HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-12-06; City Council; 5261; DISPOSAL OF OBSOLETE EQUIPMENT0 CITY OF CAKLSBAD m 9i AGENDA BILL NO.. LY~L/ Initial: Dept . Kd. C. Atty, - DATE: December 6, 1977 DEPARTMEfiT: I__ purchasing C. Myr. - Subject: Disposal of Obsolete Equipment Statement of the Matter When the Fire Department receives the new paramedic ambulance, th will be a 1969 Ford ambulance that will no longer be needed. It felt we could receive more money for this piece of equipment if w offered it for sale than if we offered it as a trade in on the ne paramedic ambulance. The monies received from the sale would be deposited in the City General Fund- Exhibit 1. List of Obsolete Equi?ment - Exhibit "A" 2. Resolution NO. 3266. Recommendation It is recommended the 1969 ambulance be declared obsolete and Not of Sale be published, followed by sale of equi ment. If Council concurs, they should adopt Resolution No. 'FdL. Council action 12-6-77 Resolution #5266 was adopted, declaring an item of equipn as obsolete (1969 Ford Ambulance) 0 e 1, List of Obsolete Equipment One 1969 Ford Ambulance, without radio and portable equipment Serial Number 23071 Exhibit "A" t r 1 2 4 I RESOl-LJTIOli NO, 5265 _I --- H RESOLUTIQN OF THE CITY C0IJPIC.J.I OF THE CTT? OF C!:iiiSZAD, CA!_Ii0Fi.‘’ , I L ! 3 n ., 1) E c 1.. 3, r: T i:! s /iN ITEM 0; EQlI I Pf.izI.iT AS OC.SOi..il:.j-E s APIJj F,lJT!!QEIZI:IS TI-iE DlS?rJSp,,l OF SUc,L! ITEY. -1-1-.-.__________-_-______-I__ I______- 6: ‘2‘ 8 dett3rmined th3t a certafl-1 item of eqtiipmctlt can no 1or;ger t used aiid is obsolete; atid MtlEREAS, it would be beneficial to the City of Carlsb: g 10 1 dispose of suc~l item. NOld: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLLIED by the Council of the C 111.1 Carlsbilc/, California, as fellows: 13 2-4 15 2. That the ftern listed in Exhibit “A” be declareti ob I 3. That the City i”4anaqEl. ;‘s hei-eby authorized an2 271- I. i i to proceed to publish Notice of Sale and to disposc of the l6 l1 of obsolete ~qt~-i pinent, PASSEC, FiPF’ROVED APiD ADOPTED by the City Counci-l of th 20 21 22 23 ‘ I?, Y E s : NOES : None ABSENT : Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard a1ld Co uii c. i 1 woman Cas1 e r Courlci lman Skotn.icJj,l / __*-_ 17 2 ,,’ op2< - /. < ,/Y~:?<,,&< \ .I :’ ‘” _.