HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-04-18; City Council; 3648-2; San Diego Regional Air Quality StrategyCITY OF CARLSBAD } AGENDA BILL NO. 4p-glippi _mops rt 7 Initial: Dept. iid. DATE: _- Anxil 8, 1978 C. Atty.\/M DEPARTMENT: City Attorney C. Mgr. Subg ect: .SAN DIEGO REGIONAL AIR QUALITY STRATEGY (RAQS) Statement of the Matter The City Council, at your April 4, 1978 meeting, directed the City Attorney to prepare the necessary document approving the Regional Air Quality Strategy and Imple- mentation Program and Tactic Tl. The resolution approving the program, subject to certain reservations, is attached. Exhibit Resolution No.,'%�' Recommendation It the City Council concurs, your action is to adopt Resolution No.,z'__. Council action 4-18-78 Resolution #5372 was adopted, approving the Regional Air Quality Strategy, RAQS Implementation Program, and Tactic Tl. 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 0 m co 9 � � U "0 G 10 in 0' �G 12 LJ0 13 > 14 v, 15 16 17 18 79 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 5372 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE REGIONAL AIR QUALITY STRATEGY, RAPS IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM, AND TACTIC Tl,SUBJECT TO CERTAIN RESERVATIONS. WHEREAS, all local jurisdictions within the San Diego region reviewed and adopted one of several alternative air quality strategies proposed by the San Diego Air Quality Planning Team in 1976; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Planning Organization and the Air Pollution Control Board adopted the Regional Air Quality Strategy (RAQS) and,Air Management Process; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Planning Organization and the Air Pollution Control Board have been designed by the Caisfornia Air Resources Board as co -lead agencies to prepare the air quality attainment and maintenance plan for the San Diego region as required by federal regulations; and WHEREAS, the air quality attainment and maintenance plan will be based on the RAQS and directed at achieving federal air quality standards in the region and maintaining them over the next 20 years; and WHEREAS, the attainment and maintenance of air quality standards is directly related to plans and facilities for accom- modating population gxjwth and development; NOTI, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 '.9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City of Carlsbad endorses the Regional Air Quality Strategy as shown in Attachments 1, 2, 3 and 4, and is committed to participating in the implementation of the RAQS tactics, attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. That the City of Carlsbad adopts the RAQS implementation program as accepted by the Environmental Protection Agency in June, 1977, v 4. That subject to certain reservations the City of Carlsbad agrees to implement tactic Tl (modified) - Coordinated Land Use and Transportation Actions, which is part of the RAQS implementation program accepted by the EPA, through: A. Continuing to participate in the biennial Regional Growth Forecasting process. B. Referring proposed general and community plans or plan amendments which the City Council finds to be inconsistent with the location and timing of development in the current Regional Growth Forecasts to the CPO Board of Directors for review and recommendations regarding consistency with tactic Tl (modified), and the RAQS. 5. That the City of Carlsbad agrees to participate in refining the RAQS and preparing the air quality attainment and maintenance plan, and will hold any appropriate hearings on adopting the measures and programs proposed. 2. 1II 6. That this resolution is subject to the reservations 2 regarding the '-Regional Growth Forecasts as previously expressed 3 by the City Council in Resolution No. 5237, adopted October 18, 4 1977. Said resolution approved CPO Growth Forecasts as amended 5 by the City of Carlsbad as follows: ,6 A. The forecasts were accepted as valid only as modi- 7 fied and only for two years. 8 B. Said acceptance was conditioned on an updating n 91 of the forecasts for Carlsbad in 1979 to make CO 0 10 adjustments as necessary to recognize the affects c U C% ox~ 11 of our sewer moratorium, Coastal Act planning o>-:a a ;� 12 efforts, the approval of inland satellite sewage ti: u t z zofl 13 treatment plans and differences of opinion re the 0 0 a ` 14 size of average households in Carlsbad. 151 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 16 City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 18th day of April 17 1978, by the following vote, to wit: 18 AXES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear avid Councilwoman Casler 19 NOES: None 20 ABSENT: None 21 RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor 22 ATTEST: .,� 24 AlMA�� E. ADAMS, ity Clerk 25 (SEAT,) 26 27 28 Km jj re\'i::'O.;j i; 11ILGIONAL AIR QU-ILITI' S'll2r"►`1'l GY TACTIC TIC NUi•t!.',i:R'` TTiC'x':CC A'liliZ:r: P2.. Suriz:;:c Cleaning 113 P4 St;r-Coca Coating FP Gasolinc Volatility Rudurt;ion 1S Califoxnic-A l ini.isi ons StiiitiGti'trds 1 or Y-ig ]i Duty Vc.:))iC! c S 1.14 California 5/25 l.;:isaust. Lm.i;:sions st.lw-e'a.:t,- and B\° 1pQrative .:tandaxd vor :leavy Veil is 1 as 10, 1 ddit`onal Bvc.pj.(aUvc: Em.f.rry. ps Oil Nlr.w Light Utl i y Veh iclo's 1�1 Dry Clecalers 1`11 Inspoct Ion and mait)t nivmce of on- nu,,,.:a VeUc les Tf i California Eiaia,s: ioils Stclne arr7si for S,:r; etw T3 'Commui►i;-at:.i.oia:: anti liarnc Goons Volivory T7 maxinwin bicycle S,ySc.--:n A2 }:\r+i;loJ".cf vC' Con,' rol'a oil New Gt�nera Avl cat -cm Aircral is MI EIIIJSS7�an Standard fox" Off -Road Ik"k.,•y gouty Vt)fai t it.. h.,quill Io Jf a.i4ilnl.Za4i i �Yl l'il `15�+".i+ Hoavy blity velacq('s *St:c f'irsrlJ Report; for aoinral:t•to tlt,3'init.ican c�i t;ztci;ic., D_ TACTIC NUMt3IM >. T,"e Y.?. WA TACTIC NA14F I,axi,mum, Carpoolr.;/Vanrpools with Incc_ntive:: Home Utilities Engines Gosoline Vapor Reuovery at 95% Ccord4na-Led Land Use ,and Trcinsportat ion ?1CtlO.is Research into pold.ut4.nt txarsport from thtc South Coa:>;: Air is inaladed as a part of 'this strategy. Sce Final ACP.Ort for completc def i nktionn of tartics See Attachr,,cnt: 3-, clarification of proposed tactic Sce Iittachment, 4, doscxiption of proposed process Rnu.,.a) An),,ci fvfa r 2 PRO SM AT", ITOC ESS /a ATR QifA1 T'l Y I'f:v'i1 'v`,f C0-3lb71f•{!;f'l0A GROUP Polio SXTMX The Regional Air Quality Strnt.efry (1bAQS) is a joint cffurt involving the oil - tile r, orxian i ty; the Coonty of S, o Diego, the c i t tes of San Di cage C otv?t y all(] the Coma>rehen'sivu Planning Organizatic,a. This attacl,a:cnt is dcsJt.lcd to provide a Cooperative Process :wherein cavii agc ncy :u: flat Cctit, i j hhicl? has a fund L( la l responsibility for a part of the clean air program r:i.Jl retain authority and responsibility in that functional area. Technological cone rcls over f,ixel sources, for instaa,ce, are cJcaz ly the res- ponsibility of the A?CB and authority in this arco rents ?pith the A1'Ci3. Land use and transportation responsjhjlii.y is joi:ltly held 1.1V tale C0031i)', the C,1tjU.,, the Port Authority, ..j-d the Comp,rehcn.­ive Maa?Tning Org;aa lzation. Functional responsibilities in those aceus rest with the respecOve jurisdictions. The overwhelming; majorit; of 11liQ3 control tactics are techuologica,l controls f`or which the APCB is lead ag,enq. Once this region ha.. achic%cd clear. o it standards, 1ro.;evwr, it is likoly that land use and tro sp7s tation tactW Vil taRe oil greater i11 port„t?cc in maintainarig the standards. Docisieaas to impose tactics, rvl?rtiT r Soy are ochnkari controls evni di wat. sources a land use enj transportation measures, affect each agency in this rglon. It is app;oprlatc therefore Sit an air rnanag;ement process is app.,ovcd uhich recognizes lead eigKy respo,as.ibility in hcops ag with the; responsibility and authority that the ug,ency ha-, iai a functional area an;! that the fv.Q3 and this process be jointly sulnitted to the ARIi and ''Ylk by the APCF and the CYO. Coordination Process Achieving; and maintaining clean air stondolis rceiuires 1:and use ,and traatsporta- tion straaNg;ies as ucll as fcchuological coOt.rols over Mect pollution sot,acea, The eombinnc1 strategies and controJx will affect all Saa Diegans, the bisincos, coimiuniity and all local govenx.s::ats. Succcss of tlae prug ram rccluiros a sy"te,, of public an'olvew,at and inter-as•.e„cy cioldinat.ioa. Toi,ard that a:nd, the fol- lotving, aa'an'tfcn,erat process is devigocd to aSSUM 11100141inn of grog;r011 c;fcc.tiXW- ness and provida the oppurtuniLy for prug;ram revision through c.ont inued in- volvement of interested and affected citizens, gipup5, and Jocal g,oveinlunt. 1. The responsibility and authority of existing agencies will be used to carry out the Regional Air Quality Wratog;y (RAQSJ ; no auw agencies will be created. 2, The Air Pollution Cnutrol District (APCM) will be responsilale IN all pollution moulturing: emissions iamentauying;; htc:tc:oroJug;ieal ananlysiv; operation of air cpulits modules; and investigation, ,hiTlC9na'ntat.,ion, au?d on;forcoment of technological controls. 3. TV M05 in Saul Ui(:i;o CVIMtY, the County t,r Sal! 13i( U, the Ccmllrc' hensive Planning Or;;mMatiolu (139), t1K. Unified I;'url J FIrict, and othCr a)),)-rUprl.%te eltncieb will include alx quality considcrations in all land use and transportation actions subjuc:t to t1hu Ca i.Jornia PnvironxiQntal Quality Act of J970 (CI ZA) by addressing; consistency wi.til the ItluQS as part of requirc(l fnviroull,; ltal JJnp;.ct I" Orts. 4. The CPO will be respunsible for providing, Hai._olh among; the cities involved in carrying; out �,nd/or updating the Jlcgional. Air QlTality Strategy. Tire CPO 1 a11 I1c 1es,1�n. i.ble for prcwieiing; coordination between the Section 20i Water Q.lality planning Progrma and the Regional Air Quality Strategy. S. The Policy Advisor," CvrTztte. p,C), consistia, of the Chairman of the CPO Board ci 17irccl•c:rs, HIM of tin City Of Sall Diego, and ll.e hn(:;abers of the County Poah.3 of op,rvisors sbali continl:c. The Mc ltilll Tnonztor 'alhe over:ali prolrea, (if tbc Itf.QS acrid Will subTitit to the cities, the County, anca 111e CFC) hoard of Ilircctors x(Coa..enc<(t or;s for propran; inIprov(,r; nt or 2JA1J3if,T:tution wo.Iificarion:, G. The Co)muni.ty Reso"Tce Mel consisting of a broad dross section of public interests and affected p.abli.c agencies shall coJltiThul' to fulhc- t.iolh. Filling Of Va�an"ies QT al�d'.ilV17a1 hp�;oi.ntJi'ms shall be reccn- Trended by the Panel anc+ al)nravcd Iby the Poi ic,- Advieory The Coll0:t1]ii-iy, pan=i1 shall nlonkor the JJ;pIc?il:T:ii:UoA of Go RAQS ?.hid submit reco,Tnc:J,oatjolnS to t.fb. PAC. 71,e (Alim2nity Resourco Panel shall also function, as a subcollJnittce aJ' the later Q.Jal".y f Proarwn Area i.de rl:nnbz .g Advisoq Co.Anittee. Air Qirc NaMon Gxo.111 7. Ail Mr chaality Prog;rmn Coordination Group 511a11 be, composed of a ,designated rellresenwatiNQ from the Air pailutiun Contra Board, the. CPO, the County o{ San Dle u, th(: City of San PJtgo, :11d tilt Count).- City 114,)nagarS( Assocint;on. The Group shall POn:i.or th(: total aJI quality pz`clgxrlm, •evaluJst c the eil"cct7vune4;, V ,__ a lnented, identify needs for revision of the 1Z1QS, reculrancud alterna- tives for such revision, and assi; t in iniciloveimmenial coor(lina0011 and information. The Group Will ;•r►_,ort at least, quarterly to thr Collraulnit}' Idesoulrce Panel and Polj(.y Advisory CkYWDittcr (,n the stat(1:s of program illllalemcataltaon. The Gaolll> a�i.?1 also laursucl resoluriion of intorg;overnJnental, air quality strategy administrative prolllcm::, MI idrnt:ify needs for ►•cvisiolh of the RAQS Tu)d re:cuniend alt(rrat.iv& to effect such revision. The Group shall, as neccSsar) , bold joint nlactings with the later Quality ITogram Mzinag anent Conran Lev. 8. The Wort, prog,"h'001 Will he do\1eJvI)(-J by bald ow-11i i M! to funhctional responsibilities e.sa., the J1310) will perfonll a rcr%Zonal air quality impact anNsis, the (31 will provide growth pro ivctions and prepare long•'r�ONge triulspvrt., Llon plane and cool'dinale Ali - quality hiprovelllent Efforts of t:1hc affected general pu111ose 11,0verl"s anti s,aecia7. cIz: trios. Cotart} an Ci1:y Lovexnmcnts willl carry out those acLac,as a� 1,c Cu( ci for t,hi.c Ii �hul are lead t.gency as defanc<l in the RAIQS and CI.QA, 9. The CPO will appoint one per:con to act as staff to the Air Quality Program Coorelim-tion Group. I ;VPTACI*,j::wT 3 Cz,:+t IFICL'110,a OF VCT%C P7, VAPOR Rh:COVJ`R': AT 95t. Tactic 117 call._: for an increo,;c in the control of: va porgy in Lhe, stoca att and tralnsi e. G{ g a-,oline ::Poll. 90% rkllt.l to Wt., in 1985. As indicated in the description of P7 in the Pair. Quality Planning T%2am Final. I;apox_t, it is quite possi.bl.c that. llo Significant }l,-lrrluare: cti m jf.,s woult.' invul.ved. Pxoce3 i.ng units that: have heen tc.:.t:ed by the 2Air Pollution Cc,ntrol. District. (icPCU} ini3icut_i. that a 951 e_ffici_cncy or circa; c r ca.n be achieved. Vie —problems wit.-, the syst:emj z.alrc reliani.lity and c:ollecti.on efficiency at: the vehicle. PO i lbility is ila; roving as minc,.r tochni.cal zo e resolved Rcliz.bility can be aria inLuined with an act 3.Vr~, a 8.i;t, as planned by the E ,ICD. Finally, ,C the St "Le a S 90-day aaJt.lilds of-S.— iklld 3-yP,ir. v,a�7rr'lizy roquirG''., ntS for t.a r ti.L- tZ. I -I r!1;`.'Id :CIlf-T.ii r improve the: syst;e iris . 1rfficienc,,' at the nozzle vehicle. int%C:rfaee %jj. .l. also-J.s:..:aE3cc, for two reasons. Fir nt, both thl!! Sta,:- and Guve nm nts, are requiring stanaardized Sill pip as on all c�='th 1978 California modes. By 1—br 5U to 7oc. of 011 ve �rlas Sbotilci have st-at-1--ardized 3 i.il Flap z. SaGGnts, i-iC-1C i.-, rC'tson to believe 1,:I1at no :.si well cbov '_lo;x u as it might he and ili1p;:0 eme`:i': of noLzle design should l:iuvi.C'u fuzi-hel eff3.ci.e:icy in a few years. Thus, Tactic P7 ruay be achieved with little or no clizsnge in the CUxren T.G(J1114;L >.Ly program, a-ssui ling that Secondary 3:ecovexy syst.Olus are Zinolly installed and standardized axtitoirot:ive fill pipe r.equ i.xmment_s are impIcDielited. M 1'I)MM iOT 4 1'1i01'i ,i,D I'ROCt:,;.: i't1� COWIDI11P�'J ED LTi11D USE Ti'A 1) TO 11;1', OZ'f, ,AIR QU :LITY General i7r:;cr) Lion This process pJ: )poses; tO achi t v ail` cl>.lal i t.y i+r,p ovel:lent s: tnrowill coordi,n.iterl lanl usO W'd vraw-port.alion a(.t' )llS 1+' local gunc.)-al, purpose govel;m),Ints, tilt' C07' rehclt i.Ue 1'l.,nninc3 Oa gani Vut.iort (%i)O) , tXansit c_Ut:hf ri:i,es, anct the Uni,fiec'. )':., t: DiE trict. At t ho p; c scni i xm,,., 4llexe e):).s'+ s in thr. tt D C90 Ttcgion a %c c�ional rGiUT)zG'1)�n�ZVC I'.. to (RCP)inc�l d' .14 12CC1'011al 'YAan''pf,rL<+trall Plilll tRTL'} adopted by C:I'C. `!'l2e'' ' �3? c;Cl e):zsi: a $Cf_ U� gcnc�? ai plans ,which ilwc: adopted ',v ,3 _ltt:ial pOrE-cse loci.jl govc. nments. nl:t z11E:xC 4twe "3 •, `iipd' ib)_l Lt: it WhichG::»_'.t bet'l�:en tit 'C.' At present, plans: l4hLci? ]:lL` ?i ... wivi t13G t ial::li�4.2`i and maiatenanct-, ox clt-3n This prczor—:,rt pJ.ocess recognizes tho val-'Oity of bt?tn ?ocal renoxal plans u.Y':.t the RCP as; Of:f-.ciz,11Y aCiQP—d .taild ut,c a,,16 traik`portat:),Utt Y101i C� ): Sail WaSlo. This proposr--d PrOCOS-5 C7lV`•_::J_O l )OUCI'• i1CFi�:2i.�n tO atll c;c ne -a:t. plan; and talc ,2CP so as tca to consist nncy of pt~ri:oaE ar,cl achieve e ai = uva?.i.ty benef i_i :- C:Clmpat:iil:i,li.ty an;ong thoac:.` plans an6 policieS vou)d b— b-mu7ht ahc.,ut by a cooperative effort, be:Lwcen local and CPO wherein incompatibi.?,iti(--s advt:Yaely af•;t ue-t4.nq c:iY gild'Gii y arc-, jointly -3emlicified, appropriate changes c.oternli.tte-cl, and than ti..Se changes px0posc:cl to local agoncics or CPO aS aPP - Oriate. after convi.deriny the pxoposc d chancle: , actions •ray C.1 0 :'lld local agencies do not: resolve i.ncom;•)atibilitie:s N"hich interfere with achievL,mant or trailltanance of clean airstandar(13, the;) tI - local agency plan may nuverthel.es y Jje effectuated if the local agency ddopts it by at". least a rirajority votve This proposed land w,e and tiansrortatiOn protons incI udOs fo'-nu);'- t:ion of an ai.r. quality impact: as. c S5ill,lnt Mci,11odOlog}' f analy� li<2 proposer) changer, to clencral plans or changes to +_i:e PC,'. The Air pollut:iorl Control. Distil<:t -L.. Ci2trent`.?.Y f�ormllalinl mach a methoG' ologv with '+.hc, asmstance of CPO. If 4hC:rr is regiort�al approval of. Lhi s lane: 118C <1:)CI i.Y_4711= t ilri Fl�ion process then a c1lizo)(3e to State law may bo sough:, if nc,t`etcd.