HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-09-06; City Council; 3614-3; CHILDREN'S LIBRARY COMMITTEE REPORT TO CITY COUNCILI e \ Dept. Hd.3 ' I ,'. @ Cl2TY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA B1I;L NO. 3614 - Supplement #3 Initial: DATE : September 6, 1977 DEPARTMENT: Sub j ect : C. Atty. - C. Mgr, 3 Eng ineeri ng - -I. Chi Idren's Library Committee Report to City Counci I Statement of the Matter The architect has completed his work on the preliminary study in accordance with the-terms of the agreement dated September 14, 1976. The Children's Library Committee, which has been monitoring the work of the architect, has made its f ina I report. The architect's estimate of cost does not include land acquisition. Exhibits I. Chi Idren's Library Study Committee Report 2. Building Description and Cost Estimate Recommendations If City Council concurs with the Chiidren's Library Study Committee Report, following action should be taken: I. That City Council accept the preliminary study by the architect and appt final payment. That City Council authorize the architect to commence with plans and spc fications by December 31, 1977 in accordance with terms of the consultar agreement. Construction could then be implemented in the event a grant other funds become available. That City Council instruct staff to begin negotiations for acquisition ( land as recommended in staff report dated January 18, 1977. 2. 3. Council action 9-6-77 The Council accepted staff recommendation No. 1 and No. 3. @ 0 MEMORANDUM - August 16, 1977 TO: City Manager FROM: Public Works Administrator SUBJECT: Children's Library - Committee Report to City Counc- On August 16, 1977 the Children's Library Committee met and approved its final report to the Council. Attached is a copy of the Committee Report along with the architect's cost estimate. The Committee has requested that the report be presented to the City Council at their first meeting in September. Documents prepared by the architect during his study and renderings suitable for presentation are available at the Citj Librarian's Office. 5?-nJcL fl=\ Ronald A. Beckman Public Works Administrator RAB : JES :ms c: Georgina Cole Attachment w a TO: City Council FROM: Children's Library Study Committee DATE: August 16, 1977 SUBJECT: Committee Report on Preliminary Study for Children's Library On April 6, 1976 the City Council authorized City Staff to solicit proposal: for a Children's Library Study. The City Council, on September 7, 1976, entered into an agreement with the architectural firm of Melvin-Thoryk & Associates to prepare a preliminary study for a fee of $14,500 and to prepai working plans and specifications for an additional fee of $21,000 if request by the City Council. The Council also directed that a Council Committee be appointed to work with the architect during the study phase of the project. The Committee was com- prised of the following members: Name Representing A. J. Skotnicki City Council Mary Casler City Council Reverend W. A. Driver Library Board of Trustees Jayce McCl el lan Library Board of Trustees Georgina Col e Librarian Dan Arnsan Children's Librarian Joe Spano Public Works Department The Committee met as required by the architect's schedule (stated in the agreement) to review various stages of the study and provide direction to the architect. The conceptual design developed by the architect provides a facility of approximately 12,000 square feet to house the Children's Library activities. The Library Staff worked closely with the architect to develop a facility tc serve the unique needs of the Carlsbad Library Children's Program. Particul care was taken to provide a warm environment scaled to meet the needs of the children who would use it. saa3snJl JO p~t?oq LJt?JqLg P_UOunuPH UOl UPUlOM 1 pun03 'JaiSP3 LJPW o------p-L --YT kvv.hn h saa3snJl 40 pa08 LJwqqg 7 JalpuLq3S auk LOJP3 Vf L/ '~~61 '81 LJPnuep paqt?p woda JJP~S UL papuawtuo3a~ st? puel JO uogLsknbx JOJ suoy.~~306au uk6aq 03 44erl.s 33nJqsu; Lpuno3 A243 3eyl ay3 UL pa3uatualdtuL aq uayq pLno-3 uop3nJqsuo3 -3uawaa~6e s,queqlnsuo3 ay2 JO sum2 qrl.~~ a3u~p~03-3~ u! LLQ~ c LE Jaqura3aa Lq suo;rl.t?-3~~~3ads put? sueid yqc~ a3uauuo3 03 pa2pp.~t? ayq azLaoyqnP 1;-3uno3 Lq~3 3~y1 -1 - qualuLCed LPU ~4 aAolrddP put? pa3p.p.r~ ay3 Lq Lpnqs LJPuLukLaYrd aq? $damp lpuno3 &.g ~eql *L :suo~qPpua~~o3a)-j aa37..Lllnuo3 *E 'alqPlLPAP aN03aq Spun4 Jay20 JO ~UPJ~ I? JUaAa LL6 1 '9 1 Jsnfintl -2- LL3uno3 L3k3 * a - w CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY CHILDREN'S LIBRARY FACILITY PROGRAM - 4 BUiLDfNG DESCFJPTIBN AND OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS AND BUDGET COST ESTIMATE DETAILS MELV*rN-TEORYK & ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS - - BUILDING DESCRIPTION AND OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS OVERVIEW The Carlsbad Children's Library facility is a unique wood, glass, an stone structure designed to provide a total learning experience for th children of the community. It has been designed to provide three functional zones. The first zone houses the collections and media of the library and generates a quiet, relaxed mood for readers. The second zone is designed €or activities and programs. Here, progran: and functions which generate noise and activity may be undertaken without disturbing library patrcns in the quiet zone. The third zone consists of a landscaped enclosed court to encourage appreciation €or nature and to allow the young library user to relate the natural envirc ment to his reading experiences. The structure will be constructed with reinforced concrete foundation and floor slabs. The structural framework will consist of heavy timl: posts, glued-laminated beams, and timber trusses in areas requiring long clear spans. Qther areas will utilize open web steel joists. Exterior walls will be constructed of non-combustible metal studs. Stone veneer is used on the exterior walls in areas which receive ear berms. The earth berms are utilized in part as insulation and in par to lower the profile of the building. Fire-retardant treated wood sidi over one -hour rated noncombustible material is used above the stone veneer. The interior spaces will utilize painted gypsum plaster and wood panelled walls. Carpet is used in a major portion of the structure to reduce maintenance costs and to reduce foot tralfic noise. The design of the structure, md t'ne selection of -materids and finishe described here, have been selected to (1) induce afeeling of warmth and well-being in the young library patron; (2) to provide low mainten ance and durability; and (3) to impart a sense of scale to which the ch can relate. CODE RZQUfREMENTS The structure is classified as a buildiEg having an assembly room wit an occupmt load of 300 or more without a stage. (i. e. , A 2.1 occupa The location of the facility in Fire Zone 3 of the City requires that the fire resistance of exterior walls be one hour construction and that the structure be situated over 10 feet from property lines. 'Q'EpeJ LJxeJqlT s,ua;rp'Ey3 pasodoxd ay~ ;so3 uo~~ex~pads augpo 33.1q B 3uasaJd ~0~103 L~I~M sa&d aq~ -spi.xapm alqgsnqmomou 30 papnqsuoa aq ~~eqs SI~M Jq.za~g *yIoy%oJqJ uog3nqsuo3 AI .x0 IU. ad& aq &m a.In$an;r)s ay;L ---- - e ,, 0 - - MATE Rl ALS : CONCRETE: Foundations and floor slabs shall have a minimum compressive strength of 2,000 lbs per square inch. Cement shall conform to U. B. C. Standard r\; 26-1. Aggregates shall conform to U. B.C. Standard No. 26-2 or 26-3. Water shall be clean and free from injurious amount of oils, acids, alkalis, salts, organ. materials, or other substances that may be deleterious to concrete or reinforcing steel. Concrete block shall conform to U. B. C. Standard No. 24-4. Mortar shall conform to U. B. C. Standard No. 24-20. Grout shall be proportioned by volume and shall have sufficient water addec to produce consistencg for pouring without segregation. Aggregate shall conform to U. B, C. Standarc MASONRY: NO. 24-23. STEEL JOISTS: Open web steel joists shall conform to U. 8. Standard No. 27-1 for materials, 27-2 for erection and 27-4 €or design. All structural lumber shall be Douglas Fir-: conforming to U. B. C. Standards 25-2, 25-3 25-4. Structural Glued-Laminated Timber shall cc to U. B. C Standard No. 25-11. Pressure-t lumber shall conform to U. B. C. Standard N Timber connectors shall conform to U. B. C. dard No. 25-17. Gypsum Lath shall conform to U. B. C. Stand No. 47-8. Gypsum plaster shall conform to Standard No. 41-9. Water-resistant Gypsur ing Board shall conform to U. B. C. Standard 41-14. i?/Ietal suspension systems for panel shall cordorrn to,U. B. C Standard No. 47-11 Expanded metal lath (3.4) shall be used on T+ ar,d ceilings of toilet rooms. FRAMING ?LUMBER: LATHING 8~ PLASTERING: .JOOJd u:eJx/pu:M slL@KLIOqq C3q 07 pE?.[@JSUr aq IvyS SMOPUIM .paUaaJ3S aq TpqS SLiYOpUIAl PUE SJOOP .[Tv 30 suogJcod papan il'fd 'mnurmn@ pampou~ WmiJA a[Nv smv 'ZJ-ZE pJ'F?puE$s =a '8 'n 03, .%~uIJ0gu0:, all$ &p UO~SS~ta aq xwqs ~ugoo~ allA :300g al!& 'Z-ZE Prr^e 1-ZZ PJ-ePUE?S '3 '8 'n 03, ~JOJUO;, TV~S pu~ s~~ad oz 303 pepuoq aq ~~eqs Sugoo~ -uopp~su~ pqlada~ aq lpqs Sugoocz dn-qilna :pox dn-qpq :9ML!€ool3 aZUOJq aC$ TTEYS SAlOpUIM PUE SJOOP @Jam 'SXOOQ 'SM@C"% TV3, &.- -w-- -;fa)EM 'JOoxdaJTJ Y31yq ,,Z JaAO parw$SUI -3,3a3,Ty3JE Lq pa73ayas si3 .rOTO)-J '06-9 "EaaW 3aH aBm2 PZ 30 W 'EVW SPuEd 'm-eas Sugx~qs algo.xd MOT yghi ~U~OOJ w~as %lpUEqS WEai;-EUI;fad 3q TlEYS %~JOoO~ WqSlrJ. '5 '9 i33Erl.8 pz aq TTEys 3u!qsElg JOOZ '1 '3 a3.p;rB zz aq 1p-p sdo.ss T~AEJ~ --f '3 a2Erl.3 'P=v %OS PU'F: UJ7 %OS aq nws JaPToS 9Z aq T@qS %.llqSETJ pEay MOPbTIM PUE JOOa "laaqs pays :3NIdQO%I ?V;LElX QW ?V;LBK! L3Z-IHS SulJeaq axaddo3 ~~Z~UEAE@ aq .[TE~S pqam pays *paTJP-u.[IY aq I@W y.110~xp.1 ysy3 .m~;raqul JOJ pasn aaqmnf 11~ -Qz@nb apaB l,uro~sn~ll .x03 spxepueqs -3 -1 *M Y~JM &dm02 ipqs 'POOMPJEH :spu;qea - AJgenb ap~A3 ,,Tlro~sn~,, JOJ spnppueqs -3 *I *M Y~FM didmo:, ipqs 'POOM~~S :s)au;q-ea 'YZO i3q TpyS IIIIJJ, POOMPJEH JO?Ja$U,uI *auTd ~so.~zapuo~ .IO ~l.6 sqBnoa aq Ipqs U~!J;L poo~q30s ~oi;rap~ -sSuw~.~p uo UMOYS saz~s JO aepaj pax uaeaqsaM UMES~J aq ipqs mpq poo~ pue 2uipy ~oya3,xg : X8OlkITT m 0 .< 0 T - GLASS & GLAZING: All glass shall bear American manufacturer label as to quality and strength. Glass shdl be 2' thick, polished plate glass. Hardware for all doors shall be Yale and Tc Schlage, Sargent, Corbin, Russwin or apprc equal. Hardware finish shall be US26D Dull Chrome. Acoustic tile shall be incombustible and shal have a fire rating of one hour. Acoustic tile shall have a zero (0) smoke contribution faci PAINTING & DECOW- Exterior wood siding shall be stained. Exte TING: wood trim shall be stained. Exterior metal shall be painted with two coats Trim & Shutt paint over prime coat of zinc dust - zinc oxi pr irxe r . Painted surfaces shall receive three coats c paint. Interior wood paneling and hardwood trim sk be stained and lacquered with four coats of lacquer sat in finish. Shall be vinyl sheet goods with integral cove base or vinyl asbestos tile 9 x 9 x 1/8 inch thichess. Floor pavers shall be Del Piso paving tiles. Carpet shall be 48 02. commercial grade, h duty sponge-backed wool. HARDWARE : ACOUSTIC TILE: INTERIOR FINISHES: RESILIENT FLOO€UNG: FLOOR PAVERS: CARPET: E LE CT FUC AL SYSTEMS: OVERVIEW: The Carlsbad Children's Library, its design aild architectural concepts provide 2 somewhat unique opportunity to blend a conceptually superior ar pleasing design with the very latest in engineering design, efficiency, safe and energy nxmagernent. ‘SuOr$E3Ol 1aAa-E JOOIJ aqaJ3Sip PU‘Z ‘SaSE3 &EJO$S YOOq pZE SJaTdP.03 50 SPZEOq a03 ‘spnai pagpads $E spauxaqnbaL u8:sap a)mpar;rm!. qinr stio~qfeym: qqpo 3ta!prrqq LlTnjacTe3 dq tam aq ~wys spazu 3:;:3acilg( *SZ:~JE I~EM 7som UO 1aAal: JOOU 3AOqE Saq3Ur (,,gl) aAXaA’L! 232 pa$E=lOl: 3q 1:EyS S23plO If?!fr?_rl *3uruTxqd ampj ui JO uor~~n~qsuo3 %imp paquamaTduq si $dam03 parua%mxx ~xak~od E ~EUG ay~ ui L)glq!xal3 -foqu03 pu~ ‘uoqmado Zurcrnp ssam~ a-[qEq:ns ‘uo!73nqsuo3 3u:;rnp uO~.)“elpi?qsu; 3lrrrouo~a aprnozd OJ ~ua;xjps aq ‘c-fzqs s1oquo3 peo~ pa~!nba.x 07 ’SUOJJE31JFpUW ;rO/pUE SUOJ)!ppE a.xnp3 tZMOU3 Alx Jo$ p8,plAoJd d$g!qlxayj qq!M pa ‘pasodo~xd quaurdrnba AH~V ayq 30 sJuaxaJp-tbaJ aq? 07 3ualal3pS aZ!S E $0 aq IwqS (S>T.XIOOJ p3lUEy3aW aqq 0) UOQnq~.I)S~p JaMOd -[7?~nn SrT? Tn an\asz ZTT~ Ln nsTn-i>sz sz 23Emcrn U*Y:p B jv Tn nriE y-. YU’.” nrrnn;rsjapzp- zg ~pys UOpq~Jqsla -‘t.Lft“ It 8- “I? It --l r -:” WOOJ pnoqy3J:Ms vqcrpap a47 07 uopq.qsl0 -paqsap SZ s?traurpaq %!dEaSpUEl PUE TEJ~~~~T~DJE JOJ ~37~301 dlg~lns ‘J~~JOJSUZJJ paqtinom- pEd ‘PaUMO &gfyI ‘E: tU0;CJ BJlM p ‘aseyd E: ‘og1/A8()g $E paplAoJd aq l@rjS JaMOd :2Imoa ’ucra3uo3 30 s‘E:a.x paq1nsaJd u! sa1pu~4003 cJ ‘0 30 uTnur~u;ur E ap1no;rd 0) pa%m~~e pm: pal@$sul aq -f@qs pu~ uOTJEJarJUO3 $UE~S!SaJ-FpUEA UT SaJqXzJ ‘a ‘1 ‘M X? I@qS %I$t@!l 701 SLIlyJEd ‘TaASl JOOlJ-pa~S~U{J aA.0q-e Saq3Liz (,,-CJg) qS-bJ.XJLjJ ?e paqE30l -- pUE Ja?C3UIIJad aq ~pys S~~~J!MS Sqp.@g 1-p ‘ papacrrp ~s;MJ~~?o ssain -sag!unpoddo uo~)-eAJasuo3 &?;cam ~uepu8~q-e pa lQg34~xa.[3 urnrrrpmu ap-jnoJd 07 patpgpiis .Q~np~a:pui aq I~JM SE~JE 8cn7@g 1-i-v .pna~ a-fpuezqooj ox r: 03 papu!arnIIl aq TT~M ‘~~A:oAu~ LJIA~~~E ou. JO a~~pl qi!~ s~ay~o pu-e ‘SE~JE ail-e~oqs ‘sxioo~qssg -pasodozd am sagddns d~apq aIq-e&mpaJ ‘parr~~quo~-~~as YJIM ‘sqy3g q!xz *ssa;rSa $0 syJprd paqymsasd pur: a&sop yooq ‘sLEM~~~~ UT sa~pu-eqoo~ 0s 2u1 ‘sa~pm~7003 cj~ aiq-egacr E aplnoJd 03 pasodocrd an sa~npx3 *a ‘1 *E pu-e yxnsa;con-fj ‘~ua3sapumur 30 xp 7ualxjja Bmua pur;: apms!p E ‘AJEJ~~~ ayq . JO ~oj~apq ay7 U:Y$;M pap~no~d u3lsap xoIaxa?uJ $0 xy pm-eaid aq) 03 ang: :9NLLH311 -UlEJUTELU aTTYM SEaJE 8LITpE3J pU?2 8UryJOM ‘a3rJJO Iv Ul ‘paU!B7U?XLl a8EJaAE -3ui~qSq Jaqauxpxad 94urpIlnq pw 301 Suqnd 3mpnpur ‘uoTJwqoAd anj puz LJy-oas 30 spaau ~:EJ~A~S ay~ 03 U~A@ uaaq seq uog -~~aprsuo:, pmog.~ppv ‘saxq3eJd Surcraau:2ua poo94 30 squawaqnbw Su~.puewap ~som ay~ 07 SulqImsqns Alpa5h~p appi ‘sSuyunoJms aqmparrruq ayq 30 bJgmb pu~ adhi ayq YJ!M spuqq dt-[njaaa q-eqq 3ugq~nq ayq U~Y~IM uo!qnq!qsrp JaMod pu~ 3ugy3j1 appioJd 07 si PsodoJd s!y$ $0 uo!3;rrayq aq& *s2u!~apua~ -[-e;rnpaq~q3crr: p~?u! aq? ul y7.103 $as SF: qdaauo3 u3isap aqq u!qqi~ s~uaruaqnba~ p3jq3ala 30 uog~~3a~ui p3a~ze3 aq uo!q-e~ap:suo~ 0p.q say-eq psodo;cd s!q~, e 0 - - SAFETY AND SECUFUTY: Considering the uniqueness of the intended patrons of this facility and the considerable investment involved in construction and stocking, the propo: safety and security installation is both comprehensive and responsive to these needs. The systems proposed shall provide centralized , monitorec perimeter alarms against surreptitious entry and egress, master and slz programmed clocks, point selectable public address system, and an exec multi-station intercom. 5 supervised fire/smoke detector and sprinkler standpipe alarm system is proposed and would include a multi-zoned cont panel, back-up battery with charger, smoke and rate-of -rise detectors fc both surface -mounted and ventilation duct installation, horns and alarm bells, door holders and closers, master station with code transmitter foi Carlsbad City Fire Department interface and several pull stations. PLUMBING SYSTEMS: The water distribution system shall consist of copper piping and natural gas water heaters with insulated hot water piping. Plumbing fixtures wil be commercial/institutional grade vitreous china with special provisions for handicapped persons as required by code. The waste system will consist of cast iron piping with clamp fittings, and a vent system of galvanized or copper piping with vandal-resistant roof vents. The roof drainage system will consist o€ cast iron drains and cast iron 01 copper downspouts to the site underground storm system provided by others. The natural gas piping above grade will consist of black steel pipe. piping below grade, -_ outside of the building, shall be approved PVC. All piping work on heating and air conditioning systems is NOT part of this work, EXCEPT €or cold water make-up and condensate drain lines from cooling coils. The fire protection system shall consist of a complete structure sprinkle] system. Gas HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS: The heating and cooling systems will consist of a central chiller and boile plant distributing hot and cold water, via a four pipe distribution network, to central station n-ulti-zone air haEdlers and coils which will be automat- controlled. Air distribution will be by ducted supply to ceiling diffusers/ 7 'J~MOJ Sur1003 E ~03 paau ayq aJEultKIl1a JO $0 aZiS ay$ a3npaJ 03 Ji3JEM %It003 JOJ SpuOd Temp aqFq3Je ay7 SuTzlTgn ura$sds sugoo3 ;rxasuapuo3 crqpya F;r '9 'sipcrad cay pa^ LI~~M ,,2ugoo3 aa.13,, JOJ J~E aplqno %oox 07 dn SulpldoLd aph ;rxaa~mouo~a ~~nj y *E :an uol.p;raplsuo3 Japun smaqsds uoTq~a.1asuo3 Bcsaua pasodocTd 'sura~s.hs asayi JO po2 bErrrzJd E aq TT~M uog~zlccrgdo uogEnxasuo3 dS~au3 'saaeds myqo mo~j jaga;r/~a~suecr? dq aq TT~M sea.re asayq 07 qe dn-ayqq 'sue3 qsn-eqxa pa~unour-joocr/pa~~no-~lr-r,513~ ~ajsfx~q q-e a1qmgdlf~ el^ waqsss u;rnqaJ uomuuo3 -e YJ!M 's~a3s@a;c cr00-f~ aUzT-ul JO JSlSU03 1T:M SEaJE a3lA.I.352 PUT3 S)a~~O$ 203 UOT$E-[plaA 'Sa3pG3p e T* a rl Y CARLSBAD CHILDREN'S LIBRARY Budget Cost Estimate Details Site Preparation and Excavation L. s. $ 8,s Asphalt Paving 2638 S. Y. @ $4.67/S. Y. 12,3 Concrete Foundation 11,913. S. F. @ $. 94/S. F. 11,1 Concrete Flatwork 15,850 S. F. @ $.94/S. F. 15,z 12,32 Tons @ $675.OO/Ton 893 Reinforcing Steel Structural Frame 11,911 S. F. @ $6.32/S. F. ?5,2 Metal Sash & Glazing 11,911 s. F. @ $2.10/s. F. 25, C Masonry 9,625 S. F. @ $2.45/S. F. 23,E 11,9lI S. F. @ $. 2?/S. F. 322 Sheet Metal 66 Sq. @ $7?.0O/Sq. 57c Roofing- Built -up Roofing-Clay Mission Tile 66 Sq. @ $16O.O0/Sq. 17,1 18 Sq. @ $2?O.OO/Sq 4, f Roof ing-Metal Lathing & Plastering Exterior Wood Siding 7,30rS. F. @ $1.65/S. F. 12) c Finish Carpentry &Millwork/l1,911 S. F. @ $. 86/S. F 10,2 L. s. 1, E Finish Hardware L. s 2,3 Acoustic Tile 9,969 S. F. @ $1.27/S. F. 12, t 2, c Resilient Flooring Tile Paving 2,801 S. F. @ $2.78/S. F. 7, 'i Carpet, inc. pad & install, 9, s Painting & Decorating - 11,91_1 __-- S.F. @ $1.30/S.F. 15,L: Toilet Room Accessories L. s. E L. s. 173 Toilet Partitions E. s. 27 3 Mis csllaneous Equipment Heating, Ventilating & Air -Conditioning 11,911 s. I?. @ $4*9?/S. F. 59, z Electrical Work: Power 11,911 S.F. @ $.48/S.F. 5,: E le c t r ical Util ity L, s 9,: Safety & Security L. s 21, E Plumbing & Piping L. s. 36, E SUB-TOTAL Building Construction: $511,= L. s. $ GO,[ TOTAL $607, : 11) 911 s. F. @ $2.15/s. F. 25, E Doors & Frames Ceramic Tile Work 2,250 S. F. @ $2.89/S. F 6, E 2,241 s. F. @ $. 9o/s. F. 670 S. Y. @ $ld.80/S. Y. Lighting 11,911 S. F. @ $4;93/S. F. 58,; Library Furniture & Shelving Landscaping L. s. 36,E Contingencies @ 10% 60,: TOTAL BUDGET COST $668,4 (LL -CY/-/ Tap4@f/7/ 92?$ SLq 2103 PKiiPTbIO23 ianT;ia A AS^ uPixalsai< aaA'ep la1 SF3 ZP'LOMT T3""03 r 33 T ri?, 0 3 S LZ'S T T 3 Tfl-03 r la5euEX d?T3 :t SUI : szp : gy? I o>ex?_ s T u T',L'gj'Y s 21 0.l 3 T T cpc u21w72ag -y p-ieuot r --F~lv-P=--~ 'sinoA Axniq 6iaf -ainpayas ?aaCoid inor; uo aney ~~?fi 1~~0.166~ aq~s ayq 20 Ke~ap ay? ?aa,~?a qeq~ MOUY sn ?!-ax ase31~ - uorl,ae yoo?, TT3LiO: Aq~3 ay?, q3~q-h~ uodn TTT~ ~puaby aqq 30 Ado=, e ST pa~p~i;\ -2uaado1anap aq~s xog dyadox6 uosiapq pup MPT ayq 30 asn ayq sraprsuo=, oq nor; MOTTP TTTM s~qj -(papuaure) 8; aq~s 50 s~seq ay? uo dpnqs Lrexq~q suarpx~y3 ay: .* 30 ~OT3.a~6UO3 paAOI66P TTam03 -!qT3 ayq LL6T '81 kPnuP2 UC ZqOg IF3C Kpn7s ATPiqTy suaIpfTq3 :Ipafqnc PTOZ6 PTUlOZTLP3 'XPX TaC plPAa-jnOa qSP03 0997 SSqPr3OSSv 3 ydlOyJ,-U?ATaF II?ATaK -3 l,IaqOt I LL6T '82 kPnU31 qPpITr5J5 10 &la 83026 VINE3j!7Y3 'aY 3fllu3:rr W!3 3c LEI -6ZL (7LU 3N04o3131 0 0