HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-04-18; City Council; 5414; Request for Funding Senior Citizens Associationw CITY OF CARLSBAD 4 AGENDA BILL 110. initial: jUr DATE:- April 18, 1978 Dept.Rd. C. Atty. W DEPARTMENT: City Manager � C: Mgr. subject: Request For. Funding Carlsbad Senior Citizens Association Statement of the Matter The Carlsbad Senior Citizens Association has requested funding from he City of -Carlsbad in the amount -of $29,030 for Fiscal 'Year 197.8- 'M. At the present time, the Association maintains a Senior'Citizens Center at 294,5+Harding Street. The Center is open, eight hours a day, Monday through Friday and offers a number of programs and activities for senior citizens. The Association, in cooperation with the Carlsbad' ;Unified School District, also operates a Nutrition Program five days a week at Jefferson School. In addition to these activities, a social hour is sponsored by the•Association one afternoon a creel: at the Lutheran Nome. Several new programs are scheduled to be implemented in 197849, The Association hopes to expand'the Nutrition Program to incjude home- delivered meals to disabled seniors. Two additional health, --screening services are also proposed and the -Association. plans to establish bingo games to help, raise funds for their programs. A more detailed report from Raymond Ede, President of the Carlsbad -Senior Citizens 'Association is attached. Exhibit 1. Report from Carlsbad Senior Citizens Association dated, March 23,, 1978--Exhibit "A" 3 - " Recommendation That this item be referred to staff for discussion as part of .the preliminary budget. if"Council'• refers to discuss the matter now, it should be "removed from the 'consent calen,, ar. Council action 4-18-78 'Che matter was referred to staff" for -discussion as part of the preliminary budget. ' f ' Exhibit "A" Incorporated in the State of California, June 25, 1975 Corporate number 738726 A Non -Profit Corporation CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION March 23, 1978 2945 Harding Strut Carlsbad, California 92008- Phone (711) 729.0484 TO: PAUL BUSSEY, CITY MANAGER FROM: CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS ASSOCIATION, INC. SUBJECT: BUDGET REQUEST - FY 78-79 On behalf of the Carlsbad Senior Citizens Association and Executive Board, I respectfully submit the Program Budget Request for FY 1978-7.9. Attached program delivery services indicate Goals and Action Steps for FY 78-79. Two new services being planned reflect the needs Assessment developed along with Goals and Action Steps. Evaluation on each Project has built in measurements by the numbers, as each goal reflects. -Quality of service will be evaluated through a telephone and bulletin outreach program. In researching the recent Carlsbad Human Needs assessment, the five below listed areas were examined. 1. HOUSING - (A) Fixed and low income seniors have been forced to move7fxom life -time residences due to inflation. An inquiry to HUD revealed a total of 85 seniors on a waiting list. Many who have been waiting more than a year. (BY The Association will begin to explore -the possibility of ident- ifying.and/or assisting in obtaining emergency housing. 2. LACKOF ECONOMIC PUBLIC TF'ANSPORTATION (A) Impacts Seniors severely, thus making many needed services inaccessible. (B) The Association will obtain, this fiscal year, a van and design a modified "Dial A Ride" transportation system. The goals and action steps are incorporated in some of the attached programs already in place and new services to be introc.uced. 3. MEDICAL AND HEALTH SERVICES (A) Difficult to obtain because of geogrTphi placement of most funded health programs. (B) Our health screening service which is now blood pressure service will be expanded to include diabetes and anemia screening. When we move into larger quarters we will endeavor to expand our health screening to encompass complete physical exams. 4. 'INADEQUATE NUTRITION (A) Lack of system of food delivery on weekends and 'holidays. No home delivered meals. Little use of home help services available. • Page 2 1 1« ) (B) While the fellowship luncheon is School District, it is impossible to holidays. However, under our service will be contracting with a qualified days a week. under contract with the Carlsbad service meals on weekends and of "Rome Delivered Meals" we agency who supply meals seven S. LACK OF EMPLOYMENT JPP=1UNITIES (A) Impacts numbers of senior citizens who are willing and able to work. (B) During the fiscal year of 78-79 the Association will do a complete needs assessment of seniors wanting and capable of employment. If the need exists we will establish.a Senior Employment desk, and tetilizing Fedexal, State and private agencies, attempt to supply employment. The Carlsbad Senior Citizens Association presently has seven service delivery programs in -operation, we are noK serving approximately 700 clients per month in direct services and 454 clients in referral service. A 32% increase over FY 1.977--78. Follow up inquiries on quality of services we deliver is accomplished by 30% of our monthly total contract., However,,, it is estimated we could, expand our service delivery to 1600 clients per month if we had more space. This estimation relates only to our prevent registration of approximately 3000. Our rate of registration projected through June 30, 1978 will be 3500 to 3600 members. However, registration only does trot reflect the fact that we serve approximately another 10 to 15% of the senior population who are not registered. It is noted that on September 7, 1,976, that it was moved and seconded by the City Council that certain proposed spaces be allotted the Senior Citizens. Thar regulations and usage of the Center be reviewed in six months and revise& as deemed necessary, However, a 32% incr�ase in service delivery p�.us the availability of more programs with more space alloted reflects a need of total use "rectory" upon our moving. The Association suggests that. this dear we should begin a five year planning program. We would request the City Council consider donating the St. Patricks property to the Carlsbad Senior Citizen Association at some point.in the near future. The Association would then be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of this property. Guidelines on authorizing use of the facilities could be devised in such a way that the Association would be responsible for programming other agency or grouts use of the facilities. In line with the increase of program delivery services plus fund generating projects, it has become necessary to appoint coordinators for each area. Therefore, the Executive Board has decided to contract with an "Executive Director" position, rather than coordinator for rY 19"/ :-.79. In conclusion, the Carlsbad Senior Cit.�.zens Associatior., through self generating funding projects, will attempt to decrease its budget k Page 3 request from'City of Carlsbad starting-1Y 1979-80. In our five Year Planning Process we -are anticipating becoming sustaining service agency to Carlsbad Seniors.prWe�would aalso flike to thank the members of the City Council and the City Manager for the support given to our Agency, and in turn, we will attempt to improve and continue the quality of service to clear growing number of Raymond C. Ede, President ?JackAM. 04immihk, Coordinator RCE/JMI/ab Page 4 011*1 • iNFORMATION AND REFERRAL SERVICES Goal To integrate a county -wide information and referral service for 3,500 clients into the Carlsbad Senior Center for information, counseling, referral and brokerage of available services. This service to be accomplished by June 30, 1979. Action Steps 1. Design and establish a uniform "service inventory" system as integral components of long range centralized information and referral system. 2. Develop a network of cooperating information and referral programs that will meet the iaentified needs of Carlsbad Seniors. 3. Establish an information and -referral system evaluation process which compares the relative effectiveness of problem identification and referral appropriateness. SOCIAL HOUR (RECREATIONAL) Goals To make available a recreational service that will reach approximately 40 seniors on weekly basis. This service meets the recognized need of loneliness, widowed, etc. Action Steps Encourage interested participants to become involved in a small weekly recreational activity through monthly bulletin and news media. FELLOWSIIIP LUNCHEON Goals (A) To serve one nutritious meal and provide supportive services to persons at least 55.years of age, with a .Focus on serving: I. Low i�,come persons who cannot afford to eat properly. 2. Persons widowed and/or living alone and lacking incentive to prepare well-balknced meals. 3. Persons with limited mobility and handicaps that make shopping and meal preparation difficult. 4. Persons who are lonesome and need companionship. (B) To reach a total of 30 persons daily during fiscal year 1978-1979. Action Steps 1. Through monthly bulletin and news media. 2. By changing location of meals served from present location to Harding Street Community Center site. 3. Through a telephone Reassurance program, attempt to identify seniors in need of nutritional services. { Page' 5 i HOME -DELIVERED MEALS Needs Assessment Through a prior "Meals On Wheels" program servicing Carlsbad, disabled seniors, and a recent bulletin sur- vey, 11 clients have been identified as needing home - delivered meals by December 31, 1978. Goals A. To serve at least two nutritious meals (one hot lunch and cold snack) and provide supportive services to disabled persons at least 55 years of age. B: To attempt to reach a minimum of 12 disabled clients by December 31, 1978. Acti.on.Steps 1. :Identify those persons in need of special diet and contract with local, qualified agencies to prepare the meals. 2. Develop an acceptable plan of meal delivery to each client. 3. Contract with an accepted food preparation facility. 4. Recruit, identify and train volunteers to supply the necessary services and needs of clients. 5. Establish a fund to purchase a van for home-de7.;yArA,a meals, shopping, doctors and dentists' visits, etc. Senior Citizens' Community Fair to be the vehicle by which funds will be raised for van purchase. 6. Purchase a "hot box" that will keep meals warm at the prescribed temperature of 1400. HEALTH SCREENING. Goals 1. To provide, at no cost to the client, a blood pressure screening that will reflect a normal pressure, or a need for doctor referral. We will attempt to reach. 60 new members by June 30, 1979. 2 To provide, at no cost to the client, a diabetes screening service. We expect to reach 300 clients by June 30, 1979. 3. To provide, at no cost to the client, an anemia screening service. We expect to reach 300 clients by June 30, 1979. Action Steps 1. Through Association membership, establish a working group of retired FINS and registrars who will perform blood pressures. Other screenings will be performed by certified medical technicians (CETA) from Oceanside Health Clinic. 2. Reach persons in need of blood pressure service through monthly bulletin and news media. Page 6 h TELEPHONE REASSURANCE Needs Assessment Thr.3ugh direct telephone request from Association members and a recent questionnaire through the monthly bulletin, a total of 18 clients have been identified as needing telephone reassurance. Goals To establish a telephone reassurance program that will reach a minimum of 18 client., by December 31, 1978. Action Steps 1. Appoint a volunteer chairman. 2. Develop a comprehensive plan for service. 3. Identify and train volunteer callers,. PARA-LEGAL ASSISTANCE 'Goals To provide legal assistance to all Carlsbad seniors who have indicated a need. Ongoing program, no completion target date. .Action _Steps Provide trained para-legal person who 'is able to determine if a client"s-needs should be referred to an attorney by thorough screening. SPANISH CLASSES Goals 'To provide Spanish lessons, primary and advanced, to all seniors interested in speaking a,second language. To ' attempt to create a common bond of community understanding through other language comprehensions. Target of reaching 30 seniors,by June 30, 1979. Action Steps By identifying the availability of these classes through a monthly Senior Bulletin and news media. The Association will attempt to -reach the greatest number of seniors. Page 7 FY 1.978-79 Budget A. Personnel 1. Executive Director 2. Part Time Help a. Nutrition Coordinator b. Bookkeeper C. Driver (Van) B. Maintenance &'Operation 1. Utilities a. Gas & Electric b. Telephone 2. Postage (Bulletin) 3. Office Expense 4. Equipment,Repair S. Insurance a. Workmans Comp. b. Liability C. Programs I. Luncheon 2. Home -delivered Meals 3. Para -legal 4. health Screening (Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Anemia) 5. Information & Referral 6. Social (Recreational) 7. Telephone Reassurance 8. Spanish Classes D. Capital Outlay L. Van (Lease, Insurance, Gas•& Oil, etc.) 2. Bingo Equipment 3. Buildng Fund " TOTAL BUDGET $ 15, 60Q. 00 3,600.00 2,000.06 2,880.00 560.00 1,275.00 1,200.00 606.00 386.00 1, 000..00 2,000.00 5,544.00 500.00 3,-571.00t 2,000.00 11,523.06 $ 54,175.00 Projected Cash Income I. Fellowship Luncheon a. Participant Donations $ 6,440.00 b. Other (Country Friends, Women's Club, etc..) 1,900.00 2. Community Fair 1,800.00 3. Bingo 15,000'.00 Total Projected Income $ 25,140.00 Carlsbad Senior Citizen Association $ 25,140.00 City of Carlsbad (Request) 29.,035.00 $ 54,175.00 i S t• I Page 8 ,. 'FY_1978-79 Budget (Continued) In the event that it will be necessary to stay at the 2945 Harding Street office for approximately six months, we respectLully request an additional rental allowance of $2,229.12. It's important at this point to bring to the attention o€ the .Council that volunteers, (a most important cog in the wheel of service) donated 1,685 ho•irs. This translated into dollars, would reflect $23,055.00 per annv;a. V