HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-12-06; City Council; 5267; La Costa Vacancy Survey/ ’ -- i CITY OF "RLSBAD - I AGENDA BILL NO DATE: DEPARTMENT: SUBJECT: DECEMBER 6, 1977 PLANNING City Atty City Mgr. / AGREEMENT FOR LA COSTA VACANCY SURVEY STATEMENT OF THE MATTER The 1975 Special Census showed a very high vacancy rate (-78%) in the La Costa area that caused a much higher overall vacancy rate (21.6%) for the entire City. The State Department of Finance uses these 1975 figures to estimate population for de- termining subventions. Since 1975, La Costa has experienced a tremendous growth of single family units. It is expected that most of this new growth has resulted in an increase of permanent residents in the area and a reduction of the vacancy rate. The State's method of population projection does not toally account for these changes since 1975. Therefore, the City is probably not receiving its full allocation of sub- vention monies from the State. The only way to correct this situation is to conduct an updated census of the area in question. Becuase of this, the Council allocated $5,000 in this year's budget to conduct such a census (refer to attached memo dated 4/19/77). Staff in reviewing the current workloads and resources concludes that the most effi- cient and economical way of conducting such a census is by contracting with the State Department of Finance for the work. EXHIBITS Memo to Planning Director, dated 4/19/77 City Council Resolution No. sa b 7 Agreement between City and State Department of Finance Cost Estimate dated 11/4/77 RECOMMENDATION If the City Council concurs with the Staff in the La Costa Special Census, you should adopt the Planning Director to execute an agreement to conduct a population determination for the contracting with the State to conduct Resolution No. authorising ,$&3b 7 with the State Department of Finance La Costa area. Council action 12-6-77 Resolution #5269 was adopted, to execute an agreement.with authorizing the Planning Director the State Department of Finance to conduct a population determination for the La Costa area. FORM PLANNING 73 " - MEMORANDUM - APRIL 19, 1977 TO: JIM HAGAMAN FROM: DANA WHITSON SUBJECT: BUDGET JUSTIFICATION, LA COSTA VACANCY SURVEY. You asked me to restate the need for a vacancy survey in La Costa and examine the costs of conducting such a survey. If we obtain new data on occupancy rates in La Costa, we can reasonably expect a 2-3% downward revision to the Department of Finance's vacancy estimate for the entire City. (I believe that our actual vacancy rate is probably 7-8%. The D.O.F.'s estimate for this year is 15%. The 2-3 revision predicted is, therefore, a conservative estimate). Based on our predictions, the City would receive $40,000-60,000 additional in subventions over 1978 and 1979. METHODS FOR DETERMINING LA COSTA VACANCY RATE As I mentioned in my previous memo, postal surveys, gas and electric connections and La Costa Land Company surveys have all been ruled out as possibilities for determining the vacancy rate in La Costa. The Department of Finance has said it will send us a letter stating specifically what type of information would be valid for their pur- poses. At this point we have to assume that a 100% survey would be necessary. Assuming 2500 dwelling units, at a cost of $2.00 per unit (a figure suggested by Nels Rasmussen of the D.0.F). A full survey would cost $5,000. Therefore, I think we could safety budget $5000 to cover survey costs. If the D.O.F. later determines that a partial sample will be acceptable, we can reduce that cost accordingly. Let me know if you have any questions. Dana Hield Whitson Attachment Memo Re: La costa Vacancy Rate Survey DHW:ar . . . Exhibit “A” to City Council Resolution No. T&9 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 18th day of November 9 19 77 , at Sacramento, California, by and between DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE of the State of California, hereinafter called the . Department, and the City of Carlsbad ,(La Costa area) hereinafter called the City: . WITNESSETH: I WHEREAS, it is provided in Section 2107.2, Streets and Highways --. . -. . . " L, -:Code, that any city or city and county may apply to Department to enumerate its population or the population of any inhabited territory annexed to the city subsequent to the last federal census, and WEEBEAS, said Section 2107.2 provides that Department may make the enumeration if 'in the opinion of Department.there is available ad- . . . ..P - equate information upon whtch to base the enumeration, and I 1 . WHEREAS, City desires to have Department enumerate population of ,) i City and Department is willing to make. such enumeration, provided adequate , information is available upon which to base the enumeration, . - " . ._ -.. ,_~)I -' NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby mutually agreed between the parttes " ,.. I hereto as follows: 1, City shall provide such data as are requested by Department in order that Department may determine whether adequate.information is available upon which to base an enumeration of population.' In the event Department determines that adequate information upon which to base an. . ,. *enumeration of population is not iivailable it shall inform City and shall .d . Form BD-115(b) Rev. 01174 Enumeration Page Two explain to City the basis ,for this determination and in such case Department may'render no further services hereunder. However, should Department deter- mine that adequate information upon which to base an enumeration of popula- tion can be developed Department agrees to proceed to perform such further work as it deems necessary in order to make an enumeration of population and if requested to do so by City, Department shall file a certified&copy thereof with the Controller pursuant to Sectton 2107.2, Streets and Highways - . / I ~ .L, Code. It is further mutually understood and agreed that Department shall have full and complete charge in the selection and applrcation of the math- od or methods used in enumerating the population of City-and that City shall certify as to the accuracy of all information furnished from local records for use in preparation of said enumeration of population. 2, If City is unable to provide.adequate information upon which to . . base an enumeration, the Department, at the request of City, may provide add&t :: tional servLce directed toward the development of data for populatton enu- : * ,.- - merating. Such service may include the design of procedures and provisfon of materials and data processing services 'for enumeration work.carried out under s the administrative guidance of.and at understood that Department shall have of the enumeration, definitions used, City will retain the right to include subject only to. final approval by the the expense of City. It is mutually . c .v full and complete charge in the design _ and interpretation of results although materials and questions of its choice Department. 3. Within thirty (30) days after notification by Department to City of completion.of such enumeration of population, Cfty agrees to reimburse Department for.all costs incurred by Department in connection tith the per- formance of this agreement. Said-costs shall include.(l) .a.standard.fee I determined by reference to a scale of charges based upon p&t cost experiencs ‘.‘e . Form BD-115(b) . Rev. 01174 Enumeration . f. . *Page Three , .b . . . of the Department and the size of the City as officially established. (2) Where applicable, an additional cost per dkta card of $.06 for materials, data processing and programming. (3) When available and at the City's request for permanent possession, a charge for data tapes. The standard scale of charges is attached as Schedule A, which is by reference hereby made part of this Agreement. z 4. Department shall furnish a statement to City of amount due from City as hereinabove provided upon the completion of the services to be rendered under this Agreement by Department and City agrees to pay Department the amount due as shown in such statement days after receiving such statement. . IN WITNESS WREOF the parties hereto have within thirty (30) subscribed their names the date and the'year' first above written. ATTEST: CITY OF Carlsbad (La Costa area), T , . .- _ ' . BY ,P-- Title: BY ,,.-. &, . .: Title: STATE OF CALIFORNti ::: ‘> - . J? , : Mrector of Finance BY 4 Chief, Population Research ._ I Instructions to City: Sign 3 copies of'contract and return to Department of Finance with a certified copy of the resolution with proper seal, order, motion, or ordinance authorizing execution by the official or officials signing the . I contract. Amount under $3,000 exempt from General Service approval, SAM, 1251.1 Form BD-115(b) Rev. 070274 \ Entimeration f . Page Four The table below repre'eents the latest revision of the Department's schedule of charges for its direct services. -. a SCHEDULEA I . . Estimated PopuLatfoa Charge Under 10,000 $.034 per deraon, $66.00 minimum charge 10,000 to 14,999 . . . . '. . . . . . . $ 360.00 15,000 to 24,999 . . . . . . . . . . . 390.00 I 25,000 to 49,999 . . . . . . . . . . . 432.00 50,000 to 74,999 . . . . . . . ,. . . . 528.00 !yJO ‘0 !yjgg., ; ._._, ;: l l l l l , l l l 690.00 125,000 to 199,999. . . . . . . . . . . . 870.00* 200,000 to 299,999 . . . . . . . . . . 1050.00 300,000 to 499,999 . . . . -. . . . . . 1230.00 500,000 to 999,999 . . -.. . . . -. . * .%-' 1470.00 l,OOO,OOO or over . . . . . . . . . . 1740.00 . . . . . ,-x, .._ Effective 012975 Form BD-115 EstiPnate grn . . , ’ s - Date Prepared 11-4-77 CENSUS COST ESTIMATE Type of Data Needed Enumeration Name La Costa area City of Carlsbad Estimate HU in Survey 1,800 Census Date TBD To Be Covered By Contract: As soon as a census date is determined the Department of Finance will initiate a contract to be signed by the City or County as Department of Finance Fee $ 195 Card Processing 1,800 cards x6o fol,lows : $ 303 Paid Directly By City: The following estimates are for total hours. The rate of pay is to be established by the City of County. For your planning purposes we have calculated the estimate on the rates listed below; however they do not include any expenses in- curred in processing payrolls. Time 630 Enumerator hours @$3.00 $1,890 -- Crew Leader hours @ * 158 Supervisor Hours @ $6.00 1,368 plus $28.00 per diem Total tinie $3,258 Travel 300 Miles @15c Enumerators, Crew $ 45 Leaders Miles @ o (Supervisor to and 100 from city and local) City to furnish transportation for Supervisor tthile in the city-either a city car or a rental. Total travel $ 145 Total Cost Detail $3,706 109. Safety Factor $ 371 Cost detail plus safety factor $371 Estimated Total Cost $4,077 JrThe rate of pay and per diem for the Supervisor. is determined by the Department of Finance and must be paid direct to the Supervisor. The total hours include the map time in Sacramento prior to the Supervisors arrival in the City. If it is necessary for a Supervisor to be processed for the payroll or sign a contract for the map time, please notify Department of Finance when sending the maps. Please note, the cost estimate does not include extra telephone service, space or mis- cellaneous office supplies. Supplies and equipment furnished by the State are sent collect. Supplies returned to the State must be prepaid by the City. Cities should insure the completed census cards when shipping them to the Computer Center. This estimate assumes the collection of responses to ten simple questions. F';;'o;;-160(1) Rev. CEN 500 1 2 3 4 5 6 RESOLUTION NO. 5269 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFOP3?IA, AI'PR(3VING AN AGREWQW IEFWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND TIIE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF THE STATE OF CXLIFOR~M FOK THE PREPAR4TION OF A POPULATION Eh!RATION FOR THE LA COSTA AREA OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD I .. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does hereby 7 resdlve as follows: 8 1. That that certain agreement between the City of Carlsbad and 9 the Department of Finance of the State of California for the enumeration 10 of population for the La Costa area of the City, a copy of which is attached 11 hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof, is hereby approved. 12 2. That James C. Hagaman, Planning Director of the City of Carlsbad 13 is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf 14 of the City of Carlsbad. 15 PASSED, APPROVED AN'D ADWIED at a regular meeting of the City Council 16 of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 6th day of December, 1977, 17 by the following vote, to wit: 18 AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard and Councilwoman Casler 19 NOES : None ABSENT: Councilman Skotnicki I 24 All-EST: 25 26 27 28 '