HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-10-18; City Council; 5230; County Refuse ShredderCITY OF r>RLSBAD ' • ' ' ' Initial: AGENDA BILL NO. ^2 3Q Depf. Hd. DATE; October 18, 1977 City Atty DEPARTMENT: planning City Mgr. SUBJECT: Case No. CUP-140, County Refuse Shredder Applicant: County of San Diego STATEMEWOF THE MATTER The subject property is situated on the east side of El Camino Real north of Palomar Airport Road. The site is a 21 acre portion of a 230 acre lot (See Case No. ZC-197 for rezoning). The Planning Commission heard CUP-140 after approving the rezoning on the subject site from "O-S"to "M". However, the Planning Commission denied the CUP for reasons outlined in attached Planning Commission resolution No. 1405. Prior to taking action the Planning Commission reviewed the request in detail and developed conditions of approval if the CUP is appealed to City Council. (Section 21.50.130 requires that contrary decisions of the City Council on appeals must be referred back to the Planning Commission for further report.) This report is attached, dated September 30, 1977 and contains all of the conditions the Planning Commission feels are necessary for proper operation of the project. EXHIBITS Resolution No. 1405 Memorandum to City Council from Planning Director dated September 30, 1977 Staff Report dated September 28, 1977 Exhibit "A" dated 9/1/77 tilK Mitigating Measures Location Map RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny the appeal and direct City Attorney to prepare documents as per Planning Commission Resolution 1405. If the City Council action is contrary to this recommendation, it is recommended that City Council accept report dated September 30, 1977 and take final action at this hearing. Council Action: 10-18-77 Council granted the appeal and directed the City Attorney to prepare the documents necessary approving CUP-140, with modifications to Conditions 3, 4, 6, 23, 26 and 27 as discussed by Council; as well as adding a condition re takina measures to reduce visibility of site to west. FORM PLANNING 73 1 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DENYING A 3 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ENABLE CONSTRUCTION OF A SOLID WASTE SHREDDER AND TRANSFER STATION 4 ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF EL CAMINO REAL NORTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT 5 ROAD. CASE NO.: CUP-140 6 APPLICANT: COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 7 . WHEREAS, a verified application for certain property to wit: o0 Those portions of Lots A and B of Rancho Agua Hedionda in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California according to Map thereof No. 823, filed in the -_ office of the County of San Diego County, November 16, 1896 _. has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to the 12 13 14 15 16 17 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1405 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request as provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 28th day of September, 1977, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the CUP-140 request and found the following facts and reasons to exist: 1) The use on the site is not in harmony with the General Plan and will be detrimental to existing uses in the surrounding area, especially nearby future residential. 2) The traffic in the short term cannot be mitigated and will be hazardous and be detrimental to the street structures. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 XXXXX 27 XXXXX 28 " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3) The use should not be in the City of Carlsbad since it does not fit the character of this community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That in view of the findings heretofore made and considering the applicable law, the decision of the Planning Commission is to DENY CUP-140. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission held on October 5, 1977, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ERIC LARSON, Chairman ATTEST: JAMES C. HAGAMAN, Secretary .2 MEMORANDUM DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: PLANNING COMMISSION RE: APPEAL CUP-140, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO CUP-140 is the county's request for a Refuse Shredder and Transfer Station at property situated on the east side of El Camino Real, north of Palomar Airport Road. The Shredder is to be situated on a 21 acre portion of the 58 acre site that the City Council is presently processing a request for a change of zone to M (ZC-197). The Planning Commission heard both ZC-197 and CUP-140. The Plan- ning Commission recommended approval of ZC-197 but could not reach a majority vote to approve the Conditional Use Permit. To circum- vent needless continuance in an attempt to get a majority vote, two members of the Planning Commission changed their vote to denial so that the application could be appealed to the City Council. Prior to making this vote for denial, the Planning Commission ex- tensively reviewed the CUP request. Every condition was individually reviewed, many were modified and some conditions added. Although the action was to deny the CUP, the Planning Commission concurred that the conditions that they set forth were applicable. To eliminate the need for a return to the Planning Commission for further report if the City Council action differs from the Planning Commission recommendation, the Planning Commission is forwarding to the City Council the attached conditions. The Planning Commission therefore considered this report as their final action. Recommendation If the City Council wishes to approve CUP-140 on appeal, the Planning Commission recommends that the conditions as attached, and findings as contained in the staff report be made part of the approving City Council Resolution and that no further report be requested from the Planning Commission. Attachments Conditions of Approval, as prepared by Planning Commission 9/28/77. Excerpts of Planning Commission Minutes dated, 9/28/77. BP:ar CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1) This Conditional Use Permit will become effective only upon approval of GPA-49, which designates the property as "G" (Governmental Facility) and the effective date of the Ordinance approving ZC-197. 2) Approval is granted for the land described in the application and attachments thereto, and on the site plan. Exhibit A, dated 9/1/77. All buildings and other facilities shall be located substantially as shown on the site plan except as indicated otherwise herein. 3) Construction of the shredder building shall utilize materials and design which will insure that noise levels produced by the project and related activities do not exceed 60 dB(A) within the public area of the site or anywhere off the 21 acre site. 4) Prior to the start of construction, the Planning Commission shall review and approve final site plan., landscape and irrigation plans and building elevations for the 21 acre site to insure that the buildings will be compatible with the natural terrain, vegetation of the area and historic significance of El Camino Real. Erosion control landscaping shall be used on the site and screen type landscaping will be placed along the side of the buildings. 5) All electric lines shall be undergrounded as per City Ordinance to prevent above ground level electrical arcing (common to above-ground level transmission lines) in the vicinity of the solar wind antenna system such that electrical interference is minimized. 6) In consideration of the need of the University of California for a radio-quiet environment in the vicinity of the project, the applicant shall consult with the University during project design, and shall work with the University to mitigate to the satisfaction of the University any radio interference resulting from the project. 7) Improvement of the access roads on the site shall be accomplished and maintained in specific conformance with those specifications represented on the submitted grading plan (page 5) on file with the City Engineer. 8) The perimeter of the operating area shall be surrounded with a chain link fence a minimum of six feet in height to stop trash from being wind blown off site. 9) Pedestrian/equestrian trails as deemed necessary by the Parks and Recreation Director shall be provided by easement or other form and improved to his satisfaction prior to final occupancy. Trails are subject to approval by the Federal Aviation Administration. 10) Additional right-of-way shall be dedicated on the basis of 126 foot right-of-way, and owner shall post a Future Improve- ment Agreement for the full one-half improvements along El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road frontage. 11) The applicant shall execute an agreement to provide one-fourth of the cost of a traffic signal at the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real. 12) In order to provide for reasonable fire protection during the construction period, the applicant shall maintain passable vehicular access to all buildings, and adequate fire hydrants with required fire flows shall be installed as recommended by the Fire Department. 13) All land and/or easements required by this ordinance shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad without cost to the City and free of all liens with encumbrances. 14) The relocation of the compressor station for the Encina sewer outfall shall be included in the Future Improvement Agreement. 15) The applicant shall agree to dedicate an easement for a future sewer improvement as shown on the City of Carlsbad's Master Sewer Plan. 16) The applicant shall dedicate the necessary easements for the fire hydrant as approved by the Fire Chief. 17) The proposed paving of the center median area on El Caiaino Real shall include temporary left turn pockets and is subject to the City Engineer's approval. 18) This permit is approved upon the express condition that building permits will not be issued for development on the subject property unless the City Engineer determines that sewer facilities are available at the time of application for such permit and will continue to be available until time of occupancy. If the City Engineer determines that sewer facilities are not available, building permits will not be issued until arrangements, satisfactory to the City Council, can be made to guarantee that all necessary sewer facilities will be available prior to occupancy. 19) The required ornamental street light at the intersection of El Camino Real and the proposed access road shall be Mission Bell type (20,000 lumen). It shall be located to meet the ultimate design of El Camino Real. 20) All constructed slopes shall be a maximum of 2:1 unless approved by the City Engineer. 21) The applicant shall agree to dedicate an easement for a future road as shown on the General Plan. 22) Odor emitting from the operation shall not be detectable outside the boundaries of the 21 acre site. Methods to prevent this odor shall be submitted to the Planning Director prior to issuance of building permits. 23) A report shall be prepared determining if the proposed use will cause vermin problems and if so what .methods will be instituted to eliminate the problems. This report shall be reviewed by the County Department of Health and Federal Drug Admin. :and methods proposed by this report shall be installed in the operation prior to occupancy. 24) Dust emitting from the shredding shall not be permitted outside the shredding structure. Proper dust collecting equipment shall be installed and kept functioning to ensure this requirement is met. 25) Measures shall be taken to reduce the visibility of the shredder building and operation area from the residential areas to the east. The operational site shall either be lowered a minimum of six feet or a berm of at least six feet high along the easterly side shall be constructed. A wall or screen landscaping or a combination of both shall be required to further screen the view of the operation from the east. 26) At the end of one year and every year for five years there- after the applicant shall submit a report to the Planning j Commission determining the performance of their operation { regarding dust, odor, litter, vermin and noise. The report jj shall include a report from an accoustical engineer deter- > mining noise levels on site and surrounding property. If £ the performance is not satisfactory to the Planning Commission, *: the applicant shall submit methods to correct the problem. The Planning Commission will determine the future review periods at the end of this review period. 27) Modification to the buildings, operations or operating grounds shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for review. The Planning Commission may approve these modifi- cations if it's determined that such modif ications will improve the service or performance of the operation. If the Planning Commission determines such modifcations will not be an improvement, or the modification will be significant, an amendment to this CUP will be required for approval. 28) All mitigating measures listed under archaeology in the EIR shall be met. 29) County will be responsible for policing all trash in the area once weekly in the area of one mile either direction on Palomar Airport and one mile either direction on El Camino Real. 30) Hours of operation are to be between 7:00 A.M. and 9:00 P.M., seven days a week. Emergency or temporary changes may be approved by the Planning Director. BP:ar STAFF REPORT DATE: September 28, 1977 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department RE: CUP-140 APPLICANT: County of San Diego REQUEST: Approval of a Conditional Use Permit to Enable Construction of a Solid Waste Shredder and Transfer Station. SECTION I: RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Approval of CUP-140 based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: Findings: 1. The requested use is necessary and desirable for the development of the community, is essentially in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan, and is not detri- mental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be located because: a. The proposed use is compatible with uses in the Palomar Airport influence area as designated on the General Plan. b. Factors such as noise, traffic and aesthetic impacts can be mitigated by the conditions of approval. 2. The site for the intended use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use because: a. The use will occupy only 21 acres of a 230 acre site. 3. All yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping and other features necessary to adjust the requested use to existing or permanent future uses in the neighborhood will be provided and maintained because: a. There will be a large canyon to buffer the use from the sensitive areas to the north and east. b. Security fencing will be installed around the building. 4. The street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use because: a. Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real can easily accommodate the vehicle trips generated by the use. b. Transition lanes will be provided to assist merging traffic. 5. The subject application has complied with the Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972 because: a. An EIR has been prepared by the County and has been certified by the Board of Supervisors. b. The Planning Commission has, as a Responsible Agency under CEQA, considered the certified EIR for the project. 6. The proposed Conditional Use Permit is consistent with the applicable City Public Facilities Policies and Ordinances because: a. Although public sewer facilities are not available to serve the subject property, the County has indicated that the property can be served by an evapo-transpiration system. b. Staff has received assurances from all other affected agencies that public facilities will be available to serve the project. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. This Conditional Use Permit will become effective only upon approval of GPA-49, which designates the property as G (Governmental Facility) and the effective date of the Ordinance approving ZC-197. 2. Approval is granted for the land described in the application and attachments thereto, and on the site plan, Exhibit A, dated 9/1/77. All buildings and other facilities shall be located substantially as shown on the site plan except as indicated otherwise herein. 3. Construction of the shredder building shall utilize materials and design which will insure that noise levels produced by project related activities do not exceed 60 dB(A) at the boundary of the operational area. The shredder operation shall be enclosed in cement and/or acoustical material to substantially reduce noise. -2- 4. Prior to the start of construction, the Planning Commission shall review and approve the building elevations to ensure that the building exteriors will be compatible with the natural terrain, vegetation of the area and historic significance of El Camino Real 5. All new electrical lines shall be undergrounded to prevent above- ground level electrical arcing (common to above-ground level transmission lines) in the vicinity of the solar wind antenna system such that electrical interference is minimized. 6. In consideration of the need of the University of California for a radio-quiet environment in the vicinity of the project, the applicant shall consult with the University during project design, and shall work with the University to mitigate any radio inter- ference resulting from the project. 7. Improvement of the access roads on the site shall be accomplished and maintained in specific conformance with those specifications represented on the submitted grading plan (page 5) on file with the City Engineer. 8. The perimeter of the operating area shall be surrounded with a chain link fence a minimum of four feet in height to stop trash from being wind blown off site. 9. Pedestrian/equestrian trails as deemed necessary by the Parks and Recreation Director shall be provided by easement or other form and improved to the Director's satisfaction prior to final occupancy. 10. Additional right-of-way shall be dedicated on the basis of 126 foot right-of-way, and the owner shall post a Future Improvement Agreement for the full % improvements along El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road frontage. 11. The applicant shall execute an agreement to provide % of the cost of a traffic signal at the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real. 12. In order to provide for reasonable fire protection during the construction period, the applicant shall maintain passable vehicular access to all buildings, and adequate fire hydrants with required fire flows shall be Installed as recommended by the Fire Department. 13. All land and/or easements required by this ordinance shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad without cost to the City and free of all liens and encumbrances. 14. The relocation of the compressor station for the Encina sewer outfall shall be included in the Future Improvement Agreement. -3- 15. The applicant shall agree to dedicate an easement for a future sewer improvement as shown on the City of Carlsbad's Master Sewer Plan. 16. The applicant shall dedicate the necessary easements for the fire hydrant as approved by the Fire Chief. 17. The proposed paving of the center median area on El Camino Real shall include temporary left turn pockets and is subject to City 'Engineer's approval. 18. This permit is approved upon the express condition that building permits will not be issued for development on the' subject property unless the City Engineer determines that sewer facilities are available at the time of application for such permit and will continue to be available until time of occupancy. If the City Engineer determines that sewer facilities are not available, building permits will not be issued until arrangements, satisfactory to the City Council, can be made to guarantee that all necessary sewer facilities will be availabl e' prior to occupancy. 19. The required ornamental street light at the intersection of El Camino Real and the proposed access road shall be Mission Bell type (20,000 Lumen). If shall be located to meet the ultimate design of El Camino Real. 20. All constructed slopes shall be a maximum of 2:1 unless approved by City Engineer. 21. The applicant shall agree to dedicate an easement for a future road as shown on the General Plan. 22. Screen type landscaping will be placed around the perimeter of the site and along side the building to the satisfaction of the Director of Parks and Recreation. 23. Odor emitting from the operation shall not be detectable outside the boundaries of the operational area. Methods to prevent this odor shall be submitted to the Planning Director prior to issuance of building permits. 24. A report shall be prepared determining if the proposed use will cause a vermin problem and if so what methods will be instituted to eliminate the problem. This report shall be reviewed by the County Department of Health .. . Methods proposed by this report shall be installed in the operation prior to occupancy. 25.- Dust emitting from the shredding shall not be permitted outside the shredding structure. Proper dust collecting equipment shall be installed and kept functioning to ensure this requirement is met. -4- 26. Measures shall be taken to reduce the visibility of the shredder building and operational area from the residential areas to the east. The site shall either be lower a minimum of 6 feet or a berm of at least 6 ft. high along the easterly side shall be constructed. A wall or screen landscaping or a combination of both shall be required to further screen the view of the operation from the east. 27. At the .end of one year and every year from 5 years after the the applicant shall submit a report to the Planning Commission determining the performance of their operation regarding contrast of dust, odor, litter and vermin. If the performance is not satisfactory to the Planning Commission the applicant shall sub- stitute methods to correct the problem. 28. -Any modifications to the buildings, operation, or operating grounds shall require a public hearing amendment to this public hearing, unless the Planning Commission determines such a modification will improve the performance of the operation and reduce detrimental impacts. • 4(a) SECTION II: BACKGROUND t Location and Description of Property: The 21 acre site for the shredder is part of a 230 acre lot that is partially zoned 0-S (172 acres to the south) and 58 acres being rezoned to M (ZC-197). The property is located on the northeast side of El Camino Real between Sunny Creek Road and Palomar Airport Road. The majority of the 58 acre M zoned portion was previously cultivated, with the remainder of the site covered with the inland sage scrub community. A detailed description of the site is contained in the project EIR. The Conditional Use Permit applies only to the southerly 21 acres. The remaining 37 acres of M zone has not been specified for a particular use, although the possibility of constructing a municipal corporation yard on that site has been discussed. Any public use built on that site in the future would be subject to a Conditional Use Permit. PROJECT DESCRIPTION . The project involves the construction and operation of a solid waste shredder, resource recovery and transfer station on a County-owned site. The shredded waste can be more easily disposed at sanitary landfill sites without using excessive cover material. Initially the project will receive and process 166,000 tons of solid waste per year, increasing to 220,000 tons by 1982. The facility will shred the waste, separate ferrous (iron-derived) metals for resale, and compact the waste into large tractor trailers for efficient transfer to the San Marcos Landfil1. All trash would be transferred to the landfill on the same day which it arrives, thus reducing the potential for odor. The facility will consist of approximately three buildings (1. 6000 square feet and 35 feet high, 2. 2000 square feet and 24 feet high, 3. 3000 square feet and 24 feet high), conveyor belts, shredder machines, magnetic separators, trailer loaders, pavement, security fencing, utilities, parking and appurtenant items for complete operation. All processing operations will be done in enclosed buildings to reduce noise and odor impacts. Approximately 11,000 square feet of space may be required. Some buildings may be as high as 35 feet. Existing Zoning: Subject Property: OS (Existing), M (Proposed) North: OS South: R-l-10,000 and OS East: OS West: M -5- Existing General Plan Subject Property: North: South: East: West: OS OS PI OS PI (G in process) G, and OS Land Use Subject Property: North: South: East: West: Vacant Vacant CMWD District Office Vacant Vacant and Beckman Instruments Past History and Related Cases: The Planning Commission approved a General Plan Amendment for the project on August 24, 1977 and was approved by the City Council on September 21, 1977. A companion item to this request for Conditional Use Permit is Zone Change 197 to change from 0-S to M. Environmental Impact Information: The County has prepared and certified an EIR for the project. The County is the "Lead Agency" for the siredder project (i.e., ths agency responsible for carrying out the project). The City is a "Responsible Agency" under State law, and must therefore consider the information contained within the Lead Agency's EIR prior to taking any action on the project. All mitigation measures which are Carlsbad's responsibility have been recommended as conditions of approval to the Conditional Use Permit for the shredder. General Plan Information: At the time when the City a General Plan (October 1974) subject property. The site parcel which was purchased landing system for Palomar the airport approach area ( designated the remainder of Land Use Map. The Planning 58 acres of the open space of the solid waste shredder corporation yard (central 1 maintenance services.) pproved the amended Land Use Element of the , the County had no intended use for the is, in fact, a portion of a larger 230 acre by the County to provide an instrument Airport. Consequently, the City designated 58 acres) as G (Governmental Facility) and the site (172 acres) as Open Space on the Commission is considering the request that area be designated G to allow for construction and transfer station and a possible municipal ocation for City police, water, utilities and -6- The property is within the Special Treatment designation for the Palomar Airport influence area. This special treatment designation indicates that, in addition to the underlying land use designation, special consideration should be given to the property due to the noise and safety impacts of Palomar Airport. The proposed shredder is compatible with the airport influence. According to the County, CPO (acting as the Airport Land Use Commission) has reviewed the project and has found that it conforms to the Palomar Airport Land Use Plan. The Open Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan shows the canyon east of the subject site as a part of the City-wide open space linkage. This area is proposed to remain in open space. PUBLIC FACILITIES: This application was accepted because the sewer moratorium ordinance 7048 provides for the acceptance of government facilities. However, there are no assurances that public sewer facilities will be available to serve any future uses proposed for the site. However, water and other utilities are available to the site. The County ordinarily proposed that sewage generated by the use (on site restrooms only) was to be accommodated by a septic tank system. Percolation tests conducted by the County have shown that a septic system is not feasible, however. The County has presented the alternative of utilizing: 1) chemical toilets and a sump system for the washdown of equipment and recycling of water; 2) the cleaning of machinery by seepers and vacuum devices rather than by a water wash-down method, or 3) other such methods, such as evapotranspiration, that will avoid Discharge of waste water. MAJOR PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS: Will the shredder cause excessive noise, odor, traffic or aesthetic impacts? Will the transfer station cause excessive traffic and safety problems? DISCUSSION The County has proposed to fund the project with a Federal Economic Development Act Grant. The contract for design, construction and operation of the facility is "turn key" (that is, a private contractor will design, construct and operate the facility to specifications set by the County.) Consequently there are no building elevations available at this time. A condition requiring Planning Director review and approval of building design has been included. -7- Staff believes that design parameters set through the conditions of the CUP and the grading plan provide adequate information to allow the Commission to approve the facility. Staff's primary concerns are with the noise, traffic and aesthetic impacts of the project. Mitigation measures in the EIR (which are also conditions of approval for the CUP) require that the buildings be constructed with materials which are aesthetically compatible with the surrounding area and that noise be limited to 60dB(A) at the operation boundaries. The noise restriction is within the standards contained in the City's Noise Element. In addition, the City Engineer has supplied conditions of approval to ensure that all traffic impacts can be mitigated. At the City Council hearing on the General -Plan Amendment for this site (GPA-49), many concerns were voiced on the impacts of this proposed refuse shredder. The City Council expressed a desire that where possible these concerns be mitigated through conditions of the Conditional Use Permit. Following is a synopsis of these concerns: "Noise be reduced so there be no significant effect on the wildlife reserve to the west." The condition requiring a maximum of 60dB(A) at operation limits and enclosure of the shredding operation will meet this concern. "The shredded waste has an o'dor - it is localized and cannot be distinguished 20 yards away." A condition has been include/d that requires methods to be instituted that prevent odors beyond the operational boundaries. "Will there be interference with radio communication?" The applicant explained that there is no interference with radio communication at a similar operation in El Cajon, which is also .near an airport. Also there are conditions requiring method to be instituted to prohibit electrical and radio interferences to the nearly solar wind antenna system. This should prevent noise problems at the airport also. "Beckman Instruments cannot use pesticides to check rodent population. If the shredder causes an increase in rodents, Beckman may have to close because of the need for a clean health environment associated with the Beckman operation." The applicant responded by indicating that rodents cannot survive on the shredder waste. This has been tested in previous studies. A condition has been added that requires a report on the matter and any suggested mitigating method be installed. "The shredding operation is dusty. There will be dust collecting equipment on the site as there is in the El Cajon operations." A condition has been added to insure that this dust reducing equipment is installed and functions properly. -8- "There will be approximately TOO collection trucks and 40 transfer trucks using the facility a day." Staff believes the road system with the required participation in signals is satisfactory to handle this traffic. "It will take about 4,000 gallons per day of sewer capacity—about 14-15 equivalent dwelling units.". The sewage will have to be disposed of through on-site methods. Presently the applicant is proposing an experimental system. The City is very interested in monitoring this system because if it is workable (and it appears it will be), the system can then be used for private development. If however it fails, the project can be hooked to existing lines that serve Beckman Instruments. The sewer allocation system provides capacity for government facilities such as this. ATTACHMENTS Exhibit A, dated 9/1/77 Location Maps CUP-140 EIR Mitigation Measure DHW:TH:BP:jp 9/22/77 -9- ENCLOSURE A ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT DISCUSSION PROJECT: Paloraar Solid Waste Transfer Station, A Public Project, EAD Log #77-7-34* •' . " / - 'PROJECT DESCRIPTION ; . The proposed project is to establish a solid waste shredding facility capable of recovering Ferrous (iron) materials. The shredded waste will be transported to existing sanitary landfills: either to the Bonsall or San Marcos landfills. The shredding of waste material will extend the life span of the San Marcos facility from its present 3 to 5 year life span to an estimated 20 year life span. The life span extension effect of the operation of the shredder as dis- cussed in this EIR is not discussed in the EIR for the San Marcos Sanitary Landfill. The project site is located northeast of the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real in the City of Carlsbad: on a County-owned 21 acre parcel. •» •• EXISTING ZONING • . The existing zoning is 0-S, Open Space, in the City of Carlsbad, which under Carlsbad zoning allows agricultural and recreational uses. MAJOR ISSUES 1. Noise (See the Following Mitigating Measure) Noise levels estimated to be in the range of 95-100 dB(A) at a dis- tance of 50-feet from the shredder will be generated by the shredding operation unless effective noise reduction techniques are employed, and noise levels at the nearest property line will be in the range of 83-83 dB(A) and a 60 dB(A) noise level will exist at a distance of approximately 3,140-feet from the shredding operation. As a result, without adequate mitigation, the 60 dB(A) noise contour produced by this project will envelope an area of approximately 690 acres — in contrast to the 21 acre project site itself. This impact can be miti- gated. Mitigating Measure Construction of the shredder building should utilize materials which will insure that noise levels produced by project related activities do not exceed 60 dB(A) in areas outside of the 21 acre project sites as a result of activities related to this project. ENCLOSURE A-2 2. Sewage Disposal (No'Mitigating Measure Proposed; See the Following Applicant proposed project modifications) * • , No sewage facilities will be available in the area during the next two years as a result of a moratorium by the City of Carlsbad for this area. - ... • •> The proposed project will produce approximately 4,000 gallons of waste water per day created from approximately 20 employees and periodic washdown of equipment. Percolation tests indicate that proper sewage disposal cannot be achieved via a septic tank-leach line system. The applicant has presented the alternative of utilizing: 1) chemical toilets and a sump system for the washdown of equipment and recycling of water; 2) the cleaning of machinery by seepers and vacuum devices rather than by a water wash-down method, or 3) other such methods, such as.eyapotranspiration, that will avoid discharge of waste water. 3. Scenic/Visual (See the'Following Mitigating Measure) The proposed proj-ect will result in a building 36-feet in height which v/ill visually impact a planned 400-acre development immediately to the eu.st. *Mitigating Measure The building exterior should be of a nature that the building will blend in with existing color and textures of the area. 4* Archaeology (See the Following Mitigating Measures) Three archaeological sites are found in or immediately to the project site. Two Luiseno milling stations were reported in the Archaeological Survey Report, prepared by the Department of Transportation and a A third trail camp (SDi-50-92), indicated by Chione sp. shell fragments littering the rim of an adjacent canyon, was later discovered by the Environmental Analysis Division. These sites are theorized to have been marginal elements of a more widespread regional settlement pattern involving vegetation and animal resources around Agua Hedionda Creek and its major tributaries. The marine shell species probably were gathered prehistorically at Agua Hedionda Lagoon and consumed by a single individual while enroute to some unknown inland destination. Ecofact residue at these sites could contribute to a better understanding of dietary habits in specific time periods. ENCLOSURE A-3 Mitigating Measures / - Prior to grading of -'the site the following mitigation steps shall be conducted to the satisfaction of the Environmental Analysis Divi- sion:' .'A, Record SCE123 and 4CE124 site/ at the District II Clearinghouse which will then register all information at the State Historic Preservation Office in Sacramento. • B Conduct a current institutional record search at both San Diego State University and the San Diego Museum of Man. C. Provide a revised "Culture History" section evaluating all current publications and manuscripts available for the Carlsbad region; a revised "Research Potential" section based upon field evaluation by a qualified field archaeologist and potential contribution to regional research. This revised report shall be written by a qualified archaeologist. D. Provide photographs »of each nil ling -feature; metric measurements; and a scaled map including a plot of all associated artifacts on each site that will be impacted by grading or project related activities to the satisfaction of the Environmental Analysis Division. E. Conduct a rectilinear post-hole series'to the satisfaction of the Environmental Analysis Division on each site that will be impacted by grading or project related activities to test for potentially buried cultural strata and map the location of all post-holes on a scaled nap with contours and a north arrow. F. All results of the post-hole series, the items specified in measures ARCHAEOLOGY (C) and (D) , and evidence that measures ARCHAEOLOGY (A) and (B) have been accomplished should be submitted in report form to the satisfaction of the Environmental Analysis Division. ~~ 5. Biology (No Mitigating Measures Proposed) Implementation of this project will result in the destruction and/or major reduction of habitat quality of on-site inland sage scrub com- munity. This vegetation represents the edge of a contiguous belt of vegetation adjacent to a tributary of Agua. Hedionda Creek and is utilized extensively by area wildlife. Three plants considered threatened and/or of limited distribution have been identified from the property: Adolnhia califomica, ^inerascens, and Thick-leaf Manzanita, Arctostaphyios glandulosa crassifolia. In addition to the above species, Summer-Holly, Coma TO st any los diversifolia was found to be common on the property. This species is a candidate species for the California Native Plant Society's list of Rare and Endangered Plants of California. Summer- Holly .occurs on dry slopes at low elevations in chaparral near the coast and is found only in San Diego County and adjacent Baja California. ENCLOSURE A-4 1. Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastw. ssp. crassifolia (Jeps.) Wells. Thickleaf manza'nita This species is known only from San Diego County: along the coastal areas, in and around the Del Mar and Encinitas areas. This species is considered to be endangered as of 1974 (CNPS), and of declining population vigor. k \ A total of 11 individuals occur on the property. Federal R/E Status: Proposed as an Endangered species (both 1975 and 1976). 2. Adolphia californica Wats. Adolphia This species is known from southwestern San Diego County and ' northern Lower California: along dry canyons and washes within Chaparral and Coastal Sage Scrub plant communities (as defined by Hunz and Keck, 1949; 1950). This species is considered as of 1974 to be a .species of limited distribution, but not rare and/or endangered. Its population vigor is stable or increasing. A census of individuals was not conducted, however, estimates indicate that approximately 200 individuals on the property. Federal R/E Status: Not proposed as a threatened or an endangered species (1975 or 1976). 3. Selaginella cinerascens A.A. Eat. Spike-Moss This species is known from southwestern San Diego County and adjacent Lower California. Found on dry slopes and mesas within- Coastal Sage Scrub and Chaparral plant communities (as defined by Munz and Keck, 1949; 1950), this species is considered as of 1974 to be a species of limited distribution, but not rare and/or endangered. Its population vigor, relative endangerment, and rarity are not known with any degree of certainty, and its general population distribution is only poorly known. Several excellent mats of this species occur throughout the prop- erty in the areas dominated by native vegetation. Federal R/E Status: Not proposed as a threatened or an endangered species (1975 or 1976). ENCLOSURE A-5 6. Disruption of Solar Wind Antennae System (See the Following Mitigating Measure) / Implementation of the project without adequate mitigation will inter- fere ;with the University of California's Solar Wind Antennae System operated by the Physics Department of the University of California, San Diego campus. This antennae system is unique in the United States and is part of an extensive and complex experiment funded by the National Foundation. This electrically sensitive antennae system, .located on the Dawson-Los Monos U. C. Preserve, slightly less than 1 mile from the project site, will be affected by electrical inter- ference generated by the proposed project if effective mitigation measures are not implemented. Mitigating Measures A. All new electrical lines should be undergrounded to prevent above- ground level electrical arcing (common to above ground level trans- mission lines) in the vicinity of the solar wind antenna system such that electrical interference is minimized. B. In consideration of'the need of- the University of Califoi-nia for a radio-quiet environment in the vicinity of the project, the applicant will consult with the University during project design, and will work with the University to mitigate any radio interfer- ence resulting from the project. 7. Grading (No Mitigating Measures Proposed) Approximately 54,000 cubic yards of earthwork is proposed for 4.5 acres of the site, resulting in grading of 12,000 cubic yards per acre. The grading will be balanced cut and fill operation with a maximum cut of 24.5 feet-and minimum fill of 13 feet. 8. Agriculture (No Mitigating Measure Proposed) Project implementation will have an adverse effect on agriculture by removing 10 acres of land from agricultural use within the coastal dependent agriculture zone.Las Flores soils (Class IVe; Storie Index = 31) are found on approximately 10 acres of the project property. . Those soils are considered to be valuable for the cultivation of flowers, range, and truck crops. C.U.P-140 OPERATIOlNAL l$g£ O 5OO IOOO FEET Case No. dilP- /¥n Date Rec' d: 7-#~ 77 'DCC Date: #~»3£)-77 PC Date, Description of Request: yfr^/&)///?^ £/= /? &M-/0 r& /• _. Address or Location of Request: "S^M"- rAppIicant: Engr. or Arch. Brief Legal: Page: 050 Parcel: /-j'Assessor Book: General Plan Land Use Description: . Existing Zone: O^> Proposed Zone: Acres: ^£?.J5'l__No. of Lots: / DU's /Qy^ DU/Acre School District: ,-^,c^_. Water/Sanitation District: »»*-j-i_-^._ ^V___A. r»i_._ jt.____Within Coast Plan Area:Al/O Coa'st Permit Area: /JO FORM PLANNING 52