HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-08-01; City Council; 3564-1; Area Wide Water Quality Management Plan 208c // CITY OF CARL SBAD AGEKDA BILL NO..iS`�-� DATE: August''1, 1978- DEPARTMENT: Planning SUBJECT: AREA WIDE WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN - 208 Initial: Dept. Hd.f� City Atty_jf-t3 -- City Mgr. 'Statement of the Matter On May 9, 1978, the Council discussed the proposed Area Wide" ater Quality Management Plan and noted some areas for futher consideration and suggested changes. Staff reviewed and discussed the plan with City Council on June 13, 1978. At that meeting the City Council adopted a position in accordance with certain modifications to the plan. Councilman Skotnicki represented the City's position during the CPO adoption of the water resource plan on June 19, 1978. As part of the approving action the Board of Director's adopted several amendments to the plan, (see attached memo dated 'July 20, 1978, for discussion of the CPO's action). Now that the plan is adopted CPO would like the City's commitment to implement those recommendations relevant to Carlsbad and has drafted a proposed resolution for Carlsbad's adoption. Adoption of this resolution is not mandatory, however, EPA and the State Water Research Control Board has requested CPO to obtain commitments to implement the plan., Also CPO wishes this commitment for the integrity of the plan. (see memo dated July 20, 1978, for discussion of this resolution). Evidently CPO will attach our resolution to the adopted plan when submitting the plan to the State of California and the Federal Government for their eventual adoptions. Exhibits City Council Resolution No. adopting a City implementation plan for Area Wide Water Quality Management. Memo dated July 20, 1978 from James C. Hagaman. Letter dated June 23, 1978 From CPO with attachments Exerpts from City Council Minutes for May 9, 1978 and June 13, 1978 Recommendation If Council concurs, adopt Resolution No. Council action 8-1-78 Resolution #5492 was adopted, adopting a City Implementation Plan for Area Wide Water Quality Management. DLR:ms FORM PLANNING 73 e MEMORANDUM TO: Paul Bu sey, City Manager FROM: ! James C. Hagaman, Planning Director DATE: July 20, 1978 SUBJECT: WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN The City Council discussed the subject rniatter on May 9th and June 13th of this year. On June 13th, the CounAl adopted a position that the plan be approved subject to th, following comments and reservations: 1. Plan include a policy requiring a finding of General Plan consistency. 2. The plan include a clear statement as to how the plan will be modified upon the certification of the revised population forecast. 3. The recommendation as to the designation of the County Water Authority as a Water Facilities Planning Coordinator not be approved unless some modification to the County Water Authority Organizations are made, or in lieu thereof that the CPO assume those functions given to the County Water Authority. Also, the Comprehensive Planning Organization staff suggested amendments to the plan as contained in CPO report R-79-B. These amendments, along with the two amendments adopted by the Board of Directors contained in the attached letter dated 6/23/78 from the CPO,were adopted into the plan on June 19, 1978. It appears that the first and third suggestions by our Council on General Plan Consistency have been met as stated in the letter of June 23, 1978. A statement was not inserted into the plan indicating how the plan would be modified upon the certification of revised population forecasts as suggested by our City Council. The CPO has now asked us to adopt a resolution indicating willingness to implement the plan where appropriate. Staff suggests making modifications to this resolution to contain the City's specific interest, especially in population forecasts and the fiscal impact report. Attached to the letter from CPO on June 23, 1978, is their draft resolution for the City of Carslbad. Staff has taken this resolution, acid redrafted it to include the above concerns. These changes include modifications of, the findings to the CPO's recommended implementation activities #1 and 07. Changes to #1 include agreement to participate in the "further study and possible construction" of wastewater reclamation facilities rather than agreement to assist in the actual construction at this time. Staff also included an identified facility for LCWD MEMO to Paul Bussey July 20, 1978 Page two in this change. #7 was changed to the same wording as used for #6 and #8 because the Agua Hedionda Specific Plan has not yet been adopted by the City. The modified resolution has been reviewed by Public Work's Administrator as well as the Planning Department and we feel it is adequate and within our scope of responsibilities and work programs and therefore recommend that it be adopted for the integrity of the Plan. Adopting of a resolution by the City is not manditory, but the Comprehensive Planning Organization desires City adoptions to satisfy the State Suter Management Department and the Environmental Protection Agency requests of City concurrence with the plan. JCK:BP: ms 1 SAN DIEC..1 F'k. fON'S COUNCIL OF COVE ,Jt'""NT5 ���,,�a25?SZI?p�9 • ; Jt1Ile 23, 1973PLANNING� COMPREHENSIVE �ATIdN a 197g a, suite 524 Security Pacific Plaza Mr. Paul Bussey Sanoie(p,rd Cvenue San Diego, California 92101 City thnager , (714) 236.5300 City of Carlsbad ` �`) 1200 Elm StreetIt Ct v s Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr., Bussey: On June 19, 1978, the Comprehensive Planning Organization adopted the Areawide Water Quality Management Plan for -the San,Diego-Riverside area. As part of its action, the Board of Directors adopted several amendments to the Plan. Most of these amendments are listed'in Board Report R-74-b which is attached to this letter. Two of the most significant amendments were initiated, however, by the Board :and are A6scribed below. First, the Board decided to have the CatiprehensiVe Planning Organization rather than the County'Water Authority prepare the, "detailed water resources_ elemeitt' of the keawide Vater Quality Management Plan. Second, the Board adopted a policy statement which reads as follows: "Because the,.specific wastewater facility to be built will not be identified until after the Fnvironmenfal Inpact Report and project plan are prepared, it is recommended that no identified need for a water or wastewater facility described in this plan or in subsequent revisions should receive grant funds imder PL 92-SOU Section 201(g) or be issued a discharge pernli.t under Section 402 until each general purpose government within whose jurisdiction the facility lies mskes a finding that the facility is consistent with the general plan. All projects described in the Areawide Plan or in subsequent revi- sions must be consistent with the general plan of each general purpose government within whose jurisdiction the project lies-. At the time each general purpose government reviews the proposed project under its review powers granted by Covernment Code Sections 65401 and 65402, the project and/or capital facility plan will be reviewed for confoimance to the Areawide Plan. In addition, each agency proposing to construct such a facility shall present evidence that each adjacent, affected or interested agency ,has been provided an opportunity to comment on or participate in the project. 4NEMBER AGENCIES Cores of CarftbaO Chda Vista. Coronado, Del Mar Et Caton. Esconddo. Vain t Beach. La Mesa Lemon Grove. NationN CRY, 0 eans-de• San Diego, San Marcos. Vista, and County of San Diego, i EX CIO MEMBER Cahfornia Department of Transportation i HONORARY MEMBER. Tyuana. B. CFA In order to avoid extending the already lengthy proj,c- re�riew pro- cess, the CP) will verify consistency with local general plans and the Areasvide Plan as part of the 01V A-95 review procedure (for applica- tions under the Section 201 wastewater facility planning grunt pro- gram) and as part of the review of Nvironmental Impact Reports as authorized by the California Environmental Quality Act." Several weeks ago, CPO staff sent you a draft resolution for your agency's governing body to use in adopting the Areawide Plan and committing to implement those recommendations relevant to you. Enclosed with this letter, you will find a final draft of that resolution. The staff has revised.the resolution only to make it consistent with the Plan as now adopted by CPO. It still contains the actions your agency would carry out as a part of its management responsibilities for the Areawide Plan. We hope your agency will be able to approve the resolution in the near future and I hope the working relationships between general and special purpose agencies can continue to improve. Thank you for reviewing the Areawide Plan and considering the resolution for adoption; a CFO staff member will be in touch with you about it in the next few days. Sincerely, RICFIARD J. HOFF Executive Director RJH/SRS/h Enclosures: 1) Board of Directors Report R-74-b, June 19, 1978 2) Final Draft Resolution of Adoption DRAFT RESOLUTIO;1 OF TiO CITY OF CARLSBAD ADOPTING AN AREMIDE WATER QUALITY 1,MGB!EN1f PLAN, INCLUAING ACTIONS TO BE Utv'mRTAm TO IMPIDW THE PLAN M00 S, the amendments to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 (PL 92-300) established the national goal "to restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the nation's waters" to be achieved through the eventual elimination of the discharge of pollutants ; and ZVH[:TO;AS, the Federal Act required states or designated areawide planning agencies to prepare areawide water quality management plans to accomplish this goal; and NiUMAS, the Federal -Regulations, part 40 CFR 131.11, set forth the re- quirements to be net by the Plan; and IffRI AS, local governments throughout the designated area (western San Diego County and the Santa Margarita Basin. in Riverside County) agreed to join with other affected general and special purpose units of local government in a planning process which would result in a coordinated Areawide Hater Quality Management Plan; and WM EA.S, the Comprehensive Planning Organization, together with federal, state and local agencies and citizens advisory committees, has prepared the Area - wide Water Quality Management Plan. NOW THEREFORE IM IT RESOLVED that the City of Carlsbad adopts the Areawide Water Quality Management Plan as the basis for its future water quality management and related planning efforts; acid BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Carlsbad agrees to carry out the following activities to aid in implementing the Plari; ,0� •I.* Municipal Wastewater Facilities. Assist, through direct actiois or support of other agencies, in the construction of waste disposal and reclamation facilities to satisfy the needs identified in the Plan. The facilities listed in the Plan as annually updated will be the basis for detailed plan- ning. (Wastewater Treatment System Needs and bbnagement Responsibilities Report, Carlsbad/San DiegUto area, .Table .3, as .well as ,the pertinent reclama- tion facilities identified in the Plan SumQnary, Table 5, Encina, Alt. I, lake Calaveras Hills, Alt. 1, and Palomar/San Marcos AH 1/3.) 2.* Erosion and Siltation Control. Review the City's grading ordinance and consider any amendments needed .to improve control. of water quality as identified in the model ordinance. (Plan Summary, Appendix 4) 3.* Continuing Areawide Water Quality Planning Process. Participate in future planning activities, including: a, preparation of the water resources plan, an element of the Areawide Plan, by providing information on proposed water and wastewater -programs -and requirements; b. biennial regional growth forecasts; by providing information on -land use and demographic changes and local policy: c. air quality attasment and maintenance plan, by assisting in the de- velopment and implementation of mitigation measures that are consistent with City policy. 4.* Spheres of Influence. ;Provide assistance to the Local Agency Formation Commission in establishing and maintaining spheres of influence. S.* Project Reviai in Fringe Areas. Cooperate with the County in developing procedures acid in annually providing information on the City Is proposed projects (for voluntary review) as well as comments on projects of other agencies that may affect the City. *common activities for general purpose local governments in San Diego Cotmty. City of Carlsbad 6. Batiquitos lagoon. Participate with all affected agencies in the preparation of a Lagoon Management Program as part of the -.State mandates Local Coastal Program. 7. Agua Hedionda LagooaL Complete the designation of ..agencies.responsible . for carrying out the Lagoon Management portion of the Local Coastal Program, 8. Buena Vista Lagoon. Participate with all.af£ected.agencies in.the prepara- tion of a.Lagoon.Management Program for Buena Vista Lagoon as part of the State mandated Local Coastal Progrma. COMPREHENSIVEr_`�ING ORGANIZATION OF THE Si D�I,EGO REGION Board of Directors Agenda Report No.: R -74- b Date 6/19/73 ARMIDE WATER QJAI.ITY MMAMIEN'r PLAN: PLAN RE00,NNF T�DATIONS At its February 27, 1978 meeting, the Board of Directors "accepted for dis- tribution" the most important elements of the Areawide Water Quality Alanagement Plan. In bhrch, the recommendations were distributed throughout the area for review prior to Board action on the Plan. Comments and recommendations have since -been received from a number of agencies, organizations and individuals; many of these comments are listed in Agenda Report R-74-a (both the blay and June versions). In this memorandum, the staff is recommending that the Board of Directors adopt the Areawide Plan with the changes listed herein. Before acting, the Board should also consider the recommendations of the Elected Officials Task Force, Program banagement Committee and Areawide Advisory Committee. To keep it as Short as possible, this memorandum contains only the changes recommended to the original draft. Board members may, therefore, want to bring the appropriate draft Plan reports witli them.. As a result ofriieetings with local agency staffs and some additional correspon- dence, a number of changes have been made in staff recommendations on the Final Plan since the last Board meeting. Therefore, this memorandum completely super- sedes the men, orandtm R-74-b•given to -the Board for the May meeting. It is my RE-con1ENDATION that the Areawide Water Quality Management Plan for the San Diego -Riverside area be adopted with the modifications listed in this report and that this report together with the modifications, the final Environmental, Social and Economic Assessment, and all support documents to the Plan, be submitted to the State Water Resources Control Board for certification and adoption and to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency for approval. NWIAGO. NT R%SPaNSIBILITIES Recommendations on management responsibilities will be made by the Elected Officials Task Force, which was appointed by the Board of Directors to work on this element of the Plan. Director Rypinski, Chairperson of the Task Force, I .{ 2. will report on the group's findings. The Task Force report, the report of the Areawide Advisory Committee, and the recommendations of the Riverside County represcntatives of the Santa Margarita -San Luis Rey iatershed Planning Agency are attached to this memorandum: The staff recommends only three changes in this element of the Plan. They are: 1. That appropriate language be added to the Plan reports and proposals to recognize the autonomy of Riverside County and that Riverside County cannot be legally bound by decisions of governmental agencies in San Diego County. Specifically it is recommended that the following changes be made: (new wording is underlined) "Planning 1. The continuing planning process, areawide forecasts, and the coordina- tion of growth management activities should be the responsibility of the Comrprehensive Planning Organization and the County of Riverside." "Implementation 7. An areawide water resources plan should be prepared and updated annual under the direction of the San Diego County Water Authority. The SNI-SL Watershed Planning Agency will coTpile the Water Resources Plan or Ui River sa a County portion o oration by - t ie County Water Authority. ' "Operations 11. An areawide reclamation fund should be established by the County Water Authority. Decisions on fundir rye eclamation ro'ects in Riverside County will be ma a agencies in RiversiderCounty. T is ma inclucle 2. That the recommendations for consolidation studies of Poway nVD-Pomerado CWD, Fallbrool SD-Fallbrook PUD, and Padre Dam MVD be modified to (a) re- flect past consolidation efforts, and (b) allow the studies to be con- ducted as part of future incorporation studies. 3. If the proposal is adopted by the Board for the annual preparation of a detailed water resources plan using the County Water Authority as the "lead agency", the CPO and the CWA shall prepare a memorandum of agreement which addresses mutual responsibilities. The agreement shall, as a minimum, in- clude: a. recognition of the Plan review responsibility of the local general purpose governments and the annual Plan approval responsibility of the CPO; recognition of the responsibility of the RIQCB to approve the wastewater facilities portion of the detailed plan; h. the tutderstanding that the currently adopted Regional Growth Forecasts mid Cities and County General Plans will provide the policy, capacity, and statistical basis for the detailed water resources Plan; c. the scope of the detailed water resources plan and how it Ii.ts within the Areawide Water Quality Management Plan and the RWQCB's Basin Plan; d. the schedule for annually preparing the detailed plan so that it is compatible with updates of the Basin and Areawide Plans and the Cities' and County's implementation of Government Codes 65401-02; e. assurances that `he preparation of the detailed plan continues to make use of the agen-.Les (e.g., CPO, County, 141QCB, SMSLR) already collec- ting part of the information on proposed facilities so that cost and staff increases car be avoided. WATER QUALITY PROBIB45 $ MANAGEMarr RESPONSIBILITIES Lagoons and Sedimentation 1. Several comments were made disagreeing with the consultant's conclusion that sedimentation of lagoons is not a significant problem. Residents of coastal areas and interested organizations and agencies such as the Regional Coastal Commission and the San Elijo Alliance, believe it is a problem. In response, the ESFA Addendum states that the consultant addressed long- term sedimentation rather than short-term, localized sedimentation occur- ring during construction. Nevertheless, it is recommended that the Lagoon Management Programs" pro- posed in the Plan include the review and, if necessary, revision of local seffl.mentation control ordinances. 2. It is recomnended that the Counties of San Diego and Riverside each adopt an agricultural sedimentation control ordinance modeled after the one provided to CPO by the water resources consultant. The respective ordi- nances can be implemented by the Resource Conservation Dist.icts (which have already expressed s}ipport for the program) and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. The model ordinance contains "best management practices" for prevention of agricultural erosion and a procedure for enforcement. Enforcement: procedures would be carried out by -the RCD Boards and, as an appeals body, the RWQCB. (The final plan report will also include a map of agricultural areas that would be eligible for cost -sharing grants from the RCD/U. S. Soil Conser- vation Service for erosion prevention facilities. These grants, established by the "Culver Amendments", were enacted as part of the Federal 11arer Pol- lution Control Act Amendments of 1977.) Bays, Lakes and Reservoirs 1. It is recommended that the Regional Water Quality Control 'Board be desig- nated as the "lead agency" for setting up the interagency agreement to control minor pollution problems in San Diego Bay. The San Diego Unified Port District, originally proposed as lead agency, believes that the lead responsibility- should be given to an agency with a "preemptive role" in water duality. 2. It is recommended that the proposal to convert Lake Hodges to primarily recreational use be dropped. Further analysis of the possibility of partial conversion of Hodges should await the results of the City of San Diego's "bio-lake" project. The bio-lake project includes a study of the effects on Hodges of infiltration of reclaimed water used upstream for agricultural irrigation in the San Pasqual Valley. 3. It is further recommended that the proposal to convert Sweetwater Reservoir to primarily recreational use also be dropped, at least until the Sweet- water Authority has another emergency source of water supply, as requested by the State Department of Health. It is reconmended instead that xecrea- tional use be limited to boating and fishing and that the lake should con- tinue to be operated primarily as a water supply reservoir. Ground<aater Quality It is recommended that the 1190%" and "25%" be dropped from, the proposals for agricultural irrigation efficiency and fertilizer application. The University of California Extensiovx Service in Riverside is evaluating the recommendations for improved irrigation; and fertilizer efficiency. However, the specific amount of improvement achieved on each farm property will depenc on soil and crop types rather than a numter established in the Plan. Results of the tests will allow farmers, the Soil Conservation Service and the Resource Conservation Districts to set specific goals for each local area. Test results will be distributed by UC-Riverside, the SCS, the RCD's, and the Department of Agriculture. WASTF:i'IATER TREATMENT SYSTFM NEEDS AND MhNAGEMENT RFSPOASIBILITIFS 1. It is recommended that the wastewater projects listed for Dehesa and Jamul in the original draft of the Plan be dropped. Population growth forecasts for these communities are not high enough to warrant sewer service before 1995. 2. The text of the Wastewater Treatment S tems Needs and Management Respon- sibilities Report will a amended to indicate that the replacement of iYe- Vainbow lan B may not be needed if the County Growth Management Plan is approved. A statement will also be added on each facilities map and in the appropriate Wastewater Treatment and Transmission Needs tables in the same report, as follows: "The facilities described represent one viable alternative to meet an identified need. Tare operating agency is required to identify and analyze other viable alterr3tives (including no action) as part S. of the Environmental Impact Report process. Further, the needs iden- tified may change or be eliminated if the growth policies and plans of general purpose goverrurents change. The population forecasts and the needs ctisessment will be updated to incorporate these local policy and Plan changes." Ik cause the specific facility to be built will not be identified until after the Enviroilmental Impact Report and project plan are prepared, it is further recommended that the following policy statement be added to the plan: No identified need for a water or wastewater facility described in this plan or in subsequent revisions should receive grant funds under PL 92-500 Section 201(g) or be issued a discharge petrnit under Section 402 until each general purpose government within whose jurisdiction the facility lies makes a finding that the facility is consistent with the general plan. In addition, each agency proposing to construct such a facility shall. present evidence that each adjacent, affected, or interested agency has been provided an opportunity to comment on or participate in the proj ect. In order to avoid extending the already lengthy project review process, this review should be carried out as part of the OM A-95 review procedure (for applications under the Section 201 wastewater facility planning grant program) and as part of the review of Environmental Impact Reports as authorized by the California Environmental Quality Act. Water Conservation 1. It is recommended that the City/County Water Conservation Task Force recom- mendations on methods to conserve water be adopted as part of the Areawide titiater Quality Management Man. 2. It is further recommended that water conservation programs be applied throughout the service area of the County Dater Authority. Retailing Water agencies should be responsible for identify3.ng appropriate conservation programs for their service areas and for setting targets for the coming year, The County Water Authority should review and incorporate these programs in the Water Resources Plan. Wastewater Reclamation 1. Five reclamation facilities, all. shown on the table at the end of this report, are recommended to be added to the proposed project list. Also, the reclamation project proposed for Fallbrook is recon6ended to be moved to Category 2 (1983-88) and the San Mateo project is recommended to be deleted. The actions required of the local sewer agencies that would be responsible for a reclamation project include salt balance and/or nutrient level studies, source control programs for salts, long-term commitments from users., re- venue programs and project reports and EIR's. The San Diego County Water 6. Reuse Project can do some of these studies; CPO will work to get funds for the studies, and the study methodologies and results must be approved by the NM,10i.) 2. it is recoinuended that the County of San Diego instruct the County health ]k,partment to prepare a program to permit the use of shower, sink and laundry water (sometimes referred to as "grey water") for home lawn irri- gation. 3. It is recommended that the Board reaffirm its statement on a flexible approach to the application of groundwater quality objectives (adopted by the Board on January 23, 1978) and that it be adopted as part of the Areawide ]rater Quality tbnagement Plan, as described below: Rather than use a standard divisor (the so-called "one-third rule") to determine mineral limitations on reclaimed water used for spray irrigations and similar activities, the Regional Board should'zuke case -by -case determinations based upon salt balance studies carried out by the Regional Board and/or the applicant discharger; and The State Water Resources Control Board and the Regional Board should adopt a more flexible approach to the application and utilization of the water quality objectives set forth'in the Basin Plan (rather than the strict interpretation of the "Rancho Caballero decision" by the State Board), particularly where it is shown that a net water resource benefit can be achieved. 9RIQIAAM� J. HUF Nccutive Director ' ADDITIONAL RECaI,'sNDED wASIBVATER RECLAMATION PROJECTS Im ienentin P g Volume (mtrd) Location _ Category* Agency Use Buena 1 County of S.D. 280 acres of cropland .9 Buena S.D. Conduit Road 2 County of S.D. Sweetwater Regional Park 2.6 Spring Valley S.D. and Agricultural Areas on - North Otay Mesa Encinitas 1 Encinitas S.D. Flower farms .75 San Elijo 1 County of S.D. Lomas Santa Fe Golf Course and San Dieguito 3.0 San Elijo JPA Regional Park Del DIar 1 City of Del Mar Lagoon Recharge or •5 Irrigation *The timing for Category 1 is 1978-1983 and Category 2 is 1983-1997. COST SU;•M.ARY (tF RECQLNMENDED WASTEIIATEt PROJECTS Project Desler. Regulatory Energy_.� .. Z-- Cost/ Cost/ acre acre foot Caul Annual* _foot Capital Amival* Design Regulata Buena 142 $ 993,000 $128,000 451 $1,560,000 $406,000 730,000 3,430,000 Conduit Rd 361 2,903,000 722,000 361 2,903,000 722,000 4,254,000 4,264,000 Er.;:initas 212 567,000 69,000 212 567,000 69,000 119,000 119,000 San Elijo 19S 2,430,000 293,000 594 4,315,000 891,000 730,000 3,430,000 Del biar** 500000 to 700,000 400,000 000 to to 700,000 400,060 to Includes Operation and Maintenance Costs **Actual cost will depend on the specific reuse of the wastewater. f Cl OF CAR LSBAO COUNCILMEN Meeting of: CJTY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) z Time of Meeting: 7:00 P.M. ;n Date of Meeting: June 13, 1978 7� Place of Mpofinn• rnunril Chamhens i� o ROLL CALL: Present X X X X- EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Packard called an Executive Session at 7:03 P.M. for the purpose of discussing litiga- tion. Council reconvened at 9:06 P.M. with all Council members present, and Mayor Packard announced that litigation had been discussed. [371 . COUNCIL TRAINING SESSION: Mayor Packard stated the training session for Council needed to be discusses+ briefly. The City Manager stated Council had previously 'been requested to reserve June 16th and June 17th for their trainIng session, assuming the new Council member would be seated at that time. Fie requested direction from Council as to the timin for the session: Council indicated they would be available for the training Friday afternoon and all day Satur- day. The City Manager stated he would confirm the time with Mr. Gregg and notify Council. C�5] 1-. WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (208 STUDY The Planning Director gave a brief introduction of the matter, followed by a•staff report from Michael Zander of the Planning Department. *. Zander referenced'the Memorandum from the Planning Department to Council dated June 14, 1978, and the Memorandum from the Planning Department to Council dated May 4, 1978, and outlined the major issues contained in each. The Public Works Administrator reported that the Basin Plan is one of the criteria which needs to be addressed when anything is done in the area which deals with water management. Further, the Basin Plan for the San Diego region has been critically reviewed by the state; and the Regional Board has been requested to rea•pprafse their proposed Basin Plan to further encourage the possibility of -reclamation programs within the County. Therefore, he stated it would be desirable to incorporate the Basin Plan with the I 208 Plan. Councilman Skotnicki stated the Basin Plan is in fact, by reference, made a part of the 208 Plan. j With regard to the Population IVB Forecasts, he stated the County feels the Forecasts will be detrimental to the attainment of air quality standards; therefore, the County desires their growth management methodology be adopted in reducing the overall distribution of population in the County. • i 'i r .91iLAM CITY" Junes 1i ln7o � r� Off' CARLSB/ ,V CAUNCLL.F,AEN zr•n n � Councilman Skotnicki requested that Council alio him the flexibility of expressing concern in the area of the water reclamation fund in that it doesn't say how the funds would be obtained, who would receive the funds nor for what purpose. Further, he expressed the feeling that the fund will eventually be needed, but is. not necessary at this time. • Councilman Skotnicki continued stating he would attempt to get a statement included about the need for amending the Plan and amending the Population Forecasts. However, -he recommended Council not instruct him to vote against the Plan due to the lack of the Fiscal Impact Report "ouncil adopted a position on the 208 Plan in Motion X accordance with the following: That the pro- Ayes X X X X posed ESEA and 208 Plan be approved subject to the following comments and reservations: 1,: TEie 208 Plan include a policy requiring•a finding of general -,plan consistency; 2. The 208 Plan include a clear statement as to how the Plan will be modified upon the certifi.-' cation of revised population forecasts; and 3. The recommendation as to the designation of the County Water Authority as the 14ater Facili$i s Planning Coordinator not be approved unless some modifications to the County Water Authority organization are made, or in lieu thereof, that CPO assume those functions given to the County Water Authority. [371 2. COUNCIL MEETING TIMES. Mayor Packard suggested Council maintain its current meeting schedule until such time as the new Council member is seated. Council concurred with the suggestion. [291 3. DISCUSSIdN OF BUDGET REVIEW PROCEDURES. The City Manager stated this item was placed on the agenda in order to.inform Council of the status of the Proposition 13 Advisory Committee and the proposed procedures for budget review. He stated he would be meeting with the Chairman of the Committee on Thursday morning followed by a meeting with th ,committee on Thursday evening The City Manager continued by outlining the pro- posed procedures to be utilized by the committee in their effort to priori-; .,. i�u,,,,. ,nE.n upon submission of the committee report to Council, Council would then review that report and the budget and make determinations. Mayor Packard stated he' would like to review all ; state and federal programs under which the City is required to provide matching funds. • Councilwoman Casler requested a list of those funds which are encumbered for particular projec s. I I A CITY Cf'll \!.._.rW. ail Meeting of: CITY CODUCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 7:00 P.M. j Date of Meeting: May 9, 1978 07 .oa«eD.a� .+....,evwa. ..eseow+�+.r., y • �-•^...�+w:�+au.awa.aa-r.. ROLL CALL: (85] SECTION 208 - AREAWIDE WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT �:pp Present fXIX y ` X I�Sn X PLAN. The Planning Director gave a brief introduction E of the matter stating staff had reviewed the 208 { Plan over the past few weeks and'attempted to 1 indicate its origin and interrelationship with i various other programs. Mr. Michael Zander of`the Planning Department ti E then gave a background report of the matter and stated there appears to be a strong relationship or connection between the 208 Plan and the Air Quality Maintenance Program. He then outlined a the areas of concern contained in -the memorandum a from the Planning Department to Council dated ; May 4, 1978. Councilman Skotnicki questioned whether the City i could support the population figures financially = as well as with the necessary public facilities. ! IN response, staff stated the figures were not leased on a city's•ability to service the popula- i tiou levels. F• t Councilman Skotnicki expressed the feeling that if the City desired to build wastewater treatment facilities in the future, it would be necessary to insure their inclusion in the 208 Plan if ; federal or state funding was desired. { ; Ile continued stating the Council should consider the 4t M following items: t S 1. Whether to take a position on tl-e deficiencie noted by the County as to air quality. i 2. Whether to agree with the County that all projects to considered consistent with General Plans before they are.considered for federal funding. 3. Whether to agree with the Cnunty that the basin plan not be included in the 208 Plan. 4. Whether to agree with the County that popula- tion forecasts 48 need to be reviewed; and , 5. What position to take on the management issue Staff expressed the feeling that the 208 Plan and the Air Quality Maintenance Plan will be regional planning documents of the County and will be the basis for regional government in the County, rC In addition, staff stated.there arere inconsisten- cies in the Plan. Wherein one portion may classi y a project as unfeasible, another portion may call' for the completion of that same project within 4 5 years. Further, as proposed, there appears to ! be no method by which Carlsbad can have input ` into amendments to the Plan. ! CITY OF CARLSBAD 2 - Council recognized Mr. Fred Morey, 2623 Abedul, Carlsbad, Vice -President of Governmental Affairs for La Costa Land Co. He questioned the origina- tion of the population figures and what factors had been considered in determining same. Mr. Morey referenced his letter dated May 8, 1978, and stated it contained many questions for which he desired answers. Staff expressed the feeling that the'population figures will be the controlling basis in the future; and should the population figures be changed, it would require changing all the tactics. The Mayor stated discussion on the 208 Plan would continue following an Executive Session. _ EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Mayor called an Executive session at 8:23 P.M. for tha purpose of discussing Meet and Confer. Counci; reconvened at 10:02 P.M. with all Council members present and the Mayor announced Meet and Confer -had been discussed. 1851 SECTION 208 - Continued. Council 'recognized Mr. Jack Kubota of Woodside Kubota L Associates, P. 0. Box 1095, C�risbad. 14•. Kubota stated the City could proceeu with a t project regardless of its exclusion from the 208 'Plan. If it were not included, however, it would not receive funding. In this-'c.ontext, he expressed willingness to furnish information on such a project in another city. Further Council discussion related to whether the management responsibilities of the Plan shoul be placed with the County or the County tinter Authority, as well as the possibility of placing i those responsibilities with CPO. Following further discussion, Council agreed that Motion the City of Carlsbad not support that part of the Ayes implementation responsibilities indicated on Noes Page 47 of the Areawide Water Quality Management Plan Summary which states that the Plan recommend the County Water Authority be designated as lead agency. As a point of clarification, Councilman Skotnicki stated this applies to the,County dater Authority as it currently exists. In additicn, Council agreed to request nn exten- Motion sion of time to the third Monday in June for Ayes final analysis of the Plan. As a matter of clarification, it was stated this included requesting continuation of considering the Environmental Social Economic Analysis (ESEA) as the EIR. ' S X X I X' X� x ' ..S,At 3 May , 1978 ADJOURNMENT: j By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at t�t ji 10:49 P.M. t Respectfully submitted, MARGARfA E. ADAMS, City Clerk Lee Rabtenkranz, Recording Secretary , I ' i i f I c i f • , i i 1 RESOLUTION NO. 5492 2 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING 3 AN AREAWIDE WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN, INCLUDING ACTIONS TO BE UNDERTAKEN 4 TO IMPLEMENT THE PLAN. 5 WHEREAS, the amendments to the Federal Water Pollution 6 Control Act of 1972 (PL 92-500) established the national goal 7 "to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological 8 integrity of the nation's waters" to be achieved through the 9- eventual elimination of the discharge of pollutants; and 10 WHEREAS, the Federal Act required states or designated •11 areawide planning agencies to prepare areawide water quality 12 management plans to accomplish this goal; and 13 WHEREAS, the Federal Regulations, part 40 CFR 131.11, set 14 forth the requirements to be met by the Plan; and 15 WHEREAS, local governments throughout the designated area 16 (western. San Diego County and the Santa Margarita Basin in 17 Riverside County) agreed to join with other affected general 18 and special purpose units of local government in a planning 19 process which would result in a coordinated Areawide Water 20 Quality Management Plan; and 21 WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Planning Organization, together 22I with federal, state and local agencies and citizens advisory 23 committees, has prepared the Areawide Water Quality Management 24 Plan, 25 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Carlsbad 26 adopts the Areawide Water Quality Management Plan as the 27 basis for its future water quality management and related 26 planning efforts; and -1- 1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEb that the City of Carlsbad agrees to 2 carry out the following activities to aid in implementing the Plan: 4 1. *Municipal Wastewater Facilities. Assist, through direct 5 actions or support of other agencies, in the further study 6II and possible construction of waste disposal and redlamation. 7 The facilities listed in the Plan as annually updated will $ be the basis for detailed planning. (Wastewater Treatment . 9 System Needs and 14anagement Responsibilities Report, Carlsbad 10 San Dieguito area, Table 3, as well as the pertinent re- .21 clamation facilities identified in the Plan Summary, Table 12 5, Encina, Alt. 1, Lake Calavera Hills, Alt. 1, Palomar/ 13 San Marcos, Alt. 1, and Leucadia, Alt. 1). 14 2. *Erosion and Siltation Control. Review the City's grading 15 ordinance and consider any amendments needed to improve 16 control of water quality as identified in the model ordinance 17 (Plan Summary, Appendix 4). 3-8 3. *Continuing Areawide Water Quality Planning Process. 19 Participate in future planning activities, including: 20 a. Preparation of the water resources plan, an element 21 of the Areawide Plan, by providing information on 22 proposed water and wastewater programs and requirements; 23 b. Biennial regional growth forecasts, by providing infor- 24. mation on 'land use and demographic changes and local 25 policy; 26 27 28 // � . -2- ^ I c. Air quality u'tairrient and maintenance plan, by 2 assisting in the development and implementation of 3 mitigation measures that are consistent with City 4 policy. 5 4. *Spheres of Influence. Provide assistance to the Local 6 Agency Formation Commission in establishing and maintaining 7 spheres of influence. 8 5. *Project Review in Fringe Areas. Cooperate with the County 9 in developing procedures and in annually providing •infor- 10 mation on the City's proposed projects (for voluntary review) 11 as well as comments on projects of other agencies that may 12� affect the City. 13 6. Batiquitos Lagoon. Participate with all affected agencies 14 in the preparation of a Lagoon Management Program as part 15 of the State mandated Local Coastal Program. 161 7. Aqua Hedionda Lagoon. Participate with all affected agencies 17 in the preparation of a Lagoon Management Program as part 18 of the.State mandated Local Coastal Program. 19 8. Buena Vista Lagoon. Participate with all affected agencies 20 in the preparation of a Lagoon.Management Program as part of 21 the State mandated Local Coastal Program. 22' 23 24 // 25 26 27 28 // - 3 - I PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 2 City Ccuncil of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 3 1st day of August. 1978 by the following vote, to wit: 4 AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Lewis, and Anear 5 NOES: None 6 ABSENT: Councilwoman Casler 7 + 8 9 RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor 10 • ,11 12 ATTEST: 13 14 15 M—A�ET E. ADAMS,k City Clerk 16 17 18 (SEAL) 19 20 21 22 23 24 t 25 26 27 * Common activities for general purpose local governments in San Diego County. ? 28 - 4 -