HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-11-01; City Council; 5242; Sewer Permit-The Highland CompanyCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. ^Tffj tf JL, \ Initial: Dept.Hd. DATE: November 1, 1977 _ ... <•'-•-"- ~ — ~j .. -•. ^ ^ A tty • DEPARTMENT; Engineering C. Mgr. Subject: SEWER PERMITS _ REQUEST TO UTILIZE EXISTING SEWER PERMITS ON DIFFERENT LOTS: TANGLEWOOD. APPLICANT: THE HIGHLAND COMPANY Statement of the Matter Exhibit 1 is a request to transfer 52 sewer permits that have been issued on Lots 155 - 206 in Unit 1 of Tanglewood and use them on lots that do not currently have building permits, as follows: Recorded lots 251 - 283 33 permits Unrecorded tentative map lots 368 - 388 (Unit 2) 21 permits 54 An additional 2 permits have been requested so that the last 2 units of a proposed 8-unit building can be completed. In addition, the applicant is requesting that Council find the 14 model lots in unrecorded Unit No. 2, which were issued building permits several years ago, exempt from the sewer moratorium. ,... • -- Exhibits: 1. Letter dated October 21, 1977 from the Highland Company 2. Letter dated September 26, 1977 from Tiburon/Carlsbad Homeowners Association 3. Memorandum dated October 25, 1977 from City Engineer Recommendation: 1. If the Council conctirs, exempt the 14 existing, partially completed, units in the model complex as provided by Ordinance No. 8074. 2.. Deny the request for 2 additional sewer permits and the transfer of 52 existing permits to other recorded and unre'corded lots. (See Page 2 for Council action) AGENDA BILL NO. 5242 -2- November 1, 1977 Council action 11-1-77 Council accepted the fact that the 52 building and sewer permits exist and are still valid. The 14 existing, partially completed, units in the model complex as provided by Ordinance No. 8074 were exempted; the City Attorney was directed to prepare the necessary code amendments to allow the transfer of the 52 existing permits to Lots 251 through 283 and Lots 368 through 388. The Council denied the request for the two additional sewer permits. October 21, 1977 Mr. Paul D. Bussey City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Bussey: The following sets forth our request with respect to certain matters relative to our Tanglewood Project (see Exhibit A attached for location of property referred to below: 1. Briefly, the current status of the project is as follows: Phase 1A. Built by Larwin Company - all sold and occupied - 57 lots, numbered 1 through 57 Phase IB. 48 units (lots 58 through 105) presently under construction, all sold and approximately 90% completed. Phase 1C. 49 units (lots 106 through 154) presently under construction, all sold and approximately 50% completed. Phase ID. 52 units (lots 155 through 206) with building and sewer permits. Balance of recorded lots (lots 207 through 283) - no building or sewer permits Subtotal 57 48 49 52 77 226 3105 Avenida De Anita . Carlsbad, Ca. 92008. (714) 729-7108 The Highland Company Page 2 Tenative map area - Model lots (6 completed and 8 partially completed) 14 Other 189 Subtotal 203 Total Highland Company 429 Total Highland Company and Larwin 486 We presently have building permits and sewer permits on 52 recorded lots in Carlsbad Tract 72-21—lot numbers 155 through 206. We propose to trade the 52 permits referred to above for permits on the following lots: Recorded lots numbered 251 through 283 33 Unrecorded tentative map lots numbered 368 through 388 21 Total 54 Additional lots 2_ Concurrent with the construction of townhouses on the 33 lots, we will construct recreation facilities on Lot 284 (adjacent thereto) as follows (these facilities will be deeded to the Homeowner's Association): a. Three tennis courts. b. Fenced camper storage area. c. Offstreet parking for approximately 30 automobiles. The HighT^.nd Company Page 3 5. In order to utilize the building and sewer permits on the 21 tentative mapped lots (lots 368 through 388) it will be necessary to record a final map on these lots as well as the 14 model lots which are adjacent thereto on the north. Also, there are 15 other lots north of the models and adjacent thereto, which, together with the models and the 21 lots (368 through 388) comprise all of Phase I of the Tenative Tract. There is also a lot next to the models with a recreation clubhouse building located thereon. Summary of tentative map area - Phase I: Southerly lots (368 through 388) 21 Model lots 14 Northerly lots (339 through 346 and 355 through 361) " 15 Recreation building lot 1 .51 6. In addition to the exchange of s~ewer permits referred to in 3 above, we are also requesting sewer permits on the model lots and the recreation building lot. These units have been constructed for about 3% years. We are not requesting sewer permits on the 15 northerly lots at this time. 7. An existing condition to Tenative Map 74-25 as set forth in Ordinance No. 7471 requires the bonding of certain improvements on Elm Avenue and Appian Road. We request that this requirement be reduced to include only the northerly one half of Elm Avenue from Avenida de Anita to Appian Road. The basis for the reduction is that we would only be recording a final map on lots for 50 dwelling units of a total in the tentative map of 203 lots. The ' jhland Company Page 4 8. The City's moratorium on sewer permits has caused these proposed changes in our construction sequence. The 52 lots for which we already have sewer permits have not been released from our purchase money deed of trust with Larwin. Thirty three of the lots (3 above) that we wish to switch the permits to have been released from the Larwin deed of trust. Due to the sewer moratorium, we prefer to build on lots which have already been released from the Larwin deed of trust. Due to the uncertainty as to the duration of the sewer moratorium, we believe it to be in the best interests of the Highland Company and the city to record a map on the 14 model lots, complete the 8 models that presently lack interiors and sell them to homebuyers. At the time these model units are sold, we would also propose to deed the Recreation Clubhouse building to the Homeowner's Association. The utilization of the 21 lots south of the models enables us to make use of the remaining sewer permits which we now have. We require sewer permits on 2 extra lots due to the fact that there will be 4 townhouse buildings on the 21 lots and it is not practical to change the lot configuration or the building size. Please advise if you have any questions or desire further information regarding this proposal. We will appreciate your prompt response to our request. Very truly yours, THE HIGHLAND COMPANY A PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN SPECIFIC i'LAN CARLSBAD, CALIFOHNIA , V- [>«__-V Igji-r-^ - x-1 '"3" '•'• -'»* \"" '—* r\ip^^-:-'//--"''^1^^^f^:^^X^:uh--^^^~^ ]L, vAGg^i'.r^fA:-!; .' ;•••'•' \y;,',~\ t . TIBURC^/CARLSBAD HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 2840 Avenida De Anita Carlsbad, CA. 92008 September 26, 1977 Mr. Paul D. Bussey \ City Manager \;. . ^; City of Carlsbad ^-c-___J-"'" 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Bussey, The proposed rescheduling of sequence of construction of townhouses in Carlsbad Tract 72-21, by The Highland Company, is fully supported by The Tiburon/Carlsbad Homeowners Association. It would be in the best interest of all concerned, including the City of Carlsbad, for the following reasons: 1. The Association would gain the use of the recreation facilities consisting of swimming pool, wading pool and clubhouse, existant but unused in the model-sales area. 2. Recreation, storage, maintenance and off-street parking facilities would be constructed on Lot 284. 3. Occupied townhomes around the present model area and on Lots 368 thru 388 and Lots 251 thru 283 would give an owner presence that would reduce vandalism and trespassing in the entire tract, eliminating many of our current problems. 4. The additional recreational facilities on Lot 284 and in the model area, which had been promised by Larwin and would be presently usable had they completed the entire tract, will be greatly needed when we expand to 226 units. Our present recreation facilities in Phase 1-A cannot accomodate this many families. We urge you to give strong consideration and consent to this re-scheduling which, after all, is merely a shifting of prorities and is not a request for utilizational of utilities beyond what has been allowed by the City. This would give effect to the promises made by the Developer and the City in granting approval for Tract 72-21 that purchasers of townhomes would have recreation facilities adequate to fulfill their enjoyment of residing here. Sincerely, Tiburon/Carlsbad Homeowners Association MEMORANDUM - October 26, 1977 TO: City Manager FROM: City Engineer SUBJECT: SEWER PERMITS - Request to Utilize Existing Sewer Permits on Different Lots - Tanglewood. Applicant: The Highland Company You have asked me to review a draft request (which has recently been formalized) by Ed Fogel of the Highland Development Company to utilize 52 sewer permits (issued on Lots 155 - 206 of Tanglewood Unit 1) on different lots. Please refer to his letter dated October 21, 1977 for the specific lots. BACKGROUND The Larwin Company was the original developer of the Tanglewood project (formerly Tiburon). The original project was for approximately 500 condo- miniums in two units. The entire site (87 ± acres) was graded when the Unit 1 map was recorded. A model complex, including six models, a recreation building, swimming pool, and an 8-unit partially completed building were constructed in the unrecorded Unit 2. Building permits were also issued on approximately 130 residential units in Unit 1. However, only 57 of these residential units were completed by Larwin. Work on approximately 73 residential units was stopped after the plumbing and foundation work was completed. Most, but not all, public improvements were completed in Unit 1, and the City has not yet accepted any of the improvements. Bonds remain in effect to guarantee the completion of the work. Approximately a year ago the Highland Development Company, in cooperation with the Larwin Company, proposed to complete the intended project in smaller phases (approximately 50 residential units per phase). Since that time the Highland Development Company has obtained building permits for three of these phases as follows: Phase Ib - 48 Units, Lots 58 - 105 Unit 1, 90% completed Phase Ic - 49 Units, Lots 106- 154 Unit 1, 50% completed Phase Id - 52 Units, Lots 155- 206 Unit 1, not started The developer's plan was to systematically complete approximately 50 residential units at a time until the entire Unit 1 was built out and then record the Final Map for Unit 2. It was the intent to record several maps of about 50 residential units, each in the Unit 2 area. This plan was formulated with City Staff's knowledge and before the sewer moratorium. The plan proposed was logical at the time (in the absence of a sewer moratorium) in that it utilized some underground facilities that were constructed by Larwin (sewer, water, gas, electric, telephone). MEMO to City Manager -2- October 26, 1977 RE: Tanglewood The proposed plan left some of the amenities of the project for later phases of the Unit 1 build-out. These unconstructed amenities include a camper storage/open space area and three tennis courts. Because of the sewer moratorium the applicant is unable to proceed with the plan to build-out Unit 1 even though, by previous contractual agreement with Larwin, the applicant must begin payment for the 33 lots (Lots 251 - 283) in November, 1977. It is my understanding that there is no such contractual requirement on the 52 lots (Lots 155 - 206) until such time as actual con- struction commences. The Tiburon/Carlsbad Homeowners' Association has written a letter dated September 26, 1977 in support of the applicant's request to transfer sewer connection permits to the other lots as indicated. From a practical standpoint the applicant's proposal has merit. Aside from any consideration of private agreements between the applicant and Larwin, approval of such a request would have the following positive results: 1. Additional recreational facilities (tennis courts) would be constructed and turned over to the Homeowners' Association. 2. Additional guest parking and camper storage areas would be constructed which would benefit the new and existing residences. 3. Existing but unusable recreation facilities (swimming pool and recreation building) in unrecorded Unit 2 could be connected to utilities and turned over to the Homeowners' Association. 4. Potential City service problems (police and fire protection) would be reduced if the existing model complex were occupied. From a legal standpoint, there may be a concern that to allow a transfer of these sewer connections to another part of an existing recorded map or to part of an approved tentative map may be placing other developers at a dis- advantage in that there may be other projects of equal or greater merit which would not be considered for sewer allocation. I am convinced that should the City Council deny the applicant's request, the 52 residential units for which building permits and sewer permits have already been issued will be constructed. Summary and Recommendation: From a practical standpoint the request has merit; however, based on previous Council policy, as outlined in the sewer allocation plan which is designed to "retrieve" any sewer connection permits that are not diligently pursued and MEMO to City Manager -3- October 26, 1977 RE: Tanglewood any available sewer connections should be distributed in accordance with the sewer allocation plan, I have to recommend against the applicant's request for transfer of sewer connections from some lots to other lots. On the request for sewer permits on the model complex (models, uncompleted units, recreation complex) I recommend that these be found to be exempt from the sewer moratorium. The findings for this recommendation are similar to the recently approved eight EDU for the Palomar Airport Business Park; namely, that the buildings were allowed to be constructed prior to April 19, 1977. These buildings were inadvertently left off the list of building permits/ structures in process as of April 19, 1977 Tim Flanagan £/ City Engineer TCF:ms c: PWA City Attorney Planning Director Building Director