HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-06-20; City Council; 3552-8; Magee Park Design Consultant.. ., In i. t ia 1 Dept. Hd c. Att? c. Mgr, Requests for proposals to prepare plans and specifications for improvement of Magee Park were sent to six landscape architectural firms. The proposals were reviewed by the Parks and Recreation and kblic Works Departments. Staff recommends that Kater and Associates be retained for this pro j ect . Exhibits 1. Memo from hblic Works Administrator to City Manager dated June 6, 1978. 2. 3. Resolution No. 5#q authorizing flayor to execute agreement with Kater Proposal from Kater and Associates. and Associates. Recommendation If City Council concurs, adopt Resolution for improvement of Magee Park. authorizing the Mayor to execute agreement with Kater and plans and specifications . Council action 6-20-78 The matter was deferred until such time as the City Council considers the budget for FY 1978-79. Agenda Bill No. 3552, Supplement #8 Page 2 Council Action (Cont'd.) 10-3-75 Council adopted Resolution No. 5449, approving an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Kater and Associates for design of Magee Park and authorizing Mayor to execute said Agreement. In addition, Council indicated their concurrence with the request of the Historical Society to have "input" to the architect for the park. TO: FROM : DATE : SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM City Manager Public Works Administrator June 6, 1978 Magee Park Development - Design Consultant At the request of this department, six landscape architect firms submitted proposals for the preparation of plans and specifications for Magee Park. The proposals have been sent to the Parks 6 Recreation De- partment for review and comment. The firm of Kater and Associates of Carlsbad is highly quali- fied in the design of public parks and is responsible for the design of Laguna Riviera Park, Car Country Park and La Costa Canyon Park in Carlsbad. Kater and Associates is recommended for selection on this project for the following reasons: 1. Experienced in the design of public parks. 2. Satisfactory performance on past City projects. 3. Equitable fee structure. The proposal submitted by Kater and Associates is attached for your information. Also attached is a summary sheet showing consultants who re- sponded. onald A . Beckman. P.E. Public Works Administrator RAB:JES:veb Attachments CC: Parks 6 Recreation Department r -f w w LL 4 c 4- c 2 “I 0 0 in 0 0 c*l .) rn c 0 0 m 00 c I I I 1 0 0 I*I CI 0 C 0 LA OI 4 h . f n w- 6 R 0 3 t-. rt rD n rt m 0 0 3 v1 r. a m Y pl rt E' J 111 J a r 0 x Hl 0 r; 2 Y a rt 0 rt 3 m 0 "j Q 0 n rt C 3 t-. rt 'c rt 0 'd Y 0 C t-. a ID "c 0 c Y 0 r- rt '.c 5. c u 0 c Y 'd Y 0 ni m m m r. 0 J 0 P C)rtm 033 om m t-. rtm mrt nu rtrt r. w0 Y3 rD rt 30 m on a0 m2 mrt m rrt wc PY re, t- J 00 rt3- e, mY xo, nn mrt 130 aY mn El 90 ma i * ..PO**. I s G. R: 0 co 7 3 n 7 _._.. . ..... " - . . _._* $' - ------'\ 1 .2 3 4 5 e; 7 8 9 10 1 1. 7.2 13 I4 1.5 16 17 18 19 2 0 2 4. 22 23 24 25 26 2 7 28 RESOLUTION NO. 5449 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 01: CARLSHAD, CALli.O€V!IA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CJTY OF CARLSBAD AND KATER AND ASSOCIATES FOR DESIGh: OF INGEE PARK AND AUTHORIZING _-.- THE MAYOR To EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That certain agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Kater and Associates for the landscape design of blagee Park, a copy of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and incor- purzted herein by reference, is hereby approved. 2. The Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the C i t y o f Ca r 1. sb ad. . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held the 3rd -- day of 0 c to b c r + 1978, by the following vote, to wit: _-__-_I_-I AYES : Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki Anear, Lewis and NOES: None Councilwoman Casler ABSENT : No n e ATTEST : (SEAL j AGREEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR THE LANDSCAPE DESIGN OF MAGEE PARK IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CAL I FORN I A THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into as of the day of , 1978, by and between KATER AND ASSOCIATES, Landscape Architects, hereinafter referred to as "Architect," and the CITY OF CARLSBAD, hereinafter re- ferred to as "City." W I T-N E S S'E T H : ------_---- WHEREAS, the City owns a parcel of land designated for park pur- poses; and WHEREAS, the City is desirous of improving this parcel of land with vehicular parking, restroom faci I ities, shuffleboard court, pedestrian cir- culation, picnic facilities, horseshoe court, landscape improvements, irrigation system and park lighting; and * WHEREAS, the firm of Kater and Associates has provided satisfactroy the City in the past and has submitted a proposal in writing to per- ' services for form the des of Kater and gn services; and WHEREAS, it is advantageous for the City to retain Associates as landscape designers to perform the serv manner, at the time, and for the compensation set forth herein; the services n the ces NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereunto agree as follows: ARTICLE I : SCOPE OF ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES The Architect will provide professional services for the design and construction of Magee Park as fol lows: 1. A grading plan depicting vertical reIa.tionship of a1 1 pro- posed facilities and establishing grades for buildings, walkways, parking EXHIBIT "A" .- areas, retaining wal Is, landscaped areas and drainage faci I ities. 2. A plot plan showing the horizontal relationship of all pro- posed faci I ities including walkways, parking areas, bui Idings, recreational . areas, landscaped areas and uti ! ity services. 3. An irrigation plan providing a layout of all control equipment, sprinkler heads and related equipment for irr p I anted areas, 4. A plantirig plan locating and identifying all PiP gat new ng, valves, on of all plant ma- terials as well as any to be preserved or removed. The plan shall include a plant list noting the quani-ity, size and variety of- all plantings. 5. A lighting plan showing underground conduit and wiring, pull boxes, I ight standards, control equip diagrams. 6. Construct i on de?-a detai Is necessary for construction of restroom faci I i ty. !en-i-, construction detai Is and circuit Is showing elevations, cross sections and the facilities in the park including the 7. The specifications will delineate the type and quality of all materials and items to be installed as well as a list of bid items and the est i niated costs. 8. Contract administration to be provided will consist sistance to the City in obtaining bids froin contractors, interpreting p specifications, evaluating bids, preparing change orders and providing work to insure compliance with the plans and specifications. of as- ans and nspect i on 9. The landscape architect, upon City approval, may provide or cause to be provided, any soil investigations required for the design of the projecl-. Allowance for soil investigations shall be set forth in Article IV. -2- IO. Project documentation (allowance shall be as set forth in Article IV). The Architect shall furnish the Cii-y with the following as re- imbursable printing expenses: A. Five sets of design development phase documenf-s (for plan check and approval). B. Twenty-f i ve sets of construction documents and speci f i - cations. C. After City's final approval, tracings of construction drawings and master copies of specifications typewritten on bond paper in a form acceptable to the City. ARTICLE I I: SCOPE OF CITY STAFF'S RESPONSIBILITIES I. The City shal I provide information as to the requirements and program of the project, including budget limitations and scheduling. 2. The City shal I provide, or cause to be provided, site infor- mation including grades and I ines of adjoining streets and pavements; rights- of-way, restrictions, easements, and boundaries; locations, dimensions of other improvements, if any, and information as to the available-service and utility lines, both public and private; all the above to the extent they are shown in the City's records. 3. The City shal required for construction of the 4. The City shal cedures requ ARTICLE I I I: promptly fol provide,or cause to be provided, any tests project . notify the Architect of administrative pro- red and name representatives authorized to act in its behalf. PROGRESS AND COMPLETION 1. The architectural services specified herein shal I begin owing written authorization by the City. _- 2. Completion of working drawings, specif ications and cost est imates sha I I be comp 1 eted M i th i n I20 ra I endar days. 3. Completion of construction supervision shal I be completed within 300 calendar days. ARTICLE IV: . CGMPENSATION --____ Fees for architectural services provided in Article I of this agreement- shal! be as follows: 1. For plans, specifications and cos-i estimn-te, a maxirnurrr fee of Four Thousand One Hundred Dol lars ($4, IOC.00). 2. For comfort station design to match period architecture of Magee House (if ordered), a maximum fee of Two Thousand Dollers ($2,000.00). 3. For soil test and analysis, if required, a maximum fee of Four Hmdred Fifty Dol lars ($450.00). 4.. For preliminary survey of the site, a maximum fee of Six Hundred Dol lars ($600.00). 5. For electrical engineering services, a maximum fee of Eight Hundred Dol lars ($800.00). 6. For reimbursable expenses, 2 maximum fee .of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). ARTICLE V: GUARANTEED MAX I MUM FEE The guaranteed maxilnum fee for professional services described in Article I shal I be Eight Thousacd Four Iiundred Fifty Dol lars ($8,450.001. ART!CLE VI: PAYMENT OF FEES Charges determined on the basis set forth in Article IV sh3I I be billed as follows: 1. Approvn 2. Complet of working plans and specifications - $7,503.00. on of construction - Balance -4 - ARTICLE VII: RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ARCHITECT The Architect is hired to render a professional service only, and any payments made to him are compensation solely for such services as he may render and recommendations he may make in the course of the project. The Architect makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, as to his findings, recommendations or professional advice other than they were promulgated after following a practice usual to the landscape architect profession. ARTICLE VIII: SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF SERVICES The City shall have the right to terminate this agreement and the work done under it at any time without cause by giving the Architect notice in writing. In the event of termination, the Architect shall be paid for the work . accomplished to the date of termination in accordance with Article VII. Upon request of the City, the Architect shall assemble -the work product and put same in order for proper filing and closing and deliver said product to the City. In such event, the Architect shall be paid for assembling said final work, but in no event shall the fee for said final work exceed ten percent (IO$) of the guaranteed maximum fee, nor shall the total fee exceed the guaranteed maxi mum. ARTICLE IX: STATUS OF THE ARCHITECT The Architect shall perform the services provided for herein in his own way as an independent contractor and in pursuit of his independent calling, and not as an employee of the City. He shall be under control of the City only as to the result to be accomplished and personnel or construction firms to be assigned to the project. The professional firms to be assigned to the project shal I be subject to approval of the Pub1 ic Works Administrator. ARTICLE X: CONFORM ITY TO LEGAL REQLI I REMENTS The Architect shall cause all drawings and specifications to conform to all applicable requirements of law: Federal, State and local. He -5- shall cause the necessary copies of such drawings and specifications, together with al I necessary suppor.ting documents, to be filed with any agencies whose approva I is necessary. ARTICLE XI: OWNERSH 1 P OF DOCUMENTS AI 1 plans, studies, sketches, drawings and specifications, as herein reql;ired, are Ihe property of the City whether the work for which they are made be executed or not. In the event this contract is terminated, all documents, plans, specifications arid drawings of the facility shall be deiiver-ed forthwi-th to the City. ART i CLE XI 1 : HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT -- The City, its agents, officers and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or for any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatever, nor for personal injuries to or # death of them caused by OJ- resulting from or claimed to have been caused by or resulting from any act or omission of Archil-ect or his agents, employees, or ropr3sentatives. Architect further agrees to indemnify and save free and harm- less the City and its authorized agents, officers and ernpkoyees against any of the foregoi tig I iabi 1 ities and claims therefor, and any cost and expense that is incurred by the City on account of arly claim therefor, including claims by reason of alleged defects in the plans and specifications. ARTICLE X! I 1 : ASS IGN14ENT OF CONTRACT The Architect shal I not assign this contract or ar:y pdrt thereof or a!iy rnonies due or to bscorrie dus thereunder without the prior written consent of lli2 City. AfiT I CLE X I V : SUBCONTRACT I NG If the Architect shal I subcon undor this contract by the Architect-, he sha ract any I be ful of the work y rcsponsib to be per.formed e to the City .. for the acts and omissions of his subcontractor and of the persons either directly or indirectly employed by the subcontractor, as he is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by him. Nothing contained in this contract shall create any contractual relationship between any subcon- I bind every sub- he terms of this to the contrary City. tractor of the Architect and the City. The Architect sha contractor and every subcontractor of a subcontractor by coritract applicable to his work unless specifically noted in the subcontract in question approved in writing by the xv : PROHIBITED INTEREST ART I CLE on beha in nego No official of the City who is authorized in such capacity and f of the City to negotiate, make, accept, or approve, or to take part iating, making, accepting, or approving of any architectural, engineer- ing inspection, construction, or material supply contract, or any subcontract in e connection with the construction of the project shal I become directly or indi- rectly interested personally in this contract or in any part thereof. No of- f icer, emp loyee, architect, attorney, engineer or i nspector of or for the City who is authorized in such capacity and on behalf of the City to exercise any executive, supervisory, or other similar functions in connection with the performance of this contract, shall'become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or any part thereof. ARTICLE XVI: VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATION No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of the City, either before, during, or after the execution of this contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein con- tained, nor such verbal agreement or conversation entitle the Architect to any additional payment whatsoever under the terms of this contract. -7- ARTICLE XVII: SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS -. . --- Subject 1-0 I-he provisions of Ai--l icle XI I I, al I iE:iTtis,, ,:iIndil-ioiis, and provisioiis hereof sha and each of i-heir respect. ass i cjns - 1 inure to and shal I bind each of i-lw pat-t-ias hereto, ve heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and ART I CLE XV I I I : EFFECT1 VE DATE This contract shal 1 be effective on and fr-cm the day and year f i I-st above written. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we hava hereunto set OLII- ha:~ds a:id smlc. ATTEST : A?PF),OVED AS TO FORM: CI TY Of' CARLSBAD KATER AND ASSOCIATES -8-