HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-07-05; City Council; 5336-3; No parking anytime - Carlsbad BL N/Cannon RDI 8 c - ' i' CITY OF CArlLSHAD AGENE>. BILIJ NO. 5336 - Supplement .--- #3 -I__ c u f n 5- t ia I : Dept . Hd. DEPARTMENT : Engineering - Traffic - Safety Commission C. Mgr. Sxb j ect : --- ---- -- -.--I- --.-- "NO PARKING ANY TIME" ON CARLSBAD BOULEVARD NORTH OF CANNON ROAD Statement of the Matter - __._I See staff report. Exhibits I. Staff report dated June 26, 1978. 2. Excerpt from Traffic Safety Commission minutes of May I, 1978. 3. Traffic Safety Commission minutes of March 13, 1978. Recommendation Consider actions and recommendations outlined in staff report and give direction to staff as to preferred course of action. Council action: 7-5-78 Council ordered the report filed; instructed staff to either , paint the curbs red or post "no parking" signs at the entrance to Tierra del Oro sufficient in depth to provide for safe ingress and egress;,and instructed staff to place Tierra del Oro in consideration witti all other City streets for inclusion in the overlay program at the proper time. MEMORANDUM TO : City Manager FROM : Pub'l i c Works Admi n i strator DATE : June 26, 1978 SUBJECT: TIERRA DEL OR0 The City Council again referred the issue of no parking on Carlsbad Boulevard and associated issues relating to Tierra del Oro to the Traffic Safety Commission. Specific items which Council expressed concern about were: Red curbs (no parking) on the east/west leg of Tierra del Oro; two- hour parking on the north/south leg of Tierra del Oro; parking for Cannon Park; and removal of "No Parking Anytime" signs on the east side of Carls- bad Boulevard. The Traffic Safety Commission, at its May 1st meeting, with Messrs. Valentine and Carston in attendance, reconsidered the item and the Counci 1's concerns. They voted to maintain a1 I of their original recommen- dations as outlined in the March 13th Traffic Safety Commission minutes. They further recommended that the issue of parking around Cannon Park be observed during the summer months and if needs were found to exist, the Commission would reconsider the item at a later date. Considering the Traffic Safety Commission's recommendations and the fact that Council has given preliminary approval to the Carlsbad Boulevard Bike Route recommendations, I would suggest we disassociate the Carlsbad Boulevard issues from the Tierra del Or0 issues. Carlsbad Boulevard will be resolved as part of the Coastal Bike Route program. Therefore, I will limit further discussion to those items relating to Tierra del Oro. Summarizing the issues, they relate to parking on Tierra del Oro by San Diego Gas & Electric construction workers and by surfers; they relate to enforcement of litter laws; they relate to relocation of some traffic signs and to street striping; and they relate to the street pavement. Enforcement of litter laws is a police function. The Police Depart- ment is aware of the issue and it is a function of availability of person- nel. The relocation of traffic information signs and street striping has been taken care of. The issue of street pavement can be resolved either by reconstructing the street (via an assessment district) to current struc- tural standards or it can be resurfaced as an addition to the overlay program. The cost of resurfacing (1-1/2" A.C.) would be approximately $5,000 and would take specific Council action since it doesn't qualify for the City's normal program (existing surfacing is rock and oil, not asphalt). This leaves us with the main, and most emotional, issue of no parking or restricted parking. Facts to be kept in mind when making a decision in this matter are that building permits have been issued on the two lots that serve as access for the surfers, and the San Diego Gas & Electric project is scheduled for completion within a month. If we were to install two-hour City Manager -2 - June 26, 1978 parking we would not have the police manpower to enforce it. ment of posted regulations breeds contempt for the regulations and is a self-destructive path on which to embark. Posting of no parking (red curbs) on the east/west leg of Tierra del Oro, whi le more readi ly enforce- able by patrol units traveling on Carlsbad Boulevard, wi 1 I set a precedent that can affect beach parking elsewhere in the City and cannot be recom- mended. Non-enforce- SUMMARY The following are courses of action Council may wish to consider. Staff position is expressed in parenthesis. - Receive and f i le report (recommended). - Instruct staff to add street to overlay program and authorize transfer of $5,000 to overtay program account (matter of Council discretion). - Post north/south Tierra del Oro with two-hour parking signs (recommend against). - Post east/west Tierra del Or0 for "No Parking Anytime" (cannot recommend). Ronald A. Beckman, P.E. Pub I i c Works Admi n i st rat or RAB: veb CC: City Engineer Transportation Engineer - TRAFF I C SAFETY COlYM I SS I ON MONDAY , MAY 1, 1978 ENGINEERING-PLANNING CONFERENCE ROOM AT 3:OO P.M. MINUTES Present: Chairman Mike Riley, Bill Harkins, Bob Nelson, Alan Jacobs, Capt, Wally Rossall, Kent Whitson, Tim Flanagan Absent: Nonk Guests: Ed Valentine, George Carston 1. 2. 3. 4. ._ . . Approval of Minutes The Minutes of the April 3, 1978 meeting were approved as submitted with the exception of Item No. 4, Restriping La Costa Avenue. Commission wanted to make sure that, as a condition of their recom- mendation, a public hearing be held for all the affected property owners in order to receive their input- The Introduction of Mew Commission Member Dr. Alan K. Jacobs was introduced and welcomed as the new member of the Traffic Safety Commission. ‘#NO PARKING ANYTIME” on Carlsbad Boulevard North of Cannon Road After considerable discussion and review of City Council’s concerns as expressed at the April 4, 1978 Council meeting, the Commission agreed to maintain - all of their original recommendations as out- tined in the Minutes from the Monday, March l3,‘1978, meeting. Because of the potential hazard associated with curbside parking along the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard and previous accidents, the Commission recommended the parking restriction remain in effect even after the construction work at the Encina Power Plant has been completed. The Commission also recommended the parking issue concerning Cannon Park be observed during the summer months to determine how heavy thi: parking demand will be. parking along the north side of Cannon Road; however, other areas that could be considered for parking are along the south side of Cannon Road and along the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard. This item could be submitted to the Commission at a later date. There appears to be adequate room for “STOP” Control at Intersection of Donna and Falcon Drives Due to the increased traffic on Donna Drive from the recent exten- sion of Elm Avenue and the fact Donna Drive is soon to be striped, - ADJOURNED MEET 1 NG TRAFF IC SAFETY COMiul I SS I ON MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1978 ENGINEERING-PLANNING CONFERENCE ROOIV AT 3:OO P.M. MI NUTES Present: Bi I I Harkins, Bob Nelson, Bi I I Batdwin, Capt, !Val ly RossalI, Kent Whitson Absent: Mike RI ley ' . Only one item was discussed at this meeting: Tierra del Or0 related to parking conditions in the vicinity of the San Diego Gas 8, Electric Power Plant. After listening and discussing the concerns of both the residents of Tierrs del Or0 and a representative from S.D.G.&.E. at its March 6, 1978 meeting. the Commission decided to meet again and make a field trip. Various traffic requests on After carefully reviewing the situation, the Commission felt it was abso- lutely necessary for safe.ty to maintain the parking restriction along the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard from Cannon Road northerly for a distance of 1,800 feet. construction employees parking their vehicles along Carlsbad BouIevard In front of the Encina Power Plant, especially during the change in working shifts at 4:30 p.m. majority of the workers are from areas south of the plant. The Commission also emphasized that the implementation of the Coastal Bike Route wi I I require this parking restriction. A serious traffic problem had been crea-fed by the numerous- This resulted in many hazardous U-turns since_-rthe .. The Commission was not in favor of establishing any'time limit or parking restrictions anywhere along such a public residential street as Tierra del OK) because of the unnecessary enforcement problems that would be created forthe Police Department. Also, the Commission recommended against re- moving any bushes at this time because they do not seriously interfere with prevailing speed sight distances. The Commission did recommend that the existing "NOT A THROUGH STREET" sign be replaced by a larger one and be made more visible. Finally, the Commis- sion did not feel that a right-turn lane into Tierra del Or0 was warranted, but did recommend that a double yellow centerline be painted on Tierra del Or0 at its entrance from Carlsbad bulevard. Respectfully submitted, Unt A. Whitson, P.E. for Traffic Safety Commission KAW : veb