HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-09-06; City Council; 5179; Residential Estate ZoneCITY OF "RLSBAD i • • w . "Initial; AGENDA BILL NO. ^ DATE:/ September 6, 1977 /DEPARTMENT: P1anning SUBJECT: ZCA-86 Residential Estate Zone STATEMENT OF THE MATTER The City Council requested Planning staff to develop a residential estate zone for a large lot development late last year. Attached is a draft report that is designed to meet the needs of estate zoning. This estate zone is intended to create a residential area with a rural atmosphere along with providing sufficient public facilities for safety. All interested departments were involved in the initial drafting of the zoning. The Planning staff did the final draft as attached and sub- mitted to other departments and interested citizens for comments. Basically the zone was well received .with .only a few suggested changes. At the time of hearing these changes can be further discussed. At this time Staff believes the draft is ready for public hearings. EXHIBITS Exhibit "A" dated July 22, 1977 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that City Council refer ZCA-86 Residential Estate Zone to the Planning Commission for study and public hearings and recommendations for City Council consideration. Council, action 9-6-77 The Council accepted staff recommendations and referred the matter to the Planning Commission for study and public hearings, with consideration being given to the suggestions and recommendations made by the Council. FORM PLANNING 73 EXHIBIT A Jul; "X 1977 RESIDENTIAL-ESTATE ZONE ZCA - 86 SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3, Amend Section 21.05.010 - Names of Zones - by adding in proper order the following: "R-E Residential Estate" Amend Section 21.05.020 (3) - Degrees of Restrictiveness as follows: "(3). Uses permitted in the R-A Zone, the 0-S Zone, the E-A Zone and the R-E Zone shall be considered to be as restrictive as those permitted in the R-l Zone, except that those uses pertaining to animals shall not be considered as "more restrictive uses" for purposes of this section." Add new Chapter 21.09 "R-E Residential Estate Zone" as follows: Chapter 21.09 R-E Residential Estate 21.09.010 Intent and Purpose. The. lnte.ntrp .tk the. R-E Zone. -L& to pn.ov4.de. a n.e.-!><ide.nt<ial an.e.a wi.tk an e.&tate. on. n.u.n.al atmot>pne.n.e., open a/iecu, lan.ge. yand* and an.e.a& le.&t -in a natural &e.tt-ina. The. zone. Ahall be. l4.m4.te.d to -&4.ngle. fiam^ly de.ve.lapme.nt u)4.th -inc.-ide.ntat and com- patible. agn.4.c.u.ltu.n.al cue*. The, -6-tze o& the. dwe.ll4.ng un<it& an.e. to be. ie.£ate.d j.n pn.ope.ti Acate. to the. tange. yandt> and JLotb. Pu.bt<ic FacJ,£<iti.e-!> Ahalt be Au.fi&'ic.'ie.nt to pn.ovj.de. &on. c.onve.ni.e.nce. and tafie-ty, but not to Deduce the. e.Atate. c.han.ac.te.n. o the. an.e.a. The intent and purpose section is a very important portion of any zone. This sets the reasons and the manner that the regulatory sections are The intent and purpose as proposed covers all major matters give the residential estate zone the ability to carry out The intent and purpose is very specific and is geared to only the estate, or low density housing type. There has been to accommodate all aspects of the General Plan such as low- prepared, that will its goal, imp! ement no attempt ering housing costs. 21.09.020 Permitted Uses. an.e. pe.n.mi.tte.d at> he.n.e.-Lnafite.n. c.hapte.n. 4ub/ec-t to the. me.nt t>tandan.dt> pn.ov4.de.d Ln Chapte.n. 2.1.41 and 21.44. onlyIn an R-E Zone, the. ^olloM^ing u.Ae.<t> pn.ovi.de.d and allou)e.d by chapte.n., and to the. de.ve.lop- I/)One. one.-&am£ly dwe.lt<inQ un<it pe.n. lot. The. mj.n-i.mu.rn an.e.a o£ the. dwe.ll4.ng mni.t &kall be. e.i.ghte.e.n hu.ndn.e.d .. e.x.c.lud4.ng gan.age.-i>, pon.c.ke.&, and pat-La* (2) Gn.az4.ng oft an4.matA (e.x.ctud4.ng da4,n.4,e.A ) pn.ov4.de.d that Auch ani.ma.tA Ahatt not exceed two faoti e.ack acie o^ &&nd. (3) Ciop pn.oduct4.on (4) ftoJii-cuttuie. The R-E Zone is to be residential with some agriculture. A minimum floor area for the dwelling is required to insure that the homes relate in size to the yards and open areas. Also this may reduce the desire for future resubdivisions into smaller lots under the assumption that people desiring larger homes also need or desire larger lots. Agri- culture is a permitted use because it is anticipated that the zone will be placed on land presently being used for agriculture. 21.09.030 Accessory Uses. Ij$ a one.-ham4.ty diMe.ll4.ng un4.t e.x.4.AtA on a tot, the. &ottoW4.ng acce.AAon.y uAe.A an.e. pe.n.m4.tte.d on -6uc.fi tot'. (7) Ban.nA, pJLi.va.te. gan.age.A, pta.yhou.Ae-i> , W4.ndm4.ttA , A4,toA, n.a.d.Lo and te.te.V4-A 4.0 n n.e.ce.4.v4,ng ante.nnaA , Atabte.A , and Auch otke.n.A aA an.e. n.e.qu-in.e.d faon. the. conduct o& u.Ae,A pe.im4.tte.d by th4.A Ae.ct4.on, (2) Giz.nnkou.AnA te.AA than titfo-thouAand Aquasie. ^<L<it, ptio- V4,de.d att tLe.qu4.fLe.me.ntA ^o>i ya^d Ae.tback and he.4.ght m e.t} (3) Touttny, tiabbttA, ck4.nck4.ttaA on. any an4.mat uAe.d ^on. &ood, on AC4.e.nt4.{>4.c that att Auch an4,matA Ahatt at att t-ime-A be. con&4.ne.d to an e.nctoAutie., and that not mote than 25 o& any one. comb4.nat4.on o& Auch an-imatA may be. ma4.nta4.md at any t-ime. on any A4.ngte. tot. {4} Ma4.nta4.n4.ng ma4.t add^e.AA k0*1 c.omme.JLC4.at and buA4.ne.AA t4.ce.nAe. pufipoAe.A onty, px.ov4.de.d no Atock 4.n tuade,, Auppt-ie.A, pn.o^e,AA4.onat e.qu4.pme.nt, appaiatuA on buA4.ne.AA e.qu4.pme.nt except Auch aA ale. acce.AAOfiy to a pe.nm4.tte.d UA'H afie. ke.pt on the. ptLe.m4.Ae.A , and ptLOV4.de.d that no e.mptoye.e.A on. aAA4.AtantA an.e. engaged ^on. A etv 4.ce.A on the. pJte.m4.Ae.A except 4.n conne.ct4.on W4.th uAe.A Ape.c4.k4.- catty t4.Ate.d aA pe.n.m4.AA4.bte. -in th4.A Ae.ct4.on, pn.o\}4.de.d ^ufitke.n., that one. moton. ve.h4.cte., toge.the.1 u)4.th the. e.qu4.pm e.nt , tootA and Atock -in tn.ade. ma4.nta4.ne.d tke.n.e.-in w/ie-te Auch moton. ve.h4.cte. 4.A uAe.d aA the. me.anA o£ tn.anApon.tat4.on by the. n.e.A4.de.nt ofa the. pn.e.m4.Ae.A , and fiutheA pn.ov4.de.d that Auch tootA and e.qu4.pme.nt an.e. not uAe.d faon. the. pe.n.^on.mance, ofa Ae,n.v4,ce.A upon the. pJie.m4.Ae.A and the. Atock 4.n tn.ade. 4.A not Aotd ^n.om the. It is important to note that accessory uses are only permitted if there is an existing one family dwelling on the lot. This would reduce possible conflict between residential uses and pure agricultural pursuits -2- 21.09.040 Uses and Structures Permitted by Conditional Use Permit Subject to the. pnovi,Ai.onA ojj Chapte.n 21. 50, the. £ottowi.ng uAe.A and Atnuctune.A ane. pe.nmttte.d by the. i^AAuance. o& a Condi.ti.onat UAe. ?e.nmi.t: (7) Comme.nci.at £ta.bte.£> and honAe.-boandi.nQ ^ac-iti.ti.e.A (2) HunAe.ni.e.A, both whote.Aate. and ne.tai.t (3) Gne.e.nhouAe. gne.ate.n than two-thouAand Aquatic. <$eet, pno\>i.de.d att ne.quiJie.me.ntA fion yand Ae.tbackA and he.i.ght ane. met. (4) Pnoduce. AtandA , &on the. bate, ofa pnoductA nai.Ae.d on the. Ai,te.. These uses are sometimes found in estate areas and are possibilities in some areas of Carlsbad. They have a function and should be per- mitted, but because conflicts could occur, they are to be permitted only upon approved CUP. 21.09.050 Conduct of Use. Storage, ofa ait e.qui.pme.nt, Auppti,e.A , and ne.cne.ati.on v e-htcle.* bhaJUt be. w<ith<Ln e,nc.to&e.d bu.4.tdi.ng^> on t>h<ie.tde.d fifiom vi.e.w by a v<ie.w obAc.ufii.ng &e.nc.e. on watt. The large lots will lend to more outdoor activity, such as farming and gardens. Equipment such as tractors and plows, and supplies such as fertilizers and planting stakes could distract from the estate nature of the district. Therefore, along with RV, the ordinance purposes that such equipment and vehicles be stored out of view. 21.09.060 Building Height. No bui.tdi.ng i.n the. R-E lone. Ahatt exceed a he.i.ght o& 35 £e.e,t me.a&u.n.e,d a* the. ve.iti.c.at di.Atance. jjiom the. towe.At te.ve.t o& the. Ai.te. c.ove.ie.d by the. bui.tdi.ng (bui.tdi.ng pad] to the. c.e.i.ti.ng o& the. uppe.imoAt Atony. The. pad' A e.te.\iati^on Ahatt be. me.aAune.d aA the. gnade. pni.on to gnadi.ng , except wfoete the. pad i,& to be. excavated the. ve.nti.cat distance. Ahatt be. me.aAune.d finom the. towe.At gnade.. The maximum height of 35' is standard to all lower density residential zones in Carlsbad. The difference in this section is in the method of calculating height. In other zones height is measured from the highest point in an abutting street to the highest point on the roof. This is a poor method at best and totally impossible to work within an area of large yards and hilly terrain. Therefore the proposed method measure- ments are taken from the building site. Also, the method will not allow extra building height by increasing height of pad elevation. 21.09.070 Front Yard. In an R-E Zone, no bui.tdi.ng on Atnuctune. Ahatt be. ejected on ma-Lntai.ne.d te.AA than 100 £e.e.t &nom the. c.e.nte.n ti.ne. 0^ any Atne.e.t, except unde.n the. &ottowi.ng c.i.nc.umAtance,A: (1) Fence-6 o& Mood on Mood and maAonny dombi.nati.on, up to 5 £e.e.t i.n he.i.ght pnovi.de.d the. ^ence i,A at te.aAt 50 pe.nce.nt open; cha-in t-ink &e.nce.A ane, e.x.pne.AAty pno- h<ibi.te,d i.n finont yandA . - 3- (2) Roofed t>k<Ltt<in ^on an^mat* open on at t<tat>t thice. may be ptace.d up to 20 &e.e.t &iom Atie.e.t pn.ope.fity t-ine.. (3) The Ptann^ng Comm^^-ton may approve, the. location ofi dwe-ittng and gaiage.* up to 20 &e.e,t jjtom .the &tx.<i<it piope.ity t-ine. <i& the. d^jjetence -tn e.te.vat-ion oft the. tequXted &iont yatid cutback l-ine, and the, centei £x.ne o<J -the t>tn.<L2.t exceed 15 ^ee-t. Appt^icat-ion faon. buck ie.duct<ion -in teqtUAed ^ont yand i>ztbac.k Akall be made by S<it<L Development P£an a& pe^ Ckapte.fi 21.05 o& tni,A Code.. The large front yard (100 feet) serves two purposes. One of course is the goal to create openness and an estate character. The other is technical and may be very important in the future. The large front yard will provide for a widening and realignment of the street if that is ever desired in the future. Therefore if the area is ever changed to a higher density there will be room to redesign streets to give proper width, curve radius and dwelling setbacks. There are exceptions in front yard and if the terrain is difficult relief is provided for the siting of the dwelling. Fences and roofed structures are permitted so the front yard can be used for animals and privacy. To maintain an aesthetic appearance however, chain link fences are expressly prohibited in front yards. i The Planning Commission may approve modification for house siting if the difference in elevation between the street and the setback line is greater than 15 feet, this will give flexibility in siting of the dwelling and make better uses of all of the site when terrain is steep. The 15' difference in elevation was used since this is the maximum percent slope appropriate for driveways. 21 . 09. 080 Side Yard. In an R-E Zone, an 4.Yit<LH4.on *<ide. yatid £>hatl not be £e6-6 than 15 ^znt -on u)<Ldtk and &tne.<it &<Lde. yandi> i>katt not be than 50 &<te.t -in wi.dtn. The interior side yard of 15' is not exceedingly great in this area of large lots, but to have it larger may limit the flexibility in siting the dwelling in difficult terrain. The exterior side yard for corner lots is relatively great, but again it's needed for possible future street widening or realignment. 21.09.090 Placement of Buildings. Placement o<$ bu.j.ld<ing& on any tot AhatZ. c.oniofim to tne. & o ££o wi.ng : (1) No bu-cCd-tng &hatt occupy any pout-ion o& a (2) Any but-tdi-ng, any po fit-ion o& wh-ich -i* uA&d faon human hab-itat-ion, i>ha.SUL ob^e/tv/e a d-i^tance. fitiom any teat JLJ,nn the. e.qu<ivate.nt oft tw-ice. the. tequ-tted tnte.i<ioi b-ide. yatid. -4- (3) The, distance. between buildings used fion. human, habitat-ion and acce.sson.y buildings shall not be. le.ss than. 10 (4) The. ke,e.plng ofi all dome.stlc animals pn.ovlde.d fion. In this zhapte.fi shall conjoint to all othe.n. provisions ofi taw gove.n,nlng same., and no fiowl on. animal, on. any pen, coop, stable. OH. bain shall be. ke.pt on. malntalne.d within 40 fie.e.t oft any building use.d ion. human habitation on the. same. on. adjoining pn.ope.n.ty. Ifi a n.e.slde.nce. Is con- structed on a tot adjacent to a lot with Atn.uc.tun.e-t> fion. animate, within 40' ofi Such n.e.slde.nce., the. stn.uctun.e.s fion. the. animate Ahatt be. don&lde.n.e,d nonc.onfion.mlng and &hatt be /temoued within 90 day* fin.om occupancy ofi the. n.e.Alde.nce.. (5) Pe.n.mltA fion. dwe.£tlng unit* to be. located fiun.the.n. than 500 ^e,e.t fin.om a filn.e. hydn.ant &hatl be, Aubje.ct to In- dividual. de.te.n,mlnatlon by the. fln.e. Ve.pan.tme.nt, which may n,e.quln.e. the. Installation ofi additional Aafie.ty e.qulp- me.nt, Including the. n.e.quln.e.me.nt fion. additional hydn.antA on. &tand plpe,& . The first four regulations are standard to other residential zones. No. 5 is unique because of the possible problem of great distance between dwelling and fire hydrant. It is anticipated that some lots will have on-site hydrants and/or stand pipes. 21.09.100 Minimum Lot Area. The, ave.n.age. lot an.e.a In any dlvltlon Ahall not be, le.&& than two acn.e.& pn.ovlde.d that the. minimum lot an.e.a shall not be. le.&A than one. acn.e.. This is the first zone in Carlsbad with lot averaging; a very useful concept, especially in hilly areas. Averaging will permit higher density of development in flatter areas and larger lots in steeper terrain where the lots need to be larger anyway. The question of just what the average and minimum lot areas should be was extensively dis- cussed by staff. Lots over "three acres were considered, this would have some savings because the Public Utilities costs would not then require underground! ng of utilities. However, the relative cost of installing other Public Facilities goes up as density decreases. The Ordinance does not preclude the development of a larger lot area if overheads are desired. It was suggested that h acre lots be set as the minimum. From staff's review, none of the estate type areas have lots that small. Areas that are developed in h acre lots such as portions of Olivehain, and El Cajon Valley simply do not appear as estates or a rural setting. The appearance is basically urbanization with larger lots. This is especially true in hill areas because grading uses up most of the open spaces. The smallest minimum lot area staff believes is workable to create an estate rural character and be adequately served by a rural public facility system in one acre. Any density greater should meet full City standards and be sewered. -5- 21 .09.11 0 Lot Width. In the. R-E Zone, e.ve.n.y lot cheated Ahall have, a m4.n4.mu.rn tot wtdth o& 100 &e.e.t, except that panhandle, on filag shaped lotA may be. approved -in the. on.4-Q4.nal Au.bd4.V4.A4.on oft an R-E Zone 4.^ the. fiollowtng c-ctcumstances an.e, fiound to e.K4.At- (1) The ane,a o& the. butldable. pon.t4.on o& the. lot Ahall meet the. m4.n4.mu.rn an.e.a n.e.qu.<in.e.me.nt oft the. R-E Zone. (2) The. wtdth n.e.qu.4.n.e.me.ntA ^on. the. butldable. pon.t4.on ofi the. lot Ahall be. met as n.e.qu.4.n.e.d &on. 4.nte.n.4.on. Lot* tn the. zone. d4.Atn.-ict. (3) The. yan.d n.e.qu4\ie.me.nt& o& the. zone. d4.&tn.4,c.t &hatl be, me.t 0.4 te.qvi4.fie.d ^on. 4,nte.n.4.on. Jtot&, except that Ae.tbac.kt> may be. Deduced to 30 (4} The. m4.n4.mam wtdth o& the. ac.c.e.&& pon.t4.on A hall be. tu)e.nty- fioun. fae,e.t except wneie the. ac.c.e.&& pon.t4.on 4.& ade.qu.ate. to the. &ame. pon.t4.on OjJ anotneA, 4acn £ot, 4.n u}h<ic.h da&e. the. n.e,quL4.n.e.d m4.n4.mu.rn &n.ontage. Ahall be. jt4.{ste.e.n jjeet, pn.ov4.de.d a jo-int easement, e.nAun.4,ng common acce44 o^ a m<in4.mu.m wtdth oft 30 fjeet to both Au.ch pon.t4.ont>, 4.x> n.e.con.de.d, (5) An -impn.ove.d dn-iv e.u)ay Ahall be. pn.ov4.de.d W4.th<in the. pon.t4.on ofi the. lot \norn the. public Atn.e.e.t on. public ease- ment to the. pan.k-Lng a/tea on the. bu.4.ldable. lot at le.a&t &ou.n.te.e.n ^eet W4.de. &on. &4.ngle. lot* and twe.nty (Jeet wtde. wnen Ae.n.v4.ng mon.e. than one. lot. The. m4.n4.mu.rn ove.n.he.ad c.le.an.anc.e. Ahall be. ten jjeet. Tne dn.4.ve.way thall be. con- Atn.uc.te.d to accommodate, public Ae.n,v4.ce. ve.h4.cle.A W4.th a mtntmam o& two-4.nch th<ick a&phalt concrete paving on pn.ope.n. bat>e. W4.th n.olle.d e.dge.A. (6) Each lot thall have at le.a*t thn.e,e. nontande.m pan.k4.ng spaces u)4,th an approach not £ess tnan twe.nty-&ou.n. ^e.e.t -in le.ngth W4.th pn.ope.n. tan.nan.ou.nd Apace, to pe.n.m4\t complete ta-t-n- an.ou.nd fton. ^on.wan.d access to the street. T/U.S pan.ktng and access a^.A.angement Ahall be destgned to the. sat-cs- oi the. Planning V '/tAecto n. . (7) SttuctuAes pe^.m^.tted -in the. access pon.t4.on o& the. lot Ahall be. l4.m4.te.d to ma-c£boxes, fences, gates, t^ash enc£osaA.es, landscape contatneA.s and namep£ates . Ex- cept faon. ma/c£boxes, these Atn.actan.e.A Ahall not be an.e.ate.n. than &on.ty-two inches Jin he.-i.ght 4,& located W4.th4\n twenty ijeet o^ the street pn.ope.n.ty l-Lne. on. gn.e.ate.n. than s/tx jjeet 4.n height beyond th/ts po4.nt. (B) The. pn.ope.n.ty owntn. o& sach a £ot sha££ ag^ee to ho£d the Ctty on. any othe.n, public seiv-tce agency han.mle.AA &n.om I4.ab4.l4.ty £on. any damage, to the. dn.tve.way when be-ing ased to pe.n.£on.m a public Ae.n.v-Lce.. -6- The 100' width is minimum to give an open feeling, but flexible so that lots can be created to fit the terrain. The zone provides for panhandle lots that have the same basic standards as in other single family zones. 21.09.120 Lot Coverage. A££ bu<ild<ing 4.nc.lud4.ng acc.e.&Aofiy bu4,ld-ing^ and Atiuctuie.* , e.x.c.lud4.ng QHe.e.nhou,&e.& , &hall not cove.*, mole. than 20 pe.ic.e.nt o& the. anna o& the. tot. With a 20% maximum coverage, or one acre lot could have approximately 4,300 square feet covered by buildings and structures. This appears to be well within the range of anticipated development including accessory buildings. It will, however, prohibit excessive development of structure that would reduce the open character of the area. 21 .09.130 Parking. NotW4.th-btand4.ng parking sie.qu4.fie.me.ntA o& Chaptn.fi 21.44 not le.AA than two o^-^>tne.e.t parking Apace.* Ahall be. piov4.de.d {,01 e.ac.h le.A'ide.nc.e.. The. ie.qu4.ie.d two Apac.e.6 &hall be. covered by a gaiage. on c.afipont, and the. di-i.ve.way ade.quate.-ty pave.d W4.th e.4.the.fi c.onc.ie.te. on asphalt cement pie.paie.d ove.fi ade.qu.ate. ba&e.. To provide for the higher standards proposed for these zone districts, covered parking is required. This is not an undue hardship since almost all homes are built with garages these days. The difference is that the garage could not be converted to a habitable room without providing substitute covered parking. Garage conversions are generally unattractive, force parking in front yard setback or onstreet and gen- erally provide poorly designed living areas, therefore they are dis- couraged. The driveways need to be paved to insure adequate access in all weather, this is especially true in these relatively large lots. Again this should not be a hardship since people expect all weather driveways and most homes contain them. 21.09.140 Subdivision of Land in an R-E Zone. ?nopot>e.d &ub- di.v4.AJ.on* ojj land 4.n the. R-E lone. Ahall be. Aubje.c.t to all piov4.A4.on* OjJ Ti.tte. 20 except a& he.ie.-in a ft te.fi This is a unique section that indicates that the R-E zone permits exception to the subdivision regulation (Title 20), as necessary to create an estate area. 21.09.150 Modifications of Public Improvements. The iollow-Lng d4,&c.fie.t4*o natty modi.fi'Lc.at'ionA to A-equ-oted public. j,mp/iove.me.nt& may be. pe./im<itte.d by the. C<Lty Cou.nc.4.1: (/) S&ie.e.t 4,msiove.me.ntA and {a} The. m4.n4.mu.rn w*.dth ojj flight- of, -way ^on public. de.d-L(iate.d Atsie.e.tA thall be. 40 (b) Pave.me.nt wi,dth'. Standard pave.me.nt wj.dth may be. Deduced -in the. R-E Zone piov-cded -it* wi.dth and ge.ome.ti'Lc. de.&<ign aie. n.e.Hate.d to the. topography and ne.e.d& ofi the. atie.a. The. C<ity Cou.nc.-il bhall de.te.lm4.ne. the. w-idth o£ -btn.e.e.t& at the. t<ime. ofa the. te.ntat4.ve. Aubd<iv4.A-ion approval, but -en no c.a-&e. pave.me.nt W4.dtht> be. le.A& than the. -7- Type. o£ Stne.e.t No Panking Pank One S-tde Pank Both Side.A (Feet) (Feet) _ Serving £ dvoe.lli.n3 24 28 32 unitA on. te.AA Se.n.ving mote £ dM>e££-cng unit* 24 30 36 (c) Mate.niatA 4pee/c^xtca.^on4 ^ot Au.bgn.ade. and paving Ahatt be. -in accordance w-t^h adopted Atan.dan.dA ofa the. City oft Ca^£-6bad. Tne C/c^t/ Cou.nc.-Lt may wa^ve o^. modify imp/iove. me.nt Atanda.H.d-!, Auc.k a4 4^cdewa£fe4, c.u.fibt>, gu.tte.1, age &tfiuLC.tnfin& <i& -it Lt> fiound that &ac.k j,mpJiove.me.ntA and womtd diAtiact fa>iom the. the. a/tea. (d) Gfia.di.ng AhaJtt be. ade.qu.ate. to provide, faoti drainage, and emergency packing and, wne/t-e fie.qu.-in.nd by C-ity Cou.yic.-it, to accommodate. e.qu.e.&ti-ian tx.a4.tA. (e) City Qfiade. and cuAve btandatidb may be. waive.d to A.edace g^adxcng . In &u.c.h cat>e-!>, an ade.qu.ate. light- o ft- way &katt be. provided to accommodate. pot>£>ibte. fiututie. con- ne.ctioni> to me.e.t City AtandaidA . (j{) Tne City Councit Ahatt have. the. option o& n.e.qu.in.inQ that t>tie.e.t light-ofi-way Ahatt be. piivate.ty he.td pubtic e.aAe.me.nt& and maintaine.d unde.*. an at> ke.n.e.iYia^te.n. n.e.qu.ine.d , on. may acce.pt an o^ dedication. (2) Utititie.* and S e.n.v ic e.& : (a) Each tot Ahatt be. &e.nve.d with wattn. tine.& and hydiant* in accordance, with City Atandattd* . (b) Pu.btic i>e.we.n.& Ahatt not be. n.e.qu.in.e.d pn.ovide.d that atte.n.nati\> e 4ewe^ ditpoAat t>yt>te.m& that an.e. pe.n.~ mitte.d by code. ane. fiound to be. &e.aAibte. faon. each tot. The. de.te.nmination o& -bach ade.qu.acy Ahatt be. made, by the. CantAbad Engine.e.n.ing Ve.pan.tme.nt in conAuttation with the. County He.atth Ve.pan.tme.nt. (c) Ove.nhe.ad wining fion te.te.phone. and e.te.ctnic Ae.n.vice. Ahatt be. peAmitte.d u.nte.AA othe.n.wiAe. pn.ohibite.d by Pabtic Utitity CommiAAion n,e.gu.tationA . Modification to public facility standards will be permitted, but not automatically. All standard modifications must be approved by the City Council. The ordinance contains standards that facilities may be reduced to - these are not intended as absolute. -8- Street improvements and dedication minimums are based on the same standards as a PUD. They are workable for low density, low demand. However, if demand is greater the City may require more facilities. Utilities and service will be the same as all other residential develop- ment except that sewering need not be done by public facility. Alter- native modes of sewering are permissible provided the system is approved by Code and adequacy and is determined by the Engineering Department and County Health. Overhead utilities are permitted unless PUC prohibits. 21.09.160 Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. The. filing oft a te.ntative. map in an R-E lone. Ahall sinctu.de. the. AubmiAAion ofi piopoAnd plivate. de.e.d ie.AtiictionA, cove.nantA and conditionA. The. pioviAionA ofi the.Ae. docu.me.ntA Ahall aAAuie., aA a. minimum, ie.Atiictive. 01 ie.AubdiviAion piope.itie.A, the. maintenance, ofi pi4.va.te. pn.ope.ity -in a manne.1 conAiAte.nt with the. pulpoAe.A ofi thiA zone., and fioi the. continuing and adequate, maintenance ofi all piope.it4.e-l> to be. held in common, including any plivate t>ti<i.e.t&. Suck docume.ntat4.on and ame.ndme.ntA the.ie.ofi thatt be. Aubje.ct to the. ie.v4.e.w ofi the. C4,ty Attoine.y. CC&R1s are required in this zone to insure that properties will be maintained to meet the goals of the zone. If one or a few owners wish to change to higher density or other basic change, the majority of owners involved in the CC&R's must concur. It is also anticipated that there will be common facilities such as streets, equestrian trails, recreation areas, etc., that will need to be regulated by the CC&R's. 21.09.170 Findings Required for Rezoning to a More Intensive Use. Once a R-E Zone ha& been adopte.d, and Aubd4.v4.A4.onA have. occuiie.d unde.1 the. above. piov4.A4.onA, no ie.zon4.ng to a mole. 4.nte.nA4.ve. UAC may be. giante.d on any lot without a finding by the. City Council in addition to othe.1 fiindingA ie.quiie.d by law, that an impiove.me.nt diAtlict haA been fioime.d which will piovide. fioi the. financing ofi the. impiove.me.ntA ne.ce.AAaiy to bling all public impiove.me.ntA, on and ofifi-Aite., to City AtandaidA and Ape.cifiicationA applicable, at the. time, ofi Auch ie.zoning. There is always the possibility that a R-E zone will be changed to higher density in the future as circumstances change. To insure proper transformation to higher density this section requires that an improve- ment district be formed so that public facilities to meet demand and higher density are met. BPrjp -9-