HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-08-15; City Council; 5507-1; Manitou Engineering - Madison ST portion vacationCITY OF CARLSBAD Initiaig- Dept. C. Mgr. @?fib* c.C AGENDA BILL NO. DATE : August 15, 1978 C. Atty.e 5507 - Supplement #I e& DEPARTMENT: Engi neeri ng +-- Subject: VACATION OF A PORTION OF MADISON STREET AND ALLEY (MANITOU ENGINEERING) Statement of the Matter The City Council, on July 18, 1978, adopted Resolution No. 5486, a resolution both 20-foot alley, of intention for vacating a portion of Madison Street and - general ly located northwesterly of Grand Avenue. The City Coun.cil set August 15, 1978 at 6:OO p.m. as the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, as the place for a pub persons i nterested in or objecting to sai d proposed vacat Utility companies were notified and easement reservations . ime and the Ci y ic hearing for all on. are not required. Posting and publication of the proposed street vacation were completed per the Street Vacation Act of 1941. Exhi bits I. Memo from City Engineer dated August 7, 1978. 2. Resolution No. 3. Resolution No. vacating a portion of Madison Street vacating a portion of 20-foot alley. Recommendation If Counci I concurs: Street and Resolution No.$,g/qvacation a portion o'f 20-foot al ley. adopt Resolution No.mvacating a portion of Madi'son <- . Council action - *.-- 8-15-78 Resolution ,#5517 was adopted,'vacating a portion of Madison .St., a'nd Resolution #5518 was adopted, vacating a portion of a 20 foot alley. MEMORANDUM TO : City Manager FROM : City Engi neer DATE: August 7, 1978 SUBJECT: PROPOSED STREET VACATION - WEST SIDE OF MADISON STREET AT GRAND AVENUE At the July 18, 1978 Council meeting, the City Council set the place and a time of 6:OO p.m., August 15, 1978, for a public hearing on a request to vacate a portion of Madison Street right-of-way south of Grand Avenue. There were some concerns voiced that perhaps the Madison Street right-of-way may be necessary in the future to provide adequate width for turning mve- ments should this intersection ever require a traffic signal. I have reviewed the existing improvement plans as well as conditions as they exist in the field. Enclosed (Enclosure 4) is a reproduction from tax assessorls maps show- ing the various widths of Madison Street from Laguna Drive to Elm Avenue. Over 90% of Madison Street from Laguna to Grand was originally only 40 feet of right-of-way width. More recently, an additional I0-foot dedication has been required from each developing parcel (on each side of the street) in order to ultimately provide for the standard "residential col lector.'' A residential collector is a 40-foot wide roadway (curb to curb) within a 60- foot wide right-of-way. The 40-foot street width provides for on-street parking on both sides of the street and one 12-foot wide travel lane in each di rection. It has been our common practice on 40-foot wi de streets to re- strict parking in the vicinity of intersections of major streets which al- lows for striping for a left-turn pocket. Madison Street is a 6O-foot wide roadway (curb to curb) within an 80- foot wide right-of-way south of Grand Avenue. An unusual street width was created about 1957 in the vicinity of the old Mayfair Market (now Wilson's Furniture). For some unknown reason, the developer of the Mayfai r Market widened Madison which created a 49.50-foot wide roadway. No dedication of additional public right-of-way accompanied this widening. In 1970, the Post Office site was developed and the customary IO feet of additional right-of-way was required, except that at the south end a transition was provided to conform to the existing curb line adjacent to Mayfair Market. It was not until this year that this pottion of right-of-way was dedicated to the City (as part of the public improvement ordinance re- quirements for the remodeling of the market and shops). Because of the sev- eral hundred feet of existing curb and gutter along the Wi lson and Murphy properties, and because the ultimate roadway width provides 49.50 feet which is adequate for left-turn channelization, I recommended that the applicant include the "excess" right-of-way along Madison Street with the street vaca- tion request for the 20-foot wide alley. City Manager -2- August 7, 1978 Upon further evaluation, I wish to modify my recommendation. The pri- mary consideration for re-evaluation concerns the offset of the existing roadway centerlines on each side of Grand Avenue. mately 15 feet. The offset is approxi- Enclosure I shows a possible striping based on the existing roadway widths and the proposed street vacation. necessary left-turn lanes; however, there is some overlap between the left- turn lane and the opposing straight-through lane. This will work to provide the Enclosure 2 is similar to Enclosure I except that it proposes to re- locate the existing westerly curb line on Madison approximately 4-5 feet to the west. This provides for the left-turn lanes to line up with each other and eliminates the need for straight-through traffic to angle to the right whi le going through the intersection. Enclosure 2 is preferable to Enclosure I. My recommendation is to approve a street vacation of 13 feet (vice 18.84 feet) along Madison Street. In addition, we have received a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Wilson stating they are in favor of the vacation of the alley (see Enclosure 3) and I would recomnend that the alley be vacated. JAG55 Tim Flanagan City Engineer L/ TCF: veb CC: Pub1 ic Works Administrator Redevelopment Coordinator I c I ! i 01 i \ t ! I 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 4 c TELEPHONE: (714) 729-1181 July 25, 1978 €bbert and sharan Wilsan 4739 AThxwmd Qurt Carlsbad, Califoda 92008 SUBTECT: Street Vacation of a Portion of Madison Street and 20' Alley Qn April 7, 1978 and an May 23, 1978, I sent you a let*r notifying you of a vacation rqst being processed by the City (see the attached plat). Since your adjoining property frmts dixectly on both of the proposed vacatiuns, and since the alley prOVi6es direct access from your property to Grand Avenue, we would apprecia& your input indicating whether you favor or appose the proposed vacatioIls. For your CCBlvenience, I have prepared the follcwing for-or-against qtlestionnaire. Please h&cate your interests, sign this letter, and return it to the City Engineering Departmnt. A return envelope has been enclosed for your use as well as a copy of this letter for your files. send a detailed written respome. If you Wish, you may, of course, Ihank you for your interest. If you have any questims, please call. City Council will act on the vacation during a public hearing which will be held on August 15, 1978 at 6:OO p.m. (Council charrs3ers, 1200 Elm Avenue) . 'he Cid.1 Engineering Assistant -c i .' -. . ). .. . .. .. ' . .. ,. .. .. .. '. .. . . August 3, 1978 .. .. -- .. City Council .. . City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Ave. .. Carlsbad, Ca, 92008 -Re: AB 5507 Street Vacation, Portion . . of Madison Street and Alley . . I am aware of the request filed by Manitou Engineering on behalf of Dr. H. F, Murphy, to vacate a portion of Madison Street, and . the Alley way between Madison Street and Roosevelt Street north- erly of Grand Ave. I have no objection 'to the City Council vacating the referenced Rights of Way. .or to general circulation in CarLsbad's downtown area, Dr.. Murphy I s project will be a signif iciant contributor to the downtown revitalization efforts and when combined with my project, Wilson's Furniture of the "The Shops" (Old Mayfair Market), will have a significant impact on the commercial'cure of Carlsbad, The vacation is not essential to public utilities I .. .. . .- . Carlsbad, Cal. 92008 .. y- .- -. . ^. _- . -i .- ! ..,. L.,. I. I ,. . . Return to: 1200 Elm Avs Carlsbad, CA 920W City of carJ-\ad 9 616 RESOLUT I ON NO. , I- - 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CAL I FORN I A. VACAT I NG A PORT I ON OF MAD I SON STREET The C solve as fo 1. A ty Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby re- lows: I publication and posting of notices regarding the proposed vaca- tion of a portion of Madison Street pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 5486 have been given as required by law. 2. The City Council did hear the evidence offered by all persons in- terested in said proposed street vacation, and does find from all the evidence submitted that a portion of Madison Street, general ly located northwesterly of Grand Avenue in the City of Carlsbad, County of Fan Diego, State of California, particularly described on Exhibit "A1', attached hereto, and by this reference incorporated herein, is unnecessary for present or prospective street purposes / and does hereby make this order vacating said portion of Madison Street. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held the 15th day of August J 1978, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Lewis, Anear and NOES : None Councilwoman Casler ATTEST: r --;s;--- (SEAL) c '. 619 - Date : - 'Job : Legal DescXiption For: 126 Proposed Vacation August 28, 1978 I, Portion of Madison Street That portion of Madison Street (formerly Third Street) in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, as shown on the Map of the Town of Carlsbad, Map No. 535, on file in the Office of the County Recorder of said County described as follows: Beginning at the most Northerly corner of Lot 13, Block 37, accord- ing to said Map No. 535; thence along the boundary of Map No. 1722 onofile in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, North 55,27'00" East, 13.00 feet; thence leaving said boundary South 34 33'00" East, 83.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent 25.00 foot radius curve concave Westerly; thence Southresterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 42 50'41'' a distance of 18.69 feet to an intersection with the Northwesterly line of Grand Avenue (100.00 feet wide) as shown on sa&d Map No. 535, a radial line to said intersection bears South 81 42'19" East; thence leaving said curve along the Northerly line of said Grand Avenue South 55°27'00" West, 6.33 feet tc the Southwesterly line of said Madison Street; thence North 34°33'00" West, 100.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. All as shown for convenience.sake on Attachment "l", attached hereto and made a part hereof. EXHI BIT "A" * *. SIT€ - CARLSBAD SCALE fU=s0' STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ss. MARGARET E. ADAMS I. .I .............................. City Clerk of tlie City of Carlstd, Comty of San Diego, State of California, hereby certify that I hive compared the foregoing copy with the original R.es.01. .U.t!'.On...551.7~~~... passed and adopted by said City Council, at . ...r.f2g.U!a.r .................. meeting thereof, at the time and by the vote therein stated, which original Res01 ution and correct transcript theretrom ant1 of the whole thereof. is now on file in my office: that the same contains a full, true ., . .. y .. Witne,.;s my Iidnd and tlir seal of said City of Carlshad, this 3lstc1ay of ~~..Augus.t.,...J.978..~ ..................... ....... L. ~ -- . ... . .* 2 4 6 7 a 9 1c 13 1: 14 If 1'; 2( Return to: City of Caf-9ad 1200 Blrn Atc - .. 613 Carlsbad, CA 92008 RESOLUTION NO. 5518 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, VACATING A 20-FOOT ALLEY The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Cal ifornia, does hereby re- solve as follows: -e*= ~ 1. All publication and posting of notices regarding the proposed vaca-, tion of a 20-foot alley pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 5486 have been _* 0 given as required by law, 2. The City Council did hear the evidence offered by all persons in- terested in said proposed street vacation, and does find from all the evidence submitted that the 20-foot alley, generally located northwesterly of Grand Avenue between Roosevelt and Madison Streets in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly described on Exhibit "A", attached hereto, and by this reference incorporated herein, is unnecessary for present or prospective street purposes and does hereby make this order vacating said 20-foot alley. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held the 15th day of August , 1978, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Lewis, Anear and NOES : None Councilwoman Casler ABSENT: None ATTEST: Legal Deecription For: Proposed Vacation Public Alley All that certain 20.00 foot Alley in Block 37 shown on the Map of the Town of Carlebad, according to Map thereof No, 535, in the City of Carlabad, County of San Diego, State of California, All as shown for convenience sake an Attachment "l", attached hereto and made a part hereof. c .- .. -_ .. . ? PROPOSED . AUEY VACA7"ON SCALE I*-& fVR MURPHY COMMERCIAL SIT€- CAf?LSBAD .. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ss. MARGARET E. ADAMS I, L . ...................... ...... ~ ~, City Clerk of the City of Carlsld, County of San Diego, State of California, hereby certify that I haw compared the foregoing copy with the original kS.01..U.ti.On. ~551.8 ..L passed and adopted by said City Council, at ..... r.egsrI.3.r .............. ~... meeting thereof, at the time and by the vote therein stated which original ~.~ .... Re.S.QI.c!tj.Q.n .._..._. .. is now on file in my office: that the same contains a full, trrle u n ranscript tlierrfroin and of the whole thereof. ,, .. . .1 ; . Witpe&,my ha~?!d and the seal of said City of CarIsbad, this -31 S.t day of .~..Augus.tt,..~l.918 ........................ .. yi!y4d City Clerk .... z...qu