HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-06-06; City Council; 5464; Police Patrol Boat Agua Hedionda LagoonCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL No.~S~'f~l,~i---------- DATE:_-=--_;_-:--.,....,....--J_u_n_e_6~,_1_9_7_s _____ _ Police DEPARTMENT: _________________ _ Subject: · l?O.i.,ICE PATROL BOAT -AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON Statement of the Matter Initial:(/{ Dept.Hd. C. Atty. C. Mgr. ~-~ The present Pol ice Department boat used for patrol of Agua Hedionda is again inoperative. Experience has shown that it has cost $1248 yearly for the last five years for maintenance. It is not feasible to continue to utilize this type of boat for the lagoon because of the silt and sand reacting with the jet drive. It is imperative we have a suitable boat for this summer, especially since we will soon be utilizing a decibel meter for sound control. The 1978-79 Police Department budget is requesting $4610 for a suitable outboard but with sha 11 ow draft hu1 l . The present boat will be declared surplus property. Exhibits 1. Memorandum to City Manager from Chief of Police 2. Memorandum from James Bertelsen, Equipment Maintenance Foraman 3. Resolution No. 54 t/:I approving request for transfer of ::. appropriations from General Fund Unappropriated Reserves, Account No. 01-000-900, to Police Department Capital Outlay, Account No. 01-119-3900. Recorrrnendation If City Council concurs: adopt Resolution No,,.('/:tjJ authorizing the transfer of $4610 from Unappropriated Reservesl:o Police Depart- ment Capital Outlay. Council action 6-7-78 The matter was continued to,·JUine 20, :19.78:;··. 6-20-78 It was agreed this matter would be dicussed during the budget sessions. ( ' 4 • ,,. TO: • $ CARLSBAD POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Paul D. Bussey City Manager FROM: Roy J. Kundtz Chief of Police SUBJECT: Police Boat May 24, 1978 The Police Department boat used exclusively for patrol of the ·1agoon is again inoperable. Preliminary check by Jim Bertelsen reveals that the engine is frozen and it will cost $800 to repai~. Experiences have shewn that the lagoon is too shallow for this type of jet boat operation; there- fore, if we fix the boat and put it back into the lagoon, the same type of damage will occur. We have held up fixing the boat for that reason. The attached memorandum from Mr. Bertelsen indicates that our present boat was purchased in May, 1973, for $5,250, including the trailer. Total maintenance costs to date have been $5,443. If the $800 presently esti- mated to repair our boat is added to the maintenance factor, total main- tenance then would be $6,243 for five years or $1,248 yearly. I have $4,6TO in the new budget to purchase an appropriate boat for the lagoon. In the meantime, we have not been able to lease a boat unti1 the next budget is approved. We are not now patrolling the lagoon, al- though our officer is present. lt is requested an emergency appropriation be allowed prior to approval of the new budget to obtain a suitable boat. RJK/dib / / ., _,., May 11, 1978 MEMORANDUM TO: Chief of Police VIA: Director of Utilities & Maintenance FMM: Eq•rlpment Maintenance Foreman SUBJECT: Police Patrol Boat -A-036 Purchased May 1973 -$5250.00 (including trailer) Total Repairs & Maintenance to Date: $5443.00 Major components replaced: Starters 5 Alternator l Fuel Tank' l Steering Assembly l Rebuild Jet Drive 2 Engine Rebuild 1 Exhaust and water manifolds 2 Fuel Pump · l Carburetor 2 Water Pump l Rudder 4 Control Cables l Bilge Pump l Estimate to repair present P,roblem (Jet Drive) $800.00 ~ RTELSEtl ent Maintenance Foreman JRB:pag 78-119 l 2 3 4 RESOLUTION NO. 5441 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY or-CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM THE RESERVE ACCOUNT TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY ACCOUNT. 5 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as 6 follows: 7 1. That the transfer of four thousand, six hundred and ten 8 dollars ($4,610.00) from the Reserve Account to the Police Depart- 9 ment Capital Outlay Account to purchase a patrol boat for Agua 10 Hedionda. 11 2. That the Department of Finance Request for Transfer of 12 Appropriation No. 62 is on file in said department and incorporate 13 by reference her~in is approved. 14 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City 15 Council on the ___ day of ________ , 1978, by the 16 following vote, to wit: 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: MARGARETE. ADAMS, City Clerk (SEAL) RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor