HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-09-19; City Council; 5579-2; Lake Calavera HillsCITY OF CARLSBAD : / ^) AGENDA BILL NO. ^T^T 7 9 -^J^&pJj-~^J: =*£ Initial^^LTU Dept. Hd DATE: September 19, 1978 C. Atty. C. Mgr. DEPARTMENT: Planning SUBJECT: GPA-51(B) - LAKE CALAVERA HILLS APPLICANT: Roy Ward Statement of the Matter As part of the General Plan Amendment for the Land Use of the Lake Calavera Hills area, (GPA-51(A)), the siting of a sewer treatment plant was included. However, the Planning Commission separated the sewer plant siting to clarify the issue. The subject GPA 51 (B) is therefore only the siting of the "U" for the sewer plant. The siting is general, pending specific engineering proposal and City approval. In the companion GPA-53 there is language that limits the movement of a "U" within one kilometer of the area designated by'the general plan. In the applicant's proposal, known as Exhibit "A", the siting of the plant is in "open space" on the west side of Tamarack extension below Elm Avenue extension. Staff, however, recommended that the U designation be in open space along the southerly boundary of the Lake Calavera Hills area as shown on Exhibit "B". Siting of the "U" in either Exhibit "A" or "B" are acceptable to the applicant. The Planning Commission agreed with staff on the location as per Exhibit "B" and therefore recommended DENIAL of the applicant's application as submitted, but approval of the modification as suggested by staff. Exhibits Planning Commission Resolution No. 1464 Staff Report dated July 26, 1978 with attached Exhibits "A" & "B" Staff Report dated July 12, 1978 Recommendation If the City Council concurs with the Planning Commission, it is recommended that the City Attorney be directed to. prepare documents approving GPA-51(B) as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1464. Council Action: 9-19-78 Council directed the City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents approving GPA-51B as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1464. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION No. 1464 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN TO PROVIDE FOR A PUBLIC UTILITY DESIGNATION IN THE NORTHEAST AREA OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD CASE NO.: APPLICANT: GPA-51(B) Roy Ward WHEREAS, a. verified application for certain property, generally located on the east side of El Camino Real between Highway 78 and proposed Cannon Drive, has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to the Planning Commission; and, WHEREAS,said verified application constitutes a request as provided in Title. 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Impact Report has been prepared and considered at a duly noticed public hearing before the Planning Commission, and that the final report has been certified as in compliance with regulations of the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972 and the California Environmental Quality Act; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 12th and 26th days of July, 1978 and the 9th day of August, 1978 hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and, WHEREAS, at said public hearing of August 9, 1978, and upon hearing and considering testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the General Plan Amendment and found the following facts and reasons .to exist: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 _. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 . •;T.-?*^-i'1?J"Sr..ilir™l^?-*!!?»iT^i^" -Tr^l'ir-" • 25 26 27 28 1. The location of the "Public Utility" designation as shown on Exhibit "B", dated July 21, 1978, attached hereto, optimizes the potential sewage treatment plant sites that might be recommended for placement within the northeast area of the City. 2. Precise location and intensity of the public utility facility will be subject to further review and controls through the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR-403) has been reviewed and considered by the Planning Commission in conjunction with this project. The processing of this project is in full compliance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972 and the California Environmental .^^;rv,?^r-ii:gE:E^>-:ri:«^ ";?S^<I^:^:r%r^-r;:^:^^ ; • WHEREfiS,^ therPlannirig Commission by the following "roll call vote recommended APPROVAL of GPA-51 (B) as represented on the attached Exhibit B, dated July 21, 1978: AYES: Rombotis, Larson, Wrench, Schick NOES: None ABSTAIN: L'Heureux, Jose NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the above! recitations are true and correct. . ..->.-..,. JERRY ROMBOTIS, Chairman CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: JAMES C. HAGAMAN, Secretary CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION -2- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) CITY OF CARLSBAD ) SS I, JAMES C. HAGAMAN, Secretary to the Planning. Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly introduced, approved and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting of said Commission held on the 23rd day of August, 1978 by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: . ABSENT: JAMES C. HAGAMAN, Secretary CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION 1200 ELM AVENUE K| ^^7 . \ \ TELEPHONE: ,'CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 VA*lUl5/ (i1/.1 (714)729-1181 Cttp of CarMmfc MEMORANDUM TO: . Planning.Commission FROM: Planning Department DATE: July 26, 1978 SUBJECT: GPA-51 (B) Background The public hearing 'for GPA-51(B) on July 12, 1978, was continued to July 26, 1978, in conjunction with the continuance of GPA-53. As you -will recall, GPA-53 is a change to the text of the Land Use Element of the General Plan to provide for the siting of both existing and future public utility facilities. GPA-51(B) is an amendment to. the Land Use Plan requested by Lake Calavera Hills to place a Public Utility designation in an area within their property for the siting of a proposed satellite sewage treatment plant. The final outcome of GPA-53 directly affects your action on GPA-51(B). ' . If. the Planning Commission approves the "floating site" concept of GPA-53, using the "fixed distance" radius of 1,OOQ meters, ' staff would suggest moving the designation further to the southeast as shown on attached Exhibit B. This location optimizes the potential sites that might be recommended in the Montgomery Report. Location B would increase the potential separation from existing development to the west (i.e. VJoodbine, Carlsbad Meadows and El Camino Mesa) but place the potential location closer to the Ranclio Carlsbad Mobile Home Park to the south (See Exhibit C) . If the Commission approves the "floating site" concept of GPA-53 . using the "sub-drainage basin" or "City quadrant" criteria, the proposal by Lake Calavera Hills would be consistent with staff*s original recommendation made on July 12, 1978. If the Commission approves the "fixed site" concept of GPA-53, action on the Lake Calavera Hills proposal would be inappropriate at this time. The matter would have to be dropped and brought back in conjunction with the Commission's review and recommendations of the Montgomery Report. rj , Page Two (2).. Recommendation , If the Planning Commission approves the "floating site" concept as outlined in the staff report for GPA-53, dated 7/26/78, staff would recommend: 1. DENIAL of the location proposed by Lake Calavera Hills (attached Exhibit A) if the "fixed distance" radius of 1,000 meters is approved. Staff would recommend APPROVAL of the location shown • on the attached Exhibit B. • * 2. APPROVAL of the location proposed by Lake Calavera Hills (Exhibit A) if the "sub-drainage basin" or "City quadrant" criteria of the "floating site" concept is approved. •if- the Planning Commission approves the "fixed site" concept outlined in the staff report for GPA-53, dated 7/26/78, staff would recommend DENIAL WITHOUT PREJUDICE, of the request made by Lake Calavera Hillo. Attachments: Exhibit A, dated 7/21/78 . Exhibit B, dated 7/21/78 Exhibit C Staff Report, dated 7/12/78 Existing Land Use Subject Property: Agriculture and vacant North: Sand & gravel plant, single-family residential and vacant. ' East: Lake Calavera, agriculture and vacant South: Agriculture and vacant . West: Agriculture and vacant History and Related Cases •_. . . MP-150. The City Council approved a Master Plan (Resolution No. 3407) for .a 3,452 unit development on the subject property on May 17, 1974. The General Plan .at that time designated a . majority of the site as Low Density Residential (3-7 dwelling units • per net acre). Also designated were two elementary school sites, • one junior high school site, a neighborhood commercial'site and a strip of open space along the east and west boundaries at the site. Refer to the following page for a copy of the approved plan. GPA-28A. On October 16, 1974, the City Council approved a new Land Use Element of the General Plan (Resolution No. 3527). The subject property of the amendment currently being proposed was shown as a variety of land use designations that conformed to the previously, approved Master Plan. Refer'to the following exhibit entitled "Existing General Plan" for the approved land use designations. When compared .to the approved Master Plan 150, one will note that only the school sites and road alignments differ. These changes occurred at the request of the Carlsbad Unified School District and the City, respectively. • • . ••MP-15'OA. This Master Plan Amendment is currently being processed" ' by staff. The General Plan Amendment currently being proposed would revise the land use designations of the subject property to generally conform to the proposed Master Plan, in addition to placing a "floating" Public Utility designation within the Lake Calavera drainage basin. • * * * * PUD-4/CT 76-12. This project consisting of 138 dwelling units on 63 acres of the subject property, was approved on August 4, .1977 (Resolutions No. 5145 and 5146). The final subdivision map cannot record until adequate sewer capacity is available to serve the project. " Environmental Impact Information " * An environmental impact report (EIR-403) has been prepared for' this project. Certification of this document shall be necessary before . any formal action can be made on GPA-51. MASTER PLAN 150 Approved lUMMAtt CIOSIscMooitla) UlllOt MAJOI IO1OIroniciot COMMItCIAl • lllDIMIAt 1oriH WACI Mil «CII>«loiii euNil HCNIIU •Ot ACtft M • 14.1 - M • Ml " U4 ACtlt5.W.. MASTER PLAN LAKE CALAVERA HILLS C ARLSBAD. C AtlFORNIA PLAN MAP Utltt. ( tji~~l IIIIIIUH CM.AVCRA PROPtRTIES INC. OAflOtN Cl'OVt flOUCCVADO' onovc. CALIIOONIA 02044 ItlCPMONC 714-M4 71OO H/tACir I f«JMIIM»!C lr< K)l ALdWIlll 110*11 The draft EIR was originally prepared for the proposed Lake Calavera Hills Master Plan (MP-150A) and an alternative sewage • -treatment facility proposed to be built on-site by the developer. •It was 'then determined by the City that this amendment to the Land Use Element was necessary to accommodate-the proposed Master Plan land uses. Also, the City Council instructed staff to modify the EIR to investigate the potential environmental effects of locating the satellite sewage treatment facility anywhere within the Lake Calavera Hills drainage basin. .On June 20, 1978, the City of Carlsbad entered into an agreement •with James M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, Inc., for the "preparation of a Project Report, Financial Report, and Environmental .Impact Report for a satellite treatment and reclamation facility in the Lake Calavera Hills Drainage Basin. The objective of these reports is to establish the technical, fiscal, and environmental ^feasibility of constructing and operating a satellite sewage 'treatment facility, including the potential for expansion as necessary to reclaim the treated effluent in the northeast area of •the City of Carlsbad. The EIR identifies the following impacts as being potentially significant and cannot be totally mitigated at this time: a. Increased development pressures on vacant lands adjoining the project site. . ' .b. Conversion of agricultural lands on the project site to urban uses. c. Elimination of much of the project site's native-vegetation and natural habitat areas.* - t • • • • -" d.• Elimination of most of one rare, and one endangered, plant species from the project site. * . 0 e. Generation of additional air pollution, particularly by the « lengthier vehicular trips required by the site's somewhat remote location. ' ' • • • General Plan Information * Exhibit A, dated 6/30/78, is a representation of the proposed . land uses. The land uses shown are a rather precise duplication Of the land uses proposed in Lake Calavera Hills Master Plan... As noted in the History Section of this report, the exiting Land Use Element designations were representative of the previously . approved Master Plan 150. The approval of MP-150 specifically . mentioned that it was a plan for 3,452 dwelling units. The proposed Master Plan 150A also provides for a maximum of 3,452 dwelling units. The basic difference between the existing and • proposed land use designations has to do with location and varying intensities of land uses within the subject property. j ^~ ^''^ I' //A i\ —s^<ij$^t(>Wm^^sr^m§l»-\ I* /'->->r^^///^3xV rt ^fV .-'•••'' ;• /SJ£ (y^'^"• ^-••:"' 'r\ \<r?l, i)«//fe^M^?v. cl^^v^^^ir.*.--' ^—- w\ ^^'i"^ ^L JiJ tt i-*" S->X%>sS ^^^0<",>:K%^_jL 4x--x^r 3.^ ^u >x: Lake Calavcra Hills Drainayo Dasin (Approximate)§w. Staff has measured the acreage differences between the two land - uses exhibits. This was done for a comparative purpose only and *' the results (differences) are shown in percentages. It must be kept in mind that the designations of the Land Use Element are .meant to represent general development patterns and should not be . measured as precise land uses. The results of the comparison are as follows: RL - The proposed land use exhibit includes areas designated as "Low Density" Residential (O-1.5 dwelling units per acre) generally in areas of steeper terrain. The existing Land Use Element for jthis area does not include any "Low Density" areas. RLM - The proposed land use exhibit includes approximately one- third more area designated as "Low Medium Density" Residential (0-4 dwelling units per acre) than does the existing Land Use Element. RM ~ The proposed land use exhibit includes approximately two- thirds less area designated as "Medium Density" Residential (4-10 dwelling units per acre) than does the existing Land Use Element. RMH - The proposed land use exhibit includes a small area (roughly \ 20 acres) designated as "Medium-High Density" Residential. (10-20 dwelling units per acre) adjacent to the proposed commercial core of the project. The existing Land Use Element for this area does not include any "Medium High Density" areas. • C - -The proposed land use exhibit includes approximately one- . .; .'-'half of the area designated as "Community Commercial" on the existing Land Use Element.. " ' . * * - * OS - The proposed land use exhibit includes approximately one- fourth less area designated as "Open Space" than does the existing Land Use Element; •E - The proposed land use exhibit includes the same number of Elementary school sites (2) as does the existing Land Use .Element. , J ~ The proposed land use exhibit includes the same number of Junior High School sites (1) as does the exiting Land Use Element. . * HC - The proposed land use exhibit does not include a Continuation .High School site as does the existing Land Use Element. This land use was considered during the PUD-4/CT 76-12 hearings and the Carlsbad Unified School District requested the provision for an elementary school site in place of the continuation school site. Such a site is provided for in CT 76-12. . .5 • Also included with the land use amendment is a request to locate .. a "floating" Public Utility designation on the subject property. Per''the new wording of the Land Use Element text established by - GPA-53, this "floating" utility designation would establish a general area for further study to locate a primary utility facility. In this particular case, the request is to locate a satellite sewage treatment facility somewhere within the Lake Calavera Hills drainage basin. The following exhibit defines the general area of the Lake Calavera Hills drainage basin. If this "floating" designation is approved, further approvals necessary to actually locate the facility would include approval of a • Master Plan or Zone Change placing a.P-U Zone on the affected property and approval of a "Precise Development Plan" as required ". in the P-U Zone. ° 'Major Planning Considerations 1. What effect will the proposed land uses have as opposed to the existing land use designations? 2. What effect would the'"floating" public utility designation, have on the drainage basin. • • Discussion ' . As noted under the discussion of the General Plan, the proposed Master Plan that this General Plan Amendment is based on provides for the same number of maximum dwelling units as the existing approved Master Plan. Also noted was the fact that the existing General Plan1-land use designations were based on the approved •Master Plan and the proposed land uses would accommodate the '.proposed Master Plan Amendment. General Plan land uses are meant to designate the general pattern of land use. development in the City. In many ways, it is unfortunate that this area of the City has been shown so precisely. For example, the area could be shown totally as "Medium Density" Residential (4-10 dwelling units per acre) and still accommodate the existing and proposed Master Plan densities (approximately 4 .-2 dwelling units per acre). However, the preciseness of the existing plan dictates the need to amend the plan to accommodate the proposed plan. The proposed Master Plan.(MP-150A) will be before the Planning Commission and City Council in the near future. Approval bf that document will dictate the precise location of the different land uses and their intensities. The question before the' City at this time is whether to approve the proposed land uses in •order to allow further consideration of the proposed Master Plan. The proposed "floating" Public Utility designation has a similar effect. Approval of the Utility designation will allow the City to further consider the location of a satellite sewage treatment facility within the Lake Calavera Hills drainage basin. The State of California has established a goal of reclaiming a substantial amount of water annually statewide. The recently adopted 208 Plan for this region included a list of seventeen (17) reclamation sites recommended for implementation by 1983. The proposed site for Lake Calavera Hills drainage basin was one of the projects recommended for implementation. The concept of wastewater reclamation has become quite desirable, both financially and environmentally. Because of this, the City Council has already begun exploring the possibility of reclamation. A study entitled "Overview of Waste Water Reclamation Opportunities" was prepared by Lowry and Associates in March 1978. The Lake Calavera Hills site was one of ten sites identified as providing an opportunity for reclamation. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends APPROVAL of GPA-51, as shown on Exhibit A, dated 6/30/78, based on the following findings: 1) The proposed land uses will have no more of a total adverse effect than the existing land use designations. 2) Precise location and intensities of the various land uses will be subject to further review and controls through the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 3) All of the identified impacts of the project can be adequately mitigated. MZ:ar .11