HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-11-01; City Council; 5233; Coordinated Program of Proposed Public Works Finding of General Plan ConformityCITY OF CARLSBAD�--� ti _N AGENDA BILL NO. sot JS Initial: Dept.Hd. DATE: November 1, 1977 .� C. Atty. DEPARTMENT: City Manager C. Mgr. Subject: COORDINATED PROGRAM OF PROPOSED PUBLIC WORKS Finding of General Plan Conformity Statement of the Matter The City Council at its April 19, 1977 regular meeting, adopted Resolution 5057 which calls for the preparation of a Coordinated Program of Proposed Public Works. Special districts located wholly or partially within the Carlsbad City limits were requested to submit a list of proposed public works projects recommended for planning, initiation, or construction during the current fiscal year. A Coordinated Program of Proposed Public Works, including City Public Works projects, was compiled and submitted to the Planning Commission for a review and report as to conformity of the pro- jects with the City of Carlsbad General Plan. The Planning Commission at its October 5, 1977 meeting, adopted Resolution 1411 finding General Plan consistency for the Coordinated Program. Exhibit Memo from Assistant to the Planning Director dated 10-14-77 with attachments Recommendation Receive and file Resolution No. 1411 of the Planning Commission Council action 11-1-77 The matter was continued to the next regular meeting for Council to further review the projects listed. 11-15-77 The matter was continued to the meeting of November 22, 1977. 11-22-77 The Council acknowledged receipt of Resolution #1411 of the . Planning Commission and ordered same filed. 0 d MEMORANDUM OCTOBER 14, 1917 TO: PAUL BUSSEY, CITY MANAGER FROM: BUD PLENDER, ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR i �JU RE: COORDINATED PROGRAM OF PROPOSED PUBLIC T.lAT)- t1T1111T1T /+ ^n flnuTLTTTT TT 7'%? /1AflY1/t]1lTTtl # As your office requested the Planning Commission reviewed ;) the coordinated program of public works. The Planning t Commission by Resolution No. 1411 made the finding of F General Plan Conformity of all projects listed in the report. t Attachments Staff Report dated, 9/28/107 Planning Commission Resolution No. 1411 - E;chibit "A" ' Section 6501, State Government Code - Exhirit "A" City Council Resolution No. 5057 ;1 a I I.50-1O12A=N10 DATE: SEPT@IER 28, 1977 TO; PLANNING COI-DIISSION FROM: • PLM. NING DEPAIMIMT RE: COORDINATED PROGRA.'d �' PROPOSED PUBLIC -WORKS - FINDING Or GENERAL PLAN CONFORMMIITY BACKGROUND • Section 65401 of the State r.�overnment Code requires the Planning Commission to revicAa and re=, rt to the City Council on the conformity of all major public works projects. This requirenrnt applies not only to City Public works projects, but those of special districts or school districts lying wholly or partially within the city. In the past, the Commdssion has made findings on the General Plan conformAty for each individual. project. In cider to simplify the process and better meet the intent of the State Law, a "Coordinated Program of Public wbrks" has been prepared. All fifteen special districts whose territory lies wholly or partially in Carlsbad. were asked to submit a list of major public works programs to be undertaker, during fiscal year 1977-78. Of those 15 agencies aoquired, 13 responded (only five of which propose to construct public works projects during tha omAng year). Carlsbad's Project - have been listed from the approved Capital: Investments Program for Fiscal year 1977-78. RL M%DM- - .TIOV 711at the Planning Commission approve the attached Resolution finding ghat the Coordinated Program of Proposed Public Works is consistent with Carlsbad's General. Plan. NERACiLMTIS Section 65401 - State Government Code Resolution No. Exhibit "A" to Res- oluTlon N0. City Council Resolution Iyo. 5057 DHI9: ar 9/9/77 1 M F* 1 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1411 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, FINDING GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY FOR A COORDINATED 4 PROGRAM OF PROPOSED PUBLIC WORKS. 5. WHEREAS, California Government Code Section 65401 provides 6 for the preparation of a coordinated program for proposed public 7 works; and 8 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has officially adopted a 9 -General Plan; and 10 WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65401 provides that the 11 governing bodies of any special district or school district whose 12 jurisdiction lies wholly or partially within the City a'nd whose 13 functions include remodeling, preparing plans for, or constructing 3.4 major public works, shall submit a list of the proposed public 15 works recommended for planning, initiation, or construction 16 during the ensuing fiscal year to an agency designated by the 17 City Council; and 18 WHEREAS, on April 19. 1977, the City Council resolved as, 19 follows: 20 1. That special districts and school districts located 21 wholly or partially within the City of Carlsbad submit a list of 22 proposed public works recommended for planning, initiation or 23 construction during the ensuing fiscal year to Zl:e C,l.g Council 24 of the City of Carlsbad prior to May 1 of each ye&r. 25 2. That the City Manager cause to be prepared a coordinated 26 program of proposed public works for submittal to the Planning 27 Commission. 28 3. That the Planning Commission review the coordinated i 4' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15` 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Program for conformity to the General Plan of the City of Carlsbad and report its findings to -the City Council,. WHEREAS, a coordinated program of public works has been prepared and has been submitted to the Planning Commission for review of conformity to th,a General Plan of the City of Carlsbad. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. The coordinated program of proposed public harks is consistent with the Carlsbad General Plan for reasons outlined .in Exhibit "A", dated 9124177, attached hereto. ti 2. Said finding of conformity of the coordinated program of proposed public works shall be reported to the k City Council. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad Planning Commasion held the 5th day of October, 1977, y by the following vote, to wit: Items 1 - 50 with tFie exception of Items 21 and 17.. } AYES: Commissioner L'Heureux, Larson, Rombotis, Fikes, Woodward. ABSTAIN: Commissioner Jose. ABSENT: Commissioner Watson. Items 21 and 17: AYES: Commissioner L'Heureux, Larson, Fikes, Woodward,; ABSTAIN: Commissioner Jose, Rombotis ABSENT:- Commissioner Watson. ! ERIC LARSON, Chairman ATTEST: S C. HAMM.,W, S_Oeretary f, 9114177 EXHIBIT A T4 GENERAL PLAN CONSIVPUBLICOORDINATED PROGRA14 OF P,,ANViNG C!IMMISSION RESO-p 747 PROPOSED7 WORKS Ajency/ SvMcial District Project_ Reason for General Plan Conformity 1. City of Carlsb3d Agua Hedionda Lagoon Maintenance Study Land Use Element states that multi -use recreation' options should be maintained for Aqua Hedionda 3 Lagoon. 2. City of Carlsbad Carrillo Ranch Park Design Branch Center park designated for Carrillo Ranch . ; in the P %s and Recreation Element. The Land Use Element provides for special and 3. City of Carlsbad Harding Street Community Center. Renovation of unique uses --such as public buildingsr=provided existing buildings and grounds for use as a the use is necessary and desirable and meets all Conmunity Center and Senior Citizen Center. otter General.Plan criteria. This project neQtts this eri eria. E City of Carlsbad Holiday Park Comfort Station. Replacement of Parks and Recreation Element recognizes an active/ existing inadequate restrooms passive park at this location. {x # S._City•of Carlsbad Laguna Riviera Park Banks. Installation of Parks and Recreation Element recognizes an active i -Irrigation system and landscaping qn bank park at this location. ii portion of park. _ 6. City of Carlsbad Magee House Buildings. Renovation -design Parks and Recreation Element states that permanent fp renovations of old jail house, barn, and outhouse. structures will be located on the Magee Park site. ri 7. City of Carlsbad Magec House Landscaping. Landscaping .lesign and Parks and Recreation Element provides for open Ij construrtion.of landscape improvements. play and landscaped areas at this location. S. City of Carlsbad Magee Park Street Improvement. Design and Parks and Recreation Element and circulation } construct street improvements required by CUP. element require accessibility to adequate local !� street systems. 9. City of Carlsbad Municipal Swimming Pool. Construction of The Land Use Element recognizes primarily school use of this and secondarily recreational swimming pool at Carlsbad Hic.� School. property i use. x I I M Page 2 t Agency/ Special District Project Reason for General Plan Conformity 10. City of Carlsbad Pony League Field Lighting. Installation of at Pine Field. Existing recreational use of the property is encompassed in the "Elementary School" land use additional lighting for the outfield desll,. City of Carlsbad Children's Library Land Acquisition adjacent The Land Use Element provides for special, and unique uses --such as public buildings --provided that the to existing Library. use is necessary and desirable and meets all other General Plan criteria. This project meets that. criteria. 12'. City of Carlsbad City Service Center. Acquisition of land for Land Use Element shows the property as "Governme'nt facilities". t Police facility. City of Carlsbad Relocation of Fire Station No. 2. purchase of Public Facilities Element states that public and facilities shall be provided land and design of fire station in vicinity of Alga Road. Contingent project if unable to services concurrent with need. The need for this facility negotiate accepta-,le terms for the purchase•of has been demonstrated by the City's Public i.� t! existing station. Facilities Management program. 14. City of Carlsbad Fire Station No. 5. Acquisition gf*land for Public Facilities Element states that public and facilities shall be provided headquarters fire station and training facilities in vicinity of Palomar Airport services concurrent with neea. The need for this facility P Road and El Camino Real. has been demonstrated by the.City's Public j Facilities Management program. 15. City of Carlsbad _ AT&SF Right of Way Storm Drain from Oak to Action Program 2.1 of the Public Safety Element calls for constructicn of storm drains in areas Juniper. where such systems are inadequate or non-existant. 16. City of Carlsbad Elm Avenue Storm Drain. Interstate 5 to Harding �" k Street. Install 24" RCP storm drain and (' appurtenant structures. 17. City of Carlsbad ParkfDriveiStormllsidDrain. to Destreetnd install 48" RCP I Page 3 " Agency/ 'Special -District - Probe^t r Reason for General Plan Conformi u 18. City of Carlsbad Park Drive wioen-ing from Valencia to 1',elly to The widening is necessary to bring this sect -ion of provide additional 12 :uot paved roadway and Park Drive to standards for a collector street as graded shoulder. defined in the Circulation Element. 19.,City of Carlsbad Sycamore Avenue Storm Drain. Design and Action program 2.1 of the Public Safety Element construct 24" RCP storm drain under Carlsbad calls for construction of storm drains in areas Boulevard at Sycamore Avenue including 18" where such systems are inadequate or non-existanL. ACP storm drains in easements north to ` Walnut and south to Chestnut Avenue. 20. City of Carlsbad Coastal Bicycle Route. Construction of bicycle The Circulation Element shows a bike route along i route on both sides of Carlsbad Boulevard from the full length of Carlsbad Blvd. north City limits to south City limits. } '> 211. City of Carlsbad Monroe Street extension from -1m Avenue to - This project :Heats the Circulation Element's rx Marron Road. Design a 68" wide roadway on an standards for Monroe as a secondary arterial. 84" right oa4nstorndrainlights, sidewalks, and2"m. '22. City of Carlsbad Tamarack - Sunnyhill to SkylineRedesign the This design will connect existing sections of above section of Tamarack to align witr the Tamarack, which is designated on the Circulation existing section west of Sunnyhill Drive and Element as a secondary arterial. proposed section of Skyline Drive. cs t , IF 23. City of Carlsbad Traffic Signal - Palomar Airport Road and The Circulation Element requires eventual Paseo Del Norte. Design traffic signal for signalization of all major and secondary arterial this intersection. intersections. 24. City -of Carlsbad San Marcos/ Carlsbad Sewage Transmission Line. The Public Facilities Element states that publie Design and land acquisition for construction of facilities shall be provided concurrent with need. parallel sewage transmission line from The City Engineer has determined that an immediate Palomar Airport Road to En,ina treatment plant need exists for this improvement. for additional capacity. ---------------- n� k Page 4 ' Agency/ Reason for General Plan Conformity Special District Project r 25. City of Carlsbad Ocean Street Sewer. Design and construction of an The Public Facilities Element stat es that public 1 facilitie shall be provided concurrent with need. i I 8" sewer line in Ocean Street from Pine Avenue to The City Engineer has determined that an immediate sewer pump station. need exists for'this improvement. r n n u 1 26. CJty of Carlsbad Lift Station Replacement Program. Three sewer lift stations will be eliminated from the sewer system by construction of gravity sewer lines. A. Extend Sunnyhil? Sewer Line 500' i 4 B. Construction of 4000' eight inch line { from Forrest to Elie Avenue. H` C. Extend James Drive sewer lines 1400'. Y .± t z 1 27. City of -Carlsbad, Pressure Regulators - Water,System. Install Public Facilities Element states that adequate facilities shall be provided concurrent rith j, pressure regulators between high and low zones La Portalado, Tamarack at Sunnyhill, and public need. Water system improvements will enhance at Basswood west of Monroe.service for domestic and fire flow purposes. ' 28. City of Carlsbad Industrial Park - Averida Encinas. Construction N � ; j of 1750' of 12 inch line south of Palomar Airport Road to provide improved fire flow. 29. City of Carlsbad Elm Reservoir. Install altitude valve and 150' ; of pipe for Elm Reservoir, t 30. City of Carlsbad Water Line Replacement - Loma Laguna. Replace 500' of deteriorated 14" pipe with 8" pipe Real. f between Loma Laguna subdivision and E1 Camino ; � 31'. Carlsbad Municipal Tri-Agencies Pipeline Project. In cooperation Vista Water District with San Diego County Water Authority, Irr-gation District, and City of Oceanside. ; i Page 5 • � Agency/ Special District Project Reason for General Plan Conformity 32. Carlsbad South Aqueduct Connection. In cooperation with Public Facilities Element states that adequate Municipal San Marcos County Water District and Olivehain public facilities shall be provided concurrent Water District Municipal Water District. with need. Water system improvements will enhance service for domestic and fire flow purposes. 33. Carlsbad Municipal District wide advance planning for grater � Water District resource management. t, 34. Carlsbad Municipal Relocate and reconstruct Santa Fe Reservoir " o, Water District pressure reducing station. ? Carlsbad Municipal District wide financial program for " Water District capital improvements. F 36. Carlsbad Municipal Squires Dam expansion for additional " Water Di"strict capacity. 37•--Carlsbad Municipal Relocation of district administration center " Water District and operations center. 38. Carlsbad Municipal Palomar Airport Business Park ! t Water District (Participation/Reimbursement) r i t' 39. Carlsbad Municipal 1500' extension of 16" line - El Camino Real v ,J Water District 40. Carlsbad Municipal, Corrosion Control System - Alga Road pipeline. k Water District i s 41. Carlsbad'Municipal High pressure water main extension west of "D" F; Water District reservoir; 2500' of 12" line. i. � t k Page 6 I Agency/ I Special District . Project Reasin for General Plan Conformity 42. Carlsbad Municipal Tri-Agencies Pipeline - Integration program Public facilities Element states that adequate Water District public facilities shall be provided concurrent with need. Water system improvements will enhance service for domestic and fire flow purposes. 43. Carlsbad Municipal Advance planning for District No. 3 Water District 44. Carlsbad Unified Laguna Riviera School Designated on the Land Use Element as an School District elementary school. ' t f ? 46. Carlsbad Unified Performing Arts Center - Carlsbad High School This use would be ancillary to the high school. > School District which is recognized in the Land Use Element. F { 46, Encinitas Union Development of Levante Street School Site for The interim open space use of the school site is School District Interim Use as a Park compatible with the policy in the Open Space and i ! Conservation Element which states that open space y t is an allowable use in any land use category. ; r ' 47. North County Construction of a,mini-terminal at Plaza The Circulation Element states that the bus system ; r Transit District Camino Real. is a component of the City's multi -modal trans- ; 1 portation system. This improvement will enhance ; j I the bus system. i 48. North County Construction of a mini -terminal at Grand Avenue Transit District and Washington Street transfer point. ' { 49: San Diego County Tri-agencies pipeifne. A portion of this line Public Facilities Element states that adequate i Water Authority may be constructed within Carlsbad depending on a public facilities shall be provided concurrent with determination of the terminus of the line. need. Water system improvements will improve l y # + service for domestic and fire flow purposes. , I{ 50. San Marcos Construct water transmission, distribution, storage " County Water and chlorination facilities in Assessment Districts �- -District 76-1 and 76-3. C k • �, I RESOLUTION 110. $ _ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 'S PROVIDING FOR A COORDIPI.ATED PROGRAM OF` PROPOSED PUBLIC WORKS 4 5 WIi1;REAS, Government Code Section 65401 provides for the 6 preparation of a coordinated program for proposed public works; and 7 .-WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has officially adopted a 8 General Plan; and g IrdEREAS, Government Code Section 65401. provides that, the t� I °f to governing bodies of'any special district or school district r:hose �1 jurisdiction lies wholly or partially within the city and whose 12 functions include recommending, preparing plans for, or constructing 13 ajor public works, 'shall submit 'a list of the proposed public works 3-4 recor.-.mended for planning, initiation, or construction during the 1.5 ensuing ;iscal year to an agency designated by'the City Council; and 16 t•TdEREAS, the agency receiving the list of public works shall 17 'prepare a coordinated program of proposed public works to be 3.8 submitted to the Planning Commission of the City 'of Carlsbad for 19 review and report as to conformity with the General Plan; 20 NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City i 1 ,of Carlsbad, California as follows: ' 22 1. Special districts and school districts located wholly or 2� partially within the City of Carlsbad shall submit a iist of 24 proposed public works recommended for planning, initiation, or 25 construction during the ensuing fiscal year to 'the City Council of 26 the City of Carlsbad. . i 27 2. The list shall be submitted prior;�to may 1 each year. i 28 fly .1 3. The Cit_ Aanager shall cause to b prepared, a coordinated-` •2 program of;proposed public works for submittal to the Planning Commission. r 4 4. The Planning Commission shall review the coordinated 5 program for conformity to the General Plan of the City of Carlsbad 6 and shall report its findings to the City Council. E , 7 PASSED, APPROVED, END ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 1 8 Carlsbad City Council held the 19th day of Aori1 1977 9 y the following vote, to wit: 10 AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard, Skotnicki and Councilwoman Casler ; 11 NOES: done 12 ABSENT:, done 14 • i 15 i 16 `17 ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Mayor 1$ ATTEST: 20 4AR6AR s' E. ADAI4S, ity Clerk I 21 (SEAL) i 220 " 23 24 25 i 26 ! 27 j at any time as deterinined by the legislative body.:. -This section shall not apply to the adoption of any element to the general plan. „ r t (Addtd by Stats.1973, c• 1'20,,P. 133, S 3, urgency, eff. June 29, 1073,.operative Jan. I. 19T4.)- Sectt,n 3 of Stats.1373, C. 120, P. 19 . Pro- Section 6.of this act sh vided: Sections 3. 7, and 8 of`this net only until Deccinticr31, *hall become operative on January1. 1071. <" ,. •�� . `•It (,• ,q •r.iIP:)1:11 +'' a.:.:.ir0 ., s n 1:;" ii':�.d,•1`" ,i • ;•r`'ART=h:7. AD\IItrISTHATION OF GEtr'1:RA.L . Law Review Ornmentarle* Land -us" control externalltlew and mu• 5 nlclvn! *!rates,; ••(19i5) 8 Loyola L.Ilov,.432. . T Jam.. • t•••, ..,�v]:S•�wY . . ,.,�,. . .•. •, ,^ 165t00r,putles of agency :•%,rt After the couiity'or city legislative body has adopted till or,part the planning agency shall: ..'� •,. , . "•;• . y, ..:�' i (a)'Investtgate*acid mnke recommendations to the legislative •nnd practical means for putting into effect the general plan or pa that it will serve its a pattern and,guide for the orderly pbysi �? velopment find the'preservation and conservation of omn *.pace �3 oc elty and as a basis for the efficient expenditure of its funds jects of the ;,eneral. plan; the, measures recommended may Inc '- t :kh tions, financlitl reports, and capital budgets. ,- • ;� : (b) Render an annual report to the legislative body- the sta progress in Its application. •f _ ' �: Iinde*tvc; to promote publlc Interest in and understanding' • w and regulations• relating to It .x• • : ^' " << (d) Consult and. advise with public officials and"agencies, publi civic- eduettlonal, professional and other, organi ^*loos, and citi g ;relation to carrying.out the general pldn. , (Amended by Sttts.1970, c. 2590, p. 3312.5 4,} • 1 :•1970 Amendment. Inserted, near the LawRevlewComment middle of sutid: (a), the words and the Growth control In C ;at yrese vXtion and conservation of open apsce Clark. Jr. and Moser A cific L.J. 570. i : T..1 i f:,':: !'f*:;.'t> >` • Local 'Gen (1971) i Plan' (1371) 9 San 9* ,{ ^'tY -'' n,�� ;`,l, ..;..�i�f,::!,r�•' .RePcrrY o "e P § 65401. Rccuinnendatlon of pro{loved public works; coordln •:: '=If'n general"plan or part thereof ha§ been adopted, 5c(thin s fixed by"(he•legislati a body,'each county or.city officer, del commission, and' each governmental body, commission, or, board i } �.• erning"body of any special district or'school district, *chose Jurt { wholly or partially-WHIIIn' the county or city, whose funct! meuding,:preparing :ptans for;•or'constructing,•Inajor pnblid to•the•officlal;agency, as designated by the respective county �f f- or:city counctl,.•n:,11st of thetproposel public works recomm Initintion•or•construction during thacnsulag fiscal year. Th teelvinr the.list:,ot. proposed, public -works shall -list and clan tulindatious and- shall, prepare -a "coordinated• program of pio mow" for the ensuing, fiscal yenr_Such coordinated.program shall report to said' ., coiinty or elty.-planning agency;for review and conformity with the adopted general plan or part thereof. (Amended by Stats.1970, 0. 1,S'JQ p.:P2, § u.) 1970 Amendment."'Included "the govern- tho body was "Wholl Ing body, of anyspeclal district or school the Jurisdiction. dlstrlct^, nnJ WLl•illndo to upply'whether � h 1 5 85402. Acitulslllon or dlsposltlon'•of propoi.y;' conatrucllo qulrcnnents before action (a) If a gencrill plan or pitrt thereof has been adopted, no r acquired by dcdlcattou or otherwise for street, square, park '• Aalorlaka • • • Indicate deletion* by antondment 103 all'retualn In effect 1773., (ice �, 5.,•...�, . a • . . • PLAN .+ , ...� Eh '' :�• tit'' , • r l:;iil9. a'li b+ . ihY .•.r =;? 1�'r.•'• � 1 r;, � .,.. )»�.�r•:;y ifs„;1"': • ,: _. \+• ;t of a. general plan, 13? ',;; . ,,5• body upon reasonable t� + "� '"', "r•• thereof, In order s: .•'`�`•_ .•; ad )growth and de - and of the county relating to the sub - tide y';• _ .•!'=•.: , lplans, regula• tus of the plan and i! of the general plan, c utility companies, zcns generally with alifornia, Thomas P. Crablo (1971) 3 Pa- in Callfornla. .%Ian Diego L.Rev. 1. , t; ation -of program ucii time its may be ii. ' ?'; �• 1k )aitment, board, or including the gov �, : r• < :,* sdiction Iles • • " ,��' ons• include recent - all tioi'}:s•, shsubmit board of supervisors ended for planning, official agency re- ify. all such recom• • ;_ -t 'a ;; posed public works be submitted to the �•. 1t'fY', •i�: official agency as to y or partially" within r}yr n'of 'tiulldings; re - cal property shall be or other public pur• I01 • ;. t i' i� :�)���!, :i �r' .•cal; ' • IT `.f' :. ;• , • /� ' \.y - • :cT}ttyr• �'`^.•��-•�. .,,�:• t�. t`�.: \".`•i j,�•�.."a` •T,:,:. �,1'••11. '�' " . � � : j' 42 �.w' t + Rr ` •3' t.f '` +, 1 •' • ,. ``'• �.• ••r^."'1 1 \ •'.`.:.-. H,tt ,.. � „1f1 ati,.•1 'l. J }. •: ,%•�, ,'S�•*, .. . ',+.� 4r•';lr •1r . 1, :`\,• ..j �:+ i� t i•.• \,•a,ti+.\ .� ,:�;,'.+• +t � T•�, .•• 1•,'l•, :• t' .. '+ 1,q , •� - • :cT}ttyr• �'`^.•��-•�. .,,�:• t�. t`�.: \".`•i j,�•�.."a` •T,:,:. �,1'••11. '�' " . � � : j' 42 �.w' t + Rr ` •3' t.f '` +, 1 •' • ,. ``'• �.• ••r^."'1 1 \ •'.`.:.-. H,tt ,.. � „1f1 ati,.•1 'l. J }. •: ,%•�, ,'S�•*, .. . ',+.� 4r•';lr •1r . 1, :`\,• ..j �:+ i� t i•.• \,•a,ti+.\ .� ,:�;,'.+• +t � T•�, .•• 1•,'l•, :• t' .. '+ 1,q , •� ti5. .�i �• S., .. . S . .. t S ,.•ti- �., ..fir". ,�t •.. � • iC;':.....,...s✓.a.:r�L',.a..a:.c.•.,utisoul.•.:;,...i..;.r..••."a,b.....:1:,:•.t,.uis.+:ci..i....,+ii;....�•- --.. __._�:r+„^".:._::_1.:::::L,-_ �s� �.:::.-'r.... § 65402 GOVj:UMMENT'CODR r •GOV) posed, and no real property shall be disposed of, no street sainbe t vacated or Win- i. Construction and application 1'Ia11t11n1; nItoPoWnRenCy h1' 110 DVW:r UM donraL and no public building or structure shall be constructed or authorized,,if tho ; rnvlronmental tlualitY .\et. in cnu t cal nrency such as water it adopted neral dun or part thereof npplie:i thereto, until the location, purpose and ) );C p i, onager, n dccislon that !a nlndlnR on anyort• e%teat of such acquisition or dispoSitlon, such Street. vacation or abaullonnlent, or f �; ndeitmkcy of An environmental ono• Fort. 1'o Fund. such public building,or structure bave•been submitted to and reported upon by the M Counnntnl ter TM i;oastslJo CotmtY ttster Dl.tt. tta planning agency :1S Yo conformity with said adopted general plan or part. thereof. ? j l.lip . 107.7ti, . . A Id5Stt pptel The planning agency shall render Its report as to confortnity with said edopted -tn- ernl plan or part thereof within forty (40) days after the matter was submitted to. % T'r� nd `p��pposo .of the l:nvlron it, or such longer period- of time a3 may be designated by the legislative body. Y quality Act which Is to compel tot, ' If the legislative body so provides, by ordinance or resolution, tbo Provisions of this • • subdivision shall not apply to;' (1) the dispositiou of the remainder Alt'.C1Cf.L•• 8.•4AUT110Rrr'Y of a larger parcel which was acquired and uied in Part for streta pur;x,ses; (:;y : acquisitions, dispositions, or ab,utdonments for sheet widening; or (8) alignment a Sec. Arens specitic projects• provided such dispo+itionpt for street-puglo>et, acquisitions, dispositions, 07,15►.l s ('New]. G.15%• Contents (\cwJ. or nbcuiduaments for street widening, or allnnmeilt proicets arc of a Minor oliture. U-0.1. Additional contents (N'e1rl (b) .i -county shall not acquire real property for any ot, tlm purpo-.et specified Law Rcvlew Commenlarlef iu paragraph (a), nor dispose of any real property, nor construct or authorizti+ n putt- Land development and the cnvlrr Subdlvlslon Map Act. (137i) S Paci lie building or structure. In another county or within the corporate limits of a city, Ir such city or other county has adopted a general plan or port theont tuid such :; general plan or part tbeieof Is applicable thereto, and a city shall not actquire real t 05450• Preparallom of plans; t' j prop•!rtyfor any of the purposes specified In paragraph (a), nor dispose of lily real (( property; nor construct or autborize a public building or structure, h1 another city „1 Law Review Commentaries CompatiblRty of cconomte and c or in unincorporated territory,It such other ci or the count in which such unin• tY Y ;�f ntcnutl oo)retiver In govnrnm•+ntat corporated territory Is Situated lint adopted a generni plan or part thereof and such ) I lnaklnc. (1570 5 Pactfic W. 3.. l.aenl •'General is n^ In GWtev-h general plan or 'part• thereot is n pplltnbic• thereto until the location, purpose 1 , P P a � it. Perry OS7l) 3 San plcfo l..ltev, p and extent or such acquisition, disposition, or.such public building or structure �!� 1, In ocn;ral hoard of sun hate been submitted to and reported upon by the planning agency having ju- 5 Adoption by count{ plan tor.&v4loDlnent or risdiction; as to contonnit • with said adopted anent plain or part thereof, y P g 1 .� of spetluc inountain sutxlivislon, made sub)ee Patlure• of* the planningragency to report wihin forty (401 days after the matter �{ soning of property to eonforn to V subdivision inapv on ale, did not has been submitted to it shall 1>e conclusively deemed a [indin that the pro- tt county to am,ad :oaln, nnlinanct toyed acquisition, disun dtion. or public building or rtructure is in conformity �i� prtyo ro�eiY of h+ dtscrutlon to p: dlitttu vo aop•••nlion :orrh with said adopted tueril plan or part thereof. The provisions of thls parer g { .1.+1 mlttcd LY Ereeloper w•hlth wnt p;zaph flap-sbail not apply to acquisition or abndournerL for Strt.•ct widening or i that requested zone chanito involve, nll,^nment irojects of a minor antu:e if the legislative body haring the real prop- , erty within Its boundarics-Sov ,:.evides by ordinance or resolution. w 5 65450.1 Areis covered by spell (c) A local agency shall not acyuire'reni pruNrh for any of the Purpo4,e3 s pect• 'R A epCClf{C plan seed not. app1, _ flat In'paragraph (a) noi dlspu++: of any re it property, nor construct or authorize ) The tegislative body or the plann a public -building or structure, in any county or city, It such county or city has thereof -and such plan or part thereof is ap- 1y County for which the devclopnaep mlopted'it general plan or pare general pllcable thereto, until the. location, purpose and extent of such 11011113Id011, dlspost• !\ to the implementation of the all lected by the legislative body s111.4 lion, or such,linhiic building or structure have been sulvnitted.to and reported uil1 wend such plans to kg{, i:ttoe by the planning agency having jurisdiction• of to conformity tvlth sale adopted i . c,P. (Added by Stats.l9711-1G, general plan or p•lrt thereof, , Failure,Ot the planning agency to report MOW forty � (•10) days after :nuclei has ixen submitted to it shall he conclusirely deemed a l.aw Review eotnmenlarier ltlrth control torgrtomaturo aunt finding that the topeil`d at'Qu131ti011 disposition, or public building or structure 13 p , 1 .-a Iegisintivo pill, (137. )a Sant l }, In conformity with said adopted general plml or part thereof. If the Pinning ngou. .� 1. 533. disapproves the location, purpose or extent of Such acquisition, disposition, or the • ' t • i' wcy p pilbiie building or structure, the disitpproval mey Ito overruled by tap, local agency. a 65451. Conlenia k Lacal np;Cncy as used In this paragraph (c) means an agency of the state for the � Such specific plans shall Net and proposed le'Jilatloll which F local performance of governmental or proprietary functions within limited bound. + Implementation of each elenicht o i mica, Loral Agency (1oe:- not luclude the state, or county, or a city. 3 but not limited to, reltulatioda, c \atded by Stats.lW7, a 110. P. 2$50, 1 l ; Stt1t�1J71, c, 7r.4, 1). 157(). 3 1). J Bard to the folldtving: f 1Sd7 Amendment. Added lest sentence of ,Prlends of Mammoth, Voc ropull or ju- i paragraph (b), diclal social engineering, (1213) 1 Pepper- f S (a) The 10Ca110lt of 11011aint• b" Law Rcvlew Commentaries dine I..r;ev. 117, • ]kitty of Private Partles to nia onviron— • Vlnd urn planning In the ]try Area. (1367) 85 QLI:. S3i, q faCllitics, educational faCilitit•t, C lag- cool g[ollnd3, Sold at1t1 lilted manta) atnlem?nt, (13e1) Rl C,L,R, GSa, i R.cpandinr acopo of environnn•ntal law. ( establishing height, balk and tetl hovin P. Kane (Jan. 1173) 4S 1.03 Ansoler 5u tl Iude: to Notes i 11ar Hull, tl, pl eat on, tarot- t t lag 111c location 0I stele, such a will be 1 Impact report T t ruin, where nu bulidhr,; y underline Indi4it$3 ch ripoi or addillon by amendment I Asterisks • ' • Indicate doletlon t 104• .. + ","l'i't•',�',.�-r+;»t;1'ix'f!t,�'C,","!r"'tt�'�`,";!"1.>w �> �1,��\-•r•ttr,...,�,«.".�..-z.-�;'•� `\1 •1 i .,. ivt r•• lq• i,• '• 'iS�• ~:_�.. �;.. t•`: .,+�+ ,...;.,.. �rlt / �,✓•:. , �,, ,r ,,�-,;t '. t'1' . •.� r .�a+,� ..r t�.; •• t 'J t' 't ,a •+,��.,'t: 11 t1t 1„ •.,..y'`t ',� , '. 1; , 't•!•"•', ,+ t: �•�"l . t+, ,t•. n . .. '.f: '• ?\.'y 1.` ,',.+�'. .,, ...,. •., ••l, •• . • : . •• ., t'• +, t ••' ll..� +