SECTION k. That the City Manager is authorized to approve capital expenditures for particular budgeted items of $3,500,00 or less. Any such expenditure of more than $3,500.00 shall require the approval of the City Council. The City Manager may approve transfer of funds from item to item or account to account within the total of any Department's Capital Outlay accounts in an amount up to $500.00. The City Manager may approve capital expenditures for a nonbudgeted capital item in an amount of $500.00 or less in connection with a fund transfer within the total of any j Department's Capital Outlay account. Any changes so approved shall' be reported to the City Council. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council on the l6th day of August, 1977, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Frazee and Lewis, and Councilwoman Casler Councilman Skotnicki Councilman Packard ROBERT C. FRAZEE,YOR ATTEST: 26 AMT E. ADAMS,1 City Clerk (SEAL) 27 28 2'