HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-09-06; City Council; 3652-4; Harding St. Community Ctr.-Preliminary Space Study' .' CITY OF CARLSBAD - --- 3652 - Supplement September 6, 1977 --_ AGENDA HILL NO. DATE : - DEPARTMENT : Pub1 i c Works Initial: Dept . Hd .-Fa C. Atty.L C. Mgr. R, - --_- Subject: / HARDING STREET COMMUNITY CENTER - PRELIMINARY SPACE STUDY Statement of the Matter - The City Council, by approval of the 1977-78 budget, included as a capital expenditure item a combination of general funds and housing and community development funds totaling $122,000 for modification of the Harding Street Community Center. The work proposed to be done with these funds included a modification of the rectory into a usable office space, part of which is proposed to be used by the senior citizens. Also included in the program were landscaping and irrigation, construction of a patio and patio cover adjacent to the present recreation hall, construction of parking facilities west of Harding Street, and modification of the garage into a game room. Not included in the preliminary project scope, but required as a condition of the Conditional Use Permit, is the construction of a parking facility including lighting and six-foot high block walls adjacent to residential properties on the west side of Harding Street. Parks and Recreation Staff, by separate Council action, is proposing that the City allocate 1976,Bond Act funds to a second phase of the Harding Street Community Center development program. fication to the interior of the existing recreation building and conversion of the church structure into an auditorium complete with furnishings and equipment. This second phase would include modi- On July 5, 1977, the Council approved an agreement with Roy Blackford, archi- tect, to prepare plans and specifications for the renovation of the Harding Street Community Center. Phase I of that program, the preliminary space study, has been completed. This study included the ultimate utilization of all of the existing structures on the property. and approved by the City Staff, Parks and Recreation Commission, Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association and Committee on Senior Citizens' Affairs. Excluding equipment proposed to be included in the auditorium conversion, the total estimated cost of the project is $240,000 broken down as follows: This study has been reviewed Phase I Phase I1 Total Project Building renovation $ 45,000 $135,000 $1 80,000 Parking lot construction 35,000 -- 35,000 Walkways and landscaping 25,000 -- 25,000 TOTAL $1 05 , 000 $1 35,000 $240,000 As noted above, the parking lot construction on the west side of Harding Street was not anticipated in the original capital improvement program bud- geting. Therefore, at such time as bids are received and the recommendation CITY OF CARLSBAD -- fl AGENDA BILL NO. 3652 - Supplement ?(Page 2) Initial: Dept . Hd. DATE : Septmeber 6, 1977 C. Atty. C. Mgr. DEPARTMENT : ~- Pub1 i c Works Sub j ect : HARDING STREET COMMUNITY CENTER - PRELIMINARY SPACE STUDY Statement of the Matter (continued) for award of contract for construction of the project is brought to City Council's attention, the Agenda Bill will include the transfer of those additional funds necessary to finance the construction of the parking lot. If Council authorizes the architect to proceed with the preparation of plans and specifications, they will be done in two phases so that should funding for the second phase of the project.not occur, we will be able to go forward with that portion of the project funded in the 1977-78 capital improvement program. Exhibits 1. 2. Space Utilization Study 3. HCD Project Schedule Architectural renderings, parking lot plan and landscaping plan (wall exhibits) Recommendation That the City Council approve the space utilization scheme and authorize the architect, Roy Blackford, to prepare detailed plans and specifications in accordance with the agreement dated July 5, 1977. Counci 1 action 9-13-77 Council accepted staff recommendation. ROY R BLACKFORD AIA ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING 3393 LINCOLN STREET. IO CARLBEAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 AREA 714 729-0553 August 31, 1977 Mr. Ronald A, Beckman, P.E. Public Works Administrator City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad , California 920m SUBJECT: ColM"I!J!Y CEIVER = SPACE VI'ILIZATION STUDY Dear E9r. Beckinanr Attached you Will find a Supplement to the Spaoe Utilization Study prepared for the proposed Community Center, The intent of the Supplement is to summarize the utilization of the existing buildings ad the modifications required to support such uses, you will find the result of attempts to estimate the probable cost of the recom- mended modifications. Indicated thereon, Thank you for the opportunfty to participate in the developnent of this project. I would look fornard to continued involvement with the project. Very truly yours, &e* j- Roy R. Blackford, a.1.A. RRB: jb Attachments CITY OF CARLSBAD CaMMuNITY CENTER SuppLpiENT TO SPACE UTILIZATION STUDY EVALUATION OF EXISTIIG FACILITIES: The pro3ect consists of four existing church buildings to be modified ad a small religious accessory structure to be removed. All buildings are for the most part physically sound and with modifications will provide space for their proposed use. The proposed auditorium building, because of its existing proportions and limited area available for use as a platform for performance or podium area, presents the area most difficult to modify forthe proposed use, When the proposed occupancies of the Recreation ad Auditorium buildings are taken into account, both buildings are to be considered as non-conforming structures and will need to be modified in accordance with the City of Carlsbad's requirements for upgrading Escisting Non- Confonaing Buildings. and steps should be taken to establish proper site drainage. Existing site drainage petterns are considered to be minimal PROJECT IIVTENT: Recreation Hall shall prcmide space for meetings, recreational activities and classes. The kitchen and toilet faciuties shall be supportive of the listed activities. Existing maintenance storage space shall be retained for equipaent and supplies necessary to maintenance of the facility, The main space may be divided into smaller areas with portable panels, Canmarnity Center Building shall provide space for the Senior Citizen Center, Center Control Office and spaces for meetings, recreational activities and classes. mist- ing toilet facilities and kitchen shall be modified to provide supportive areas to proposed use. Auditorium Building shall provide spaue for meetings, recreationslaativities and classes. and when used for assembly purposes will enable seating of approximately 350 persons using portable seating, Modified platform area to provide use as a podium or per- formance space. and equipnent stations for sound and lighting systems. west end shall be utilized as storage. Mew toilet facilities shall be provided to support proposed use. The main space may be divided into smaller areas with portable panels Spaces north and south of platform will provide changing areas Msting mezzanine at the Caretaker and Game Roam shall provide space for large irdoor games and living facilities for use by permanent staff for 24-hour supervision of Cormnunity Center. RECCMMEXDATIONS : Recreation Hall Buildings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Enclose north wall and modify to provide fire rated wall construction. Modify misting windows along south wall, providing new Firs of doors to new shade structure and paved patio. Modify west and east portions of south wall to establish structural stability. Modi@ existing kitchen to provide a lnininnun residential kitchen and modify existing toilets to provide two toilet facilities with handicap accomodation. Abandon plumbing fixtures at upper level apartment and use the spce for storage only. Install security system. Community Center Buildinqr 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. 8. 9. 10 11 Remove kitchen, utility facility and portions of walls to provide co-ordinators office. hnove wall between dining room ad bedroom to provide mlti-pmpose space with kitchenette. Remove closet at bedroam in south-east corner and relocate door. Remove portion of walls at xuiddle bedroom to provide combination multi-use spaces and access to work room. Remove walls at interior portion of entry and entry hall to open up Center Control Office, Provide stmctural supports for modifications listed in items #4 ani #5, to include shear panel at work roam. Modify walls at axistlng toilets and provide new facilities with handicap amommodations. Mainbin existing heating system. Provide required lighting f'ixtures and electriosl accessories for intended uses. Mde new exterior doors and new wood deck as an extension of large multi- purpose space. Install seaurity system. -2- It.. . Caretaker and Games Buildings 1, Enclosed overhead garage door at east wall and provide sliding glass door at north wall, 2, 3, Install security system monitor, Finish interior surfaces of existing garage space and provide light fixtures, Auditorium Building# Modify existing churoh tower and roof mer, Provide roofed entrance canopy, provide two new toilet facilities with handicap acconnnodstions. Enclose meezanine for storage with fire rated construction, Modify existing windows in auditorium space to conform to fire rating rquirements, Add two additional exits frola auditorium space, Extend existing platform area forward and to the north and south at existing upper-mast level, Provi.de fire rated construction at proscenium, platform and north/sauth spaces , Install sound and lighting systems supportive to platform use, Install exhaust fans for ventilation of main space and platform areas, Install security system, All wlildinns and Site: t, Install new electric service, main service for auditorium building and sub- panels at each building, 2, Modify existing site grades to provide proper site drainage. 3, Remove existing religious accessory structure and rafsed planter, 4. Provide new site lighting for night use and security, -3- ESTIMATED PRORABU COSTi Inchdes 3 1. Minimum building maintenance, 2, Modifications to existing luildings, 3. Addition of shade structure at Recreation Hall, addition of wood deck at Center Building and addition of roofed canopy at Auditorium Building , PROEABU COST/BUILDIlG MODIFICATIONS = $l80,000.00 Not Included: 1. Site improvements on east side of Hading Street, 2, Site lighting on east side of Harding Street, 3. Exterminator treatment of structures, 4, Parking lot on west side of Harding Street. 4- 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALlFORNlA 920g August 17, 1.977 TELEPHONE:. { (714) 729-1 181 Mr. Jarces S. Wilson, Jr. Housing and Comunity Development Director County of San Diego Office of Management and Budget 1600 Paci f i c Hi ghway San Di ego, 'Cal i f orni a 921 01 Dear Mr. Wilson: Your office requested us to supply a revised implementation and billing schedule for Carlsbad's First - and Second - Year Community Development Block Grant pro g ran. The revised schedule is attached. lrle have designed the billing schedule to which was approved by our City Council on August 16. be mailed to you shortly, under separate cover. Please call Dana Whitson of my staff if you have any ql;estions. t correspond with the revised management and inplenentati on contract/scope of work The approved cantract is to Sincerely , .. . .. JCH : DHW : jp / 'Rei Beckman, Public Works Administrator Attachment - .ientati on and Bi 11 i ng Schedul 7- Second Year Housing and Cornrnunity Oevelopirient BI ock Grant City of Carlsbad /: Harding Street Community Center Conditional Use Permit Engage Architect .. Coastal Permit Complete Space Study Complete Architectural Design Advertise for Bids Award Contract Start Construction Bi 11 i ng Schedill e Completion - per Scope of Work: Completion - Phase I, items- 1 and 2 Completion - Phase I, items 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 .Completion - Phase 1, items 8 and 9 Completion - Phase I, item 10 Si dewal ks Coastal Permit Obtain R/GI (Dedication) Complete Design . Councii Authorize Bids Award Contract Start Construction Billing /Completion - per scope of work - Phase 11 Date . - 6-22-77 7-5-77 8-1 9-77 9-6-77. 11 -1 -77 11 -1 5-77 1-4-78 2-1 -78 .. . . 11-15-77 4-1 -78 6-1 -78 7-1 -78 9-1 5-77 9-1 5-77 10-4-77 11 -1 -77 17 -21 -7; 12-1 -77