HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-06-20; City Council; 5487; Public FacilitiesCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. <5V^7 Initial: Dept.Hd„ June 20. 1978 r DEPARTMENT: Public Works C. Mgr. Subject: PUBLIC FACILITIES - LAND USE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM St_ateinent of the Matter For the past seven months the Public Works Department has been developing and implementing various computer programs and tech- niques aimed at providing: 1. public facility analysis 2. land use information 3. population data 4. environmental information These tools are now operational. The purpose of this item on the agenda is to familiarize the Council with the progress made thus far. In addition, Council may wish to comment on these programs and proceed to implement an overall public facilities program. Exhibits 1. Staff report 2. Computer demonstration Recommendation . If Council concurs, authorize the implementation of the Public Facilities - Land Use Management Program. Council action 6-20-78 Following the computer demonstration it was the decision of the Council that the implementation of the Public Facilities Land Use Management Program would be considered during the budget sessions. " CARLSBAD INFORMATION SYSTEM (CIS) PURPOSE The purpose of the evolving Carlsbad Information System (CIS) is to provide data and analyses for decision-makers. The overriding concern in the design of the CIS is to provide the greatest degree of flexibility at the lowest cost. The system is being designed to be flexible in both the level of geographic detail and in the information it can provide. At the same time, every effort has been made to minimize computer and development costs. BACKGROUND The City of Carlsbad received a grant from the State of California in fiscal year 1976-77 to apply the San Diego Comprehensive Planning Organiza- tion's (CPO) technical capabilities to Carlsbad's facilities planning needs. -This work was done mainly by Carlsbad staff driving to CPO offices, sub- mitting a computer run through CPO's equipment.to the Burroughs B6700 at UCSD and getting the job results the next day. This system provided good results, but required a great deal of non-productive travel time. At the same time, CPO was experimenting with interactive graphics and "in-house" computer capabilities. This system allowed staff to geographically evalu- ate facilities locations on a television screen (CRT) without a computer run-deck. The CRT, however, was still tied into UCSD and was only used as a terminal or link to the computer. In July, 1977, CPO acquired a new CRT which had a small built-in com- puter. Carlsbad became interested in this system and obtained similar equipment in November, 1977. This system allows us to process data locally as well as through the UCSD computer. Having local analytical capability and access to the UCSD computer available in-house saved a great deal of commuting time. • The stated purpose of using the new CRT in the first year was to trans- fer the facilities analyses'-capabiIities developed under the original 1976-77 .grant to Carlsbad. This capability, when combined with the other information systems, could assist in development of growth management tools and capital facilities planning. It could also provide a data information base that could be used as a parcel file. Other tasks have been indicated as being possible with this system, but would be developed as part of future appli- cations. SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT: NOVEMBER, 1977 - APRIL, 1978 The purpose of this report is to present the system's development thus far. The capability for public facility analysis is complete. In addition, a land use file, environmental data file and parcel file have also been established and are operational. We recognize that public facility~and land use decisions rely heavily on land use and environmental data, as well as public facility analysis; therefore, these systems have been de- veloped in conjunction. ' .—*-—•. -—-- Since November, 1977, the following tasks have been performed. I. Carlsbad Polygon Tape This tape consists of the following information: -Carlsbad City boundaries -General Plan area boundaries —Census tract boundaries -Proposed regional parks • „„..,- -Flood plain boundaries -Agricultural preserves -1975 sewer boundaries (Series IV) -1985 sewer boundaries (Series IV) -1995 sewer boundaries (Series IV) """'."...'. I IT: -A plot program to plot any of the polygons at any scale -A program to calculate acreage 2. Carlsbad Facilities Analyses Tape This tape consists of the following information: -A grid cell file of 1975 population and dwelling units -Series IV 1985 project population and dwelling units —Series IV 1995 project population and dwelling units ....... —A program to plot the population by either grid cell shading or by numbers —Grid cell files of the.following facilities allocations: —Fire Stations -Parks ^: - - •- -Elementary Schools ^rsr•... --—-•-.-.----., -Junior High Schools -i^.,._ -—Senior High Schools - ._«„„,- ...,,._.«w_ -2- -A program to plot the service district of all facilities or the travel contours of facilities by grid cell -A program to report the 1975, 1985, 1995 population within any ser vice area 3. Carlsbad General Plan Tape This tape consists of the following information: —Commercial areas —Professional and related services —Planned industrial areas — Gove rnmenta I f ac i I i t i es -Utilities -Schoo I s -Open space -Non- res i dent ia I reserves -Combination districts —Low residential -Low-medium residential —Medium residential -Medium-high residential -High residential —A program to plot each area -A program to calculate the area of each land use 4. Carlsbad 1975 Land Use Tape Included on this tape are the following boundaries: —Carlsbad City ' ' . - Water bodies -Intensive crops agri :~ . ' -"Intensive animal agri -. - - -State parks -Golf courses —Regional parks —~* — -Local parks -Orchards/vineyards —Light industrial * -Field crops -3- -Spaced residential -Single-family residential -Heavy industrial -Commercial open space -Shopping centers -Strip commercial -High schools -Elementary schools -Government service centers —Health care services -Mobile home parks -Multi-family residential -Transportat i on -Utilities -Extractive industrial —A program to plot each category -A program to compute the area of each category We also have the 1974 parcel file available with programs existing to access parcel information. Although the information contained in this file is over three years old, the program is set up and available for update. An important part of the entire system's development this year has been the ability to transfer several functions normally carried out at UCSD to "in-house" capability. Some data and functions still require in- formation transfer from UCSD to Carlsbad via phone connection between the two computer terminals. This capability will continue to be utilized until more of the original work done at UCSD can be transferred to the "in-house" system. Given the data and programs available today, the following application -areas can be implemented. I. Facilities Analyses A. For each facility maps can be plotted showing service areas, given standards and criteria. B. Present and future population projections (Series IV) can be plotted and overlayed to determine populations not adequately served. -4- 2. Land Use Management A. Plot environmental data (categories previously described). The system is set up to accommodate additional information as it be- comes avaiI able. B. Plot existing land uses. This system is also set up to accommodate additional information as it becomes available. Near Future Developments After establishing the standards to be used in facilities analyses, it is anticipated work in the near future will concentrate on utilizing .the Carlsbad Land Use Parcel File. This file is now four years out of date, but the programs for using the file can proceed while it is being updated. The following programs will be available shortly: -Retrieve all parcels in specific areas —Plot all parcels of specific type -Aggregate land use, zoning, etc., with any area -Calculate any area or number of dwelling units within a specified dis- tance of site using "dime" file The 1975 special census data will also be put on tape. This will allow retrieval of any information from the census through programs which will be made available shortly. CPO is currently working on an Historic Preservation, Archaeology System for development review. The prototype system will be built and tested in the Carlsbad area. This will allow City planners to determine if a proposed subdivision site has an archaeological site in or near the proposed subdivision. The application of this program will also be ap- plied to expanding the environmental data capabilities which may be util- ized as a master environmental inventory. Summary In summary, the major thrust of this year's work has been directed toward the operational development of primarily a public facilities analy- ses system and also an environmental and land use data system. In addi- tion, we have developed these operational systems with the flexibility for systematic update, thus maintaining the integrity and continuity of data supplied at any time. We should point out that what has been developed are tools which pro- vide information and analyses. These systems do not provide decisions. -5- Additionally, although the systems described in this report are opera- tional, only the public faciIities portion is "up to date" as of 1978. The parcel file and land use and environmental data files consist of the best information available (i.e., parcel file - 1974, land use - 1975). To truly utilize these files as "current" information will require a com- mitment to update and maintain "current" information. -6-