HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-04-04; City Council; 5397; Taxicab Service City of Carlsbadi > CITy 017 'cl~n~.~ LL.I*'LII 3 BAD 0 ---- 8 Sizitic?.B: - L-.... A.GF,?KJ&. SILL NOD April 4, 19'78 DATE : .DE~ARTM?;N~ z City i.lanager ' Su.h-J ece : 13ept. Hd *d -I_----- -- C o At-ty u ';I3 7 c. Mgr. f I -I_-- _I_--- ---.-~- .d - 1 ---.-- IU---__I-___.- - TAXICAB SERVICE - CITY OF CARLSBRD ------^1--3- - _I_-I St.a%emerat of the Ma'tt.er -...---*^.----I----- TIE following taxi ccinpanies hat7e Certificates of Convenience to operate in the City or' Carl.sbac3.t Arrc Cab Encinitas Yellow Cab Company Ralph znd Eddie ' s Taxi Service Western States Transportakion, Xnc. dba Yellow C&b C The term of thsir certificate is expiring and a public hearing is scheduled for April 4, 1978 to consider granting them a Certificate of Csnvenience, for a period ~f three years, ?it the Council. rneethg cf March 4, 1.975, City Council. set limi. on Certificates of Ccnvenience for a perl.od of one year with t GII~ year extensions ~5th yearly approval, Sta2f is unawaxe of any cornpl-aints re1.a tive to multiple cab operations in the -'City and feels it is now fcasihle to grant Certificat-es for a I.ong& -I. i.ma * A11 companies have paid -their license. :-Fees and there are no .changes in ra.tes or number of cabs to b~ operated. I3xhi.b i t -.l.l_.-.. Letters fronl cab eQ:npankes requesting Certificates GI? / \* Convenience n iKe c c'mie nda t i on _--"--- IE after the public hearing, Council looks with favor on the con.ti.rAuation of the mul'iiple cab operation in the City, direc staff to prepare the docuwnts ~ grantinq Certificates of Convenience for three years a .. Council action .: 4-4-78 Following the public hearing staff was directed to prepare documents necessary to grant Certificates of Convenience f a period of three years to Arro Cab Co., Encinitas Cab Com Ralph and Eddie's Taxi Service and Western States Transpor Inc., dba Yellow Cab Co. tr -. .. x .. * a Date: Harch 24, 1978 To: >'Y?oZl: Arro Czb Co, (owner--3ollan.d D, & Evelyn 3* SI Subject: Renewal Of Certificate Of Public Convenience 'Y i lli m Bal &in------C i ty 0 f C arl sbad And Necessity To OFerate One Cab In Carlsbad, We wish to renew our Certificate Of Public Convenience and Necessity for one czb in the City Of Garlsbad. Our rates are; 80$ first 117 mile IO$ each additional I/? mile $4,8(3 per hour vaitirxg time F -- /- </Rfl&g& +% -- i- G&?L+>,; // vi f' Arm C? bl eo, 3llO Sersano Drive Carlsbad, Galr 92088 e THE ONLY LOCAL YELLOW CAB SERVING YOUR HOME COM EptocBt4t~4 qeeeom &b 568 FAITH AVENUE OWNED - OPERATED BY GAY AND PHYL MARCELLO PHONE 753-6044 CARDIFF BY THE SEA, CALI Narch 26, 1978 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm St, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Mr. Baldwin Dear Sir: We would like to request an extension of our Certificate of Convenience to operata our taxicabs in the city of Carlsbad. Also, we would like to inform you our rates have been increa in compliance with the County Board of Supervisors for San D County. The rates are as follows: SO# Flag Drop (including the first seventh of lo# Each additional seventh Waiting time remains the same ($4,80 an how,) a mile,) Thznk you for your cooperation, Sincerely, e fl; 52 .&# /- /?%k*L&& Mrs. Gayton Marcello Owner/qperator Encinitas Yellow Cab h!IGM/mam 1) Jestern States Tran rtation, Inc, @ * .*A& :J&j(. l& &4, y[, \;&YLLX-t dl( 5- - '$ J,Jr v f' /. y;& [ 52 -q .?id[LdCKL . * &= P,l G.u &.-l;c /J&C &%x LL4YULC 926 (5 ; 2JL & *,j+ LL#L "'/f 'e tX]< &LC& (${.;ti&, &ii $[ hap;: LJ*3cc@g; i; >L* .cd B ;=.Jyz &$[cfc,~J CL jL LLC. . &/la_(, jkb:/<- *dl, /y 27 J g-L&k LbJ C{,t{( dI i5 y&L i' e /K" &/ccL- 4,- &L&Ct!-/k- b$&, aye {x 1 .d rf [; - *\ -0 L C&LJ . LJ,&/L- & I r >/:' .-I 0 42 t21 $9 d 6 9 7 1- i li 6 c.jL* +xo t,i dLL?7 /- I, I dl f ,s[ L /LCa :!XcA- fiiutcc LlJTLi YLf y7i[ k, ,cy> /a. f&L7A& - q 7, iP e b e, c 4. /flcrc/ &#< 4LG+fLC, #/. c5- Jclce L1YL-L.L L.yiLo yjLLk&" dk 6 Y , $Ut.&& &-/ +-/LC (&je .,A;; Lj LCLi- * &] &.LlJ&& 6k&< LLy u I/ J7 e f/ 4 (-5t3g-t- && .$"]I <* (-& t $.& g'7grJ Ir $ -.qJ 8.7 a 0 3/28/78 Kr4 Gill Saldwin, City Xanager City of CarlsSad City Camcil Dear Xr . Bafdwin : -r J. wFsh to apply for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity, t3 operate taxi ca3 service for sne cab. I ax presently operathg as Ralph and Eddie' Ta> I wish -60 be authorized a 3 year extension, Following rates are still in effect: $0.70 per mile with $0.70 initial flag meter drop and waiting time charge of $7.00 per hour. Thank YOU, e 0 3/27/78 XP. Bill Saldwin, City Kanager City oE Carlsbad Ci%y Council Dear ;:r. 3aLdyirs: - -: wish to a2p3-y for a Certificate of C~n~snience and Necessity, to operate taxi cab service for one cab. I ax 2resently operating as A-P TAXI. 1 wish 'co be authorrized a 3 year exbsnsion. Thank yau, Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superlor Court of San Diego County 3088 PI0 PIC0 AVENUE P 0 BOX 248 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 0 729-2345 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, $-, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; ' am overthe age of eighteen years, and not CI party to or interested in the above entitled m I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carasbad Journal a newspaper of general circt printed and published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Californ which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a E character, and which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subsc list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and published at r intervals in the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period excc one year next preceding the date of publicc the notice hereinafter referred to; and tt- notice of which the annexed is a printed coy been published in each regular and entire i said newspaper and not in any suppl thereof on the following dates, to-wit: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RE CERTIFICATES OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will cil Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad. Califorma, on Tuesday,Apnl 4,1978, at 7 00 P M, to consider issuing Certificates of Convenience and Neces- sity to the following taxi companies to operate taxicab service within the Clty of Carlsbad for a period of three years Encinitas Yellow Cab Company to operate two taxicabs. Western States Transportation, Inc dba Yellow Cab Cab to operate one taxlcab, and Ralph andEddie'sTaxi Servlcetooperateone taxicab, in accordance with Ordinance No 6010 of the City of Cartsbad, CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL hold a public hearing In the City Coun- .Xm.ch. . 22 ..................... 1 Company tooperate four taxicabs, Arro ................................. 1 California ................................. 1 CJ W313 March 22.1978 __ ................................. 1 ................................. 1' I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of San State of California on e 33nd day of Mar rh . ?. / - .."= Clerk of the I I ! h ,/ d.l’ ,m kJ .:’ --- J \ \\$ 3 p2J ‘A, P w ‘ \J r) \Jib y * @ 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RE: CERTIFICATE8 OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing in the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, on Tuesday, April 4, 1978, at 7:OO P.M., to consider issuing Certificates of Convenience and Necess- to the following taxi companies to operate taxicab servi within the City of Carlsbad for a period of three years: Encinitas Yellow Cab Company to operate two taxicabs, Western States Transportation, Inc. dba Yellow Cab Company to operate four taxicabs, Arro Cab to operate one taxicab, and Ralph and Eddie’s Taxi Service to operate one taxicab, in accordance with Ordinance No. 6010 of the City of Car California. CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL r) 9 A CARLSBAD POLICE DEPARTYJENT TO: Nargaret Adams January 31, 1977 FROM : Roy J. Kundtz City Clerk Chief of Police SUBJECT: Bill's Cab, Solana Beach Investigation into Bill's Cab of Solana Beach operating in the City of Carlsbad has disclosed no evidence of picking up fares. If any other specific information is available, we would be happy to investigate further. Our contacts in the La Costa area reveal that La Costa Hotel and Spa do not call Bill's Cab. Contact with the company reveals that they have denied picking up in Carlsbad. We are aware, however, that they do let off fares in the La Costa area that have been picked up elsewhere outside the City.