HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-06-06; City Council; 5111-3; La Costa Canyon ParkAGENDA RILL NO. 5111 Supplement #3 DATZ: . June 6, 1978 Initial: Dept . Hd .e C. Atty. C. Mgr. I___- DEPARTMENT: -- Parks and Recreation Subject: LA COSTA CANYON PARK -- P Statement of the Matter La Costa Canyon Park is a 9.'0 acre park, and is split into two stages. The initial development of 1.5 acres of the park was approved by Council to in- clude many outdoor recreation facilities. It was approved for a $50,850 Land and Water Conservation Fund grant to cover part of its cost. -- - The second stage of development will include the development of an additional 7.5 acres of the park to include two tennis courts, two picnic and view areas: hiking trails, rest stops, planting and irrigation. The park is contained in the Parks and Recreation Element of the Carlsbad General Plan and will ful- fill the needs for an active neighborhood park. The estimated cost for Stage Two of the park's development is $187,000. Then are two possible sources of funds for the project: the Land and Water Con- servation Fund (LWCF) and'the State Bond Act of 1974.- The 1974 Bond Act funds yere previously approved for Hosp Grove Park, but because of time constraints, La Costa Canyon Park could be substituted for Hosp Grove. The Pads and Recreation Commission rwommends the substitution. If Council concurs, and the La Costa Canyon Park is approved for funding under both grant programs, $176,548 will be available for the park's'develop- ment in July 1980. - .. . Exhibit Park Drawing - Wall exhibit Recommendation Approval of the project substitution for the 1974 State Bond Act Fund and authorization for the staff to make necessary application for $83,048. Approval of the project for the Land and Water Conservation Fund and author- ization for the staff to make necessary application for $93,500. Couneil -Action 6-7-78 Approval was given of the project substitutuion for the 1974 State Bbnd Act' Find, and authoriza't'ion given for sfaff to make necessary application for $83,048. Approval of the project for Land and Water Conservation Fund was given and authorization given for staff to make necessary application for $93,500. . .. . *. M E M 0 R A N D U M TO : CITY MANAGER FROM : Coordinator, Parks and Recreation Department DATE : May 30, 1978 SUBJECT: LA COSTA CANYON PARK La Costa Canyon Park is a 9.0 acre park and is split into two stages of development. The initial development of 1.5 acres of the park was ap- proved by Council June 21, 1977, to include many outdoor recreation faci- lities. It was approved for a $50,850 Land and Water Conservation Fund grant to cover approximately half of its estimated cost of $100,000. The second stage of the park will include the development of an addi- tional 7.5 acres of the park to include two tennis courts, two picnic and view areas, hiking trails, rest stops, planting and irrigation. The park is contained in the Parks and Recreation Element of the Carlsbad General Plan and will fulfill the needs for an active neighborhood park. On May 15, 1978, the Parks and Recreation Commission recommended the development of the additional 7.5 acres of La Costa Canyon Park, the cost of which is estimated to be $187,000. There are two grant programs to which the City may apply for funds: the 1974 State Bond Act and the Land and Water Conservation Fund. The State Bond Act of 1974 authorized Carlsbad to receive $83,048 for the development of Hosp Grove Park. San Diego County Priority Plan for Expenditure, which was approved by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors on August 20, 1974. In order to substitute projects for the 1974 Bond Act, Council must approve the substitution and the San Diego County Board of Supervisors must adopt a resolution adding the proposed project to the Priority Plan for Expendi- ture. La Costa Canyon Park is one of the only feasible substitutions as it is one of two parks to which we have tenure to the land. Hosp Grove Park appeared on the The Land and Water Conservation Fund Program (LWCF) provides 50% reim- bursement grants for projects involving planning, acquiring, and devel- oping outdoor recreation facilities. With this grant program, as with the 1974 Bond Act, we need tenure to the land. The La Costa Canyon Park meets this requirement. As the LWCF grant is a reimbursement program, we must be assured of funds other than LWCF to cover the entire cost of the project with $93,500 (50%) to be reimbursed upon the project's com- pletion. -2- Assuming Council concurs and the applications for both grant programs are approved, we will have $176,548 available in July 1980 for the development of La Costa Canyon Park. Respectfully submiJted, VJoe Egdleston, Coordinator Parks and Recreation JE:scf M E M 0 R A N D U M TO : CITY MANAGER FROM : Coordinator, Parks and Recreation Department DATE : December 28, 1978 SUBJECT: LA COSTA CANYON PARK PHASE I1 Our application for financial assistance under the Land and Water Conservation Fund Program was not approved by the State Department of Parks and Recreation. If our request had been approved, the funds would have been used to partially pay the construction costs of La Costa Canyon Park, Phase I1 in the amount of $93,500. The selection of proposals was determined by the application of the following criteria: 1. Development grant requests for facilities that provide multiple recreational activities. 2. Development grant requests from projects that will provide basic facilities. 3. Development grant requests for projects that will provide new facilities. 4. Grant requests for projects that can be completed expeditiously. 5. Grant requests from public entities who have designated a major organizational unit with full-time responsibility for parks and recreation maintenance. 6. Acquisition grant requests from an applicant that has a preliminary title report by the annual application deadline. 7. Grant requests for projects that will serve the greatest need. 8. Grant requests for projects a. which have a reasonable cost/benefit ratio; b. where there is an urgency for acquisition and where delay will cause a loss of future recreational opportunities; -2- C. d. e. f. g* h. i. j. which relate directly to state and planning district priority for Land and Water Funds in CORRP; where applicant has not been previously funded; where the dollar amount requested is reasonable in relation to total dollars available within a planning district; where a greater Geographical spreading of funds will be achieved within a planning district; where the applicant has an adopted plan of park and recreation areas that includes the project for which the funds are being sought; which have innovative and/or unique, natural, or scenic features; which make provisions for handicapped and underprivileged above and beyond those required by law; and which have the ability to attract visitation from beyond the applicants normal service area. Based on these criteria, our project was found not to be competitive with other projects in the San Diego Planning District. U !foe Eggleston, Coordinator Parks and Recreation Department JE : swf Attachment -- STATE OF CALIFORNIA-THE RESOURCES AGENCY EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION P.O. BOX 2390 SACRAMENTO 9581 1 (916) 445-2358 DEC 2 2 1978 Mr. Joseph N. Eggleston Dire c tor Department of Parks and Recreation City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Eggleston: We are unable to recommend the La Costa Canyon Park Development I1 Project for financial assistance under the Land and Water Conservation Fund Program. The selection of proposals is determined by the application of project criteria that were adopted pursuant to the public hearings held in the spring of 1976 and modified by a public notice in June, 1978. The project criteria consists of seven quantitative selection factors and up to ten qualitative S.L.O. selection factors, After taking all criteria into consideration, your project was not considered to be competitive with the other projects reviewed within your Planning District. For this reason, it could not be included in this year's program. Accordingly, your application is being returned under separate cover. I appreciate your interest in the Land and Water Conservation Fund Program and hope you wlll not become discouraged from submitting applications in future gears . Sincerely yours , +- Russell W, Cahill Mrector 3