HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-02-21; City Council; 5111-2; La Costa Canyon Park -Contract No. 1045.. A 1. , Initial: Dept . Hd. C. Atty.VFb - AGENDA BILL NO. lF// / DAY E : February 21, 1978 DEPARTMENT : Pub I w0 rks C. Mgr. 3 9- I_ Sub] ect : LA COSTA CANYON PARK - CONTRACT NO. 1045 Statement of the Matter -- The architect, Kater and Associates, has completed the plans and specifications for the improvement of La Costa Canyon Park. The first phase of the project in- cludes an off-steet parking lot, comfort station, sand play area, basketball court, volley ball court and picnic area, as well as landscaped areas. There are also future tennis courts, picnic areas and paths connecting to the City-wide trail system to be constructed at a later date. The estimated cost of this phase of the project is as follows: . Design Uti I ities Construction Funds are available from the following sources: Source Account. # $ 10,000 6,000 133,600 $ 149,600 Amount Park-in-l ieu 26-223-2800 $l00,000 . Land & Water Conservation Grant N/A 50,850 $150,850 A Declaration of Negative Envi ronnental Effect #as issued byme Planning De- partment on June 28, 1977. Exhi bits I. Resolution No. 53dgapproving plans and specifications and authorizing cal I for bids. 2. Plans and specifications (on file in Office of Public Works Administrator). 3. Dec I arat i on of Negat i ve Env i ronmenta I Effect . MARCH 7, 1978 - Report from Parks arid Recreation Director, 3-1-78 Recommendation If City Council concurs, adopt Resolution No. &fdf approving plans and at 3:OO D.m. authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids to e opened on Council action 2-21-78 The matter was continued to the.next regular meeting in order for staff to provide additional information. (See Page 2 for Council action) '. E Page 2 Agenda Bill #5111 - Supplement #2 Council action 3-8-78 Resolution No. 5308 was adopted, approving plans and specifications and authorizing City Clerk to invite bids for the improvement of La Costa Canyon Park - Contract No. 1045. 1 2 3 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 5308 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO INVITE BIDS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF LA COSTA CANYON PARK - CONTRACT NO. 1045 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has determined it is necessary and in the pub ic interest to improve La Costa Canyon Park; and WHEREAS, plans and specifications for the furnishing of all labor, ma- terial, tools, equipment transportation and other expense necessary or inci- dental for said project, Contract No. 1045, have been prepared and filed in the Pub1 ic Works Department of the City of Carlsbad and are incorporated by ref e rence he re i n ; NOW, THEREFORE, 'BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counci I of the City of Carls- bad, California, as follows: - - I. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the plans and specifications as presented are hereby approved. 3. That the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to proceed to publish, in accordance with law, notice to contractors inviting bids for the improvement of La Costa Canyon Park, in accordance with .. 8** plans and specifications hereinabove referred to. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad , 1978, by an adjourned at /regular meeting held the 8th day of March the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard, Skotnicki and NOES : None Councilwoman Casler ABSENT: None ATTEST: %ZCJFR - ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Mayor -. . . .. .. -- ... .' I-. .. .. *. c -.J V I. .: I Y' .*I . -. . .* . .: . .? I . .. MEMORANDUM To : CITY MANAGER From : Et1 Johnson, Director Parks 6 Recreation Date : March 1, 1978 Subject: La Costa Canyon Park A chronology concerning La Costa Canyon Park is attached to indicate actions taken. The LWCF grant selected by the State requires that the grant recipi- ent initially funds the whole project. This was done by Resolution 5185 on September 6, 1977. Those items indicated by an asterisk on the attached Development Cost Estimate show the items that the State and Department of Interior, Bureau of Recreation, have shown specific interest. Cost increases of the initial project are caused by a zone change in the area which resulted in recommending that the park be an active type instead of a passive one. Also the rate of inflation is a determining factor in price rates. Recently, not enough parks have been built in the City to satsify the neighborhood or community demand. This park will be the first developed by the City in the southern portion of the City. As the population increases, the demand for developed parks increases. If the City Council desires, the Parks and Recreation Commission could undertake a study, with citizen participation, to determin6 the types of parks desired. The Commission would provide its findings and re- commendations to the City Council. Previous method utilized has been for the staff and the Parks and Recreation Commission to analyze a proposed park with citizen input at the Parks and Recreation Commis- sion meetings and provide the City Council with recommendations. The architect and staff will present to the City Council, at its March 7, 1978 meeting, two renditions and cost estimates for the pro- posed park. Than you- Ed JohnHon, Director Parks and Recreation Department EJ:tld La Costa Canyon Park Chronology October 26, 1973 March 31, 1976 May 27, 1976 July 1976 March 1, 1977 March 21, 1977 May 16, 1977 June 21, 1977 June 28, 1977 June 28, 1977 July 22, 1977 Dedicated to City in connection with approval of subdivisions in La Costa Vale I and 11, CT 72-20. Final EIR for La Costa Master Plan and General Plan Amendment certified by Planning Commission. Final EIR for La Costa Master Plan and General Plan Amendement certified by City Council. City Council approved Budget for $100,000 from Park-in-Lieu fees for Area 7. Resolution 5005 authorized architect to develop cost estimate, architectural design and related work. Parks and Recreation Commission recommended name change to La Costa Canyon Park. Parks and Recreation Commission recommended approval of design concept and the preliminary cost estimate. City Council Resolution 5128 approved: (1) Park designation in Parks and Recreation Element of General Plan (conformity to General Plan). (2) Name change of Park to La Costa Canyon Park. (3) Design Concept and Preliminary Cost Es- timate for construction, planting and irri- gation for $91,035 plus $8,975 fee for $100,000. (4) Architect authorized to do plans and speci- fications. Declaration of Negative (Non-Signif icant) En- vironment Effect by Planning Director. Parks and Recreation Director provided City Mana- ger with copy of form 724 for A-95 Certification by State Clearinghouse and Comprehensive Planning Organization. City Manager informed City Council that Parks and Recreation given authorization to submit prelimi- nary application for LWCF Grant Funds. Lz Costa Canyan Park , Ghrbnolbgy September 6, 1977 September 9, 1977 October 26, 1977 November 7, 1977 November 21, 1977 December 28, 1977 January lo,, 1978 January 11, 1978 February 21, 1978 Agenda Bill 5111 Supplement #1 presented City Council Resolution 5185 in which City Council appr6ved application for LWCF grant ($50,000 as 4 of $IOO,OOO project). Parks and Recreation Department submitted LWCF grant application to State Parks and Recreation. Parks and Recreation Department provided requested necessary addition41 material to State Parks and Recreation for LWCF grant request. Parks and Recreation Department provided requested necessary additional material to State Parks and Recreation for LWCF grant request. Parks and Recreation Commissioners,reviewed de- sign concept and cost estimate and recornended approval of the street improvements and parking facilities. Members of the Carlsbad Historical Society and ,Garden, Club were present-.and &parti- cipated in review of plans. Parks and Recreation Department received,tele- phone information that LWCF grant request selected by the State. Visit to site by representatives of, State parks and Recreation Department and Department of In- terior, Bureau of Recreation representatives. Director of State Parks and Recreation letter informed City that the LWCF grant selected by State for funding. Agenda Bill 5111 Supplement #2 presented City Council Resolution 5308 to City Cowcil recomaaend- ing approval of architect's plans and specifi- cation; matter referred to next regular meeting of City Counicl (March 7). -2- i DEVELOPMENT COST ESTIMATE. , LA COSTA CANYON PARK Construction Costs %Earthwork (rough & fine grading) * Comfort Station P Parking Lot jc Sand Flay Area (conc. curb & sand) # Mu1 ti purpose Court (header, asphalt & painting) *4 Catch Basins *lo0 1.f. type A ditch *240 1.f. type B ditch w100 1.f. 18''fl acp drainpipe Demountable Ramp Posts . F250 4'g Round Drainpipe 5003 s.f. conc. paving Y6 conc. benches Jfl game table & 4 chairs jl. 5 trash receptacles jc Volley & Basketball sports P 3 picnic tables & 2 B.B.Q. units +?l Haws drinking fountain jt Telephone 'conduit 250 1 .f. 3 'Sewer Connection X Electrical Lighting - +t Rip Rap equipment . 4" D.G. (3600 s.f.) Redwood Bender Board 195 1 .f. - --- /. * Irrigation 10,000 cu. yd. 8 $1.75 s A1 1 ow' A1 1 ow d 2 @' $300 A1 1 ow A1 low I .v,> 4 8 $300 250 @ 55 1.f. 100 0 $6 1.f. 240 @ $3 1.f. 100 0 $25 1.f. 5,000 Ca $1.40 s.f. 6 8 $120 ea. + 1 8 $850 5 (3 $175 A1 1 ow A1 low A1 low 1 @ $630 3600 s.f. 8 .18 s.f. 250 1.f. @ $1.50 1.f. Allow . A1 low .195 (3 $1.25 Lf. Sub- To t a 1 $ Sub-Total $ Allow 17,500 20,090 6,500 600 3,870 * 3,200 1,200 1,250 500 720 . 2,500 7,000 720 850 875 300 1,700 1,400 630 650 37 5 1,000 1,000 245 74,775 14,000 14,000 --- +t Planting Hydroseedi ng slope 19,680 s. f. Ground cover & soil prep. 8,575 s.f: prep. 38,350 s.f. ' Turf & soil 1 gal. plants 141 5 gal. .plants 100 15 gal. plants 46 24" Box plant 8 36" Box plant 1 -Sub t o t a 1 State surcharge Total _.. . .. . -*e/- 19,680 @ .035 s.f. 8,575 @ .15 s.f.' 38,250 @ .08 141 @ $5 100 @ $14 46 @ $40 *. . 8 @ $210 1 @ .$500 Sub-Total c .. f 700 1,300 3,100 705 1,400 * ., !,? 1,840 1,680 500 5 11,225 b 100,000 .. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE AND RECREATION FACILITIES PLANNING p.0. box 325 - cardiff by the sea - colifornio 92007 telephom: 17141436-0287 March 3, 1978 Mr. Edward Y. Johnson, Director Parks and Recreation City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: La Costa Canyon Park Dear Mr. Johnson: As per your request find attached a cost breakdown of the development of La Costa Canyon Park: 1. Entire development of the park for - 3. $320,000 (see master plan) . Development of the lower portion for: - 3. $100,000 (see alternative 81). Development'of the lower portion and part of the upper level of the park for - C $1.50,000 (see atlernative #2). 2. 3. In May, 1977, you have given our firm a budget of $100,000 to work with. wrote to Mr. Joseph Spano, Project Coordinator Public Works (dated July 29, 1977) stating the following: I would like to refer you to a Letter I 1. Due to requested concept change from a passive to semi-active park, with the given criteria for the activities and park features, a budget of $100,000 would not be sufficient to cover development cost. 2. The topography of the site - to meet the given criteria for park activities and features, excessive grading needed to be performed without disturbing existing utilities located straight through the center of the most usable space available. Surface drainage from the upper elevations of the park and adjacent areas has to be accommodated with on-surface and below grade drainage systems. 3. .. I LA COSTA CANYON PARK ! i. MASTER PLAN Approximate development cost for budget purposes: $320,000 Development includes the following: 1. Grading and drainage for the entire park as shown. 2. All items covered under alternative No. 2. 3. Construction of 2 tennis courts with fencing, screening, striping and court lighting. 4. Two picnic and view areas on the upper level of park. 5. Hiking trails (open space connectors) and rest stop. 6. Planting and irrigation. .i" ! i ! 4 i I I 1 i i ! i I I I I I 1 I I I i I i i 1 t i i 1 i f ; I /I ! I j LA COSTA CANYON PARK ALTERNATIVE NO. 1 Construction: ($65,575.00) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 . 20 u 21. 22 . 23 . 24 . 25. 26 . Earth work (grading) = 10,000 cu.yd. @ $1.8O/cu,yd. Water service allow . Sewer n Electricity and telephone n Demountable ramp posts I# play equipment I1 Conc. moving curb I1 4" drain pipe I1 Parking lot n Multi-purpose ball court b equipment n Sandplay area (conc. curb, sand without 4' high chainlink fence n n Catch basins 18" drain pipe Type "A" brow ditch Type "picr brow ditch Concrete paving Concrete benches Keywest game table n Trash receptacles I1 #I I1 I1 I1 n 1 drinking fountain ID n Redwood header 3 picnic tables and benches 2 B-B-Q units I1 I1 Rip-rap n Irrigation: ($12,000) Landscaping: ($13,500) R n $18,000 4,550 600 1,000 6 , 500 600 6 , 000 4 , 000 2,500 1,750 1,200 1,250 2,500 600 720 8,960 720 850 1,225 650 250 1,500 150 500 12 , 000 13 , 500 Total $92,075 NOTE: The following items have been deleted from Alternative No. I_ 2: 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 10 . 11 . Restroom facilities $25,000 Portion of irrigation 8,000 Portion of planting 6,000 Park lighting 6,000 Volley ball sand pit and equipment 1,000 Portion of parks fixtures 2 , 000 Play equipment & bike rack 9,000 Park sign 500 $57 , 500 a:,. I L* L-r LA COSTA CANYON PARK 4 I. 1 ALTERNATIVE N0.2 CONSTRUCTION: ($109,875) 1. Earthwork (grubbing, rough & 'fine grading) * 2. Comfort Station 3. Water Service (by the City) - 4. Sewer (by the City) 5, Water Connection (by the City) 6 . E1.m tricity & Telephone Connection 7;Parking Lot 8, Demountable Ramp Posts (City) * 9, Volley Ball (conc. curb & sand) 3.0. Multi-purpose Court (header, asphalt 11. Sand Play Area (conc. curb & sand) 12. 4' High Chain Link Fence 13. Conc. Mowing Curb 14. 4 Catch Basins J-5. 4"nds Drain Pipe 16. Type "A" Bxow Ditch 17. Type "B" Brow Oitch 18. A.C.P. 18" Drain Pipe . 19. Concrete Paving . 20. Concrete Benches 21, Key West Game Table * 22. Trash Receptacles 23. Rip-rap * 24. Play Equipment iS Bike Rack "25. Volleyball & Basketball Sports Equip- * 25. Picnic Tables & Benches *27. B-B-Q Units * 2 8 . Drinking Fountains "23. D. G. 4" Thick *30. Electrical Park Lighting sub-base an3 paint) 31 . Rsdwood Headers 32. Landscape Irrigation: ($2O,OOO) 33. Landscape Planting: ($19,490) Hydro-seedhg slopes Ground-cover and soil preparation Turf and soil preparation 1 gallon plants 5 gallon plants 15 gallon plants 24" box plants 48" box plants S - 10,000 Cu-yd @ $1.80 $18,000 allow 25,000 allow 550 allow ,600 allow 4,000 a1 low 1,000 6,500 2 @ $300 ea. 600 alloii 2,000 allow 555 L.F. @ $4.50 L.F. 500 L.F, C! $3.50 L.F. 250 L.F. 9 $5.00 L,F, 240 L.F. @ $3.00 L.F. 100 L.F. @ $25.00 L,F, 6,400 S.F. @ $1.40 S,F. 6 @ $120 ea. 1 @ $850 ea. 7 @ $175 ea. allow allow 5 @ $500 ea. 2 @ $75 ea- 2 (2 $650 ea. 3,600 S.F. @$.I8 S.F. allow 195 L.F. @ $1.25 L.F. 4 @ $300 ea. 100 %,F. @ $6-00 L.F. allow allow allow 19,680 S,F.G$.035 S.F. 8,600 S.F.@$.25 S.F. 38,350 S.F. @$.15 S.F. 191 G $6.00 ea. 71 @ $14.00 ea. 48 @ $45-00 ea. 26 @ $230 3. @ $600 ea. 4,000 4,000 1,750 9,200 1r250 600 a20 8,960 720 850 1,225 500 9,000 2,000 2,500 150 G5Q 5,000 250 2,500 2,500 r,300 .-. 20,000 700 I - Total $3-49 I 365 .I % * '* Page 2 Mr . Johnson J-' 4. The approximate estimated cost of $100,000 - was arrived at one year ago. Since then, construction costs have increased considerably, Tcdng a 1 aspects into consideration the lower level of the park could still be developed for approximately $100,000 with deletion of several of the requested park features. (shown on Alternative No, 1). Recommendations: In light of rising construction costs in the completion of the park if it is accomplished through several phases, the accessibility of grading equipment, and the need for additional public tennis courts, I strongly recommend to construct the entire park in one phase if possible, with Alternative No. 2 as second and Alternative No. 1 as third choice. Sincerely, 6ave L. Xater CITY MANAGER'S NOTE Maps relative to these proposals are on display in the City Council chambers. DTK:ws cc: Mr, Joseph Spano LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE AND RECREATION FACILITIES PLANNING p.0. box 325 - cardiff by the sea - california 92007 telephm t [7 141 436- 0287 In May, 1977, you have given our firm a budget of $100,000 to work with. I would like to refer you to a letter I wrote to Mr. Joseph Spano, Project Coordinator Public Works (dated July 29, 1977) stating the following: I. .March 3, 1978 1, Due to requested concept change from a passive to I I semi-active park, with the given criteria for the would not be sufficient to cover development cost. 1 activities and park features, a budget of $100,000 I I 2. The topography of the site - to meet the given criteria for park activities and features, excessive grading needed to be performed without disturbing existing utilities located straight through the Mr. Edward Y. Johnson, Director Parks and Recreation City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: La Costa Canyon Park Dear Mr . Johnson : As per your request find attached a cost breakdown of the development of La Costa Canyon Park: 1. Entire development of the park for - + $320,000 (see master plan) . Development of the lower portion for - + $100,000 (see alternative #l) . 2. 3. Development'of the lower portion and part of the upper level of the park for - + $150,000 (see atlernative #2) . ! ! LA COSTA CANYON PARK MASTER PLAN Approximate development cost for budget purposes: $320,000 Development includes the following: 1. Grading and drainage for the entire park as shown, 2, All items covered under alternative No. 2. 3. Construction of 2 tennis courts with fencing, screening, striping and court lighting. 4, Two picnic and view areas on the upper level. of park. 5. Hiking trails (open space connectors) and rest stop. 6, Planting and irrigation. i i I I LA COSTA CANYON PARK ALTERNATIVE NO. 1 Construction: ($65,575-00) 1. Earth work (grading) = 10,000 cu.yd. $1.80/cu.yd. 2. Water service allow. 3. Sewer 5, Parking lot 6. Demountable ramp posts 8. Sandplay area (conc. curb, sand without 9. 4' high chainlink fence n 4. Electricity and telephone n 7, Multi-purpose ball court & equipment n play equipment II n SI I1 It 10. Conc, moving curb 11. Catch basins 12, 4" drain pipe 13. 18" drain pipe 14. Type "A" brow ditch 15, Type "B" brow ditch 16, Concrete paving 17, Concrete benches 18, Keywest game table 19. Trash receptacles 20. 1 drinking fountain 21. Redwood header 22. 3 picnic tables and benches 23. 2 B-B-Q units 24. Rip-rap n I1 1t ll II II n I1 It tD t? It It N $18,000 4,550 600 6,500 600 1,000 6,000 4 # 000 2,500 l', 750 1,200 1,250 2,500 600 720 8,960 720 850 1,225 650 250 150 500 1,500 25 . Irrigation: ($12,000) N 12,000 13,500 n 26. Landscaping: ($13,500) NOTE: _I__ The following items have been deleted from Alternative No. 2: 1. Restroom facilities $25,000 2. Volley ball sand pit and equipment 1,000 3. Portion of irrigation 8,000 5. Park lighting 6,000 6. Portion of parks fixtures 2,000 4. Portion of planting 6,000 10, Play equipment & bike rack 9 8 000 11. Park sign 500 $57,500 I I 8,. L. L 4 - LA COSTA CANYON PARK r b' P . I-. . ALTERNATIVE N0.2 CONSTRUCTION : ($LO9 , 875) 1, Earthwork (grubbing, rough & 'fine grading) * 2. Comfort Station 3, Water Service (by the City) - 4, Sewer (by the City) 5. Water Connection (by the City) 6. El-ec tricity 6 Telephone Connection 7. . Parking Lot 8. Demountable Ramp Posts (City) * 9. Volley Ball (conc. curb & sand) 10, Multi-purpose Court (header, asphalt, 11, Sand Play Area (conc. curb & sand) 12. 4' High Chain Link Fence 13, Conc. Mowing Curb 14. 4 Catch Basins 15, 4"nds Drain Pipe 16, Type "A" Brow Ditch 17. Type ''B" Brow Citch 18. A.C.P. 18" Drain Pipe . 19. Concrete Paving . 20. Concrete Benches 21. Key West Game Table * 22- Trash Receptacles 23. Rip-rap *24, Play Eqtlipment & Bike Rack * 25 Volleyball & Basketball Sports Equip. * 25* Picnic Tables & Benches *.7. B-B-Q Units * 2 8- Drinkhg Fountains *23. D. G, 4" Thick "30, Electrical Park Lighting sub-base and paint) 31. Rcdwood Headers 32. Landscape Irrigation: - ($20,000) 33. Landscape Planting: ($19,490) Hydro-seedhg slopes Ground-cover and soil preparation Turf and soil preparation 1 gallon plants 5 gallon plants 15 gallon plants 24" box plants 48" box plants $: - 10,000 cu.yd @ $1.80 allow allov allow allow a1 low 2 @ $300 ea. allox 555 L.F. C! $4.50 L-F. 500 L.F. @ $3.50 L.F, 4 @ $300 ea. 250 L.F, e $5.CIO L,F, 100 L,F. @ $6.00 L.F. 240 L.F. @ $3.00 L.F. 100 L.F- @ $25.00 L,F, 6,400 S.F. f! $1.40 S.F, 6 @ $120 ea. 1 @ $850 ea. 7 13 $175 ea. allow allow 5 @ $500 ea. 2 @ $75 ea. 2 $650 ea. 3,600 S-F, @$.I8 S-F, allow 195 L.F. C! $1-25 L-F, alloiq allow allow 39,680 S.F.@$.035 S.F. 8,600 S.F.@$.25 S.F. 38,350 S,F. @$.15 S-F, 191 @ $6.00 ea, 71 @ $14.00 ea, 48 @ $45.00 ea. 26 $230 I. @ $600 ea. $18 , 000 25,000 550 - 600 4 , 000 1,000 6,500. 600 2,000 4 , 000 4,000 2 , so0 1,750 9 , 200 . lJ5O 600 720 2,500 8,960 720 850 1,225 500 9,000 2,000 2,500 150 1,300 G50 . 5,000 250 _. 20 , 000 700 2;lSO 5,750 1,150 1,000 2 , 160 5,960 . . 600 Total $3,49,365 I I I ! i I I 1 i t I I I t ! i 1 ! I I I i Mr; Johnson 4, The approximate estimated cost of $100,000 - was arrived at one year ago. Since then, construction costs have increased considerably. Taking all aspects into consideration the lower level of the park could still be developed for approximately $100,000 with deletion of several of the requested park features. (shown on Alternative No. 1). Recommendations: In light of rising construction costs in the completion of the park if it is accomplished through several phases, the accessibility of grading equipment, and the need for additional public tennis courts, I strongly recommend to construct the entire park in one phase if possible, with Alternative No. 2 as second and Alternative No. 1 as third choice. Sincerely, 1. 6ave L. Kater CITY MANAGER'S NOTE Maps relative to these proposals are on display in the City Council chambers. DTK:ws cc: Mr. Joseph Spano