HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-02-21; City Council; 5347; Abatement of Vehicles on Private Property Nuisance~1··. ,__________,,.. "---. CITY OF CARLSBAD J.'iGENDA BI:::.L NO•-==-='-=;B;....1-~7 ________ _ D~TE: FEBRUARY 21, 1978 DEPARTMENT: POLICE DEPARTMENT -------- SubJect: ABATEMENT OF VEHICLES ON PRIVATE PROPERTY THAT Initial:~ Dept. Hd. ' . ,... Co Atty. C. Mgr. M,/8 HAVE. BEEN DECLARED TO BE A NUISANCE, MUNICIPAL CODE 10.52 Statement of the Matter Pursuant to the enforcement of Municipal Code Section 10.52, the owners of adjacent properties at 1319 and 1331 Knowles Avenue were advised they were in violation of this Municipal Code Section and given notice to abate the nuisance. The~e are four vehicles located at 1319 Knowles and one vehicle at 1331 Knowles. Official notice was sent to the vehicle owners by Officer Ward of the California Highway Patrol, Oceanside Office, who personally inspected the property in question and took pictures, obtained serial numbers, etc. Both owners of the vehicles in question live next door to one another and are acquainted. Both owners. request that they be granted a public hearing (M.C. 1052.085). · Since the California Highway Patrol handles all of our abandoned vehicle complaints and proceedings, Officer i'7ard will be present and will have all of the supJ,>orting documents, pictures, D.M.V. registration information, J' plus any correspondence. Exhibits 1. Memorandum to City Manager, dated February 14, 1978. 2. Copy of notices to abate vehicles. Aoril 18, 1978 1. Memo from Police Department dated 3-30-78. Recommendation If council concurs that individuals involved are in violation of M.C. 10.52, give them reasonable time to abate tne nuisance (house automob.iles in a garage) or remove them from the pruperty. April 18, 1978 -Council should find the matte~ corrected and dismiss. Council action 2-21-78 4-18-78 Following a report from Officer Walker of the CHP and after hearing from Mr. Merrick, the mat~er was cont~nued in o~der for staff to investigate the premises to see if the vehicles have been properly concealed, and a report made back to the City Council. Following a staff report the matter was ordered filed. NOTi..-,.~ OF INTENT TO ABATE ABANDO~:"°' VEHICLE Telephone: CITY/COUNTY TO: RETURN TO• I 7 I 7 L _J L _J The vehicle described on the attached Report of Vehicle Abatement (CHP SOC) was observed in an apparently aban doned condition. The above-mentioned Ordinance requires the removal, as a public nuisance, of abandoned, wrecked, dismantled, or inoperative vehicles, or parts thereof from public or private property. Said vehicle is in violation of this Ordinance and must be removed. The costs of removal may be assessed against the property. If you prefer to have us arrange for removal of the vehicle at no cost to you, please do the following: 1. Sign and date Section C of the attached Report of Vehicle Abatement (CHP SOC). 2. If you are the vehicle owner, sign Section D, Releas(? of Interest. 3. Return the Report of Vehicle Abatement (CHP 80C) to this office within 10 days of the postmarked date o this notice. If you wish to remove the vehicle yourself, please do the following: 1. Complete and sign Section E. 2. Return the Report ot Vehicle Abatement (CHP SOC) to the office noted above within 10 days of the post marked date of this notice. If you do not wish the vehicle removed, you are entitled io a hearing to determine whether the vehicle is subject tc abatement under the stated ordinance. You may request a hearing by contacting the above-mentioned departmen within 10 days of the postmarked date of this notice. If you own the vehicle you must attend the hearing. NOTE: If you own the land where the vehicle Is located and you want to have it removed but do not want the remo1• al charges assessed against you, sign the following disclaimer and return within 10 days of th11 postmarked date of thi notice. If you file the disclaimer, "-u are not required to attend the hearing. DISCLAIMER -Property Owner Only I deny responsibility for the presence of the vehicle on "'0""Tu•• my land. It was left tt,ere without my know!edgc; or consent. DATC Thank you for your help in improving our local environment. If you have any questions, please telephone this office -----------------AI.NtfOURS EXP!:~DED FIL.: NUMBER DEPARTMENT OF CALIFORNIA IIIGIIWAY PATROL AILES TRAV£l[D REPORT OF VEHICLE ABATEMENT VEHICLE DE"iCRIPTION AND OWNERSI-IIP ---..---------...... -----------MODEL DODY T\ PE ~ICEUS[ HUMBER(S) YE~R ST ATE [H1CLt:. 10ENTlflCATlON NJMBE:R (VIN~ DOES YIN COMPARE WITH REGISTRATION C.\RD' VIH ~~ ALTERED' Is YIN CLEAR IN svs• (;4._YES O 110 YES ~O D NO ,CCNSl hUMBE~(S) tLEAR Ill svs• -------------·-----------• ens D HO VEHICLE CONDITION D COMPLETE 0 NO wrtECLS D NO lNGINt D hO THAt.SMISSION 0 WRECKED D HUlK -----------•--'-----------,-------EGl STEREO o..-KtR AOC'IRlSS TELEPHONE (IF AVAILABLE) )..l-~ - ~b--L~\ ~ ":h.b-.L-3.---------------------t--------=~ \?..:.3,ll..).? ¥:--~$;"l ~ EGA~ OWHE.! ADDRESS TELEPHONE llF AVAILABLE) B Q~A110N OF VEHICLE lADORCSS • PROPCRIY OESCRIPTIONI ----------------------------• -'-"1.-=-\_g.,___~o w LA;S, •ROPER';'Y OWhEP' S NAM£ TELEPHONE c __________________ R_E_a_u_E_S_T FOR REMov ALIWAIV ER oF LIABI LITV ___________ _,_ 0 _A 1 _c_ 0 _F _RE-Q-uE_s_r __ I request this public nuisance vehicle bo removed. In request mg the removal, I undorstand and iYJree that I am relieving the abating agency from all liability. SIGNArURE DATE D PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE 0 VEHIClE o-.NER ------------'R-'-E ____ LEASE OF I -u • SENDER: Co~plcte itcins I, 2.• antlJ/;•RETURN TO" ;p~~ on "' Add your •ddrcss 1n • • ""· I SIGNAWRC D ~ reverse. r- As the owner of ;his velucle, I disclaim any future interest. ! i. Thi! following service is requcstl!d (check one), !:!1-(3 Show to whom a,,d date delivered............ 15( -------------------·-----------E REMOVAL A •rMOVWG DEPARTMENT' AR[A I STORAGE AUT~ORITY ~ 0 Show to whom, date, & address of delivery .. 351 0 RESTRICTl:.D DELIVERY. ~EMOVEC TO: INAME A~O AODRESSI ~ _ E_M_O_V_[D--B"_t:__,.U-,,..-,..""c-•-"""o-,-uo-.q'"'c~s.,..s """o"'"r """c""o•--C""E.,,,RN""I ____________ ~--- $l~•,4TUR[ OF orr1CCR AUTHORIZING RCMOVAl en t- (V) <.O CT> U') 0 z RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL-30~• ( ~l~ill ANO H~ / ~. 233 N. Spark~ f--; f"1 ,, ,, ~,r.n Ar,O zip coot _ ~l \ Burbanl<::1 CA 91506 \ - OPTIONAL SERVICES FDR ADDlll~H~l _f~[S _ --.-· •1 'howslo whom and date dehvertd •6t55t RtTU~H ► • ~ Wilh 1.-;l11tltJ dtlivc1y ~ Hl CEIPT 2. Show~ to whom, dlle and where dthVClt ~ft SEIWltlS W1lh lmll!~.'!!~--50~ 1,;1,:,11t11 OUl~tkY • _ _ __ ,,i _,Al c•111V(Pt (oxtra loo required) p:., form 3800 A••• 197~ HO IIISURAHCE COVERAGE Pl11)VIDED HOT ron IHTERHATIOHAL MAIL -Show to whom and date dc:livcrcd............. 651 ~ u, 0 RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show tc, whom, date, and address of Uelivtry 851 2 • ARTICLE AODRESSED TO: ~ Ms. Jacalyn Switzer :o 233 N.. Sparks z , _ _!B~uErb~a~nk~,~C~A=.f.9.!:150~6:_ _______ 1 ~ 3, ARTICLE OESCRIPTION: \ INSURED NO. ~ REGISTEREO NO. \ CERTIFIED NO. ~,---_ ~96379 I;! (Always O~!lgMluro of a-Jdre-.see or agent) ~ I have r•ceivcd tlw article described above: ~ SIGNATURE I .i Addn•~wt• 0 Authorizd agent :J ~-~~J.J~ > :z 0 0 "' ATE OF ,or;v-r.Y sADonlst-t!/;1,;10 ?nly ii requesto a, ____ ".'.""::-:-::-=~~~;;-;~£,-.L.~-r=it:~~-1 ~ 6. UNAULC TO DELIVE:l BECAUSE: ~ ll.------------~*~G~ro~11;,~~-~0~5;68~~~•7 j ·-' -------------- ,--4: LE l!UHBER 1n-?P Infor~ation DATE& 10/20/77 TIME: 10&07 EX? ill/10/77 l..!Cd; lmP802 STY..R:f-'655422., YRMD:62 NA~E&VLY.SW !Hi'! :SDDX V lNt.1 :461 9047 R/0 ,swITZt::R c.JAC~LYN DP.LE~ 233 N SPAR~S CITYH:!UREIANK c.c.:19 Zl?aJ:S'l506 S~L0&00/00/62 lSSD:O1/23/75 L0CD:3 10-29 Information 1 02077 1022 eCNl 0467 lA 0CN QV LlC/HN?802 r~e HITS -- I .. ~. r~ .. ~,.,.""'"11""ou~R~S"'!:t .. 1""P[ .. N_D_[_D _____ ..,..____ -----------------_______ .,._F .. IL_E,..H .. U .. M_B.,[R ______ _ AILCS TRAVELED OEPARTMEMT OF CALIFORNIA HIGIIWAY PATROL REPORT OF VEHICLE ABATEMENT P,..\.J.A. (g -ti /AVA CONTRACT NUMBER VEHICLE DESCRIPTION AND OWNERSHIP MOD[L BODY TYPE LIC[NSl NUMB[RI SJ YCAR STATE D HULK [CIAL OWNER ADDR[SS B LOCATION oc-,.-T-IO_N_o_r_v_l_H_I C_L_c _I _Ao_o_R_cs··s---P-R-OP_t_R_H_ot_s_c_R1-.,-T-10_N_l --------------------------------------------4 •ROPERTV OWNER'S NIAME ADORCS5 TELEPHONE C REQUEST FOR REMOVAL/WAIVER OF LIABILITY --------· -. ---------· -----------------·--··-r--·--------1 DATt or REQUEST I request this public nuisance vehicle be removed. In requesting the removal, I understand and agree that I am relieving the abating agency from all liability. SIGNATURE ---------------------f•o-A~T~C--------1 D D PROP[RTV OWNER SIGNATURE D YCHICL[ O ... NER As the owner of this vehicle, I disclaim any luture interest. RELEASE OF INl SIGNATURl ..:E:,_ ____________ -,-___ REMO~~~ HMCVING DCPAnTM[NT I ARCA STORAGE AUTHORITY l[MOVED TO: INAM[ AND AODRESSI ,c,..ovco e,. WAHt AND i.o_o_R_t~-s-o-•-co_N_c_ER_N..,.1----------- 0 00 M (.D en Lr) 0 z ' R\~CEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL-30~1 ( Sttll TO Mr. Phil Merrick SIR[ll ANO NO 1331 Knowles Avenue P 0. STAIE ANO ZIP CODE Carlsbad, CA 92008 -~, . OPTIONAL S[RVICU fOR JDDIIIONAL rns ;·~ RllURN ► 1 Show'i 10 ,.ham and date de:1mell ? 51 W,th 1rst11cttJ dell,er/ ., c R[C[IPT 2. Shows 10 -.hom, dale and where dehveic 3 StRVICES With 1rst11ct,-J dchvtry 85! RI ~1R1Clt O ·ou l~I Rt ------ SP[CIAI DlltlltRY (ullo f;o roq~uod) PS Form J 00 NO INSURANCF COVERAGE PROVIDEO- Au-;. 1975 B NOT FOR INHRNATIONAL MAIL ;:: • SENDER: Complete item1 I, 2, and \, ~ ;;, .Add your odd1ess in the "RETIIRN '{:O' ! sp,ce on 3 reverse, -, 1. The following service is requested ( check oi.'j!). I 1K] Show to whom and date delivered •••••••••••• 151 CD .... "' O Show to whom, date, & address or delivery .. 35,- 0 RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show lo whom and date delivered ...... , ...... 651 0 RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom, date, and address or delivt!r} 85¢ :o 2, ARTICLE ADDRESSEU TO: ~ Mr. Phil Merrick 6 :o 1331 Knowles Avenue : Carlsbad, CA 92008 . ~ I ~ f f j Pl•--------------.....;.....;...;. _ _,_.:.-.:-!!! 3, ARYICLE DESCRIPTION: INSURED NO. ;I REGISTERED NO. CERTIFICD NO. ~ 59638o : '°' Cl 1----------------'--'--++++--! iii __ (Alw11y1 obtain signature of addressee or ~ I have received the article described above. m NATURE lJ Add11·~s1•c O Authori1.rd agent i _ff~ l !f-0~ -~ :::...,,._...,.. =--· a , CE'ftil19n > --------ll ~ 5 ADDRESS (Complete only it requeste 0 '" =I ;; pi 6. llNABLC TO DELIVER BECAUSE: 0 \ ~ > ;: J ~ I " ,; VEH'I CLE ABATm•iENT • .,....~,.._,,,. ... ,.. IT ';l..11\Hl'l l"""""l 1h NUMBER 1 r ---------------------------------------- 10-?P Information l 02077 1027 0CN1 0492 1V 0Cr-J 2A Ll.1'.638 ', DATE; 10/20/77 TlME: 10:07 RECCRD N0T 0N FILE END 10-29 Information l 02077 l 022 0CN1 0466 lA 0CrJ QIJ LlC/LLH.638 N0 f..tTS i 1 l 1 I f II, ' UHHOURS EXPENDED FILI: IIUMIIER DEPARTMENT Of' ci.LIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL ./:.....'-l I:,.._ S:--,7 ULE'> TRAVELED REPORT OF VEHICLE ABATEMENT AVA CONTRACT NUMBER • VEHICLE DESCRIPTION AND OWNERSHIP EAR IMAKE MODEi. I IIODY TYPE I LIC;:[:::,RIS)°'?,.\-i 1;; IST~ ;;:, \.l l ~) CC>~\../ ~ "'-(.l... •EHICLt IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (~INl DOES VIN COMPARE WITH REGISTRATION CQES VIN APPEAR Al. TE RED' IS VIN CLCAR IN SYS? CARD? \ \..\-"'3 ICC>7 "-t ~YUl D NO □ YES ~o ~YES D NO ICENSE NUMl[R(S) CLEAR IN svs• VEHICLE CONDITION ~YES ONO !zg._ COMPLETE D NO WHEELS □ NO lNGINE ll NO TRANSMISSION D WRECKED □ HULK ·EGI STER tr lWNER ADDRESS TEI.EPHONE (IF AVAIi.ABLE) \°"!,.\«-"{ \L+-lo~l-4~ ~~q_ ~t.,...)\.~ ~LJ.:ltt~ ~~~ ,t4• A -• C°"Q.A-"-'~-"'1bC\:L CGAL OWNER ADDRESS TELEPHONE (IF' AVAILABLE) ~~CL B LOCATION OCATI0N or VEHICLC (ADDRESS -PROPERTY DESCRIPTION) \~\<:\ \✓-\...S C:>I...U \...8.,!{ A.\.JG.. c:.i .. -n \ ~ 'nA-"'-. •ROPERTY OWNER'S NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE ~Lu\.~ \~ \ C\ \t...~e.w~ ~'-('L \~··'l--~,<o9 )-~W1,,.~L..~_b ~~\l~ C REQUEST FOR REMOVALiWAIVER OF LIABILITY I request this public nuisance vehicle be removed. In requesting tho removal, I understand and D"-TC or RCQUEST agree that I am relieving the abating agency from al/ liability. 0 E D PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE SIGNATURE D VEHIC~E 0V.NER As the owner of th,s vehicle, I disclaim any future interest. RELEASE OF INTERE SIGNATURE REMOVAL ACTION RCM0VIICi DtPARTMENT 1 AREA STORAGE AUTHORITY RCM0VED TO: INAMt AND A'CRESS) r-r- ('t") co en L.{) • Q z CHP aoc 16•761 DATE ,._ -..... ;!l e SENDER: Complete ittml I, , ~nd l. ;:, Add your sddreu the "RETURN TO:• 1p,ce 0 11 3 rcvtrse. t .'- ~ I. The following service is~ . ested (ch~cl: o~c~X 00 Show to whom and date delive~f·-j'•.t·f·il~;- 0 Show to whom, date, & address of:deliy~ry .. ,~3~; 0 RESTRICTED DELIVERY.. ' . Show to whom and date ~elivcrcd .•••..•••••.. 65; (3 RESTRICTED DELIVERY. \ Show to whom, date, and addrcss 1 of deli~ery 8~; :o 2, ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: 2 Mr. Dwight Swinland ~ 1319 Knowles Avenue :o Carlsbad, ·cA 92008 B 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: ··Q; -,. ,. •. ' ., INSURED NO. ~ REGISTERED NO:., CERTIFIED NO. ~-----5963_7_7 _ _,_ __ _ ~ (Always obtain signature of addr .. se• or agent) !:I I have received the article described above. fJ SIGNATURE O Addressee O Authoriml nitent 7 i .I 1n-?P Informa'.ion DATE: 10/20/77 Tl~E: 10:07 ?:XP :12/12/77 LtCtt: HLV313 STltH:P2842072 YRMD:5., £-lAl{E;VL!{SW bT~ :CVCP151 V"'i°m:1430074 R/0 ,swZNLAND DW!GHT~ 1319 ~N0WLES CITY:CARLSUAD c.c.,37 ZIPt:92008 S0LD:00/00/57 lSSD:11/08/74 L0CD:3 10-29 Information 102077 1021 0CN1 04SS lA 0CN av LIC/~LV313 tJ0 HITS .... ., •.U,hOURS [l~ENDCD r1u: NUMll[R PEPARlMENT OF CALIFORNU', IIIGIIWAY PATROL P...'tA.. q _,-, uLi:siii'i:vcuo REPORT OF VEHICLE ABATEMENT AVA CONTRACT NUMO[R VEHICLE DESCRIPTION AND OWNERSHIP CAA I MAK[ MODEL iBODY ~~~-_ tC~~~CRl~-~:z_ --_J;A~I s;~L ;-q "b\L-~ lN1CLC IOCNTlf'ICATION NU .. S[R IVINI DOES VIN COMPA~C WITH REGISTRAIION ~S VIN APP[AII ALTERED' IS VIN CLEAR IN SYS? CARD' D Y[S 0 NO j □ YES □ NO Qvcs D NO -----------------------IC[NSC hUMICRISl CL[Ak IN svs• VCIIICL[ CONDITION ~Yf'S ONO ~COMPLCIC D NO WIIElLS 0 NO I NGIN[ D NO 1RANSMISSIDN D WRECKED D HULK -------~-------------A CGl!TCRCD OWNER ADDRESS TELEPHONE Ur AVAILABLEI [GAL OWNER ADDRESS TELEPHONE or AVAILULE) B __ b-9~~ TlqN ___ -o,:.r10N-OrYlHiuc IADORCSS -PROPCRTY DtSCRll•t"ioii----- ---------------____,.. ______ ---- \~\.c::\ I~ CI "\ \_\6~ I\. \.1(2. ~~~.A.~ 1AOPCRTY OWNER'S NAM£ ADaRESS TELEPHONE \""l\ ~ \<..µcWl..»·i ~'-t\i- ~w1.Cs-l--\'1'C" <;. L-.:) \. \J ~ ~~~ ,~ ... -=a~,~ C REQUESJ_FOR R~MOV~L/\VAIVER OF LIABILITY --------------· 'iiiitc-or RCQUE5t I request this pubftc nu,sanco vehicle be removed. 111 requcstmg tho removal, I undorstand and agree that I am relieving the abating agency from all liability. Sl<'NATURE DAT[ D PROPERTY OWNER SIGJ;ATURE DATC D VErilCLC OftM[R D RELEASE OF INTEREST I s1GN11t1rnE ·---------As the owner of this vehicle, I disclaim any DATE future ,ntorest. E REMOVAL ACTION ~[M0,11,G O[PARTMCNT AREA STORAGE AUIHORIIY -------J RCOUIRCD NOflCE~ SENT DAIC D YlS D NO ·-------~ --------- ~, ... :,no TO: ,,;AM[ AhD AODPESS> DAIE R~MOVED -------------------------... ---------·-------tt-.•CV[D 8" • \NAME AND •~OR[5S or CONCERN! TELCPIIO!,L -------------•. ~1,AlJH or oft",([R AUlttORIZING RrMOVAL --r,o. IIUMBLII f SIONAIUHl 0~ PRINCIPAL OR AGEIH REMOVING V[IIICLC '-Hl~RK:. -· -----------------------------·-----------~ ------------------------~------------------•--------· , -------__ .., -------.. . -- ---------~ ------·---------- ---------------. -------- -------- ---- ·----------------- CHP eoc l6•l6• I I .. • VEiiICLE ABATEr,iENT 1'-'JHAN 10-2~ Information 1 020"7 1030 GCNl 0495 IV ~CN 2,1 02s:·,2 DATE i 10/20/77 TH!!::: 10: 08 REC0RD NOT 01'J FILE END ----------------------·----------------·---- 10-29 lnformat.ion 1 0207? ·10,,9 0CN1 0510 lA 0CN QV LlC/026fTZ N0 HITS • MAHHOUAS UP[IODtD riL[ NUMl[R DEPARTMENT OF' C.ALIF'ORNIA HIGll'ilAY PATROL MILCS 1RAVCLCD REPORT OF VEHICLE ABATErt:ENT VEHICI.E DESCRIPTION AND OWNERSHIP Ir AR MAKt MOll[L BODY 1YP[ LIC[N!i[ NUMD[R(SJ l.:(., w i't'iiicl.[ 10[NTIFICA110N NUllltR IVIN) I ~~a.=-. _ <g':el.~ ~:'.:h~---DO[S YIN COMP/,RC 'Nllll RLGISTRA110N DOCS VIM APPCAR AL TlRlD' CARDI ~YES ONO O Yts f;g_No @Yu .-.-,~-.,-S..,.[_N_U_M_IIL""'R..,.l S..,)_C_L_[_AR-1 .. -s·v·-s.,..•-.. V-[_11_1 ,-1.,,_c..,.c""oN""0,,..1.,..11_0 ... N ____ _ @_Y[S D ND D COMPLtl[ l[GISlCRU, o·, .. ,cR .[GAL OWN[R c.. B <.:; t:::.t-\. Q__ .OCATIOH or V[IUCL( (AODRCSS -rRDPCRfY DCSCRIPTION) ~ROPCRTY OWNER'S '<AMC D NO Wll(ELS D HO LNGIN[ D NO TRANSMISSION D WACCK[O 0 HULK ADDRLSS ---------------,------·---,,.-;ii llL[l'IIOMt llr AVMLADLtl __ LOCATION 1EL tHONC ~W\~-S.W\~~--A,.;),~ ~\.,..; , A.:. '1~-'-i~'{)_ ------------------------=----i,iiii,...:ll.ioll ..... ...c:.------------.1 C __________ .-,_•_REQUEST FDf!..i:!~~QY~_l:,!W~VE;R QF ~l~Bl~!T~ _____ ----~-------t I request ,his public nuisance vehicle t:o removed. In requostmg l/10 removal, I understand and 0 "1 i: or ncQuut agree that I am relieving tho abating iAJMCY from .,fl liability. 0 E D PROP[R1Y OWHER SIGNA1URC D VtHICLt OWN[R As the owner o/ this vehicle, I disclaim any future interest. RELEASE OF INTERE SIGHATUNl REMOVAL ACTION RCMOY,hG DtPAAfl,C[Nl.'ARU SlORAOt AUTHORl1V AC\h)VtD 101 INAMC AhO ADDA[SSl __ ...,.. __ .,. ________ ...,..--=,-------------------- HL~•QHO e•: INAM( AND AOOHLllt or CONCCRNI DATE DATE ------·--.. ~ • SENOLn· '••• •!·l<1t ,trl"' ""ETURN TO 1pacc on ,\~,I yuur addltsl 1n lhC " i reverse. • ~-1. The following service is rcquett (check one). ... -:' .. l.'l "' (» Show to whom and date del •er-cd ••••••••••••• lSi 0 Show to whom, date, & add or delivery •• 35~ D RESTRICTED DF.LlVERY, Show to whom and datu dclivc,ed ............. 651 ,._, RESTRICTED DEl,lVERY. . . 85f 1:-1 Show to whom, d<1t1', :rnd address o( deliver) n INSURED NO, Aue. 1975 3800 110 IIISURAflCE COVERAGE PROVIDED 1S•• oth, IIDT FOR IHT£RIIATIOIIAL MAIL - ...... .., "~ 0 J I ~--------- . .. · \1EHtCJ1E ABATEVii-.:NT r-·'JGHAH 10-?P Information DAT~: 10/20/77 T !ME: 10: 0'? EXP :12/31/75 LlC~& 843hDZ MAHE:VLKSW ~TM &SD VlNd:116057390 l SSD &04/24/7 4 REC STATUS& N0t~/RES ~llLT VEHICLE R~P0RTED SOLD 06/19/75 C0NTACT D~V SRCRAMENT0 F0R NEW 0WNER !~F0RMAT10N 1021 "7 0~•2~ GCtJl 0630 N [-'.US 006 ec~J C~P OCSt\NSIDE: '..:i-~RD 10-21-7" 934 PDT HAVE t•rnT ICE 0f TRP.NSff.R 8L13HDZ 1:,-1 ~-75 T~1 li0LT ~ VtHJ'l;:SSl-\ HP..S SCHCCH.S clN f':CtJ c,~1-,? PSNOL::T':JN ,:.s ul'Ylrn FE 006 :JCN .t-WS NJ 102077 1023 0CN1 0488 la '3CN QV LIC/843HDZ N0 lilTS NEAR t1lSS 843HMZ CA . , ) . .... ------.. ( ' ( ( ~0.52.090--10.52.100 10.52.0~0 Hearing ~rocedcre--Determination. All hear- ings under this chapter shall be held before the city council which shall hear all facts and testimony it deems pertinent. The facts and.testimony may include testimony on the condi- tion of the vehicle or part thereof and the-circumstances concerning its loc.ation on the said pri vat·e property or pub- lic property. The city council. shall not be limited by the t~chnical rules of evidence. The owner of the land on which the vehicle is located may appear in person at the hearing or present a written statement in time for consideration at the hearing, .and deny responsibility for the presence of the vehicle on the land, with his reasons for such denial. The city council may impose such conditions and take such other action as it deems appropriate under the circum- stances to carry out the purpose of this chapter. It may delay the time for removal of the vehicle or part thereof if, in its opinion, the circumstances justify it. At the conclu- sion of the public hearing, the city council may find that a vehicle or part thereof has been abandoned, wrecked, or dis- mantled, or is inoperative o~ private or public property and order the same removed frpm the property as a public nuisance .and disposed of as·provided in Section 10.52.100, and deter- mine the administrative costs and the cost of removal to be charged against the owner of the parcel of land on which the vehicle or part thereof is located. The order requiring re- moval shall include a description of the vehicle or part thereof and the correct i·dentif ication number and license number of tne vehicle, if available at the site. If it is determined at the hearing.that the vehicle was placed on the land without the consent of the land owner and that he has not subsequently acquiesced in its presence, the city council sha~l n9t assess costs of administration or re- moval of the vehicle against the property upon which the ve- hicle is located or otherwise attempt to collect such costs from such land owner. If an interested party makes a written presentation to the city council but does not appear, he shall be notitied in writing of the decision. (Ord. 5042 §9, 1968). 10.52.100 Disposal of vehicle declared nuisance. Five jays after adoption of the order declaring the vehicle or parts thereof to be a public nuisance, and five days from the date of mailing of the notice of the decision if such notice is required by Section 10.52.090, the vehicles or parts thereof may ·be disposed of by removal to a scrapyard, auto- mobile dismantler's yard, or any suitable site operated by a local authority or any other final disposition consistent with Subsection (e) of Section 22661 of the Vehicle Code. After a vehicle has been removed it shall not thereafter be reconstructed or made operable unless it is a vehicle which 178 (Carlsbad 4/15/77) DATE: FEBRUARY 14, 1978 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Administrutive Assistant SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING TO HEAR Al.~ APPEAL OF NOTICE OF INTENT TO ABATE ABANDONED VEHICLE Chapter 10.52 of the Municipal Code provides that the presence of abandoned, wrecked, dismantled or inoperative vehicles or parts thereof, on private or public property not including highways is a public nuisance. Chapter 10.52 does not apply to vehicles or parts thereof enclosed within a building on private property where it is not visible from a street or other public or private property or to vehicles or parts thereof which are stored or parked on private property in connection with the business of a licensed dismantler, vehicle dealer, junk dealer or when such storage or parking is necessary to the operation of a lawfully conducted business or commercial enterprise. Pursuant to the agreement with the California Highway Patrol for enforcement of City's abandoned vehicle ordinance, the CHP sent a "Notice of Intent to Abate Abandoned Vehicles" to the owners of adjacent property at 1319 and 1331 Knowles Avenue. There are four vehicles at 1319 Knowles Avenue and one vehicle at 1331 Knowles Avenue. The registered owners of the vehicles were sent notices. The notices were sent by Officer Ward of the CHP, Oceanside Office, who personally inspectP.d the property in question and took pictures, obtained serial numbers, etc. As provided for in Municipal Code Section 10.52.070 the owners of vehicles in question verbally requested a hearing before the City Council as provided for in Municipal Code. The vehicle owners requesting a hearing were notified that a hearing would be held before the City Council on February 21, 1978. Officer Ward of the CHP will be present at the hearing. The procedure for the conduct of the hearing and to guide the City Council in its determination are set out in Municipal Code Section 10.52.090. (A copy of Section 10.52.090 is attached for the Council review) • PUBLIC HEARING TO HEAR AN APPEAL OF NOTICE OF INTENT TO ABATE ABANDONED VEHICLE Febru3ry 14, 1978 Page 2 At the conclusion of the hearing, the Council may: 1. Find that a vehicle or part thereof has been abandoned, wrecked, or dismantled, or is inoperative and order the sl:l.me removed from the property as a public nuisance and disposed of as provided in Section 10.52.100. 2. May delay the time for removal of the vehicle or part thereof if, in its option, the circumstances justify it. 3. May imp0se such conditions and take such other action as it deems appro9riate under the circumstances to carry out the purpose of abatement ordinance. Since very little City staff time and direct expense to the City is involved jn the enforcement of the abatement ordinance, the assessment of an administrative charge is not recommended in this case. In future cases, after we have some experience with the hearing process, and an administrative charge appears necessary, a recommended charge will be provided for the Council's consideration. ~7/\ FRANK N. MANNEN Administrative Assistant FNM:vm Att. .r _.. ... -~.<----------·------<~---------------------------~-----/,..--- .. TO: FROM: CARLSBAD POLICE DEPARTMENT William C. Baldwin Assistant City Manager W. D. Rossall Captain SUBJECT: Vehicle Abatement March 30, 1978 As a result of the Council action of 2/21/78 referring the matter of abatement of vehicles located at 1319 and 1331 Knowles back to staff, the following was done. At approximately 1500 hours on 3/28/78 the premises were inspected and Mr. Swinland and Mr. Merrick were interviewed. Mr. Swinland stated none of the vehicles in question belonged to him, but he was aware of the problem. He further stated that as far as he knew, the vehicles in question were operable if gas and a battery were installed. Two of the vehicles (Volkswagens) had the engines out; but they were in the garage where they were being overhauled by the owner, Merrick. Although most of the vehicles did have missing parts, they weren't those necessary to operate the vehicles, i.e. bumpers, seats, etc. Most of the vehicles had flat tires and were being used to store miscellaneous items inside them, i.e. car parts. There has been an effort to clean up the areas in question and to remove the majority of the vehicles from sight by erecting a 6-8 foot fence made of reed and bamboo. Although this does to some degree screen the vehicles from the street, it does not conform to the wording of Municipal Code 10.52. In conclusion it would appear that since the vehic:!.(:!s in question are neither inoperative or abandoned, that Municipal Code 10.52 would not apply; and therefore, would not be in violation. Mr. Merrick should be so informed. A~s5i4CC.. WDR: lj