HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-11-15; City Council; 5250; RFP for Agua Hedionda LagoonCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. DATE: Ini Dept November 15, 1977 DEPARTMENT:Public Works - Utilities & Maintenance itial: .ly pt. HdK/_ C. Atty. \)fB C. Mgr. Subject:RFP FOR AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON MAINTENANCE PROGRAM CONSULTANT Statement of the Matter Council approved funds in the 1977-78 CIP to initiate development of a maintenance program for the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. A proposed RFP for consultant services to identify the magnitude of the maintenance requirements and to propose a maintenance program is attached as Exhibit A for Council review and comment. A list of suggested consultants is also included. Comments on the draft RFP were solicited from SDG&E and are supportive of the study. SDG&E suggested additions to the draft are included as Paragraph 5 on Page 1. Exhibit B contains the correspondence pertaining thereto. It is further suggested that Council consider an evaluation committee to review the proposals to be composed of the following: Representative of City Council Representative of City Manager Representative of Planning Director Director of Utilities & Maintenance EXHIBITS: A. Proposed RFP and consultants list. B. Correspondence with SDG&E. RECOMMENDATION 1. If Council concurs with staff approach to develop maintenance requirements for the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, authorize the City Manager to solicit proposals for consultant services by minute motion. 2. Select member of Council to participate as member of the consultant selection committee. It is anticipated that this selection would occur in early January. Agenda Bill No. 5250 Page 2 Council Action: 11-15-77 Council concurred with staff's approach to develop maintenance requirements for the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and authorized the City Manager to solicit proposals for consultant services. It was the concensus of Council that Councilman Lewis participate as a member of the consultant selection committee. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FOR AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON CITY OF CARLSBAD The City of Carlsbad is interested in receiving proposals for a maintenance program for the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. This lagoon consists of about 230 acres of open water and 200 acres of marsh, mudflats and saltflats and is a fully-integrated, functioning ecosystem. The open water of the lagoon has three (3) distinct areas consisting of the outer lagoon between the Santa Fe Railroad and the ocean; the middle lagoon lying between the railroad and Interstate 5; and the inner lagoon lying east of Interstate 5 terminating in an area of marshes to the west of El Camino Real. A sketch map is attached. A specific plan for the lagoon and contiguous land area establishes the following restrictions on the use of the lagoon: 1. No actions will be allowed which will result in an adverse impact on the lagoon system. 2. No action should be taken that would degrade water quality. 3. Shores are to be altered only if such alteration will result in an overall improvement in the biological quality of the lagoon. 4. Use of the lagoon as a natural biological laboratory should be continued. 5. No actions will be allowed which would adversely inhibit or restrict operation of the Encina Power Plant. It is envisioned that the current distinct uses of the three areas of the lagoon will continue and be improved. OUTER LAGOON - is dredged and maintained by SDG&E and is used to provide cooling water for the Encina Power Plant. Recreational fishing is incidental to the principal use of this part of lagoon and facilities are maintained by SDG&E as a public service. It is anticipated that SDG&E will continue their maintenance program and consideration of this area of the lagoon is outside the scope of the proposed study, however, considerations concerning the impact of the maintenance program on the outer lagoon should be included. MIDDLE LAGOON - was dredged in 1954 by SDG&E as a water reserve for the Encina Power Plant and to provide a tidal prism to ensure adequate flushing action in the outer lagoon. By agreement with the City of Carlsbad, the middle lagoon is used for swimming, recreational, fishing and non-power boating. A small camping/fishing area is located on the northwest bank of this portion of the lagoon and is operated by the YMCA for family oriented recreational activity. INNER LAGOON - was dredged in 1954 by SDG&E for the purposes described above. It is currently used for fishing, power and sail boating and water related recreational activity. A privately owned boat launching facility is located in the northwest quadrant of the lagoon. A privately owned residential complex (Bristol Cove) with private docking facilities is also located along the north shore line. There are current speed and noise restrictions for power boats on the inner lagoon. It is anticipated that long term agreements between the City and SDG&E for the use and maintenance of the middle and inner lagoons by the City will be accomplished in the near future. SCOPE OF WORK: The consultant is to determine the scope and magnitude of maintenance required for the open water areas of the middle and inner lagoons. Maintenance requirements for the contiguous land areas are incidental to the analysis, however, land based facilities required for maintenance of the open water areas should be addressed in detail. It is requested that the recommendations be structured to address the short term maintenance effort (within 5 years) and the long term maintenance requirements beyond five years. Specific questions to be answered include, but are not restricted to, the following: 1. What amount of dredging is required in the next five years? 2. How are the dredgings to be disposed of? 3. What permits will be required and what agencies will issue these permits? 4. What equipment by type should be procured by the City and what are the crew requirements for this equipment? 5. Should dredging efforts be conducted by City forces or accomplished under contract to private firms? Cost estimates under either alternative should be developed. 6. What City facilities are required in the lagoon area to support maintenance efforts? 7. How frequently will dredging be required or, alternatively, will a continuous regime of dredging best meet the maintenance requirements? -2- Information to Be Submitted in Proposal: 1. A narrative statement explaining how the scope of work will be allocated, organized and coordinated. 2. A reasonably detailed schedule showing target dates for completing the various items of work. 3. A total lump sum fee and a proposed schedule of payments for the work outlined above. 4. A brief biographical resume should be included in the proposal for each person to whom major responsibility will be delegated and how their experience and training will relate to the specific task assignment. PROPOSAL EVALUATION: The proposals submitted in response to this request will be evaluated by a committee composed of appropriate members of City staff. Con- sideration will be given to the qualifications of the consultant team, the manner in which the work will be organized and coordinated, the work program and schedule and the fee for services provided. However, the fee in itself, shall not be the determining factor. The City of Carlsbad reserves the right to reject all proposals if none meet the qualifications sought by the evaluation committee. Proposals should be submitted to: ROGER W. GREER Director of Utilities & Maintenance City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Deadline for submission of proposals is December 25, 1977. Inquires should be addressed as above or can be responded to by telephone by calling (714) 729-1181, Extension 43. -3- 10/25/77 RWG:pag AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON MAIL LISTING MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS P.O. Box 7707 Long Beach, CA 90807 OMAR LILLEVANG 626 WiIshi re Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90017 DAVID SMITH & ASSOCIATES P.O. Box 133 La Jolla, CA 92037 DAMES & MOORE 1200 3rd Street San Diego, CA 92410 WILLIAMS, KUEBELBECK & ASSOCIATES, INC. 330 Washington Street Marina del Rey, CA 90291 CONSOER, TOWNSEND & ASSOCIATES 1720 E. Garry Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92705 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ANALYSTS, INC. 943 Newhall Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY P.O. BOX 1831 SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92112 (714) 232-4252 November 3, 1977 F.LENO CAB 500 Mr. Roger W. Greer Director of Utilities & Maintenance City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Greer: Thank you for providing San Diego Gas & Electric Company with a copy of the draft RFP for study of the main- tenance requirements for the middle and inner segments of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Our only specific comment at this time is to sug- gest adding to the list of restrictions on the use of the lagoon, the following: "5. No actions will be allowed which would ad- versely inhibit or restrict operation of the Encina Power Plant." SDG&E does wish to offer any assistance we can to the City and its contractor to facilitate the study. We obviously have considerable knowledge of characteristics of the lagoon and techniques, cost and effectiveness of maintenance dredging that should prove valuable to the study. Thank you again for considering SDG&E in the formu- lation of the proposal. Sincerely, R. L. Ellis, Manager Engineering Land Department RLE:as cc: Paul Bussey, City Manager G. A. Bishop AN INVESTOR OWNED CORPORATION 77-214 1200 ELM AVENUE • ]«Sr . B TELEPHONE: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 WaJ^«f Jig (714)729-1181 City of Cartebab October 28, 1977 G. Arthur Bishop Governmental Affairs Representative San Diego Gas & Electric Company P.O. Box 1831 San Diego, CA 92122 Subject: Agtia Hedionda Lagoon Dear Sir: I have enclosed a draft RFP for a study of the maintenance requirements for the Agua Hedionda Lagoon for review and comment by SDG&E. I would emphasize that the project is an analysis only and does not anticipate any work on or around the lagoon. It is the intent of the City Manager to present the RFP to the City Council for approval prior to soliciting proposals for the study. I would appreciate your comments so they may be reviewed and included in the RFP prior to presentation to Council at their first meeting in December. Sincerely, R0ptR W. GREER rector of Utilities & Maintenance Enclosure RWG:pag