HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-07-01; City Council; 5337-2; Park Drive WideningCITY OF CARLSHAD c. Mgr. .. . The contractor, Asphalt Service of Oceanside has satisfactorily completed the widening of Park Drive. The final contract amount of $40,370.64 was less than the original contract amount by $6,438.14. fact that imported fill material was not required because the material ex- cavated for the structural section (originally anticipated to be unsatis- factory) was found suitable for use as fi I I material. The decrease i'n the contract amount was due to the Exhi bits Notice of Completion Recommen d at i on If City Counc the Notice of Counc'il action I concurs, accept the work and d rect the City Clerk to record Completion and release the bonds 35 days after recordation. 8-1-78 The CoAncil accepfed the work as completed and directed the Clerk ;c record a Notice of Completion and release the bonds 35 day; after recordati6n. ! To a1 - oFt\L I.,, nLCOROS HbRLEi F.bLooM laborers, materials suppl icrs and othar intervsiod perso~jidD,EG'JCO"N~y,CAIIF. On -July IO, 1978 , Contract No. IC46 , consisting of RECORDER -- constructlon of street improvements in Park Drive from Valencia NO FEE Avenue to Kelly Drive was completed. The contractor on this project war, A d L Asphalt Company, lot... d/b/a Asphalt Service Industrial lndemnitv ComDanv and the surcty was CITY OF CARLSBAD VERIFICATION OF CITY CLERK - I, the undersigned, say the City Council of the City of Carlsbad ac- cepted the above-descrlbed project, Contract No. 1046 , as completed and ordered a Notice of Completion to be filed. I declare under pocalty of perjury the forogolng Is true and correct. Exscuted on August 2, 1973 , at Carlsbad, California. CITY OF CARLSWD c