HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-03-21; City Council; 5385; Advisory Appeals Board CMC amendment Ord 8084 Uniform Energy Code Uniform Swimming Pool Code7 0 CTTY GF CARl,Sii.‘;D a I-- __.” - Initial: C. Atty.‘! --I AGENDA BILL i\TO; -- s3gx DATE : DEPARTMENT City Attorney C. Mgr. Dept.Hd. - - March LA_ -- 21, 1978 i I Subject: Amashnent to Title 18, Chapter 18-36, Section 18.36,010, Subsectior of the Carlsbad Elunicipal Code to include the Uniform Energy Code and the Unifc Statement of the Matter . f the Advisory Apmals Board. .... PQQQs-b 11’?-’ sd1 ct1 on 0 If the City Council wants to adopt the two new codes, the Uniform Solar Energy Code and the Uniform Swinming ‘ Pool Code, it will be necessary to amend Title 18, Chapter 18.36, Section 18.36.010, Subsection (a) of the Carlsbad Elunicipal Code to include their interpre- tation under the jurisdiction of the Advisory Appeals Board. An ordinance to that effect is attached. ‘.I Exhibit Ordinance NO. 80 84 . Recommendation If the Council concurs, your action is to introduce Ordinance No. 8,984 . Council action 3-21-78 Ordinance #8084 was introduced for a first reading, author the Advisory and Appeals Board to hear appeals regarding interpretations of the Uniform Solar Energy Code and the Uniform Swimming Pool Code. ., 4-4-78 A second reading was given Ordinance #8084 and adopted. t 5 e5 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo XI 12 l3 '* l5 16 17 l8 I' 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e ORDINANCE NO. 8084 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 18, CIiAPTER 18.36, SECTION 18,36,010 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SUBSECTIW (d) TO AUTHORIZE THE ADVISORY AND APPEALS BOARD TO HEAR APPEALS REGARDING INTERPRETATIONS OF THE UNIFORM SOLAR ENERGY CODE AND THE UNIFORM SWIMMING POOL CODE. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Title 18, Chapter 18.36, Section 18-2 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment Subsection (d) to read as follows: "(d) Interpretation of City Codes: The decision of t Director of Building and Housing, or the Fire Chief, in int preting provisions of the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Hc Code, Uniform Electrical Code, Uniform Plumbing Csde,_Unifc Mechanical Code, Uniform Fire Code, Uniform Solar Energy Cc and Uniform Swimming Pool Code may be appealed 230 the Advis Appeals Board." EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thi days after its adoption, and the 6i.ty Clerk shall. certify t adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 21st day of March and thereafter ///// ///// 18 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 2. I il) 0 T MINUTES -- ADVISORY AND APFEALS BOARD OCTOBER 12, 1976 c . MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 4:13 by Chairman, Robert Ladwig. MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Ladwig, R. Robinson, Art Brown, George Watson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Richardson, Bud Meese, Gus Kamptener. OLD BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: Ray Green expl-zined that section 504(c) is an exception to sectio 2203 in the Uniform Building Cod See letter September 24, 1376, RSO to Planning Director(Attache Art Brown made motion to accept the Uniform Euilding Code ex- planation, George Watson seconde motion passed. MEETING ADJOUPSED: 4:21. Respectfully Submitted, e b . 1y E 14 o x A N D u r4 of333 c E J v B 1 - 0 F Septenber 21, 1976 SEP 24 19% I, TO: BLAIJNING DIRECTOR CITY OF CARLSBAI: plannlrig Departmen1 FROM: RICHARD S. OSBURN, DIRECTOR OF BUILDING AND HOUSING SUBJECT: CUP 8G(A) TEMPOFARY OFFICE FOR JAMES GAISER C. - The occupancy of this is F-2)type of construction VZ, has a f7.oor area of 600 square feet, is one story and approximately twelve feet high.. Under' table 5A no opening in exterior walls if 5 feet or less from property line. Openings must be pro- tected if 5 feet to 10 feet in number 2 fire zone. Exterior walls I hour rated if the open yard or public right away is not adequate. There are two sides that are, and one side has a 4 hour wall on fourth side is the one facing the present build- ing.' The exception in 504(C) allows two structures . on the same property to be considered as one if the aggregate area of the buildings does not exceed the limit as specified in section 505 of n single building. Tho basic area of 6000 feet is allowed; hcwever, with the yards and street there would be a 36% increase to the basic allowance of square foot- age. This total is more than the total area of bcth buildings (6810 sq. feet). Therefore with tongue in cheek , everything is Okay except this is still a trailer, mobile home, office trailer, whatever. In some of the cities in the San Diego area there are provisions for this use under conditions I have reviewed. I might suggest that the time of this use be until %his additional information can be presenked to Planning Cormision or City Council, \ Respectfully Submitted, .. *2:*L;QJM&+- RJ. IIARD S. OdBURN Director of Building and Housing RSB/dj E a I' - 3. -> t - PD'asoay F1:D A2PE-a SOAm ;,Ems'RS - i -- .?v ' x e {+ 7 J ,r / ibL d;?. , i :: ,e-= 2. /I 729-2358 l'k- I?, R. &binson 2977 Occlan Stj-re+t 5157 Shore Drive Carlshd, Cal. 92808 Xr- Arthur BPOW~ Carlsbad, Gal, 92008 729--49l4 t. 329n5.260_ wf- George Meese, Jr- 729-1581 Carlsbad, Calm 92008 p.0- Box 414 I @- G-3, Ramptner 3185 ~onrse St. 1638 Basswood ave, 723-3765 (horn 565-5693 [war; Carlsbad, CaL, 92008 L MP, George Watson 7% 9-i 7s 3 7 2 F-2'23 J Carslbad, eal, 92008 1 Mrw 3289 Robert Donna Drive Ladwig (jx---) 729-4987 :sf 1 .. i @arkbad, Calm 92008 f -T-om k?LL&VdWe 226b OU~WCi L+* 7 2.9 /72f @&i+q45+k?w--" &?-a-'.&3-d- L-/Z+ 7u- &;. fvd7 lc dL40y- s '$? k ?'13 cl+ ,/e - (iihf- dkPdLJ 729 y-/&&fi r LL /?le ./I ,J8 pfdfd)-j?fd = LPb - p& (&2 C.e@/T CI- * a OAT]{ OR AFFIRMATION OF ALLEGIANCE FOR CIVIL DEFEliSE WORKERS AND PUBLIC Ei4PLOYEES If I , . THOMAS RICHARDSON , do solemnly swear (or affi'rm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domebtic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the dutfes upon which I am about to enter." Advi sorv and Appeals Board Title or Department The above oath was taken and subscribed to before me this 3rd day of June , 1975 . -- I 8 May 22, 1975 Mr. Thomas Richardson 2266 Cameo Road Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Richardson: At the City Council meeting held May 20, 1975, it was my pleasure to appoint you to the City's Advisory and Appeals Board. very important function by hearing the proposals and appeals of those persons who may wish to appeal a denial for a per- mit by the Director of Building and Housing or Fire Chief. - : The Board also acts on appeals relating to abatement of public nuisances. Jng*,P;Re Advisory,and Appeals Board and settfng forth its duties. The Advisory and Appeals Board meets on the second Monday of each month, or as the need arises. You will be notified prior to the next meeting. esting and worthwhile, We would appreciate it if you would please call at the City Hall artd take the oath of office be- fore the City Clerk at your earliest convenience. As you may be aware, this Board serves a Enclosed please find a copy of Ordinance No. 8062, creat- I am sure you will find this community project most inter- Sincerely, ROBERT C, FRAZEE Flayor RCF:ng Enclosure (1) +peQ&do+f&