HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-05-02; City Council; 5393-1; SALE OF WATER DEPARTMENT OWNED PROPERTY MESA DRIVE OCEANSIDEc CITY OF CARLSBAD w 9 AGENDA BILL NO. 5393 Supplement No. 1 Initial: DATE : May 2, 1978 DEPARTMENT: City Manager Subject : Dept . Hd. - C. Atty. \,)g C. Mgr. 1 ,- SALE OF WATER DEPARTMENT OWNED PROPERTY (Mesa Drive - Oceanside) - Statement of the Matter The City of Carlsbad has received bids for the sale of thq Mesa Drive reservoir site. The City Council shall open all sealed proposals received, examine them and declare them in public session. Of the proposals submitted, which conform Intention to Sell and which are made by responsible bidders, the proposal which is the highest shall be finally accepted, unless a higher oral bid is accepted or the Council rejects all bids. Each sealed bid must be accompanied by a Bidder's Bond or certified check in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid. If, upon the call for oral bidding, any responsible person off1 to purchase the property upon the terms and conditions specifi in the resolution, for a price exceeding by at least five perc (5%) the highest written proposal which is made by a responsib person, such highest oral bid shall be finally accepted unless Council rejects all bids. The City Council at the session, if it deems such action to be for the best public interest, may reject any and all bids, eit written or oral, and withdraw the property from sale or waive be made either at the same session or at any adjourned session the same meeting.held within the ten days next following. to all terms and conditions specified in the Resolution of informality of the sale, The final acceptance by the Council Exhibit Resolution No. Jf'3 & Recommendation Council may, as outlined in the Resolution of Intention, acceF or reject all bids. Council action 5-2-78 Resolution #5402 was adopted, authorizing sale of real pro1 to James R. Gerrard in the amount of $82,898.00. .4 1 2 3 4 Ti 6 7 p 9 10 V 0 JXESOLUTION NO. - 5402 A RESOLUTIOX OF THE CITY COUlJCIL OF TIIE CITY OF CkRLSBAD I CALIFORNIA l AUTKORI ZITJG TIIE SALT: OF REAL PliOPERTY OF T9E CITY NOT NEEDED FOR PUBLIC USE AS DESCRIBED IN RESOLUTION NO. 5365, AFJD I-IEliI;IINAF??ER PIORZ PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED, TO -- ---l.ll-___-."-.I. JAMES R. - GERRAPTD 1_-. --.-- FOR TEE SUI4 OF $ 82,898,Oi) ____- i 1 _c_--- SUBJECT TO THE TEE??? AND COND1:TIONS 1IEREOF e -__I ______-- WTIEREHS I the City Council duty adopted Resolution No. ! 1 on April. 4, 1972 r declaring the real property, hereinafter described-, is not needed by the City for public use, is not -k,z .' 0 6 m v)m aiid declaring its intention -to sell the same; and I FQKERCPS, this Plannlng Conmissi.on of the City of Oceans: 0 c> - :;r ~. _I =!- c> c u, "4 ? 0 i$gn. 16 %, zg il c: 2 5 .? 5 1 VJitb .tl-le Geneiyai Plail; and IBHERTXS, a public hearing to consider any pro-tests of . LI z 2 q CI rL f,2 z 0 (fl 5~ g 17 >$ <I t- 18 19 20 o I I 1 was held on ?,lay 2, 197B, in -the Ciky Rail, 1200 Elm Auenrie, I C 3. r 1 sb ad I C a 1 i f o rn. i a ; NOW, THEREP3RJ3, BE IT RZSOLVZD by the Ciky Councj.1 of I j Citrr of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 26 27 28 ! for the highest; bid price received in the amount of I $82,89; 1 which sun is not. less than the minimum price designated in I I liesolution No. 5365. 4 1. 2 3 4 5 G 7 .8 9 10 11 l2 n < -J 0 $? m 13 .K x E< 0 CI LLI 5 3-.$ e e 3. That the real property to be sold by the City is s ,in the City of Oceanside, County of San Diego, State of Cal more particularly described as follows: "A Portion of the East One Quarter of Section 24, Township 11. South, Ra-nge 5 West, San Diego County, San fSernl?,:-dino Base and !!esidian. " It is further id-en'cfied as Assessor's Parcel I NO. 143-07-28. excep-kinq- a portion of said property as shown on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, which shall be ret by the City of Carlsbad. I 4. That the. F'ia.yor and City Clerk are authorized to ex 1 on behalf of the City, a Grant Deed for the above-described 1 13XQ13ertyf sub jec:-k 'LO conditions , restrictions I reservations ~ easenienks, rights of way of record, if any. 1 > .A iL'1.s CI < n' 4 UfL m $& 16 gs y cashi.er's check,. to the City, and shall- he payable at the c ~ of the City Clerk, i > L rL l.7 , G< >Q t. u Bidders sh2l.l solely assume all costs related to I 3-9 20 2 1- 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 transaction, incl-uding escrow fees, if escrow j.s wanted. '1 City shali secu;re a policy of title insurance which shall 1 the City's sole expense. 1 6. This 5~ile is snbject to the City's recordation of minor subd-ivision map, separating the property to be retail the City, from t:hat to be sold, The purchase price sha.11 lx within io days of the recordation of said map. /// /// /// 2. .- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. 1-2 0 Q ; g D I3 .[II c\I cc 0 Cil ;* npJZ :: !J- 5 1-4 W 0 ,, PASSED, APPROVET) HIE ADOPTED at a regular meeting of tl . City Council on the 2nd day of May , 1978, by thc __-I__- following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Pa.ckard, ,Skotnicki, Anear and 1.JOES 2 None ABSENT : None Councilwoman Casler ,/---- .__,_.._. -"' ') / ,//' {' ; -T- ((y'7.i. /i...& --- RONALD C . PRCKARD , Mayor ATTES'T : I /,/."-I .---/,f t I /' i,' !; 1 -------- rmwm~; ,,,' // 6 /,d t! l 1 (SEAL) 1 z '%[T "0 L' I 2 Q 0 ;: 5 LC. 330,;; 1-5 wo $&Err?' 16; ggp< 5,' 2 171 a< >" tr 0 18 e: z 0 Y; 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 27 26 28 ~ I i i I 3. OI) -. 4-w -- . .___ .. e.. .- * .I 1- *. < ao- .. . . - 1.. 4 I .- ., * - .lV11J7'- .. $? 4 1 /* _.--- __ I .? 3yf ...!.'.,: /.. ,,; :_. '. fye.&- ,-, ,$pa A7 . TP-4- - S:,/,t , ._,_ I .. ,, : :.- !,. , ., J A>;' L. ,L 4*<7p /;- c-q -&- /I&rSaR*s (zd #et t ," -I,/ b'/ L i. I-c ,- - / // ii' t EXHIEIT A to RESOLUTION NO ----_._ . .. \Car/&ad/ Journal 0 Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of Son Diego County 3088 PI0 PIC0 AVENUE 0 P.O. BOX 248 0 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 0 729-2345 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled mal I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general circulc printed and published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Californic which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a ge character, and which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscr list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and published at re intervals in .the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exce one year next preceding the date of publicat RESOLUTION NO. 5365 the notice hereinafter referred to; and thc COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF notice of which the annexed is a printed cop) DECLARING CARLSBAD, THAT CALIFORNIA CERTAiN been published in each regular and entire iss PROPERTY, HEREINAFTER said newspaper and not in any supple DESCRIBED, IS NOT REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC USE AND DECLARING ITS thereof on the following dates, to-wit: INTENTION TO SELL SAID REAL PROPERTY AT PUBLIC AUCTION. WHEREAS,the CityofCarlsbad is the larly described, which parcel was orig- inally obtained as a part of the City Water System; and WHEREAS, said real property is not now needed for public use and. is not ational development and WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has recommended that said par- cel be declared “surplus”; and bestinterestsoftheCitytosetisaid real Property at public auction to the high- est bidder; and WHEREAS, on July 16, 1973, the Planning Commission of the City of Oceanside did determine that the loca- tion, Purpose and extent of said real Property disposition is in conformity with the adopted General Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE. of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council hereby finds that the public interest and conve- nience necessitates the sale ofthe here- Clam said property “surplus” and de- clares its intention to sell said property 4. That the City Council hereby de- ClareSthat said property is not capable 5. That the minimum price for which said Property shall he sold shall be not less than $56,500.00 cash. 6. That the real property to be sold is situated in the City of Oceanside, COuntyofSan Diego,StateofCalifornia, hoirnded and dmrrihed as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY owner of a parcel hereinaRer particu- Apri.1 . .19. ..................... 15 capable of being used for parkor recre- ................................. 15 WHEREAS, it appears to he in the ................................. 1‘ 15 ................................. SOLVED by the City Council of the City ................................. 1s inafter described real property. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and correct. Executed at Carlsbad County of Sari State of Ca!ifornia on at public auction to the highest bidder. day of ?prl 1 7 of being used for park or recreational development. Clerk of the 3. That the City Council hereby de- *he 19th 1 .i - /;i -. &<.‘/;A- /(,,/-< ~ J/(d:,{ ...._ -..- ----~ ;,4 portion ofthe East One Quarter of section 24, Township 11 South. franle 5 .v,;L.t qar, nlcpo couni?.. San Be::.dr- din0 Base a4 .\iei-idlan. ' It IS further identified as \ssessor's Parcel No. 199.07-28. 7. Thatsaidrealpropertywill besold upon receipt ofsealed bids, which shall be opened at the time and place here inafter set forth. Said bids must be in writing, sealed and deliveredto thecity Clerk before the hour of 500 o'clock p.m. on or before April 28, 1978. Said bids must be in writing, clearly marked on the outside thereof that they are sealed bids for the purchase of real property,and state thedate ofthe open- ing thereof. On May 2,1978, at 7:30 p.m. at the time and place fixed in the resolution forthe meeting of the Council of the City of Carlsbad, all sealed proposals which have been received shall be opened, in public session. Of the proposals submitted, which conform to all terms and conditions specified in the Resolu- tion of Intention to Sell and which are made by responsible bidders, the pro- posal which is the highest shall be fi- nally accepted, unless a higher oral bid is accepted or the Council rejects all bids. Before accepting any written propos- al,theCounciIshallcall fororal bids. If, upon the call for oral bidding, any re- sponsible person offers to purchase the propertyupcn the termsandconditions specified in the resolution, for a price exceeding by at least five percent (5'72 the highest written proposal which IS made by a responsible person, such highest oral bid shall be finally ac- cepted unless the Council rejects all bids. The City Council at the session. if it deems such action to be for the best public interest, may reject any and all bids, either written or oral, and wth- draw the property from sale or waive any informality in the sale. The final acceptance by the Council may be made either at the same session or at any adjourned session ofthe same meeting held within the ten days next following. the opening of sealed bids to sell the above-described real property IS the 2nd day of May, 1978, in the Councll Chambers of the City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at the hour of 730 o'clock p.m. 9. That at the time prior to final ac- tion, any person Interested may protest the proposed sale. The protest may be written and delivered to the City Clerk or orally at the meeting considering the resolution. The City Council shall hear and pass upon the protest. 10. That each sealed bid must be ac- companied by a Bidder's Bond or cer- tified check in an amount not less than ten percent(lW0) ofthe total amount of the bid. 11. That the City will execute a grant deed to the property, subject to condi- tions, restrictions, reservations, ease- ments, and rights-of-way of record, if any. The bid submitted shall be for the purchase price. payable in cash or cashier's check to the City within 10 days of the acceptance of the bid pro- posal, and shall be payable at the office of the City Clerk. Bidders shall solely assume all costs related to the transaction, including es- crow fees, ifescrow is wanted. The City shall secure a policy of title insurance, 12. The City Clerk is hereby au- thorized and directed to post copies of this resolution in at least three con- spicuous places upon the above- described real property for not less than ten(l0) days before the public auc- tion, and to publish this resolution in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and circulated within the CityofCarlsbadiNaccordwith thelaw. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 4th day of April, 1978, by the following vote, to wit AYES: Councilmen Packard. Skot- nicki, Anear and Councilwoman Casler NOES: None ABSEIST None examined and declared by the Council 8. That the time and place fixed for which shall be at the City's sole ex. pense. RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor MARGARET E. ADAYS, City Clerk (SEAL) CTW,T(d bnr'l rn .A"" ,d ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I.3 14 15 l6 17 18 l9 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 5365 A RESOLUTIOIJ OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY, HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED, IS NOT RF;QUIRED FOR PUBLIC USE AND DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO SELL SAID REAL PROPERTY AT PUBLIC AUCTION. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is the owner of a parcel inafter particularly described, which parcel was originally obtained as a part of the City Water System; and WHEREAS, said real property is not now needed for pub1 and is not capable of being used for park or recreational development: and WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has recommended said parcel be declared "surplus"; and WHEREAS, it appears to be in the best interests of the to sell said real property at public auction to the highest and WHEREAS, on July 16, 1973, the Planning Commission of City of Oceanside did determine khat the location, purpose lextent of said real property disposition is in conformity w adopted General Plan: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council. of City of Carl-sbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council hereby finds that the public interest and convenience necessitates the sale sf the herei described real property. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 94 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 3. That the City Council hereby declares said propert "surplus" and declares its intenti,oq to selJ, said property public auction to the highest bidder. 4. That the City Council hereby declares that said pr is not capable of being used for park or recreational devel That the minimum price for which said property shz 5. sold shall be not less than $56,500.00 cash. 6. That the real property to be sold is situated in t City of Oceanside, County of San Diego, State of CaPiforniz bounded and described as follows: "A Portion of the East One Quarter of Section 24, San Bernardino Base and Meridian. 'I It is further identified as Assessor's Parcel No, Township 11 South, Range 5 West, San Diego ~.ounty, 149--Q7-28. 7. That said real property will be sold upon receipt sealed bids, which shall be opened at the time and place he after set forth. delivered to the City Clerk befare the hour of 5:OO Q'cloc3 on or before April 28, 1978, Said bids must be in writing, clearly marked on the outside thereof that they are sealed for the purchase of real property, and state the date of tk opening thereof. Said bids must be in writing, sealed and ! On 14ay 2, 1978, at 7:30 p.~, at the time and place fii the resolution for the meeting ef the Council of the City c I Carlsbad,, all sealed proposals which have been received shz 1 opened, examined and declared by the Council in public ses: I I - 2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l6 17 18 19 20 z1 22 z3 24 z5 26 27 28 e 0 Of the proposals submitted, which conform LO all terms and tions specified in the Resolution of Intention to Sell and are made by responsible bidders, the proposal which is the shall be finally accepted, unless a higher oral bid is acce the Council rejects all bids. Before accepting any written proposal, the Council sha for oral bids. If, upon the call for oral bidding, any res person offers to purchase the property upon the terms and c tions specified in the resolution, for a price exceeding by least five percent (5%) the highest written proposal which by a responsible person, such highest oral bid shall be fin accepted unless the Council rejects all bids, The City Council at the session, if it deems such acti for the best public interest, may reject any and all bids, written or oral, and withdraw the property from sale or wai informality in the sale. The final acceptance by the Council may be made either same session or at any adjourned session of the same meetin within the ten days next following, 1 8. That the time and place fixed for the opening of s bids to sell the above-described real property is the 2nd d I4ay, 1978, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 1200 E Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at the hour of 7230 09clock -g 9. That at the time prior to final action, any ~ci’so~ interested may protest the proposed sale. written and delivered to the City Clerk or orally at the me The City Council shall hear an The protest may ’ considering the resolution. upon the protest. - 3- I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 10. That each sealed bid must be accompanied by a Bid Bond or certified check in an amount not less than ten pen (10%) of the total amount of the bid. 11. That the City will execute a grant deed to the pi subject to conditions, restrictions, reservations, easemenl rights-of-way of record, if any, The bid submitted shall be for the purchase price, pa] cash or cashier’s check to the City within 10 days of the acceptance of the bid proposal, and shall be payable at thc of the City Clerk. Bidders shall solely assume all costs related to the t action, including escrow fees, if escrow is wanted, The Cj shall secure a policy of title insurance, which shall be ai City’s sole expense. 12. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed copies of this resolution in at Peast three conspicuous pli upon the above-described real property for not less than tc days before the public auction, and to publish this resolul in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and circulal within the City of Carlsbad in accord with the law, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of 4 City Council on the 4th day of April l 1971 the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki T Anear and NOES : None Councilwoman Cas1 er None &LJ&/CHdA ABSEZU’T : t//”/ L ?kONaLD C. PACKARD, Mayor , I- 0 0 I. #f--. e _. . -__ ‘0 -_I -. =i ?. I\ 1 . ... , RLXA“C),/I ‘1 -I -0. .. -. -2.2 _. h:Llse”‘s c- .-v kc c ,;/ ----_. 1 Ci.ty Council, City of GarlsSad, Cwlsbad, Ca, 92008, Gent’Lenon: In rdspcnse to and in accordance with Resolution 5365 of the City Council of Carlsbad dated April h, 1978, we the following,bid for the property on Mesa Drive, Oceanside described in said 3esolution* Ve bid, in cash, the sum of $60,100,00 to be paid in accordmce with conditions sot forth in Resolution $365. A certified check in the amount of #6,013.00 is enclosed as bidder’s bond as required, In the event our bid is not the successful bid ar not accepted by the City Council the check is to be returned to us following the City Council meeting on May 2, 1978. ??e intend to be present at the meeting on Hay 2 at 7:30 p.m. Loma Ruden Alton L. Ruden Linda Kinney David Kinney ,- Represat& by ’‘ 4Lk LL -~& l?L& L \ I_ Q$@J- Alton I,. Rudm V '3 7 L? P- (D (P :3 3 [D M @a 00- u. YF 40) u) z g. jl tJ, as ea 40NB NO-il- omw4 WPWO PZ 2' -mr am. mp -75 uc Om0 w-rn TCZ am in x z=g 0 /-/ 19 License Nt - Specializing in Custwn Homes, Room Additions 13 Remodeling - ." - ...a -- 1302 Tamarack Aver.ue Caulsum California 92008 -.I /29-S849 i: ity of Cr rl xbr d. : Thn U-rGerEiyCd offr rc: tc ~:>rc:?rc'-e fr the ;it7 of :;?rl-Sb, d th-t certriri 1.55 zcre yrrcc1 Icc:-trdl cc :_FZ=:' Drive in tk:F Titv cf 1 cczpsid.2 at I DricE of 1,96C.@ ?2.13dnT thc fcllor::iry ccr6iti I, 2. Cit;. to opx pr escrc:.; for tlic mrcbee cf t're crCwrt- +;it;: tcl Tur~J~3, f -1-l icv of titlc ir_ of the buyer Ft '!i.t-T Fxnerse to clore -r,c lFtcr tkrr Jur- 39, 1978. scrrT:,r 2rc.s to hc. sh~rcd cc-~?-~L?--r '3:tcTcer the Cit-7 ~22 '~-2 ~"PX~ for Z~YCVE ~:rc3_0,~:cC: is f: c-TPiers clr ir tlie r vu.T;t cf IO 5 cf t7-c xrc?-r vri-ce . Uwrk TOU, e@L-. ircn; !_ri i . xwrirc -, c-2 ". -'.& &:k- -.' -h&- Sr-: I F, y i 4 ST -, - $ i\ e+++( Ly( i$<\ < '(' \ >I I ku -.