HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-06-06; City Council; 5459; Sewer Easement QuitclaimCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. ^^-S^f Initial: Dept.Hd. C. DEPARTMENT: Engineering C. Mgr. Subject: SEWER EASEMENT QUITCLAIM - PORTION OF HOSP EUCALYPTUS FOREST COMPANY'S TRACT No. 1. MAP 1136. IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ' Statement of the Matter Kamar Construction Co., developer for proposed CT 77-2, approved Tentative Map for Buena Woods #3, has requested the quitclaim of nonutilized (121) offsite sewer easement starting at the intersection of Monroe Street and Elm Avenue and ending at the Vista-Carlsbad sewer trunk line. The easement was originally granted to the City during the processing of Buena Woods #1, in 1973. The sewer easement in question was granted by Grove Apartments Investment Co., and Kamar Construction Co. Due to soils compaction problems in the area of the easement, an alternate route for the offsite sewer was required. Necessary easements were granted and the sewer line was constructed in the alternate location (see Exhibit 3). The City Utility/Maintenance Department was notified of the easement removal request. They have no existing or proposed use for the easement and do not object to the City quitclaiming the easement. Exhibits: 1.A Letter of request from Kamar Construction Co. 2. Drawing showing easement proposed to be quitclaimed. 3. Drawing showing actual location of offsite sewer. 4. Copy of Quitclaim Deed for information. Recommendation: If Council concurs, approve a motion authorizing the Mayor to execute a Quitclaim Deed for a sewer easement over a portion of Hosp Eucalyptus Forest Company's Tract No, 1, Map No. 1136, in the City of Carlsbad. Council action 6-7-78 Authorization was given for the Mayor to execute a quitclaim deed for a sewer easement over a portion of Hosp Eucalyptus Forest Company's Tract No. 1, Map No. 1136, City of Carlsbad, BUILDERS and DEVELOPERS 325 Elm Avenue Post Office Box 1155 Carlsbad, California 92008 Phone 714/729-7911 Contractor's License No. 161995 March 22, 1978 Mr. Ronald Beckman City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: CT 77-2, Buena Woods Dear Ron: During the processing of plans for CT 77-2 it became apparent that there were two easements granted to the City of Carlsbad for the offsite sewer for the previous Buena Woods units. The reason two offsite sewer easements were granted was that during the course of construction of Buena Woods Unit 1, it became apparent that an alternate route would have to be selected, for the sewer as the fill within Marron Road was not consolidated at the time that we proposed construction. At the Engineering Departments request we are hereby requesting that the City quit claim the easement which was not used. A copy of the legal description of said easement is attached. If you need any further information please feel free to call. Enclosure JLR/mrm RECEIVED i ,;.H 2. S1978 CITY OF CARLSBAD Engineering Department RECORDING REQUESTED, BY ^/H Q ' , • 1 City of Carlsbad AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO N.M City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue City & Carlsbad, California 92008 State I StrMtAddran I r MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Owners of Record ~l StrMlAddrej. City »Stole 78-244927 CITY CLtRK JIM 13 .RECORDS* NO FEE SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE TO 192O CA (7-74) Corporation Quitclaim Deed THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TICOR TITLE INSURERS A. P. N._ The undersigned grantor(s) declare (s): Documentary transfer tax is $ nil . ( ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of ( ) Unincorporated area: ( X ) City of Carlsbad , and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, The City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the state of Call hereby REMISES, RELEASES AND QUITCLAIMS to Grove Apartments Investment Co., a General Partnership, and Kamar Construction Co., a Co-Partnership the following described real property in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego , State of California: Assessor's Parcel Nos. 154-160-26, 27 156-080-12, 17 - 156-090-34, 36, 37 See legal description, Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof. All as shown for convenience sake on Attachment "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof. In Witness Whereof, said corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed hereto and this instru- ment to be executed by its Mayor a*MJl&H and City Clftrk thereunto duly authorized. City Of Carlsbad, Dated: June 7. 1978 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF San Diego On a Municipal Corporation ss. June 9, 1978 _ before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Ronald C. Packard _ , known to me to be tt.« MaVOr Margaret E. Adams City (Clerk City Clerk and known to me to be of the Corporation that executed the within Instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument on behalf of the Corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the within Instru ment pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its board of directors. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature Lf^,. <V. p _ A t . OFFICIAL SEAL A.L. RAUTENKRANZ V ''~r 7 "7 ,' NOTARY PUBLIC . CALIFj •*"• " • ' PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN ' SAN DIEGO COUNTY !My Commission Expires Oct. 23, 1981! (This area fur official notarial seal) Title Order No.__Escrow or Loan No._ MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE 409 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION A 12.00 foot easement for sewer purposes; the centerline of said easement described as follows: A portion of Hosp Eucalyptus Forest Company's Tract No. 1, according to Map No. 1136 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at the most Southeasterly corner of said Hosp Eucalyptus Forest Company's Tract No. 1; thence North 88°58'28" West (Record South 89°44'00" West) along the Southerly line of said tract 387.92 feet; thence North 1°01'32" East, 9.09 feet; thence North 76°41'52" West, 42.30 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence along the following bearings and distances, North 76°41'52" West, 123.00 feet; North 41°11'50" West, 259.63 feet; North 27°52'45" West, 254.38 feet; North 18°29'40" West North 31°46'05" West North 15°38'10" West, 309.65 feet 336.41 feet; North 26°44'15" West, 322.51 feet; 363.71 feet; North 18°03'07" West, 360.26 feet; North 3°27'45" West, 287.10 feet; North 25°56'35" West, 372.99 feet; North 15028'26" West, 168.94 feet; South 85°18'49" West, 356.27 feet; North 69°07'37" West, 349.89 feet; North 47°17'43" West, 337.72 feet; North 24°49'07" West, 324.61 feet; North North 8°17'09" West, 235.82 feet; South 89°55'50" East, 271.90 feet; 0°17'50" East, 194.13 feet; more or less to the Southerly line of the Jefferson Pump Station site, as granted to the City of Carlsbad by deed recorded March 1, 1973 as File No. 73-054484. f 410 scfit-e:/"= ^oo' ftstai *— * r" > **» RECORDING REQUESTED BY < *d e? j *s ci tl of' Carl sbad AND WHEN RECOROEO MAIL TO 1 City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA 92008 r Name Strest 1200 Elm Avenue Address City h state L A r 1 - MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Name Sfreel Address Owners of &cord 9 -* ,- i I1 -- a- ,c ii;c 2.J I.! -,j iy !,.+;T', .,$ti/ ,> 36 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S U <,\ y : c b 8 hItt EEIIBLT "A" e J. r */ : /F* c .- 3 W 12 T E RL I N E E AS EHE M T - *- .* A portion of flosp Eucalyptus Forest Company's Tract No, I, according to Ma] No. 1136 filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, SI of California, described as f ollovs : Beginning at the most northwesterly corner of Lot 62, Carlsbad Tract 72-11 Nap No, 7682, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Diego, State of California, thence North 71"30'2Org East; a distance of 135. feet'ts the TRUE PQXKT OF BEGINNIKG; thence the following courses: Being a strfp of Pand.'l4,00 feet in width. lying westerly of the following described lime: Begirm2sng at the above deserzbed TRUE POINT OF BEGI&ING; thence NorCh 18' 40" 'blest a distance a€ 333-27 feet; thence North 22"22'05" West a distanct 325.66 Beet; thence. North. 31?47'30" West a distance of 360.11. feet; thencr Norch 18"03*0?" West a distzm$e of 357.86 feet; thence North 1&@48'25" Ve: a distance of 302-30 feat; thence %rth 9"25*40'* West a distance oE 208.61 feet; thence North 25"56'35" 1Jest: a distance of 372.99 feet to the teXm3.n; of said line, hereaftex referred to as Poiat A- Togerhex with a str3;p of 20-00 feet in width lying westerly of the foll,o&g described line: Begidng at the above desssibed Po~R% A; thence NorCh 15'28'26" Wekt a d of 124 feet: more or less to a point on the southerly right-of-way lke of Road granted and, dedicated to the City of Carlsbad for roadway purposes b recorded in Sag Diego County *Recorder's Of €ice December 23 p 1976, Eile/Pa 76-431713, EXCEPTING therefrom all teat portion of the above described easement sout east'&rXy of the northwesterly line of Parcel 3 which is described as fo11 Beginning at the? most southwesterly Corner of Loot 25, Bosp Eucalyptxs Pox Comgany's Trzct Ro, 1, according to Nap NO, 1136 filed in- the; 0ff.l.&:6f t County Recorder o€ San Diego County, State of California; thence Norrh 23 45" West a distance of 195.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGIhqZNG, hehg northwesterly line of Parcel 3 which is described as Eoilows: Begirning at the above described TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence Noxth 6l 20". East a distance of 902.35 feet; thence North 61"25'08" East a distaqc 305-23 feet; thence Sourh 89°P8'18'v East a distance of 557.72 feet to a - on a ncmtangent curve'concave southeasterJy and having a radius of 310.0 a rid%& l5ns ofasa%d point: bears North 84"47'53" West:; thence northeast dokg sa%d curve through a centrd angle of 41"33°06" an arc distance of feet; thence South 89"18'10" East a distance of 46.07 feet to a point th North 00°56'20'g East, which is thi EasZ line of said 'Frosp Eucalyptus For Company's Tract No, 1. The westerly side Pines of the above described 14,OO foot strip of land descr5bed 14.00 foot strip of land shall be extended or shortened to eel on the grantor's southerly boundary line being the above described nortl line of Parcel 3- The westerly side line a€ the above descrj-bed 24.00 j of land shall be extended to terminate on the southerly line sf the zbc-, 20-00 foot strip of land. The westerly side line of the-above describec strip of land shall be extended or shortened to terrnlinate on the southe my line of Marron Eoad. /* / .. a- 94 .. -m - be extended or shortened to neet at angle points, The side lines of thc 0 *. .. i - sur/7q~-~<), -. /Q 7- 7-Q C&G<