HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-10-03; City Council; 3527-4; Abandonment of access easements Green ValleyAGENDA BILL DATE: DEPARTMENT : Subject: Statement of CITY OF CARLSBAD NO. 35 27- J A^^jf-^y OCTOBER 3,- 1978 CITY MANAGER ABANDONMENT OF ACCESS EASEMENTS, GREEN VALLEY KNOLLS SUBDIVISION the Matter Initial: Dept.Hd. C. Atty. C. Mgr. ^_ ij£/g f>J When the Green Valley Knolls Subdivision was created pedestrian access strips were created to provide access to trails and open space areas. After the subdivision was developed, it became apparent that two of the four access strips were not useful'because of steep slopes. The remaining two access strips are useful and should be retained. The Staff is therefore requesting City Council authority to initiate proceedings to abandon two of the easements. Exhibit » Memo to City Manager dated September 14, 1978 Recommendation 1. That the access strips between Lots 188 and 189 and Lots 33 and 34 in Green Valley Knolls Subdivision be abandoned. 2. That City Staff be.directed to prepare the application and all documents to accomplish the abandonment of the access strips. Council Action: ^— 10-3-78 Council continued the matter to the meeting of October 10, 1978, 10-10-78 Council directed staff to prepare the application and all documents to accomplish the abandonment of access strips between Lots 188 and 189 and Lots 33 and'34 in Green Valley Knolls Subdivision. DATE: SEPTEMBER 14, 1978 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Administrative Assistant SUBJECT: BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENTS IN THE GREEN VALLEY KNOLLS SUBDIVISION (CT75-7) AND QUIT CLAIM OF OPEN SPACE EASEMENT The Green Valley Knolls Subdivision (CT75-7) includes two large open space lots. Access strips, which are actually part of the open space lots, are provided from adjacent streets (See Attach- ment No. 1). The purpose of these access strips was to provide access to the open space lots and to a trail system proposed in one of the open space lots. As you will recall, an open space maintenance district was proposed for this area but was protested out by property owners in the proposed district. As a result, no permanent open space maintenance is assured for any of the open space lots. The open space lots will probably not create any problem because of lack of maintenance and those problems that do occur can probably be handled through the weed abatement process. The four access strips, however, will likely be a source of constant complaint, unless adequate maintenance is provided. Since these access strips were created as a condition of the sub- division approval to provide access to a trail system running through this subdivision, there may be justification for the continued maintenance of two access strips by the City. However, two other access strips are not useable for access to the open space lots and trail systems because of steep slopes and should be abandoned. The access strips recommended to be abandoned are indicated in Attachment No. 1. The remaining access strips would provide a useful connection to the open space lots and the dirt trail therein. With a limited amount of maintenance, the remaining access strips could be maintained so as not to create an eyesore in the neighborhood. In order to abandon the two access strips in question, it will be necessary for the City to quitclaim easement rights over the access strips and an application for an adjustment plat be filed. The land should be divided between adjacent property owners, BOUNDARY. ADJUSTMENTS IN THE GREEN VALLY KNOLLS SUBDIVISION September 14, 1978 Page 2 La Costa Land Company has fee title to the access strips in question and has indicated its willingness to adjust lot lines and deed the property to adjacent landowners. The normal procedure for an adjustment plat request is for the property owner(s) involved to make application with the City, pay for the engineering required and to pay an application fee to the City. In this case, due to the unique circumstances involved, deviation from the normal procedure would be reasonable, The access strips in question were created as a condition of subdivision approval and were subsequently created by the final subdivision map. Since the staff is recommending a change in City position in regard to the desirability of two of the access strips, it would be appropriate for the City to prepare the documentation and drawings necessary for the abandonment of the access strips. Recommendation; 1. That the access strips between Lots 188 and 189 and Lots 33 and 34 in Green Vally Knolls Sub- division be abandoned. 2. That City Staff be directed to prepare the application and all documents to accomplish the abandonment of the access strips. FRANK N. MANNEN Administrative Assistant FNM:vm Att. ATTACHMENT 1