HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-07-04; City Council; 5497; Victor Moreno Ballet School Sewer AllocationCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. ^^97 Initial: Dept.Hd DATE: JULY 4, 1978 • DEPARTMENT: Engineering C. Subject: VICTOR MORENO BALLET SCHOOL - SEWER ALLOCATION REQUEST Statement_of the Matter Victor Moreno has requested allocation of the necessary EDUs to provide sewer service to a proposed ballet school to be located at 2621 Roosevelt Street. The new structure will also house the North County Ballet Company. The present location of the Company is in the old City Library Building at 3075 Harding Street, which will be converted to a parking facility to serve the Harding Street Community Center. The sewer allocation system provides for Council's allocation of sewer service for projects within -the redevelopment area from the contingency reserve of the First Phase Sewer Allocation System. Based on the proposed floor plan, the .Engineering Department staff has determined that 2.2 EDUs are required. If this request and the Glendale Federal request of 2.2 EDUs (to be considered on a separate agenda bill) are granted, a balance of 39.5 EDUs will remain in the contingency reserve. Exhibits 1. Staff report from City Engineer dated June 28, 1978. 2. Memo from Redevelopment Coordinator dated June 28, 1978. 3. Letter from Victor Moreno dated June 5, 1978. Recommendation; If City Council concurs, direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents allocating sewer capacity of 2.2 Equiva- lent Dwelling Units from the contingency reserve under the second revision of the First Phase Sewer Allocation System to Victor Moreno, subject to Coastal Commission approval and building permit issuance by January 5, 1979. City Manager's Note: The Council should consider deferring action on this matter until the boundaries of the redevelopment area are officially set and a preliminary redevelopment plan is adopted. (See Page 2 for Council action) Agenda Bill No. 5497 Page 2 Council action: 7-5-78 Council directed the City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents allocating sewer capacity of 2.2 Equivalent Dwelling Units from the contingency reserve under the second revision of the First Phase Sewer Allocation System to Victor Moreno, subject to Coastal Commission approval and building permit issuance by January 5, 1979. June 28, 1978 MEMORANDUM TO: City Manager FROM: City Engineer SUBJECT: Victor Moreno Ballet School - Sewer Allocation Request I have reviewed Victor Moreno's request for allocation of sewer service to a proposed ballet school to be located at 2621 Roosevelt. The new structure will also house the North County Ballet Company, which is presently located in the old City Library Building at 3075 Harding Street. The old City Library Building will be removed to accommodate a parking facility to serve the Harding Street Community Center. The proposed structure will require 2.2 EDUs of sewer capacity. This determination is based on 4,000 sq. ft. Since the proposed structure will be used as a commercial enterprise, it is not appropriate to allocate the necessary EDUs from the community facility reserve. The proposed building site, however, is within the redevelopment area, and allocation could be made from the con- tingency reserve on this basis. The Redevelopment Coordinator has reviewed Mr. Moreno's proposal (see attached memo) and has determined that a conditional use permit will be required. The Coordinator has further determined that the proposed use is consistent with the goal statement as recommended by the Village Area Advisory Committee, and he does not object to the allocation of 2.2 EDUs for this facility. If this request and the Glendale Federal request of 2.2 EDUs (to be considered on a separate agenda bill) are granted, a balance of 39.5 EDUs will remain in the contingency reserve. RECOMMENDATION That City Council allocate 2.2 EDUs of sewer capacity from the contingency reserve under the second revision of the First Phase Sewer Allocation System to Victor Moreno's Ballet School, subject to Coastal Commission approval and issuance of a building permit by January 5, 1979. W TIM FLANAGAN City Engineer TCF:pr Memorandum Date: June 28, 1978 To: Tim Flanagan, City Engineer From: Jack Henthorn, Redevelopment Coordinator Subject: Victor Moreno Ballet School - Sewer Allocation Request. As requested I have reviewed the subject proposal from the re- development standpoint. My comments are provided below: 1) Since the project area and preliminary plan have not been considered by the Planning Commission, the City's zoning ordinance requirements remain in effect. The proposal, as submitted, constitutes a conditional use and will be required to obtain a permit from the Planning Commission. 2) Although the proposal will not result in a significant beneficial fiscal impact, it will function to draw market potential into the area. Additionally the use is consistent with the goal statement as recommended by the Village Area Advisory Committee in that it does enhance and create cultural activities within the Village Area. 3) Given the development pattern in the surrounding area and the items cited above, I see no reason to oppose the allocation of the recommended 2.2 EDU'S. JEH/ar formerly: premier danseur of Argentina Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo now, .. artistic director of ballet in North San Diego County fcome: studio: 3075 hording ave. carlsbad, California 92008 June 5, 1978 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: North County Ballet Company Ladies and Gentlemen: The purpose of our letter is to seek approval of our plans to relocate the North County Ballet Company and to request the issuance of the necessary sewer allocation and building permit. For the last five and one-half years, the North County Ballet Company has been based in tne old City Library building located at 3075 Harding Street. As you know, the City of Carlsbad purchased this property about two years ago. The city has generously allowed the North County Ballet Company to continue to con- duct our activities here. . -. The North County Ballet Company is a non-profit organization created in 1972 to provide young dancers in the North County area the opportunity to develop their dancing skills, to perpetuate the high standards of classical ballet, and to further develop the cul- tural arts in North County through community cultural enrichment activities and programs. Since incorporating on a non-profit basis in 1975, the North County Ballet Company has grown both in numbers of dancers and in its repertoire. We have at the present time between 150 and 200 local residents involved in our productions, dancers, choreographers, set and costume designers, managers, directors, stage hands, set construction and technical equipment crews. We are non-profit. None of our personnel is paid to perform and work. Everyone volunteers his or her time, energy and talent in the interest and for the love of the art, the public and the performance. Our repertoire has been expanded from our traditional yearly production of the Nutcracker to the just- presented Coppelia. We are preparing two additional ballets, Graduation Ball and Swan Lake. phone (714) 729-8741 Carlsbad City Council June 5, 1978 Page 2 Our company is firmly established in Carlsbad. It provides the only available opportunity for local re- sidents and their children to attend performances and to learn and participate in the performances if they so desire." Seats for our productions are easily within reach to every pocketbook: A donation of $2.00 per adult and $1.00 per child for each performance. These sums are no- minal, especially in comparison to prices of $8.00 to $15.00 per seat being charged elsewhere. Thus, we are able to reach and attract to our performances and activities the broadest spectrum of our residents, from students to senior citizens. We have been notified, however, that our company must soon relocate from 3075 Harding because the City of Carlsbad plans to convert the property to use as parking for the Senior Citizens Center situated directly across the street. We have sought space to rent but found none within the downtown Carlsbad area which would be suitable for our needs. We have found an unimproved lot, though, which could be purchased and on which we could either place the old City Library structure, restored as necessary and appropriate, or construct a new single-story building. Either plan would require the City Council's prior approval. Under either plan, the lot would be purchased privately. No city funds whatever would be requested toward its acquisition. Plan A would be to relocate the old library building on the lot and to restore it. We would be pleased to do our part to preserve this building as part of our city's heritage. Or, if the city prefers, Plan B could be implemented as an alternative, and a 4,000 square foot building constructed, at private expense. In addition to housing the North County Ballet Company, the new facility will be used by the North County Ballet Academy. The Ballet Academy is the dancing school owned and operated by me with the assistance of Mr. Lez Damaroff and Ms. Louise Frazer.. Lez is the Company Manager, and Louise is the Ballet Mistress, and Prima Ballerina, of the North County Ballet Company. I serve as Artistic Director for the North County Ballet Company. Together, Lez, Louise and I represent 110 years'teaching experience. Carlsbad City Council June 5, 1978 Page 3 We anticipate that the Ballet Academy will share the facilities with the North County Ballet Company. The school has between 100 and 150 students at the present time. We plan to hold classes from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM during the week. Classes will not run continuously. Classes will be held primarily after school hours for the children, during the day for college students and local residents. Classes vary in number of students. Normally a class has no more than 15 to 20 students. There will be classes for all types of dance and related arts, not only for the instruction of ballet. We will be happy to allow other civic-minded groups to use this facility during the weekends at times that we do not use it. We would like to use the building and outside facilities to enhance the arts and provide the community with the opportunity to participate in activities of its own choosing. A brief word on the subject of sewer capacity may be in order. In our location on Harding Street we have man- aged adequately with one restroom for each sex. We do not anticipate any greater useage of city sewers following our relocation. Our building would be located at a sufficient distance from the neighbors' property line and insulated so as not to create a noise disturbance and we will keep the music and sound activities of the school to a minimum noise level. Without doubt the North County Ballet Company and Ballet Academy will continue to be a strong and influential force in the artistic growth of our community, with proven activities ranging from special programs for the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Program to dance classes for the Inter- Session Program for the Carlsbad Unified School District. We have assisted, and will continue to help, the Public Library, Girls Club, Scouts, Senior Citizens and many other groups and organizations. In conclusion, we not only serve the community, but draw from the community those interested and talented re- sidents who make up our company. Ours is a company which is not merely passing through town for an occasional perfor- mance, but a company which has its permanent home and place within this community. We desire to stay here in the down- town area of Carlsbad, to continue our activities and service to the community. Carlsbad City Council June 5, 1978 Page 4 To this end, we need and respectfully request your favorable consideration and approval of either plan briefly outlined in this letter, the relocation of the old city library building or the approval of our proposed new con- struction. We hope and trust that you will decide that our proposed relocation, according to either plan, is both necessary and in the public interest, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7051. Victor Moreno