HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-09-06; City Council; 5130-1; Report on Village Area Redevelopment7 --. . -. .-.. -. .- , I t AGENDA BfLL NO. DATE: DEPARTMENT: City Manager SUB 3 ECT : City Atty Sepkenibey 6, 1977 -.- / .- City Mgr. -I Report on Village Area Redevelopment STATEMENT 0-F-THE - MATTER The Redevelopment Coordinator has prepared a report for Councii 01 possibility of designating an area of concentration within the Coi designated Redevelopment Survey Area and the formulation of an in advisory committee (see attached report). Exhibit Redevelopment Coordinator’s Report Recommend at ion If Council concurs, it should accept the Staff Report and schedul appointments to the Village Area Interim Advisory Committee at it regularly scheduled meeting. -- Council action 9-13-77 Council accepted the staff report and scheduled appointn to the Village Area Interim Advisory Committee at the ea possible meeting. 1 FORM PLANNING 73 ?.+ e 0 MEMORANDUM August 29, 1977 TO: Paul Bussey, City Manager FROM: RE: Report on Status of Redevelopment Effort (Area Of Concentratic At the City Council meeting of July 6, 1977, the Council designatec Redevelopment Survey Area. Staff has subsequently analyzed the arc based upon General Plan designation, field observation, and CONpari aerial photography (1970 and 1977), and has reached the conclusion an area of concentration should be designated as the first step toi formal project area selection. Area of Concentration The recommended area was found to contain a number of land use con and older structures which were not as evident in the southern ha1 the survey area. Additionally, aerial photography taken during the past seven years indicates that while some development has occurred, it has not bee significant from the revitalization standpoint. This is probably to the existence of high land and existing improvement value which cludes effective private investment. Further, office uses have in many instances replaced residential L peripheral to the CBD thereby reducing the primary (close-in) comn market. This random placement of office uses appears to adverselj impact the vitality of residential areas leading to physical decli accompanied by appreciation blocking private investment. Finally, the area recommended encompasses tourist service, region? service, residential and neighborhood commercial designations, as as the CBD designation. This has been done to permit analysis of the interrelationships o use designations as they relate to the Village Area. The designation of any area of concentration will permit Staff to centrate its resources in a smaller geographic area thereby exped the revitalization planning process. The staff's recommended are' concentration is shown on the attached plot. - si Jack E. Henthorn, Redevelopment Coordinato 9.9. If the Council chooses to accept the staff recommendation on the of concentration, it is further recommended that an interim Villa advisory committee be established to provide input into final pro area formulation. This effort should take no longer than two mol? and a total of four meetings. 'v c 0 0 It is recommended that if the Council should desire to establish s a committee that it be comprised of five individuals from the area follows: a. One residential owner occupant b, One residential tenant (non-owner) c. One businessman d. Two members of existing organizations Recommendati on It is recommended that this item be scheduled for the Council meet September 6, 1977, requesting Council concurrence and scheduling appointment to the committee at its next meeting. JEH:jp -2 - @ kj(- c e L i’*!XMORAXDUM September 6, 1977 TO : Planning Commission FROM: SUBJECT: Redevelopment Jack E. Henthorn, Redevelopment CaordFnat y&a Introduction At its meeting of August 24, 1977 the Commission scheduled a Wor on the redevelopment process €or September 7, 1977. The purpose this memo is to provide a basis for the workshop and to basicall outline the presentation to bs made by Staff. Purpose of Workshop The purpose of this workshop session is to give Staff an opporti to brief the Commission on its role as defined in the Community development Law oE the State of California. Although the applic of the Redevelopment Act is still to be determined, the Council approved work program for revitalization of the Central Area is upon the provisions of the Act. This approach in no way precluc the option of utilizing other methods to accomplish revitalizat: should it be determined that the State Act is not applicable, Role of Commission The Planning Commission plays a key role in the formulation of for revitalization in the City’s Central Area. In fact, one of requirements for carrying out redevelopment under the State Act the existence of a Planning Commission. The initial involvement of the Commission is the selection of a project area. A project area is all or part of a survey (study In the City of Carlsbad the survey area was established by COW hasic&ly khat area Se-t-,weez the freevay (1-5) and the Ocean and City boundary on the north and Car,non Road on the south. Upon the selection of a project area the Commission is charged formulating a preliminary plan for the area in concert with the Redevelopment Agency. This plan is general in character. Its required content will be outlined during the workshop. * 0 a Lcfpon the Agency's receipt and review of the preliminary plan, thi Agency is required to cause a redevelopment plan to be prepared- The agency is required to consult with the Planning Commission a project area committee in the preparation of the plan. The redevelopment plan is still a relatively general document wh must contain certain legally required items in addition to the normal municipal plan requirements. Development standards are normally addressed in a companion docu referred to as a "Design Manual," "Standard Guidelines," etc, T is normally done to keep the "legal" plan document as clean as possible thereby eliminating any questions relative to sufficien The final involvement in the plan formulation process is the Con review of the recommended plan and its report and recommendation the Sufficiency Agency in General Plan Conformity. Following adoption of the plan by the Agency and the legislative the Commission is enpowered to review any amendments to the adoF plan prior to Council Agency consideration, With the exception of the Commission's review of amendments to t Redevelopment Plan, the role of the Commission following adoptic the plan is purely a matter of local discretion. The role can k determined by any number of variables such as, but not limited -t Commission workload; willingness to increase the number of meeti per month; type of plan adopted; etc. Hopefully this memo will serve to generally outline the formal Planning Commission role which will be more specifically discus: during the workshop. Staff will be prepared to respond to any questions you have which relate directly or indirectly to redevc and revitalization, JEH: jp -4 . -2-