HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-04-04; City Council; 5393; Sale of Water Deparment Owned Property1 * * CITY OF CARLGBAD * AGENDA BILL NO. ,53= Initial: Dept . Hd. C. Atty, I? DATE : DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER C. Mgr, A Subject : APRIL 4, 1978 . -- - J J SALE OF WATER DEPARTMENT OWNED PROPERTY Statement of the Matter The City Council directed sometime ago that City Water Department property declared surplus by the City Council be offered for sale. The second of the parcels staff is proposing to market is the Mesa Reservoir site on Mesa Drive in Oceanside. The total parcel is 1.55 acres. It is suggested that a 95' x 120' parcel in the southwest corner, and a 20' road easement along the best boundary be retained. This parcel contains chlorination equipnent and pumps. In the future if this equipment were no longer needed in the system, it could then be sold as a homesite. The parcel being offered for sale amounts to 1.182 acres and was appraised by an MA1 appraiser at $56,500. Appropriate waivers for right to purchase have been received from the City of Oceanside, State of California, and County of San Diego. - Exhibit Map Waivers for right to purchase Resolution No.fi31r Recommendation If Counci concurs, offer the property for sale at the minimum bid price of $56,500, as outlined in Resolution No..T3LC Council action 4-4-78 Resolution #5365 was adopted, declaring that certain prope is not required for public use and declaring its intention to sell said real property at public auction. ._ - __-____ -_.- $ I- :. - 2.i;JT- ~. 3.;2;!2 ~ c?--2-.---c--' - ~ I ;: 7- -2 \., 8- . - - ; __..I - - ,- ,A.L c7 tii ,,?, c ,r.; .~ -j ::?. 2 .l /J .. <, -- & - d d -L , yc;,r . - - . - -. - . r---7 D 7 a2;?ip.y;;E>;T Gz - - i) ____ .. - - .>-<z 0' 3 (-7,-:,- 6' (72;): -7 >ii+,3,L,L3/3 TI3 Na.T . y,:------- , .I - i ,7 T:;? -,----- 37 T:iz CIY'Y, L_ A- -2 LL2L.. -_ -,- - 7 r- (--2 7 7 y ~- - A> ,? sz&z --- S<,Z_?.-_uS^, y;.-ic1 ?:.,?,-x-- -- L.__Lil_: Lh -.-.q7 7,>7-7 ---<a -LIY-Y 22 ,I .-.- :-.-;%I ---r_i SJd.',3S 9" r DL-ectcy, Sep2rtr--lne - 05 zar:<s < c3 p.; :-- -- - LLLL LL.-l! - .3: Plls2;&a Dz.t.?: .c S,T2EFL X;.:.Y'TITy: 1 1 y7' s tat2 of CzLLIarEi?. ii > QTEzz. z:NTiry: 2 1 1 County cz szx Diecj,-o, ci=T,r of OCEANS IDE ._ (-y>;F2 777r-7- pxgTZpTT_i DESCRIPTIOJj: In the city sf Ocearrslde, courlty or' Sa2 r: i;ji-th ~-~s~~~o~ parcc:l :j-49-()7@-28 andG k39.j; -- r;esa Drive z?-,seri~o$x 21 ,, L - A_-d .\ LL'~ A.LT'-I : 3 ---~ 2_cr-s sz' la.l?C: 1.55 x2zxT VALU': : $2 8 , 0 0 9 - 0 8 - ,' ./: 'i.. =/ 1 \I I 1 %TEER z\J.yIyy Lr,,iLL\,2s Ta ?TJ?\C>-L-SE p~\~~~~~~y F.32 'i :I- T>>I3- 2,:y --... A, --:rJriz-,ct s~~~-?~-~~~ .- .- - . rJy2;z-J ExyxTy p;AI'iZ3S zyc;i,Ts T.J p~y~-:-~~- '1 .___ -,--7-- ---- l_l 7,jLFtLTJE ABQTJZ . 7 .-:- -_ 2 i. \- . , '. w., 7 c ,,---- ',,? .) , . ; ' ,-/ ~, - .- L. F' . .- .~ . .- , -- --_--._ - 9' -- - 7 Supervisor, Pr'cqram. Xancig~ ' . -8-u~~ i a 1 S,ercices-._&an: -- i - De-ozrtr.ent ____ _____~ o€! ~ Parks--.zge R. . ._ P.0. BOX 239d--'. -. - _.. -- . Sacra.x,er.to : Les $!=:Cargo .. ._-..- ____ . .. --. .- .. -. . - .. .. ~. - 10/29/73 .. ::, ._--A .-_ - ,-, -~ ~ - ! ~ z7 f ;- ., ~ .~ ~7 - !-- -~ 7 . x - ;- - -L.:2?- 54322 1 * icr-- 4: b _,_... I'dLl_i-l; I,,-,-'' ::-,,:~i-;~x,r- r-: L-. ,-,c c,2zLs>2,L .-_._. ~__ ~ ... L - .- . L 1 '-I/ 'd L 3-77 ATS, ,7c> -->-3 . -. lrAL LJLI- L->L-\LA.,k-, i cT ?:I'=?Z<S .gz L ,~I'T:- o? r" -=1-.&!2 3- -I>?\ cIs--!!L 7 si-: 3 2 .z -7\I 3 z 2 rz ,2 -b'- ;,c.,.,r..!j >L 5-1'3 ?A?\.CZL 1s ?.TOT ;.;yT;:x;,; TFqz -,cJ 2 g? TTT. __._ c:>,;ZTJ$ ?;?p< glL.'T c)F m-73 pT?' -7.7 -7 7?-/-,~---%- - LriL L-2.Y- Dirzctor, Depart7Js.,-L oz Par,<cs , c2z city of CzrlsSaj I- - ----- 02te 2 g:y?3yL EMT1-y: 1 i .j. State of c;l?i" ---LOI-rlLL?i. OTEEz EfiTTITY: 2 I/[ C?J!ltrr - 05 Sa.il Di-,go. -- OT;.:?X E:NTZTY: 3 LA city of PRQPSRT'; DESCR~~TICJJ~: In t'.e city of Oceanside, c0~;nt.y of San I OCEANSIDE _- >;iith ESSESS~T parcel $149-070-29 2nd E;IICT, _____ _F.lasa Drive RSserk-oir +l. Ai_c-ss of la;?_d: 1.55 - FLq,Ip, AL--id,Li- :,:.> 3Ty-m -\77 &L-Ll-!L: - --- $28,000 e 00 tvcC'-L.d-L'x 3 F,--Tm- 7-7--7- - gTF---P -Li'jJiy ';y~.-~,,-,:.> i\LG2':> TO p5xc?-jsZ* TI ? I ! G~~~E;EZ s>-iTIT;_r ~~j~~;\~~~ TQ 2 (-7-2-&3 p~~~~~~7 TO2 y:zz Z-qIz- :,yq .- 'VAddL ~j- r-F A3c:?z - -----A - 7,. 7-7 -5s -;L3ri?2a >IcT_riZkC.T? - 'XL,?, 3;rz ' / ,!] .- -_-.- $ c ,) .. . - .,&$fL i L . A7",LV4LJL, -dX _-___ f 1. ,-L * d. (1 e P > P 7 ? i? n i r: p ;";Jro_g r9-v i n q ,. !, Pub1 __ 5 c !hr?s Ap~n.c~~-,_S;n- @.?go 5553 Ove~lg~_d_5!~2.. 9 S~T! - . . .Giz.Jg:: - . .__ ... -2; -- - 7 Park &~:~io~~~~t aiyi j ion .- '-7- /? < I, . .. ylt &: g L!-Lc.'_,.yc-L/cc __. ;L&&-/ , -- - . - .. -.-... --. .. _. Oct. 9, 1973 . . . - , - . "fl $" \ s +22 .e\ = P -' ! ; = J - -. . .-- - 3Z-c- '2.; j _. .? '1; -- Lj ~ ZTy- ~ .~~.L_./ =, 17' c - I: -:-,;,-.2 .7 -7 13 C-?; r' 5 3 - ,> J .j 3 L.. -LLlL- , ::: .-, r:-F ~ A7- 7- 3 z 1 A?l2.'?- (73 3"Zl;'S j,? .7::: ,z;txy i, I->-- 2 c-qc.L, s Ir; AD s u- 5 3 2 2, I 3 i, s -LLL> I. i, s-az Zj?;C-'-JS;1. s;-:-Is ~-;y-~~ is NQT. >;~y~;~~%~ T>;s p;,'>;gs '37 TF;z ~~>;~;~;;.~ 2i37' *---x Pi. ____-. -i_ -_-- ,---- - 3 n- vL' r Fss CLTy- TJib-(.&o-r., ~e~2yi:.~~-y - of p;r;<s ( ___- b--,-~/ .L of Carisbad Tri3 I- p: --- ____ I_ -_- D2t.e: OTs72 5:NTLTY: 1 rl State of CalhforTlia - fJTBs,R E$JTITY: 3 m Ciky of OCEEiiJSIDE CollIILy of srj-3. 2:iegCl. 2li OTHEp\ EN.TITy : -- P;?,C)E~TY DESCRIYTION:: In the city of oceanside, colmty of SZR ; i,*Tith assessor parcel :149--070-28 an6 k<no; Xesa Drive P.eservoir ;;I. ______ ,I ~ Acrss oe land: 1.55 FA12 :.12.?<<ZT T]$++GZ ; $2 8 , 0 0 0 - 00 - -- _- i 1 x 1 OTZzp. ENy'Zy'Y +Lv;3..s 2.!.IGzTS T!3 xT3El2-SZ - 1 ,.CF->-SE T%32z?.Ty ".2_>, y:E ?-?T?- 2,2 \ a~s~x ~2j~p~;r i~~<~~\~~ m I-U-rYa T3 3 ji t i T]-&&UE $>3gTE . 7 - .- -?i::-:-L~~~~~~ ~~.z:~,~-~~~ - .57, J --> ...- . .- .-. - Lawrence M. Bztgley- ____ .- - -' City I'lanaqerl-.- --.. _._ _ - 7 __ .- - -. . ?: City of Oceanside --- .-. .- ... _- __ -.. /=w7e,ci Pee%& .. I 13, LC 701, 7, *; ,f e 0 L,dd 5. >4.Ak-dx Ll> ) $a J I --n nUXLj, 2, L-CkLn j II 1 I) L4 j- P -r-ir eC<Cp..%LY, CCLfZYX-'C 91234 J-U'..y 18, 1973 Nr. \?illiarn C. BaldvFn City 0.E CarlsSad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CalifornFa 9208 Dear Bill: Assistant City Manager In reference to yom reqwsc of Jdy 2, 1973, requestin? Plagning Comission determlnazion on three parcgls of excess land owned by the City of Cazlsbad and located within the CLt liinies of the City of OceansFde and .chelr confomity -co thc adopted General Plan of the Ciq of Oceanside, the Planning Comissi-on on July 16, 1373, by a unanir?_ous vo'in, has dzzer- mined- that the subject parceis and their respective zoning are in conformance with che land use designarions of ;he City's General Plan. If you have any further quesEions, do imc hescitake to call on me, Very t-t-' -- 0 -- , fl ~~~~~~~~~~,~ MICHEL A. ZEDAUX Secretary Oceanside Flaming Con-ission PiAB : bb -- I&& /L /) /'f73 / /' 1 i \ / / 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l3 14 l5 l6 17 l8 19 2o 21 z2 23 24 z5 26 27 28 e 6 RESOLUTION NO. 5365 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY, HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED, IS NOT REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC USE AND DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO SELL SAID REAL PROPERTY AT PUBLIC AUCTION. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is the owner 0% a paxel, inafter particularly described, which parcel was originally obtained as a part of the City Water System; and WHEREAS, said real property is not now needed for pub1 and is not capable of being used for park or recreational development; and WHEREAS, the birector of Public Works has recommended said parcel be declared "surplus"; and WHEREAS, it appears to be in the best interests of the to sell said real property at public auction to the highest and WHEREAS, on July 16, 1973, the Planning Comni:iLssim of City of Oceanside did determine that the 3-ocatiorr, purpose extent of said real property disposition is in conformity T adopted General Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct, 2. That the City Council hereby finds that the puhli interest and convenience necessitates the sale of the here described real property. 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 0 3. That the City Council hereby declares said propert "surplus" and declares its intention to sell said property public auction to the highest bidder. 4. That the City Council hereby declares that said pr is not capable of being used for park or recreational devel 5. That the minimum price for which said property sha sold shall be not less than $56,500.00 cash. 6. That the real property to be sold is situated in t City of Oceanside, County of San Diego, State of Californii bounded and described as follows: "A Portion of the East One Quarter of Section 24, Township 11 South, Range 5 V7est, San Diego County, San Bernardino Base and Meridian. " It is further identified as Assessor's Parcel No, 149-07-28, 7. That said real property will be sold upon receipt sealed bids, which shall be opened at the time and place h after set forth. Said bids must be in writing, sealed and delivered to the City Clerk before the hour of 5:OQ g3~cJ-o~ on or before April 28, 1978. Said bids must be in writing clearly marked on the outside thereof that they are sealed for the purchase of real property, and state the date of t opening thereof. On May 2, 1978, at 7:30 p.m. at the tim and place fi the resolution for the meeting of the Council of the City Carlsbad, all ;sealed proposals which have Seen received SI 1 opened, examined and declared by the Council in public se: -2- 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 XI l2 13 I* l5 l6 17 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 z5 26 27 28 0 0 Of the proposals submitted, which conform to all terms and tions specified in the Resolution of Intention to Sell and are made by responsible bidders, the proposal which is the shall be finally accepted, unless a higher oral bid is accc the Council rejects all bids. Before accepting any written proposal, the Council shz for oral bids. If, upon the call for oral bidding, any re! person offers to purchase the property upon the terms and < tions specified in the resolution, for a price exceeding b; least five percent (5%) the highest written propasal which by a responsible person, such highest oral bjd shall be fi accepted unless the Council rejects all bj-ds, The City Council at the sessionp if it deems such act for the best public interest, may reject airy and all bids, written or oral, and withdraw the property from sale or wa informality in the sale. The final acceptance by the Council nay be made efthe same session or at any. adjourned session of the same tneeti within the ten days next following. 8. That the time and place fixed for the opening of bids to sell the above-described real proper-ty is the 2nd May, 1978, in the Council Chambers of the C1i-y Bal? B 3.200 Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at the hour of 7:30 o’c.1.ock 9. That at the ti.me prior Lo final acd’sn, any persc interested may protest the proposed sale. The protest mal written and delivered to the City Clerk or orally at the r considering the resolution. The City Council shall hear i upon the protest- - 3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0 e 10- That each sealed bid must be accompanied by a Bid Bond or certified check in an amount not less than ten perc (10%) of the total amount of the bid. 11. That the City will execute a grant deed to the pr subject to conditions, restrictions, reservations, easement rights-of-way of record, if any. The bid submitted shall be for the purchase price, paj cash or cashier's check to the City within 10 days of the acceptance of the bid proposal, and shall be payable at th of the City Clerk. Bidders shall solely assume all costs related to the action, including'escrow fees, if escrow is wanted. The C shall secure a policy of title insurancer which shall be a City's sole expense- 12. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directec copies of this resolution in at least three conspicuous pl upon the above-described real property for not less than t days before the public auction, and to publish this resulr in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper pub]-ished and circule within the City of Carlsbad in accord with the law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of City Council on the 4th day of Apri 1 F :19 the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki 5 Anear and Counci lwornan Cas1 er None "" @ __ . . -- . 9 _. ,-I I 9. 4 -0. .. . . .--d I .- Jsx.raa'S &?Led ,*f .LI-rc J- ZU7.X?' *.C?.OZ. 2S.L . --27hS7'---- &:L&p..../ /: - --., dz YA', *,,- +--> ir -2 L- 8 L, /I 1 p' / --._. -