HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-03-07; City Council; 5351; Street Name Change Alfanje St to Santa Isabel St---------------------------~- 1 ·• t ---..,__. _____ .. ____ , ___ _ >-"\ CITY OF r. RLSBI\D I , ' ' I I . AG ENDA BI LL NO --~=-="3;....:~~• .,_/ ________ _ I DATE: March 7, 1978 -------------------- DEPARTMENT: PLANNING ---------------- SUBJECT: . ) Initial:,,./ Dept. Hd.~·~.,u-~r1 ____ _ City Atty JU~ City Mgr. -~-_ _,._ __ STREET NAME CHANGE FROM ALFANJE STREET TO SANTA ISABEL STREET CASE NO. SNC 11; APPLICANT: REVERENb FREDERICK FLOREK STATEMENT ·ir~ 7HE MATTER Alfanje Street is a short· angled street running between Alga Road and Fuerte Avenue in La Costa. The tri-angular piece of property that is bordered by Alga Road,. · Fuerte Avenue and Alfanje Street is the proposed site of the Saint Elizabeth Parish, which has already been approved by the City. Reverend Florek of this parish has requested the street name change from Alfanje Street to Santa Isabel Street because the name Al'fanje is difficult to pronounce, and Santa Isabel is Spanish for Saint Elizabeth. There are no structures existing on AHanje at the present time. EXHIBITS Planning Commiss·ion Resolution No. 1435 Staff Report dated February 8, 1978 Location Map . · /? City Ccunci l Resolution No. . 1'.1~/6 V RECOMMENDATION . The Planning Cormiission recommends that Alfanje Street be renamed Sa.nta Isabel Street, as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1435 • .Af the City·Council concurs, adop~ion o'. City Council Resolution No. /; J;t..~ is _recorrmended. Council action·: 3-8-78 Resolution No. 5328 was adopted,.approving a street name change, changing Alfanje Street to Santa Isabel Street, pursuant to City Council Policy Statement No. 20. BP:le l FORM PLANNING 73 I, ' -I l ! l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ------------. ------------ PLArNING COMMJSSION RESOLUTION NO. 1435 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL or A STREET UAME CHA!-lG!'..:, CIIANGI NG ALFANJE ST!~EET TO SANTA ISABEL STREET, PURSUANT TO CITY COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT NO. 20. CASE NO.: SNC 11 APPLICANT: REVEREND FREDERICK rLOREK WHEREAS, in accordance with subject polity, a request to change a street nawt, as follows: 8 9 Jl.1 fan.je Street to Santa Isabel Street has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to the 10 Planning Commission; and 11 12 WHEREAS, said request constitutes a legal request as pro- vided by City Council Policy Statement No. 20; and J.3 14 WHEREAS, the public hearing to consider the subject street name change was held at the time and in the place specified in 15 the public notice on February 8, 1978; and 16 17 WHEREAS, at said public h~aring, the Planning Commission heard and considered the testimony and arguments, if any, of all 18 ;J.9 persons who desired to be heard regarding the subject street name change request. 20 21 22 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct; 23 24 B) That approval is grijnted for street name change described herein. 25 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 26 City of Carlsbad Planning Commission held on February 8, 1978, 27 28 xxxxxxx ' ! . j l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Ccmmis~ioners Rombotis, Woodward, Larson, L1 Heureux, Jose, Fikes and Yerkes None None lO ATTEST: 11 l~H~l~;;;.t~ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 2 \ I l ! ' j 1 :i ,I DATE: TO: FROM: CASE NO: APPLICANT: REQUEST: STAFF REPORT February 8, 1978 Planning Commission Planning Department SNC 11 Reverend Frederick Florek Street Name Change from Alfanje Street to Santa Isabel Street BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION On January 3, 1978, the City Council directed the Planning Commission to hold public hearings to consider the street name change of Alfanje Street to Santa Isabel Street (Agenda Bill No. 5286). In a letter to the Planning Department, the Reverend Florek pastor of Saint Elizabeth-Seton Parish, requested the street name change from Alfanje Street to Santa Isabel Street. His reason for the change was the difficulty of pronunciation and spelling of Alfanje Street, encountered by his congregation. Four proposed buildings, belonging to the parish, will bear this street's name. A conditional use permit for these buildings was issued on August 24, 1977 (CUP-139): There is no other development at this time on Alfanje Street. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that SNC 11 be approved, changing Alfanje Street to Santa Isabel Street. Attachmen~: Location Map BP:BNH:le >: ~· ! ~ • '. ~ . " . ' . ' 1 l . , . ' j J; f. '· J 1 l i i '• Ii ,j I_: ,, 'i t-, i ~ f l I l 2 3 4 5 -R.eturn to: ("'i (itp of €:arfjfJab 1200 ELM AVENUE "H63 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 RESOLUTION NO. 5 32 a A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, CHANGING THE NAME OF ALFANJE STREET TO SANTA ISABEL STREET PURSUANT TO CITY COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT NO. 20. (SNC 11) WHEREAS, the Planning Conmission by the adoption of Resolution No. 1435 6 reconmended to change a certain street name, as provided by City Coun~il Policy 7 No. 20; and, 8 WHEREAS, a public hearing to consider the subject street name change 9 was held at the time and in the place specified in the public notice on 10 February 8, 1978; and, ll WHEREAS, the City Council has determined it to be in the public interest 12 to change the street name; 13 NOW, THEREFORE, BF IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 14 Carlsbad, as follows: .::. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1. That the above recitations are true and correct; 2. That approval is granted for a street name change, as follows: ALFANJE SlREET to SANTA I~ABEL STREET 3. For all new addressing by the City, the street name change will be effective immediately. 4. The City Clerk shall notify all affected public and quasi-public agencies of the change immediately. The Post Office will be requested to continue dual delivery to both addresses for a period of 18 months. 5. All affected street signs will be changed imnediately upon the effective date of the City Council Resolution. an adjourned PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at/ regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 8th day of _ _,,M=a..,_r"""c"'-h __ , 1978, by the following vote, to wit: xxxxxxx xxxxxxx --------------------------~~----~-------- .. " ~· i I l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ,. _ 664 Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard, Skotnicki and Councilwoman Casler None None .2 i . I ' ! -' I STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ss, 665 FILE/P>\CE ~-10819$ il00K 1978 RECORDSD REQUEST Of At>ORESS!E HAR 20 IO 12 AM '78 OFFICIAL RECORDS Shll DIEGO COUNTY.CALIF, HARLEY F,BLOOM RECORDER NO FEE' ALETHA RAUTENKRANZ Deoutv I, --. . ./ ----, Citr Cler~ of the City of Carlsbad, Count) of Snn Diego, State of California, " CarlsDad· JoUrnal Decreed A legal Newspaper by the Superior Courr of San Diego County 3088 PIO PICO AVENUE • P.O. BOX 248 • CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • 729-2345 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I om over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I om principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general circulation, print.ad and published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of Son Diego, State of California, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of c general character, and which newspaper at all times herein 'mentioned hod and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper hos been established, printed and published at regular intervals in the said City of Carlsbad, County of Son Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the dote of publication of the notice hereinafter referred to; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, hos been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dotes, to-wit: •• a a• a a a a a a I I a. a a I a a ■ I I a a a a I a a I a I 19 a a I I ♦ a a a I I a a a I a a I a a a I a SI It a a 'II v I a I a It I 19 a I I I a It at tat a II I a a I at I a a a at I I• t It I a• ta 19 II I I I a I a a a I I It t I It' t t It t tat It t t t t It It I 19 It t t I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Carlsb~d, C~~tydof San Diego, State of Calif orbnia on t e n 1978 day of r. e ruary: ~Jf/l~ ~ Clerk of the Printer NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RE: STREET NAME CHANGE {SNC-XI) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a Public Hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, March 7, 1978, to consider changing certain street name as per City Council Policy No. 20. EXISTING STREET Alfanje St. APPLICANT: Rev. Federick Florek RD-M RECOMMENDED BE CHANGED TO Santa Isabel St. CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL P-C -------------.----------------~--- i f . t I ~ I ~ Carlsbad· Journal Decreed A legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County 3088 PIO PICO AVENUE• P.O. BOX 248 • CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • 729,2345 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNT'/ OF SAN DIEGO, CITY OF c.o r· :· t; ' J Plannln':. •~-· , ·1 1., .. -,.~ I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and r.ot a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of Son Diego, State of California, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which newspaper at all limes herein mentioned had and still hos a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper hos been established, printed and published at regular intervals in the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the dote of publication of the notice hereinafter referred to; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, hos been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: • , .............................. , • 19 •••• I I I I I It I. I I I I I I I I I I. I It. I l t II. I I I I 19 I I I I I I It I 'I I It I I 11 It I I I I II I It t I I •• It I I I I 19 I I ,I I It I I 11 t t I I It I I I I t t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I 19 I II I I I certify under penalty of perjury that the foreaolna Is true and correct. Execu ao, State of · • day of-.:.:,.:;,==~---.,------------- --------------~-----------------~-~--~--~----- l l I I l I I I l I -l 1 ' l ! ! I [ ' ~ A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RE: STREET NAME CHANGE (SNC-XI) NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVF.N that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad will ho~· a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California at 7:00 PM, on Wednesday, February 8, 1978, to consider reconunending to the City Council that certain street name be changed as per City Catmcil Policy No. 20. EXISTING STREET RECOM-IF.NDED BE 0-!Ai\JGED TO Alfanje Street Santa Isabel STreet Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the vublic hearing. If you have any questions, please call 729-1181, and ask for the Planning Department. APPLIO\NT: PUBLISH: REV. FEDERICK FLOREK JANUARY 25, 1978 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COr-NISSIQ.\J ~';.,. -? : ~ 4 ......... -...----0--y - -~.,-i;::: ◊ .Ma re h l7, 19i 8 S~'1 Diego County Registrar of Voters 5201 t Ruffin· Road San Diego, CA 92123 - Enclosed .ffr your records and fnform.a.tion 1s a copy of Resolution No. 5328, which was adopted ~i t~e Carlsbad. C~tyCCotnci1 at thetf .m~eting of Mlrch 8, 197$. , . Thts Aes~lJtion approves a ~t~eet hame change ·in the City of Catlsbad. LRE RAUTENKRANZ Deputy ·City C1erk LR:k:s Enclosures (1) ·\ March 17, 1978 ·Pac:1f1c Telephone 102 N. Ditmaf O~eanside. CA 92054 Enclosed for your re~ords and info1mation 1s a ~opy of' ·Resolut1on;tNo. 5328·, wh1 ch was .ad<H>t.ed by tht Car1s6ad C.1ty Counctl a-t thetr· meeHng of N.arch a. 1978. · Thh-.Resolution ,approves a street 1ame change 10 the City .of Carlsbad. L.EE MUTENKRANZ Deputy c.1 ty Cle rt ·LR: k.s Enclosures (1) March 17, 1978 State Board' of Equalization P.O. Box .1799 Sacra~ento, CA 95808 Eva1Matton Div1sfon ' .... Enclosed_ for your records and information!~ a copy of Resolui1on No. 5328, which was a'dopted by, th~ Carlsbad Cf,ty Council at the1 r meetf ng of' March 8,. 1978, . This Resdlutfon approves a street name change 1n-t••e City of Carlsbad. LEE RAUTENKRANZ D~puty City Clerk LR: ks Enclosures (1) I' , . l ; I,,.' Postmaster Unttid Statis Post Offite 2772 .Rotseye.l t ,Carl s·bad, CA 92008 E-nclos'ed fo.r your. records and jnforma.tion 4s a c6py of ·R~~olutiop No. 5!28, wh1cfi was adopted by the Carlsbad Cf'ty Councf 1 at the1-r meeting of Marci> 8, l978. , this Resolutton approves a street name change in the C1ty of Carlsbad. L'EE' RAUTEHKRANZ Deputy City Clerk LR:ks ·Enclosures (r) March 17, l978 Mr .• _ Harley F. :Bloom ·County Rtcorder, s>-.o. Box• l750 Sah Diego, CA 92112 -- Encl~se~ for recording 1s the following descrfb~d docume••: Resn1ution No~ 5328, changih§ the name of A:1 fanS1! St. to Santa Isa~el St. 1n the City of-~arlsbad . Pur st,ff had ddtermfned that the recotd1ng ~f this document fs of-.benef1-t to ·the C·ity; therefore, ft ii tetjtiested that ttte f•e be waived. Thank you f9~ your assfstanceain thil matter. LEE RAUTENKRANZ Deputy Ctty Clor.k LR:ks Enclosures O) '. -----------------------~--------~--- i J March 17. 1978 San Dfego County Assessor 2945 Na~d1nt, Suite 101 Carlsbad. CA 92008 Enclosed for your records is a ~ertt/fed CQPY of R~so1ut1on No, 5328. which was adopte4 by the Car.1sb•d City ·cowncfl at their meeting of March 8, 1978~ ~p,rovfffg a street name chang~ in the City of Carlsbad. A cert1f1ed copy of this Resolutiott ts also being 'S'ent tor 1he County Recorde1" for recordatton. LEE RAUTENKRANZ .Deputy City Clerk LR:ks Enclosures (1) l I I • ' March 17, 1978 San;Diego Gas & Ele~trfc Co. 101 Ash St. San Diego, c~ 92101 New Service Sept. -Room 701 Enclosed· for your records and information is a copy of Resolutton No. 5328, which was adopted by the Carlsbad. Cf ty Council nt th.efr meet,ing of March 8, 1978. Thh Resolution .approves a street name change in the City of Carlsbad. . LEE ~AU1"£HKRANZ Deputy City Clerk LR:b Enclosures (l) r ' -- Plitt, Henry G. 175 N. State Chicago, Illinois 60601 Timm, Dale & Arlene A. 922 Santa Florencia Solana Beach, CA 92075 Bianchini, Maurice 450 N. Mathilda st· Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Anderson, Marvin & Eda 5739 Lasalle Ave. Oakland Ca 94611 Flinton, G. William & Mary 400 W. Fifth Ave., Suite C Escondido, CA 92025 Addland Enterprises Inc. 6257 Radcliffe Dr. San Diego, CA 92122 La Costa Land Co. Costa Del Mar Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 SECURED ASSESSM ,~....._ • OF r."°i>PERTY IN THE COUNTY OF ·SAN • I • TAX PARCEL NUMBER OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS RATE AREA BOOK PAGE PAR UNO INT • . ' f ASHLEY Ii ILLIAN D s 1244 22ND ST,SAN DIEGO CA 92102 9064 215 320 42 ... ( AICHELE MARJORIE J l ( 3900 MONROE ST,CARLSBAO CA 92008 9064, 215 320 43 :i '{ 1) ! ' HUTTON WARDE BvOOROTHY E,MAODEN MICHAEL (; P+MARGARET 211 COUNTRY GARDEN LANE,SAN MARCOS CA 92069 9064 215 320 44 1 ( z ., 0 HASHIMOTO JOICHI+FUMIKO M ;: VI I I <z 6053 C~ESBRO AVE,SAN JOSE CA 95123 9064 215 320 45 ! NO I ::i ~ SHELLHAAS ROSEMARY <> :::, 0 245 S SERRANO AVE APT 207,LOS ANGELES CA 90004 9064 215 320. 46 0 0: w a. u. >- 0~ SHELLHAAS ROSEMARY 0 I-245 S SERRANO AVE APT 207,LOS ANGELES CA 9.0004 9064 215 320 ,47 a: ::> <~ 0 I-TUCKER NATHAN A+BARBARA A IXI VI LU _, 1597 PONDEROSA, COSTA MESA CA 92626 9064 215 320 48 I I-...I ·• I -ct < . I-z ROBERTS HOLMES W+JOA~ F I VI 0 I I LU j:: 143 CALLE CUERVO,S4N CLEMENTE CA 92672 9064 215 320 50 I ( :c ::> I t-I- ' >-i= TURNER ·ARNOLD V+CAROLYN W 1:0~ 13651 TEA HOUSE ST,SANTA ANA CA 92705 9064 ilS 320 51 oo ~ ' 1/J u I >o MARROW THOMAS H+~ATHLEEN V ~ CI- 1 IX i., 4301 DATE AVE,LA MESA CA 92041 9064 215 320 52 Q. z ( Q. < < ::> -' ~ A COSTA LAND CO -' COSTA DEL MAR ROAD,CARLSBAO CA 92008 9064 2151 330 01· 0 Q. .. ' IX Q I-AOOLAND ENTERPRISES INC z WW 6247 RADCLIFFE ORIVE,SAN DIEGO CA 921'22. 9064: 215· 330_ 02· I . :::l: "' i l .,, "' I .,, I w FLINTOM G WILLIAM+MARY G .,, . ! V, 400.W FIFTH AVE SUITE c~ESCONOlDO CA 92025 9064 · 2_15· 330 03 <w u. n. oo NOERSON MARVIN J+EDA B ::::e ~ 5739 LASALLE AVE,OAKLAND CA 94611 906't 215 330 04 0 u. BIANCHINI MAURICE A,OE BERNARDI WILLIAM 450 N MATHILDA ST,SUNNYVALE CA 94086 9064 215 330 OS ( TIMM DALE O+CARLENE A 922 SANTA FLORENCIA,SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 9Q64 215 330 06. " PLITT HENRY G 1.15 N STATF.,CHICAGO It 60601 9064 215 330 01 8. PLITT HENRY G 175 N STATE,CHICAGO IL 60601 9064 215. 330 08 ~ REC. ll•l/77•50M FOR EXPLAll4 TION OF ALL HEADINGS ANn r•1 ,,, ~ -..,..._. ... ~ ( ( ( I l a % 0 . .:: < N ::i < ::> 0 w u. 0 0 0:: < 0 al w ~ !;; w :c ... >-al 0 UJ > 0 et:: Q,. 0.. < .J .J 0 et:: >-:z:: w ~ VI w l VI ~ II. 0 ::2: D:: 0 II. 1/) z 0 ~ > 0 0: 0. >-a: 0 ... ::, ... < ... 1/) .., .J < 2: 0 j::: ::> .... j::: .,, 2: 0 u 0 I-... z < ::> .... a:: ::> II. 0 UI .... .,, UI .,, .,, < >-I-a: w n. 0 a: Q. .. . SECURED ,.,sSESSMI OF P~PERTY IN THE COUNTY OF SAN I • TAIi PARCEL NUMBER -OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS RATE AREA BOOK PAGE !PAR UNO INT. fLITT HENRY G 175 N STATE,CHICAGO IL 00601 9064 '215. 330 09 $ ' PLITT HENRY G . 175 N STATE,CHICAGO IL 60601 9064 21.5 330 10 PLITT HENRY G .. 175 N STATE,CHlCAGO ll 60601 9064 215 330 ll I ' RITT DONALD J+LILLIAN H PO SOX 1347 7 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 9064, 215_!330 12. j ' i' I ALLAN DAVID M+SYLVIA H ' 6274 CALLE VERA CRUZ,LA JOLLA CA 92037 9064 215 330 13 ' ALLAN DAVID M+SYLVIA H i 6274 CALLE VERA CRUZ,LA. JOLLA .CA 92037 9064 215 330 14 HUTTON WARDE· B+DOROTHY E,MADDEN MICHAEL P+MARGAREl',HOGUE DORIS M ET AL I ' PO BOX 1069,lDYLLWILO CA 92349 9064 215 330 15 ' I . CROPPER JOHN Ef-THELMA,H ' 2113 MERCER COURT, CLAREMONT CA 91711 9064-215. 330 16 i ' ' I LEWIN JACKIE N . I ' 2800 W OSBORN ROAD,PHOENIX AZ 85011-9064, 215 330 ll ! i DENNI HARTIN A+ELVA E : 13245 G.FIJI WAY,MARINA DEL REY CA 90291 9064 215 330 21 ROBBINS EVELYN I 1203 N KINGS ROAD APT 302,LOS ANGElES CA 90069 9064 215 330 22 i ' BROWN W EARL 3768 WOODCLIFF ROAO,SHERHAN OAKS CA 91403 9064 "?15 330 23 HOWICH LORIS M+GL0RIA H 1250 S ORANGE GROVE BLVD APT NO 7, PASADENA CA 91105 90bit 215 330 Vt SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ROOFING CO(CORPi 9623 E IMPERIAL HIGHWAY,DOWNEY CA 90241 9064 215 3.30 25 01 VJCKTER STEPHENS 8500 HILSHIRE BLVD,BEVERLY.HILlS CA 90211 9064 215 330 25 02! ROSS OAVID W+SUSAN J ' 2838 LUCIERNAGA ST,CARLSBAD CA 92008 9064 215 330 25 03 COBB HJGH R+JUNE C,HARPER JOHN B+BESSIE A 2963 GALENA AVE,SIHI VALLEY CA 93065 9064 215 330 25 04- REC. 11-1/77•S0M FOil EXPLAIIA TION OF AU Hf A DINGS Al'D ft-l 1 \ I C .. • ,. ,,. r· ' ,. ·-.,;.....,;~ .... ~-.. ,.,_ ----~ .... ..,....,, ., ~.... .Jllij •t-•mr:•tt ,.. -·••:M.et:-;i -~.,,~•, ~ ~ @ ---· .· ----~-... ....;,..,· ----~~4· -·- ~ 215-2,3 f'= ~..,,....,_......,.,,_-----~""-"'..,,,,...,,,......::::,z;l·-"' ;,;:• p,' JP" G ----- ,.,.., .. .,.~ ,z.:slf#'J. 84 ., f'j, ~, .. • 'I) ~ .. . " ~~ 'I >: 0 ,,_,. _-..: .. 346 (iiJ ~ \!::E:!JI -,,.# I ::•.-r • ~llH. oocn.,,:,90 .. I t.,. \ •ort, ti..OI ~, 1>0. m:weu .111 \~ !Jltl) 1.,1 INT 11 °'"'01 A~EA, \,_ o\Y\J\ 't--"\)/~") l4-; 362 ~11( ... ,r~1 u.1:{T,(J.•SE!~!lt'S !!tr Ir 215 ,., 33 -c.,,,,,., 409 _© \ ~o.-.c 394 ® M~AC, V 408 ~-,.. ~----.. ---... -------~ ~ ..... 0 ~\ 412 $.04AC. \ . 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