HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-09-20; City Council; 3652-5; Harding St. Community Ctr.- Auditorium RenovationCITY OF CAKLSBAD .- -" DATE : September 20, 1977 DEPARTMENT: PARKS AND RECREATION Subject: HARDING STREET COMMUNITY CENTER AUDITORIGI! RENOVATION Statement of the Matter The State of California enacted the Roberti-Z'berg Urban Open-Space and Recreation Program/SB 174 which provides funds to certain political subdivisions of the State for acquiring lands and for developing facilities to meet urban recreation needs. The State Department of Parks and Rec- reation has the administrative responsibility of the program and has established necessary procedures governing application by local agencies. These procedures include a City Council resolution certifying approval of the application, and certification that the applicant will comply with specified requirements and appropriate codes, laws, and regulations. The project applied for under the block grant portion of the program must be of a high priorityandsatisfy the most urgent parks and recreation needs with emphasis on unmet needs in the most heavily populated areas. The Parks and Recreation'Commission unanimously recommends submission of the application for grapt assistance. $zo,959 with $6,986 match-ing funds from the City, matching funds from the' City. This grant assi,stance is for EXH I B I T A. Resolution No. x& b B. Grant Application RECOMMENDATION Parks/recommends approval of the application for the Roberti-Z'berg Urban Open-Space and Recreation Program assistance by the addption of Resolution No. land Rl;(c;geation Commission COUNCIL ACTION 9-20-77 Resolution #5202 was adopted, approving the application for B1 ock Gran Funds under the Roberti -Z',Berg Urban Openspace and Recreation Program. - .. . Certification on 1st page of application by the City Attorney will be requested after City Council approves submission of application. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 3.2 13 14 15 le 17 1E 39 2c 21 22 23 I 24 25 26 27 28 li _- RESOLUTION NO. 5202 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI E CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR BLOCK GRANT FUNDS SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM FOR RENOVATION OF THE HARDING STREET COMMUNITY CENTER AUDITORIUM UNDER THE ROBERTI-Z'BERG URBAN OPEN- {EREAS, the legislature of the State of California ha enacted the Roberti-Z'berg Urban Open-Space and Recreation Program, which provides funds to certain political subdivisions of the State of California for acquiring lands and for developing . facilities to meet urban recreation needs; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Parks and Recreation has been delegated the responsibi-lity for the administration of the program, setting up necessary procedures governing application by local agencies under the program; and WHEREAS, said procedures established by the State Department of Parks and Recreation require the applicant to certify by resolution the approval of applications prior to submission of said applications to the state; and WHEREAS, said applications contain a certification that the applicant will comply with all federal, state, and local environmental, public health, relocation, affirmative action, and clearinghouse requirements and all other appropriate codes, laws and regulations prior to the expenditure of the grant funds. and WHEREAS, the project applied for under this program must be of a high priority and satisfy the most urgent park and recreation needs with emphasis on unmet needs in the most heavily populated areas ; 1 2 3 e 9 1C 11 1% 12 2.4 15 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 25 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby: 1. Approves the filing of an application for funding under the Roberti-Z'berg Urban Open-Space and Recreation Program; and 2. Certifies that said agency understands the general provisions of the agreement; and 3. Certifies that said agency has or will have sufficient funds to operate and maintain the project funded under this program; and 4. Certifies that said agency has or will have available prior to commencement of any work on the project included in this application matching money from a nonstate source: and 5. Certifies that the project included in this application conform to the recreation element of the applicable city or county general plan; and 6. Appoints the Director of Parks and Recreation as agent of the City of Carlsbad to conduct all negotiations, execute and submit all documents including but not limited to applications, agreements, amendments, payment requests, and so on which may be necessary for the completion *of the aforementioned project; and 7. Appoints the City Attorney as legal counsel for said agency with authorization to sign the certification on page 1 of application. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the _- xx xx xx xx xx 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 38 39 20 21 22 23 I 24 25 26 27 20 City Council of the City of day of Se p t em be r _- Carlsbad, California, held the 20th 1977, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Lewis, Packard, Skotnicki and NOES : None ABSENT : Councilman Frazee . Councilwoman Casler -4 % CQ, ATTEST : (seal j R~BERT c. FRAZEE, ~iaJ;or < I a State of California - 'The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND nECHEATlQN lirban Open Space and Recreation Program . BLOCK Gi?ANT APPLICATION Applicant (Agency] Name: Parks' and Recreation Department, --- City of Carlsbad - Address: J-300 E1.d~~ Carl s ba d, California 92008 Person with day-today responsibility for this application: Name. Ed Johnson, Director -- of Parks and Recreation P~IOR~: 814 I 729-1171 extension 67 Ststc. Smite District KO. 38 Statu Assembly District NO. _7t; Attach a copy of the Resolution authorizing application for grant funds from the applicznt's governing body (A sample resolution may be found in Appendix B-of the Procedural Guide.) Certification I hereby certify that the applicent has met, or will meet, all federal, state or local environmental, piiblic health, relocation, afiirmative action, and clearinghouse requii enients and all other appropriate codes, laws, ai td regulations prior io the expenditure of the grant funds. (Public Resources-Code 5626 (c) (See Appendix G, Staie Regulations, of the Procedural Guide.) I further certify that the applicant fully understands that the State Department of Parks and Recreation wit! not assume any responsibility to ensure compliance with any app!icablc fudoral, state or local codes, laws or regulations, .t Legal Counsel for Parks ~ City of Carlsbad Name of Applicant B- 1 DPR IM (Rev. 7/77) *- I PROJECT DESCR I PTlON 1. Name of Projectf$au Ctrwt Cmrni tv Dntp. r Project Location (enclose city or county map indicating project location) I.n p r aff-krdjna S~~€PJ.And &ddh~~~nll~. WPS~ nf TntPrstaQ 5 Project Description owned by the City, intc a 500 seat auditorium to provide the Cit.y residxts The wnnvatinn nf t!xL&X- J24K€&4Mnnl.r -- I with a public area for stage type presentations, large assetxblies, little -_I_ theatre and school plays and musicals which can pracntly be &Id only in I- - &~-linLu~~~t~&~~ " . &&E. ~~~~dJgl S(!~ffoOt. b.Kl 'Lcihg&LhPreMsLa tpri i' n 1- P txw-, - ar!d external lv to el iminate the ct,urch atmosphere and to provide faci li ties Attach additional pages if necessary __-. Indicate land ownership for development projects: Fee Simpkm Less than Fce Simple Lease n Earernentn Other (explainln Estimated Total Project Cost $lt;4_777 nfl Amount of Grant Request 20,959.00 Amount of Matching Funds $6,986 - 00 Source of Matching Funds si tY ' S Genera 1 Fund ) -fYuu 6-2 3. .. PROJECT U ESCR tPTl ON Name of Project - Project Location (enclose city or county map indicating project location) Project Description Attach additional pages if nt-cessary _- Indicate land ownership for development projects: Fee Simple Less than Fee Simple Lease c] Easement Other (explain) [71 Estimated Total Project Cost Amount of Grant Request Amount of Matching Funds Source of Matching Funds - 8-3 BLOCK GRANT AGREEMENT Urban OpewSpaco and Recreation Program City of Carlsbad Agreement Number (Leave Blank) Under the terms and conditions of this agreement, the applicant agrees to complete the project(s1 as described in the project description, and the State of California, acting through its Director of Pzrks and Recreation pursuant to the Roberti-Z'berg Urban Open Space and fkcreation Program Act, (Public Resources Code Scctim 5620 ff) agrees to fund the project up to the total state grant amount indicated. Project Name (indicate acquisitior, or development) Harcli ng Streit Community Center Auditorium Renovation Development I* Total Estimated Project(s) Cost$] 64,277.00 Total State Grant (not to exceed the grant entitlement nor to exceed 75 percent of Project(s) cost) L_ $20,959.00 - The General Provisions listed in Appendix A of the Urban Open-Space and Recreation Program Procedural Guide are made a part of and incorporated into the Agreement. STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION ? Title Director of Parks; f, mrpat.inn Date _SePtember 36. 1977 BY BY Date Title Budyet Act of Date Budget ltcm Number (Leave Blank) (Leave Dlaiik) 8-4 API’EN L) I X A Agreeinen t’s General Provisions The irgrcement on page 4 of the ,ipplicntion mubt be signed wlien the ,ipplic‘ition i3 iubmitted to the Stnte. Upon approvnl of the application, ’the Stdte will sign the ,!grcrinerit ,ind return an executed copy to the applicant. The following general provisiors will be n part of the ,qpement. A. Definitions 1. The term ‘*Statet) as iised herein means the California State Department of F’arks and Recreation. 2. ’ The term “Act” as used herein means the Roberti-Z’berg Urban Open-Space and liecreation Program Act. Tile tzi-m “Project” as IJSed herein means the individudl dnd cdlective projects dewribed on pages 2 and 3 of the application. 3. 4. Thc term “Applicant” as used hcrcin menns thc party clcscribed ds applicant on p‘igt: 1 of this ‘igreement. G. Project Execution 1. Subject la the availability of grdnt r:ioneys in the Act, thc State hcreby grants to the Applicmt a win of money (grmi moneys) not to exceed the amount stated in the agreement in consideration of and on condition that the SLII~ be expended in carr):ng out the purpose\ as 5tt forth in the Description of Project on pages 2 nnd 3 of the Application and under the terms nnd conditions set fo!th in this agreement. The Applicant agrcej to furnish twenty-five (25) percent of the total cost of the Project and any additional funcls that m‘iy be necessary to complete the Project. Any modification or alteration in the Project as set forth in the application on file with the State must be submitted to the State for approval. The Applicant sliall secure completion of the development work in accoidance with the Description of Project on pages 2 and 3 of the Application and under the terms and conditions of this agreement. All significanr deviations from the Project shall be submitted to the State for approval. I’he Applicant shall permit periodic site visits by the Slate to determine if development work is in accordance with tlie Descriptiorl of Project on pages 2 and 3 of the appiication and under the terms and conditions of this agreement including a final inspection upor, Pro ie c t c o ni p I e t i on. 2. . 3. The Applic,iiit ‘igi-ecr to furnish ttic Stcite prcliniinary title rcpoi-ts rcsptxtirig such real property upori rcquest or such otticr cvitfcncc of 1itic which is rlelcrnrinrtl to be stif ficiunt by tlie. State. Appliciint ‘igrct.5 in nt:l;oti,itctl pitrchh,iws IO correct prior to or at the ciose , -. , -1 >. or csci'ow ahy defects of title which in the opinion of thc Stcite might intci fere with thc opcr;ilion of the Project. In conclemn,itioii actions such title defcxts must be elimiiiatcd by ttic linal judgment. The Applicant, in acquiring red property, thc cost of which is to be rcirnbtirscd with grant nioneys under this Jgreenient, shall comply with Chapter '1 6 (commencing with Seclion 7260) of Division -7 of Title 1 of the Government Cock ,ind any app1ic;ible federal, state, or local laws or ordinances. Documentation of such compliance will be rnildc av,iilable for review by the State upon request. . 5. ' C. Project Performance Period 1. The AppliCdnt agrees to complete the project under the terms ,ind conditions of this agreement. The Applicant may not take title to land or begin development until Project Perfo:m,ince Period begins. 2. t 3. Tne Project PerTorniancc Period shall begin when the agreenient i5 signed and continue until the project is completed or the grmf funds are expended. The Applicant further agrees to expend grant moneys within three (3) year5 fiom the date of receip:. (Public Resources Code SG2G(b). c 4. D. Project Costs The grnnt moneys to be provided the Applicant under this agreen-ient shnll be cli>burbed ds fol Io ws : I. Upon the State's approval of the application and submission of ,I Billing Statement by the Applicant, the State mdy advance up to ninety (90) percent of the totdl grant zmount of the Block grant or Need Basis grant. 2. Upon notification of completion of: a. Block grant projects as described in the agreement or the Block gract projects as modified and dgreed to by the State. b. The State may perform a project completion inspection and will perform a final audit. Upon audit approval, the State will reimburse the Applicant for the remaining ten (10) percent of the total Block grant or Need Basis grant to the extent of seventy-five (75) percent of the allowable costs. (Public Resources Code 5625.) The Need Basis grant project as described in the agreement. . E. Project 'Administration 1. The Applicant shall promptly submit aniii1,il reports to the St'ite. 7 11c Applicant hi11 ,iIw piovide the St'itc report showing tot'il fin,il project cxpcnditurc\. (l'tlbllc Rtw)Llrcc*\ Code 5625.) 2. Property and f,icilities acquired or devclopcd pursuant to this ,igrc.cment h.111 tw ,iv,iiI,iblc for inspection by the State upon request. 'd 3. The Applicant shall use any moneys itdvmced by the Stcite irntler. the tcrms of , agreement solely for the Project herein dcscribed. (PubliL Resources Code 5626 (,I).) this 20 4. . I; grant moneys are advanced, the Applicdnt shall place such moneys in a separatc interest-bearing account, setting up and identifying such account prior to the advnncc. ,lntcrest earned .on grant moneys shill1 be ~rscd on tlie project or paid to the State. If grant moneys arc at1v;inccd and not cxpended, the unused portion of the grant shall bt; returned to the State within sixty (GO) days of completion of the project or end of the Project Perfoimarice Period, whichever is earlier. Gross income that is earned by the Applicant from a state-approved, non-recreation use on an acquisition. project, subsequent to the Applicant's taking title, must be used by the Applicant far recreation pur-poses at the Project. 8' * 1 5.: F. Project Termination 1.. The Appliqant may unilaterally rescind this agreement at any time prior to the * expenditure of grant funds. After exjm-tcli tiire of grmt funds, this agreement mdy he rescinded, modified or amendcd only by mutual ngrecmcnt in writing. 2. Failure by the Applicant to comply with the terms of this agreement or 2:iy other agreement under the Act may he cause for.suspension CJf all obli2,itions of the State h e reu n d er . 3. Failure of the Applicant Lo comply witti the terms of this agreement stiall not be cLluje for the suspension OF dl obligations of tile State hercunder if, in the jirdgrnsnt of the State, such failure was due to no fault of the Applicant. Iri such case, an). ainount required to settle at minimum cost any irrevocable obligations properly incurrzd shall be eligible for reimbursement under this agreement. Because the benefit to be derived by the State, from the fi:II complianw by the Appliciint with the terms of this agreement, is the preservation, prot.ection and net increase in the quantity and quality of parks iind public recreation facilities availnble to the peorie of the State of California, and becduse such benefit exceeds to an immeasurable and unascertainable extent the arnoiint of money furnished by the State by way of grant moneys under the tcrms of this qreeinent, the Applicant agrees thcit payment by the Applicant to the State of an amount equal to the amount of the grant moneys disbursed under this agreement by the State would be inadeqcrate compensation to the State for any breach by the Applicant of this agreement. The Applicant further agrees therefore, that the appropriate remedy in the event of ;1 breach by the Applicant shdl be the' substitution of a project agreed upon by both the Applicmt and the State to be completed within a period of time as established .by the State. 4. G. Hold Harmless 1. The Applicant hereby waives all claims and recourse against the State inchiding the right to contribution for loss or damage to persons or property arising from, growing out of or in any way connected with or inciclcrit to this iigreement cxccpt claims arising from the concurrent or sole negligence of thc StLite, its officers, iigents, ;itid crnployecs. / J: , 3. In the cvunt the State is narnccl as codcfcnd,rnt iinclcr thc proviioris of (;oveinnir-nt Code Section 835 ct secl., the Applicant shall notify tlic Stcite of sircli f'ict ,incl sli.iII icprewnt ' 21 .. the Stnte in thc legal action unlcrs the St,itc undertCike5 to rcpresent itself as codefcndant in such legal action; in which event the State shall bear its own litigdtion costs, expenses, and attorney's fees. 4. In thc event of judgment entcred agninst the State and Applicant beczJse of the concurrent negligence of the State and Applicant, their officivs, agents, or employws, an apportionment of liability to pay such judgment shall be mnde by a court of competent jurisdiction. Neither party shall request a jury apportionment. 5. The Applicant shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the State, its officers, agents and employees against any and all claims, demands, costs, expenses or liability costs arising out of legal actions pursuant to items to which the Applicant has certified. Applicant acknowledges that it is soleiy responsible for compliance with items io which it has certified. H. Financial Records 1. The Applicant shall maintain satisfactory financial accounts, documents and words for the project and shall make them c~vailable to the St'ite for auditirig at reaso-1'Jlr times. Such accoL!nts, clocuments dnd iecords shal! be retnined by the Applicant fo, Aree ycats following project tei niination or comp!etion. During regular office hours edch of the parties hereto and their dul) a:!thorirzd representatives shall have the right to inspect and make copies of any books, :?cords or reports of the other patty pertainir?;: to this agreement or rn'itters related tczreto. The Applicant shall maintain and make available for inspection by the State accuiite records of all of its costs, disbursements and receipts with respect to its gctivities undsr this agreement. The Applicant may use an$ generally accepted accounting system provided s.rch system meets the minimum requirements as may be established by the State. 2. 1. Use of Facilities 1. The property acquired or developed with grant moneys under this agreemfnt shall be used by the Applicant only for the purpose for whiclr the State grant miineys were requested and no other use of the area shall be permitted except by specific xt of the legislature. (Public Resources Code 5626 (a).) The Applicant shall without cost to the State operate and maintain the proper:): acquired or developed pursuant to this agreement in the manner and according to the standards acceptable to the State. . 2. J. Nondiscrimination 1. The Applicant shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of sex, rxe, color, national origin, age, religion, ancestry, or physical handicap in thc iisc of ;in)' ?roperty or facility acquired or developed pursuant to this agrcemcnt. The Applicant shall not cliscrimitiatc against ;iny pci-son 011 the h,isis of rcsiLc:>ce cxccpt to thc extent Ihot rcason;lble clif.fcrcticcs in ;idmission 01- othcr fccs m;iy bc m.i.;itaincd on thc basis of rcsitlcncc and pursli.int to law. 2. 22 .. .. .. . . .. _. E 0' - ..*-: .. . w .. - . -- ...... .. * . *. . . .. .. :. I _.. . .. , .-. -. .t ' - .' - . *- .. . . .. - 19.97 .- - SAN DIEGO HEGION'S COUNCIL OF GOVERhivlENTS COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ORGANIZATION Suite 524 Security Pacific Plaza 1200 Third Avenue San Diego. California 92101 (714) 233-521 1 August 18, 1977 Edgar Y. Johnson, Director Parks and Recreation Department 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Sub j ect : Board of Directors Action on Notice of Intent Re: State Urban Open Space and Recreation Program Dear Mr. Johnson: On August 5, 1977, the Executive Comittee without a quorum reviewed your project as required by the Guidelines for the State Urban Open Space and Recreation Program. proposed pro j ect . Based on 80 investigation of the proposed renovation of foner church into an auditorium, the Board has determined that there are no unresolved local or regional issues regarding this project and that further review by CPO is unnecessary. On Auggt 15, 1977, the Board of Directors approved the We appreciate your cooperation in providing early notice of this proposed state project to San Diego's .fourteen local governments. Sincerely, _- RICHARD J. Secretary RJH/w/ce NI - 77- 182 MEMBER AGENCIES: Cities of Carlsbad. Chula Vista, Coronado. Del Mar. El Caion. Escondido. Imperial Beach. La Mesa, Natlonat City. Oceanside, San Diego. San Marcos. Vista. and County of San Diego / EX-OFFICIO MEMBER: California Department of Transportation / HONORARY MEMBER: Tijuana, 6. CFA. I - I . " / COMPREHENSIVE PL~~NNING ORGANIZATION OF THE SAh JIEGO REGION Project Notification NI-EY77-182,198,227,243,244 item No-: ~1-1~8-1 through 16 TO: . Date 8/5/77 Executive Committee FRml: Executive Director SUBJECT: Project Notifications Submitted to Areawide Clearinghouse July 197? ITEM #I STUART SMFER STAFF RECCB&ENTIATION 1) NI-182 State Urban Open Space and RecreationKogram (SB 174u - NOT REVIEW 2 (FY77) - State of California Reviewed pursuant to Part 111, OMB Circular A-95 The Urban Open Space and Recreation Program allocates a total of $1,669,324 to agencies in San Diego County. This provides 75% state matching grants to be used for acquisition and de- velopment of recreational facilities in urbanized areas. The guidelines require evidence that Clearinghouse (CPO) procedures have been followed, showing any specific Clearinghouse comments. Car 1 sbad Total Estimated Cost: $27,945 State Funds: $20,959 Local Funds: $ 6,986 The City proposes to use its "block grant" funds under this Act for two years to supplment 1976 Bond Act Funds to be used for renovation of a former church into an auditorium (see NI- 77-198). The project appears to meet requirements of the Act. (2) NI-198 State-Urban and Coastal Park Bond Act of 1976/City of San NOT REvIFn' (FY77) Diego,-'County of San Diego, City of Carlsbad +- - Reviewed pursuant-'to Part III--OMB' Circular A-95 ----.... The State Urban an&C&azk Park Bond.Act of 1976 allokated-a total of $6,3,17$52 to agencies in SankkesCounty. In order to receive grants in FY79, interim applications -be submitted /--' 1. \ -.. by Septhber 15, 1977. ----\ - EDMUND G. BROWN JR. GOVERNOR GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OFFICE OF PLANNING AND RESEARCH 1400 TENTH STREET SACRAMENTO 958 14 (916) 445-0613 August 29, 1977 Mr. Edgar Y. Johnson Parks and Recreation Department . City .of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 '. SUBJECT: Sa# 77080191 HAWING STREET COMMUNITY CENTER AUDITORIUM RENOVATION - SB 174 Dear Mr. Johnson, The State Clearinghouse submitted the above listed environmental document to selected State agencies for review. The review is complete and none of the State agencies have comments. This letter verifies your compliance with environmental review , , . requiremen.ts of the California Environmental Quality Act. 'I Thank you for your cooperation. -z WGK/pca Sincerely, William G. Kirkham Division Chief State Clearinghouse , x - -. . .. FEL-~AL GRANT APPlICATION/AWARD NOTIFIC, .3N STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE CLEARINGHOUSE (916) 445-0613 ' ITtbS 1 )I TO BE CUM?,L-LD 3Y dPPL1C4NTp ' [ J. APPLICANT - OIgsn9Z.OOnal 'dnvt 14 ADDRESS - Srraet or P. 0. BO. 1 APPLICATION OATE mo day 2 FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDNO.' 19uL71Fi P A R i PARKS & REC DEPT. CITY OF CARLSBAD, CA . 5. CIT:Y 6. COUNTY SAN DIEGO . CARLSBAO 1 1200 ELM AVE. 1 ?.STATE 8. ZIP CODE 9. PROG TITLE/NO. Grabgot Fed Domaric Awnam), CA 92008 - P A R f 2 TYPE OF CHANGE IComplqrs it IOb 01 1Oc was~hocked) UNm c 0 Moddtooon l:'aIncreaud 0oll.n a Incre-d Ourorion . 3 Orhw Sc- olrg. 12. 13. 10. TY ,E b0 Continuation b 0 Oecreased Oollarr b 0 0.sroamd Durarion b c Cancellation OF ACTION - P 'A 'R T I yr mo 1s. REbUESTEO FUNO START l9ZL 16. FU$DS DURATION I?Monchr) Vr m0 17. ESf. PROJECT START 1dLX 18. Est. PROJECT DURATION =(Months) - - P A R T 5 19. APPLICANT TYPE Fo~~nEOUESTEOlFaC-LlarOlh*nr oIImcIcIoI kl4.l A. Stars F. School OiiIrict 20 FEOERAL I If w E nter Lettw 8. Inrerstrt. G. Cornunity Action Agoncv 2) STAT* I lSL.00 C. Sub Srat.Oiit H. Sponmred Omanizsrion 22. LOCAL 1 IS6.986.00 D. Countv I. Indian E. City 7. ARpA OF PROJECT IMPACT Ilndicaro City, County. Star-. stc.) SAN LUIS REY None attached - Document Will Appoaimaly ITEWS 39-42 TO BE COMPLETE0 ET' APPLICANT BEFORE SENOING FORW TU FEOERAL A'IEhCY ,9. CEPTICIaT,ON - Th. mDliCwn1 c.nities Ihwr Io Ih* bmr ot hi. knoul.dg. and Mlid th. aboro data are true and .Check box it darhghour :- cor,- and tiling of Ihisfwm has bnn duly authorimd bv Ih- governing bod" of the applicant. ,rerpon,. i(atm&mtj, L STATE- COUNTY- MULTI- Fwlob pv/';g g'L;gY I I I I - ITL'..S 55 65 TO BE COMPCETEO-BY TWt FEOFRL FINAL ACTION . FINALOATES yr mo drv 8. COTJGRESSIONAL OiSTA.CT O( Applicant Ois~rlcts Im0n.d By Project 143 3 [ 43 1 57. EAOING DATE 29. Enulronmenral Aslesmenr Rwuiced ' 30. CLEARINGHOUSE('3) TO WHICH SU8U.TT~O '" State'Feosra' Agsncv? aver UNO a SSrar. b [iZlArcaWi& cCNona 59. FIOERAL FUNO ACCOUNT NUUBER OFFICE APPROVIMC THE GRANT APPLICATlOhI FUNOSAPPROVEO [For Chsngar Sha OnlyAmt. oflnc. I*) OI OU. (./.I 60. FEOERAL AMOUNT (F Y-funds1 t IS .m 61. STATE SHARE I It .m 63. LOCAL SHARE I IS .m 63. OTHER I IS .m I19 .oo - 64. TOTAL (60. 61. 63. 6.3) 65. MULTIPLE PROGRAM-LINK TO: ' .SECRETARY FOR RESOURCES 141G ffinth Street, Rm. 1311 Sacramen to, CA 95814 COUNTY CLERK County of San Dicgo liUG 2 3 '977 Wkmf?C?F w nid6 ~r- ,@m EzA!2 &,&I OSA /.fie Pro j ec t Description -_ 220 E!. Broadway -- Sari Diego, CA 92101 A /d&3 PZmE &M/.L'fZZ/ FACtLfW -- .- SUBJECT: Filing of Notice of Determination in' cohpl iance with Section 27108 . I or 21152 of the Public Resources Code i . .- 2. The project E3 nil1 have a significant efFect on the erbironrnent- CGWiJl not 3. An Enyironnlcntal Xinpact Report was prepared for this project I)tlt-s.uant' to the provisions of CEQA. /A FIegative Declaration was prepared for tkisyroject put-want to the provisions of CEQA. A copy OF the Elegative' Declaratiotl is attach&, .. .. Date received -for filing '- -. .. c -. -. .. .. . . . -. -- . .- .-- ... - .. - . ._ _. . -- -. - -. . . .. ... .. . .. . .. .- ..- \ . . NOT I C E OF D ETE kil I t4AT IO i'*- - .. , -- TO: SECRETARY FOR RESOURCES FROi4: CITY OF CARLSBAD 1416 Ninth Street, Rm. 1311 Planning Department Sacramento, CA 9581 4 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 COUNTY CLERK . County of San Diego 220 1.I. Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 t'. SUBJECT: Filing of tlotice of Determination in compliance with Section 21108 or 21152 of the Public Resources Code _. . .. *, .. I This is to advise that the City of Carlsbad has made the fol10~jng determinations regarding the above described project: 1. The project has been mpproved by the Lead Agency. a disapproved c 2, The project U will have a significant effect on the etivironment. mill not 3. An Envimmenta1 Impact Report was prepared for this project pul-suant' to the provisions of CEQA, /A Negative Declaration was prepared for thi,F-pr-oject pursuant to the A cop of the Negative Declaration is attached. provisions of CEQA. Y / *ZCEIVD .y '7 e of the Sacretaw .. AI G 2 2 1977 I Date recci ved for f i 1 %$ Resources Agency of Californk . .. . .-.- . - .. THE EINIROMENTAL IMPACT ASSESS!*iENT HAS BEE11 RECEIVED FOX: . - .. .. 2. declare that I have examined the information for the above project as stth;;i.ttec! by !i;e applicant, and on the basis of the Environmental Iiyxct ksessnent . qbestionnaire on file in my: office as s, public document, it is my determixtion that thi.s project will not'have any significant impact upon the environzont _. rrithin the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and'the Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1372 for the following reasons; . L. I, c. ..< - .. . ... . - Tile Environmental Impact Assesscent will .be available for pub1 ic revfew and cozizcnt f~i- FIVE CAYS from date. . -- Director ..