HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-09-05; City Council; 5560; Affirmative Action Advisory Program Status Report- CITY OF CARLSBAD -& - t . AGENDA BILL NO. ~560 DATE : September 5, 1978 DEPARTMENT: PERSONNEL r 1 -Lf f Initial: Dept . Hd. C, Atty. C. Mgr. 1) Subject: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM STATUS REPORT FY i977-ig78 Statement of the Matter City Council Resolution No. 5043 adopted on' April 19, 1977 requires an annual internal audit and progress report on the Affirmative Action Program of the city. The attached memo- randum to the City Manager for transmission to the City Council constitutes the report for the period encompassing Fiscal Year 1977-1978. - Exhibit .- -Personnel Director memorandum to the City Manager, dated August 15, 1978. Recommendation - i--'.. as adopted with one It is recommended that the Affirmative Action Program by Resolution No. 5043 on April 19, 1977, be retained change. This change would provide for the annual evaluation to be submitted to the City Council following the end of the fiscal year as opposed to the period March 1 to July 1. change would provide for the evaluation of a complete budget year of activity and coincide closely with other annual activities of the Personnel Department. This Council Action: 9-5-78 Council approved staff recommendation. .. I. MEMORANDUM DATE : TO FROM : SUBJECT : August 15, 1978 City Manager Personnel Director AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM STATUS REPORT FISCAL YEAR 1977-1978 Enclosure (1) Goals and Timetables Analysis. Purpose. The purpose of this report is to provide information concerning the status of the City of Carlsbad Affirmative Action Program for Fiscal Year 1977-1978. Background. - Resolution No. 3767 adopted October 21, 1975 established an Affirmative Action Program for the City of Carlsbad. Included in the resolution adopted was a provision establishing a citizen committee to review the program and recommend changes. The committee's term was for one year, after which their recommendations were reported to the City Council and adopted by Resolution No. 5043 on April 19, 1977 as part of the prevailing Affirmative Action Program. Method. The method used in developing data for this report consisted of four principal steps. 1. Data concerning the statistical composition of the labor force for San Diego County, the Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area for the city, was revalidated with the Employ- ment Development Department of the state. No significant changes were reported. 2. The work force of the city was examined and evaluated by department against the statistical composition of the labor force of the SMSA. These evaluations are not included but are available for inspection in the Personnel Department. 3. The work force of the city was examined and evaluated by job category against the statistical cornposition of the labor force of the SMSA as recommended by Affirmative Action and Equal Employment, A Guidebook for Employers, Volume 11, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 1974. The results of this evaluation are shown in Enclosure (1). 4. An evaluation of processes and procedures used by the city for affirmative action programming. Results. The results of the evaluation of the Affirmative Action Program are shown in two categories. First, status in achieving the statistical goals for Fiscal Year 1977-1978 and second, the .. I. -2- report of a procedure and process in the city. As shown on Enclosure (l), the city progressed in reducing underutilization in two areas. These are Spanish Surname Females in the management job category and Nonminority Males in the safety communication job category. Other significant events which occurred during Fiscal Year 1977-1978 are as follows: 1. The city has gained one year of experience in the collection of applicant flow data. This was a citizen committee recommendation and has been recently utilized in establishing examination pass points. 2. The city has had its classification plan reviewed by a consultant. The completed review will provide for the elimina- tion of arbitrary barriers to employment in the existing classifi- cation plan, a committee recommendation. 3. The city has had its presonnel rules and affirmative action procedures reviewed by the Cooperative Personnel Service of the State of California. This review resulted from a grant offered the city and was part of a committee recommendation. Copies of the review are available in the Personnel Department. Acion Program has been accomplished by the city. contains the results. 4. The first internal annual audit of the Affirmative This report 5. The city has had female applicants placed on eligibility lists for two unskilled job categories in the maintenance area, a condition not heretofore achieved. 6. This report does not include CETA employees. Recommendation. It is recommended that the Affirmative Action Program as adopted by Resolution No. 5043 be retained with one change. This change would provide for the annual evaluation report to be submitted to the City Council following the end of the fiscal year as opposed to the period March 1 to July 1. This change would provide for the evaluation of a complete budget year of activity and coincide closely with other annual activities of the Personnel Department. A FL. EROME N. PIETI CP,vs 0 10 I b 0 -I--- - -1- h, Iw I , (TI MALE w P 1. t .. I_ . . ._ SPANISH ~~ (13x2) -5 (14x2) -6 - 11.. 14 .533 .447 I .550_ 1 + I .499 1.26 --- .319 ..A I .597 .639 + + .265 .391 (20x2) -12 - .- - . .. __ 1 .. I I --I-- -- I JOB CAmRY TECH. I_ In N rn - ALF n lJl I P P ov: - w P N N ;# W TI cn - * cn 1- J P -.- --- or N - -- --- -.- N m - UI 4 W - FJ - P MINORITY rn - _^-.- : 1 35.94. I 12 57.96 I 2.06 --- 4.70 1 '6.50 ,+4- .829 .327 .773 I__-- .750 .275 .651 .165 __.I-..- ,--. '+ .278 .330 ...--- -I- --. ,660 I+ + --I- .556 + 1.44 --F 1.21 .239 -_L_ + h) -. L-l- W cn O'F - u1 0 NON- + (13x2) -5 11.7 (14x2) -6 .654 1.55 .-I_- .120 .285 (17x2) -9 (18x2) -10 (19x2) -11 (20x2) -12 - .- -------__- --- .- . ... . . ___ .144 .783 - + - 0479. . .529 .088.