HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-08-30; City Council; 5158-1; First Phase of Sewer Allocation SystemCITY OF r"RLSBAD t * - T • 0. • 1I nTti al :_ .AGENDA BILL NO. ^75y ~ ?Ult&U**je*t£> I Dept. Hd. DATE; August 30, 1977 __ City Atty V DEPARTMENT:Planning City Mgr. A SUBJECT: City of Carlsbad First Phase Sewer Allocation System STATEMENT~QF THE MATTER The staff has redrafted the Council Committee's report to the City Council on a proposed first phase sewer allocation system. This format covers the intent of the Council, the process required to qualify for a sewer permit and methodology involved in rating the proposed project. With your concurrence it is our intent to set this matter for public hearing at a special meeting of the City Council on September 13, 1977. It is felt this will give adequate time to notify all of those persons who have written the City showing an interest in the sewer moratorium and give them an opportunity to participate in the public hearing. EXHIBIT RECOMMENDATION If the Council concurs with the proposed special meeting of September 13, 1977, we will proceed to place a notice in the paper and notify all those persons of record who have written the City. Council action 8-30-77 Council concurred with changes recommended by staff and agreed that a public hearing be held'on September 13, 1977 for the First Phase Sewer Allocation System. FORM PLANNING 73 ALEXANDER BOWIE 6|0 NEWPORT CENTER DR|VE . su|TE |220 A LAW CORPORATION NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 9266O AREA CODE 714 TELEPHONE 644-9311 ALEXANDER BOWIE CLAYTON H. PARKER SPENCER E. COVERT, JR. RE-F' OUR FILE NANCY C. SHANAHAN STEPHANIE L. SCHER XJ-J.O ROBERT A RYAN, JR. August 10, 1977 Honorable City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: First Phase of Sewer Allocation System Gentlemen: This office represents Kaiser-Aetna, doing bus- iness as Ponderosa Homes. This office is in receipt of a copy of a memoran- dum dated July 29, 1977, from the City Council Sewer Allo- cation Committee, regarding the first phase of the sewer allocation system within your City. It is our understanding that this matter will be considered by your City Council at its meeting to be held on Tuesday, August 16, 1977. In view of the fact that this proposed sewer allocation has just been received, and in view of the fact that its effect on proposed residential development, including property for which tentative tracts have previously been approved by your City Council, is unknown, it appears appropriate that there should be a period of time for public study and comment before the proposed plan is adopted by your Council. It is respectfully requested that this matter be continued for at least a 30-day period in order to allow public study and comment before adoption. Very truly yours, ALEXANDER BOWIE A Law Corporation CHP:wm Clpfyton^W. 'Parker cc: Paul D. Bussey, City Manager Vincent F. Biondo, Jr., City Attorney Elias John Garcia Vice President & General Manager, Ponderosa Homes Lyle Gabrielson, Rick Engineering NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a Public Hearing in the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, September 13, 1977, to consider adoption of Phase I of a Sewer Allocation System. PUBLISH: September 3, 1977 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a Public Hearing in the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, September 13, 1977, to consider adoption of Phase I of a Sewer Allocation System. PUBLISH: September 3, 1977 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL andjeg ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS 4845 RONSON COURT, SAN DIEGO, CA^rf^Rl^A 92111 (714) 292-1040 6 September 1977 File':'(3) Job No. 2782-3 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. James Hagaman, Planning Director Gentlemen: Subject: Sewer Availability for Rancho La Cuesta, Unit No. 5 Subdivision (Carlsbad Tract No. 76-7) Rancho La Cuesta Unit No. 5 Subdivision is the last of five units approved by the City Council. This unit's Tentative Map was approved on 7 September 1976. Unit Nos. 1 through 4 Subdivision Maps were- recorded last year. Building and sewer permits were obtained and house slabs were poured on each lot within those units last year. Sewer and water facilities have been constructed in these units-and are presently in service. Rancho La Cuesta Unit No. 5 Subdivision improvement plans and final map are presently under design. Proposed waterlines to be constructed as part of Unit No. 5 would extend the existing waterlines that presently dead- end at the north boundary of Unit No. 5 to El Camino Real via proposed Arena! Road. The extension of these waterlines is desperately needed to provide a secondary water source to La Costa and to complete a looped water system to satisfy the Fire Department and Carlsbad Municipal Water District's request of 4 May 1977. The road system serving Unit No. 4 presently deadends at the north boundary of Unit No. 5. The Carlsbad Fire Department has indicated an urgency to extend these roads through Unit No. 5 to El Camino Real to provide a second- ary access and a more direct access into the development from the existing fire station at Arenal Road and El Camino Real. Enclosed are letters from Jack Kubota of Woodside and Kubota dated May 4, 1977 and May 17, 1977 indicating their desires as well as the Fire Department. Also enclosed are copies of the preliminary grading plan for Unit No. 5 and the Tentative Map for Unit Nos. 1 through 5. A Coastal Permit has been obtained for Unit No. 5. The developer would like to cooperate and construct the urgently needed public facilities but would need sewer service in order to develop the property. It is requested that the public need-of this development be City of Carlsbad 6 September 1977 Mr. James Hagaman, Planning Director Page 2 discussed with the Sewer Committee and .that sewer connections be allotted to serve the 45 lots within Unit No. 5 when sewer capacity becomes available. If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to call. Very truly yours, * VTN SAN DIEGO . eorge L. Benton Chief Engineer GLB:ras Enclosures cc: City of Carlsbad Fire Department Woodside & Kubota Vttl WOODSIDE/KUSOTA « ASSOCIATES. INC. JK if XSBXOt»2iXlZ9(..p.O.Box1D95-Carldjad.Cafifomia92003. (714)723-1194 May 4, 1977 2465 Pio Pico Mr. Jack Gleason . '% Newport Shores Builders, Inc. 20951 Brooknurst Street . • Huntington Beach, Calif. 92646 "Subject: Carlsbad Tract 72-34 - Rancho La Cuesta - Carlsbad Municipal Water District. Dear Mr. Gleason: The subject development is proceeding rapidly and we are very pleased to see the progress that you have made so that completion and move-ins .to your new residential units can take place soon. We have had ongoing discussions with the- City 'of Carlsbad - Fire Department regarding •adequacy of water service for fire protection during construction, and a request has been made to develop a time schedule for the construction of the off-site water system facilities connecting the south side of the -subdivision to El Camino Real. Accordingly, v/e ask that you pursue this matter with your consulting 'engineers and if we can be of any assistance to you, please contact the undersigned immediately. .We encourage you to pursue this as soon as possible. Very Vtruly your .ack Y./Kubota, District Engineer Carlsbad/Municipal Water District cc: Carlsbad Municipal Water District VTN -.San Diego —City of Carlsbad - Fire Department JYK/le In Ot*"3« County. Santa Ana CHWD 7364 V 1200 ELM-AVENUE CARLSBAD, CAL.FO3N.A 92008 ( it of Cartefcab May 16, 1977 Frank H. Ay res & Son Construction Co. 20951 Brookhurst St. Huntington Beach, California 92648 Attention: John H. Gleason Re: CT76-7 Gentlemen: withVie are in the process of updating our traffic circulation planning in the City of Carlsbad. Your present Tract 72-34 has certain streets that presently dead-end and are anticipated to be extended and looped once Tentative Tract 76-7 is built. Could you please furnish us with the anticipated time frame for these 'improvements. We are concerned regarding the length of time it will be before the streets in Tentative Tract 76-7 are built completing the looped system we desire for access to and from the existing homes. Thank you for your cooperation, and should you have any questions please let us know. Very-truly yours, Ronald A. Beckman, P.E. Public Works Administrator RAB:veb WOODSIDE/KUBOTA & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULT! MO r 25)65 Roosevelt St. -P.O. Box 1095 -Carlsbad. California 92003 • (714) 729-1194 May 17, 1977 Mr, Jack Gleason Newport Shores Builders, Inc. 20951 Brookhurst Street Huntington Beach, Calif. 92646 Subject: Carlsbad Tract 72-34 - Rancho La Cuesta - Carlsbad Municipal Water District > Dear Mr. Gleason: Responding to your telephone request of Hay 17, 1977, we want to further clarify the concerns and recommendations made to you by our letter of May 4, 1977, regarding the offsite water system to the south of the approved Rancho La Cuesta Development. Specifically, we have cited to you the concerns of the City of Carlsbad - Fire Department- for minimum fire flow requirements during construction; however, we wish to emphasize to you that it is also a specific requirement of the District that the development complete all of this offsite water system in a timely way, so that the subdivision development can be adequately served, at such time you commence to permit occupancy of the dwelling units. In fact, the basic reason why we responded to your request to have the offsite water system facilities as a separate increment of work Was to accomodate your schedule of proceedings for approval of these remaining units by the appropriate governmental units Accordingly, we emphasize to you the need to proceed immediately, so that the entire subdivision development will have the benefit of the complete integrated public water system. If you have any questions regarding our position in this matter, please contact the undersigned. . Very truly yoursy *-'-*/•>A. / 5 ,0ack Y. Kubota, District Engin* Carlsbad Municipal Water Distr cc: Carlsbad Municipal Water District JYK/le In O''iny-! Coun:y. CMWD 7364 I.KUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRll. -PPLICATION FOR SEWER SERVICE 'V, N?.me: Newport Shores Builders Phone No. J.38.-UH3 Mailing Address: 1859 Lilac Ct Carlsbad, Calif 92003 f rA » » * »/ . ro /uuiress: _. Jots_m,3|7,326,32^U?.li»3l°»307,3^,342,345,346,- Tract Description: La Cost|t Meadowy 90 lots Meadows 1 &'unjt 2/ 253,249,2^2.2^1, l65-16f- T7T69-I71 I5~6,220,218,217,209-210,19*6-197Z Typ« of Building:Ho. Units 90 -' Connection Charge $54,000.00 Lateral Size: 4" X 6" Extra footage: 0 $ Extra depth: @ $ 8"_ Saddle: _X__ Easement Connection Lateral Charge Total 11.475.00 65,475.00, Amount Rec'd 0 r'S,475.00 How Paid Ck//6714~ Date Paid Rcc'd by gTTranklin The application nust be cloned by. the owner (or his authorized representative) of the property to bo ecrved. The total charges must be paid to tho District at the time the application Is submitted. If a service lateral io required, it will be installed by the Leucadia County Water District. The service lateral if; that part of the sewer system that extends fron the main collection line in the street (or easement) to the point in the street (at or near the applicant'o property line) where the service lateral is connected to the applicant's building st«wer. The applicant! is responsible for the construction, at the applicant, s expense, of the sewer pipeline (building sewer) from the applicant's plumbing to the point in the street (or easement) where a connection is made to the service lateral. • The connection of the applicant's building sewer to the service lateral shall be made by the applicant at his expense. The connection must be made in conformity with the District's specifications, rules and regulations; and IT MUST RE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT BEFORE THE SEWER SYSTEM MAY BE 1'SED BY THE APPLICANT. THE APPLICANT, 0: HIS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, MUST NOTIFY THE DISTRICT AT THE TIME INSPECTION IS DESI7J ANY CONNECTION MADE TO THE SERVICE LATERAL OR COLLECTION LINE WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL AN! INSPECTION BY THE DISTRICT WILL BE CONSIDERED INVALID AiJD WILL NOT BE ACKNOWLEDGED. After connection is complete, the property described above is subject to a monthly sewer service charge, billed bi-monthly in advance. The rnte will be governed by the use of the property, single family, multiple dwellinn or cor-iurcial. Non-payment of the newer service charge is subject to a 52 penalty per month, plus disconnection if necessary. The undersigned hereby agrees that the above information c*vt>n is correct *nd ~srccs to the^conditions as stated: Owner's Signature 6-13-7 Date 6916-7003 Account No. WHITE IT—DON'T SAY IT INTER-DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO Jim Hagaman DATE 9/8 19 77 A. M. P. M. Re: VTN Letter Re. Seaport Unit #5 While the inclusion of Unit #5 makes sense, City acquiescence at this point would require reappraisal of the "infill" policy portion of the allocation system. This would significantly delay the process. CC: Bud Tim .SEP . 8 1977 CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Department REPLY ON THIS SHEET w i L M E R -SERVICE" U.NE FROM R0n B. EMO. F: =v 1 1-24 CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT SEP-9is;7 MEMORANDUM C-T TO: BUD PLENDER, PLANNING DEPARTMENT DAT Er'^8fig7 Depart me FROM: FIRE MARSHAL SUBJECT: RANCHO LA CUESTA (WATER) Can not see the problem at Rancho La Cuesta. Units 1 to 4 were designed to be looped at the southern boundary of Unit 4 to El Camino Real to obtain the required fire flow. If Rancho La Cuesta wants to be looped in at the southern end of Unit 5, fine. They can do it with or without building permits for Unit 5. At the time this department released Units 1 and 2, the developer was advised that Units 3 and 4 will not be released until the water system was looped. In talking to C.M.W.D., they are of the same opinion. . (JL> A. Wolenchuk, B/C TH Ff RANCHO AQUA HEDIONDA P. O. BOX 463, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 920O8 TEL. 729-3O66 ^ept. 13, 1977 City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Bin Aye. Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 ^ear Council Members: We ask that the infill area for sewer conections be changed to include all of the property owned by Allan 0. Kelly which is within the City boundry and in the Agua Hedionda Specific Plan. (This would not include all of Kelly's land that is in the Specific Plan) This would move the line from Park Dr. southerly to the edge of the lagoon and easterly to the City boundry. Our reasons are as follows 1. The "Phasing of Public Improvements and Facilities" section of the Agua Hedionda Specific Plan includes this land in Area 1. On page 25 of the plan it states in part "Area 1 properties are generally suitable for development at the present time". Area 1 includes Teramar and the north shore of the lagoon from the ocean easterly to th at portion of the City boundry which runs from the easterly end of the lagoon to EL Caraino Real. See Exhibit J of the AHSP. 2. The sewer line is adjacent to the property. 3. We have plans ..showing that this land can hook up to the present sewer line without much fill. 4. The right of way for much of this sewer line was donated to the City by the property owner* It is unreasonable to espect, as a member of the engineering department has said, that this land should be sewered to some future sewer on the south side of the lagoon. 5. This change will make the infill line and the City boundry co- terminous in this area. We realize that we will not get any sewer capacity from the iraediate capacity that is available. This change is just one easy change to mak«n rather than a hurdle to be overcome somtime in the future. "***'' Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely yours, W. Allan Kelly BUILDERS and DEVELOPERS 325 Elm Avenue Post Office Box 1155 Carlsbad, California 92008 Phone 714/729-7911 Contractor's License No. 161995 September 12, 1977 Honorable Mayor and Citv Council Citv of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Pe: PROPOSED SEWER ALLOCATION ORDIANCE Dear Mayor Frazee and Council Members: We have reviewed the first phase Sewer Allocation System that will be considered at your meeting of September 13, 1977. Unfortunately I will not be/able to be present, however, I have the following comment: In determining density for single family residential, I would like to see the definition clarified so as to permit the inclusion of open space in determing the density of cxmdominimums. For example in Buena Woods CT77-2 we have 130 dwelling units on'12.8- acres private lots giving a overall densitv of 10.2 dwelling units per acre or an average lot size of 4,271 sq. ft. However, if the common lot open space of 12.6 acres is added it gives a density of 5.1 dwelling units to the acre or an average lot size of 8,541 sou ft. The addition of the open space in the computation of density should be essential to allow these projects to be classified in the single family residential land use catagory. Since the allocation for single family is twice that of multiple family it would seem that these low density condominimums projects should fit in to the single family catagory. It should also be pointed out that this development include the dedication of 12.7 acres of City Park which is not used in the comp- utation of the densitv. These are the only contnents I have on the Proposed Allocation System. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Very truly your Rambotis ^ CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. JLR/ls