HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-01-03; City Council; 5300; 208 Study - Water Management Plan, 201 Study - Wastewater Reclamation StudyCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO.y�Oy Initial: Dept.Hd. + DATE: Lnuar-Z3, 1978 C. Atty.. ;• DEPARTMENT: Council C. Mgr: - 208 STUDY - MTER i ANACz£cbaE�jr PIAN 201 STUDY - MS'1'EMTER REaAmATION STUDY Statement of .the Matter Councilwonan Mary Casler has indicated she would like to present sane material on the 208 Study and will present her material first. In addition, a letter has been received from the County Board of Supervisors requesting an appearance before the Council to explain more fully the County's proposals relating to both the 201 Study and the 208 Study and to answer any questions. The County is asking support of the County's desire to be designated the Management Agency for the 208 Plan implementation and that the joint County/City of San Diego application for the 201 glint to study wastewater reclamation be aidorsed. Exhibit Report from Mary Casler dated 12--28-77 Letter from County Board of Supervisors dated 11-10--77. Council action 1-3-78 The Council agreed to support, the County of San Diego in its application for the 201 grant to study wastewater reclamation. DATE: December 28, 1977 TO: City Council I'Ro"I: ::ary Casler SUBJECT: Areawide :later �;aality Flan 11 1975 GFC was des_gauted as the Areawide ':rater duality Planning Agency by the State 'Water _resources Control Board under Section 208 of the - ederfal '.later Pollution Control ,Act (PL 92-500). in June of 1978 an 4reawide Plan must be submitted to the State Board for review and certi- fication and to EPA for s,-proval . The CPC Board of Directors al -pointed a cor,.ittee of elected officials to participate in the preparscion W' the Instituticnal, Legal and . iscsl element of the playa. x serve as one of the 9 members. With the aid of a c4zsultaat, we have studied existing, institutions and proposed alternative a;rr-gagements. The goals of the plan iacluOe protection of air, 1,%rld and r:r:ter reso-,rces, reduced cost of public facilities *-ad assurance that community policies of growth maaazetaent are achieved. The management functions of the plan are divided. into 4 categories: Plan,rina - of water quality, population, land rise sad growth management implementation - of tiv!�ter supply, wnstev-,:Ater and reclamation Operations - reclomation fiaanci:a, and Possible reorganization o. existing operations Regulations - water quality stvadarls, reorgaaization approvals and groundereter regulations At the ;resent time there are apr,roximately 70 egrenc'.es in San Diego County participating, ial some area of the management plan. The question before us is, "Should we cont?aue a,.s we hove or oc rrove an ealternative management Four glans nave been suggested: Plan 1 - Existing institusional-elternativo. This alternative keeps the existing agencies intact but allows for change in the activities of some and i:rprovos interagency coordination. Problems of water supply, wastewater treatment, cinsexvation acid reuse, and escalating costs rake it essential that the area develop a sing.Le water supply planning program. Existing agencies can achieve this objective by MAM the 'rater Authority coordiaatin,7 toe preparation of an areawide water supply plan the operating ent,.tias providin subele:nent: of the plan and do detailed local planning. All local agencies would condu:,t their specific local plans within the framejNoy,% of the arearride planning; o- the ';rater Authority. Plan 2 - County Government Alternative All but a small portion of the plan lies :_n San Diego County. the G.ot,a zy t,,as tIle needed le;;al rovrers to iorle- ment t_Ze plan without major reorgantzation. The County proposes to set up a series of zones o� Vn o Flood Control District of Which Borth County is one. (Total of 6) Each zone would have a coo issio-I v:ity: city representatives, a sneci:l district representative, a +.later Resources Uonslrvation District representative, non -voting members of various State end CovrLty entities, and a public member. The principal function of eacti zone would be to review all .,i&ter use facilities to assure conformance with land use and growth management plans. 'aach zone would hare a limited staff vrith a central agency called the "liter Use Coordination Agency" and administered by the Board of Supervisors. Decisions would be made by each zone corm fission unless reverseii by a 4/5 vote of the central agency, provided the Supervisor whose district overlies part of the zone approves the override. The central sgenc,� would develop the detailed water man- agement plans, which ere expected to be a composite of each zone's plc�ns. It i,s beVeved that an areawide approach to rioter planning tad f'inaancing is necespary to assure most of icieat use bf thgarea's limited water resources. The principal difference between this and the existing; arrangeme-.t in that the County has a project review juris- diction over incorporated cities. Plan 3 - Areawide Government Alternative This Alternati-ve( pJ?ovides for a "super -agency" which could include responsibilities of CPC), the Regional - iter ,duality Control Board, transportation and other areawide functions. It would regulate water and air quality and pozsibl- growth management. The Board of the agency could be directly elected or composed of representatives from incorporated cities and the County. Project review and land use plans would be left to the incorporated cities. It has el so been suggested that: the County might ta'ae over the management plan for a few yours while we work t3 and developing an an Areavgide ;:government agency. - 3 - Flan 4 - City Government Alternative This alternative would expand the boundaries of existing and proposed cities to incorporate the entire developable area of the County. :'iith the entire County incorporated, it would be advan tageous to merge special districts withi:, municipal government unless special districts !-*re areervide and crossed several city boundaries. Detailed water plans would be completed by the County ,'rater Autnorit"IT with assistance from cities. CPO would assume LAFCO�respon- sibilities :or boundary dispute resolutions. One problem might be the inef:iciency of very small cities to implement the plan. ine use of existing institutions modified as described is an immediate practical plan for auhievi n; tTte requirements of Federal, and State iaw. A.lterriative 2, an increased County government role, has many of the same advaatt,,;es since legislation exists and could be implemented A�apidlqq. Alternatives for nreswide or cities form of governrroat shlSuId be considered as long- tarM possibilities. If the County alternative is chosen, it is o ssible that additional consolidation of responsibi.,ities including the incorporation of CPG and LA:CO activites into the County's structure wot,ld occur. 'f the cities' alternative is Vie ultimate goal, CPC should logically coordinate and perhaps absorb LAHO and other areawide planninz; functjons. ,7e should consider each of these con�,.epta in its ability to acPieve air and vrater quality standards, efficient utilization of limited Crater resovrces, the need for apt)ropriate repre- sentation at the local end regional lovel, and the long-term costs that are likely to occur under the various options. It Is not likely that the costs of government under these various alternatives would vary significantly. ,Abbreviations 1 S:dSLR - Santa .:argarita / San Luis Rey "hatershed Planning Agency - unlgve in that it includes ps,rt of Riverside. R7,I4,CB - Regional 1,7atar %�usli.ty Control Board C 1A - County %ra ter A ui tiiori ty SDAG - proposed San Diego Aroa;ride Government TABLE 1 INSTITUTIONAL ALTERNATIVES 1 Existin93 2 County ( 3 A_eawide�_ 1 4 City Planning Forecasts CPO CPO SDAG CPO Growth Mgmt Cities/ Cities/ SDAG Cities County' County, Coordinate CPO CPO SDAG CPO Water Quality RWQCB RkfQCB SDAG R14QCB Implementation Detailed Plan CWA/County ISD County/ CWA/County rulA/Cities SMSLR SMSLR SMSLR Development Cities/ Cities/ Review Counties County SDAG Cities Project Cities/ County Flood Cities/ Cities Review Counties Control Counties Sk1SLR Zone Com- SMSLR missions Operati:)ns Existing Existing Existing Existing Agencies2 Agencies' Agencies2 Agencies2 Regulatory 11astewater RWQCB Rl9QCB SDAG RWQCB Land Use Cities/ Cities/ Cities/ Cities Counties Counties Counties Boundaries LAFCO LAFCO SDAG CPO Groundwater SMSLR- S11SLR SMSLR SMSLR (Reorganized) (Reorganized) (Reorganized) (Reorganized) 'Coordinated by CPO 2With some local reorgaa Ration and special districts consolidated into cities in Alteroative 4 3For details CPP Tc ue Paper 43. -2- 130ARD OF SUPERVISORS 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92101 (714) 230.2249 TOM HAMILTON SVPeRVISOR FIRST DISTRICT November 10, 1977 Mayor Robert C. Frazee City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Tiayor Frazee: As you know, the Comprehensive Planning Organization (CPO) is preparing an areawide water quality management plan under Section 208 of Public Law 92-500. The 208 plan when completed will provide a blueprint for the management of water in the San Diego region. An important part of the study is the evaluation of current capabilities to impleme,it the plan. San Diego County has expressed to CPO its desire to be designated the areawide management agency to act through joint powers agreement with the various agencies concerned with water quality management. In a related planning effort, the County of San Diegc together with the City of San Diego intend to file an application for a Federal grant for an areawide wastewater reclamation study (201 study). The purpose of this study is to prepare a Countywide water reclamation plan which will lead to a concrete proposal for the construction of water reclamation facilities. These facilities will increase the use of reclaimed water in San Diego County and decrease our dependence upon imported waters. The City and County are proposing that the overall direction of the study be by a policy committee made up of representatix-es of multi -purpose governments in recognicion that water and sewer services are major factors of implementation for adopted growth management plans. Both of these efforts (201 and 208) are closely related and both have regionwide significance. We are asking you now for three things: Mayor Robert C. Frazee -2- November 10, 1977 1. The opportunity for two membors of the Board of Supervisors and appropriate staff to appear before your Council to explain more fully the County's proposals relating to the 201 and 208 plans and answer any questions that you might have. . 2. We ask your support of the County's desire to be designated the Management Agency for 208 plan implementation. 3. We ask that you endorse the joint County/City application ,for the 201 grant to study w.&stawater reclamation. Our Office of Intergovernmental Affairs will be ca�ling your City Manager's office to schedule a place on your Council agenda in the very near future. Sincerely, I , " �' �'; � �' 6 - - _9-�"6 Tom Hamilton Supervisor, First District TH:RH:hr cc: CO Representatives xty Manager _ItM4,a-.r------- e IIC( ec0�' g � Supervisor, Third District . KI DESIGNATION OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY AS THE WATER.MANAGEMENT AGENCY UNDER SECTION 208 - PUBLIC LAW 92-500 CPO is preparing a water management plan as required under Section 208 of t PL 92-500. The same section provides that the Governor of California must designate what the law calls "a Management Agency". Such an agency has two important functions. First, it is charged with the plan implementation. Second, its existence is a condition of grant eligibility for all water, sewer, and reclamation projects. At present, CPO's consultant, J. B. Gilbert and Associates, is preparing that portion of the 208 Management Plan known as "Institutional Arrangements". So far the consultant has produced four issue papers, and in those he has submitted four alternative forms for the management agency, two of which he believes can be readily implemented at this time. One of the two realistic alternatives is "existing institutions". It assigns plan implementation responsibilities to the existing cities and districts. The other alternative is titled "County Government". Since this alternative was developed by the County, the following is intended to more completely outline that proposal. The Board of Supervisors has long been aware of the relationship that the availability and use of water has to the land use decision -making process. In seeking the 208 designation, the Board of Supervisors proposes the creation of a Water Use Coordinatina_Agency_ (WUCA) that will provide for the integration of water management with that of land use specifically, but also with other local and regional concerns such as growth management, solid waste, air quality transportation and a variety of social, health care and economic plans.. The WUCA will be designed to: - retain the primary role of operating agencies to generate proposals and implement these proposals. - vest both the planning and implementation decision -making process at those levels nearest to all of the people affected by these decisions. - provide that this process takes place within a broad jurisdictional area where relative priorities of the various community needs are considered. - provide a forum that includes representation from all major special and multipurpose governments within the sub -regional boundary. - take into account in the decision -making process not only the interests of people within the jurisdiction of the initiating agency, but also the effects of the proposal upon those residing outside that jurisdiction. - recognize that elected officials of multi -purpose units of government must have a major voice in the decisions on water -use in the drainage basins. The Structure of the Water Use Coordinating Agency Current legislation provides for a San Diego County Flood Control District, which encompasses a substantial portion of the County, divided into five zones. (See -"ached map.) The County uoard of Supervisors will seek legislation to establish the WUCA, d;splacing the existing San Diego Flood Control District and assuming all of the duties and powers now residing within the Flood Control District. In addition, th. San Luis Rey -Santa Margarita Watershed Planning Agency will be asked to -- the additional responsibilities of a WUCA Zone Commission. Each zone ti. have a Zone Commission consisting of the following: representative of the Resource Conservation Districts. elected representative of each major special district engaged in water use services, whose service area is mainly the zone or the service area of which covers more than 1/3 of the zone territory. 1 elected representative of each city 4ncorporated at this time or in the future, having jLrisdiction over more than 1 square mile of territory within the zone (within Zone 1 that would include the Cities of Carlsbad, Vista, San Marcos, San Diego, Escondido, and Del liar; within Zone 2, the Cities of San Diego, La Mesa and E1 Cajon; within Zone 3, the Cities of San Diego, Lemon Grove, National City, Chula Vista and Coronado; within Zone 4, the Cities of San Diego, Imperial Beach and Chula Vista, and within Zone 6, the City of Oceanside). Each Zone Commission would employ a zone manager who serves at the pleasure of the commissioners and who will have status as a County employee with regard to benefits, insurance, etc., and a secretary with similar status. In order to provide for its operation costs, each Zone Commission would be able to levy a tax, not to exceed the maximum rate of 25¢ per $100 assessed valuation within the zone, a power now held by the Flood Control District Zones. Annual budgets Will be approved by the WUCA Board of Directors by majority vote. Recognizing the major responsibility of multipurpose governments in implementing the 208 Plan, there will be a weighted voting formula for each zone. A weighted vote would have to be called for by at least two zone commissioners. The combined weighted vote for all the cities within a zone shall constitute a majority but not more than 60% of the total possible. No single city shall hold more than 49% of a Zone Commission's vote. However, a decision which relies on the weighted vote formula will require at least one vote of a non -city commissioner on the prevailing side. In Zone 5, the desert zone, there are no incorporated cities. In that zone the County shall have a majority vote. Decisions regarding major projects made within each of the six zones will be reviewed by the Board of Supervisors, acting as the 14UCA Board of Directors. If it is determined that a decision made within an individual zone is clearly not consistent with regional needs, then the Board of Directors may override that decision by a 4/5ths vote, provided that the Director of the WUCA, whose supervisorial district overlies a major po,.:rlation of the zone, votes with the prevailing side. The WUCA Board of Directors, when requestE�: to do so by ao less than four Zone Commissions, may levy a tax not to exceed U per $100 of assessed valuation in order to finance those activities which are beneficial to the total County area. (Such as when water reclamation in the southern part of the County area must be ,ubsidized, thereby releasing water for use in the northern part.) The Process The following process for implema^ting the hater Management Plan would be utilized, Functionally, it is displayed on the attached chart. Need Definition Existing agencies engaged in the supply, distribution, collection and Preliminary and treatment of water, hereinafter referred to as operating Proposal agencies, will continue co be responsible for rendering existing Development services. The operating agency determines that there is a need to increase its service ability or level; initiates the plan implementation process by defining and quantifying the need for expanded service; then develops a number of possible alternative solutions for satisfying such need. i 6 The initiating operating age -icy will consult with all appropriate regulatory and advisory agencies -such as land use authorities, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the Air Pollution Control District, etc. The operating agency, in addition to obtaining necessary information, will a so evaluate the possible benefits resulting from cooperation with any adjacent or overlying agency and assess their willingness aid ability to cooperate in the { proposed project. Coordination and The operating agency selects the best preliminary proposal, submits Prioritization it to the appropriate WUCA Zone Commission for its review and by WUCA Zone comments on compatibility with adopted land -use plans, and inter - Commission agency effects of the proposal. Should the Zone Commission identify areas of conflict with other p 4ns or proposals, it will assist in conflict resolution. The WUCA Zone Commission will also provide a forum where the relative priority of the submitted proposal can be reviewed in the context of other community and sub -regional needs. The Zone Commission's decision and comments regarding a proposal will be advisory only. However, it must be recognized that such decision and comments will probably carry weight in subsequent decisions by State and Federal agencies involved in providing funding for the proposed project. For those operating agencies which are either unable or unwilling to develop project proposals to this point, the Zone Commission may elect upon request to provide staff assistance to that agency from the zone. Project Following the review of the decision of the WUCA zone, the operating Development agency then proceeds with the preparation of the neAt phase of the by Operating project, including development of the proposed project to the point Agency where it can be submitted as an application to an appropriate grant giving State or Federal agency. At this point, the proje+.t will be resubmitted for final review to the I4UCA 'Lone Commission to verify that th3 proposed project conforms with applicable require- ments, is consistent with the earlier proposal, and the status of interagency cooperation and the then present conditions and priorities within the zone area. Obtain Permits The proposed project is now ready to be submitted by the operating and Requirements agency to various regulatory agencies where appropriate, such as by Operating the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the Coastal Zone Commission Agency, Assisted or the Air Pollutior. Control District. If authorized by the Zone by WUCA Staff Commission, WUCA staff will assist the operating agency's staff in obtaining needed approvals and permits. Approval or When all necessary approvals and permits have been secured, the Denial by WUCA proposed project will then be submitted to the Board of Supervisors, Board of acting as the Board of Directors of the WUCA. That Board may Directors either approve the proposal and forward the application to the appropriate Federal or State agencies via the Comprehensive Planning Organization (for A-95 review) or it can deny the project with a 4/5 vote as noted above and return it to the Zone Commission with comments regarding their decision. In seeking the designation as the 208 Areawide Water Management Agency and implementing that responsibility through a structure and process as out;ined above, the Board of Supervisors believes that it recognizes and reinforces t'.re responsibility of existing water use agencies to do the job for which they were formed. At the same time, it causes recognition of their role as a special service provider in an urban society. It is also believed that this proposal is responsive to State and Federal thrust towards regional decision -making while maintaining a maximum of local control. r--, Need 'Definition & Preliminary 1 Lind Use Plans ;Proposals by Operating Agency f Areawide Plann2,,4 _ (208 Basin) i { Coordina.zion & Priorities by Population Proj. t1VUCA - Zone Commission Requirements Project Development by Operating Agency Jurisdiction Review D Comments by INCA - Zone Commission t ? Obtain Permits & Requirements by Operating Agency assisted by j� R'UCA-Staff ;Approval or Denial by WUCA t Grant Application to State and i Federal Agencies by Operating f j Agency assisted by INCA-Staff 4 IV/Grant - Design Construction and Operation by Operating Agency i_ Environmental Recreation Health Coordination Wildlife Socio/Economic Other Cities IPO CPO "WQCB CPO County Cities wQCB Air QCB LAFCO Cities EAD Coastal Commission County & State Park Departments Cotirty & State Health Departments Adjacent Agencies Stare Department County Cities e 3 JANUARY 1973 i PRESENTATION TO CITY COUNCILS YOU ARE UNDOUBTEDLY AWARE THAT CPO IS PREPARING A WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN AS REQUIRED UNDER SECTION 208 OF PL 92-500, THIS SAME SECTION PROVIDES THAT THE GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA MUST DESIGNATE WHAT THE LAW CALLS "A MANAGEMENT AGENCY', SUCH AGENCY HAS TWO IMPORTANT FUNCTIONS, FIRST IT IS CHARGED WITH THE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION, SECOND, ITS EXISTENCE IS A CONDITION OF GRANT ELIGIBILITY FOR ALL WASTEWATER AND WATER RECLAMATION s PROJECTS, AT PRESENT CPO'S CONSULTANT, J, B, GILBERT AND ASSOCIATES, IS PREPARING THAT PORTION OF THE 208 MANAGEMENT PLAN KNOWN AS °INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS", SO FAR THE CONSULTANT HAS PRODUCED FOUR ISSUE PAPERS, AND IN THOSE HE HAS SUBMITTED FOUR ALTERNATIVE FORMS FOR THE MANAGEMENT AGENCY, TI-10 OF WHICH HE BELIEVES ARE REALISTIC AT THIS TIME IN TERMS THAT THEY CAN BE READILY IMPLEMENTED, ONE OF THE TWO REALISTIC ALTERNATIVES IS "EXISTING INSTI- TUTIONS", THIS ALTERNATIVE WOULD CONTINUE THE CURRENT FRAG- MENTED STATUS (QUO ARRANGE14ENT WHERE WE FIND SOME 74 AGENCIES INVOLVED IN THE IMPORTATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF WATER AND ITS COLLECTION, TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL OF SEWAGE, THE OTHER ALTERNATIVE IS TITLED "COUNTY GOVERNMENT', THIS ALTERNATIVE WAS FIRST PROPOSED BY OUR BOARD, AND OUR APPEARANCE BEFORE YOUR COUNCIL IS INTENDED TO MORE COMPLETELY OUTLINE THAT PROPOSAL AND ASK YOUR SUPPORT FOR IT, 3 JANUARY 1973,-) PAGE 2 OUR PROPOSAL WOULD CONVERT THE EXISTING FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT, WITH ITS DRAINAGE BASIN -WIDE ZONES INTO THE BASIC WATER MANAGEMENT AGENCY, VIE PROPOSE TO CALL IT THE "WATER USE COORDINATING AGENCY", EACH ZONE WOULD BE UNDER THE DIREC- TION OF A ZONE COMMISSION, EACH CITY AND MAJOR WATER USE DIS- TRICT WOULD RAVE A SEAT ON THIS COMMISSION. I;0 ONE CITY WOULD EXERCISE MORE THAN 49% OF THE COMMISSION VOTE WHICH WOULD BE C k BASED ON THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE SERVED RESIDING IN THE ZONE. JOINTLY THE CITIES WILL EXERCISE A MAJORITY VOTE OF THE COM- MISSION, OUR STAFF HAS PROVIDED YOU WITH AN OUTLINE WHICH DESCRIBES THE PROPOSAL IN SOME DETAIL, THEREFORE, I WOULD LIKE TO FOCUS ON SOME OF THE OVERALL PURPOSES OF OUR PROPOSAL. 1. OUR PROPOSAL EMBODIES THE BELIEF THAT PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION DECISIONS FOR WATER USE FACILITIES SHOULD BE MADE BY ELECTED OFFICIALS IN THE CONTEXT OF PRIORITIES OF OTHER COMMUNITY NEEDS. 2. OUR PROPOSAL IS DESIGNED SO THAT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MANAGEMENT PLAN CAN EASILY BECOME A PART OF A DECISION PROCESS DEALING WITH OTHER REGIONAL OR SUB REGIONAL CONCERNS SUCH AS: GROWTH MANAGEMENT, AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT, ENERGY CONSERVATION, TRANSPORTA- TION, AND OTHERS WHICH ALL MAKE DEMANDS ON OUR LIMITED RESOURCE BASE, 3 JANUARY I97i�-, PAGE 3 3. OUR PROPOSAL RECOGNIZES THE IMPORTANCE OF DRAINAGE BASINS AS LOGICAL UNITS OF WATER MANAGEMENT, IT THEREFORE MAINTAINS THE FULL RESPONSIBILITY OF EXISTING LOCAL WATER SERVICE AGENCIES TO CONTINUE ro PROVIDE THOSE SERVICES, BUT ASKS FOR A DRAINAGE BASIN - WIDE REVIEW OF PROPOSED WATER USE PROJECT PROPOSALS TO INSURE COMPLIANCE WITH APPROVED LAND USE PLANS AND TO MAXIMIZE THE OPPORTUNITIES FOR INTERAGENCY COOPERATION, 4. OUR PROPOSAL GIVES THE CITIES A MAJORITY VOTE IN ALL WATER MANAGEMENT DECISIONS THROUGHOUT THE DRAINAGE BASINS OF WHICH THEY ARE A PART, IT ASKS IN RETURN OF CITIES THAT THEY SUBMIT THEIR PROPOSED WATER USE PROJECTS OR PROPOSED FACILITY PROJECTS TO SUBREGIONAL REVIEW AND A POSSIBLE VETO BY THE HOARD OF SUPERVISORS IF SUCH PROJECT IS IN FLAGRANT CONFLICT WITH COUNTY- WIDE INTERESTS, - WHICH IS A MOST UNLIKELY OCCURRENCE, OUR PROPOSAL RECOGNIZES SPECIAL DISTRICTS AS FULL FLEDGED MEMBERS OF UREAN SOCIETY IN AN ARENA WITH OTHER PUBLIC PRIORITIES. WE BELIEVE THAT OUR PROPOSAL PROVIDES A MEANS WHEREBY WATER USE PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION DECISIONS CAN BE MADE BY ELECTED OFFICIALS NEAREST TO THE PEOPLE WHO ARE AFFECTED BY THESE DECISIONS, IT SETS UP A FORUM WHICH INCLUDES REPRESEN- TATION FROM ALL MULTIPURPOSE GOVERNMENTS AND MAJOR SPECIAL 3 JANUARY 70.17 PAGE 4 WE URGE YOUR SUPPORT OF THIS PROPOSAL THROUGH ADOPTION OF THE ATTACHED RESOLUTION WHICH DIRECTS YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TO BOTH CPO'S 208 ELECTED OFFICIALS TASK FORCE AND THEIR BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO EXPRESS SUCH SUPPORT IN UPCOMING MEETINGS. DRAFT RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Planning Organization is preparing an Areawide Water Quality Management Plan under the provisions of Section 208 of Public Law 92-500; and ..2REAS, said Water Quality Management Plan is required to recormend the designation of one or more water management agencies to assure imple- mentation of the approved Plan; and WHEREAS, CPO's consultant has identified four water management al- ternatives for consideration for this designation by their Elected Officials Task Force in January, prior to consideration by the CPO Board of Directors; and WHEREAS, two of these four alternatives are more realistic in that they can be readily implemented; and WHEREAS, one of these two viable alternatives is designation of the County of San Diego, the only multipurpose duly constituted unit of government whoss jurisdiction covers nearly all of the planning area; and WHEREAS, said County has all the needed legal powers to cause the implementation of the approved 208 Plan without creation of any new layer of government and provide a maximum of lical control; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Carlsbad hereby supports the designation of the County of San Diego as the Water Manage- ment Agency for the San Diego County area in accordance with the provisions of Section 208 of Public Law 92-500, and; directs its representative to the CPO 208 Elected Official Task Force to support this alternative; and further directs its representative to the CPO Board of Directors to support the recomended designation of the County of San Diego as the 4iater Manage- ment Agency for the San Diego 208 area.