HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-02-07; City Council; 5324; Special Use Permit, Recreational ParkL. .I E - .-d- CITY OF CARLSBAD Initial: - AGENDA BILL NO. 5324 Dcpt. Hd. ,e DATE : February 7, 1978 City Atty d% DEPARTMENT : Plannins City Mgr. SUBJECT : Special Use Permit, Re'creational Park - San Diego County The Encinitas Optimist Club has made application with the San Diego County Department of Land Use to construct a recreation park on property directly across the street from the City of Carlsbad's boundary. The site is situated on the south side of Olivenhain Road, east of El Camino Real. The County policy is to request comments from local jurisdictions that could be impacted by such application. Staff normally processes these notices admin- istratively. This request however, is unique and could be of special interest to the City Council. For further explaination of request see attached memorandum dated January 27, 1978. This land is outside the City's General Plan area and proposed sphere of influence. E XH IB ITS Memorandum dated January 27, 1978 Location Map RECOMMENDAT1 ON It is recommended that the City Council direct staff to prepare notice to LEUR indicating general support of the project and suggested conditions for the development. Council action 2-10-78 The matter was continued ta the next regular meeting. 2-21-78 The City Council directed staff to prepare a notice to LEUR indicating City Counci 1 's general approval with the conditions that limited access and adequate parking be provided. FORM PLANNING 73 DATE : TO : FROM : SUBJECT : January 27, 1978 City Council Paul Bussey, City Manager - Special Use Permit, Recreational Park - San Diego County $he Encinitas Optixist Club has made an application with the San Diego County Planning (LUER) for a Special Use Permit with Environmental Assessment to construct a commercial recreation park on property situated on the south side of Olivenhain Road, east of El Camino Real, (see location map). Olivenhain Road Is City boundary separating the City of Carlsbad, (La Costa Area) from the unincorporated community of Leucadia. This road is also the boundary of the scutherly extension of Carlsbad's sphere of influence as indicated in the General Plan. Although, this site is not within Carlsbad's sphere of influence, any development in the area will have an impact on the surrounding residences in La Costa, paxticularly in the subdivision known as Rancho Ponderosa. Pvimarily this report is to inform the City Council of this request and solicite comments or suggested conditions. .. Qhe area is relatively flat and partially within a floodplain. property has c- gradiant of 0 to 10% and 24% of the site has a gradiant over 25%. ?he project calls for gradin9 an arza of 30,000 square feet with a volume 300 cubic yards cut, and of 300 cubic yards fill. The maximum cut and fill slope will be 6 feet in height. There is anticipated erosion problems in the -hicycle track, however, they plan to use sar,d bags for control. 70% of the By policy the County requests comments for those cities whose boundaries are within close proxmity from property. administrative. However, it appears that this application is unique in that it is not the type of use normally associated in residential areas. applicant describes the use thereby: Normally staff handles these requests The It is contemplated that the Encinitas Optimist Club will construct a recreational park on the subject property. This recreational park shall consist of a bicycle mot0 cross track, little fields, and a soccer football field. It is contemplated that a parking area will also be con- structed on the site. The entire project will be for the use and enjoyment of the San Dieguito Community as the Encinitas Optimist Club is a non profit organization ded- icated to assisting the youth of the San Dieguito Community. It is not contemplated that any buildings or structures will be constructed on the subject property. 4 The applhant further justifys the request by stating: The proposed recreational park will provide the San Dieguito Communs.ty with air exceL3 ent. facility wherein the children of San Diequito can play baseball, soccer and race their bicylces. There is a definite need for such a facility in San Dieguito as recreational facilities such as this are scarce. As evidence of the Encinitas Optimist Clubs ability to pursue this recreational park to its completion, we offer as examples of the following projects which were begun by the Encinitas Optimist Club. 1) Ecke Little League Field; 2) 3) The Bobby Sox Softball Fields in Encinitas; and The San Dieguito Boy's Club. The use appears to be needed and appropriate for the area, therefore, staff suggests support of the application. However, the City should suggest conditions of approval such as limiting access, dust control measures, and'adequate parking. The City Council may also wish to suggest conditions. Recommendation If the City Council concurs, staff will prepare notice to San Diego County, (LEUR) indicating the City generally supports the proposed commercial recreation park. Staff will submit suggested conditions of approval. Attachment Location Map BP : ar . 1/27/78 . . .# - i. 4 1 , ClTY 'OF, CAriLSl e 1 \ .. '\ \ \ . b.d\ (PI R-I-A . ._-I-.-- I .. . .. -- .. . . . ..