HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-11-01; City Council; 5130-3; Appointment of Village Area Advisory Committeer-• ' CITY OF ` RLSBAD Initial: AGENDA BILL N0. 5130 Supplement No. 3 Dept. Hd. DATE:_ NOV .MB .R 1 1977 City Atty DEPARTMENT: PLANNING (REDEVELOPMENT) City Mgr. SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT OF INTERIM VILLAGE AREA ADVISORY COMMITTEE. T TE4ENT OF THE MATTER REQUEST: Staff has contacted the organizations recommended by the Council at it's meeting of October 18, 1977. The nominees made -by the subject organizations are noted in the attached. EYHIDITS: To be submitted RECOMMENDATION: If Council desires to activate the Interim Village Area Advisory Committee for the recommended 10 week period, a minute motion should be adopted designating individual appointments. Council action 11-1-77 The following persons were appointed to the Interim Village Area Advisory Committee: Barney Butler Charles Garner Jeff Chandler Glenn McComas Walter Duckworth Ms. Marina Sanchez Mrs. Olivia Fiamengo FORM PLANNING 73 `I DATE: OCTOBER 27, 1977 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: AGENDA BILL #5130 - Supplement 3 APPOINTMENT OF INTERIM VILLAGE AREA ADVISORY COMMITTEE All of the names relative to the subject agenda bill have not been submitted. We will provide you with the list prior to Council meeting, November 1, 1977. PAUL D. BUSSEY City Manager PDB: ldg r- MEMORANDUM September 29, 1977 T0: Paul Bussey, City Manager FROM: Jack E. Henthorn, Redevelopment Coordinator SUBJECT: ' Appointment of interim village area advisory committee Recently, the City Council designated an area of concentration for use in future redevelopment planning efforts. At -that same meeting the Council accepted a recommendation establishing an interim village area advisory committee. The recommended makeup of the committee was as follows: --one residential owner occupant --one residential l enant non -owner --one businessman --two members of existing organizations. It should be noted that since this committee is interim in nature, there is no requirement to abide by the recommended makeup. The following individuals have been in contact either directly with or recommended to -staff regarding the committee: Mr. Barney Butler - currently negotiating acquisition of property housing his business. Mr. Jeff Chandler - Operator of KKOS radio which maintains offices within the survey area. Mrs. Olivia Fiamengo - Operator/owner of Carlsbad Camera. Mr. Charles Garner - Owner of Village Square Shopping Mall; area resident Mrs. Thelma Haves - Area resident; pedestrian advocate Mr. Edward Kentner - Area property owner/resident/businessman Mr. Don McDonald - Area property owner and businessman Mr. John McKaig - Area businessman Dr. Michael Mures - Area property owner. Currently anticipating development of shops and restaurant. Mr, Bill R bourn - area property owner and businessman. Currently processing facade improvements. Mr. Harry SKanson - Past president of Chamber of Commerce; active in past village area revitalization efforts. Mr. Robert Wilson - Area property owner and businessman. These names are recommended for submission to the Council for consideration along with any others which they might care to add. RECOMMENDATION: It is further recommended that the appointments be made by minute motion for a period of 10 weeks. -2- DATE: NOVEMBER 1, 1977 T0: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Mayor Robert C. Frazee SUBJECT: NOMINATIONS FOR INTERIM VILLAGE AREA ADVISORY ' COMMITTEE - AGENDA BILL NO. 5130 - SUPPLEMENT NO. In accordance with direction provided at the last Council Meeting, the City Manager has obtained nominations for appointment to the Interim Village Area Advisory Committee from the Chamber of Commerce and the Mexican -American Association. 'The Chamber has recommended the following two individuals: Mr. Glenn McComas - Former Council member and area businessman. Mr. Walter Duckworth - Owner -Operator of dry cleaning business on Grand Avenue. Mr. Manuel Castorena was contacted to obtain the nominee from the'Mexican-American Association and recommended: Ms. Marina Sanchez - Currently active in Mexican - American affairs within the Village Area. The list provided by the City Manager at the last regularly scheduled Council Meeting is•attached for your information. Although the original recommendation was for a five -member committee, subsequent discussion with Staff indicated that a seven - member committee would probably be more reasonable in the event that scheduling conflicts arise. Therefore, after reviewing the total list of nominees, I hereby submit the following seven individual~ for appointment to The Interim Village Area Advisory Committee: d L r- NOMINATIONS FOR INTERIM VILLAGE AREA ADVISORY COMMITTEE November 1, 1977 Page 2 3 RCF:vm Att. Mr. Barney Butler - Area businessman. Mr. Jeff Chandler - Operator of KKOS radio which maintains offices within the survey area. Mr. Walter Duckworth - Area businessman and Chamber of Commerce Nominee. Mrs. Olivia Fiamengo - Owner -Operator of Carlsbad Camera. Mr. Charles Garner - Owner of Village Square Shopping Mall - Area resident. Mr. Glenn McComas - Former City Council member; local businessman and Chamber nominee. Ms. Marina Sanchez - Mexican -American Association nominee. J L