HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-09-19; City Council; 5577; Remaining sewer capacityCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. 55 77 DATE : .September 19, 1978 DEPARTMENT : Engineering Initial : Dept. Ha.%$ -4- C. Mgr. Subject : REMAINING SEWER CAPACITY - NUMBER OF EDUS REMAINING ! Statement of the Matter As requested by Council, we have prepared the attached summary indicating the disposition of sewer connections through the moratorium period. remaining available sewer service is as follows: The EDUs Original Encina Capacity 45.0 Encinitas Lease (Sewer Allocation System) Industrial 0.6 Commercial -0- Single-Family -0- Multiple-Family -0- Community Facilities 23.9 Contingency (includes Redevelopment) 33.0 .. - TOTAL 102.5 EDUs Exhibits 1. Memo dated September 8, 1978 to City Manager from City Engineer 2. Sewer Allocation Summary Recommendation If City Council concurs, approve staff's recommendation to reserve not less than 75 EDUs for City Capital Improvement Projects and failing septic systems out of the 102.5 EDUs currently unallocated. Council Action: 9-19-78 Council directed staff to reserve not less than 75 EDU's for City Capital Improvement Projects and failing septic systems out of the 102.5 EDU's currently unallocated. MEMORANDUM TO : City Manager FROM : City Engineer DATE : September 8, 1978 I Date 11/22/77 I2/20/77 04/ I I /78 04/ 16/78 - SUBJECT: REMAINING SEWER CAPACITY - NUMBER OF EDUS AVAILABLE Pursuant to your request, I have reviewed Council actions since the adoption of the sewer moratorium and prepared a listing of available sewer capacity and past Council allocations. These are presented in the attached "Sewer Allocation Summary." The compilation of this list and its significance are d i scussed be I ow. Original Encina Capacity In a mem to the City Manager, dated October 27, 1977, the Public Works Ad- ministrator reported to Counci I that 106 EDUs of the City's original Encina capacity still remained uncommitted. This remaining capacity was to be held for miscellaneous exceptions to the sewer moratorium. Itemized on the attached "Sewer AI location Summary" are exemptions to the mratorium which were credited to this reserve. The current balance of the remaining origi- nal Encina capacity is 45 EDUs. Fi rst Phase Sewer AI location Svstem In addition to the original Encina capacity, Carlsbad acquired 270 EDUs of additional sewer capacity through a lease arrangement with the Encinitas Sanitary District. This capacity was subsequently distributed through the Fi rst Phase Sewer A I I ocat ion System as noted be I ow: SEWER ALLOCATION SYSTEM - 270 EDUs Single Multiple Community A.B. Subject Industrial Commercial Family Fami ly Facilities Contingencies - 5158 #4 Phase I Adopted ' 81 54 54 27 14 40 18 0 22 5158 #6 2nd Revision Adooted 81 40 43 10 14 - - 17 - II - 14 - 0 5158 #5 Phase I Allocated - 0 Ba I ance 81 5158 #7 2nd Revision Allocated , - 15 25 - 6 Ti 0 14 - One of the single-family EDUs was to be credited to the multiple-family category to account for the over-allocation of one multiple-family EDU. This actually leaves 36 EDUs in the single-family category which, togeth- er with the 25 EDUs in the commercial category, were redistributed to the community facilities and contingency categories. Although only 61 EDUs (36 + 25) were available, 62 EDUs were redistributed by Resolution No. 5371 - 40 EDUs to community facilities and 22 EDUs to contingencies. To accommodate the arithmetic error of one EDU, I have assigned-39 the community faci I ities category rather than 40 EDUs. Consequently, after the Phase I Allocation and -the 2nd Revision, were allocated and- 178 EDUs still remained available. Total ava of the 2nd Revision Al'location are shown as follows, together wi current remain i ng ba I ance: DUs to 92 EDUs lable as h the 0 22 - f- City Manager -2- September 8, 1978 Total EDUs EDUs AI located Avai lab le After Since 2nd Current 2nd Revision Rev i s i on Ba I ance Industrial 81 .O Community Faci 1 ities 53.0 Contingency 44.0 80.4 0.6 29. I 23.9 I I .o 33.0 The specific Council actions by which portions of this capacity were allo- cated are shown on the attached "Sewer Allocation Summary." Current Available Sewer Capacity Summarizing the above, we currently have sewer service availability in the following categories in the indicated amounts: Current Tota I Original Encina Capacity 45.0 EDUs Industria I 0.6 EDUs Community Faci lities 23.9 EDUs Cont i ngency 33.0 EDUs TOTAL 102.5 EDUs Potential Sewer Capacity Demands Included in the five-year Capital Improvement Program are a number of planned City projects which wi I I require sewer service. together with a rough estimate of their associated sewer service require- These projects, -_ ments, are Ilsted below. .. Project Harding Street Community Center) 1978-79 projects requi r- Swimming Complex 1 ing sewer allocation Pol ice Faci I ity City Service Center Fire Station No. 5 Chi Idren's Library Relocate Fire Station No. 2 (assume City service area) Fire Station No. 4 Lamin Park Alta Mira Park Hosp Grove Pa rk El Camino Glens Park Carri 1 lo Ranch Park Ca I avera Community Park Hub Park Cannon Park Calavera Hi I Is North Park Calavera Hi I Is South Park TOTAL Approxi riatc EDUs 3z tiona I 1 20 15 5 7 3 3 4 4 4 4 IO 5 15 4 4 4 (addi- - - 151 EDUs City Manager - 3- September 8, 1978 If the Capital Improvement Program is adhered to over the next five years; and, if the sewer moratorium remains in effect, these planned City projects will fully utilize the remaining 102.5 EDUs of available capacity and still be short by approximately 48.5 EDUs. If, however, only this year's Capital Improvement Program is considered, a total of 40 EDUs will be required (instead of 151 EDUs) leaving a total of 62.5 EDUs available. Still another potential source of sewer service demands is failed septic tank systems. Assuming six to eight septic system failures per year, approximately 30 to 40 EDUs wi I I be required over the expected f ive-year moratorium period. If a commercial septic tank failure occurs, such as the Country Store on El Camino Real, the sewer service demand could be considered greater than the estimated 30 to 40 EDUs. Summary In summary, it appears as if, over the expected moratorium period of five years, the combination of City Capital Improvement Projects and failed septic systems will require approximately twice as much sewer capacity as is currently available in all the remaining allocation categories. It is suggested that Counci I determine whether or not to reserve sewer capacity for the ent i re proposed f i ve-year Capita I Improvement Program. This policy determination should be made prior to any further allocations from the cont i ngency reserve. Recommen dation Based on the potential of additional EDUs being made available in the next five years (treatment plant rerating, inland treatment plants, water conservation, etc.), I would recommend that out of the 102.5 EDUs remaining, no less than 75 EDUs be reserved for upcoming City Capital Improvement Projects - and failing septic systems. all other categories to be allocated at City Council's discretion. This would leave only 27.5 EDUs for 9m-@+ Tim Flanagan City Engineer (/ TCF: FNL: veb CC: Pub1 ic Works Administrator P I ann i ng Di rector Redeve I opment Coord i nator SEWER ALLOCATION SUMMARY Balance of original Encina capacity - 106 EDUs Date A.B. Subject EDUs Ba I ance 11/01/77 5242 Tang I ewood 14 92 I1/01/77 5243 County Sol id Waste 15 77 11/15/77 5183 #I CT74-6 (Ca I avo Court) IO 67 11/15/77 525 I Hughes 8 59 11/15/77 52 52 Carlsbad Plaza 3 56 I2/20/77 5282 Colonia Mall I* 55 12/20/77 Septic system failures to date IO 45 *After being exempted for 2 EDUs, the Colonial Mal I applicant decided to uti I ize only I EDU. Phase I & 2nd Revision Industrial Category - 81 EDUs Date A.B. Sub iect EDUs Ba I ance 03/2 I /78 5 366 Eaton- Leon a rd 15.0 66.0 06/06/78 547 I J. C. Penney 30.3 5.6 06/06/78 5472 Hawthorn e 2.8 2.8 06/06/78 5473 Coded Communications 2.2 0.6 05/02/78 5394 Kol I Company 30. I 35.9 80.4 Phase I & 2nd Revision Community Facility Category - 53 EDUs Date A.B. Subject 06/20/78 5486 Latter Day Saints Church 07/05/78 5485 #I Kelly Elementary School EDUs Ba I ance 19.0 34.0 IO. I 29. I - 23.9 Phase I & 2nd Revision Contingency Category - 44 EDUs Date A.B. Subject 07/05/78 5496 Glendale Federal Savings 07/05/78 5497 Moreno Ba I I et Schoo I 09/05/78 5564 Vi I lage Commercial Office 09/05/78 5566 Southwest Bank Addition EDUs 2.3 2.2 6.0 0.5 I I .o Ba I ance 41.7 39.5 33.5 33.0 MEMORANDUM TO : City Manager FROM : City Engineer DATE : September 28, 1978 SUBJECT: SEWER ALLOCATION REQUESTS SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 3, 1978 COUNCIL MEETING On September 19, 1978, the City Counci I reviewed an engineering report on sewer connections and determined that of the 102.5 EDUs remaining, 75 EDUs should be reserved for City Capital Improvement Projects and failed septic systems. This left 27.5 EDUs remaining available for allocation as the Council determines is in the best interest of the community. It is important to note that there are no "categories" to determine which uses are appropriate since the previous "categories" of the al location system have been combined into the one reserve. Also at the September 19, 1978 Council meeting, two additional allocations were approved by Counci I (Lincoln-Mercury, 6.6 EDUs and Chrysler Plymouth, 14.6 EDUs). Also, since the preparation of the engineering report, we have had two failed septic systems. As of this date, there now remains: (a) 73 EDUs reserved for City Capital Improvement Projects - and failed septic sys- terns and (b) 6.3 EDUs reserved for "other". Whi le there are only 6.3 EDUs remaining in the discretionary "category", there has been a high interest from potential developers regarding sewer availability. Most of the recent inquiries have been informal and the projects need much more than is currently available. However, three re- quests have been formal ized. The three requests are as fol lows: App I i cant Reauest Received Jeff Blankenship April, 1978 H. Von Packard September 14, 1978 Cal ifornia Aqua- September 22, 1978 cu I ture, I nc. Proposed Project EDUs Removal of existing single 6.7 fami ly structure & replace- ment with 13,200 square foot off ice Removal of existing office & 3.0 replacement with larger office (7,000 square feet) Abalone farm, outer Agua I .3-3.6 Hed ion da Lagoon (6,400 square feet) Two of the requests have been prepared as Agenda BiI Is for the October 3, 1978 Council meeting. The California Aquaculture request was received too late to include on the same Council agenda. That application may be somewhat more complicated due to zoning, land use and Local Coastal Plan considerations. City Manager -2- September 28, 1978 Attached is an updated "Sewer AI location Summary" showing EDUs avai lable. Tim Flanagan City Engineer TCF: VEB CC: Pub I i c Works Admi n i strator Attachment I-J - SEWER ALLOCATION SUMMARY Balance of original Encina capacity - 106 EDUs Date 11/01/77 11/01/77 11/15/77 11/15/77 11/15/77 I2/20/77 - *After be I EDU. A.B. Subject 5242 Tang I ewood 524 3 County Solid Waste 5183 #I CT74-6 (Calavo Court) 525 I Hughes 5252 Carlsbad Plaza 5282 Colonia Mall ' Septic system fai I ures as of 9/14/78 ng exempTed for 2 EDUs, the Colonial Mall applicant dec EDUs - Ba I ance 14 92 15 77 IO 67 8 59 - 3 - -56 I" 55 IO 45 61 - ded to utilize only Phase I & 2nd Revision Industrial Category - 81 EDUs A.B. - Date Subject 03/2 I /78 5 366 Eaton-Leona rd 05/02/78 5394 Koll Company 06/06/78 547 I J. C. Penney 06/06/78 5472 Ha wt ho rne 06/06/78 5473 Coded Communications EDUs Ba I aace 15.0 66 -0 30. I 35.9 30.3 5.6 2.8 2.8 2.2 - 0.6 - 80.4 Phase I & 2nd Revision Community' Facility Category - 53 EDUs A.B. - Date - Subject 06/20/78 5486 Latter Day Saints Church 07/05/78 5485 #I Kelly Elementary School EDUs - Ba I ance 19.0 *' 34 .o IO. I 29. I - 23.9 Phase I 8, 2nd Revision Contingency Category - 44 EDUs - Date - A.B. Subject EDUs Rg I ance - 07/05/78 5496 Gfendale Federal Savings 2.3 4f ..7 07/05/78 5497 Moreno Bat let School 2 .2 39.5 09/05/78 5564 Village Commercial Office 6.0 33.5 09/05/78 5566 Southwest Bank Addition 0.5 33.0 I I .o Total EDUs Remaining as of September 14, 1978 - 102.5 EDUs Date A.B. Subject 09/ 14/78 09/ 15/78 09/ 19/78 09/ 19/78 Counci I Reserves -4 Balance as Follows: I City Projects & Failed Septic = Other Projects 75 EDUs = 27.5 EDUs EDUs Bal. EDUs Bal. - Failed Septic, 3091 Oak 1.0 74.0 5586 Li ncol n-Mercury 6.6 20.9 5586 Ch ry s I e r Co rp . 14.6 6 -3 Fai led Septic, 3900 Monroe I .O 73.0 BALANCE REMA IN I NG 73.0 6.3