HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-11-01; City Council; 5243; Palomar Solid Waste Transfer Station-tipv&er 1. m7 -_I_ DEPARTNFNT: Pub1 ir \!arks, - PALOIIAR SOLID %ST€ TE~!FFER STATI(~~~ ADPEAL FOi? EJ~PfIG;I TO Si!;:R iio~,~T~~?~~;i ------_.-- Statement oE the Mz= -- y, &en& t i on *. CoMM~Nny SERViCS ACEKc\i ~~f~d/-~)ilf)lf Of ,~h')/~[d~~fi/1 8 f;/Ofd A3?lffol kO.'.%O1 co~nl, G-N,~,S c.,~. vu oln!~d ~..t~~4. :A? ci.10. CAI~ITR,~ 92111 . '. . . T*lrpnm' isbm ~ep SFC4/1480 D'rector of Environmental Analysis Oivision FROM: Oirectdr of Sanitation & Flood Control SkIBJECT: Palumar So1 id Waste Transfer Station (0-1751 (U; 7842) FAD Log NO. 77-7-34 me enclosed "Archaeological Survey" for tnfs project is subittrd for your revtew in covpliance with Hi tigating Measures A,B,C,D,E,LF for major issue archaeology of the final Enviromcntal Impact Report (EIR). ?he EIR was certified by the 6oard of Supervisors 16 August 1577 (Item No. 67.). For further information, please cnntact Nr. &ry !fesch at 565-5906. Enclcsura* ArchWOlogical Survey cc Ms Kathy Lehtnb, Wi, M 5 0343 92123 . . . . . te(.ph.w: % cou* OP(J(IOfl* l*nlr, 5JSS Ovnlad Avendm, Sr oiep C~II,~,,,; Economic Developnept kbinisrration 1700 :festlake A'renl;e >!orth Seattle, IIA 98199 Attention: Mz. Judy Schwarz SUBJECT: Palmar Soli,! histe Transfer Station - CA-3091, h EC~flomic Developmept Adwinistration (EDA) Local P-&iic ;forks [LPN) grant offer vas received 5 'Gctober 1977 for thc F;.lorzdr SoIid Waste Transfer Station. Specisl Ccndition NO. 2 of the Arant offer reyur-s review and approvli Of sewage disposal plans by the Sm Diego &uty Department Of Public Health and the Division of EceIoglcll Semic-s, US. Fish and Wildlife Service. On 1 XOvaber 1977 the City CounciI of CarIsbad :rant& t:i3 project a Sewer connection for a 4000-gallon per day capacity. Trior to ttis action, an altenative nethod of sewage di;r-sai, s;rch as evaptranspi- rativa system, had b-en proposed. The conventional Sewer connection to be consrmcted ;s the preferred metf,od Of disPsa? and is acceprabie to the County DeTartTent of Public Healrh. kuev?r, since Sewer connectionat the site is uyder the juridiction of the c1tY of Carisbad, the City will review final plans. merefore ye request YOU waive the condition requiring reviw 3f se*.age disposal pians by the Public Health Department and Ecological Servi-es Division. If YOU require more information, please contact >h. ~ar)r xesch at (7141 565-5906. EDA Project KO. C7-51-20105 - Sewage i)ispa;ai Concurrence: - CERCLD QuICi: Chief, Sanitation Division Departnent of Public Health Enclosures: 1. EDA-LPN Grant Offer and SpeciaI Conditions 2. Carlsbad City CoucciI action grzntiirg conllcction (*()~.~'L.). (lp- S-iAS 1,l Iz(;o --E* O~FAQ-HE- r'4~ co 7A;5P@hC&%CE c..L Vcvc-wr '9, 1977 Olrrctor, SaTitarion and c!xd to?t-ol Sir%ctor (bciing), cnvironrrntai z-~alvsis 2tvis;on TO175 Mitigation of Arcra. -,ogy of t3e Palwar Sofir) Waste T-ansfer Statim (UJ 78421, C?a No. 77-7-54 :3?;3 jU8JECT: rht Environcrqtat Analysis Oitlsion staff has rev1md the Ar;hdealaqlcr' SurVq report date& Octobrr 11, 1977 for thr Pa!mar Solid h3:e pro;act stte. - has been detarminca :bat the wrk acLsmpIishcd >atitflcs the ?ttigaClm . measures for archaslogy as contained in rhe Eovirowtentel lmpac: Rcmrt and tbr Envirohnntal Review 8odrd 551ibe;atiops an august: 4, !977. Therefore, ilU further work in required at :his :'x. It destv further infcmation, cal' 565-5391. oi rector (Ac: 1r.g) ___ ,_-5--, --.- -x N T R A C T 0 L, !fuc. RBCkiLVEU GOY c L h R ,A E 'F .c 'A., ?IJ, 107b tC.,.<J Cflr!ht7uCtlGiI Liz. 14!7 a. r~clrptlr it. 3.18iLd Mna, cdl:r:ILr4i. .4~tt:ricio.f: Cy t..: p.L,.n..,r '~~ii! .<., -. .r, I .'. ,t,*clr- . . ,:,- 5 I. I. L r:~l:,,~~~~.~ i- ' u. .c i! 31 :' I. .L,;.'i~-,., . ! n.,t;rc:.. ! L .c Yt),tl' -- .rem tree.. ,I- ..,:. :L. 'i' ..~~et .~tu. 2.ddc-f ~UL. .,:.Lu, ~l!l b= ap~i. or c*',e idat., t;tm t L' .:r.idt'> Jf tno ci~1.p roaic9.uteLy b" ri~t-: . M. .. LII* SJ,:C If.-.: pls*ltlrl,d a',odl?, i,e : .;ntLI. 'rt:Lond and Yblr4 tt& l-r~tr: ~ill qe ri:.nit'tcar,t. ryree zo PO~= L,imos that or the origtnaf -- ruur t:. ~qd Fit'Ch Yu.,~ rec :~cildinq xnabic) 3e -11 Out nlddaai. Erm:,, cont:c!- yromd cover vary -.--- - - ' C: ACk. J qpttus ~e.zil Lo fna mkn. 11 .Ic)~ i),lrc any 1jartlon6, OlLrdSe cell UP. e.? i c. 'a '. ,¶ f :. :h;U&'' 12u ~C(UHCMSrC(CC I . P.lvL%S+Dt CcslMAHiA W myN€ 12'41 *i2U I mnuog -- c - L E.-&ALC-a - Fi2;s:e 4 Cro;?,,Jtr:Z Uctni!... for S'1~c.1 :<r To To ';:.h ,; 2 t i . !I Fomda t icn Leave wire long enoxih to rcaclr and leave 26' long concrete surface Figure 3 CrcainJ?ng and &):>ding r)ttali; KG. 410 MSG ground i.ire for connectioy to c~lunns CaJ-Aeld wire to cdze rcbar Detail B In t c mal t3o th wad~ers Weld gxrr to COIU?~ DetafI A-l Bonding of extc pane? an& mof coIumns and be2 tail A Ground rvd and bonding Cadreld wire to EMAGD- iro 2 facility CAGI.,~~~ Yntrork Concrctc Rclnhrcins Stc-l ar.i <roli,<l PO,], 1.11: t i,: L' f'l I 1,. __---__ Rcirfcrcing Steel I ith 9 ft t-id Lclding Points S:-C! CO!IL--- i oi,; c- Drive IO'frun Slab Ed;e Splice 2" min. Gmund RoCs (5)- v-cid Rebar at 2. ~- r .EM-AGD = ' -2.2- -* . .iE!w?Aan-- ' T ..l11:3 1 :7,:-,<:;;>g s,Ln?l:. ~. __ .. .-__ -- ....-.__ . . ..- - . -.- ---.. --- .._-..__._--- 2::J t3 COI~~.3 i.,r!d rc!><i- :U oat <:!,I 0: ecsh tract C.?L:::-I.D .f/3 :.ires Inn: for each cabi- r:et) to XrJii-d r+:: ?rnder !:CC Roo? md to rt")?r grid. Sol: b-'.: to cabinet. Sme as ~b0v.o (5) CAW~CiD 4;O wires (cne for each notor) to ground counsct-poise u: . shre2dcr fc,Lind+tiGn and to rc'u~r grid. bolt wire to t.otor J-box. and gro?lnd grid acmss vibration iso!ation. anchor bolt an2 to foundation rebar Meid tn colti-ms or bcw5 after boltin l'lcld across flanLes after bolting Washers with inside to3th and pop- rivct. (Sce,Fig. 5) Kill be detcmined aftcr structures 9 Shri.d??r r'o-nJatiott reb3r 1r:dircc: CiJKELD 4/0 uire to foundation rebar 9 Shredder anchor 'colts DiTCCt ifel4 I/?' rchar to bottom of each to rcbar grc~nci grid to girts zd purlins and air dl;cts are as;cmbtcd c 4. QUALITY ASSUL~SCE PI,GIIS[C*;S 4.1 f1cctron;~i~r~c Enviro,iwIIt SU:~C,- - An electmnagnetic Cnv:ronwnt su~'~ey {lilt bc per€om.J ,cfore snh steel at thc site is erected jnC sfcer ?he %::ion is in o;--J.c~M A conparison of tf.2 "bcfc,rc" and "after" 6x3 \:ilr be czde tu ictt size the Stcticl-5 C!ec:r~--i;-rntit spccrt,.t. sources rcasining cqcut) - - .he s~r~ry ,.iI; te p*rEir--$d LX. a.1o~~rw ~,+XX.LT--.?C~, 150 fex from the fiorth-eist side of the Station building on the small bIuf overlooking the =ice. Singer CIX Field Intensity :fctcr ):ode! XF-I05 hick apprapriate mC (;b:--:-; -!! ntkcr - The neasurcncnt xi11 be pcrEome ! with a The bonding resistance of any individuil bond shnlL be 3.0025 oh or less. ?he bonding resistance fma any netdltic strccture to b other metallic stncture sIu11 be l.U ohm or Icss. Vis resist* shall bc vcriiicd rrith a ShaIIcioss ?hkI 670-8 Go~dini !Ieter, EcAa.G,cF - - mct31 stding .and rsof to the ~rtJ\ -.id picll-rs. Re bor'h~n~ r-:\at!. c-p?oycd it Ill? 5t:ricin :.re stclsr~i~d In Tabll 1. 3.2 S;llcI~;I?g The prrnary RCf sourcc is tho ;c:< coqtrotl2r der rotor. The hvlsinc for tiic SCR crrntrqlle bc a shielded NEW Type 12 cnclos.tre 3s sho+n in iLnuiL 5- closure sems 1.111 be heidert .mJ the Jcmr wtiqg and fi1;cr nq XCJP WLLI 'De provided vLtr RG~-cG.=~~:~I; 2n.t cl~ct~tc~~~ ly LV'C iirxrsh, such as cadniuq, zinc, 3r n;cicl placir.:. :he In o~tp~t pwer RFI P 1,OOr) tiP shred- bullhcs&munt ineK vi11 be pro- put tcmih31s. will be provided with 1/4 inch ncsh to shield thc corntitar naise. 1 The huilGn2 is all netsIlic with special provisions for clcctricd 3.5 Power Filtcrinq The Fer and signal lines to and iron the SCR controller enclosure will be filtered to ensure RFI suppression at 76.8 1H2. %i;l be su7pressed rrith 0.08 uF fcedthrough capacitors. will bc sq2re;sed with standard 10% pass filtcrs. Powerlines Signal lines Since each dr- ---Emcab 3.2.2 Crowd Rod:: rn certain locations of the site the ground is to3 hstd for driving gra*Aqd rods. At these locations a SO fc-- ground radial of 4/0 N;'G bare copper will be buried 18 inche, belor. rlt:isli grdde. radial will be routed pcqendicular to the buildin,. trench itill be dug. the ;r/O AliC bare copper wire laid, 3nd the trcnch will be filled for 6 inches above the wire with 3 Pixture of 908 ria- tive soi2 and 10'; nsgnesiu:! su!photc. The ground The rcquired Thc rcnainder of the trencS 1 connections will be made by welding steel to steel or by exother- c uclCLng (CAEiELD) of copper to steel. The notor rotors!-.af: of thc 1,000 tlP notor will bc providcd with a grounding bms'. to prevent bcild up o€ static electricir; and sub- sequent discfizrye za cause RFI. LL,= p'ns for zercurv vapor or so2iui;l vapor lazpr will be grounded by driving a grczrd rod, and connecting a 410 At& wire to the giound rod, rebar and the lamp pole. 3.3 Electrical Bopding Electrical bonzing is defined as the electrical connection between two metalIic sxrfaces used to provide a low resi:tance path between Most bonk at the Station are direct bonds hhCm a continuous netal to ncta1 COP.:.^^ is estsblishcd bet;rcen the ncrbcrs joined. Ex,tmples of direct boadinp are rcbar mlding, gird ta steel coliinn vclding, ad steel colum to roof-bean WeIding. h indirect bond Is an electrical conncctionen?loyinga Iow impedance iatc.nedlate electrical condubtor bcthe-n thc bondcd nmbers OF indirect bondzng are thc 410 NtG conductors fmn thc ground grid to ea& steel co1w;m and the pop ri\ets used to bond the sheet Exaple clccriits uf [.!IC ctrsi~x arc: -. Don<! i 13,: -- Filtcrinz - .>:iL,2;<:L:lL: <. The aetdlic st:uctui21 coi,?dncnts of thc bttilding will be utilized for grounding, bondine, and shiclding. RFI filters :rill be added Gihere rcquircd to supprcss powerline conducted RFI. siqltfication of the structural and RFf supprssion conponents uti- lized iU yea.-\_-- --L:-.+- E'? -f the Station. An extensive ground grid vi11 be established under tne ~,i:::z build- ing. The reinforcing steel will be :ieldcR togeiker in S - 10 fa-zt.. incrfnents. Kelled to this ground grid. The stccl coltr,ns will be bonded to :he ground grid by use of ZJ. 4/0 P.KG ground jtrnpcrs. structure, girrls, and purlins will bc bondcd by ielding across cvev joint. The outer shcet mftal panels used for t..i:ls and roof ill be bonded in at least tso praces pcr pmcl to the girds or purlins. By Figure 1 is a Xpproxinatcly thirty 10' x 3/4" ground A~ds \lilt be 'Itrc coht-n-bearr- ther details ~t:l be Given in the folloxinp seitiocs. .. Fsci 1 i ty CrotaL! Se:xork Enclo5-A rn.21 arid ref?f?rreC concre+- stiucttircs v.:l.l provide eff-r tive radio.fre3oenc). shielding betlseen interior an& exterior if all peripheral cecal is electrically bonded together and grouiided. &bile it is generally adequate to ground a facility via a ground rod, the dry soil in the Station location requires a ground grid under the en- tire Station building. The ground grid will be constructed as follows 3.2.1 Concrete RtinEJrcing Steel The reinforcing steel in floor slabs a;ld uatls will be used to con- struct the ground grid. As shown in Figure 2, the reinforcing steel Rebar joints %ill be overla;-.ed an8 welded for a-distance of. 2 inches. Ihe objective of this installation is to have tebars in permanent clcctrical contact in IO foot intcrvtts. The rebar of the different levels and of retaining walls will also be intcrcor-:ected by welding the rebar or by we of ?Io. 4/0 Ah'G copper wire. 1 . lsrk.(;DCc-r ft,x 1. I PU~OSC oE i\FI Conzrol r1.m 1.2 Scape . The primary objpctivs of the RFI suppressior, grogran is to ensure that the opiration of the Solid Wiste Trmsfer Ststion does not cause in- terference to the UCSD Solar Flare Antenna Array (see Ref. 2.1) at 73.8 ?.Hz. A secondary objective is to dcsign the Station, SO that its operation will. not cause intcrfrrence'with radio broadclscs, air- craft radios and TV. This RFI control plm sum3ri zec tlte engineerin,o design nzthods that will be used to achieve the aboae objectives. the erp?oyed RFI suppression techniques will suppress the radiated RFI from the 1,003 RP 20 dB shielding by building). It is anticipated that System by SO 38 (60 dB s9urcc scppression plus 2. REtEP.E-:;CES 2.1 Letter fro? %T.ey Rickett (UCjO/.4Pc!S) to Larry Kurt (San Dicgc Cocnty), dated X=,- 8, 197s. drives and SCR co-troller may caiise interEerencz at 73.8 WZ. Lcttc: states that operation of E€ 3. RFI CC.'T.GL >E?FiODS 3.1 Ovarfieu Tne electronagetic compatibility (EX) of the Solid lastc Transfer Station (hereafter called Station) is dependent upon the wire-con- ducted and the radiated radio frcqL-.ncy intericrogL;e (RFI) E~OR the Station. sqpress the RFI sources. The primary RFI source is the SCR contml- Secondary RFI sources are the mercury-vapor Imps. thc rectifiers far ler for the :,DO0 HP direct current shredder motors (scc Ref. 1). the Dc magnets, fluorescent lights, various On-Off s<dicching cycles for electrical equipment. and elcctrajtatic chsrge/di=charge of mrious moving and air handlillg eqcipcent. 'Ihe objective of the RFI control efEort is to identify and CO\Tl'\TS FC:": 0'' 0 1. I~TmLIu~I~Y 2. REFErESCES 3- 8f.I CO'XTROL EETIfODS 3.1 QvcrlricU 3.2 Facilxty Ground hettzork 3.3 Elcctrrcai Condlng 3.4 Shielding 3.5 ?ohti Filterirlg 4. QUALIN A5SUILZI;CE PROVISIOXS 4.1 EIectrornqpctic Ettvironxent Survey 4.2 Eonding bleasurcnents I-IGU.WS A" TABLES Tab. 1 Bonding Sunmar). Fig- I Sm~~ary of Grounding and Bonding Approach 7 Fig. 2 FaciIity Ground Network Fig. 3 Grounding and Bonding Details Fig. 0 Grounding Details for Shredder FaurjaLlon 10 aid ElCC Room Fig. 5 EncIosure Coni1;:Jmtion for SCR ControIXers 11 with IFI FiIters FhoTr [;f4:4s3 ,sa0 . . . .. - . . .._. . . . F 3 R E N A R D t1,c tasks d.zscribed in this report. AS OF July 20, 1978 tr ; Sroiinding of thc 1,000 HP Shred4cr Systes ha5 been established. Y OF SAN DIEGO COMMONTY SERVfCES AGENCY Dtpm-tmnt of Snnitotiarr tY Hood Col/r/rof (C Counf? OW*[-$ CWW. SS53 OVNIM~ A*.rm., Sln 0!.(1. C8llfinls 92121 . . . . Telq REF. sf University of California, San Diep Oeparhent of Applied Phybics and Information La Jolla, CA 92093 Attention: f4r- Barney Rickett Y2-2 - >LoLo SUBJECT: Radio Interference Control Plan for Palomar Sc i ence Sol id Haste Transfer Station Here are two copies cf the Radio Frequency Interference Control P for the Palmar Solid Waste Transfer Station suhitted to the COU of San Diego by ECCO Contractors, ;nc. The report was prepared f ECM by MAC0 FX Consultants and is intended to meet the require ments set forth in your letter of 8 Hay 1Y78 to Mr. Larry Hurt. ( of San Diego. Following your review, we request tha& you resprd, in writing, < the acceptdbiljty of this report in terms of meeting your previot expressed requirerpnts. Should you need further information, pic cO~L-- John Fr;t.or? -t (314) 565-‘53’! JNP : 5 j Enclosure cc Cy Jevec, ECCO Contractors, Inc . l.\!\I.l{\l[) of ( \I fi()li\[\ \\\ I)!/ f 0 - <.t - -_ _____ -- ____ - -_ __ .- - .111k1 , $1 Il>,\, < $,I, - --. - - . ._ - ._ I \ It ,I I I 1-11 lr,)l<..f \ 02091 f>tP\'~l\l€.'.l 01 !i'l~lE~>ltit~i \ I\ )I < ''*AI, Cctub2r J, )9/8 loseoh A. Rernlej Principal Civil tngineer Oepartment of Sanitdtion & Flood Con:rol County Opzrations Center 5555 Overland Avenue San Cliego, CA 92123 Dear Hr. Rernley: Frequery Interrerence at the Palomar Solid Waste Transfer Station. These seem highly satisfactory. Me nate that a 'before' and 'after' test will be performed. It uou?d be very infarmative ta us'ta have one of us present when the tests are perfomd. Thus please could you contact Dr. William Coles (452-2703. Secretary 452-3603). when the 'before' test will be scheduled. Ir the (presumably unlike?y) eventuality that the measures in the control plan do not achieve the 80 dB (60 d8 source suppression plus X) dB shielding by building) of suppression from the lOD0 HP system, what further measures would be attempted? The report does not address this gue~tio~. I will be away until ffecember 27th and meanwhile Qr. Wftliam Coles will be dealing with this question. attenti-- c *'-.h has ba- Cii2-i to ma!., *he SS+.eddiny r .*-tion cornpati' :a with our 73-8 P!!z antenna array. Re: SFC4ft4di Thank you for ymr letter of 3ctober 2 and the control plan for Radio The reprt docuvents the steps which will be taken ta confrol the RFI. tle both appreciate the, evidentTy, thorough Yours sincwely, 6,- RL);it?r.- Barney. J. Rickett Ccunty of Jan 31e;o Dcpartn!rnt of' .;anitaion k Flood Control Re: October Pi, ~'ld ',{a ~tlaL1 co[,t\?.lJe to review these nolse probLcns ad methods of aLirniriatintj ttl,.:!t i'or the rt3i:izlnJer of our concract period to Ltnticlpatrl any problems and to hh<e ready remeJfietJ available. iiery truly your:;, Palornar Solid Waste Transfer Statlorl - Paca 3 ECCC CO:;F**cTORs, INC. ....... - .. C. E. Jevec A'' mr +%-a 2: i IK'L~LT 2' tz: r7- ?roe( ,,A+ ld:!?:$ ?W IiOi,C I ?.3-!1',:&: 17'. a- 'S <'l--trff :hlv t c VI --wor~c3 ... :'acli icy T' ;F secorc tdciCct, 113; 7ddwi t~vi, :.fa:~15. able Ca :&:e i-t-1.~~ raatjin:; of the r1ol-e LeveL. The .?rprgmen: 2t ~e:'c(i:tol: ra Idr-r-tticsL tc odr single ::ne eaxpt for the foli-wing; r,riry are usir2 9 52~ ;iT ?lotor and 3ur3 is a 1'?W HP tiorror and t,l:.~y 7.r~. lzi[iG a cycl--,e Instad or I saxshcuse, levels, a t'ipgin;: floor le/e't 2nd d~ ~4uip"le~t, floar level about, 12' kd:r than the t,:ppLnn tlaor. '3e C,atal r'locr %rea. 13 about 5$)4 i=*; :Pian Palomar. it! sinilar to ?aLoPar. The t'ollowinc: iz a smmary OK' the reading tasen: .It tPLs pisnk +te were - - TS+ hll?.!l'.*:< WZS .A~it at' (:OrCYett 2nd CGfiCFEte bl0CX fa C,WO Door? and oper.in+:ls ['or tmc~ =cess woufd _. - . ! %zterly sile ~f the cu1LdFng sr/G mors {lYp.X 14') open Ir/,hreddsr line operstlng, loader working and one trash 13~ LF fran building 65 DBA Xd Lr' frat buildbg 60 DM he3terLy side of building w/sPrradder LLne aperating, 3 Large wall exkzaust fans operatlriq and Loader operating at about 300'~ ?ran resdings: LG~J L? r'rm bi!ildir,g (3 CBA 2 )r) i3 from bui ldiw 38 DM t?aLA?.in, truCK running: 2) ?,.. -- was opG about Otll Ln LFne with shredders: . 130 LF frcm wilding 62 DBA 239 LF fFQm 3Jlldlng '3 3BA tiortherl-y slde of ouIldin5 in Line with pscKers and packer tNCi Wfth Lb' L 10' door ODtftl: 13.2 LF from outlaink: 65 SEA /$>+I LP from Suiluirw t~: L3A 61 Proin cr~c review of these two t'acilittes we GO not arrtlcipatiTa ,~robtt'.q dth ,??&,in& the rdqG!.red r?of;e L-.v.=L ;LlpUtated in tbe (;it I 07' CarlsbaA Ccndrtiorial Use Pesdt cor ,ur ,hre?rfinq oyorat Ions. ECCQ Contractors, lnc. (It0 531-UcO i71d) 531 CoHTR*CToP.'.) LEEWE. A- Gctobcr $1, I. i::$ ,. ..- .-.. County cf Sar, Di,:,:o Depaztqt.rtt of Szr-:itatlor. ?i Flood CsntroL 5555 O'ieriax! Avenue - 3uil.jing 2 ' San diee:o, Ca.32123 Attn: John Pastore Re: Palonsr Solid Waztr Transfer Station City of Carlsbad Conditional Use Permit Noise Control Dear Jdw, The City of Carljirad in the Conditional Use Pemdt has restricted the noise le-rel at the prbperty lines of the 21 acre site to not sxczed a level greater than 65 D. B. A. The plrst facility inspected was the New Orleans Plant. At this plant we were not in a position to take sound readkgs, as we were llnlted by the ontier of the plant to view the operation only. These facittirs would be comparahie with the Palomar Plant. Thsrr w-re 2 shredders, one Hell identical to ours and one i:orizontal shredder with our capacity. The infeed systea was 2 lines of .netal infeed conveyors and on2 tronel screen. Ours si:a!n wotilii be slmilar except for the tromel screen. There was on:j one !ischarge conveyor with a cyclone for dust collection. 'P!%a,;y *Id not have the packer system that we rill have as part of our operstTon. Ttx bcildirig was a ne%aL tillldlng witti sppraxi:xee'-ely the same ..JLL~~C: t'oor; area and height 86 curs, but only on one level. Ctk:+:r quipcnent in th facility that we wlll not have in our3 it an LuLesstv- a.nount of roof Jentilation farl. (Approximately -,)( dnLt,c>.) TtiebP probably were lnsta'rled dhJe to the wet refuse tnry hdnctlz. Tte o~iirds in the oull.dft,, for trucks a&ah '&ere ' 0 11 +flute witt. O~~f~. Arbninibtratfor h3s assuwd us '.fiat the County's [ovircmentzl ds-lysfs Division, actiq dS staff far t+e Eovirowntai Rev?* Boarb, way re- view our sutarirted plans ad reports. For further iqfornation, contact John Pastor? at 565-5323. cc: 3. EurLe Enclosur2s: Exhibit 'A' C. Raufmdn Sufidfng Plan and Specificatioqs Landscape Plan Colw Chart Mise Discussion Solar Wind Anrennae Stuey Sanitation & Flood Control Le UCSD Letter, dated 4 Oct 1978 e, datd 2 Uct 1378 Environments! Analysis Division CONTACT MEMORANDUM - -- tu ib Cc--tcPjr+ +<> CLL4i/l &*&/ 6 -- -- COUNTY OF S,4N DIEGO COMMUNITY SEilYXXS AGENCY Depar:mHt oj5anii~i%z 2 Fiod Coiztd (oza cwmq Optnrr tratr, %SI ;krlmd ~vtca, 31 Mq.. catndr MI> . .-.-. nkb.s . Okctr Ref- 1481 b DEC 1978 TO : Drrector, Environmental hnrlySis Mvisic? (0175) Attention: Brian Money FRCM: Director of sanitation & Flood Control {CJSU) SUBTECT- Correction to Preliminary hkrlse Study for the Palmar Solid Waste Transfer Station - - EDA Project Yo. 07-51-?0405 A preliminary noise study for the Paloaar SolLd Waste Transfer Station was sent to yo^ on 6 Yoveaber 1978 for your revzew. first paragraph in that report mistakenly stated that the City of Carlsbad's Conditronal Use Permit (CUP) restricts the noise level at the property lines of the Zi-acre site ta 65 db(Af, correct noise level should be 60 db(A). In addition to this preliminary noise study, vc have requested the Department of Transportation tu conduct P suppleaental noise study to measure the ambient noise level [Leq) at the property line of the 21-acre site sometime in Ignuary 1979. This wiIl provide 4s with a standard by which to compare the measured noise level once the shredding operation 5egins. Should the present ambient noise leveI (L ] exceed 60 db(A?. we may ask the City of Carlsbad for a wai% of Condition Na. 3 of the CUP. If you hake any further questions, please contact John Pastore at 565-5323. c. J. HOUSOY The The JhlP/dsr cc Clarence Kaufman, SGFC, Solid Waste Oivision Cy Jevec, ECCO Contractors, Inc Vr. John ?isinre "33c 2 7eccrtber -3, l$i% Director (Acting) iOt~8ICJ:lab ' ~tsfarsMeaaae~', .-. . 1 . . . co..--, .". . .., I W. ., c'. z- Ir I L >- par &Y) by 1982. Eatgy io the fonn of electricity wm k cam& -ti*' - . -t 00 s.oitatfoa .nd Flood control e?3tFmat.s it vu tab 20 kuaratr h- of rtthisity to procaas. 1 tam of mh h.rd upaa "ruuw of w 8- mtiW. &e th Wh has bee* pr0ces8add, tbr sbreddsd maate & bs -'as t tb. =-t hndfm, which at thi. tin t am (19 w my). bty-toa capcity k=fLvs pulled by awe1 -ad prt mweta VLIl b. rahd u tranep the shredded patcrid arid 2 or 3 trip8 a day to ZMPQP~ the ptrre mhb. d 6-day a w swfrsa average of 135 trash packert and 200 pri-t. atrtds- ad s&er -lo am expxted at tsa h-aufar staecp -8 day by 19132; do thap irrMe * "P- for gensral a-tt.tih cs -.rrch d U vfco - ==4=-Cd fn tuna OE BTU'S (=at of emug~ w to facrc-6 cifcutatfurc do not imzhde tha emrgy cactcnt of capfm .Quqmellt, nor d-4=.mt. H- coczgr L. apitt@ci by cormatiat, vh.tavep it. wtuf;c, th. Q=P==tm, of1 & 0f-tn.r 10 -it), med ftr lim apcrttiop a - - -1 in the procars. Electricax pwer -t&d &Jm'&u - map (- apart. at .boat 33% efficiency) is canmxt& to m*s by aqim by =.SI? BTU/M!-- Qs gallaa of pee- fml pr cpktsa oat t~ =,09S 8TU. oo;coaap..ocdutbresnltQf~~tiar; : * - Sorrrcc to bei- EnuPp,= Stofar, WS. I is caaputed in paa c. a) Tr?ampartatiOn LSumptSOrp: I) ApproxiaatdLy 30% cf the l3.5 pwkers and private autdtlea ce frca th south and vest at t!m Palozvr vtlao will not bra to &iva t&e additional 38 der rd trip to the Bd lAdf1J.l. 3) Collcctfoa vehicles @acbrr) average 5 a.p.g. 4) Petroleum fu%L = l.38,095 BVl/G.llm 31I4 x US pack psr day x 38 sUes = 1,539 aflu F by saved L,S39 SFla psr dry tS qpg = 308 gLf- X -,096 m/W = Q,505,6U mia 30% X 260 aut- and prckrrps puc day x 38 dm = 2,280 m.Un ?a By 2,280 dlcs pcr day + 14 a.p.g. = 163 Gd, x 338,095 m/U= 22,5oP,&s __ __. - - - - __ - ._ - b) %Mwncallso~crp -tias: 1) Th dy aabarw recovery includrd in tu¶ ptafct vill k To ptocm a too of A, - Id& drdl M - of prcductial.* Ed4 tm 05 racydad steal &x isaarr PlaL- 4% of tb tlxalas. - idamtry. -ling steel requires dy 27,~,OOO ETU prr too to roach tbs w,OoO,66d Brn. 2) Ib. - ffsurq of 740 to4d.y wtll be used. :> kt warage of 7% by eight of incoofnq mh is r'.cycLabls hrr- -tab. Due to a~~tLaafcal efficiencies, about 90% of th+se amaL CM be recovered. (Oept. of Santtatim Q Float Control) 7% x 740 tow/day x 00% f 47 tons/day .) Lpdtlll Eqaprmsnt cowre&= ecequcntly aa rmsluQddrd Wh, m 2) Eatrdlarn Plrb = m,O95 rn per giuoo. 2 how per day. , - _- __ - g gmIla&day x W,W5 erO/gaL * 1,1&760 are/ 1 -x 4 bnrrs/&y x 9 guap pr Bmt s6 s&y x =,095 m/d.lam * - R)rrrr -far stauoa ts an 89ffcient 9.ctim 1 .. Emrw (part A) Rnduced Distance (wrt a) R~COU-. public IhiviEg -5,OlS,L26 BTu/&y 36,733,no BTU/day ercd Ketal 61l,000,000 B1Uld.y tpaa C) Redrred Equipment Usage 6,076,YO BTU/&y- at Wftll .682,09L,506 m/&y of 4~~98,034 m/day, fn tb fam of energy consmed, Fa rued. w tb. sbruihr fJ opcratd 3i2 days pct year, thi8 read- fn a OdVllMs of ~,J~~w,o@I BTVs perpar. This €igura f.s aquivahxt to mer 1 aLLLfat gdlam uf petrolpus fact each yeax. &tnre via, of the station MY dictate ttm addLtforr of - 2.c- rpuiparat ww a mschine or dedce to swa and recoya~ atptnw- '~h totat m reqaixesant far p;~duztiOa per tm ;P s-d-~u is - I - - - - - qqm53ma-y 200,00(3,000 m. ReCyem aladnm cons- dy %,00(1,ooo ~ . BT(I per tom, a net m of 175,000,000 m pa tm- vs of tbt mt8L ircop~nl d waw at tfw ~.lrrm rite is -& to k~ ex1 TU die Rlos+r -far st.tiaa, et8ly u.00 - pa prr at raqcu& rbd.d ax, m &iditicpil192,5oo,o0O,oO0 mu's per par wfll br ab3.4 to k' dm, Shopld b0 db fat mm. m thc m 8-= c. cQI)cIp.6, vhich L. qui- to a svtmp of neU aver ES dllfm w 5 -, ,' The numbers and letters refer to the memo sent to ua 011 archaeologist as defined by the San Mego County Cufdeliacs for Arched& 0974). Mr. Fink reviewed and signed the archaedcgy report before sub- her will remain as submitted. size of the sites are limited to the outline of the the surface area which one artifact cwers wag present, hence M subsurfme patented 2 Site CE #123 oj-1202) will be destreyed aa 8 ad WLIl be donated to the county auks and redesign Fe totally umecessury. IZO subsurface remains exist. si- CE #US W-UO21 sLfkk1 sxyx&" (37.7 hectares), is located approximateJy 3/4 mile nca*esst of ttre papa project in Loa Honoe Canyon. California's Natural Land and Vitter Reserve Systmt. directly or indirectly, by the project. BJ The area from the project .site weat to ET Camino Real. has been dbturbed by past agricultural actfvitiea. Narth, eaet, and slightly south of tM. project site is an inland sage/mixed chaparral colwunity. attached vegetatfon map). of the mixd chaparral and blends in uith it. mi3 reserve ie a part of the biversfty 0 It will not be fqMc (Refer to The former plant type fs m the vestern fkiq A steep sided canycn €8 stream and a dirt road cuts through this CMYOO bottom. obsmed in +the stream at the time of the survey, Noveuber 30,1976. No uater uas by trails, artd scateered refuse dfapceal. The canyvu bottax bas been disttrrbed by the dfrt road and &-road vehicle8 uhich use this area. Ruu-off frce this canyas and adjacent areas drains n-19 fnto Agua - Redfaxla Creek hated aboot 2,000 feet north of tht pro$ect: site. ccras~ffoa of the transfer site and asscciated roads aup slfsMlp taczeasc surface mf!? fnto tfte previously mentioned canyon WhiLk borders the projet at the cast. . rib, except to the south, is vacant Lanb. Two light Isanufacking to tbr east. Q Faa ~pecias of raptors were observed flying 'C the project area anb nearby vicinity. They were the turkey vulture (Cathartes aural, white @an areas. in the Bounty, but are usually obaerved fn the aolc rural. areas. The turRey vulture and white-tailed kite are also caapw " OQ ~lllitatia and nood cmtr& ~oauty (otay). NO Clam I arateria~ urn te prccei rubbish, small $d ndAtively nal-tmdc mtezfrlr rra tba said web that wUl be m at -- - unrpa&cc.pacity at thr Pdlamr lite. -mc Road both luve capacities udl bymd ths of the Pal- bcccss routerr. trash far ultimate disposal, Even tak cat, and air poU~Os sad by locatfar wrii -be of @e saa Han2aa-J eLfRfsSt5O of the prfisq mart Road to the PaI J. Zransprtatian-rs&t.& air qdf- impscb VU bp less amem wtth tlm *-fat ad shrrddr-: Locat..& at ttu Pahaur afta. Tbs redwed driving dbtamxa for the gemral public tn reach this site more ehrm carpermates fat the elindnatim of the prime mow uith tho shredder locatmi at t&e san lbrcoa site. . 8. Tbe operatim of the Palamx Transfer Statim will hava an inaf@ifiemt e*t oa local ah quality. l%e majority of the plant is electrical,- drh tnta cdrtstf=n er~L-zes beirg used culy ia t*.c 5-4 tzxk - Engines for these movers are siadler than those fd in the average a WbLle. mofstrpe which discourages dust- wing, mow-, shredding, and kWb rat& separatioa wFu aT1 take pke in an enclw bullding,. there..y oinitizing particulate polbti- - .-. . .I" -- Dmst k a potentia ~rob&, but a mi& me. 'hash con . h the went dust becanea a prcb dntirfpathg the der of clays in which Federal standarde of arrmtrdlable variablas srrh as fnversioa heigkts, teaperaw uind caodiffo~~. Zbre ah&, harwer, be ao change fra tbe present Circ-talreS, 9. T& ShrCariiJYg operatfa! fa 1,500 feet fraa the nearest CdUnBy prirpcrty L projact uelt camfsts of Las Elmo8 loarpy ffne sand (Iec2) with eroeLolt 1% Tbre QP three soil types m the project site. The mfarity of the mntilr slfght to modcrate. Iha =and mcut cm sou type is &au&nw 1- W2) with qt to &ate e=eiaa potentlil. We hat rotf -, f. Cienct3 c0r-e randy losm, located in dt~? csnyop to the "at of t project. -off in Ciene$a sofb Ls rapid to veq rapfd. lcllR p-1 fn Ci3rmb.a re Ls high, i 7 v Rohr to tim koqly Appendix fur a discoseion of ttm lamislid. east of the project vfu. be Lxatd m a higher al.evatLm Md far eqk wag tbo b&l.idt area so ms not to impact it at dl. will be cd by thts draft EIR faclude tb f&wf.rg: -MrPollatiulc~~f --- --- Stat~ Sad Yaste t4aaag-t Red County Wth &pent ... tbr proposed project. --;- - ' , - .-/: .. ., .. j - MAC W E"&?E8 ?lMT SPLCICS OAT4 ?QW 5. Elavatfan ab -2lQ ft. S. ~ocation: btrtud. UQ~' a' - Longitude , '4. .r -< U. S. DEP".~?'T.'C~~T 3F CO>'J'E9CC Eco,icmic DcveLop[:rn t Adzinistratio7 EXti I B IT "A " ___- Locai P&?ic Works Program Pro;ectr do.: 07-51-20405 - -. __ - _-A_- -- SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. The Crantee $prees to conduct tnder the consultation of the State Histc-r c Prcservatioc Officer (ShPO) ZR historical/ archeological survey of the area to be affeceed by chis project, A copy of tbe completed survey shall be provided tu the SHPO and the Government. If the survey disclases that: a property Places or eligible for &he Register is IacaEed vithin the affected area, the Government uifl tmpreaent the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation z "Procedures for Lhe Protection of Historic 2nd CultuiccL Properc'ies,'' The Grantee further agrees to comply with the results of said "Procedurest' and understands ;hat such results may include! a requirement for- salvage operations, relocation or redesign of the Droject, or even deobligation of roject fands. The requireneuts ?f this special condition sha 1 be concluded prior to the initiation of construction activities for the project facilities. However, based cpon the results of the survey and the approval of the Advis3ry Council on Historic Preservation, construction activiti may be allobed to begic for those project Pscilities which WiLl not affect z~y eligible GC listed property. The Division of Sanitation, Sm Diego County Department of IIeaZt and the Division of Ecological Services, 'J.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at Lao.lna tJ.':gel, have reviewed and approved final plans and specifications with respect to sewage disposal and rage and endangered species, respectively, and r me Sari Diego Cat "y Enviornncnt31 Xevicw Board has revicwcd fin; plans 3nd specifica:;ons and is satislied e at appropriate measuz will be taken tc mitlpte adverse edfe-ts on major issues as dis- cussed incLuded noist, qccni c/visual ~esours~~s and then solar uir antennae systcm. . which is either ljsred on the Natronaf Register of Erstozic 2. 3. Project KO. : 07-5I-20405 Approval ssb kard Dace: SEp 3 a 19JI APPROVAL A!tE AVAU OF GT+Z?- fbfc "B-LPW") which are herein incorporated by reference, the pent Admtnistratton, U. S. Lh?par:mnK of Coazarcc (Caveranenl and evards a Grant not ta exceed $3,&02,000 ta the Count] iego, California, oYlde riLtaiiL:u: =--'qtance for construction OE a resow hasircant Secretary for Economic Deve:op=nt . .. . rtflfratfop of the Graa; avarded in accordaLze utth the few and conditioas - referenced. Legal Same of GKdnCee Title of Affirming Official Ticla of Certifying Offfciai .. hkcd u- Date Ihr 2D-m (Ibev. 9/77) UScOF%-DC 6129 ~tl? JW~IS~~~AI-IOI~ IjAm Slto No. * RrnbC77 5 r€ Statat TJ‘,~ - (-..+/>?4”.<.<&- Pk& ).,~,~r/OA L/LA*T/W3 Sc7ZT’-* U.S.C.S. @&ad: ~wJ, Mdrcsr: S55.3 OVEeuA:,) AV State: p’.@w,fi zip coda: 72/23 Previous Tenant r I/m&,‘T iuscu?I Pcccsslon 1.3. : ,UL7u,c Univarrity kcxiaskon tlo. : ,~.IJM~ Othcr hccccslon :io. : mte oc Record: 7hr/7i~ wratos /vr, tist or rhotos. //A bstc of s8lrvcy: 7h 7/77 CCttlf,Cd By: fl-/JLY Pi‘- 5aca NO. i ,&~=x ~,-s Life 7'nc: (Sari Oicqo County) - "3untiins dnland Valleys and Kcsas - Cescct feoth?ls tEasratn slop) DCSOft _I_ Plant Ccmmmitics: !Sari Dicqo Cwinzy) Southern ?ds wodlm3 - Yontanc Cor\ifutous ?arcst - Siqcbrusn Scrllb - Prnon-]mipar iioodhnd - Coastal Sir~nd Creosote $ash Scrub Alkalk Shk - - Of UT?-#/ /7€ a/> /,X diad LzMs &cal *Water Sources: .A(/ - _I h-fi rcis G i7ke Y Gz /ocar /c r 42 cc-.--l p Soil Description. conposition: 1ry OF sw D,K -a - F~~L..f.rA+L.~~. ,JL ."a Tontnciva F//< - e- Itlr, .sew c .-4CYA sit0 No.:&?&-& r,,-F Featuf ES : cultural IIoriron: !P Tu- C;rPeF. QL!crs: mtianalc *or cocclusions: lye*, SA- ,.. . ,,P'.-nJ 5 , rrrg ,+ LL'v-43 /+,,, HcT?*A m. dr6c37-5 S.,L,.. cuc*,rm- /'-I. .. .--x --- 'S =rzn, Llgp p, ? *-r'e-Lc , s.-*- ~ TPP5 Dbm cr "1 w JC f- clp fi- IN "C/&<<II.. c.r##cz ry - &r L'> , -<e- I IC- .&€?7.-~~d~ r.L 81-0 PC ,... c. -. LLaEz4 *nJJl-- *a f- -*-A 7- 'JA;-;'--l -~*L~-uJ.*~.....; u-.a.:ttcr.rw:,r ;. ?r.-tui.uti ... ;i CI.:z2-, ..; . ')I, rc...-L:.L. .... ... , ..... Dcffi, r/ 1s @ 1 FL-~' El4P;/ Ef I hgt& 16, 1977 ?X? I. 1 .ttekgp fJ. ' I ., , :*w> ,. #T Fi bi D ]i i# 6 s bA?-:2. ..3 3'adp'I FALOCUR =LSD W.- fWSFFR STATIOP( A Pabtic PmJect, EA0 Log 277-7-34 August 4, 1977 SIZYIFIW? ENVIRmNEhTAL IWA- IDLYTSFTLD BY THE CivTX!IWXTAL REVIEW BOARD 1. w (See the Following %tigating Measure) 'toise levels esfiaated to 56 in the range of 95-100 d5(A) at a dis- tance of 50-feaC froe the shredder will be genarated by the shredding operation unless effective noise reduction techniques are employed, and noise levels at the nearest propsty line will be in the tmgc of 83-88 dB(A} and A 60 dB(A) noise IeveI will exist at a distance qf spproxbately 3,140-feet from the shredding operation. vlthout &equate mitigation, the 6a &(A) noire contcur produced by this project will envelope an area of approximtaly 690 acres -- in contrast to the 21 acre project site itself. As A result, This impact can be niti- Hitipsting Measure Construction of the shredder building should utilize materials which will insure that noise hveh produced by project related activities do not exceed 60 &(A) in areas outside of the 21 acre project sfte u (L result of activities related to this project. Disruption of Solar Wid Antennae System 2. (See the Folkwing Wit?,ating )(r~sures) -- A-~~o....:zz:~?- . q€ the project witkut adequate aitigacion wfll Inter- fare with the University of La~tF~~.;i:*f %:= Mind Antennae Systa opurtd by the Pkpics Department of the University Of Giiid;fZC San Uiego cppu, TRfs antennae syrtrs is unique in the Wntted States and is part of An enensfvc and ccup1cx txpartae3c fundad by the National Famdatfon. This electrically sensitive antennae system, located on the Daman-Los .yOl?os U. C. PTCSOWU, riightiy less than I dls frca the project situ, will be lffecred by elactrlc8I inter- ferancr generatsd by the pmposed project if effective mitigation measures are not implemented. A. A11 new obcrrica1 llnel shauld be undergmmded to prevent ~bove- ground 1cv.i electrical. arcing (e- to Above gnumd !eve1 tm- rfrsion lines) in the vicinity of the se1a.r wind antenna system such that eiectrlcnl interferencs is airtimitad. B. fn consideration of the need of the t'nfvsr%ity Of California for a radioquirt snvimwent in the vicinity of the p?Ojwt, the appliclnt will consult with the hivarsity dudno pnf.ct do~ipfi, and will work uith the University to nitigata my radio interfer- ence resulting from ths project. .? 4 ume n~sp0s.u ApproximateIy 20 employe- vi11 generate abou vasrevater each per day, or 800 gallons total F sweepers and vacuau. week of uastwater would be generated at the s It is expected that 500-10oQ 'is- possible but the soi1 tvpu have severe Ihitafio The County Health Department has indicated leach lines provided-according to' Martrent rn tAe went that a septic tadi and and the water recycled for kt control within wurd be operated without discharge of q - -- - --- - 8 MhUK \.%2,C,s F' -1 i' L<<i\ lbjt\C\ea 3~~~ Rye -- _-... - __ I - -I_ . -- - ^_- -- --. - I -- - --A - -- __ - - -- ___--___ I __ -- . __- I --. - ---I - ---- +- --- +&c%--- - - -- -- -I-___ --- --- -__._--.-_* - ..- ---A- - --- ~ - - - - ___ -- - __ - .-_ - - - .-c- - -- - -- - r3CN%\( gc 3a* t.i -. ____ ---_- - -_ ____ -- ----- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _- __ - -- --___ - - --- -_ - - - --_ - .%-OR ISSIM CHECK LIST -Qj.ct i-iame: ?&,, so\;h woJt< Tr*msCUc St&-tn m~agrn: 73-7-3y mystr J.R;e?$' --: a3 4Jy 77 s,;\s h4KO\&C, M -kt Ln* G- GWl~!GeClZJOqblW -T%G. trCH3 mpographic c\a s^~q d ~T-W*'' ' -thetics S_L~ R cut - al-sita a&9KCC& & 4 44 Off-site SandA4haral RLhources d 4Vc Bluff erosion -X-\- - raults/apicente.rs of recard U~NG r-u- -- - - -- Bydrology Gmud watar resorzrcea/availability (regional) SPrhc. nm-crff QadingfBrplhing mt pcr ssmanced or &-lanced S%uaa CY Rodon potentxal M - K+ Mf-site run-ff ptential ww,LZQ- Off-lft. erosion QwSLsA - -fq- L4 Agri-dtural rati?q Caar, x e sewage Ifmitations e8.c- - d L& Eotueoita 1idtations EJ /+, Flood Phh d*I ;@ QiLJ lnnrmdatron zone ClrcuLation Traffic Safety sprcr HaatLup md cooring Ground vat- watsatnation/wlity R)Q Le& -- sw BF3tor:c.l & q.\ b --, -,+%.h LLd-3 UdqW ,gt&*s !&$cyL c;\-ic - * , !&<,W!k< gw-?, k* 4.rc \hi$?2l \+Lay GA +kuA Wildlife %scat -. 5 miqm habitat -3 or uniqrrc vagctat+on colmMlitfcs/an?plc;atron. Bfoloqfcal corrido~ -*-e x&&< Stat. Par%(s) Iadtrect Rmxaaticn areas cuunty parks atiod Forcslt Wcreatlon areas &j)+ Califcmia Ridiig and ~mg ail,^ N(* Othr trbi lS/?aarpqrmnds/fa;.i12tsas bIs scientific €&search r-ilpb.lt qa=*\b - b* c.+cti *624 -a LL LXA- b apwrt*,- LL ~o\ ~~~ccve- eiaa .&CypycC( Qpund water avail.8ility Rate uni Porn of De.relopment fa regional issue} 63 S-wL- $-.,Lkj \\' * O-I-dd hsth.ricr (genua].) *<Gus 36' \*;\\J\% La'? 5'7'At A GrorthI~czton 2 -k SkY (15, 25; 40 dl. I AI) ~J/ic -+lb:ic *.ices Serar-ye systm capacity WQg a tCLiGw7 T~WS -AT&\& snag* -94-t fACFlity Capdc,ty a v<.i% hT@\(r*c, Water supply PLK rka protection ( Lav ehfoorbement . El.c"zrical* - Natura ?as. - - Ikta*d gas' Tela9hune -- c~ ~dfo/ot!uu -ncy cormurticataons - . MCd SarPfC8S (aniltbility of enmrg-nq and major treatraant) These dm relate to S& -a Eaac~q~ and Coolxg mdar me-. LETTER Of TAtUYWITTAL k 4 m*LiA vinA oI* miit 1o1 "i;= civil anginczar> z rond )uroapor) visTq uctscp**A *.13u *urns iJtm m'iBm planning conpiltant) URDER SEPARATE COVER YE ARE SENDING YOU M ATTACHED cf VIA @ PRILCS D PLANS Ci ORIGINALS SAMPLES [7 SPBCIPICATIONS __ - mwxs: The ~,47&~ ~FXC ~~--~/r?.cn J ?dl f&*-adpp FJjcee dfe 7ron fed hpyeH-7 $e/ ,~~~~L4 fpr h,g,pQm . IF EVERYT///A/6 is s+T/sFmTdRy pes2 sao ,+ Lr'rryT n pc! T fi)LK~u~/d~ /r, WfTh A Ck'm TU u? /F AUY7#4/G (3 plesr~~,c,cI(/r r THESE ARE TkVVSMITTED AS Ch CKED BELO%: a FOR APPROVAL L7 FOR ICVIEY 6 COrPlENT c] cf FC)R '.OUR USE a AS RZQUESTED w IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS KWED, KIYDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE. i f 1 COCYTY OF SAX DIE4 :N~CRWT~WTAL CaarttSSPgnLL., February 2U. 1979 Director, Jepartnent 09 Sanitation ad Flood Concmi Attn: J.A. Remlev, Princlpab Civkl Engineer Enviro?a*nt ai hinaljsls Divisaon [03So] We have completed our revieu of the additlanai infomatlon (rcfereacet ycut SFC4/1481 of January 31, 1979) in response to ow letter of Dcceaber 20, 1978, and find that the Informatlort resolves :he pint3 rxised in-our previous lettct. Based on the response to our Question 4, it is our understvldiag that preventive maintenance at thc.fa.cility vi11 Include robolrdlng if ami rtcn extmior pmels of the building are renoved or replaced durlng on-going usage phases of the pro- ~ - Respect ful1 y , UTHLEEY A. LEKr'. 1. Director iktiQg) Envirnnmer-+; -%lysis Division Tact Report Coordinsror TY OF SAN DIEGO FNCLOSURE D CO~IUNL ry SEKVICKS ACEACY De,/wrimw of hhlj/(ihJ e /+&/ CO)I!~-~/ (03goJ Ceunty Ow.Wons Cent- 555s Chrl~,: el.. SP ~1.2o C3'f-n a 9x21 . . T~I.pnm. 5655~25 RFb SFC4/1481 31 JAN 1973 TO : Director, EnvironmentJl Analysis Division (0175) FROH: Director of Sanitation and Flood Control (0380) SUBJECT: Radio Frequency Control Plan for Palmar Solid Haste Transfer Station - EUA Project No. 07-51-20405 As requested by your letter Of 20 December 1978. we are submitting additional information in response to your que5tiom concerning the Radio Frequency Control Plan for the subject project. Response to those questions was made._by Nr- Herbert fkrtel of E!IAM Consultants. the author of the Controt Plan. We feel that ltr. rlertei's response adequately addresses each of those four points you had. We have been advised by the Economic Development Administratjon that they are m thholding the remainder of our grant funds until such time as we obtain your approval of the Radio Interference Control Plan He wuld therefore greatly appreciate your imnediate response on thfs Subject < i C. J H9USON JNP: s j cc C Kaufman (w,' ncls ) D Anderson (w/Pnclr) I 1 -7 L m & ----.il= 19 Jctri*ary 1979 Mr. Cy Jeec EICXW, Ca?trzct@ts, Inc. 1417 N. mr Street Sam Fna, C4 92703 kferenoesr (12 ~dio ~~q.ncy ~~ter~erence Gntd PL& -f~r p Waste Transfer Station, RW Pq?rt-E 784&* & kar Ilr- Jevec: -ticn I: arnnture has six 500 M3-t axductors in parzllel; pitive muctors Jnd six wpacit rs UT th retum ductors wi€l be rr~ed, capacitor will & used in each at tfvs tw wires ta the notor fidd wiring." l?te last sentence shou)d be corrcctd to: "The CC*outpt to CE mtor cxxscqucntly, six caplcibm in the m CLeitrr-nL The SUS- ?-X sources at 73.8 k%Iz are the w 1,000 fIp mtor &iws wit1 SCR amtrollers. me m mntmllers are bused in shielded ~Lnets. MEithbt the cabinets there is *ate space to instat1 ac?ditiowl stgoression vts, if required. In genera, all electricat wirihg and e&p+.nt is beinq mnsta~& for mst-ef€ecti.ve WI suppmssion. lrrfditbmal SuFpcessim ciln easily bc installed at a liltec date (if required) s- the entire shctuxe is ground& boded, ard s!!ek!ed. ation 4: m mthcrd of b~rding for the extexior metcrl~c bui~ihg vts haj been 3Jlqxmd tX!Qrla the SCKeumetkd su9qested in tceeerence (11. Each one of'* sheet nctnl puvr?ls has bee~ welckd ta the girts (or -ulinsF. on the ivi& overlap of each p.4, so that it does not S&Y.+ on the Outsick. %e uclw wa~ acoraplished AlI otkr - . - - - -. -- - . ---..- ._.-.-- .....-...- ~~~ .-__ EWAG"f2 -.---= MI- Cy Jevh, EW Contrac'ars, Lnc. MAE: 19 J-XVXUY 1979 Paye 2 . . .- .... c <iing masurments will ke made after building oarpletion. Similar rrpaslrrerrs?to .. ~=r - clarification artd information pl- Q not hesitate to amtact m. ric! aln, ke ma& as pact of the preventice iMintenance. :cry truly yo-, c/ /(.,bL2&&? *Kfirt K. 8krb21, P-E- 'rLnclpal cbnU\''cLnt 1 ? CO[:YTk' OF S-AS DIE , NT=-=~,& flu ENTI i. C= RR ESPCN CBNC' ?ec?r:e: :J. :9:L iirectcr, Sccclr'.-~r~t ?f ;.m::i:icn tnd ::c-A Ln:rz: 'CS1C: .-.--. 3 irector, Znvlrcn-cnt a: .'<naivs is 2iu:s ion . :r 2, SCutL:: 3s:e Trmsfzr Staticr: Lsq ---;-:* . - - - .. -- .. __ >.e EnviroraentaI Ann-lysis 2ivision hzs completed ~ts revia* ~f ite ?nlzmation subnitted relating to aesthetics. noise iqacts, ad so!ar wir.d m:$nr.at systen interference. .At tkrs cine it appears the measures ;rogcsed for the x'igaticn of aesthetic ad noise impacts b-e acce~table; bosever. we .'o rzqctre xciticcal infoorsition reiating to the report on Xadic Frequency Interference Control Plm. P!ease answer the ?olXo*ir.g questions: 1. Page 4, section 3.5. first paragrapit: ;he Izst sentence reads, 'Tke C€ outFut has six 560 ::X21 cccductors in parillel; consequently, sir capacitors per phase (underline added] will be sed (I: totali"-. Innsmch as the Dc. output of the SOI devices is being discussed at this yint as opposed to the three ;hase 6C rycLe inem [.X; in the preyious sentences, would it be preferable to refer to the outpuc JS bigh an& lov z positive (+) and negative (-1 rather tha.. ukase per sa'.' (It baing noted that non-low ripple cc is Seing discu2) 2. In view that the ~rsnslcision (AC prkary) to the PaIEoar Solid Waste T:-msfer Station cou:C be a zajor sotrce of RFI inta the aenetal area. has Trevisim Seea made to provide RF b)-passing at SOJC point distar.t frm the station, if SUL! a neasure is dee5ed zpppmpriate et soae futEre dzte - such as after the 'after' test 3f RPI protection testing? 3. %!so, along :\e sarw line of iyciy! 95 :Le sbova point. has my provision bcx aade to 3llOW GSO of t-med trzps. if bypassing arid shielding is not as effective as anticipated? (i.a. LC network recogni-ing, of course, that such devices would ae difficult and possibly, a last ditch effort.) We would add our .JW~ concern to th se expressed in tbe report b-ia design details tb,' all exterior Beta1 parts of the building be properly bonded in *,C.Q' . Q passible problems associated with metal oxide rectifieatim of fr qier.cirs below 73.5 :4Hz whose hz-mor.ic products lie in the 77.5 Mz range (75.?/2 Wz, 73.9/5 W.2, etc). -- xcurs to us that as the age cf the stricture ircreases, ani perhaps replacement occurs due to :txcZmaI dasaga (noting that moving vehicles around the building is inhtrer: Ln its functionj, maintaining :he required bonding may ?rove to be ,'Lfficult. ne assume, cf course, that those x>,o operate the facility will be wet1 f!---rmed of t\e need to maintain tht bonding Pr3vision.s of tte desi;rt- 4. FinalIy, fn view that the required ,nitiZatims -qhasi:? design rather than operating perfornance in real time, we hope it is understood that questions we hava need to be resolved at this point in the ?roccss. Y.A. No- UXl842 .,. .: ’< : . ’ : d i 1. E=u tgofvalant u0oi.r -1, $ ihF. la tb. average aobq Sow1 (NL) bud 00 auqy - I-- 2. ~~8ofse~nlmtr.evd, - a - IO Lqu) u D - Hourly + betrrro 0700 .ad 1900 K-160rr?Iy+b.coom1300zod220(3 3. lh~fgrltIc+LHtrrrl. I.& &la- Lo L"+& 2) b - -17 + betwun 0700 ad tM0- X - -17 + hatveaa Zaoo ami 0700 Am%* !had L-1, Lb A-u*f*td soupd Pressure kv.1. ~(AJ in, Sum- A-lhtfhtad his* ktl 'zh. .dht ooka hvals rhich VU. 0ti-t. hOP Ch tr-f.r Sertioa oparacioartll bo la tfm 70 to OS O(4) range u the proguty W. ria tb. ahrddus hGlwi in U&t sr(m metal bull-. fU rt8- routd be in ri0htbl Of thr -e Cod.. . tb.rdate, the *MA- (Su pa- 41 zb. ahrdw op.r8tfoar at tb- Trrorfer Statha Virt rth thr diW' - ~ -Fu lmwls u Lb. pm Ilnr .ba tho llpiu qwcFfl-4 in tbr kp & .ttruAtfoa. . e>.- w *Ua Plan, bKd?.bm 1975. a-2- e- . Urport load, If thw SmjUCRd vdrwr ara :e&&. tt L mdc%g.ed at e* &Q trrf. & bcrrur in tb. ?sage of 6-7 &(A), aL % f -at rm cb. D.L- w ~t CsdfiC, -I chr pres- wi.r 14. '~ba trdih eo eh. transfer Station & hcraeso ~0~0rtiO0Lug to tho Frrruso in poplrlarioa b tsr uu same& by thf. ¶%SO. - prmr - of e,e propod SOW ut8 h8-f.r tt8- 8tCr i, <- - s aa). IL a ymier stat- a tmt MJOW* thi LQ e'- g 0 - dfrmctIy ptopcrtfonrL to rtr ddvnr of rhr au; tbA fpcreuq in dr Crlffic urial, *- dLrporr 8d th. -r- * cr8fiL= op n C.dn0 Rad aad *rlor+r alrpofl bad. au shrdw npuatioa rill sda sisdficmtrr to + miso ory.lt.tiai -I h8trpmU co- brdldfLu, th. dOsUt krflJH.=s. rdll k h - - ._ _- - - - - - __ - - __ __ r+aol of 70 - 75 &(A). Ih Ldn i. m&*t.d to h h th r 55 dgw it thr .hrdC.r i. wed in a yoob fra or .D.OOIJ 8- 0 - 0 QW krd(u 00 Lb. at-& thr Ihrdd.Im; '& t.W-19QlidtOf ~~(Uf~8d~~M8~<d - hbL. t.-rurr in chi. ma- '~br - ~LQO ua ..tintad en w in thr r- d 60 to W aCr0 0 u ao) trFt%dr 8+ th8 eb V- lfu, 3. rutonrroL.0 orig=t% trol ch lit. e b. fror th- iacraud rrdfk 00 u w w -i p&ur ~rport ~od to ~rd fror ttm site ~lld th sh~dw &ah. Tlm apuornt of SIPitatiOO rad ?bod Coatrol uthtao tlur 370 vdticlu ).t dw rLll OH the promad fern-. of th 370 ahicLu, tu a br . .- to - tha rhrddrd .uUb.L. * IllCiw8td kstrur b-th m* ZcrJ nm m0F.e mnuatd by the .hrad&q opcracion L utk.td to k ia thr -____- . --- - ---- ~ of dl.-. th. 6oiaw cooeoot ia ukp1.cd to k 2% f.a. Lra tbr 2#fusbduatrri4LofrhbrlLdip5. nmwhrd biocL-tiatbtmof30dQa&. zha&uW 8i=-8--in.~LlOct~L h Lac-- -Of- .+ kn Inego - h. fualfdd i 199s r - 1lb3f~~ch8~ore&~~- i - '_ + rod Lgo muwad are rhavo in Tabla 111. 3mL~rf &(A) 2S.t ZIsE LW L9a 01 Projact st- u-23-76 04s~~ 4z 3% tmj4Ct Slh ll-6-76 l2mUfO 49 45 (2) Sl Cllf.0 brJ. 2000 ft. Ilo. of U-23-76 0343-01US 46 32 I-? IFtport bd hbrillrpartpod ut of El CIlirP r.04 .>L (3) ?.bu m b& 3000 ft. U-23-76 02W3LO 55 33 Oris$ the muurd 4, thr 31! Xqht Anr- SA L.rif, ctdnf usa ulre wir Loutioa (1) ?majar sit. - a EX - tJ d ?* - u&. - nt4 ~..r- lamdkLIalli~trPetior~trwttnt~rb.~ '- i portio- of road arm 40 fmt rid.. Listmi in Tab10 XI are the ptm.nr -fie mlw furni.bed by ehe hpumc oC ?ransportsda trcffic UBLX I1 u-l.lr lsorth of Pal- mrt llord S92Q Kl-hrx South of Palwar Afxyott EM& 63% P.loar Airport tord P.lopr urport lord AppprorLrtely SI of the rrhicla wing PI Cubn M .od P.lc.r - bd u. truct., Q1 kour~ of operati- of thr Trmefu Sic. will b. fm 8r00 a.a- eo S:oQ $.- kut of X1 crriso 11.11 he of Kl - m ~hr OLM.~ -i- L. iocrttd .pgmdrotdy 1900 rat -tu~~ or th ptoinrry b. Ds, nurat c-ec- bpi- i. touht @ fmt tram rh prupaery uno. 2a *L-fraca between tb. Bochua Us-t ?acLU- ad eh pP.mrrd ZoatFa of che shrmddu b- k &~LG-&XJ tat,--z -L-. - d tJu Lartfop of +he site m r3o.r aa ?lgare "Aa. - Mum d tb.-leve€ 6.ra io- m, st+, u-t as t&& of +hF. m .- 0 erQe roerciolp fa tb. .Lu of tha project rite- - the 0.W-t of QIPLtatlm md mod to utablhh e Sou Uute huufer St8tlon naU PdorU Nrpota. m 8itm f8 fouUa 00 Carnq-aod prop.rt7. uithfn ch. Carbbd ciq f Sur Diego CGUU+J progoon Ihr 21- lirdm* aut of xl cadno Rad md-zm feet Mrth of ?a.baAr L.Lrgort lord. 'Lh. 8it. f8 plll.adY toIpa a - ope spU8. - am djU8Ut tb tw 8%- b zon&i u - r!butwtur* .ab A - &rirdLtpral. The Zruwfar Stufou will eoasist of - eo four build3qs 00 the mite, d.gaad3ng ou fM du-. The fupctfoas of the boFLdinp u. Uatd in Table TABU I - Refuse i. de Ln tbf. boUars by hul Trtlcb.ndprfPlUV&ldM. - beledtamehe L.-. *. fur& to thi. . -fern eaprtd ia+o *_e -t*w Lsl.r c. - .itr rill b rk tx cadm rwr d ttfar A.tWJ=--- EaflUmUtrim 8-b- f- LactLnl/Caput* P -bJ ts -mor - r0aE.S dlieh m - s,krb.mortbeor#~ IatheuaofebMaSlmP~ Iwl i. 82 fncridr-, rlth 4 tr8ffL haem d 8 w - tpLI kw LQ.- I.Larrltrporttodfrtb.-----I.mrtCu . --. -- skebrr.rta-rrt..JSI- hcratilarr-eft cdro w ft b 8 66 fe rodrq. drb 4 a8ffk -we m - 1. Lntroductiop ; ' 2. heat so& - ' A2tzchmalts .. . .. ~ LC.- j W1rZ.p Racmivsd P1h.p 8.~0- of Project: mw Airport btsr PI- f 6 &#- of ha ffh8 s&v no recorded situ Lor the ptofuc ue8. fb. R-l22 Culltur.(r): k pr.rtau &ma 9 hc sun- ot ga at-, & tkt b: rea ~PS- __ a - - County Fagineer PROJECT TI- . .. .. i IVftLAcg c )c+HP c )mDDEX ( JGRIWDMOSTbTXm ==- XI. BfbEcgraphy :arrf.co, Wc..lard t. 1973 Archaeslqicd Envtrcrrpental hpact Xepct - Pa~\mar Airport Road Propsrtier 4584E. Unpublished manlrscrfpt, Wee& Seervice. 'Ink, Gary R. lWl kh.+dqical Survey €or the Ro~caed Paw Akpart.me Pan. UqubUahi aanuscrfpt. rYeil, oenntr 1976 .?ersW cann*micatloa. s, *NaLXh J. 1964 .*fent Hmtee of thc Far h'zst. Copley Ress, Jan Mego, Chde tt. md D. L. Thro UX.4 Survey Amud Repart L960-41, pp 2457305;- .- XI. Pemcmu and Orgsnfzetioas Consulted - Antfir3poIagy Laboratory, 3an Xego State University Olvid HUM Cow of Sa0 Mego, Commrnity kmiccs .%amy Dspurtment of SanitaP-on and €104 Control Q'XeL1, bamb ?&le CcJlpmuntty College sa mcqo ihrs~ oc )3a0 Pal- Csnmrurrfty CcUege UI. hJFronrMntr1 Iqec* of the Proposed Actfar Far thir project tb? inipect oa archaeological resources will br dakui, since both sites found on the ,?~qe.rty &re of anor sfgnificm. md rd.at.vely void of scientific interest. X. Hitigating ktfon For tb. propoard project, two archaeokgical sites were discovMd Withh the Wt.9 Of the 21 QC- peal. only OCle dMgRta =ti= l.S nccassary: 1. If, during project cum~tfca, arc~o~ogiccl or historical asterfrl is uncwemd, ft should be reported to a qaod archawlogtat far advice and consultaticu. Thr archaeological sitas discoverad have kn m&ed with tb. Sap Mego nuscum of nan. Their neu aud~ut M V-I202 .nd W-UO3. - 1 VXS. EvaL~~tioa of 514 Significaxe af the Affested Rebourcoi Site CE # 123 EM be assigned ta the Luiseno cd.trpr group. 4 tt appan to have Seen a sporadically uaed food ptacesaing ueb. artifact fs not curocfahd with tb two grinding 8-b. exavatlus trr San Diega County have shrwrr that 3me Ln Meguufto sine contain milling foatran once FieLfeved to be found only in rim used by lam cu'turea (O'Nofi porsd cumunfcation). She no &LY artfftktr ware €d this site is deemed-mhar fn terms of 3ciF;tiltlfld *we. Sfto CE # 124 can also be assigned to the Luise;;b culture and ua Th Sari 3iagufto HWU, rscmt prcbably usad far int-rmrtteut food prmesstng. the Sau Meguito mifact ia mt associated vfth ttm grineing slick. site iJ aha aed. of QIM Ifgnificauce. I~s in thL prevf2la cam, This VIII. Rssemrcl. Potent- Mot dy for these sites in particular, but far tke getrral rLcLnitp, a regid study of the ~hacdsgical moi.uces vould he m#i cooeuCivr to the prehistory d the area. the rqe of thls ixoject to &SA so. For the present, hwcru, it fa not wltbfn Vf, Archamdqical Rcsouzces i'br 2l acm projxt area ccntafns mny favLecd pLmt and mima1 resources of the Cdffarnia Indians and uatw supply 91 6 nearby t*myoo. Hwever, oclp two archaedcgical sites rare discovered and euhequently This I?- may be located on the Sax Tuis Ray 7t" Tddratltla, Tamship 12 Sauth, Range 4 West. Kt Is in tke aarthaa corms of th. proje€t area. St Xes at au elevatfoa cf apprmdmatdy 370 feet, and is surrndad by k tbfck gr& of chambe. See Hap 2, page I.3 of U appadlc. Thr site cmsis.h of two smill granite oaterop. with om grinlfng slkk M each. center point betmen thrse tu0 outcrop, a Saa Dieguito tool was fwd. It appea to be dtipurpose f.z use, combinfng a s&aping edge with a ~p~kashaos edge. These outrrops are repuated 3p ahout 75 feat- Mur the This artiPiaEt was fod adjaeent to a large rodent burr*. no 0- arttfac- sl~ focmd in coajurrti~a ut& t~ts rim. Sfte CE lr 124 TIUS site is also Iccated cm the h Lui. zey 71" p~adrangLs, Tovlrthip 12 South, Raage 4 West. It was famd neslc the sou- point of tfic project a0 a fkt a&&.n.l (pa a+rrtly above t!w steq canyoa--Lr Lis~at'ho -- - - -I- ~aa & apesra~y aa ht abao~ sm -1. xt f~ S=- bp a thip kpsr d brush- see xap 2, page l3 of thfs appendix. TTw efts catsfits of a hrga granite rock oatcrcp vitb am grid- slick 011 it. There Fa na appammt .idden assoef.md wlth the sitq ht fsaw ~ITB? -as mi& mu this rtte- It amid of 0- sa0 ~i -, 8 -ping tool mud8 of andesite. )r v. SweyProCedul.. A dlWCU& UChaedlCgfCa SUWy by SWie# d! llUrq8OUth &WE-* condmted on foot, discload tha prcrerrn OQ two archoaigical ritd . - kthd WithXn tb+ bccndsriat Of the iuoposad projut. ?Of*& e rbrc d~n yere expended on this survey. . , . t, ,-A- H. Rscard Chclcr To deemim the ?msaace of archaeological ~zsousc~s within of sd tho proporad projct ma, war& oa Pilo at thr so wjor rcirrttiffc fmtituttorm Ln Sm Mego County wua r-vfcuad. At tb. Anthropology Labarstory at SJUI Mego Stab Uoivarsity, which Lto contai~ th-. recards of th. Univustty of Califonria at b . -0h6, nothing UY oa recard. The San Mego ?hmm~~ of Man had QU site, W-310, aa tL1.1acat.d aortfr of the proposed project am.. kho OR wt rt tb. Nmeum of H.n were four 0th- sites; W-122, W-’2_29, W-124, W-Lzs: which were fa th. vf.cinity of the project area. Thaso sites utu not bo off=bd by th. proporad project. Tht, site should not be affected by thka projact in any way. Ut addition, the Natural Resource Irrwntarjj ot s*er -0 ccunty had n&ng of historic interest recorded fw tke ma. check vatb made fn 1974 far a project adjacent to tho Rlcmar Tz-anafer Statim. flptitutiau. T!ma recard It wa not deemsd =essay to malca rm rrard ckks with these An rrch.sdogfc& swey coadrrted by Richard L. C-0, 8 priv8te couepttant, disclosad the 2rneoca of teu arcwical sf% directly eut of the prqwed moev kaasfer Statics in Novclpber 1975. -0, M (PC& __ 2 ..dfcg%calo~ conducted by Guy R. Ea, CotmQ arcbwt, i&nti&ed - o. otha mha-Lad site locabd jrpt nartb of the project ma. W re- tib project Ma m camjltrlly - time tbo pcsaibilltp of - st- rpp.p.d to be mrh better. __ - ~ - ._--.--A< €ere . 4-1 in cum gmard -a), have been noted fn coajrrnctim with fa Jdllut sihs. Kthie technology remained relatively the s-, with little faquweamt in tool rdtmmcnt. &Rial vas by inhwtioa fn the flexed position. The la Jallan Caqlex htd from approxfmately 7,500 ye- before tfu preasnt until about 1,000 years ago. lack pottery. o tfpa coast, whereas San Dlegufto situs are fod tkroq&otrt the Ccune. Both thr La Jo3J.m and the Sap Mcpufto Complexes Sttes resemblfng the La JoUm pattern have been foMd only Skoahoncan+peaMng LuQsoo, CakuUh, and Cw-0 a- time priar to l9 B.L., a change in subaioterre patterns fs not&. A combhtfoa buntfnq carspFcs horn &a Tfzm Br&o ware, My varked pzoJecffl; points 8toae tools, and dispoadl of the dead by creat8tioa. metes, and rmdoe, Lu connetad wfth a pmal grfodfog iconcmyi hava Hrraerous bedrocE emlcoun- by the early Spantsh explorers rmd subsequently dubbed '?uesicQ fidiara." IIK. Cultural rlistary Tkrue distimtive cultural patte-he have been defined in Sin Mqo County to date. and Shoahmean culm gr0c;s have been fdentifie& in the San Diva rwgim. Sbr rhe PxaCt chronolcqy and cultural :'naracteristFcs of each af the culture groups have not been clearly defined yet, the foUcMing dsscriptioa any bo subject to periodic revisjon. Physical evidence of the San Dieguito, La JoU, and Y-man The ouIiert inhabitmatt of Sari Diego County uere tb. R1.o-bdi~ poup Imam ad the Sax Dieguito. Evtderre indicates they uere-dfc huntam apprmtely L2,OOO to 7,500 years beforw present (R~M 1966~ 140; Warren aod Trim 1961). numroud scrapers and scraper planes, knife blader, feu pro5acUJ.m points, and large stone toot. currently mknam. Dieguito people hare been fntegrated into three major divisions: San Dieguito 11, and Sari Dieguito 1x1. Their material culture (physical -a> cop.fstGd of Surfd practices of the San Meguito peoplo M Based up" certain acchaeolcgfcal criteria, tb San S.n Megulto I, The oldest of the three phases, San Dfeguito I, is prevalent in eaaten, Sap Dfego Carmty be baa uot been found west: of the Lagma Mount.fns (Rogek IW6: 179) vie- tb. e&epffaa of one ;ita (Fink 1974) foMd tn hay. Fifty-two aiQr npresa~ting the S.n Megaito 11 phre we farnd by w (Rv 1966: 178-84), tbroqhout tb Coauty, wit31 kn Dieguito fIf beiq --.. - OqdY 4 -6a-d fa thr COCmty. Tb. h Jolhacpltnrr t. distinguished froa the Sm Mcqaftoenfture by war cw frt subofatence pa-. Tbey YM seed -den ard sw.iood gatfi.rrrr, nmre tbn huntus . . .* (Rogers 1966: 8). Tke pwenca of n-am lo~mo and mtatrs (grinding fmplumnta), in addftim to offbarufve ~ n - - .- -I.?- 1 11. PhyrCcd and Biok,gica~ EnvLronment 'Ihr propoaed project area for the Palomar SoUd Waste Txamfsr Statiort conrf.ts of a relatively fit tarrace abws a steep canyon. m elavrtia rmqfng Prom 300 to 100 Aet above mea0 sea-Level whflr tba cauyoa, which bods the tsrrsce oa its southeast side, has an ehvatioa of about 100 feet. Th. tarrace har Biologic8lly, thr ~a can b. chsifiiad as being in tb. c0ut.l~~ cure, sage, pric'kley pear cactus, hmomda berry SLEIHC, pa, ;rmta, scrub cak, coastal Uve oak, toyon, and Laurel scunac. lltouoo. sfghtings of hauks and other species of bird., cottoutail rrbb and fecal ovfdeacc of a Lyra animal population. fktral and fad species, a8 b thir, would have been mas+candurfvr to early pr+hirtdc popuLatiom as an wartant food reaourct. - Fauna cwabted An area aa rich in - ' - _-_ ~ ___.._ ------- - - --- 1. Iutrodrrtfou lb propasad Palo~ar Solid Waste *-fer Station site haa bwn med in tha field to dwturmino the presence or ahenco of archreolo(ic.l and/or historical murces within or around th priposod project area. Tba survey V~LI conducted by J-t Hfghtaur of tho SUL Diego County Deputb wnt of Transportatloa =der ttt. aupervisfon of Gary Fink. mi prow b Guy Veraet of PtloCMlr CollarnclQ Coma oa %v.abrr 26. IW6. 1976. - Aiafstam Furthr 6rPwyM uu cooducted by Jamt Rightovv 01 bc.akL L6, ‘Lh. survey w8 done for the b-nt of Sdnft~ttfOU and Flood The ma surveyed comprises approxfmntaLy 21 acres of Land eut of El Cantno Rae1 bnd nor& of WOQJLU Airport Road ad in the camunity of carlabull CaLifarnfa (8.. attacimuutr). Thr msult~ Of the away WCII pfti-1 with - ~Cb~hglC& hiMc andfor prehistoric resoiucas aa pmrcrihd by the atid Eovfran- .ad tttr San Dfego Cow Guidollncll far Arshaeobgy (1974), are cootntDld in thia report. - - - - __ - - -. - I Table of Contants mOd=ti60 Mioil and Efoloqical bvixannent CPLttpaf Bfstory Ra& Ckh Sunmy Roc& Arcbamlogieal Resources EPaluotfm of tbu Significance of Research Potaatlal Qrdrcumatal -act of the xittgatkg Actica m* -tad. ,pceorrrcw Ropad sctioa Morn and Chpanfzatiacls Cmauitad I &ttacbentr- County of h Diego Canaunity Sewices Agency Ceparamnt of Transpattation Archaeological SIL~QY far the proposed malar Shrcddez: CarLsbad, CalifarnZa Rofect No.: asI842 Repred for: Depaxmt of Sanitation and Flood caatrol Rwievcd by: Jmmt Bishtuuer bai8-t Arcwist kda 20,1976 Slurrod. K. L.. "Ceotog mort, Pal- Airpore bA L.ndfm," for Sam Mtgo -0, 1974. - -, -- Qb LPdslibe -fd DalmUIk -- = Luurdf h. (-logy dter Sbrrod.1974) %A0 CIASSIFIUTICN %wvus . - t!ghtm *ajumduW - C'nwnprckcd am ...D. ..-. SAN LrJiS REY.CALIF. *i~3071-~1:7:5/7 5 '.L/. *Gh*u:c :r AUA;s.'.CLL tub?rr:rz~ J-,l.<q de th6 Luserdt Parmaefoo. ‘Eh. Pqztm of * QmjWS.,dt. fa * afu: wat of th. pro5 appururce to ieplre vuthered prlaitic rock of the louthom Uo- trrrdf i. &raUr thuught KO be 0p.sLrFn with appumt coafo~cl. by, - coUecttd from the Lwudi Fo-tfon BUC its appar-t 8tratigrqhLe por€e Mcrtor an ua oL early Lata Cretacmw. - tha a@ t.hciauahipm @van .bo- for the geolorh fa~th am the tiwrl QOU &c.gtSd by mat peologiats. Shurod (19%) duer tb. .I;. rmhtiorrrhipa are redefined va VLtL *cepe thr trlditw em. Ihr sad-- in chr project area ue asmeidly PL.t-1w. OnIy thr Poiot Lams ?ornziou, vhieb atriLu north-ouch d digs appeodmatdy so LO 10' to th. -st .haR &y oiqniiicarrt drvI.tion from horfzmtd bedding. - k1OQ 80 major faults ham kai fDITnd in the rfdnfq of cho ptojwt mu, but in the ?Ltart Urporr uu. kr faults -re Zouod fn the Xiaita of the profact sic., but it F. po8ribie char sawn amdl faults q ba pm-t. These ml.1~0~ for thk projoct. rerrrrl minor f.rrlca ham k.n dercribd Fn the Llttmrbbf c.fxyozl uu .ab ~ PZUfet hUdUtiGq 3 The projecr coruistm of the comenwtion .nd 0pe8cbU bf T&&?*u. thr.. g.olo& fOrEatiO0.- tk PObt Luau Farslcf~~, and the LauardL zhc Ddmu Forplcioo fs r)u yaurigu< at8 hCw Of fh r0 rd facerbedded layers of &dm. yd.lw, or rddi.h bmvp *re frub .Sa dwk e-- f8R .ad COCCOlfth.. . .-. . . . CgaLOGI &Qy&... . '.' .. I . ' '.'h.prrdw: eA6Ld2-a .. ctwlo I. MUIm *c.tirZ1 her- Deerbet 1. 1976 .: . -. -: %rigf~. FUyt Swi&e - Bubo vFrpinL4nur Great Harried *x -: -8Ui- FUY: TyramrfQe -ala mrticalis €=fly: Rridar Rattrio- atnfpna ?&fly? Mnirh Fey: sylvifdu 'tldiu ludwiciana.9 =Y: PuuudAb - pay: natefda - Pured- u8 no-sp.rra - -7: -dae h- cd$&& whft.-uorrrd qpenw NAmhLi- oaba: cur-- p-2 y..oartillcQfdae --- npoticc~tornif!m = o 1976 Mubat Bfu LtJt a PALOM SOLEI r*xn TWSFZ ~TATICN EXPECTED SPECIES LIST x,~ILL;ilmIi..€s ORDZZ: squama- juborde: Lacertilta Fanily: Iquanidaa Western Fence Lizard :I?: -I\lotEb Lizard Family: Scfacfdae Eumeces skiltonianlrs Zestern ;kink - Family: L-quidae Sc~thern Wrgator Lizard Gerrhonotus nultican?atlrs Suborder. Ophidia Fdy: Colubridde PftuoDhi3 neelanolacrlrs G0phe.r snake bmpropeltia getullrs CaLr!%xua -snake Arizona elegans GlCSjy *Ode ;idly: Vipendae Crotalus vindls Western Rattlesnake AV6S-a IRDS WDEX Calmhifnraps Family: Cdumbidae tchaida mcroum Yarning Dove %?E3 CucuJ.ifa=eS F&y: Cucurtdae ~eoc~~cvx califmianus Roadrmaer CRCS: Pa,-acrir'ar-.:s ?mal.w : Tyramldae S~YOEUS jaz Say's Phcebt: (3,lj Family: Comrdae khelccara ccerui-ascem %r,h Jay (O,V,4) F&y: Chaaaerdae -- Chea fasc:a-c~ hentit @,:) FaUj: Troglcdypidae "Fqmanes b eu ic k i i a-zct's Wren (V,i) Farmly: fc?e.r:dae Stunella neqlectl Family: R-mgUidae ijeste-zn w5%fdculark (O,V,l flcck) Carpodacw- lexicanus Ycwe Ftnch f0,3) -- ??.Dug hCUS arm Towhee (OJ] WALL1-WWALS ORDE3: Cw-ivara Famxly: Canidae -- Canis latrtrans Coyote (0,s) ?.~QY-* jrjLiC 'I'ASTE WVSFE3 jTATP;N .IBjEl'iED j?SCIZj ili7 .-A: \:oi-~.&ar J;, 2375, 9:OO t3 U:CC a.2. '-',=ac~*r: .::??I, and jursy -~ith a light breeze (1,2,3,stc.) = nuher observed = on 1976 .iud&on Blue rX3t &pyx3 Ll-24wi ia L.:x $:UW: talientia : dY : :+,.1i,j 1 P Pacific Tra-efrq <Y,l; . . . . . . - - . - - . . - . . - . -- .-... .-. ~ . .. li __-___ ____ - ..___ .. 5~iESSLF2i :RIIEX: S&mif==es :e[: .:ar:LarriiGae !:35-3=%2s Tuxley Vulture f0,l) % Fei3.y: .kci?ixiCide ->n.J$ L2,J? <- White-tailed Kite (OJ) Red-%Sed ;(auk (OJ) -- -v ,sao ;..Eaicnrs:s Fdp: Fakonidae VaLo vx~?erira &artcan Kesael (0,I) ti;3Eil: .:&Ufamee 'kphmrtyX c~fOmiCm Califcmia Ouair (O,V,l flock) zw:. Apdiforlm :aFly- "roc hil-dae - 'al;.mtP fi Anna's YunmfngbFrd iO,J,Z) r, ; Fgavaceae "JCC~ schitige-a Yohave Y'lCCJ 2mryl i idaceae Galden Stars 3100im~~a crocea Li 1 laceae Ptarfposa cfly Calocnortus sp. Sod? Plant Ch 1 arc 9d 1 urn Jorner: d f anum Qcaceae -- Avena fatua gild Oats Foxtail chess Broms mbens -- 2-. 2 .. _-____ __ branfaccar .___ __ - - _-_ _- __ - __- - --.^ S torksbt 11 Larnf aceat - Sat fva me11 i fera kt vaccae --- Nyctagf naceae basta1 Four-O'CIock Mfrabflls laevfr. . PnT ygonaceat *. Ademstoma faslculatus Adolphia callfomica . Heteromics arbuttfolfa --- Holly-leaf Cherry - Pmus flfcifoiia Wmaccac Rhwr czucca -- kmphularl accac Wonkey-Fl mer Xfwlus ouncfcus So1 amceat Jfnacn wed -- Datura ~~~tc~oldes free *obacca Htcotiana plauca Solanum xantl t vir. hofhnanni t Nightshade -7 -4- --- Cwpartcrat Bladder pad -- Isomcrf: rrbama Cdprlfof f acme tonlcera subs9lcata var. dmudau San Otaw Honaysucklc Chcnopodf aceat rluttrilian Saltbush AtrfpTcx redbaccata %sola 1b-- .ea Rusrlan thfstlt -- Rock Rose Convolvutaccrr He1 f anthumm scoparf w Bf~~dkeed Gmvolvul# rrvensfr CucurBI taceae Yfld Cuctrrnbcr W mcrocarpus fbnraaf ta Arctostaphylos sp. Misfon Fhnazantta X~Tococcu~ eiocolor Euphrbfaceae Cutor bean -- Rlcinlr cmnfs Fabaceac kttle weed Astra*’us sp. Outrcus dumosr -- knb GCk Thfs lfrt has bten cmpomdca iruii :? rDccIe5 If$tr of tha North cover areas very close to the si*. Anacardiacere Lammadeberry c_ Rhus +ntadfolfa Smet fennel Foenicolua, w1qrra kteraccae Cllffomfa Sagebturh Arthifa cs~ffonricr Sacchrfs vldnm Italian thfstlc Star thtstle Cent- mlttcnsfs - catdura prcuoccphal us Mtt Brush chrvso~i rv. > --- - hCtlf8 dflfOrnta -e. Haptw~~us JO- Bonginacne Yerba santa Erf odlctmn CralSf fOliUR Brassf caceat Yellow nrrstard arassica camestris Cactacaae Prick: Cy-3-ar -fa occidental IS LI ttraturc €1 td. . 1. Arfbfb, Rabettt, Ihc. 1974. "The Blue Lfet for 1976.' &nevi an 81rds YoF. 29, No. 6, Publfshcd by the Hbtfana? &u#uhOa~ collaboration with the United States Ffsh and Wildlifr krvfcr, Nn Yo&. Vertebrates and Natural HIstorV of Sjuthrrn CaEtfornfr, hckson Publi cations. Sanbe. CA. Birds of North Aavrlca, btdtn Press, Mw YorR. - 2. 3. tngles. Lloyd G., 1973. Robbinr, Chandlcv S., Badel Bruun, ad Herbart 5. zlm. 1966. 1. Bcauchhasp. Rubla Mftchel. Floral Olversity of San Ofego Count&' 1 Qlitomla. unputilfshed Master's Thesis, San Oiqo SUte blverr+*y. 1972. ___ EnvfroWnb1 I.?&?dCtS Ywatatfon rmval (10 acres) for the constructfon of the access mad and rhreddlng operatlons sfts will take place Frlmarily fn tha disturbed area. Approximtely one-half of the project sf te comfstt of Inland sage/rnfxtd chaparral type of vegetation whfte tf? rtmainfnq one-half 1s fn thu disturbed area. The loss of the fomr veqetatfon will be crlatlvcly minor as th majorfty of thfs typ of vegatation occurs to the north, east, and southeast of the project sfta. rtRlo:.al of the grasses &Ed forbs wl?? also be mlnlmal as nurt of these plants dre short-lfved and-*ouId eventually bt replaced by a cllmx vegetation (&xed chaparral). ne Yildlffe assocfated *fth the loss of thfs vegetation may efther rainvade other suftablc habftats in the ricinlty or nay perish. Anfmls fncapablc of escapfng constructfon activttia Include urvll wtfles and rodents. Other PntnaaTs rucb as bids and larger -1s are qufte mobile and my seek refuge elsehere only to cunpeb trftlr Wfdent wildlife fur food and shelter. bfSe h-oa construction activf tfcs and shddfng operatlons could also affect shy wildlife specfes In the rfcinity. Also. sengullr, scavengers of refuse, should not be attracted to tlrfr sftc as Wm refuse dl1 be quickly shredded and/or caarpacttd a,;‘ ‘‘a transfermi to a unttary landfill far pmpcr dlsposaL rnttwtfan Mcasum The site *Ill r+cclva lowmlntenance landscapfrq to blend Bn rWi surrounding ratin vegetation. b antds observed. on the SI& and mar v1ctdk.y were prlm?'i.ity birds. kita and red-tailed hak were noted In the area fndicsting * sub- stantial malt mums1 popuTation. abundant large mmntl fecal material contafnldg rabbit and rodant fur occurrlng throughout the sjte and vlcfnfty, Expected mamullan species include the desert cottuntall (SylvftaquS audubonf}, agttr kangaroo rat (Ofpodcaws aqilfs). and southern pocdt qoghe (ThukS bottae). (Canis latrans} and the baht (Lynx nrfw). species IlsfsJ Several specles of raptors such as be turkey wltwa, *tte-talld This was further Indicated by Larger, carnivorous mmls tn the area ar~ the copti (Refer to attached a food source fncludc several meadow larks (Sturnaila ncs?rCQ], house flncher (Carpodacus mxicanus), and terser poldffnchu [SPlnut psaitria). Avian species observe& cmn to chaparral anvfnnarrats . and Wck's wen (Thr-s beulckii). laland sage cammity tn a d?y drainagc s-16. tfard (%%Tooorus acidmtalfs), gophar snake (Pfeuochfs The westem *e thls am. No rare or endangered sptdcs *c+a observed. gnvironmental Settiw Tha majority of the project area has buen 6istorbcd by past It presently supports priaurfly natfve '-- agrtcuttoral xtivities. and i3trQduced species of grasses and forbs. ne main corpnents a? L3fs systen are the wild oat (Avena fatua), trrmblwed (Salsola fberica). brmqrass (8mmn sp.). and fflarae (Emdim sp.). The PldntS bnt typical of disturk.? land In many connunitfes (Thornc, 1976). A Saul1 part of an inland sage,'nfxed chaparral cocmtnity is located along the eastern boundary $f the sltt. Thfs is the western fringe of a larger canplex located north, east. and southeast of the profect. Thi tnland saw comnunlty extends to the north. but blends with the aixed chaparral camunity to trte south. Rae latter extends priararfly Into the canyon, east and southeast of the pnqfect rltr. (Refer to Map 1. showfnq the vegetation 00 the area) The dominant dtrs of the inland sage coamrntty occurring tn the pq*ect area are Artedsia caiffornfca (talifornir'kq&,wh]. Eriogamm fasciculatmfcal ifornfr buekuhcdt). and lfa~lopawus Broad-leaved sclemphyllous scrub comtrtfng of Rhus fntmri fol fa (Temnadebcr+r). Bercus dmsa (scrub oak), XyTc.wr.2- (mfssion mrzantta), and Adcnostocwf~ (cnadsc) wre mre carm in Me afxd chaparral ccmmtty. Rn Calffornia Ratfve Plant Society Maps were checked for tfm pmmcc of any rare and/or cndangcmd plant specfa octumfq ln or ararnd the ptaject site. No such spelts have been m~rdnt fn this am. PALM SOLID 'MfE TRANSFER STATION Introduction The project site (21 acms) is located abut ldQ0 feet northeast of the Intersectton of El Camfna Real and Palmr Airpart Rod& In north coastat san ~tepo County. me city of tarisbat fs 4.5 milis to the norihest, Vtsta is 4.3 miles northeast, and San Mrcts 1s 5.3 mflcs east. Palmar Airport Is located roughly 20% feet to the sartfimst. h topography of the project area Is faIrly fiat, $Toping north to south. A saaiT canyon ts 500 feet east of the soltd waste processing st-. A scnall drafnage swale traverses. the area ftola west to east and merges with the canyon. (Refer to Nap 1) A btologlchl smy of the project sfte and vicinfty &: :==& ducted on Rovembcr 30, 1976. This survey consisted of fdentfffirq plants. vegetation comrwrlties and associated ufTdlife. A norr of Southern Califomfa. 1974, by P.A. kylz war the namiug and ptant fdentf- ffcatfon authority used for the botany portion of the su-. Reference wls also mad& to R.F. Thornc's (13761 publicatlm, The Vascular Plant cammitfcs of CaltfoTnfa, caiifornia mtive Plant ~ociety Specfa1 RLblicatfon No. 2. Identiffcatfan of avfan and rcptfl Ian species was at& by blrds in We ea, COWf OP SAN DIEGO Departmaxt of R.?lnspOrtatim BLUCOGICAL SURVEY Falcm~r Solid k'aate -fer Satim u. a. WOZ6 kvkcawntal Xanag-nt TEnfnoe B.A. Bidcog . kaba 14, 1976 I I.* - MAP3 : Project location. # .e ’ No Scale. USGS San Luis Rey, I- 0 _. 7.5 Minute Quad. 00 t. Organizations San Diego County Disposal Association (Commnnity Groups - Carlsbad) ( Individuals Clarence Kaufman Solid Waste Management Task Force Jim Barrett Solid Waste Management Task Force Dave Anderson p. Solid Waste Management Task Force ( 21 I I Long-term impacts will be the permanent land re-configuration w will include grading, paving and construction on the site for buildi and access roads. Increased traffic and noise are potentialbng-ten impacts associated with the operation of the transfer site. e VIII. Irreversible Environmental Impacts The project9 if implemented, will take about 10 acres of vacant and commit it to use for a County transfer station. All plants on tl site and all animals that cannot escape before grading will be lost. The site will be landscaped upon completion of construction and bird: rodents characteristic of disturbed areas might move back onto the s: IX. Growth Inducing Impacts This project is a replacement for two landfills, Design capacil of 800 tons/day will provide for projected solid waste tonnages.throL 1982. The utilities sewer, water, telephone, electricity are alreadj available and will notrequire any new services brought into the are; While the existence of a solid waste transfer station should not indt businesses or residents to move into the area, certain businesses thz produce large quantities of solid wastes may find the availability of the transfer station desirable in their location deliberations. a For these reasons, the project should not be considering growth inducing. X. Agencies, Organizations and Individuals Consulted Agencies Comprehensive Planning Organization Community Services Agency Advisory Board Cities of Carlsbad, San Marcos, Vista, Oceanside, Escondido Regional Water Quality Control Board County of San Diego Air Pollution Control District Department of Transportation Land Use and Environmental Regulation 0 - 20 .r I - ALTENATL SITES i .. .. ;; .. Alternate .Sites.Consfderf Recovery. Plant. These s: ' EIXs and were submitted j priate cities : I Escondido-traffic prob: 2 San Marcos-traffic pro1 3 San Marcos-eaffic pro1 4 Eminitas-large develol ci.tize pressure again: 5 Lake Hodges-traffic prc 6 Imperial Beach-trailer nearby] is not secluded 7 Site of El Cajon Resou: Recovery Plant 8 Site for Transfer Stat .. SOLID WgSTE MAN' r.-=* r*.-.*.*.l Resource Rtccvery g-:::.? -a&- Service Area 9. energy consumption, trash hauling costs and the remaining life of ex landfills. ?) B. Alternative Sites Several sites were evaluated using the following criteria: 1) (Set Land Use - A prime site would already belong to the County l have been disturbed by some previous activity. For a project such a: this, isolation from private residences and cornpatability with su~oui land uses would be preferred, Location - A centralized location was necessary to minimize driving distances. capacity and structural capability to accornodate anticipated traffic increases. 2) A site must have access roads with sufficient 3) Utilities - The site should also have ful_H sewer, electricit None of the alternative sites evaluated could meet as many of th required criteria as the Palomar site. The only other possible locat for the shredder which meets the above criteria is the San Marcos Lan This proposed landfill, located seven miles to the southeast of the c site, is in various stages of governmental approval. mental Impact Report which was written for this project, the possibil of locating the shredder there was discussed. location for the shredder is not approved, the shredder wiu, be locatc at the San Marcos Landfill site. VTI. Short-term vs. Long-term Impacts and water services with a reasonable distance, As part of the m Thus, if the Palomar Short-term impacts will include consrnction impacts associated with the project. Dust, if not properly controlled, and noise and tr; from construction equipment will last during the construction phase of the operation. -_ 19 0 The transfer operation wiU cost about three-quarters of a mill iollars per year. This is roughly 25 percent higher than the opera1 costs of a landfill. As technology increases, and resource recoveq becomes more efficient, the cost per ton for an operation such as tf: one proposed will become financially comparable to landfills. ( V. Mitigation Measures 1. 2, Dust control will be maintained QI-I site. Design of the facility and the access road will include a17 appropriate safety criteria. 3. Any cultural remains discovered during construction will be reported to a qualified archaeologist for evaluation and considerati Noise from the plant operation will be attenuated to accept levels, at the propem line, according to the Countyrs noise ordina The site win be landscaped to blend in with surrounding na All buildfngs will be painted earthtone (light brown) t Blowing of waste and waste fragments will be prevented by t 4, 5. vegetation. minimize the visual. impact from the main roads, / 1. 6, use of enclosed stmctures, VI. Alternatives to the Project A. No Project If this project is not implemented, an opportunity to reclaim o recover usable materials and conserve landfill volume will be lost, The Encinitas Landfill closed in April 1977. Public and privati collectors from Carlsbad, Vista, San Marcos, Escondido and surroundi rural areas in the vicinity are now served only by the Bonsall Landf Waste from the southern portion of the San Dieguito area is transpor the City's Miramar Landfill. The lack of a centralized disposal sit to replace Encinitas would be costly in terms of-driving distances, I \ 18 e-e -- --u-cIvIIu- ----A& ~GUGLUC-U * LIIL AUIVIILW LL~~WLC .- -..v - # Station will add a maximum of 35 tons of pollutants annually along tf final two miles of access roads, the overall air quality impact will beneficial. If the facility were not opened, an additional 99.8 tom of pollutants would be dispersed by vehicles driving the additional IC necessary to reach the Bonsall site, Four and four-tenths (4.4) tons emissions per yegr will also be conserved at the Bonsall landfill due the reduced need of labor to cover shredded trash. a Adverse Ten (10) acres of land previously disturbed by agriculture will. This construction will result in the loss of graded and built upon. existing grasses and habitat for animals in the area. The two minor archaeology sites found within We pmj>ect boundar will be covered by construction acthity, The San Diego County Depar of Transportation archaeologist has indicated, however, that the reco: of these sites with the San Diego Museum of Man and surface collectiol of artifacts, is sufficient to mitigate them. Department of Transportation archaeologists. 0 This has been done by Increased noise levels will result from both the on-site shreddii operation and the increased vehicular activity of EP Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road. noises to an acceptable level. maximum traffic generaged by this project is 4 dB(A), Leqe Existing attenuation techniques can reduce pro( The noise increase associated with thc Traffic will increase on both El Camino Real and Palomar Airport An average of 373 vehicles per day generated by this project, Road. expected to be reached by 1982, will be an increase well within the ci of both roads. 17 0 i If you require further information on this subject, the appendix iz available for review at the Environmental Analysis Division, the Departn of Sanitation and Flood Control, and the County branch library nearest t project site. ( (See Table of Appendices) H. Economics Initial construcfion cost for the Qansfer station will be $3.5 mil Fixed equipment such as the shredder, conveyers and magnetic separators cost approximately $673,000 a year to operate. The mobile equipment (tr and trailers) needed to transport the shredded material to the Bonsall L will cost approximately $300,000 a year. Seven-percent of the bulk incoming volume of trash will be recover ferrous metals. At a 90% recovery rate, 10,080 tons per year of saleabl scrap iron and other ferrous'metals can be recovered and recycled. At a average price of $25 a ton, this will generate revenues of about $252,00 a year. This revenue will help offset the operational costs mentioned -ab0 A shredder eansfer operation is currently about 25% more expensive a regular landfill. Due to increased resistance by citizens to landfilL wash disposal wiU necessarily become more expensive. Shredder operati, and ultimately full resouce recovery will be a large portion of the soli to this pressing problem. ( IV. Summary of Beneficial and Adverse Environmental Impacts Beneficial Due to the ferrous metals recovered and the transfer station's cena location, over 145 billion BTUs .are expected to be conserved annually. Tt represents energy equivalent to over 1 million gallons of petroleum fuels each year. \ 16 G. Energy The Palomar Transfer Station will net a surplus of energy on a comp The following is a summary of the enerl of consumption and conservation. "balance sheet. '! e Section 1 - Energy Consumed Section 2 - Energy Conserve( On-Site Reduced Equipment 153,060,000 BTU/day Public 65,015,126 BTU/ Usage Driving Distance Transpor- Recovered tation of 36 , 733,270 BTU/day Metal 585,000,000 BTU/ Shredded Trash Reduced TOTAL 189,793 , 270 BTU/day Usage at 6,076,180 BTU/ Equipment Landfill (After trash shredding) TOTAL 656,091,306 BTU/ As can be seen by subtracting the Prconsumedrr value from the 'konserv value, a surplus of 466,298,036 BTU/day in the form of energy conserved, realized. Assuming the shredder is operated 312 days per year, this resu in a savings of 145,390,000,000 BTU's per year. This figure is equivalen the energy potential of over 1 million gallons of petroleum fuels each ye a The facility will be designed to allow the future addition of more recovery equipment including a device to separate and recover aluminum. ' energy requirement for production per ton of shipped aluminum is approxiat 200,000,000 BTU. Recycled aluminum consumes only 25,000,000 BTU per ton, net saving of 175,000,000 BTU per ton. One-half percent (k%) of the tota. incoming trash weight at the Palomar site is expected to be reclaimable aluminum. When the 220,000 ton/year maximum of solid waste material is r( at the Palomar Transfer Station, it is expected that about ll00 tons per ; of recyclable aluminum will be salvaged per year. 0 15 ~UUALAUII~L crarrzc wuu -, 3 trucks haul. ferrous metals for recycling, 200 private automobiles and pickups and 35 1 movers (trucks hauling the shredded trash to the nearest available landfi: Three hundred seventy-five vehicles added to the existingtraffic on t t: comprised of 135 *ash pack ( road, El Camino Real or Palmar Airport Road, equivalent to 750 ADT, will in traffic volumes well within the capacity of these roads (see traffic ta The transfer station will be open 6 days a week, Monday through Satur It will result in no significant traffic impacts. The current adopted County General Plan Circulation Element (Sheet 4; shows both Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real as prime arterials with capacities of 40,000 each. projected ADT's for 1995 of less than 30,000 on both roads in the vicinity of the project. The County's Integrated Planning Office has Traffic Table i 1995 * Road Existing Current Projected Cir Name -ADT Capacity ADT (AJJT) (PO) C Palmar Airport (West of El 4,020 18 , 000 8,000 Camino Real) Palmar Airport (East of El 5,480 18 , 000 27 , 000 I Camino Real) El Camino Real Airport Road) El Camino Real (South of Palomar 6,350 30,000 30 , 000 I Airport Road ) (North of Palmar 5,920 30 , 000 19,000 I i * Road improvements would be constructed to provide this capacity only as to accommodate population growth. 14 Encinitas Landfill WLJ be redirected to the Paloma, site. A 1982 projc maximum of approximately 35 tons per year of pollutants frorc vehicles br: *ash to be processed will be dispersed along the final two miles of the station access roads. It must be remembered that 90% of these emission J (not the transfer vehicles moving shredded materials) are already existi: at the Encinitas Landfill, and will simply be transferred to the Palomar site when it begins bperation, The reduced .trip distance for private vel and trash haulers more than compensates for the extra miles per trip by 1 transfer vehicles. 0 Another beneficial local impact will involve the dispersal of shred( trash at a landfill. Approximately 4,4 tons/year of vehicle emissions w: be conserved locally at the Bonsall landfill (currently the only existin1 in the vicinity) due to the reduced heavy equipment required for shreddec trash. If unprocessed trash were brought directly to the landfill, mot1 bulldozer and scraper would be required for a total of six hours every wc On a regional level a beneficial impact will result when this projec a is implemented. If this facility were - not opened, the additional miles private citizens and trash haulers would have to travel to get to the & landfill would be the came ofthe increase of pollutants to the region; air cell. If you require further information on this subject, the appendix is available far review at the Environmental Analysis:Division, the Departmc of Sanitation and Flood Control, and the County branch library nearest tl project site. (See Table of Appendices) F. Traffic Traffic on El Camino Real in the vicinity of the transfer station el ' is expected to increase by an average of 375 vehicles per day by 1982. e 13 and for ~+~ks, cemeteries and similar facilities, 57 &(A). No levels hz been established for undeveloped lands. The estimated on-site sound levc can be evaluated relative to these criteria. ( California Vehicle Code Section 23130 specifies noise limits for cel sized vehicles, operating speeds and distances fkom the roadway. For a E vehicle weight of 6,000 pounds or more at 50 feet fkom the center of the of travel, the noise limit is 86 dB(A) if the speed is less than 35 mile: per hour (mph) and 90 &(A) if the speed is greater than 35 mph. vehicles are restricted to 80 &(A) after 1977; 70 dB(A) after 1987. * Large When the Transfer Station becomes operational, it is anticipated thi the initial daily traffic volume increase on El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road to the site will be 200 passenger cars and pickup trucks, 1; collector trucks and 35 haul. mks, The present Leq generated by traff: on El Camino Real and Palmar Airport Road near the site are 61 dB(A) anc 70 &(A) respectively. It is anticipated the increase in traffic will pi an increase in the I,& of both roads less than 4 &(A) at 50 feet from tl near lane of traffic. c ( The noise impact on the property adjacent to the Palomar Solid Wastc Transfer Station, along El Camino Real and Palmar Airport Road due to tl operation of the Transfer Station and increase in traffic will not be si1 If you require further information on this subject, the appendix is available for review at the Environmental Analysis Division, the Departml of Sanitation and E'lood Control and the County branch library nearest thc project site- (See Table of Appendices) E. Air Quality Air quality will be impacted both 1ccaJly- and regionally by this prc Loca'ly, the vehicle exhaust emissions now associated with the travel to _- i 12 elevations, away from the floor and lower walls of the adjacent canyon. If you require further information on this subject, the appendix is e available for review at the Environmental Analysis Division, the Departme of Sanitation and Flood Control, and the County branch library nearest tF project site. (See Table of Appendices) C . Archaeology Both sites discovered are of minor scientific importance. The recor of them is suFficient to mitigate impact which will occur as a result of project. recordation. Both sites have been submitted to the San Diego Nuseum of Nan f If you require further information on this subject, the appendix is available for review at the Environmental Analysis Division, the Departme of Sanitation and Flood Control and the County branch library nearest the project site. (See Table of Appendices) 0 D. Noise The major source of noise, when the Palomar Solid Waste Tra Station becomes operational, will be the shredding operation and vehicular traffic . The noise generated by the shredder will be in the range of 95-100 &(A) at distance of 50 feet. Depending o type of cons-truction used for building and housing the shredder, the 100 I noise level would be reduced to 55’ &(A) at a distance of 500 feet. This distance is based on the assumption that the shredder would act as a poin source of noise and the noise dropoff rate would be 6 &(A) per doubling of distance. The Federal Highway Administration has established - environmentdly acceptable Leq levels adjacent to highways in terms -of adjacent property use or development. The maximum Leq level for residential areas is 67 dB, e rl The construction of the solid waste transfer station will also ( remove approximately 4-5 acres of inland sage/mixed chaparral vegetal This is a relatively small. portion of a much larger stand of inland sage/mixed chaparral vegetation. one-half mile north, 1,000 feet east, and 1,500 feet southeast of thf project- site. * This stand extends approximately Approximately 10 acres of wildlife habitat will be lost due to construction activities. have minimal impacts as the area is very disturbed. This loss will be relatively unimportant ai Animals such as small rodents and reptiles, incapable of escapk construction activities could be destroyed. surrounding areas and compete with resident wildlife for food and sht Noise from consbction and shredding operations could affect s( Others may migrate to f shy wildlife species in the vicinity. California seagulls, scavenga \ of refuse, should not be attracted to this site as the refuse will bc processed daily in enclosed buildings, compacted into trailers, and ' transferred to a sanitary landfill for proper disposal, If further information is required on this subject, the Appendi: available for review at the Environmental Analysis Division, the Dep, of Sanitation and Flood Control, and the County branch library neare! the project site. B. Geology This project will not seriously affect the understanding of the The project will be located o geologic exposures found in the area, -- lo . i H. Traffic/Circulation Access to the proposed Palomar Transfer Station will be provide e from El Camino Real, a major highway, and Palomar Airport Road. E1 Camino Real extends from the City of Oceanside to within a u of San Elijo Lagoon. Near the site, it contains 48 feet of driving lanes, 14 feet of two-way left turn lanes and 16 feet of - paved shoul Current Average Daily Traffic (ADT) is 7,000. The existing peak e2 capacity is 30,000 ADT. Palomar Airport Road connects Interstate 5 to the western frin: It has 64 feet of paved roadbed width west of El Can East of El Camino Real the average width of Palomar Airport F Existing traffic is 4,000 vehicles. per day, but the roi of San Marcos, Real. 36-40 feet. accommodate up to 18,000 ADT. Since 1974 there have been three accidents, all non-fatal at tf intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real, e I, Energy The existing site is in an undeveloped state, and thus consumes or conserves no energy. 111. Environmental Impacts A, Biology Most of the project area has been disrupted by previous agricul activities. road grading will primarily result in loss of grasses and forbs. T€ majority of these plants are short-lived and would eventually be rei by species of the climax community (such as laurel sumac, sage brust etc.. . ); therefore, their loss is minimal. As a consequence, most of the construction (45 acres) 9 0 Precipitation is light in thPalomar Airport area. The mean of fourteen years of available records shows 16.28 inches per year. No there are about 28 days per year with 0.10 inch or more of precipita Typically, this area receives about 233 clear days per year, 62 days of partly cloudy weather, and 70 cloudy days. The wind is usua out of the west OF southwest, although winds from other directions m occ& under various climatic conditions. ( Relative humidity during the winter months ranges from about 55 75 percent, while summer readings might average about 5 percent high The nearest Air Pollution Control District monitoring station i in Oceanside, 8 miles to the northwest. There is a monitoring stati in Escondido, but due to its inland location, Oceanside,.would more c approximate the air quality conditions of the Palomar transfer site. Air quality conditions measured in total oxidants parts per mil ( (PPM) at the Oceanside station during 1975 were: Average of Daily Number of H Maximum HourIy Exceeding Fe Period Averages (PPM) Standards (0. January .04 7 February -04 0 March No Data 2 April . 05 2 May 06 16 June .06 13 JdY 06 4 August 005 5 September .08 37 October .07 38 November .07 29 Dec emb er .05 9 If you require further information on this subject, the Appendi available for review at the Environmental Analysis Division, the Dep of Sanitation and Flood Control, and the County branch library neare the project site. \ (See Table of Appendices) 8 Two small archaeological sites of minor significance were discoverec and recorded. Site CE#123 consists of two small milling areas and a non-assoc Two grinding slicks and a San Dieguito tool were the only cu: Site CE#124 consists of one grinding slick with nc e tool, remains present. artifacts or midden observed. If you require further information on this subject, the Append: is available for review at the Environmental Analysis Division, the Departmenf of Sanitation and Flood Control, and the County branch I: nearest the project site. (See Table of Appendices) F. Noise The present noise .level at the site is very low, with Lgg leve: 31 dB(A) &ing the night and 45 dB(A) during the day. On-site noi: generated from traffic on El CamZno Real and aircraft noise from Pa! Airport. 0 If you require further information on this subject, the Append] available for review at the Environmental Analysis Division, the De1 of Sanitation and Flood Control, and the County branch library near6 project site. (See Table of Appendices) G. Climate and Air Quality Temperatures are moderate in the project area. The mean daily maximum in July and August is 82OF but higher readings of over lOOoE have been recorded during September and October, Miniaum readings t the summer average near 600E During the winter months the minimum aT 420F while afternoon readings will range in the upper 6OOF's. e 7 with thin interbedded layers of shale. The age of the Del Mar Forma is well established as Eocene on the basis of its stratigraphic rela and its fossil content. i The Point Lorna Formation, the middle member of the Cretaceous Rc Group, consists of dark gray to green shales with interbedded layers fine grained, grv to yellow, highly cemented sandstones. The Upper Cretaceous age of the Point Loma Formation is based on abundant coll of mollusks, foraminifera and coccoliths. The Lusardi Formation, the lower member of the Rosario Group, iz a massive boulder and cobble conglomerate with lenses of medium grair sgdstone. In the project area the Lusardi Formation is composed aln entirely of weathered quartz diorite boulders and granitic debris. 1 tusardi is generally thought to be overlain with apparent conformity and interfingered with, the Point Lorna Formation. No fossils have t collected from the Lusardi Formation but its apparent stratigraphic position indicates an age of early Late Cretaceous. (. No landslides were found on the project site, but a landslide is present on the southeastern wall of the large canyon east of the site The portion of the project site underlain by the Del Mar formation, should not be susceptible to sliding. If you require further information on this subject, the appendix P is available for review at the Environmental Analysis Division, the Department of Sanitation and Flood Control, and the County branch library nearest the project site. (See Table of Appendices) E. Archaeology - An archaeological survey of the Palomar Transfer Station site wa: done by Janet Hightower, archaeologist with the Department of Transpo 6 < Avian raptor species noted included one white-tailed kite, one red-tailed hawk and one turkey vulture. This seems to indicate a SUI stantialsmall mammal population such as various species of rodents ax rabbits. This is further indicated by the large amount of fecal mate containing mamnal fur observed in this area. The scat was identifiec to be from the coyote. Other large carnivorous mammals expected are the bobcat and gray fox. 0 No reptiles were observed as the biology field survey was conduc Most reptilian species become inactive during th: A pacific tree frog was heard in the inland sage corn1 during the winter. time of year. A small drainage swale, containing no water, runs through this area. (Refer to Vegetation Map included in the Biology Appendix) No rare or endangered species were observed. The California Na- Plant Society maps were checked for the presence of any rare or endai plant species. These maps did not show any recorded rare or endange: I 9 plants growing in or around the project site. J If further information on this subject is required, the Biology Appendix is available for review at the Environmental Analysis Divis the Department of Sanitation and Flood Control, and the County branc library nearest the project site. D. Geology There are three geologic formations of sedimentary origin that exposed in the project area. From youngest to oldest, these are the Del Mar formation, the Point Lorna formation, and the Lusardi format] The Del Mar Formation is the youngest formation in the project area and consists locally of fine to medium grained sandstones and n e 5 To the north are two light manufacturing businesses similar to ( ones occupying the industrial park south of Palomar Airport Road. M of the land in this direction has been disturbed by agriculture in t past, but is now vacant. The predominant land use in this area of the county is agriculb although urbanizason is reducing this land use, The Palomar Transfer Station is not in conformance with the Ciq Current zoning for the subject property is The City of Carlsbad is considering an amendment to i Carlsbad's General Plan, (open space). General Plan to designate the area for government use. The nearestresidence is more than 0.3 mile north of the projecl site, while the closest private indus- is 0.4 mile to the northwesi C. Biology 1 The majority of the project site is located in an area previous: It presently supports introduced and IE Indicative species of this disturbed environment used for farming activities, grasses and forbs. mustard, tumbleweed, filaree, and various grasses such as wild oat. An inland sage scrub cornunity (Thorne 1976) covers approxixuatel one-half of the shredder site. This is the western fringe of a large inland sage/mixed chaparral complex located east and north of the pro (Refer to Vegetation Map, included in the Biology Appendix) such as scrub oak, manzanita, lemonadeberry, and prickley-pear cactus were noted here. Species Animals observed on the site and in the vicinity are indicative the disturbed conditions of this environment, f ! 4 Not included in this project, but planned for the future, are del to recover additional resources from processed trash. Sufficient grot and building space will be reserved to add additional equipment, whic€ might include the following items: 1) an air classifier which will separate paper and other organics from heavier items, 2) extractam equipment to separate out zinc, brass, copper and aluminum, 3) glass exiraction, if it becomes economically feasible, 4) automobile and tr~ tire recovery, and 5) energy conversion process. e 11. Environmental Setting of the Proposed Project A. Topography The Palomar Transfer Station will be situated on 21. acres of Cour land in the southwesterly portion of the City of Carbbad. The generz vicinity consists of gently rolling hills with an occasional canyon 01 creek bed among them. The elevations adjacent to the site range -from 200 to 400 feet above mean sea level. The Pacific Ocean is 4.25 miles to the west. Hedionda Creek, directly east of the project location. 8 The site includes a creek, which is .tributary to Agua Elevations on the site range *om 290 to 370 feet above mean sea level. Natural drainage crosses the property in a north to south pati until it is diverted southeast by a natural channel and eventually em1 into Agua Hedionda Creek. B. Land Use There are several land uses in the general vicinity of the prop02 Palmar Transfer Station. The land to the west contains the Palmar Airport, while to the south is land owned by the County of San Diego : conjunction with the F.A.A.'s clear zone requirements. To the southwf of the site are 2 small buildings owned by the Carlsbad Municipal Watf 0 3 ( c 0 + ;-1 (d c, Cn k (0 E: ca k b 8 2 /* E O ( 1 c 0 I+ c, a 0 3 c1 0 a n 0 k i% i -- Perhaps the most important purpose of shredding is the savings i space and earth cover material. effort and has a greater density than unshredded solid wastes. material is required for periodic covering. Shredded solid wastes compacts with Less e Currently there are approximately 50 shredder operations in the and Canada. At tbis time shredding is most commonly employed to prep refuse for landfilling; however, it is probable that resource recover will provide the major impetus for future increases in the number of shredder operations. Shredding facilitates resource recovery by red refuse to small 4" nominal size particles which can be processed by resource recovery equipment such as magnetic separators, air classific and electronic sorting equipment. Most resource recovery systems reqi shredding as one of the first steps in the overall process. The facility will consist of approximately three buildings (1. ( a square feet and 36 feet high, 2. 3. 3000 square feet and 24 feet high), conveyor belts, shredder mach: magnetic separators, trailer loaders, pavement, security fencing, uti: parking and appurtenant items for complete operation. All processing operations will be done in enclosed buildings to reduce noise and odo? impacts. Some buildings may be as high as 36 feet. reach of sewer, electricity, and water services. 2000 sqmre feet and 24 feet high, Approximately U,OOO square feet of space may be required. The project site is within A similar, although more extensive, resource recovery plant is currently operating in the El Cajon area. This facility has full resc recovery capability, while the Palmar project will only shred the so. waste and separate ferrous metals. e 2 I. Description of Project ( A. Location The Palomar Solid Waste Transfer Station will be located about 1 northeast of the intersection of El Camino Real and Palomar Airport R in north coastal San Diego County. The project site is entirely with city limits of Carlsbad. Vista is 4.3 miles to the northeast, and Sa Marcos is 5.3 miles east. Palomar Airport, a county-operated facilit is to the west across El Camino Real, (Map 1 - Vicinity Map) B. Objectives This project is the construction and operation of a resource rec This operation will p refuse bansfer facility on county-owned land. shredded solid waste materials which can be more easily disposed at sanitary landfill sites without using excessive amounts of cover mate Recovery of recyclable material will also be done at the project site Because of the current shortage of available landfill sites, and large volume of solid wastes generated annually in the county, an alt native to the potential shortage of landfill space is needed. This t station and associated landfill will serve as a replacement for the c county landfills previously operated at Palomar Airport and Encinitas The transfer station will initially be capable of receiving and proce 166,000 tons of solid waste per year and will Increase to 220,000 ton, year by 1982. The facility will shred wastes, separate ferrous met& for resale, and compact the remaining material into large eactor tra for efficient =anspartation to appropriate disposal sites - 4 c _. t' I Tdble of Appendices ' Appendix 1 - Biology Appendix 2 - Geology Appendix 3 - Archaeology Appendix 4 - Noise Appendix 5 - Air Quality Appendix 6 - Energy a In the interest of conserving energy and paper, we have not included copic of the technical reports with the draft EIR. Each appendix has been sm in the body of the report. If you wish to review one or more appendices, they are available at the ,following locations: 1) Environmental Analysis Division 9150 Chesapeake Drive San Diego, CA 92123 e 2) Depament of Sanitation and Flood Control 5555 Overland Avenue, Bldg. 2 San Diego, CA 92123 3) The County Branch Library nearest the project site. * Page 1 1 1 3 3 + 3 4 5 6 7 7 9 9 9 9 10 33 1l 12 13 15 16 I. Description of Project ( A. Location B. Objectives 11. Environmental Setting A, Topography B. Land Use C. Biology D. Geology E. Archaeology F. Noise G- Climate and Air Quality H. Traffic/Circulation I. Energy 111. Environmental Impacts / A. Biology B. Geology C . Archaeology D. Noise E. Air Quality F. Traffic G. Energy H. Economics Summary of Beneficial and Adverse Environmental Impacts i6 IV. 18 18 19 20 20 20 V. Mitigation Measures VI. VII. -4lternatives to the Proposed Project Short-term vs . Long-term Impacts .! VIII. Irreversible Environmental Impacts IX. X. Growth Inducing Impacts of the Project Agencies, Organizations and Individuals Conshted COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES & 0 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT PALWAR SOLID WASTE 'ERANSFER STATION Carlsbad, California I Project UJ7 842 0 March 1, 1977 @ t COUNTY OF S,\N DIEGO INTOFOE?ARfMaTA L CORR fSWN C - *dCE August 4, 1977 Board Of Supenison FW: Environmental Revia nod SUlUEcf: P81olu Solid Yaste Transfer Station, a Public Project (U7842). EAO Log ,?7-7-u The Envimmntal f.evicw Board (ERB) hu rerieuad the enclosed Enviromentrl Impact Report (EIR). ERB recnunends that: Basad on the discussion of the issues thm fallorr, the 1, The EIR be certified as being complete md in complfance wfth the pvisJfons of the California Environmental Quality Act (WA). It be fami th8t the project u pmposed Vttl have nrbstaatinl adrune (Signifiaat) but Pitip8tibla bpcts on ,Voile, Solar Wind Antennae 5, The attachei Xftigzring Measures be mads a condition of profoct .pprovsI, .A f, . x: - - ____- -- -- ---- ERB CEr.IBERATId(s On mtion of Mr. B~~chur~ seconded by Mr. *.f.ttIy. the above recaadtions are e to the approving authority for this project. 6 - Benuhi, EVIIIS, tharhrrt. UU&nur, btt1yD BY= L - N~P e ‘I 00 r~th of m. Wrckn-, S~COIWJ~~ by M. Bad, miso is formd to bo Signif- 4 iC8Ut but 8itfiUible. Vote: 6/0/9- On Motirm of Mr. aye, sdd by HE. Elrttly, kprcu on the Solar Wind Aatnau: u8 farad to be sigdfturtt but 8itig8tibh. vote: s/U/l. e. EVuu voted no, rating th8t he folt th8t the -acta to the uttnmu Spta uero .heady dtiged ‘Jr the PmpOSed prOJast duimc * $ <? tsmw el. mxs&. - -. 3; &. &at are tLe qualiRcations of the two people who perforaadtha ffeld- -- sun'afl Staff Response: lagists 3s PUT the %n Dicgo County oTOcduraS for Ewiromcntal Impact Rerfm. tke :eport witten by *+s. 1Ifg:itower. At the present time %. Hightner fs N)t recogrizd as 8 qurlffid archaolozist pa tho above citd San %ego County PmceJircs for tnvfmmontal Impact ?*view. Are they qcnltfied as per the Cowtty Guidelines, Pr. Spry Fink has ne': the qualifications AS an mhaea- 'It. Ff3k did not take part in the field survey but df-1 review - Cali,Coxuio Ileritaee Forndation 1. !la3 W. (sfcl llfghtower a '%! in the propor fie?d a& r~oorllcd 40T hours :?-LIZ nonths) full-tine experience ap+rcnticcshlp under a '*qua?ifieP archaeologist and as a supervisor? Staff Response: Archaeologfcal Society. WIiy did your staff accept ehe archaeology report done by a studant uarker who does not naet County sundanfs? Staff Resense: ne question inplies th.t thtzreport wu acccptd with the bledge th8t 8 question dstd ralatfra to the qUrlif5- cations of the !ndxvi&aI th8Z prepared the repzt. would not 5e correct. A faihra to resotve this qnestioa. however, does not invalidate the EIR providcj that the EIR doer neet the rq.iremeats of the State EIR Cuiddines. See response to itm 6, letter fros the 5aa Megu 2. Such 8 coaclwim Russell L. Valdcnn Several questions were pre-entd by !k. Kaldenherg regarding the 3dequ;uy ad accuracy of the arcliaeolo~ reFn and request photographs of the site be taken. Also, several guestions were asked regardfng the cctivity of fW. Fink vfth regards to survev and repart prrparaLion. "T. hidrnbag recormendad thaZ a canplete acd cmpetent repon be coniucted before project coaplctioii. Strff Response: Yeawes. (hiversity of California This lattct erpresses J concern for the eleCrk81 f3cilitfes vhfch Will he needed for the project. conducted in the vicinity, this experhnt is the on?y one being conducted in tlic lhiced States and fr extrmely sensitive to t!ectrieal disturbances. The i"nivert,ity of California ruoDPanJs , bccuue of the 1x3: of details on srchinery and rystens design, that they be consultd during the design phase so that pot-nth1 pmblmr can be iJe?tified and corrected. See '!ajur Issue *J and the amxiate! A?CI!AEOLrx;Y f'irfpzting At present, a solar wfed antenna exper'bent is icing a. Will the project site be fenced? StafI Refpon9o: wil1 he constructed. Paps 2 cf the draft stirt~s that recur-Zty Ptncinp Catffornir Peprtncnt of $ish and Cane: Stzted thnt they had w catlest at this tint. Sar Diq.0 Comty Archaeological Yociety, Tnc. : 1. %at axe the possibilities of a subsurface component at @a& sits? Staf? Response: ARCMEOLCCP mitigating nemures. k’ould subsurface testing such as post-hole testing bo adviseable pad, if not. whv n?t? Staff Response: Yes, in this cue .msf-hole tcstiq wouiu be &.-tzc- . - ible [see !Ytfgaring “casures for Archadoqy). Kith a revrted Sin ?iegiiito site containing ailling feahrror, could tlie cools ad the slicks be rslated? Staff Response: a San Dfeyito conponmt is repressnted at these sites. of one tool in 1tse;f comprirs an isolated find. . Suc‘l resources nay be on the project property: see 2. 5. The DfvZsion Archaeologist deas not beliric that Presence 4. rxactly where was the tool at t?lZnS fCE 1126) iu relation to thu slick at that site? Staff Peespotse: fa the arp required in the tYtfgatfng ‘koruzs for kchaeo8bgy. ifhat is the rationale for assigning both slicks to tho hisene culture and the twlr ca tfis San nfcyito culture? St;lff lesponsrt Bedrock ailling features are coasfdsred By most authorities to represent a lare cultnsal fatmiion into *them CXifumia cfter l*W 9.C. sphem of influsso of the Lusena culture tt Right br rsttmnlIy caclrtdd that these milling s’idti are LuYIsena. tlowtver, rho Lulsus culture is a historic manffestation. Six0 there is 8 lack of s*idatee to indicute fbtz thts situ is hirtoPfC, it fS 81SO poJSibl8 t1t.t th-0 features represat m. Clmmt ‘kighm’s Spn Luis Rey If c~plex. Thu briter of tho teckical report intarpretatd a scraping tool fb he a ”typiuF Sa Diegufto tool. IfuneYer, such a classffiutioa of artifacts is cxtrmzety tenwa and stautd only be attmtcd by J spxirlist Well-versed in lithic elossification. Division Archaeologist qaestfonr the “%n 3iequito type’’ Lnterpretatioa for the rcnsans provided above. >e exact location of the tool at Qln3 CCE Pll4) 5. - Sinca this rite is lwted within the ?erefore, the - 7 LYLosrnRI: 8 LEITI'S OF PVBLIC A!:r) OTTER 4(;T':Ty CfXCWiT MSTH RISl'OiSE City of rarlshad: 1. hill the project increase fire hazar'? Staff 2esponse: within buildings and tilt area adjacent to the huildiilg WilA be cleared such that the fire hazard is not expected to be suuhstantialLy increased, Are there any rife pIants on the praperty, such as AdOIphh cnlifornicj or Dichondra _occidentalis? Staff Response: Is there any possible air safety hazard associatcu with Palomar 0pera:Lon of the shredder facility wftl take place 2. See !!ajar Issue '5, BIOLOCY 3. __ - - Airport? Staff Response: flight pattern of Palomar Airport and is not expected to create an inpact on the operation of the Airprt. 4. Kill the project attract ma11 rodents? Staff Response: This possibility exists. IIovever, the refuse will be kept inside buildings uhile baing prucessd urll will be hauled daily to a zanitary landfill. thus dninidng thLs proolm. Mi11 noise or o&r froa the shredder be discernible tQ a developnent erst of the project site? Stdf Revme:- The noise issue was tretted in the !fiajor Issue of sobe. Odor is not expected to be a ptoblu as the refuse VfIL be enclosed withfn the pmpord building and haled may daily with daily cleanup of the shredding machinery. Has snything heen proposed to elbinate laole trash fmp escnpinp fron ttucks and tractm trailers transportiTg tila refuse to pnd from tha site? Staff Response: Escape of nattrLaI fmm transport vehicles 1s rep lated hy the Calffornia Vehicle Code, subject to enforcraacat bY the ralfzornia ~ii=h*oy Pairo~. 7. Po you knuw how tke proposed stmcture will look? Pafirit0 plms have not been developed at this tine. material? Staff Pasmnse: ta tte '!oise mitigation included in tSir CIL The building location and size is out of the direct 5. 6. Li'liat is the pmpsd exterior 'titigotion '(casures to ainislfze visual iqacts ate NCWSLX A-S 6. E.zyJrion of Solar _- Yid %ntannae System (See the Fol1suir.i Xitigqting Veasur e) 1- larentption sf the project without sdequate mitigation Will inter- fel e dth the University of California's Solar Uind Antennae System op. rated Ly the Physics Depame?rt of the University of C3lifornia, SA1 Diego CaLpJS. This ar,te?nae syttca is unique in tne Lhlited Stater am is part of an extensive and co~plex exparioent funded by the NAT ional Fxmdation. Thi3 electrically ransitivy antenna8 system, Iolatzd on tile Dawsm-tos %nos U. C. Preserve, slightly leis than 1 I ile fron the project site, will be affected by -1ectrical inter- fe ence gencrated by the proposed project if effective mitigation mysuLes are not impleuentcd. Mi igP7ir.g E(easu-e* A. All new elrctr'cal lines should be nnderg?uunded to prevent above- ground level e!ectricsl arcing [c~eron zc above ground lava1 trans- mission 'lines) in the vicinity of &he solar kind enLc-enna S;etem wch thec otectrfcal intercerence is ainbized. In consideration of the need ot the Lbiversfty of Califamla for a radio-quiet rnvimwerc in thc vicidty of the project, the applicmt will consult with the University during pmject dosign, and wflr work with the Unfversiv to mitiguts any tdio Lnterfer- ence resulting fmm the pzoject. B. 1. Cr ding ('io 'fitigating Heaaureq Proposed) Ap~roximataly sJ.~oo ntbic yards of earthczork is proposed fd: 4.5 *:res of the site. resulting in grading ?< lZ,C00 cucic yards +x acra. 3.: Z1T7dmg will be 5alancA cet ad fill operation with a wrimua cut of 2s.: Z2-t a-,d minimum fill of 13 fee.. 8. & AzultGe (?lo Mitigating Yensure Px~p~sed) - Pi3iecr inplemenration will have an adverse effect on agriculture by removing 10 acres of land fron agricultural uze nithin the coastal depeiident agricilture z>ne.las ZtJTeS soiSs (CLaSS 1%; Storle Index - 31) are found on approxilnately 10 acres of the pmject ~openy. ?(:.re soils are considered to be valucble for the cultivation Of flowers, rrnge, and truck crops. I E!iCi.OSURE A-4 . RrctostaF4ylos glandulosa Eascw. ssp. cra~s15011a (.Ye?*.) blis. Thick X eaf man -ani ta This species is known oniy from 5a.i Uicgo County: zaastal areas, in and around t\a Del Yhr and Ercrxta;r areas. ThiJ speues is considered to he endangered a3 of 1974 (CrPSj, 2nd Of declining population vigor. A total of 11 indivlduais occur on thc prcparty. Federal R/E Status: Prop:& as an Endangered species (both sIong the lS7S and 1976). 2. Adolphia calffc;nira Wats. Ado 1 phi a ;his spcies is knoq from sauthwtstcm Sa r)iefo Ceaty and norehyrn Lower Calffonia: Chaparral ad Coastal Sage Scrub piant consminitier (as defined by.;r(unt and Kc&, 1949; 19%). this species is considered as of 1971 to be a specfes of limized Cistrihtion, but not rape and/oi endangered. A census of individuals was not conducted, however. estimates indicate that approximately 200 individuais -n the prperty. Federal R/E Status: along dry canyons urd washer vitkin :ts popula\.ion vigor is staole or fncreasing, Not grJposed as a 'hraatened or an endangered species (1975 ar 1976). 3. Zclagfntlla zfnerasctns A.X. Ea?. Sp i ke-Mos s This species is known from southwestern San Diego County and adjacent Lower California. Coastal :age Scrub and Chaparral plant comities (as defined by Fbnr and Keck, 1349; 1950). this species is cmsidered as of 1974 to be a species of limited distribution. 5ut not rare andlor endangered. Its population vigor, relative endangarntnc, and rarity are not known with any degree of cenainty, ad its goners1 poplation di3tribution is only poOT1y know. Several excellent mats of this species occur Tushout .he pmp- erty rn the areas dominated by' native vegefat.dn. Federal R/E Status: - Found on dry slopes and resas within Yo? proposed as a threOtaOG or an endangered species (1975 ot 3976). EXCLOSURL A- 2 2. Se-ge nisrosal (Yo Mitijating Netuure Proposed; See the Following Applicant pmposed prejuct mociifications) ?to Sewrge facilitie, wi;l be avail2h:e in the area during the next two years as 8 r-sult of a moratoriw by the City of Carlsbad for this area. The prr-osed pmjact will proiuce approxinately 4,000 galIons of uaste 'fater per day created from anroximafely 20 employees and periodic washdcwn of equipixnt. Percolation tests indicate that proper swage dispsal cannot be achi.-.,i via a septic tank-leach line system. The applicant has presented the alternative of uriliring: t) ch-ical toilets and a sump systern for the washdown of equipment end recycling of xater: 2) the cleaninq of machinery by seeperr and vacuum devices rather than by a water Lash-down aethod. or 3) other such methods, nrch a3 evawtranspiration. that ui?l avoid discharge of waste uater. 3. Scenic/V.Lsual (See the Following Mtigating Measure) The proposed project will result in a building 36-feet in height uhich vi11 visually impact a planned JW-acre development lranedfately to the east. Hitigating Measure The building exterior should bc of a nature t!iat the building will blend in with existing color and textures of the area. 4. Archaeology (See the Following !fitigating Fleasures) Three aachaeological site: are Found in or immediately to the project site. M hisem milling stations were report& in tne Archaeological Survey Rep-, prepared by the Oepewent of Transportatfon and a A third trail casp (SDf-5J-92; , hdicated by Chione sp. shell fragments littering the ria of an adjacent cmyon, was later discovered by the Enviromental Analysis Division. bem arrgin.1 elements of a more widespread regional settlenant pattern iwolving ver,=ta:im and animal resources around Agus Hedtonda Creek and its major tributsrfes. The marine shell svecies probably yare Eathered pt-historically at Agua IIedionda Lagoan and conulMd by a single indiv:dual while enmute to some unknown inland destination. Ecofact residue at there sites could contrihte to a better understanding of dietary habits in specific tine periods. 'ihcse sites ale theorized m have .-2 C!CLc)SURC A T‘IVIR3b”F‘I”PL IV4fl XEPORT CISCL’SSICY PilOJECT: Paimar Solid Kart4 Transfer Ststfin, A Public Project FAG Log 077- PROJECT DESCRIP’IOS The pmpoicd project is to estab!ish a solid waste 9hredding facility capable of recovering Ferrous (irJn) matetiallr. The shredded waste will be tramporzed to +xisting sanitary landfills: either to the Sonssi(1 or San ?Iaxcs Jandfills. The gtredding of waste material wili extend ths life S~M G€ the San Yartos facility frm its present 3 EO F year life span to an estimated 20 year life span. cussed in this EIR iq not discussed id :he EIR fccr the SPn Varcos Sanitary Lrnd fi 11. rhe oroject site is located nolrtheast of tke intersection of p~loaar Urport Road and El Camino Rezf in the City 0. GL-~~S:- The life span exrention effect of the Operation of the shredder tu dis- -- a County-cx-,+d 21 acre __ _--- __ EXlSTlNC ZGNI?G The existing zuning is 04, Open Space. in the City of Cnrlsbad, which under Carl,’ ’ ronfng allow agricultural and recreatfmil uses. !L7AJ3R -JSIiES 1. e (See the Following Yitigating %mure) Noise levels estimtted to be in the range of SS-100 &(A) at a dis- tdnct of SO-Feat frorn the shredder will 5s gen+mtcd bv the shredding operaticn unless effective noise rebction techniques are aaploysb, am3 mfsr level; ac the nearest pro\JCmy line will he in the range of 83-2?8 &(A) and a LO dB(.%) noise level will exist at a distmca of a~roxLwtely S.140-feet ‘fc1 the ShredGiaZ Optration. As 2 m5ult. without adequate mitigatio?, the 60 dB(A) noise contour yroclucrd by this project will envelope an area of approdnntely 600 acres -- €a cantrait to the 21 acre project site itself. gmted ULtigating Mea= Construction of the shredder buiIding should utilize moteriais which will insure that noise levels produced by pmlecd rehZ& activities do not exceed 60 rlD(A) in areas outsidr of the 21 acre project sites as a result of activities related to this prolect. This impact :an be miti- Encloaursrr A. EXR Discussion, Pages A-I to A-5 1. Lottors 02 Publfc UKi 0th- Agency mauents Wfth Ra~pnso, c* Drat EIR, hep8rml by County of SAn DfogO, kputmsnt of D. Supplemental Inforrution Providd by tho Applfmnr PSgu B-k to 8-4 frMSportation, Envimwmt8l Servlca Division. Co?ies: Anna Peeus, IW (#Mss) -.. 3 t , 4 3 5 -ij 2 .PI = * 4 P 3 “4 n L N T E I < DE P ,\ I < T :.I E N r *\ 1. C 0 t4 H ESF'O N 0 E: I J CZ E County Clerk (C11) C}c;k of the Eozrd 0: Supcrvisozs (1~63) -----I_- -____-. Project Tit! e: lZZl tiill 2. The L'rojcct rb xzl wi,tl not (cicin!-ficant) ef Eect on I he, tinviror~cnt- [:X.:] A? X:ivir<:nr?.:~:itLtl Ii-.pact iiccor:: Q:~S prc2ard for thl project purz,.!"nt to =he ~:~ovisio?.s of the Californi Enviror:cntal auality Act (CE@A) of 1930,. - . 3. !,CF.c':.R .n. (:!?.?-;.!:?!.is cy Dona 15. 'TI-; I.J> 1 e '3. .L?IL' - -- -. . -. - --. *.--.-- .---__-_ '")V. SI '), 8 c -2- p.av~ di.ternipsd that you i?~i? in ccmpliance or ti-%: -pi3 can ccs?ly th*rr'.J;tn. Any cc%~i+~,ents or urd?rtaklrgs entered inti, prior to obtaining the apprcrval of the Govzrniient in accordance vith its terns and conditions will be at your o;n risk. #e would 1L?e tc remind you thaC on-site labor Eust comence within 90 Cays of the dzte of your receipt oE this P-ward of We would also like to cxphasize the importance ot the statu- tc,ry requirement that at least 10% of the grazt fr?rv;s be expended for minority buriness enterprises. You should read th: enclosed guidelines carefully to make sbre that you take the steps necessary to fulzill that requlrmznt. Sincerely, Enclosures FOW ED-1028 W (ZV. 9/77) USCQ'LVI M: 64302 P77 I L UNIYZRSITU i)~ c,+umwrA. SAN DIEGO 1*PI SANAU. Yqr CFFiCE OF NE %SSu ATS JLZ LrtAKFLLi)R *-ACIL$7icS MA:r4r&US4r LAjNb,CAUFCU.uU 9209) iuqust 5. ,977 County of 9an Diego Zovtronmatxtal Revleu Board. 3150 Chesapeake Drive 9an Diego, California 32323 Gent lema : We. therefore, recarmead that it under "Kit lgat ing Xe1e&8?1resTV for Woa %saw itB of the'Fgirimumental Impact Report be deleted aad a new ita If bb 'insented as follows: ''In consideration of the need of #kc Ooiceraity of California SOP a-radia-qafet erwtromwdt fa t&e vfcfnity of the project, the applicant v-lll consult aitk the Cnlversity during proJect Associate Vice Chancellor - Facf Xitias Yanageaent CC' 8. SheQhei-cf OUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTSI ENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~~q~~~~~~,~~~~~~n~*~~- COM .H L" IT Y 5 E RV IC E S AC E3 CY 1d.pkon. (>I41 l&S-3II? ... h awd r,rn. on.r August 3. i977 Ms. Melissa Johnson De par tme n t of Ant hropo 1 og y San Die30 State University 5402 College Avenue San Oieyo, CA 92182 Oear Ms. Johnsoi: Enclosed are site forms and mps of two recent?$ reccded archaeo1ug:caT sites fourd by Janet Hightower, Qur Arcnaeolcgical Stu.'ont li-rke.. They were not previously recorded at your institution or at the San 3iego Huseum of Man. Since their discovery in Novzmber, 1976, they have been placed in the site files of the Museum of Nan. as iits W1202 an4 W1203. It 1s requested that they be placed ia the files of the Anthropology Laboratory at San Diego State University and be given official site designaticns. final site desjgratim numbers? Very truly yours, . Once tpey are so indexed, wculd you plr'se sena ds tne RJH:KAL:lah Enclosures ' 2-2%2=U" - c -4. .I ..-J?e?zL? CC"P OF SAN DIECO COX# UN 1 T Y SERVICE 3 .4 GEXCY DEPARTXENT OF' TRANSPORTATION zL:L-2 7Ohbm.w I7Y4 J4 +.rr s r- --A,.-, August 2, 1977 Ms. &IFssa Johnssa Departae.nt of Anthropology Z- 9t5.g~ _Ft*+-r lrniv-rci'y 5402 ColIegc AverJa Sn i)iegv, CA 92L82 . _---- Dear Ms. johnson: The San Diego County Departaent of Tcanspottatfoa is in aeed of fnforrnation regarding any record4 archaeological and/or historical site vichh or around the following project lacacim: Palbmar Solid Waste Transfer Station &closed are tw ka~9 of thc-uroicct locacim. Please adcress reoly to: Kr. Cam Pfnk, Archaeolopist San Dieno Couatv Deoarment of Tranoeortatim 5555 Overlad Avrn.?. Bldo. 6 Saa Dieno. Ch 92123 TeleDhone: 565-5851 Yorrr cweratiaa will be areatry aoereciated. Pew truly vours. 7,?I:GRP:lh ARCU.4EOLOCICXL SEE SURVEY RECORD SAY D[EGO CCIJ~TY ENCIIVEER DEPARTMFhT SITE: CE-123 ( UBL[C JVORhS AGEhCY --- I. USCS QJad. 2. Latitude W Range 4w : I/$ of 7~ 114 of Sec. 17 ~ 3. Tk\Q. 125 sg CarIsbad 'ria:er District office north of the intersection of El . 4. Locarion Near - > Casino Real and Palomar Airport Road in Carlsbad. -- 6. avner unknown 7. Ac.aress-n Area 2500 sq ft 10. Depth none - 14.Surroanding Soil 13. SIC? soli --- IS. Previous Excavation none 16. Des rruc ti on Pol s 1 b 11 I ty 17. Featcres one large grind;nq slick 18. Griria;s,Crr--ations n-appved 19. Art.facts one San Diequito tool (and-site - sookeshzy.uuT_gDer) -~- ---A- ~- _____---- ---- - x. Published Rc;erence-= -- -__ -_ - ----- 21. Remarks The artifdct was formd in disturbed earth next to a rodent burrow. At about the ___- -- be slicks are separated by about 75 ft of brush covered ground. mlddif po'n-heen these ;ha feature5 che San Diego tool VJS found and coliected. i 22. Accession No. 23. SLecch Map 24. Cktt 11-26-76 25. Recorded Ey-wepr ' . (1 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SrE SURVEY ncCGi;u" SAX DiEGO COb3TY ENGINEER DEPARThlEXf - . --- UBtlC {VCRKS AGEhCY I. USCS Q3d. San Luis Ref -- N; Longltuude ---- - 2. Lmrude 3. Twp. .Range QW : Su I/4d f+~ 1/4 of Sec.1 125 4. LocJtion Large rcck worop ne3r Carlsbad Vatzr Distntt office near the fn section of E1 tamino W and - * t-e- -___ 5, Conrouur 7%7* 7. AcfdtcsS unknown 8. Sire Cjescription tarcje rock outcrop with one grinding slick on ft. 9. Area 1O'J sq feet IO. CepthSe 11. Vegeratton Kr-w ,i.U?2el AJlL?-- 12. Nearest Water 1ntea;ttant Stream 5Qf-J ft t~ the mp .j site So11 14. Surrrmndrng Soil dpcwcpd er,an > i *J 15. Revtous Excavinon none 16. Destruction Posstbrtity 17. Features 13. Arrifacrs none &served 20. Fdbitshed References -A -.-_ 22. Accession No. 23. Skrcsh hap 24. &re ll-7c;-76 25. Recorded By Hlqhtawer . 26. R?o .. PRCJZCT lCC.qiIC!H FW P.qLc%-? jtu.cDOLq -. . . .. ~ 7 2- n -VvA* -2 -. .. a XL KU~OTA a O~~~CIATXES IW L76j=a--.eirsi .PO eo-qos,.wrt+r ~,f~-a320ca.~-ii17~ >gn Juty 29, 1977 San Dtego County Environments; Revfew Board Envi ronmental 4nal ys i s Of vis ton 3150 Chesapeake Drive San P-iego, Ca. 92123 hbject: Palomat Sulid Waste Transfer Station, ?ublfc Project. Gentlemer: Thank you for the opportuctty to respond to the drat; E.I.R. for the subject project which Is a ,reposed faclTity tinmedia-e'y adjacent to the administration and operations center of the Carlsbad Hunicipal Water Dfstrict. Ye habe reveiwed the draft E.I.R. fn detail and 1. With respect to putlic Mate? service to the proposed facility, Log #77-7-34 - Carlsbad Mvnicip31 Water Distr3cc . offer the fallowing cornrnenes for your consideratton: our District is working with the Cfty of Carlsbad and the County of Sdn Diego for the destgn and construction of an arterial Water mafn that will provide adequate water service and fire protection servfce for the proposed solfd waste crans:er station as well as a proposed City of Carlsbad operations center. Upon the completion of such facilities, this District wlll proyfde comptete public water service. 2. The draft E.I.R. contains conslderable inforaatfon regarding the impact of traffic upon the major nighways that wlll rervtce the proposed facilitles. We note i :omglete absence of an evaluatfon of the structural capatilfty of these highways to accomodate the addltional heavy truck traffic that wilt be generated by this new ftc:lity. Speciftcally, the section of Pslamar Airport Rcad =aster- ly of El Camino Real viithtn the City liqits of Carlsbad is currattly being systematlcalty destroyed by the heavy traffic. As a daily user of that fmpcrtant hfghway, I have noted the dramatic deterf- oration. In 3rb-p Carnw. %ora Ana County of $an Diego 3. The draft E.I.A. fs silent wfth respect to the hfgh problem for the control of debris whfch becomes sca hfghways as the v3rfous hauling vehicles move towarl pofnt. Over the years Uater Oistrict personnel haw( disregard for containment of trash resul ttng in ?it1 highways. We suggest you address thts problem and i tive solldtions. 4. As immedfate neighbors to the transfer station, we k that the opinions expressed In the draft E.I.R. rela control wfll be demonstrated in fact at such tfme op Ue trust that these comments will merit your attzntfon a the undersigned ff you have any questions. In additfan, this office as to the tfme and place of the varfous proc to thfs drift =.I.R. r-7 / cc. Carlsbad Munlclpal Water Oistrict Legal Counsel Love1 1 Hul bert R. E. Shepherd b P.O. Bo< Id: * Encinita.. CrIifc*i:.t qX21 July 21r,L977 , Sari Dieyo County EnvtrormcntaL RevLeu Yoard Environmental Analysis Did sion 9150 Chesapeake Drive Sari Dir-30, Cafifozriia 92123 Deaz Sirs, Re: Palmar solid Waste Transfer Station (E%bLic Project) ci Log 177-7-34 We have the following comments about tne archaeological sur-vey report for this project: 1. Nev record checks at San Disgo State University and San Diego X-sem of Man should be made. may have been recorded for the area since 1974. 2, The references to t5e reports by Carrico and Fink on page 5 are not correctly documented, 3. The last sentence on Fage 5 states the *the possibility of sites appeared to be much better.’ The meanicq is 1- not clear - better #an what? Additional sites 5. Mitigation of the reported sites should at least contain, in one document, measurements, drwlngs and photographs of the slicks. The arcifacts .‘ound aa- cfated with them should be shovn on a scale drawing to illustrate their relative Locations. i Sincerely, EIR Review Ccmmittee . Environnser;faf Analysis Division -CJc ORB: ThlS i8 d r-Xc3k 9, PZWICC)H ! }, w 'pc PIT ufjrqenrra~rol~ ; 3- &t>:kLS- _- - -- \ -\ 4 - * c :,d& t f * I d n, *. ".. -. L'," \i4--4 f? \ "5" 7- G.c----< ( *L-, ,,** SL - . \ TCLCSLIRE D COUNTV OF Yi?4 DICCO DEP.4RT:tIENT OF Tfl.LtNSPQRTATIO3 COMML NITY SERI'iCES ACESCY 'Idp: J's' 07*'ia"* lur j,."O.g0 c* r, "0 7>12€ -.I.WJ~O (r1.0 ¶bi.il# - JuIy 28, 1977 Enrf ronmental Revien Board Director of rransportatl3n A Pcss ible Occurrcnce of ArctDstaphyi 70s glandulora ssp. crassifolia an Endanpd Subspecits, 3n tite Site af the hoposed Palmar Transfsr Stat'gn. A possibility of :ne cccurr2fnce of Arctosta n 110s lardtrlosa ssp. crassifolia <an endangered subspecies of Ea:&& 9- on the site of the pmoosed Palmar rl-ansfer Station was brougtt to the attentto* of the EnvironmentaI Services Group. A stbsequeqt investigation revealed ole individual closely matchias tbe description JfL - L SSP. crassif- a"dR-.a. ssp. ? Aocc*ih--d in Mufnz. 1974. Abr-me. '3613 and Jepson, i925 rithfwect boundaries (See Map 1). found almg the side of a dirt road sodth of the proJect rite. A dense stand covertng abouC500 square feet was found I'h a saall r,,nyo~ oetereen tae dirt mad and the site bounhry. in addition, zeverai OLJIC~ t:Lf.-+<~*1- *ere Thfs spec'es 1s extremely variable (Abratrs. 1966). and the pm~1s Jgson %%%%YiistsA. glanduiasa var. crassifulfa as an altemte naming af & fmntosa far. pass?foita. is known to hybridize freely (&nr, 1974). The evidence swgcsts that this. wowtatton may represent m hvbrfdfz4tion qf 4. a-L- ssp. raaw r.quired to ciartfy tne taxonan'c status of 2fs ppulat!on. A: p~s?qt, there are IO plans for 3~ const-xtfon attlvity kft!fn about iOC 'eet of the Indfvidual w!ttch Is d~tti!n :fie proiect hurdar'es. Fv-:hemare, slncc thf; fdlvldual Is surroup&d by !srge bwlders and htders d siM11 cmj-e, no future constrt.ctton 3~ -,?is 19catfan s Itkely. The atea south of tbe project site bhich ccntains most of t:d population 1s designtted Lerl:-.nent open space. % and& - 5sp. -; -0*2vtr, "Xch we wrk wuld t;e 01 rector of Transportation RjpC.: KAL: 1 ab Attac hmnt cc: Depar*nt of Sanitation and Flocd Coqt-1 % REFERFHCES AbramJ. Leroy. An Illustrated Tlor; -’ the Paciffc Coasc. Stanford Jcpson, yu\. A Hanwl of the Flowering Plants of Cglfforrla. Univerrfty ‘Jnfvtnity Press. 1960. of Califo-ss. 1925. Wtnz, PA., 4 Flora of Soutkm Ca!lfo;nfa. Onlversity bP Calffornfa : Press. 1974. . I i j - - - . . : - A .. .: M CMHX). OtWI 09 -n.L / quKun VlC6 ouKIuo*- FAClLITfU MAhACFA41M July 26, 1977 (= SvaJECX: Dhvson Eecerve - Propossd Palomar Waste Stst~on A. yau how, we have been revlcwfnq the Draft Eznrfroanental Impact Report: Palmar Solid Waste Transfer Station and the nrpplerrental dormation contained in the response to the EPvFronrrentaL Analysis Division memo dated Jtme 16, 1977. Based on these do-ts. we have two specific concerr~ VLth the proposed solrd waste transfer station: 3E4 y (I) The level of ooLse from the waste compaction machfnery is of concern. the nwbfcat noise ZweL at the Rescme remafn at or belar that required by the Nofsc Abate- Pnnt Canno1 sections of the San Die o County Code for the B-1 Zone (SOdS(A) from 9 A.M. to 7 P.M., 4SdB(A) from 7 P.M. to 'IO P.M., ad -(A) frm IC P.M. to 7 A.M.*) We wu'ld further rccourend that if the station is con- 8trUCted, wise attmuatiuu measures Wcb will canthe any noFse above 6OdZ(A) wi.tU the *county's property boundarizs be hatimeed. Radio interfetsnce generated by the cquipmrnt could halt_ the on-going research project dich i8 baszon a passive receiving ant- on the Res-. With respect to tu8 CopCeIp, vt onut atakc exception to section U of the rtspcnrr to the EpvLromnental Analysis bidsion'r meum of June 16, 1977 to the DepartElcnt of Transport.- ti-. We vould rewire that - (2) *. ma ecctiaa itates 19 part that the . br rcpoitcd in Department of Traasportatfon, -!.-I srrvfces Agmcy, Co. of San Diego,,,"HoLcc :,My for Pdormi Nrport Solid Wustc Trmafer Site, OIcanber 1976, page 5. X.A. So. W7624, -. Mr. J. Xogaz Sarruelsen July 26, 1977 ?age Threq hvt had very serious problsas from 73.8 MHz interference geuerated frm the axistqng 21 kV linea in the bmediate vicinity of the roposed sthtfon. Although the SDGE company sulators and cleanhe and tightening others, such problems tend to r2cu-c after a feu years. In.adciftion, all e;ectrica'l machherp (such as drives for hacmermi1L and separators bi should be shielded in netal eaclosures. 6 responded by replcclng socle faulty in- Uh-- -her the transfzr station vi11 *act current Xeserve activft€es depends upon the nature of the equipment vitfch rill be used and vhathcr or not dtigation measures are :&en. Since the tract natura of the statioa's equipment is uukncma at thfs th, and becawe prcblems may arise in the future vhich cannot be anticipated in the present, in addftim to the above recormendations we would request Q written canmsmf- cation from an appropriate County agency to the effect that i (1) the Uairzrsity will be consulted throughout &e desiga pbast of the facility and (2) any unantictpatcd problems which artre in the future vfll be settled by mutual agrcanrat. We applaud the ecologically sound rationale behind the prcrpoecd operation and aerelp wish to protet-t the Resera frum en- aoactrment and preserve the integrity of assocfated research. Xf the recamendations outlined a5ove are accepted, the thrlversity will not oppose the project. ,I Donald E. Sites Associato Vfce Chancellor - :i ' Chsck ora: This I* a -ON t 1, PERCPJN ( ), aw TO p~m (! Project Number I_ Suqect PfWXJM??A* -50 L(D Lt!4>TF /,ZR&#Sfe 774 - 'neunionzd f?&DpLL/LSc- T? / ,,ZT,T~~~? s/= Pd/-'C:t C~&C_~A/ SJ6flfrn BY flfl /~5YCiVIJI,, 1 wFH ro /7ERur HG 5,);FF1c@r mer "STAFF ALCAALS.L_L~G.~SS SUOYU RF R~AI-D~ F;rL m/r .)/,'RREur /&7€zrr;h 7- flt-Hf/cl~'' Sf P6fe,@/A/c ,I 7-6 'jJ~ZCHflC~LL'L, r'VfAJm.73 5,&A,E;I) By /Vy*qs AJP 1.2mw &#&W 37 Ddfi 4&> --i/iPm TN( *Offi~*-Y R€TJUW if* &vLLd -P4!t trCWNr* sc H(-dm + 6.9.57 @d TD CtE h66 56/7>/3, / 9, ,e 76 ,/'5c: .zb d5 y/oLA,vo.Ccr dF m. (8ddj-y /,4 ff*V LG 67 ddi ,g ,--L I + e-3 . r Ao00 wAcr k~~~ f,&.U JJP&7cb,5jCFJ Ab3 -x'Jr J=(Ter byo- u-l SdF RE.l(/c- /P a. .4 fl,Tc.fZ=K mf -.CRk fl~9 klL( r€ 71lC ,L<flczi h'&.J#eT TNer POW6 (5 &JET 7Y.4~ bs5c~ ~c%e--c t?&-flf?W~-D 8y #/e. fT /s CLt3IeLY a RcTPfl.U58lLIq- /a S.&ZetSr fls. ffrG,FcJeX /kd Ar 'I 5e'@-4t r Au y-zz VEPrz-; ,a TH'I J/*,.yIOL-'. /f). &,Gf* w=-nht+n, c/ A Chcck on.: fib is a mT3N ( ), 3zfcC;u ; ), ** To p'tLe yi -- FJm -{PC, zc'o *- cymLn77uv' W'F ~*J/GA~~f+CAIL/CIC--~' 1 * mc P6s/b/4 ry bp ps-f&c'b, --/&LL I. nArs- -- y /Uon--zr ,X#+? mF A,rn&+fln/)r5 H&*c'fl- /e mwIVc7 -O Urn= pflc~ip~7c~*~, C?/A-LL'.+T~C'/~ cF= ~wcc.fifl d A-NW/L.. "0 dIL/En--3&e <rw!s 4~- ncrr~ LS dm* P/#). GJrl/LE 7.'c- &?AF=r Kk7Ga7 CJL.L-0 &AUT Re7Z7e-/*-fPLu -0 ow5 fitu~r /h5',~~ TXAT TH. ~'oddr.~. EA.S AML~~ &*/# pb€fh+%iE 7Wc 6.b L!?/R G/~LIL '%Lc Tz/c -3 '* A4fi ' Ny pt.b= PC ~GVL ik>cv,wc- w - ~~&;~-f;norc.--- 4c.t4 ,c/sp A~C~ACVL cjbt 97 ROD Hauc #~e-& /7ey7/2p /3 7 - o/yP F,,4fl& L'L1L'TE &f&-Gr nc A.#7dea r 4,q fl r, f? ''BLdE i?&&3u C,.+i,t,rn& CN me 5XlCT-b- ..FOR Ck-fF*+ ?.. '- (*L/L&q d'7 &?eLCv..+n? T&& w -*es=z3 s/==. "8 z- 40 f/#O /? *>;TuIL -*y *' *,- -+-,RC/t m> .pz€z/ *r. ,e Gj -50; - ,=ya+/ J&. ,-hr s-km?&.ILx- 5UJfl6+@y. AeWw&T&y fi5 k B~~LIFIEO &%~8~~Li~(J*~r X ?e*UA/*k) /=I- ,d5pza3 7" ?~O~CSLV FgY)=7P See J.u &Cy 4 Z-ftF 565 BRS &ZW f uky ,* c,:fle-~> ~0 '' on/;, 3-&L.*& %-O '. m~3 /N PC7 19d~3 Nrt- A,- ~~~ci7zc;r --#*4 ro mtr~u,~ /a,crr ,rrfl&m, + tdf %-I-!- KM&% Rum) -<y:C,.z / 5/q7>- Environmental Analysis Division Check one: ‘Z%fS is d TeLccON ( ), PERCC)N ( ), HZMO TO FILE k& ( #% .C&L b m”.L-j \A / C‘-f &- -;+C~-t%L Check one: This is a TEEiiX-ciEi f ), 2ERC3H ( 1, -0 T3 F+lk'-di Pimctpwra Name .. -- ---.- I-._ ._ __ _c- --__------ - - * -A&*-.o V%L. &"a&- Check onat This IS a "ELECCN L 1, ?EXON ( ) , )sMo M PI Prcriect Nwnbar m -. r7 Pardcipma Nane Lw - ohfy+.%&p+3k 5& GL y-\%. - 9s ,7J. P- $. .92;. . Q:: L. atf R~~nl+mi Fartkicants Nema - Organization r - nt . bcvJ -$ .t +I ‘rh San Diego County Archaeological SociL~y, In P.O. Box 187 . Encinites. California 920?4‘ -... - . 3 . “77 u--, --, -_ ramty OP sal Xego 7‘52 “-:r;.sa.eg<;c. :J;* ‘. 2 ;an >:“so, 2. 92x3 3vt-xr.zi-.:.C .k-.?:;r;is ;!.*~~S:JT. ’- 7c‘ \’ +-. -, &ntl-n-.n I 35133 ...232r F. .lerf=u- %ruLtteq. .. . .. Check onet This is A TELECCN ( ) , PWcHI ( 1 I - 'W elm p Project Number - - -. - __ _- --1 - ___ - - fhcck onar This is a TELECGN ( j, ?EXCON ( 1, %E!! r0 :*TU ( ; :m ELM AVENUE TEL Pm€?u!: CARCSWD. CALIF-* VBX (711 R*ll8l Citu of CarMab - - _._- July 14, 1977 San Oiego County Environmental Review 3oard Envfronmental Analysis Division 9150 Chesapealte Drive San Oiego, CA 92123 RE: Draft EIR for Palomar Solid iiaste Transfer Station - Log 77-7-34 1 have reviewed the draft Environwenta: Impact Report for the pro- posed Palomar Solfd Xaste Transfer Station and have the fullowfrg comment s : 1. On pag? 2 the EIR states that, the project fs wtthln reach 0‘’ sewer, electricity and water services. Thls statellrent shou d be clarified fn that sewer transmission facility fr avatlab e but the Clty has adopted ordlnances declarfng a moratorfuta In the issuance of buildin3 permits due to the unavailabltity sf sewer servtces. The Cfty Council reserved the soIe dfscrct on to lssuc building permits to the governmental agencles If tiey determfne the project is necessary and in the public lnterctt. (Attached Ordinances d 7047 and 7048 f.ir your review) protection servfces. Will the project increase firs hazard? 2. There is no dfscdssion on the impact of the project on ffre 1. Page 5, Our records indicate that tMo >lant species of spec<-1 significance were observed . 2roperty within about 2000-4000 feet of the project site. T.tese species are Adolphir Califorqfca (Cal f Fornla Adolphia) and Dfchondra Occidentul is (Pony Foot). The adolphia is Identffied as endangered, and the O1chondr.i Orridentalfs fs rare and endangered. 80th of these species wcre Fi,nd In dssociation with the lnlanu ;age scrub communfty. (SCURCE: Biological Survey of the Tootsie-K Ranch, prepared for RECON by 8tologlcal Analysis Group). Is there any possibility that these species oczur on the subject property? ,-, 3. Is there any possl’t7e air satet hazard in constructinq a 36 ftL -g In such close proj;isity to Palomar Airoort? San Diego County Envfronmental Revfew 8oard he Project attract small rodents (scavenaers such as rats 7. Tne City is presently preparing a master plan for a residential community on the 400 acre sfte east of the proposed shredder slte. ill noise or odor from the shreddpr be dlscernitle Qn thiL Xocert!? Mill the structure be visible from the adjacent Dropettv? From El Camrno Real? frm trucks and tractor trdi 1 e rc tr~nsoortino the "PfW to ~ from the site? proposed exterfor material? nearby open space areas? 8. Has anything been proposed to ellmifaate loose trash from eSCaPfng, 9. Do you know how the proposed structure will look? Uhat is the 10. Will the project site be fenced to separate the shredder from the 11. What are the various advantages/disadvantages and the technological 1 Please cal1 Dana Wh?tson of my staff if you have any questfons con- czrning these comments. July L2, 1977 -2- 3. ?‘JrSUiE3 t>e s9e;uacy of the +rch<e31ogy report, we then conpared iegtec ~ervices‘ ;an 211 0 XiLlB d2 report (50 mnusc:i?tr 2nd arciclas) 3n2 ieco,ls ‘e- P1lian’r 3on::a 731~ey 7ie.1 (25 =nuscripts an3 30oks) to tke County report on thjs graject. Y~U should note that your stsf: only x-- 2 books an3 2 .naquscrlptsl It is apparent to our ilntr2ine3 eyes that ?be ?m sitor resorted on :5e project pro-xrty vorq not a+quetLy ex=izire3 or evcluste2. In fIlct, it ?ppc¶rs th?t your “3Ct denie3 the puz.iic st3,ff atte-ptej t3 write-off +%ese si:as -.ni I.,=,- fq evaluation. aT‘eZt ~ats to ~ake Our wn .ie suspect that the biology, jeoloqy, *Lr quality- qn3 other sections sre equally ! ra3eJue: vith the above tsruc, -+vlng no faith in your County cloexnent 3\-3300225, we r5spectfulIy request that all the technical stujlfcs be reeone by prfvats consulting companies which totally lack 514s an3 fully conform to San 3iego County Sui3elines. ?77 %x191 Strest ocoanside, CA Y&- - - July 12, I977 m bg IfO* ??-?-* Qunty of san Mego Wvironnentd Analysis MM sion 9150 Chesapeake Road (XS 3175) Sari Mego, CA Sa23 cantlemen1 Ye have received the 2nSt ZIR rafmced abve and appendlees -a sase and request pur coastdention of the follouFng xmbmts. Will sites Ul2@ (-123) and k-203 (Wl.24). lrth of wM& xt-3 located near project boundaries, be destmyed by mnstmctlon of the solid waste tranuf*r fadllty? A plot map should be pmvLded ahodng construction phi, in relationkt the sites. of tha sftes? Better Qcumgltation of YL2W and WuW is necessary, particularly if this rscord ~ la all that dll remain of the* cultural murces. The slicks and tools stpuld be measured and drarn t4 sde. "he sites ham been classed to be of minor &.&.flcai~cc, bwevar dte signtircance can not be dequately evaluated dthut the foll0ui.q data. . . Is gmject radeaign possible to gccomdata pr*tmtioo &togcapha wcluld be hefldal for tha record. vhat m the possibllitles of a subsurface compnent at sh site? Would subsurface testing such d9 pst !wle testi-.g be addviseahle ad, if not, nhy not? Uith a reported San Mfgalta site -ant- milling featurss auld the twla and the -licks be rele.tui? - W.- .Y,J wa3 the tool at ulM3 (W124) ta dation +a the all& at that site? /yhr is .he rationale for assla 50th siicks +a %he Lulscmo cul.tlne and the toos to the San meguito &ti- .? me ats~~isnl for research ptentidI :or tnese sites is unsatlsfac-!!ry as tt evacies the issue. A current rec~rd search should 5e obaced fmr the san mew ~IUSUUD of ~bn ad San X go State University. pm&d area and tnrmvinding vfdntty thde yefeacs w in 1971 la not adequate. The proaosed dtigcrtlon Is insufflcient. I2 the sites consist e3tirely of %k,e all& an& bola described Ln this report, nLtigatloa -a be dded by tine doamentatlon outlfred above. Post bola test* sbould be considered to rule out a subsrfcxe Q)mponenc if doubt eldets on tds pint. of the tools hv-d 5: bone and the repurt sbuld indlwta the repd'kry for the Qta. vlsudizattoc or sbuLd refnspection bs done In wnjunction with gatmd claaranca phr to CxJnSt?JIdiOR activities? h record search for archaealnglcd Atea IP the h turface mflectlon Md the heavy chamise mwr at VI202 (CH 123) persit Muate murid bnstmctfon workers bz~ not qdliled to ODunty of San Me@ e , Eb0~cnta.l Ardysis Dtvis?cn Re: Pdlomar SCUd Waste h-sfer Station PAD sa3 Yo. 7-7-34 -2 racognlae archuological and historical resources *mco~e-md during pm ject mnstxuctlon uld appare?tly .?o other pmviSiso ‘ras ken de for this. A qrrdilfled archaeologist Will be required to assume this duty Fi tirls is a oece59hf;y phasa of this project. On page 3 reference Is made k a report by G. Fhk Ln 1974 re- the Saa Dimto I cult4 phase in the Taw dz39. ’Ihe 1974 xq~rt Ustd in the bibilogaphy makes 30 refereuce to San Me&to I in the Pow area. TI?. pper reference slmdrl ba fcclu3ed Ln tka UUmhy. page 5, the reports by R. CanFcn and G. Fink an not refu-zzced popesly. l’tm report brfeflj mentions sixtea sites Ln the vlcintty of the pm;rct area. Iham dtss s!!uld dl bn IdentFfIed by site nurber. dtea md at lead a gna+al statement of their location (if a map la onitted) in mlation to the project a= st,wl.d b Included. of this pmject +a attempt *a relate the newly located sites to others in the araa, the lnfornation stmuld at least be presented fqr others to study. L A&II, on A description of thew If not -thin tw stop KIR Revlsu Cbdttet - JuLg =, 1977 3sa Mego csuntg RlvFroomentdL Analysis Divisian PBvinmnnentdl mew &ad 9150 Chesapeake Mve QB1 Mew, CA 92123 We bava nviewed the haft BR for the F%I.cqar Solid Uesta Triumfeer StatiOn, MUc Project, Ipg ifix&er 77-7-34 OTd have DO cameah m tms pmject at this th?. ‘Lh.nk pou for the opportlmfty to review and torment an thb Qcuaant. - ~ & , -6 -*. COMMUNITY SERVICES AGENCY -* Dtpm-tmwi of Shzhtion @' fihd Comd (03ao) B CrrMy Oprrtkr CMI, 5551 Orwtard Artwe Sm OIetv. Callfanid 9123 . . - . . Ta'.c.l+w ma RLP. sm/14ao - n *tt., ,*-,-, c. J JUlY I>/ / - I_ Director of Environmental 4nalysis Division (0-,L?5f FROM: Director of Sanitation G Flood Control SUBJECT: Palomar SoIid Waste Trans€er Station - Additional Information for the Draft Environmental Impact Repart; EAD Log ho. 77-7-54, the Paloifar Sol id Waste Transfer Station. If you have any questions concerning the concent of the sbliUionaX information, piease contact Ms. Kathy L htola of the DepartBern of Tranmor*aCion at 565-5715. please contact Mr. Gary Wesch of the Departtaent of Sanitation 6 Flood Contr31 at 565-5906. For questions regardfng procedubes. C. J. HDUSOH Deputy Director Enclosure: E161 additional rnfornatlon (40 cokies) cc: J. Barkc, SGFC, M.S. 0383 (w!3 ancl) K. Lehtola, m, M.S. 0340 !u/o encl) jllll. ~Lzia l,rer.us . 3=~3t~:r, CA 52311 2-vLrorceZ:al .L~~l;sls sI-:ls :x Sa3 3i:;o, :A 92:23 $150 :::2sC>sl:P 3ri.Je I would, thoria, ofr'er a few co-mnts cn t're cultural z\sssuxes sttuatzd on tke project sLto. FFrst, the mre iden-1Ffication or bo -d.l.lLx a,ecs and the asslp- m.t to Luisenic or:;hns does not constitute elthar sclenttcic ciLsclosux ol" ~>.e _nm:oct re3ources nor does it identLt'y ttt? s3ui.ce or sLg-kL;'icmcp of the reso;lrce. ;io:.rht?.le-e is ;here ar-y seentisn 02' t2e ?osslbility of &.Me= or groceedwes :.ii::ck were used to test for tte gossibility of dssth of site or extent of site. It LS a ell 'kno:.nS 2'ne~onsna that ric7 ..Ll.lL?: sites have hidien Adden kith 1s dtscove,-n,d mAy tt,-n~i=:'. sujsurrace tes';qh_n,. A case i.. ~0Lm-t is ti:? ;;itcne?. C~..ei; sl5e -&ere subswi"ace co:.qonents :.re:-e 3aC it? a bib of con-xitder, appsnring sol1 on th ~lo-t>.er~ e::kent -.f tl:e si;e. mnc'no ?aal-b- :;orth! ,Site A zlso a;:pezred to ZCA~~~I cnly 8 ;kLr. .j:r.eer of .daaer. uztil tastL75 Fndlcczed its suhxrraca d3pth of CVC,~ 4 f-13t. ;/ill a su';;~.-.i%~s tes'sky ?x.;m~ cxs:c.:>i;1c sr' :t 1035t a ~z<::l w _rc;ilixar ?OSt?.Ol3 ~.?-*<Ps be p7i;ed a3 ;,';..-se :Lll::._n, 35:. ;Lolls? . . -- c~ch *rc?Ffisd, atlblts::ad so~.css? ~ these ;hCto;-a?hs 3n fll%? :io2Q +at2 x0 "Sari 3ie,.€tc I'lakss .-i-;asu-wd, wei;ht>d, p .oco~rtphhsd ai skntched? :;as a Nl-=sell c3I.o~ &znt ussd on tbe ;AfF?atod suzfac 30 de,Fsa Oi' ?a:lxfL3n cocld be utfilzQC, Tor adiitlo. Y"uUdi3S? I. ..$?e ?..o'~os:'~$Is x;an of ~h-5 sites, Fi 50 x?A:-- 21-8 - J i~LLp, irr I kliaite L2e aL%?-or to ;e :?f3113 co.qctent a ;L dili;mt i;oricen. &t* I a;l unceran Le 3ke mets the qc.ailficati.ns outlined 57 :h~ Count3ts o:m slUaCc 329 zi1.1~5 have a 3 in AnS:z~o~oLO~;y 02 8 --elated fleld, I oelie-is :!ZG ;a. :!tzn;o:~~~ ls :iai-ki?- 3.2 :BF ;+ ;.;t -. 7.e- -..-..-r. .-- j ou, urml ?asc?r:*ce ?-"o ~actic: COVXTY OF SAX DIEGO INTER-OEPARTMENTAL CORRESPCJNOEHCP June 16, 19'7 m: DepaL%.-- OF Tiair~p~riaiicii FIG+€: Envlronmenta~ Analysfs Division Oi75 SUBJECT: Prelintnary Draft Envtroraental Iapact Rewrt for Pjlomar Solid Waste Ransfer Station; EAD tcg %. 77-7-36 The Environmental Analysis Division has com$leted its reviev of the pre- lfd-uiry draft-EXR fcr the above proposed project. following infcmtioti so that ve can complete p:ocessing of this project. 1. Provide an archaeological survey report vrfcten 5p tbs superjising archaeologist and tnclude che folloulaq fnfomacion omicced in cha 0Kf.ginZl survey report: A. EPaluat- the signif~cance/contribution value ?f the sites. Lndtorre the approxfmate siLe of these sfces, potenthl for subsurface remains and the resources' place in a cultural historical scheme. Provide a discussion of project impact upon these sites. Discusr the possibility of a projecr redes€gn to avoid *act. Please provide the B. a C. Indicace whether testing auld reveal UnknoM buried remains. D:.BCUSO any definite proo€ that nothing retrains under :he surface. Include in mitigation measure #3 the €allowing requirements for feature measurements, surface collet tion, analysf s interpreta tion, theor?tical contribution. testing aad report for SD acceptance. Provide a *&with the proposed improvements vith all sites superimposed. D. E. 2. Expand the Biological Appendices to include a dfscllesicn of: A. Direct or indlrect impacts on the Jawson-L %nos Ee-rogical Reserve of the U. C. system vhich borders L prcpertp to the north. 8. Preserc biological Zonditions of adjacent areas. C. Pr:*ent ~1tiLttation of the arsa and adjacent areas by raptors. -2- Dcpar-xerc at Transportation June 15, L977 <. refine salid vaste vhfch this p~ojact zi't recycle for the publtc. 4. I-clude the 3nsite and surrourriiag existins znntqg and General Phi deslgGations (50th San Diego County &nd Carlsbdd). 5. DISCUSS within the noise tnpact sectfon the naire impacts Lf the area is developed to alloveble densities. 6. Discuss potential odor mpacts virhin the Air Quality section. 7. Discuss the alternate site at the oroposed San Xarcas landfill. This discussion should FncTude an analysis o€ the econodcs (1.e. tKaMpo?- tatioa) milea3e. air qalicy and need €or a:ditionnl senice3 at the San Harcos site in coacrast to the Paforcar alee. 8. Indirate what pol'ucancs if any, -All be generated >p the direct opzration of the plant itself. days in which the Fedsral Standards of Air Quaiity vi11 be exceeded a?. the Palomar site if the project is approved. Indicace the anticipated nuvber of 9 Indicate the dlscanct? af theshreddingoperation from the county property 10. Provide a sore thorough discussion of the eroston chr-acteristics of the soils on site. Indicate what measures are planned to prevent P potential landslide extending from the southeastern wall of larx: clnyoa easc o€ the site. This infomatLon may 5e provided as additional lnformacfoa. af $0 copies of the addltlondl information and 10 copies of all cec+nical r-pporL; (biology, archaeology. geology, 2t:. Provide d total Alw, 1n case yo11 have not already don-. so, clearly indicate in <l~ additfowl inf?rmatioa dijcr?tionaq pcmtts thac hava been or vi11 be requested fOK this projezt, a2d vhic% of these (or all) you desire to be covered by this draft-ZL If YGU have any questions, plcace call 565-5763. Respectfully, I._ c LC&*CJ ' ;- [ ?,--*/ .( . - - . 3LU<O-b R. UILLLMS Fnvirommcal Iapact Report CDorlf natuc wnvirower,tal haLy sis Dfvii ion SKU: JBG-acn Y OF SAN DlEW Environmental Arlufysis Division Community Services Agency s~m~.ndibtioi?s) *W cwta*u)IizS ..T- %5+# (DATE] h \b ,\77? <-- - l6=+TbpSb..F~7~~& . k; CAD Subject: Pnrliminzuy Draft 3.vironmental inpct Re2ort for -,. -<a Wksta T<&-/4- s&-XLLi--. ~~uo.-ll-~-~~' L -.- - - -- % Ihc Enviranmental .%alpis Division hrs cmpleted its review of the ~-9iLnL~ary v and LO copies of all technf'al reprts biolcqy, arcf\acology, gcobgy. 8tc.P E --~~-~~~co -r2t*-- Alsa, In cane y3u Save rot alr-a?y dmc so, clearly frdicate in thc -a11 dis-ceorary p-ta tha- have been or will be rcquestd fsr thts woj+ct, and wb~Lch ot +*AS' (or all) you desire to 5-e cover& by L~AS &-aft VIR. If y3u bav- a-.v cpcst-cns, Dlcase call 565 5763. ' %.sge-'=dZy, sdCord X. d-lllms V:ZG~Ptai *kl&?ct 'epl CCOr<irat- --v:zoz=entsl 9?a;ysis J~VAS on &% : - - Is 8%0L& h7 Ql-&dCdPvd4 9 -26 wk‘k/c2, . 9 /trc *#a4kM?y M&*/4pf md‘mcRgcGe - #a&%wzy -4po?&fzm LF13jLM & fG __ vu---.43-r,--i -e --&#A/* &prr-’ _.- __ ~ A. WdY& - A~d-~/Cu72&~ - __ - -___ 5wpWQ&-&sG &kS, p&T>w-[+/& ___ --&C.m&r -6nd h- _/tcw.t.t4ec-~ /%#€e A- ---_ _- &&wc4L&cikeacP - _-- -- -- -__.____ - - -- - _____ e- s‘-diecL.tL did&.% Ax.&y aaud /t&LToR-. - +? +of&k& 4.8- -&s-- __ - - -4n- dd ire/>a- DW a? _____ - ~ . - .._ o.R,c&uie &.e 47wryh- WdJCM. s3 A“ &d%.Uy.z &p.&A?re~ds 3r24??3%Ca&*Y*, &pe.c L?rf&k4%n &sh.hp bhd &ps%Y e E’AP dCctp&ibu - - -__ -..- . . . .... . .. - ._ ........ , --. ...... .. .. __ _-_ - - - __ -. ... -,. . .._L. ._ ...._...__...... ~- c. . e%?3&r$t .&-Jd& v &..e .+aC.:-:: .-h _--. - - -.- adddf +rea5 47 Adphrs .... .-__ ... -- -. ...... , . , - . _..z.- .... - p&-A./db&&ydL& L&AJ +L& .- 7.-?%u@-AhL -?5 5422 a6 dhc pps2d _._ & 9~&$ d & +p a & Q<_the smv 'W-oS %kc Mtei 6 - __ ---& Pdmdr & * -_ - - - -. - - - - -- __ - - . - - __ - -- - _-_ - 2w.wLbck in WLiA +-%A ccCL&bcrR __.- - ___ 9,J--kci+&. +--ILL &sf- . "P""h"eA1*- -fO* PPWfk a4 -)310/0 ."/,Grc.uc/ 43&45Si~. hpvwt d +c4%47-4 Xh&d& tr-tch -L ktyc !5&Aka4Lw,dau - !A%X ScL_*I'd rt!atc L-<-L bLd/i'\ s /a&* - LL4yQ ccL-w.-L-t> I - /2,.#.#C/ p:,q3 ~ J- fy, 1-q.; ----Afp-QLY L, ,.. 5w oicxc ~ CZLL7f /$,A*w.Lo&cc/._r/-: - Mg5r -at? .5-612Yt-yc=o BY- + 'tc7L.&clf=*&~ ~g&.fAc-~u&..Q _- - . _- - -1---G6 W&FC LU G f Qc&g.r #.c 00~- 2~ -A~ m-, L A (cc"N k E !E G~IA~-L/N~ -- - - g!.s rne~cfic- .Qeopr ~Erlc.g-p~/itq_ - ~c EaJer -- - - ---MA -my /2tPoLTS C~~+~F/ED - A:, - mc- -,z: - --- ... - --- - - - ----- - - _--.-_ - -_- a 1 .l.ioLfi fir u-57- A. ~acH&rLs ~~*Rk:q- f fEC 3 ~ me- - Luta*---gp-_ - dp--- SLX~L VAC.SVT /A /~~-I~/Po~Lo& a* h - ___ -- ---- - --- --cusi5-L.x- &z&-a - ---_- - - ~ 5Z7VD-L m Mct6 imCLu3CO .~y emrc ad--- ---__ - R-fj-QL04m-C 2flw rkl* 3/1kn6m#tf 33 *-.. __ - -- -_ - ;I A4 *-Q&.+E~U &t SW~C SeKVg- - 5,,.dLL e-.. - -- - ---- - OF A F/LX--q &SCL*~,~~~~?*C€ CF m€_- IPcyrp~,~. - - b?OEdt77 A&-* lS 5- DC F/m 1/v P&?XE' fk%CrQ<*Rfl L P&ac. & a - /+ QQ.AL'F?& 0 AhZD/AeW&sc &, - ----- - --- - - - Dw&,w;vrc .() - - --- .- A. -:-.. .+.-:.a LA- .. -- - - ., _. --_ ~. .. . .- -. - -. _- -- - . - - .. - . - -. ._ ._...__._. I .. - - . - . - . . . . . -% ;. :* -.b. ._kScer~~G CF ArEi Pt33nt-c. FWFt.. ~L)Lc&.~- .Y --.TO.- .CtzKTfF~ . @V.~LI FtED. .. J-V06&7iF/T;5 ../&-.&C-s 8+ 8.4. PcZ;Re=,- ..W&Lr---- -_ .-.-. 15 QL'ALIFI- AS Au Hzd/sfrth/;T Scc:?mSe%& IIX-UC -- --..--._ tTc . /n/APPXoP&ArE- . FiR . &.&X - Tp . &do&. . RWS --._ - . .- . . fi~ln+c- c; L'f?U Ffk-0 J &36t7f&~ P .. W~.THL?&~-._SLIE .. -. . . - - .- _... -- - - . . . . . . - __ . .. -. . - . - - . -_. __- - .-_ . -. . - . . .. . . .. . . . .- - .. - _. __ _--__ -. __ . - - . . . . .- . . . . . - - - - - -. .._ . -_ - - __ . __. ____ __ . - - ~-/ss WM mor tz~~Lri+n* 4 I-,./&; - /S/:#+C r/edygaH-- OF r..tsxc s-//-LIs, PGIENPAC F~L ~-~.5~$-,.g~-kg- bw-#d-+ SC.&&Z=zE (5 7c/mcc/. LA€/=//= c -__. __ - - - - - - _- 3--_ TACYC- /-E &E . D~SCV$S/R4 a#@= -m%.J---- -__ ri5~ s/~5 ; D~UC?~O_~/ pmm+c -.yfvm*- - -__ -PPcue<T PCVES/LA/-. -fp A~O~P /ea=r. , ___ -- 9. tt'O~C0 7'€5?-!rL'C iLtZ.E?fL ~IUUCL~AU_ fiqXieB-- Rtmnrds .? 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Emironmen tal Anajysis Division Cornmu nity Services Agency 915Q~pk.kmdIWSOl75) SanD.9 CA~omr92123 Tdww 56.55757 Junz 16, 1377 To Whcm It ?lay Concern: SLTBJECT: Palomr Solld Waste Transfer Starton (Pubifc ProJect) EAD Log - ~ No. 77-7-30 The attacbed draft EIR for Palomar SolLd Jqste Transfer Station (Log 677-7-34) k-ill be supplemented with additional informtion. circulated during an extended public review. vi11 be responses to the Eollowtng questions: 1. A suF-Lemrct dl1 be Ccn:arned in thls supplement Rovide an archaeological s’irvey report vrttten by the supxvising a-cfleologist and include the following information umftted in the original survey report: A. Evaluate the significanse/c~ntribution viluc of the sites. Indicate the approximate slte of these sites, potentla1 f3,c subsu-face remains and the cesources’ place in a cultural historical scheme. Provltie a discussion of project Impact upon these sftes. the possibility of a project redesign to avoid impact. Indicate vhether testing vould reveal un’movn buried remains. Discuss any deflnite proof that nothfng remalns under the surface. Inclk.de in mitigatioa measare $3 the following requirements for feature measurements, surface callectton. analysls interpretation, theorptfclpf contribution. testing and report for EAD acceptance. Provide a plot plan ufth the p~~posed tmpiovemeuts with a11 sites super fmposed. B. Dtscuss C. D. E. 2. Expand the Biological Appecdices to include a dLscubsion cf: A. Direct or indirect imp-cts on che Davsoa-Los %nos EColOglcal Reserve of the U. C. system Jhich borders the property to the north. Present biological condttlons o€ adjacent dread. Present uttli7atton of the ares and adjacent areas by raptors. 1. C. -2- 3. 6. Define solid I*d*te which fhf3 project vLLL recycle for the public. Include the onaite and SUrrOuRdhg existing rorifng and General Plan designatlow (both San Diego County and Car Isbad), 5. Discuss within the noise impact section the noise ispacts if the arc is developed to allouable densities. L. X:;,SC --+--i-- c- - -2-r fnipqcts within che Air quality sectlon. 7. Discuss the alternate Site at the Proposed Sazi Xabrcos landfil-. fLia discussion should include an anslysfs of the rconomics (i.e. transport mileage, air quality and need for additional servfces at th= Sul Efsrco site in contrast to the falomar site. Indicate -hat pollutants if any, vi11 be generated bp the direct opera of the plant itself. Tndicate the anticipated number of days in which the Paderal Standards of Air Quality vill be exceeded at the Pafomar sfte if the project LS approved. 8. 9. Tndicate the distance of the shreddfng operatfoa from the county property line. 10. Prov€de a more thorough dtSCUSSfOQ of the erosion characteristics of Cl soils OR site. Indicate &at measures are planned to prevent a potent1 lands €de extending from the soucheastern wall of large canyon east of the site. Please send a11 comments to the Enbironmental Analysis Divis,on. .- .. ., -. - . .... . -- 1 3. -, _______..-. __ _._ -. -.. -.- - --- -.- - -- .~ - . -_ . - . . - 0 .~ . - .. -,. . th9 Palarar project as it may afka the inteqrity of tk Dmmn rns~cztiqm*!33ne. Itageth8tywarnm3datttiY3leoclrmep datials alntaired in tb8tY-w cspedall,v tte q.srt +- th5x-a be msdbtial kaeeal th uxnty and tha cni.mrsityu thedesigndcoastructLon~of tkprojec*. eLease- -pzr - tD these 03aaentS ad Racmordatians tD: Paduties MmBqment 32 HatthSe QQpus Vni.dty of Ca.tifbmia, San Diego La JaUa, CaLifomLa 92093 toksgxrrnte . vim3 axuxJ?llor si-. nater Fea3xe3 .systA= Attdm33t -cattry- ** my- kmcciate PruZassDr Barnabg fhckett '' Asstxiate Fmfessor WillIan Coles R-Jbert &ring COMMUNITY SERVICES Amxr Demrimnt ofS.ztiittmuii tY fi7oud Chitrof (OW) Can(). Omrn’rnnr Cedar. $555 OwfM AM.. k Dl*#.. CllUmh mt, . . . . . Taw rn REF SFC.+/L~~Q --- - - -- - - --. -. To: Director of Enviro~~nental k2lYsis Ririsim (O-i75) FRCM: Dizector of janitatlon 6 FIwd Control (0- 330) SUBJECT: Transmittal of Graft Environmr?taI Illpaet Report for the Proppsad PaIoaar Solid Waste Transfer Staticn Enclosed for vow revieu art forty copies of the &aft &viromentaL Impact Report (EIR) for the Proposed Palmar Solid Haste Transfer Station. This is a Public Works Project for which an Economic Development kgencv grant spplrcatim is klny made. c~nstra~nts unposed on Public Works Pmjeets, expediting the processfnO and revieu of this report would 5e appn-iated, If you have aiy questiow or require more infomation, pIease coatact Mr. Gary Hesch of Sanitation and Flood Contrul at 565-5906 or Ms. Kathy tehtola of the Deparment of I’ransportation a€ 565-5715. Nr. Uesch is the project manager for the Engineering Services Divisicnr; Ms. Lehtola prepared the EIR for our departaent. Oue to the tiae C. J. fUJSO:.I Erclosur-.: haft Environmental hpact 4eport (444 -qzies) CC. John aurle, Dept. of S&FC, (*/me EIR] Kathy Lehtola, DOT AS AN URGENCY UNCIL OF THE CTTY A, AMZ:i3I?IC CHMTEK MUNICIPAL CODE BY ON 18.04.110 TO IIUPOSZ F C4XSBAD DUE To SSUANCE aF auxmxx 53irZR SERVICE SUBJECT shall be final. car:;>=", 3liIdinq Departnent as of 5 P.M. on Aprit 19, 19'17; DECXARATION OF URGENCY: This is an ernuzyacy ordf'wnce - -- - -- adopted as an urgency measure pursuant to California Gov'ernment Code Section 36937 and shall take effect frmzdfateli, he City of Carlsbad, by cofitract, owns certain capacity rights in t?e Encfna Water Pollution Control Facility. received a series of reports from its Public Works Administrator ? indicat1r.g that after taking into account the amount of sewer t capacity required for building permits ia process, governnental projects, certain ccntractural oblfgations, and other matters, The City Council has Carlsbad to exceed that capacity without valatfng provisions of Federal and State law and its contractural obligations to the 0th- members of the Joint Encina Facility. Carlsbad has no additilnal capacity tigke in the sewer treatment plant, and no other currently available mans of dh-sing of nC)m sewage, the Council has no alternatfGc but to impose a City-vide building moratorium anti1 kwh ths ag situation. of the puflfic health and safety since, in the absence of the wratoriuns, buildinqs'could be constructed fn the City without adequate provisions €or the disposition of sewage which is a Since the City of iere is s& change in th This acticn is necessary for the inmediate preservati and welfare, HrpEc?fvE DATSt Than ordinance shall be efSectivc LYTROWCED, PPSSEO AND ADOPTED at an adjourned regcfLi: hdd on the 26th day of Aprfl, 1957 by the foilW!ng *IOtt, to wtt: . ~yeSt NOZS: Councfllaan Lewis Counctlmen Frazee, Packard. Skotnlcki and Councilwoman Casler ORdIy!BCE; *. PO48 4 . AN IWLZRifi UtiD,.:XXZ ?p TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARL59ADe c.%1TokvLA, AXE3 AS .W URGENCY XEASGR? Pk3B~aITXNC TE APPLI- CATION €03 AND UPRQVAL OF 3ISCIZETIONhRY APPXOVALS PORSCANT TO TITLE 20, OR TXTLE 11, QF THE CA-SLSBAD .WICZ?AL CODE CUE TO THE ON- CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS. AVAILA~ILITY OF SEWER SERVICE SUSJF~T TD WREREAS, the City CduncfI has by the ado?tic.? cf an WXEREAS, the Planning Department will underyake, by .. amounts of capacity become availabln to the City; ard REEREAS, tk? City .Council has cla'teube.3 that ic is NOW, T?EXEPGRE, BE ST OUVYD by &e.Cf'iy Council of 1. AppliCatiCns f3r approvals located within :hat portion 2. Applfcations fcr conditional ase pedts, variances, 3. DiscretionarSr'approvals in connection with the Plaza 4. Any necessary applications for projects unzertaken 5. The Cir:. namqer is authorxzed tu t.ajce all the steps _- -_ -- 7, The City Council may grant exceptions €or pLojects of other governmental igsncies if the City Council tn its sole discretion determines that thc project is necessary and in ehe public interest. 8. The staff may continue to process and the City Counci y consider whetker or not to agprove applications whrch were SECTION 2: This Interim Ordinance is ad0pte.L as an urqen SECTION 3: The City Clerk of the City of CarlsSad shall XPPROVE3, PASS'D AXXI .=OPTED ac an td3mrned rq?.xlar neetf Counctlnen Frazee, Lewfs, Packdrd, SkotafckJ and Councl lkoRion Casler ABS~JTE None fi?L'f;_o_l?L, >k? ?w'n #x-* zs% J~S-%{ Zi7TiTbt; &yn - -&%E-.-- 0"Zi ?E -is!? 4s __ -- __ __ _.._ - A IL---o -. I -. 8 326 160 265 5,siu 10,430 160 49- 61 136 SI - .m SS,W TJtaI acr=tLqe ~f: catyorlrs 77,e36 ' 1 i DO * .L 2 Q Lee- UE 4 c L, 0- Q3CO . ., - *. - --- - . - . - -. - . ...____ .- -- - - -- I am - .< !- a L oc uvo- 3 .4 o ip a+* v DO (I L? c-. 5 \. . . 4 . .. , ., 1 . :re’ ::-,. ;,F ’ j-.,: ; F: :*.r,P, va a rcThTt +:t f~i :>.e auwrsit~: t.y ?ks. C.LV~ ‘J6Lrqb.e ai-d 3-e Va1er:t.i-c FWkhtiar. of Z&iLi Rxkra, ad was aa?q~.iikia? ky an cyeracLy enclvwnc mtwa! in LYrXSS of T;b?O,C:O2. The mlcyirht (ii*JFi~sit2~ of California 1s cie of our mjsr teachiq md res-mh assets. p.>ction.s of thei; +!xab.i.T ir! .i,.h :~VI~XC: skj~y-t JKY-S as ,zw?Tf, palm.tolurjy, &c5~,1cy-;, btmy, uolccy, & pqirpiiy a.d 3150 ir~ fie:& %&I 2s pclic health 3nd tke fLre ~ztts. field txacflirq d rase.zrc:i; lar~~-~s& ux’ ~;211-hxn field sites iiyV= .<is+~d ~~+er cir ;~T?,S--CL~ of qnxirq 9-da.tions an? wkwization. soim! fxth:r a.d fa.r’-’.ux ,lfrrld mi .:a7&11im3 of c?.?sds, .k.i:3 n& ?ii.;d stdcs, ;,nist bc LT.LIXJ& at ti--es *&.m LC =an :L\T extr*!!?? tLi;‘5 .sf ~7-n cc mce .*-.s. We mt escape L! px-kizq lot>, the s.pi=.xi -15 qricxitwo? &=.~:~~~.t~ with e2 use of F,=i..ct,rr~&s x-d E..-.: tl:;rc:rs .,,?Gc?. hnvt 9 :l*kr~4 Cw rdt LJ? Lxr;:im;mxt tbi :k? hilm usfj it For years, !LC.-.? -1.L3,sses i,ib tP fieid. fcz essex:i;.-l In rz.cz!.t .years, it bas kxccrrc increisi?rJ;y ciiFCim2t ta &ct -Xe raj firl .xir..elvcs ';k. major .m of cx resere systan w-il be €or mlcqical stdies -3 cxqa&q& is relation to =ad? OGCK ad k. ?Lath '3 f- ewirorrmt. It 3 fmm w kinds .?f std~ss tkt x5entists Irqr: to fLi tk key 'sl run's sin<.zal a-d his es;ential Gut v,e rqicily est&Tir;h hi-+ L~-es =s =hat L.F wn aduatc t9-e d;an;ps k!lic-h uc' ;;.&nu pi,- c3n c.. TLc=~~G x,zy:~es cf mltL-:n3 cnvzr.xcm-.t e plan ...<th .?>re w&~~~+adiiiy !ran's rQie L-, 5-Y e.;viro;Pro.r of tl;e f~txrc, rela*acnshir, -I? ar: frmlrcmrf?nt *kiLk is y irrcl-Easiqly Jl*h IC, &. -----II-.--l_--l_ :.. . ,,.,. ’. . - < ... c ‘2.1. u- -__ - .-- - .- April, 1977 -’ -- --_ - - ---_ .-------- -.._ .-.. .___ UnflPrwdter ue..W ' r*Pv..\t-.::, .. ..,,,, - Ll la-.& -* 1 \.. ... . ..:, - ----__I- n <* 3 0 . . . . - . . -