HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-10-04; City Council; 5213; Fire Advisory Board San Diego County Mutual AidCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. ��1 � initial: DATE: October 4, 1977 Dept.Hd.- C. Atty. DEPARTMENT: Fire C. Mgr. J Subject: 'Council Appointment of Representative to Fire A visory Boar as ner San Diego County Mutual Aid Agreement of 1969 Statement of the Matter The County Mutual Aid Agreement of which we are a party, signed in 1969, calls for each governing body to designate a representative to act as its member on the Fire Advisory Board Committee. It would be appropriate at this time for the Council to appoint or designate the Fire chief to serve as their representative on this committee. Exhibits: San Diego County Mutual Aid Agreement for Fire Department 1. Reference - Fire Advisory Board Page 4, Line 29 2. Reference - Representative to... Page 5, Line 1 3. Resolution No. Recommendation: If Council concurs, it is recommended that Council adopt Resolution No. appointing the Fire Chief as their Fire Advisory Board Representative. Council action 10-4-77 Resolution 15217 was adopted, appointing James Thompson, Fire Chief to the Fire Advisory Board as City's representative. 1I SAN DIEGO COUNTY 2� MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT i 3i FOR FIRE DEPARTMENTS ' 4, THIS AGREEMUT made and entered into by and between the COUNTY OF 5 SA` DIEGO, the undersigned cities, fire protection districts, public 6 or private fire departments, and political subdivisions within the 71County; S� WITNESSUH: 9WHEREAS, it is necessary that the fire protecti'on resources and t 10 facilities of San Diego County, cities, fire protection districts, Ill fire departments, and other political subdivisions within San Diego 12,1 County entering into this Agreement be coordinated and be made avail 13' able to prevent and combat the effect of fire or other emergency. i 14: which may result from a disaster within the limits of the County of I 15. any type of a lesser nature than a disaster requiring a declaration 16; of a state of extreme emergency; and 17lWHEREAS, it is desirable in the event such a disaster_should occur 18 that each of the parties hereto should voluntarily aid and assist 19� one another by the interchange of fire protection and rescue service: 20 and facilities to cope with the problems which would arise in the 211event of disaster; and 22; WHCREAS, it is necessa�y and desirable that a cooperative agreement 231 be executed for the interchange of such mutual aid on a local and 24, county -wide basis; NOW THEREFORE, 25 IT IS HEREBY AGREED by and between each and all of the parties here 26.I to as fo11ows: 27 XX 28' XX 20 ! XX 3Q XX 3a,; XX j 32! XX C� 3. 2 3 d 5 161 I 171 18 19 20 21 221 231 1 2�1 25� 26 ;'' i 27 28; 2911 I 30 31i 34: 1. AUTHORITY. This Agreement is made pursuant -to the California Disaster Act, Chapter 1, Division 7 of the Ili Iitar,y and Veterans Cod (commencing with Section 1500). It is an exercise of the mutual aid powers authorized by Section 1552 thereof, and is intended to' supplement, not to replace, other mutual aid agreements which now exist between various entities in San Diego County. �2. SCOPE OF AGREEMENT. It is the intent of the parties to establi.si a system of mutual aid which will be effective during conditions of local peril, local emergency or local disaster as those terms are defined in Section 1505 of the California Disaster Act. 3, AID TO BE FURNISHED. Each party agrees to furnish fire protec- tion and rescue services to each and every other party to this Agree ment as may be necessary to prevent and combat any type of disaster of a lesser nature than a disaster requiring a declaration of a state of extreme emergency within the limits of the County of.San Diego, in accordance with an operational plan to be adopted pursuant,', to this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Operational Plan), detailing the manner by which such personnel, resources, facilities in furnishing such mutual aid; and provided that the determination of such party as to the extent to which it can furnish mutual aid without depleting unreasonably its own fire protection resources, personnel, services and facilities shall be final and conclusive. 4. CONSIDERATION. The consideration for this Agreement shall be the promise of each party to assist the others and it is understood that no party shall be obligated to pay or reimburse any other party for any aid furnished pursuant hereto, except that reimbursement shall be made by the party receiving such aid pursuant to the Opera- tional Plan for fire fighting sunplies actually used by the agencies furnishing assistance hereunder. w 5. CALIFORNIA DISASTER PLAN. It is expressly understood that any mutual aid extended under this Agreement and the Operational Plan to be adonted is furnished in accordance with provisions of the "Cali- fornia Disaster Act" and other applicable provisions of law. Any '.' fire official who requests and is furnished mutudl aid x pursuant ,,o 2 this Agreement and Operational Plan adopted pursuant thereto shall 3I immediately notify the Area Fire Coordinator of San Diego County, 41Region VI, as established by the California' Disaster Plan, of the 511 movements of such personnel and equipment as he is Provided. 6'6. PARTIES ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE. The following entities are 7�el, ible to g participate in this Agreement: 8• County of San Diego 9I Alpine Fire Protection District Bonita-Sunnyside Fire Protection District Borrego Springs Fire Protection District 10: Bostonia Fire Protection District California Division of Forestry - Schedule C 1Z; City of Carlsbad City of Chula Vista 12' City of Coronado I Crest Fire Protection District 23! City of Del !•iar City of El Cajon 3.4, Encinitas-Cardiff-Leucadia Fire Protection District j City of Escondido 15Fallbrooi; Fire - Protection District Gros smont-Mount Helix Fire Protection District 3-6 City of Imperial Beach. Lakeside Fire Protection District I7 j City of La Mesa Lemon Grove Fire Protection District 18, Loarer Swbet;•rater Fire Protection District I Montgomery Fire Protection District 191 National City 20I City of Oceanside Pine Valley Fire Protection District 2111Pot•ray Municipal Water District -Poway Fire Department jj, Ramona Fire Protection District 22'I Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District IICity of San Diego I City of San Marcos 213 San Marcos Fire Protection District i Santee Fire Protection District 24i Solana Peach Fire Protection District � , Spring Valley Fire Protection District 25City of Vista Vista Fire Protection District 26` Vloodla;;n Park Fire Protection District 27 Entities, including but not limited to State and Federal agencies 28• and private fire departr�ents not listed above, can become eligible 29! to participate with the approval of all parties iJhich are signaterie 30; to this Agreement at the tir;e such entity makes application as 311 as with the approval of the State Disaster Council. 321 XX -3- ;A 1,a 1�7. EXECUTION. This Agreement shall become effective as to each 2'party when executed by that Party, and shall remain operative and 31 effective as between each and every party that has executed (or 41hereinafter executes) this Agreement, until terminated as to such 5 Party. The termination by one or more parties of their participa- 6f tion in this Agreement shall not affect the operation• of this 71 Agreement as between the other parties to this Agreement. Approval, 8i of this Agreement by the State Disaster Cbuncil shall not be a con 9i dition of this Agreement. 10; Execution of this Agreement shall be as follows: 11� (a) The governing body of the party shall by resolution approve this Agreement, which may be designated as "San Diego County ttutua7 Aid Agreement for Fire Departments," and shall author.ize.a designat- e 3d: ed i representative to execute a copy of the Agreement, ' 15; (b) The authorized' representative of the governing body shall I6' execute a copy of this Agreement and forthwith file three executed copies, together with a certified copy of the resolution of the 18 governing body approving and authorizing the execution thereof with 19� the Secretary of the•Fire Advisory Committee, and the State Disaster 20Council. 211 8. TER�dIPlATIO^ Termination . ! I ination of this Agreement may be effected as 22i to any party as follows:' The governin g g body of the party shall by 231 resolution give notice of termination of participation in this 24 Agreement and file a certified copy of such resolution, with the Fire 25•° Advisory Committee Secretary and with the State Disaster Council. r 26i, This Agreement shall be terminated as to such party twenty days 271, after filing of such resolution. 28, 9. FIRE ADVISORY C01*1ITTEE, 29i (a) Creation of Committee. There is hereby created a Fire Advisor t y 30 Committee. The Fire Advisory Committee i shall be composed of Members J311appointed by the parties to this Agreement as hereinafter provided, and the,Area Fire Coordinator, who shall be the Chairman -4- 1ji,(b) Representatives. Each party to this ngreenent agrees to desig- 2i rate a representative to act as its member of the Fire Advisory 3. Committee. Each representative shall serve as such at the will and g+ pleasure of the governing body that appointed hire. Such representa- 5� tive shall cease to be a member at such tine as this Agreement is 6; terminated as to the party that appointed him. 7; (c) Duties. It shall be the duty of the Fire Advisory Committee to i 8 (1) Adopt an Operational Plan pursuant to this Agreement. I 9( (2) Consider and adopt such amendments to the Operational Plan. 10i as may be necessary or desirable. " I 11' (d) Ralph 1'4. Brown Act. All meetings of the Fire Advisory Commit_te 12Ishall be called, noticed and conducted in acc,)rdance with the pro- :L5 visions of the Ralph M. Brown Act (commencing with Section 45950) 14 of the Government Code. 151. (e) 14eetings. The Fire Advisory. Committee ;hall provide for its 16regular meetings; provided, however, it shall hold at least one 17i regular meeting each year. In addition, special meetings may be 18'. called at the discretion of the Area Fire Coordinator designated in 19! this Agreement, and be shall fix the date, hour and place for hold- 20 ach such meeting. Ong e . g 21; (f) uorum. Seven (7) members of the Fire Advisory Committee pre- W sent at any regular or special meeting shall constitute a quorum 231 for the transaction of business. 24I! (g, , , es. and a Lions . The Fire Advisory Committee may adopt _Rewil 251 fer to tinta such rules and regulations for the conduct of its 26jimer.t,.s, and affairs as may be required. j 27�110. AREA FIRE COORDINATOR. The Area Fire Coordinator of San Diego ' a 283- County, Region VI, as established under the California Disaster 29, Plan, or his duly designated alternate shall 'be the Coordinator of •- i 30; this Agreement. It shall be the duty of the Area Fire Coordinator I 31' to: t' 321, X X -5- 1(a) Prepare a proposed Operational Plan for submission to the Fire 2: Advisory Committee. i 3: (b) Prepare such proposed amendments. to the Operational Plan for 4 submission to the Fire Advisory Committee as may from time to time ai appear necessary or desirable. 6!I (c) Cali special meetings of the Fire Advisory Committee as necess- 7i ary to provide for adoption of an Operational Plan or to provide I 81 for consideration of amendments thereto. 91 11. SECRETAP,Y. The Arr-a Fire Coordinator shall d•esignate.a Fire 101 Advisory Committee Secretary from among the members of the Fire i 11i Advisory Committee. *It shall be the duty of the Secretary to: 12; (a) Submit a copy of this Agreement to the State Disaster Council i 13; fcr approval. The State Disaster Council shall be reguested to 14i notify each entity which is eligible to participate in this Agree- 15i ment of its approval. 16� (b) Submit an approved copy of this Agreement to the County En- 3.7� gineer, County of San Diego. 18f (c) Act as depositary of resolutions app)oving this Agreement, 19executed copies of this Agreement, resolutions of termination, 20± the Operational Plan and such other documents as may be received 211 pursuant to this Agreement. 22; 12. EFFECTIVE DATE OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall take effect_ 23=! upon its execution by any seven of the eligible parties listed 24ii herein. 25' IN I.H T MESS WHEREOF, City of Carlsbad 261{1 has caused this Agreement to be executed pursuant to a resolution 27!; adopted by its governing body. 28,' DATED: July 15, _�- 1969 29;I GDA ID hi/ DUP�IE, Mayor of tTie 30i ATTEST: City of Carlsbad i 32� MARC, 4-7 E . AF)APS, City' C1 erk -6- --. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 5217 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING 3 A REPRESENTATIVE TO THE FIRE ADVISORY COMMITTEE AS PRESCRIBED IN THE SAN DIEGO 4 COUNTY MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT FOR FIRE DEPARTMENTS, JULY 15, 1969. 5 6 WHEREAS, that certain agreement between the City of Carlsbad 7 and the County of San Diego calls for the creation of a Fire Ad- 8 visory Committee, and 9' WHEREAS, said committee shall be composed of members appointed 10 by the parties to the Agreement, 11 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the,City 12 of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 13 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 14 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve as 15 a member of the Fire Advisory Committee as prescribed under the 16 terms of the San Diego County Mutual Aid Agreement: 17 JAMES THOMPSON , Fire Chief for the City of Carlsbad, 18 California. 19 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City 20 of Carlsbad, California, at a regular meeting held the 4th 21 day of October , 1977. 22 AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard, Skotnicki and Councilwoman Casper 23 NOES: (done 24 ABSENT: None 25 26 ATTEST: 27 � � MA GA T E. 28 !SJ; � `C ff C. FRA2EE, Mayor