HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-04-04; City Council; 5399; Urban Open Space and Recreation Program4 0 ' CITY OF CARLSB~D e * AGENDA BILL NO. ,gs 79 "" DA'YE : - Aar 11 -. 4 $ 1978 - DEPARTMENT: &" Initial: Dept . Hd. I - c. Atty.1 ~ C. Mgr. - * Subject: - URBAN .OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM (SB 174, BLOCK GRANT -. -" statement of the Platter The Urban 'Open Space and Recreation Program (SB 174 Block Grants) p $25,000,000 each year during fiscal years 77, 78 a.nd 791fo.r 75% sta ing funds to cities, counties, and park and recreation $listricts wh turn'provide 25% matching funds for acquisition and development of tional areas and facilities in urbanized areas. Block grants are : on a per capita basis to urbanized areas according to lp70 census. San Diego County allocation is $1,669,324.. Carlsbad has $10,487 fl and $10;472 from 1977 available for use in renovation 'of the Hardil: Community Center Auditorium. The proposed- policy that the CPO Board of Directors will submit to Board of Supervisors is to allocate the County's funds, $1,669,324 The distrlbutlon of funds would designate $9,181 to Carlsbad (1.1% $834,662). I groups, one half, $834,662 for regional parks and one lialf to the ' A recent letter from the Comprehensive Planning Organization [-C.PO) that if the entire County allocation was distributed on a percent population basis, Carlsbad would receive $18,363 (l.l%,of $1,669,3 considerably less funds available for regional parks. More recent tion from the CPO reports' that 8 of the 14 eligible cities indicat ference for the proposed CP.0 policy. At the next CPO Foard of Dir meeting, the cities' and counties' comnen.t.,will be considered. The CPO staff relates that if the distribution of funds was made c basis of the most recent population census available from the Stat of the 1970 population census, that local allocations woulcl be mol EXHIBITS CPO letter of Januar.y 23, 1978 RECOfiDlENDATION . ' That the City Council consider the proposed fund alloclation and t of fund distribution by population and direct staff tol transmit t' Council's desires to the CPO Board of. Directors. .. " COUNCIL ACTION 4-4-78" It was agreed that'one-hal'f of the County funds be alloca regional parks and one half to the cities; that staff cor to CPO indicating the city's position in writing and that census. \. . . . , . . . . .- .- .. . . II .. . . _. . . . .. - .. . . ..... . population figures reflect more current figures than the - " .. . .' !. , 1c, 1 ., J .' SAN DEG~GION~S COUNCIL OF GOVER~NTS , .- .._ ., .- I, ..,:--. .. .. ' I.. ..x. , . -.._ . . .. January 23, 1978 ... 2.. "*_I '.. ..,\ -- -j$,, .:' .;, COMPREHWSWE . ._ . . ;. ,3 +">: . -. , PLANNING ORGAN12 .- .. .-- -. i Security Pacific Plaza 'L 1. Suite 524 -.. : :".. .. . . ~ : i- 8 i .> .~. :I 1200 Third Avenue .: .. .. .,.. rj-;:: , .j San Diego. California , .. ' . :a r.. . /' (7141 233-5211 ., \. ,. . Mr. Paul Bussey .. \.-. t., :<z, . ., :~* City Manager City of Carlsbad - 1200 Elm St. I. Carlsbad, 'CA 92008 SUBJECT: Urban Open Space and Recreation Program (SB 174) .k ....,@ i/ ;! ~., : - , ' 2 . .-. .. -;/a . . .:-,*__ Dear Mr. Bussey: At its December 19, 1977 meeting, .the CPO Board of Directors reviewed and i the San Diego County proposal for expenditure of its tlblock grant" under tl State Urban Open Space and Recreation Program (SB 174). The Board then di: that the following interim policy.guideline for distribution of the SB 174 be distributed to all cities. and to the County of San Diego for their revit comment at the, Board of Directors p March 1978 meeting. This interim guide: will be reviewed when the 80 Regional Outdoor Recreation Plan and Program completed later in 1978.. . .. r '. . " - -. - Proposed Policy - It shall be the Board of Directors interim policy to request the Board of: to divide SB 174 park and recreation funds coming into the region as follo a, Half the County's funds for regional parks and half the funds for. b, ' All .funds to be allocated to the cities on the basis of. populatior: local parks ; .. I '. . and to the County on the basis of unincorporated area population, Discuss ion The Legislation allocates -money on the basis of urbanized area, as noted ( the attached sheet. The County's allocation is based-&on its being a "hc urbanized county" withoat regard to the population distribution within ci- in the unincorporated area. Thus, the Countyls allocation exceeds the am1 which would be its share if based only on unincorporated area population. each city receives less, as noted on the Attachment, Recognizing that th Board of Supervisors may legally allocate its g'block grant" in any manner able under the Act, it appears that allocation of the $350,000 plus tlexce: funds (over the unincorporated population share) might be considered mre if distributed in a manner more equitable to the cities. The 60 staff in its report to the Board of Directors suggested several E natives for use of the County's "excess" Eunds : joint projects for citie -. k MEMBfR AGENCIES: Cities 01 Carlsbad Chula Vista Coronado. Del Mar. El Cajon Escondido lmperisl Beach. La Me-. Lemon Grove. Nationa . San D~ego. San Marcos. Vlsia. and Coubty of San Dikgo / EX-OFFICIO MEMBER: 'Calltomia department 01 Transportation / HONORARY MfMBEf: ' ,Mr.- YauL Uussey I' ' 1/23/78 .$ 0 0 included within the Act, regional parks, or swiming pools. The County has lished, or is working on, joint projects with the cities of San Marcos, Escc and Lemon Grove (under different legislation). The total funding for these projects will be obtained from the various unincorporated areas' Park Land 1 cation Ordinance (PLDO) funds from areas without County Service Areas (EA': to provide taxes for -0perat:on and maintenance. The 'Cities will then opera1 and maintain the facilities provided. The County's SB 174 funds for M76-7' being used to provide $3 for every $1 from local PLDO funds, generally in t' areas where CSA's exist: unincorporated Chula Vista, San Dieguito, and Sm One acquisition project location is in Spring Valley, an area-without a CSA approach allows the CSA'S' to retain most of the PLDO fmds for future use, in the latter case no development will take place since the CSA was turned in the vote held there in November, 1976. Since the County's CSA's have es only a minimm tax rate, few recreation programs can be run by them, althou maintenance and operation of facilities is covered. .This proposal s.uggests that the use of the County's v'excesslr funds for regi park projects in FY77-78, & well as FY78-79, would provide $700,000 to mat $233,000 in local funds; This would make good use of the "excess" County i and would benefit the entire population by providing almst $1 million addi for funding regional parks. The 'alternative--of distributing the exact am( 'of money which would be ea& city's share if distribution were based upon : popuJation--does not appear to be suitable. This .would require numerous j( projects and considerable administrative cost. The alternative of one or 4 regional projects, to move the adopted regional park program along, appear. more suitable. - .. .. . ."" .. We would appreciate your. Councills opinion on the proposed CPO policy. IVe report the various cities and County opinions at the Board of Directors me in March. If you have questions regarding this proposal, please contact F Potter. Thank you for your consideration of this proposed Board of Directors pdic .C * RJH:RP:ce Attachment cc: Mr. Ed Johnson, Parks 6 Recreation Director R . . ., .. . *E P 4, <.l 'D 0 0 Urban Open space 6 Recreation Program - Fiscal Years 1977, 197? and 1979 Tfie Urban Open Space t, Recreation Program (SB 174) provides $25 million each during fiscal 77, 78 and 79 for 75% state matching grants to cities, countie: and park and recreation districts. These funds are to be used for acquisiti' and development of recreationdl areas and facilities in urbanized areas. B1 grants will be allocated on a per capita basis to "urbanized areas" (as defi by the Bureau of Census, 1970). Project Requirements Mandatory requirerrients are as follows: . ' 1 . Grant functs must supplement and not supplant local hds . .. 2. Projects must conform to the recreation element of the applicable ci'ty r county general plm-, 3. Projects must be within or immediately adjacent to the m& heavily POP; areas of each jurisdiction. .. 4. Projects must be directed towards providing for the most urgent and tmrr needs of the residents served by the jurisdiction. The following facto based on existing or readily obtainable data, must be considered by the . .cant in selecting projects that meet urgent and met needs: populatic number of persons per household, income rate, juvenile delinquency rate ployment rate, 'relationship of youth and senior citizens to total popul served, and deficiency in recreation facilities and programs. Distribstic ,Block Grant Allocations 1970 % of by 1970 % ( to Urbanized Areas" Population Population .. .. San Diego County Total $I ,669,324 San Diego County 681,962 19*9 332,195 Spring Valley, Rec. 6 .. Park Dis t . (unincorp. 1 10 s 526 IncI, in county Incl, in C ', Carlsbad 10,487 1.3. c. 18,363 Chula Vista 47,648 5.0 83,466 Coronado 14,673 1.5 25 , 040 Del Mar . 2,776 0.3 5,008 El Cajon 36,682 3.8 63,434 Escondido P, 2.7 45,072 Imperial Beach 14,206 1.5 -- 25 s 040 La i Mesa 27,493 2.9 48,410 Lemon Grove** fJ 1,7 28,379 National City 30,304 3.2 53,418 Oceanside 28 , 416 3.0 50,080 San Diego 748,827 51.3 856,363 San Marcos fl 0.3 5 9 008 Vista 17,324 1.8 30 I 048 *Urbanized area is, defined as a central city or cities and surrounding c settled territory as defined by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureal Census, 1970. This definition excludes only the cities of San bIarcos 2 Escondido. It includes a number of unincorporated places and areas. ""1970 population of Lemon Grove is based'upon CPO estimate, Lemon Grow z incorporated in 1977. I\ rn m MEMORANDUM To : 'City Manager From : Joe Eggleston, Departmental Administrative Assistant Parks and Recreation Department Date ': March 10, 1978 Subject: URBAN OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM (SB174) Ref: CPO letter of January 23, 1978, same subject .. SB 174 provides $25,000,000 each year during fiscal years 77, 78 and 79 for 75% 'state matching funds to cities, counties, and park and recre.ation districts which provide 25% matching funds for acquisition and .development of recreational areas and facilities in urbanized areas. Block grants (subject Of reference and this'rnemorandurn) are allocated on a per capita basis to urbanized areas according to 1970 census. Total. San Diego County allocation is $1,669,324. Carlsbad has $10,487 from 1976 and $10',472 from 1977 available for use in the renovation of the Harding Street Community Center Auditorium. The proposed policy that the CPO Board of Directors will sub- mit to the County Board of Supervisors is to allocate the County's funds, $1,669,324into 2 groupsp one half, $834,662, .for regional parks (i.e..9 Batiquitos) and one half to the cit The distribution of funds would designate $9,181 to Carlsbad. The distribution set forth in -the attachment to the reference 'gives the County its 19.9% and Carlsbad its 1.1% or $18,363. These allotments are computed on the basis of the 1970 popu- lat ion e It is recommended that the City Council be requested to cons' the proposed fund allocation and to transmit their preferencl to the CPO Board of Directors and to the'county Board of Sup visors. This recommendation should be presented to the City Council immediately as it will be considered by the CPO Boar1 of Directors on March 20, 1978. It is further recommended that the City Council express its ference for the distribution of SB 174 funds on the basis of the most recent population census available from the State not distribute half of the' funds for regional parks. < k: + - m Projects for which the $18,363 could be used: 1. Landscaping and irrigation of the exteriorlperimeter Chase Field, or 2a. Installation of initial or additional stationary cony Crete picnic tables, benches and barbecue .stands at Maxton Brown Park, Oak Park, Pi0 Pic0 Park, Rotary ' Park, Chase Field and Holiday Park, and 2b. Landscape right-of-lqay at Holiday Park, ._ Thank 'you, , . //* +? Q g&: I, -d J e Eggleston, Departmental Administrative Assistant, Parks and Recreation Department JE:tld Attachment I &. 4 <1 I e e MEMORANDUM To ' i City Manager From : Joe Eggleston, Departmental Administrative Assistc Parks and Recreation Department Date : March 13, 1978 Subject: Urban Open Space and Recreation Program (SBf74) Contact was made with Mrs. Ruth Potter, Senior Regional Pla: Comprehensive Planning Organization, who stated that there no chairman of thk,Comprehensive Planning Organization at t time. A new chairman will be selected at the next meeting. City response should be directed to Mr. Richard J. 'Huff, Ex edutive Director,'Comprehensive Planning,Organization, who give it to Mrs. Potter for appropriate abtion.. It was 2eco ed that Carlsbadrs representative on the Comprehensive Plan Organization be given a copy of the correspondence concerni SB174 to assist when the subject is discussed. Thar/y;+- oe Egg eston Departmental Adrninhtrative Assistant, Parks. and Recreation Department JE: tld b 0 e 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 TELEF (714) i’ aitp of Carl~bab . March 13, 1978 Richard J. Huff, Executive. Director Comprehensive Planning Organization Suite 524 Security’ Pacific Plaza 1200 Third Avenue ./> San Diego, CA. 92101 4, Dear Mr. Huff: In response to your letter of January 23, 1978 concerning a prop’osed policy on the Urban Open Space and Recreation Pro- gram (SB1741, this City has two recommendations concern-ing the alloc‘ation of funds and the method of determining the percentage of funds to an authorized public entity. It$s recommended that the’proposed distribution of. funds be in accordance with the percentage of population and not dis- tributed’with half.of the funds for regional parks. It is further recommended that the funds be distributed on the basis of the most recent population census available from the State. al-7 Paul D, usse , . . ” City Manager PDB:JE:tld . L ,,~.” . __ I” .. ~-,..”...).-_, *../,.