HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-11-15; City Council; 3652-6; Harding St. Community Ctr. Kitchen ExpansionCITY OF CARLSBAD Initial: Dept-Hd. %s DEPARTMENT: Parks and Recreation Subject: HARDING STREET COMMUNITY CENTER RECREATION HALL KITCHEN EXPANSION Statement of the Matter The City Council, at its September 13, 1977 meeting, approved the space utilization scheme for the Harding Street Community Center which included modification of the existing kitchen to provide a minimum re- sidential kitchen. At its October 18, 1977 meeting, the City Council passed Resolution No. 5231 which authorizedexecutionof the agreement with the architect for preparation of plans and specifications for renovation of Harding Street Community Center. The executed agreement specifies modification of the existing kitchen to provide a minimum residential kitchen. Inquiries of two community organizations have requested that the kitchen in the recreation hall be expanded to adequate size for preparing and serving meals to groups of at least 125 persons. The presently engaged architect estimates the cost of upgrading the kitchen to be approximately $35,000. Exhibits A and B indicate what will be included in the expansion. Exhibits C and D are letters from the representatives of the community organizations. Staff feels that f the enlarged facility could be of beneficial use to the community. EXHIBIT A. Letter to City Manager,.October 26, 1977 . B. Letter to City Manager, October ’28, 1977 C. Letter to City Manager, October 13, 1977 D. Letter to City Manager, October 21, 1977 RECOMMENDATION If Council wishes to have the kitchen designed for more intensive use, they should instruct the staff to prepare an amendment to the architectural contract for Council approval. Council Action: 11-15-77 Council directed staff to contact th’e architect for recommendations as to what would be needed to make the kitchen suitable for catered meals. .I bl E M 0 R A N D U ,hl c TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Ed Johnson, Director, Parks and Recreation DATE : October 26, 1977 SUBJECT : KITCHEN FACILITIES/HARDING STREET COIhMUNITY CENTER RECREATION HALL . In response to inquiries concerning the expansion of the kitchen facilities in the Harding Street Community Center Recreation Hall, the information contained herein should be considered. - The presently engaged architect for the complex recommends modification to electrical service, gas service expanded, new and larger hot water heater installed, two dishwashers and two refrig- erators purchased, two stoves or a large grill with commercial hood installed, localized dry chemical fire system put in place, sink replaced by larger stainless steel sink, enlargement of cabinet storage space and counter work areas, and floor/mop sink installed. The architect will provide an estimated cost analysis of fhe foregoing items in two or three clays. - Enlargement of the present kitchen size may require structural modifications. - Expanded kitchen use will bring more stringent health requirements. - Change in proposed use within the complex will require processing of another. Conditional Use Permit through the Planning Commission. '. \ - Use of the Recreation Hall and adjoining kitchen by local service and social organizations will cause the City to be in competition with the local restaurants which currently provide and charge for the service. - The Senior Citizens, who are presently having hot lunches served at noon, Monday through Friday,at Jefferson Elementary School may request the use of the Harding Street Community Center Complex for serving the meals in the future, '* . . CITY MANAGER -2- October 26, 1977 b .. - The Parks and Recreation Commission has recommended, and the City Council has approved, the current kitchen facility concept. If changes are desired, these bodies should be consulted and the City Council approve the revised concept and additional costs. - A luncheon use of the fa ' three to four hours (10: or 2:30 p.m.) which coul the facilities (i.e. rec activities). cility could require 30 or 11:OO a.m. to d preclude other use reation, arts, craft from 2:oo of s or - Morning and evening use of the facility could be requested. - Moving of tables and chairs, plus general clean-up of the facility each time used, would require an additional four to six man hours. -. Staff will study the potential expansion of the kitchen facility, if desired. Thank you. Parks and Recreation EJ:scf '. EXHIBIT A M E M 0 R A N D U M TO : CITY MANAGER FROM : Ed Johnson, Director of Parks and Recreation DATE : October 28, 1977 SUBJECT: KITCHEN FACILITIES/HARDING STREET CObDiUNITY CENTER RECREATION HALL The presently engaged architect for the Harding Street Community Center complex estimates the cost for upgrading the renovation of the kitchen in the Recreation Hall to be approximately $35,000. He also states that the design fee would be approximately $750- $800 which would probably be part of the $35,000 if the designer was hired to install the kitchen. There will also be additional costs for the current architect's services to change the current plans. The architect recommends that the two dishwashers (large heavy- duty residential type) and two stoves (large heavy-duty residential type), that were listed in my memorandum of October 26, 1977, same subject, be changed to one commercial type dishwasher and one large grill/boiler/stove. Further, the floor should be tiled. These changes will enhance the use of the facility and are included in the cost estimate of $35,000. In order for the architect to proceed with and complete his detailed plans and specifications, staff requests guidance on desires concern- ing the enlargement of the kitchen. Ed Johnson, Director Parks and Recreation EJ:scf EXHIBIT B ._. Octcber 13, 1977' 'c City. of Carlsbzd Attention: Pax1 Bussey, Uanager City Ra.11 -: - .--. . -I . , ._. As plzns move forxarc! for a City I-'.ec-Ser.ter at t.ke I"crr?_er %.ink Patrick's Churcn, the Czrisbz~d 3otary Z1.;b requests that. con- sidorztioc be giver! to the installation of a kitzker. of zdc:.:_uaSe size for serving rnezls to groups of pt less'; 125 persons. Tae Club anticipates a di?y when it vii.11 outgroa it3 pzcsmt meeting place and looks 'to the building for lunch .. or dinner meetings on a weekly Snsis. a. -. . pos3i5il.lty of nai:?~ t;.e __ city *. Very truly yours, g2&& .. Philip B. Lukei Chaiman, Rotary Committee for Xew Irieeting Site Y EXHIBIT C I F Ffr. Pad. Bussey City hnager 1200 Elm Avenue c e. DR. ALAN K. JACOBS . OPTOMETRtST 355 ELM AVENUE CA RLSBA D, CALI FOR N I A 92008 The news of a future community center in Carlsbad was enthusiasticaly recieved by :the entire community. It -1 be a trernmdous asset for Carlsbad for all age gmups I recently learned, however, that the plans for remdelfng include only a light,-duty kitchen, in- sufficient in capacity to aecomnodate a group of any considerable sizer kitchen would be a mistake in our active and rapidly growing comunfty. '. I feel such a limited capacity A5 a Carlsbad Kiwanis Club member who has ex-+. perienced.mving fo'ur times In the last two years in search of larger. accomdations for our meetfngs, I can speak with the club's consent in favor of a coymmity center which would be well enough equipped to handle the service club size meetings. and Optiaists club members have had the same problem, at one tfme or another. Carlsbad Ratary, Lions I emphasize the value of a w&l-equiped kithcen to local Service Clubs only to illustrate a broad base of support available to the City if it needed outside help for expanding the kitchen plans. . .. j. I- - .. .. -. ,. . . . . '- -. . ., * .. .- .. -- ._ . .. -. .! d DR. ALAN K. JACOBS OPTOM ETR I ST 355 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 Page 2. Actually, every organization and gmup who might use the facilities should benefit. that the plans might be reconsidered, and expanded. Thank you for considering this matter. It is our hops Respectfully Yours,