HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-09-06; City Council; 3069-5; Carlsbad Wastewater Reclamation Feasibility Study Lake Calavera HillsCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. g £> (e> f — A6&JL4U._W_ - „, yyw« DATE: September 6, 1977 DEPARTMENT: Pub lie Works Subject: Aij'-O Initial: Dept . Hd «3£cr . C. Atty.^ Mgr.lPj Carlsbad Wastewater Reclamation Feasibility Study Lake Calavera Hills Statement of the Matter In an effort to provide the information necessary to expedite the 'proposal to provide wastewater reclamation facilities for his proposed development, Mr. Roy Ward of Lake Calavera Hills has proposed to finance a Carlsbad sub-regional wastewater reclamation study. This study would provide valuable information as to the suitability and location of potential wastewater reclamation facilities within the City of Carlsbad. This information would be valuable not only to Mr. Ward, but to the City in establishing a planning process for siting and location of other potential wastewater reclamation facilities. Exhibits Staff Memorandum of August 23, 1977 Letter of August 18, 1977 to Mayor from Roy Ward Letter of July 22, 1977 "from R°Y Ward 1"° Dennis O'Leary of Lowry & Associates Recommendation That City Council accept the offer of Mr'. Roy Ward, as stated in his letter of August 18, I977, with the exceptions as outlined in Staff Memorandum of August I977, and that Staff be authorized to-negotiate the agreement with Mr. Ward and return it to Council for ratification. 30, Council action 9-13-77 The Council accepted the offer made by. Lake Calavera Hills in letter dated August 18, 1977, with the modification as recommended by staff set forth in Memorandum dated August 30, 1977 from the Public Works Administrator to the City Manager. X'.", August 18, 1977 The Honorable Mayor Robert Frazee City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mayor Frazee: This letter constitutes a request by Lake Calavera Hills Associates to fund on behalf of and for the City of Carlsbad, a study of secondary treatment sewer facility potential and waste water reclamation for Carlsbad and its sphere of influence. We respectfully request that the City Council instruct the City Manager and the Public Works Director to prepare a scope of work study along the lines as those presented by us to Lowry & Associates adding any relevant areas of study that they would see fit to include. This study would be performed for the City of Carlsbad with the supervision of the Public Works Director. It is our belief that if a decision on Lake Calavera Hills' pro-, posal for waste water reclamation and secondary treatment facility is to be a valid one made in the best long-range interests of the City, this study must be completed now in order to have a basis for discussion and decision. We would recommend that the study be performed by Lowry & Associates who, firstly, want to perform the study and, secondly, can do it now, in a timely manner and, thirdly, in the opinion of most authorities are as qualified as any firm in the state. The conditions under which we are willing to fund this study are as fol1ows : 1. Lake Calavera Hills negotiates the contract for the study (subject to approval of the City Manager and Public Works Di rector), 2. The study be performed by Lowry & Associates with Dennis O'Leary as the consultant in charge. . AIST- s^At Aifr~r»A mi i e> 3088 Pio Pico Dr., Suite 201 • Carlsbad, Ca. 92008LAKE CALAVERA HILLS 4321 Birch Street • • Newport Beach, Ca. 92660 (714) 729-4912 (714) 549-2988 Mayor Robert Page 2 3. That the study begin promptly and be completed in no more than 45 days. 4. That the Staff move forward rapidly on the certification of the supplemental EIR for Lake Calavera Hills as a tool to use to: a. Submit immedi ately to the Regional Water Quality Control Board for a water discharge permit based on the general ^proposal in the Lake Calavera Hills Feasibility Study known as Alternative #9 (the reasons for this is to begin the processing time for the permi t'.w.hi chi s '.usual ly 120 days). In summary, Lake Calavera Hills Associates believes that this study is essential to having enough data available for the Council to make a logical and reasonable decision on waster water reclamation in Carlsbad. We believe it is important to Lake Calavera Hills, but is probably more important to the City of Carlsbad. Carlsbad can take the lead in the area of reclamation and conser- vation of resources by moving forward at this time at no expense to the City. Respectfully requested, ard al Partner CALAVERA HILLS ASSOCIATES .RJW/djw July 22, 1977 Mr. Dennis 0'Leary Lowry and Associates 7189 Navajo Road, Suite A San Diego, Calif. 92119 RE: Lake Calavera Hills Dear Dennis: I wish to compliment you on your appearance before the Carlsbad City Council the other evening. I am quite satisfied that your comments were key to the success of the evening. With the tentative map approval behind us and after discussion with various City officials., I should like you to prepare a pro- posal to provide engineering consulting services according to the following outline. I will then transmit this to the appro- priate City officials expressing the willingness of Lake Calavera Hills Associates to fund your work as outlined. JOB: Carlsbad Waste Water Reclamation Feasibility Study. CLIENT: City of Carlsbad, California PAYMENT: By City of Carlsbad using funds deposited by Lake Calavera Hills Associates. Lowry shall provide the following: 1• Sub-Regional Hydrology a; Study the sub-region south of Oceanside, north of Bati- quitos (but including all of the City of Carlsbad) from the ocean to the limit of influence or to practical limits such as other jurisdiction, topographies divides, etc. Include minor areas east of Carlsbad if inclusion of them in fact makes good sense. Base your work on the present General Plan. b. Suggest appropriate sub-areas suitable to individual pi ants. . ».,r-^A. A,,,-^A ,,,,,o 3088 Pio Pico Dr., Suite 201 • Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 • (714)729-4912 LAKE CALAVERA HILLS 4321 Birch Street • Newport Beach, Ca. 92660 • (714)549-2988 Mr. Dennis 0'Lear>^ Page 2 c. Recognize the realities ofthe Coastal Zone and its agricultural objectives. d. Take into account open space, agriculture, recreational lakes and other recreational uses. Our sole purpose here is to permit a focus on the Lake Calavera Hills area in a proper regional framework. 2. Lake Calavera Hil.ls Sub-Area a. Define sub-area at 1"-400' scale recognizing property lines, existing surveyed properties, possiblities for re-direction of existing sewage and other pertinent factors. b. Suggest, comment upon and recommend alternate plant sites. c. ' Consider environmental factors such as aesthetics, odor potential and noise. d. Consider alternate mechanical systems and recommend selection. e. Study and recommend alternative capital needs and funding. f. Study and recommend a method or methods of effluent disposal g. Analyze WQCB factors and make all necessary contact short of an application for waste discharge requirements. h. Study and estimate annual operating costs. Suggest means of financing plant operations apart from normal City sewer budget. i. Prepare a process chart indicating public approval process and time needs. 3. Recommendati ons Include in your report a list of recommendations which, if adopted by City Council, could permit t'he project to move forward on a specific site. 4. Fee Indicate your fee proposal. 5. Consul tat ion Coordinate all. study with Director of Public Works and seek his views and comments: Mr. Denni s 0' Leary* Page 3 Thank you for cooperation on this matter and if you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate-to call. Sincerely, Roy General Partner Lake. Cal avera Hills Associates RJW/djw