HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-04-04; City Council; 5336-2; No parking - Carlsbad BL N/Cannon RD--..
AGENDA BILL NO; ' 5336 - Supplement #2
DATE: April 4, 1978
Initial: Dept . Hd .
C, Atty.
DEPARTMENT: Engineering - Traffic Safety Commission C. Mgr. 4.
:' Statement of the' Ma'tter
On February I, 1978 "NO PARKING" signs were instal led along the east side of
Carlsbad Boulevard from Cannon Road northerly for a distance of 1800 feet to
help alleviate the parking and U-turn problem created by numerous SDG&E con-
struction employees.
After some of the residents of Tierra del Oro voiced their concerns regarding
the parking rgstriction at the February 21, 1978 Council meeting, the Council
referred this item to the Traffic Safety Commission.
On March 13, 1978, after careful ly reviewing the situation, the Traffic Safety
Commission concurred that it is absolutely necessary to maintain the parking
restriction along Carlsbad Boulevard and made several other recommendations
concerning Tierra del Or0 (see Exhibit I). .
This item was again presented to the City Council at its March 21, 1278 meet-
ing, but the Council continued this item to a public hearing so the.Tesidents
of Tierra del Oro can present their own evidence.
Exhibits .
I. Traffic Safety
2. Memo from Pub1
3. Letter from Mr
4. Vicinity Map
Comm i ss
c Works
Va I ent
on Minutes of March 13, 1978 meeting
ne dated February 18, 1978
5. Memo from Chief of Police .
6. Letter from Dorothy Pedersen dated March I I, 1978
7. Resolution No. 5310 designating a'parking restriction on Carlsbad Boulevard
north of Cannon Road for a distance of 1,800 feet .
If City Council concurs, adopt Resolution No. 5310 designating a parking restric-
tion on Carlsbad Boulevard north of Cannon Road for a distance of 1,800 feet
AGENDA BILL NO. 5336 - Supplement #2 April 4, 1978
Council action
4-4-78 Following the public hearing the matter was referred back to the Traffic Safety Commission for reevaluation, to include points discussed by the City Council.
MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1978
Present: Bill Harkins, Ebb Nelson, Bill Baldwin, Capt. Wally RossaII,
Kent Whitson
Absent: Mike Ri ley
Only one item was discussed at this meeting:
Tierra del Or0 related to parking conditions in the vicinity of the San
Diego Gas & Electric Power Plant.
Various traffic requests on
After listening and discussing the concerns of both the residents of Tierra
del Oro and a representative from S.D.G.&.E. at its March 6, 1978 meeting,
the Commission decided to meet again and make a field trip.
After carefully reviewing the situation, the Commission felt it was abso-
lutely necessary for safety to maintain the parking restriction along the
east side of Carlsbad Boulevard from Cannon Road northerly for a distance
of 1,800 feet. A serious traffic problem had been created by the numerous
construction employees parking their vehicles along Carlsbad Boulevard in
front of the Encina Power Plant, especially during the change in woc.king
shifts at 4:30 p.m. This resulted in many hazardous U-turns since the
majority of the workers are from areas south of the plant.
The Cornmission also emphasized that the implementation of the Coastal Bike
Route wi I I require this parking restriction.
The Commission was not in favor of establishing anytime lim
restrictions anywhere along such a public residential street
Or0 because of the unnecessary enforcement problems that wou
for the Pol ice Department. Also, the Commission recommended
moving any bushes at this time because they do not seriously
prevailing speed sight distances.
t or parking
as Tierra de
d be created
aga i nst re-
interfere wi h
The Commission did recommend that the existing "NOT A THROUGH STREET" sign
be replaced by a larger one and be made more visible. Finally, the Commis-
sion did not feel that a right-turn lane into Tierra del Oro was warranted,
but did recommend that a double yellow centerline be painted on Tierra del
Or0 at its entrance from Carlsbad Boulevard.
Respectfully submitted,
Kknt A. Whitson, P.E. for
Traffic Safety Commission
KAW: veb
TO : City Manager
FROM : Pub1 ic Works Administrator
DATE : March 28, 1978
SUBJECT: Traff ic-Related Problems on Carlsbad Boulevard
and on Tierra del Or0
The City Council, at their meeting of March 21, 1978, directed that
a hearing be held on the issues concerning traffic safety problems on
Carlsbad Boulevard and on Tierra del Oro.
testimony that may be presented, Council should keep in mind there are
two separate and distinct traffic safety-related problems. One, which is
perhaps of most concern to the residents of Tierra del Oro, relates to
parking and other uses of their street primarily by people seeking to use
the adjoining public beach. The second problem relates to traffic safety
along Carlsbad Boulevard caused by workers at the adjacent Encina 5 proj-
ect. While this latter problem has some impact in the Tierra del Oro area,
its primary thrust is on Carlsbad Boulevard.
In considering the facts and
When San Diego Gas & Electric commenced construction on Encina 5, they
provided on-site parking for the construction workers. Some of these work-
ers, for reasons of their own, chose to park along Carlsbad Boulevard and
on the closer portions of Tierra del Oro. When construction shifts were
over, those workers leaving at the same time created potential ly hazardous
situations along Carlsbad Boulevard. Most of these situations involved
workers parking along the east side making U-turns heading southbound.
One of the solutions to this problem would be to eliminate parking along
Carlsbad Boulevard. Since plans for the construction of bicycle lanes
would necessitate removing parking in the near future, it was felt that
implementing "NO PARKING" along the east side at this time, while being
consistent with the ultimate needs, would serve to eliminate most of the
observable traffic safety problems. It was decided not to eliminate park-
ing along the west side because that parking was less convenient than the
remainder and, in addition, served the purpose of providing beach parking.
"PARK OFF PAVEMENT" signs are planned to be erected as part of the Coastal
Bike Route so the southbound bicycle lane can still be installed.
The residents on Tierra del Oro, for some time, have had concerns about
a number of issues, including on-street parking by beach users and by con-
struction employees; the condition of their street (rock and oil surface
on an aggregate base installed in 1954); signing and striping at the entrance;
trespassing across private property by beach users; graffiti; vandal ism;
changing clothes in public, etc.
When the issue of '!NO PARKING" along Carlsbad Boulevard was brought be-
fore the Counci l the residents on Tierra del Oro made their concerns known.
The Council referred the issues to a hearing at the Traffic Safety Commis-
sion. The Traffic Safety Commission considered the issues twice: once at
City Manager -2- March 28, 1978
a regular meeting and, the second time, after a field trip following a spe-
cial meeting. The Commission addressed themselves to the traffic-related
issues outlined in Mr. Valentine's letter of February 18, 1978 (Exhibit 3).
Their findings were that two-hour parking would not be effective on Tierra
del Or0 because construction activity at the adjacent power site would be
through in June and surfers who park on the street could readily continue
parking, do their surfing and either leave or move their cars before the
expiration of two hours. In addition, the point of access to the beach
from Tierra del Oro and the source of much of the irritation is at the
north cul-de-sac. The two vacant lots which comprise the access point
have been authorized sewer permits by Council and have building plans in
plan check. With the construction of these buildings beach access will be
denied. People wishing to use the beach will probably gain access at some
other location. Installation of two-hour parking signs, while having minor
impact on Utilities/Maintenance ($650 to install; $50 to remove), would have
a significant impact on the Police Department (Exhibit 5). They currently
do not have the capability of providing systematic enforcement which would
be required if we were to effectively implement two-hour parking.
The issues listed by the letter concerning public nudity and littering
are enforcement problems and do not constitute a proper reason for estab-
I ishing "NO PARKING" or I imited parking.
The "NOT A THROUGH STREET" sign has been ordered relocated and the
double ye1 low street I ine has been ordered to be painted.
The street surfacing, as previously noted, is 2" of rock and oil on
an aggregate base and was constructed in 1954. If the residents are de-
sirous of reconstructing the street to current standards a possible course
of action would be to initiate an assessment district. The new water line
mentioned by Mr. Valentine is a feeder line from Carlsbad Boulevard to an
interior corner and serves a newly installed fire hydrant.
A right-turn lane from Carlsbad Boulevard onto Tierra del Oro is not
warranted by traffic volumes and would serve to encourage or invite right
turns. This would probably result in more non-directed traffic on Tierra
del Oro.
The request for "NO PARKING' on the east/west section of Tierra del
The street has a dimension Oro is not warranted by existing conditions.
of 40' from curb to curb which provides adequate space for parking without
creating a traffic hazard.
While there may be many other issues that are listed, the Traffic
Safety Commission has attempted to deal with the traffic-related problems
in a reasonable and responsible manner. Actions which could be taken to
improve the situation have been ordered. The Commission is of the opinion
that "NO PARKING" along the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard is warranted
due to the potential traffic hazards on the street.
c- .- d4 n&9cL
RdnaId A. Beckman, P.E.
Pub1 ic Works Administrator
RAB: veb
Mr. Kent Whitson 7 Traffic Engineer City of Carlsbad 12013 Elm Ave- Carlsbad Ca. 92008
, ‘3 28 Feb- 1978 FEB2 11978 Ref : Various LocaI Problems
Tierra Del Oro Carlsbad 7 Ca. 92008
Dear tlr. Whitson E
Engineering Department
Thank you for taking the time from your busy schedule to return my recent call to your office.
Mr George Carsten received your letter and has discussed it
with a number of us property owners / resident. We therefore
. acknowledge the meeting.date of L March 173B at 3 :XI P Tr-
ldwthotrght iC, might be to you and your you in written farm 1 those problems
covered as well as our suggestions for
staff to have before
we feel should be their correction. .- ..
L a. Your recent posting of NO PARKING signs on the east side
of Car-lsbad Blvd. in front of Cannon Park and SDG&E plant created a hazardous condition OR Tierra Del Qro by the all
day parking OF SDGaE enployees.
2 a. SDG9E Cos employees eating their lunchs in their parked
vehicles throw their trash 1 incttlding bottl@s and cans? . along the curb and on to lccal property- The winds scatter much of this trash the full length of the street-
3 a. The cent.eral and northern section of our street gets fiiled with the cars OF surfers- Double parked at times, parked
head in quite often and onto private property in their invasi- on of the beach- Their changing of clotht50n the street and their nudity should be against the law. 1
4 a- Considerable traffic is also created by driyers looking for an ocean front strwet to travel and dont / can not
see the NOT A THROUGH STREET sign as installed-
and excessive usel sheds or releases a great amount of smell gravel and dust- This residue creates a very poor?
5 a. The street sur%ace is of the oil type which by its nature
surface for traction when turning or stopping as weIIas a very dirty environmnt from the dust.
b a. The narrow entrance 7 created by the entrance pillars, require great .concentration and caution when entering from the fast south bound traffic of Carlsbad Blvd. It is not uncommon to find a surfer exiting in the wrong 1 ane
7 a. North boucd traffic on Tierra Del Oro, to the east exit,
needs to have a better view of the entrance and incomming traffic- Entering traffic needs the same thing where the
short east entrance Teels into the main 3 north - south run of Tierra Del Oro=
.. I a Post; Tierra Del Oro for limited Parking. Preferably 2 Hours. If you will consider this we will furnish you with the signature-s of a majority of thP property owners-
2 a- The above would cum this 7 otherwise enforce the NO LITTER
3 a This wouid also b2 controlled by 4 a= above, otherwise we
It a. Move the 'prpsent NOT A THROUGH STREET' sign out of the
will sxpec% strict enforcement of our parking ordances.
bushes and post it next to the entrance pillars in such a
position that; it; is highly visible to entering traffic.
5 a= We hsve made numeroils requests for a more substantuaJ surface on this street. Ue<fe&l the time is right foi- this work now since road work must be done after laying the new water line-
h a- Carlsbad BIvd- southbound, rapidly narpows at the entrance to Tier-ra Del OSo- It is our opinion that a short RIGHT
TURN ONLY lane from CarIsbad Blvd is adviseable as it tl~01~ld give us a safer turning lane with no slowing of the south bound traffic on Carisbad Blvd. We try to practice this --
approach now even withaut a lane and the holes at thc edge of the roadway get pretty deep at tines=
close to the north-south run of Tierra Del Oro.
b. Also DOUBLE LINE tile entrance from Carlsbad Bfvd to a point
7 a- RED LINE the curbs of the entrance from a point immediately inside thG en+,rance pi I lars south around curw of the curb to the point of- impitigment or at least; 25 feet from the straight entrance curb aliqnment-
westerly andthen north and
bo Remove two X Z3shrubs from the curb 1 ine of the property
located at 5028 Tierra Dei Or07 would allow for an unrestricted as w211 as removinq much of the
the south east corner 'I which view of more of the entrance hazard to this property owner when backing out of his drivenay. We have discussed this with the owner and he agrees with our thinking-
.,' 4
'We appreciate your consideration and study of our numerous and varicd problems and look forword to meeting and working with
you md your staff.
Yours Very Trufy -
!id39 Tierra Del Oro Carlsbad, Ca. '32OOS
gc bx
TO : Ronald A. Beckman, P.E. March 28, 1978 Public Works Administrator
FROM : Roy J. Kundtz Chief of Police
SUBJECT: Two-hour Parking - Tierra del Oro
You have asked me for the cost of enforcing two-hour parking on the above street. This is not an easy question to answer. In the first place, if it could be done by existing personnel, then there is no cost involved, time of existing personnel to this enforcement task, then we would have to estimate approximately two hours daily, in the neighborhood of $10.00 per hour, or $20.00 daily, Since we do not recommend this type of enforcement program and do not have existing personnel we can utilize outside of their immediate duties for two hours a day, then an additional parking enforcement officer for the City would cost in the neighborhood of $20,000 yearly,
The point, I believe, to be made is that we have avoided up to this point any full-time parking enforcement officer. Although sporadically we are required because of circumstances to do some enforcement in Carlsbad Village, Plaza Camino Real, and in some of the condominium areas, namely Tiburon and Alta Mira, it has been our experience that every residential neigh- borhood would like to eliminate "outsiders" from parking on their street, Since this is an impossibility in the City, we recommend that it only continue in heavily congested business areas,
If we were to compute the
RJK: lj/
Mmbsrs City Council,
Carlsbad, Calif.
Dear Sirs,
We, the people who live and own on Tierra Del Om, Carlsbad
have a serious problem and we need your help.
to kccp our neighborhood free from unwanted trash and we
want a safe and beautiful place to live.
Our desire is
We are asking thzt you do not allow the employees of the
San Diego Gas and Electric Company to create a hazard by
allowing then to park their cars all day long on both sides
of the only entrance and exit that we have, When and ',if"
our street gets swept the sweeper must go around these cars.
Actually, when the street is swept, the sweeper digs deep
holes and. merely pushes the scrapings t's one side.
it is not too filuck to ask that our strset be surfaced as 1%
is in deplorable condition,
I beliewe
The next problem is the surfers. As many as ten to fifteen
cars of surfers congregato at the north end of the street
circle, especially saturdays, sundays and holidays. They
disregard the private property, by cutting padlocks on gates,
cut down m new chain link fence four times that 1 know of,
scatter and leave all kinds of trash, last night smashed in
li block wall fence and masked the wall with obscenities.
They stand dovrn there completely naked and change into their
suits, sometimes loudly bladng their radios.
they do not have any other place to go to the beach.
It is not that
I would like to sugget that some portions of the street be
marked in red for no parking and other portions marked for
two hours only.
our problems,
I will appreciate any help that you can give us.
Perhaps this would help to solve some of
Phone 433-4891
r 4
Bou I eva rd
T RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows:
a "NO PARKING" zone be established on the east side of Carlsbad
from Cannon Road northerly for a distance o
California, at a regular meeting held the day
by the following vote, to wit:
1,800 feet.
of the City of Carlsbad,
of , 1978,
Arthur W. Spivey, D.D.S.
5029 Tierna De1 Om Carlsbad, California 92008
?;:arch 31, 197'8
Carlsbad City Council Carlsbad City Hall
12QO Elm Ave. Carlsbad, Ca. 92308
Ee: Parking and relatec p-oblems on Tferra del Gro
Desr Council Xernbers:
As we will be unable to attend the y~Slic hearing
on Tuesday, kprll 4, we are writlrig to let you know cf our concern for the problems we have relative to the surface of our street, the ?arkeo cars and tresoassers
who are neitker resicents nor guests of res-luerts of
3ieYra del GPO.
The cars ;?arked all day at the entrance to our street and belonging to Sar. 3iego Gas 3i ilectric Co. wcrkers create a real hazarc for everyone who drives in or out.
The owners of vacant propertg nave done every t:-Lng in their 7ower to eliminate txaespassing 'by surfers.
These gou:lg men have no res?ect for ang one or the law. b'y neighbor 8r.a I riue our bicycles arounc our street alrost every morning and about the saxe time of dag. It
is not unusual to see soxe gouxg Fan cov?letely nuce as he changes his clothes. Ee lciatres nc atteript to shield Myself fror? our view. They not cnly leave their litter on our street but I have seen they use it for their toilet.
:,?e doubt tlat there are many owners of single famlly dwellings in Cai>lsbiid wl-~c ?a;- ncre citj- taxes t?i,an xe O;Jiier's of t e2 e:. fA xt F?c;)ertz. .t 7u;erstanci that the
greatest ?art of ow tax money goes to public schools. .is none of us have children fn 3iiblic school, Is it too much to ask for our street to be resurfaced" It is a waste of money tc send the street sweeser down here as he only stirs
uc) the dirt and crumbling bl3ckto2 ardi sweeps up nothing.
These 2roblexs Save been with us for a long time and have become intolerable. 7e seek the 3ower and the duty
of the City to give us relief.